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02nd April 2012

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1. We won!

OMD scooped up the award for the best Digital Media agency on Friday!


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1. Organ Transplant Marketing Stunt

Coming up with a creative campaign that promotes organ donation is never going to be easy, but an agency

in Brazil have cracked it with this brilliant piece of marketing. They replaced those little tickets you get at queues in supermarkets, and drew attention to a tricky

subject in a simple but effective way.

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1. Organ Transplant Marketing Stunt

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2. Elephant Plays With Smartphone

You may have noticed a bit of a trend in recent times with all sorts of animals, including a lizard, playing with smartphones. The trend has been taken to a whole new level though as an elephant has joined the party and can be seen playing with a Samsung Note.

He can be seen swiping photos with his trunk, drawing and even playing with a guitar app all helped along by his helper. Now it all seems a little too well shot to be true, and it probably is because it’s an advert produced by Samsung, but you have to admire them for coming up with such an innovative concept for a mobile phone advert. Sit back and enjoy and you’ll have a huge smile on your face after watching it!

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2. Elephant Plays With Smartphone

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A new advert from Mc Cann Digital is raising awareness of people who suffer from OCD and they are doing it in a very unique way by creating the world’s shortest advert.The ad, which comes in at just one second, is so fast that you can’t actually read what it says, but that is the whole point of the campaign as they wanted to draw attention to the symptoms of OCD. What also happened is that people had to play the video multiple times to be able to read the message and it has nearly 100,000 views already as a result.The campaign is also getting picked up across blogs and websites all over the world which extends the reach and profile of the campaign. Apart from being a brilliant idea, the production costs for the ad would have been tiny and it shows that brands don’t need to spend huge amounts of money to get their videos high profile coverage if the creative is good enough.

3. OCD Foundation – the shortest ad ever

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3. OCD Foundation – the shortest ad ever

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4. Intel Ultrabook Temptations – The Powerful Temptation

A new campaign launched by Intel in Indonesia aims to shows just how durable their laptops are by getting people to batter the hell out of a Thai punch bag.

Passersby were asked to punch or kick the bag in a fairground style set up, and only a hard enough punch would unlock the prize for somebody to take home with them.

It’s the sort of thing that appeals to men trying to show their macho side off, and with nearly everybody taking photos and recording videos, the content generated around the stunt for social media channels would have been huge. The video itself also has over a quarter of a million views and makes compelling viewing as you’ll want to see who it is who unlocks the prize! Very smart and innovative campaign indeed.

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4. Intel Ultrabook Temptations – The Powerful Temptation

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5. Greenpeace: Dirty little secret

To mark World Water Day, Greenpeace activists and volunteers revealed the fashion industry's dirty little secret in locations all

around the world: from Jakarta to Stockholm, from Madrid to Bangkok. Members of the public were invited to get involved by

washing away non-toxic paint from the posters placed in city and riverside locations, exposing the fashion industry's toxic secret to

shoppers and passers-by.Behind the beautiful advertising, the catwalk glamour and the

perfectly manicured nails lies a world that those inside the industry do not want you to see, and definitely don't want you to talk about. Dark, dirty, and full of invisible threats, this is a world founded on a toxic addiction that is slowly destroying our waterways. The list of brands implicated includes fashion heavyweights Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and G-Star, whose products contain chemicals that

break down in water to form toxic and hormone-disrupting substances.

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5. Greenpeace: Dirty little secret

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6. Quickly!