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International Institute for Education for Development (IIED)

HandbookInformation and Communications Technology (ICTs) for Education

Associates and Bachelors Degree Program

In partnership with The Advanced Teachers’ Training College (IOL)

Opportunities and Challenges for 21st Century Teachers...................................................................2

The International Institute for Education for Development..................................................................3

Professional Development That Makes a Difference..........................................................................3

Requirements: Associate’s Degree in ICT for Education....................................................................5

Leaders and Professors in this Program.............................................................................................5


Program Outcomes.............................................................................................................................8


Our Approach....................................................................................................................................10


Your Professional Portfolio................................................................................................................11

Course of Study Sequence...............................................................................................................13

Course Descriptions at a Glance......................................................................................................14

Example Module...............................................................................................................................18

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The International Institute for Education for Development

Education contributes to Development

Innovative and quality education contributes to growth

The International Institute for Education for Development (The Institute) has as its mission to

promote inclusive, quality education for development at all levels from a global perspective.

Through our programs, we contribute to individual and institutional capacity strengthening with an

end to defining or redefining education policies at all levels. We do this by bringing international

experts with many years of knowledge and experience in the US, Europe and Latin America to work

on inclusive, sustainable programs in partnership with governments and institutions throughout the


Our programs promote the use of technology in education, research and inquiry-based education

and science and technology in education to strengthen critical thinking and collaborative problem-

solving skills.

Professional Development That Makes a Difference

A disturbingly high percentage of students drop out of school or repeat grades. Too many students

lack basic literacy and numeracy skills and are ill prepared to meet basic job requirements. While

there are a number of economic and social factors that have an impact on these issues, teachers’

ability to engage a diverse body of students and provide them with the skills they will need tosucceed in the 21

st century is key.

Not only in Suriname, but worldwide, students need teachers who can guide meaningful learning.

To do this, teachers deserve and must receive quality initial preparation and engage in ongoing

professional development.

We, in the International Institute for Education for Development (The Institute), recognize that high-

performing teachers and high-achieving students share one fundamental characteristic: an

openness to change.

To nurture that sense of curiosity,the Institute’s newcourses and degree programs assist teachers,those who want to become teachers, and those who want to work in technology for education to

update their skills and acquire specializations using innovative pedagogy and technology

appropriate to the country and its culture.

Research-driven models of teacher preparation and development share much in common. The

best amongst them:

• Enable educators to use their classrooms as laboratories from which they can collect and

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analyze research evidence and create adaptive measures to differentiate their instruction.

• Provide credit for intensive, blended learning experiences rather than isolated courses so

that students can benefit from face-to-face interaction, accessibility to global experts,

consistent interaction with local mentors, and the ability work on their classroom projects.

• Encourage collaboration and risk taking. Allow teachers to build communities of practice thatoperate along the lines of a café, a free library, and marketplace of ideas. The café elicits the

power of transformational conversations between teachers in a safe atmosphere conducive

to problem solving, innovation, and subject-matter mastery. The free library leverages the

social network of the café by offering an interactive repository of shared content and lessons,

rapid feedback loops, and a cycle of ongoing improvement. The marketplace stimulates

breakthrough thinking and the development of educational applications that meet local


• Encourage participatory teacher research based in research evidence gathered from their

 primary and secondary classrooms. Professional development for teachers in researchmethods can be integrated into the national curriculum in order to foster a spirit of curiosity

and guide innovative and collaborative projects such as science fairs and service learning.

• Provide release time for teachers to participate in new professional development training

programs and to observe each other’s classrooms.

• Support mentorship programs that ensure new teachers experience those with demonstrated

excellence in three areas: (a) content-level mastery, (b) results-driven and creative teaching

practices, and (c) their effectiveness in adult learning.

• Reduce the dependence upon textbooks to transmit the national curriculum. Immune fromimprovement and outdated the moment they are published, textbooks can be supplemented

by open educational resources, curated locally in a continuous improvement cycle, and

shared broadly.

• Examine policies regarding teachers and ensure to include all stakeholders. Pre- and in-

service teacher training and other interlinked aspects should examine mechanisms for

selection, hiring, promotion and the evaluation of teachers. At the same time, these

mechanisms cannot succeed unless there is an equal commitment to a stakeholder

agreement about salaries, a classroom-based professional development structure,

mentorships, and rapid feedback loops so that the effort is a truly common enterprise.1


• Allow directors to adjust schedules and create homegrown, flexible solutions that allow them

to accommodate student work schedules and family obligations; provide multiple

opportunities for curriculum designers and pedagogy experts to collaborate directly with

classroom teachers; and connect after-school teachers to classroom teachers in order to

1 Guzmán, J., et al (2013). Effective teacher training policies to ensure effective schools a

perspective from !entral "merica an# the $ominican %epu&lic. '%E"&log. http&it.l*1i+0vi

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share insights into how individual students learn.

• Create fruitful linkages with global universities, NGOs, and civil society organizations to

professionalize administration, management, infrastructure and research.

• Connect teachers, curriculum developers, inspectors, school directors, and consortia of


• Enlist and support school leaders to strengthen transition points in the education system.

Student leadership opportunities with their peers have proven successful as realistic

alternatives to life on the street for students approaching key transition points.

• Provide support for mentors, inspectors, and school directors in order that they may foster a

climate for teacher professional development and innovation. Our extraordinary progress in

redistribution of resources must be accompanied by high standards for, and consistent

professional development of, managers and leaders. Programs in educational leadership are

inexpensive (when measured against the consequences of spotty educational improvement),

replicable, and scalable. Professional development should not be limited to teachers, but

extended to all who interact with them.


Technology Requirements

• Laptop or desktop computer

• Consistent access to the internet

Module Requirements

• Courses are divided into modules

• Each module is between 4-5 weeks

• Each module is approximately 40 hours (online and offline)

• Within each module, there will be a face-to-face week, independent online study, and online

study plus 1-2 webinars

• Successful completion of12 modules (2 year program) earns an Associate’s Degree

• Successful completion of18 modules (3 year program) earns a Bachelor’s Degree

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Online and Offline Requirements

• 20 hours face-to-face with international and local professors

• 20 hours online (asynchronous) with international professors

Live video-conference sessions

Completion Requirements

• Completion of individual/group assignments, graded on a 6-point scale (see grading)

• Competencies demonstrated through an online portfolio

Leaders and Professors in this Program

Global Experts, Teaching Professionals, Leaders

• Lesley Zark, MSc: Executive Director The International Institute for Education for

Development (IIED), former Director of the Office of Scholarships, Training & Capacity

Strengthening, Organization of American States

• Robert Peneux, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Community Development

(MINOV), Suriname

• Milton Top: Director of the Advanced Teachers’ Training College (IOL)

• Olten Van Genderen, MSc: Secretary IIED, guest lecturer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

• Amin Dankerlui: MINOV Coordinator for the ICT in Education Degree Programs

• Juan Pawiroredjo: MINOV Communications Coordinator for the ICT in Education Degree


• Dr. Fred Mednick: Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Founder, Teachers

Without Borders

• Dr. Wim Mees: Professor, PXL University College, Belgium

Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer: Professor, George Mason University (GMU), USA; DirectorSTEM Accelerator Program, GMU

• Dr. Tom Vanwing: Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium & Anton de Kom Universiteit,


NOTE: The list of international professors above will be supplemented by others from Europe, the

U.S. and Latin America during the course of the degree programs to afford you the opportunity to

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hear and see different teaching styles and methodologies.


Ministry of Education and Community Development (MINOV), Suriname

Advanced Teachers Training College (IOL), Suriname

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium



From Basics to Transformation

Topics, activities, and projects will be customized around classroom practice. We will stress

practicality, problem solving, creativity, fun, and measurable outcomes. We will use stories and

“out of the seat” activities to ensure engagement.

Computer Basics And ICTs for Classroom Efficiency

  Basic skills to be assessed and program customized to meet student needs


Preparing and updating daily lessons, sharing one’s work

  Keeping records, chronicles, and archives of student work (spreadsheets)

  Management of groups larger than 30 students


Basic assessment (to be covered in its own module)

  Coordination and communication with parents and colleagues


Collaboration with curriculum designers, inspectors, leaders, policy-makers

  Demonstration of one’s learning and impact (through portfolios)

ICT Integration

Maintaining grade books

• Demonstration of how can accelerate and deepen teacher knowledge

• Lesson Planning

• Problem-based learning principles and Service learning principles using ICTs

• Guidelines for creating learning activities and both unit and lesson plans (a way in, a way

through, a way out)

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• Knowledge scaffolding assisted by ICT

ICTS for Assessment

• ICTs and formative assessment and easy tools

• ICTs and summative assessment and easy tools

• Designing lesson plans around assessments

• Feedback loops using ICTs

  Values to be enhanced by – and demonstrated through – ICTs: empathy, teamwork,

leadership, communication, negotiation, sociability, self reliance, collaboration

  Blogs, browsing, websites, applications, RSS, social networks, podcasting

• Cybersecurity and cyberbullying

  Subject-matter applications

Addressing Individual and School Needs

• ICTs and multiple intelligences

• ICTs and students with different learning needs, such as visualizations

• Making individualized learning plans


• ICTs for curriculum growth and content mastery

• Reviewing lesson plans to see if additions and tweaks can help

• Team approach to problem-solving using mind-mapping

• Using appropriate technologies – i.e. finding the right tool for the job

• Online learning and social networks

• Activities and labs, games, interactive activities

• Digital literacy and critical thinking

Solving Problems

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• Use problem-solving and service-learning pedagogies with adult learners

• Create an assessment

• Share and evaluate the project with the community

Document the project on one’s portfolio

Ongoing Personal and Professional Development

• Developing and maintaining one’s personal/professional portfolio

• Building a personalized learning program

• Open Educational Resources: creating, sharing, reusing resources

• Adapting and building curriculum

Connecting ICT competencies to community development

Program OutcomesPPRAPPROACH

ICTs for Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Impact

• Integrate productivity-enhancing ICT tools in the teaching-learning context, particularly in

regions that have little access to ICTs.

• Demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness for educators

• Integration of ICTs using pedagogical innovations to develop higher order thinking skills

among learners, even without computers or internet

• The development of instructional capacities including, but not limited to:

• Practical experiences of problem solving through technology

• Practical experiences of collaboration through technology

• Group discussions and roundtable tasks.

• Practical integration of ICTs in the classroom

• Sharing of experiences through hands-on practice, building of networks

• Blending old and new technologies, online and offline


Professionalism and Good Will

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All students are expected to abide by the policies and expectations of the IOL. In addition, all

students are expected to abide by the policies of this course and degree program in ICTs for

Education. The following apply:

Plagiarism: Your Reputation at Stake

On occasion, we will spot-check for plagiarism, but we do not want to chase after you. That is not

learning; it's policing. At the same time, your blog posts will be public. If you copy and paste others’

work without proper attribution, someone will notice. Your reputation, even your job, could be at

stake. As a U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously observed,“Sunlight is said to be

the best of disinfectants.” Your reputation should be the driving motivator for doing one’s best in this


Late Work Policy

Educators are some of the busiest people in the world; we understand how the tyranny of the urgent

can play havoc with deadlines. At the same time, many assignments require collaboration, and

group work entails obligations to each other. Whether it is an individual assignment or a

collaborative project, whatever the circumstance, please inform us (your professors) (and others you

may be working with) if you think you cannot make a deadline so that no one is caught off guard.

Excessive lateness could result in notification of no-credit for the assignment and/or the course.

Religious Observance Accommodation Policy

While this is a blended learning course, religious holidays are valid reasons for exceptions to

deadlines. We simply ask that you let us know as early in the term as possible in order to ensure

there is adequate time to make up and respond to the work.


Participation and discussions are included in student grading and evaluation. The instructor will

clearly communicate expectations and grading policy in the course syllabus. Students who are

unable to participate in the online sessions for personal, professional, religious, or other reasons are

encouraged to contact me to discuss alternatives.

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Statement of Academic Continuity

Enrollment, withdrawal policies follow those of IOL.

Grounds for Dismissal from Program

As mentioned above, all students are expected to abide by the policies and expectations of the IOL.

 We keep this section very clear. You are a professional in your classroom and within your local

community. You represent the very best of what it means to be a teacher and so your behavior in

speech and action honors yourself, others, and the teaching profession.

We have only THREE distinct policies, but we reserve the right to take action to ensure that this

program maintains the highest standards if there is :

1.Consistent evidence of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism, manipulation of data,

misrepresentation of classroom applications are examples. We reserve the right to

recommend dismissal based upon our assessment that a student is not working in good faith

or actively harming our collective motivation to build a robust community of practice.

2.Anyone who strikes a child (inside or outside of class) will be immediately removed from

this program. The IOL will make its own determination of disciplinary action. We promise a

fair and impartial hearing, but reserve the right to make the final decision.

3.Anyone who engages in any type of harassment or inappropriate behavior towards

students or colleagues (online or offline) will be considered a likely candidate for removalfrom this program. Here, too, we promise a fair and impartial hearing, but reserve the right

to make the final decision. The IOL will make its own determination of disciplinary action.

Our Approach

“ICT4E is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.”

(Adapted from Edsger Dijkstra)

The International Institute for Education for Development’s (The Institute) programs promote the use

of ICTs in education, strengthen critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving skills,and inclusion.It is our aim to reach all teachers regardless of where they are professionally in their careers or

whether they teach in the city or in a rural area.

The Institute’s methodology takes into account the teachers’ considerable knowledge, particularly

about the local environment, and gives them some new tools to make the teaching experience even

better and to assist them in managing innovation. The curriculum is relevant to the needs of the

teachers and respects and celebrates their culture. We work with teachers to develop and manage

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mentoring and support networks so that they may develop a personal learning network, support

each other, and share their work.

The Institute’s focus is on cyclical growth in (a) understanding Information and Communication

Technology (ICTs) (b) connecting ICTs to curriculum, assessment, management, and

professional development, and (c) demonstrating effectiveness using one’s existing (and realistic)

classroom context.

The Institute also promotes several ways to use non-technology approaches to support the use of

teaching tools and support student learning that is both efficient for teachers (lesson-planning,

calculation of scores, etc.) and effective (engaging problem-solving curriculum and constructivist

approaches that help the teacher by removing her from the center of the education focus and

moving more toward skillful guidance and student assessment). ICTs are only one tool (of many)

designed to facilitate teaching and learning.

Please see our public website,Need to Know for a description of individual courses and our

calendar. Artifacts from the courses will be made available to the public. Check back often formore information.


Competencies and Implementation in the Classroom

Assessment is a big part of this course. Assignments, discussions, group projects, and your

portfolio will all be graded on a 6-point grading system. Larger assignments will be weighted twice

or three times. Our scale is the following:

• [6]:Exemplary: Clear incorporation of research, an extra effort to learn more, proper

acknowledgment of material other than your own, creativity, and clarity. All of this would be

worthy of sharing to educators around the world and makes a contribution to our knowledge

of teaching and learning. Mentor status.

• [4-5]:Meets Requirements: Student meets the expectations of the assignment by using

appropriate resources. The expectation is for core competency in the topics covered.

• [3]: Needs Work: Basic treatment of the ideas, but student needs to dig deeper in order to

show core competence. Subject to revision to receive credit.

• [0-2]:No Credit: (a) Student uses others’ ideas as her/his own without attribution, and/or (b)

does not address or respect the assignment.

Your Professional Portfolio

Measuring Growth, Demonstrating Impacts in the Classroom

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What is a Professional Portfolio?

A portfolio is your carefully curated, public demonstration of your competencies and capabilities. It

shows that teaching is a scholarly activity. Portfolios also offer a refreshing look at development

over time, helping you and others see teaching as an ongoing process of inquiry, experimentation,

and reflection. In short, you will document what you know, how you have met challenges, and how

you can help others.

It takes time to build a portfolio, so we will work on it throughout our time together. It is important to

note that a portfolio does not includeeverything you have done. The examples you choose will

speak for themselves. Your blog will include categories, tags, pages, and graphically appealing

components that address a range of topics we will explore.

What are the Components of a Professional Portfolio?

Professional Portfolios include a Personal Teaching Philosophy, Evidence of Student and TeacherGrowth, Skills. Examples include:

1.How well you manage your time, your goals, your files, student learning, and your own

professional development

2.Evidence of a challenge you face and how you have used ICTs to address that challenge

3.Examples of student work (images, video) from both your most advanced students as well as

those who are struggling

4.Proof that you have created a democratic and inclusive classroom

5.Proof that you have address multiple learning styles

6.Your creative use of following technologies including (but not limited to): blogs, podcasts,

digital stories, video, Google apps

How Will Your Portfolio Be Evaluated?

Your portfolio will be in the form of a website you create using free blogging or website building

software. Wordpress, Blogger, Google Sites and other free programs will work beautifully to create

the platform for your professional portfolio.

It's about being ready to be a mentor for others, so we will have to determine if you are ready or not

ready. We will determinewhich assignments are included after we review the progress of the

course. Please do your best on each assignmentbecause they all matter.The criteria for evaluation

is based upon our assessment of the following:

• How you work efficiently and with care. You promptly provide feedback and communicate

regularly with peers

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Semester 2 All Students


Building Effective and

Efficient Pedagogical


We may be able to use ICTs to teach more efficiently, but that does not

more effective. This course will provide teachers with the competencies

works and what doesn’t. We will base our work upon actual classroom

abstract theories. Emerging teachers will be provided models and sim

observe excellent pedagogical practices at work.


Problem Solving,

Modeling, and


Problem-solving involves seeking information, generating new knowled

address real-life challenges and then model solutions. Students must

components of the coursework, describe any barriers to learning, explo

barriers. Visual representations, mind-maps, manipulatives, time-table

organizers will help students organize and represent their thinking. Tea

students monitor their own learning, develop strategies they can use in

evaluate results. Exhibitions can allow students to share their work.

M6 Professional Portfolios

A professional teaching portfolio, like an artist's portfolio, shows the ranare also tools to reflect on the arc of one's teaching experience and gro

to self-understanding and the capacity to examine what you are doing,

asked to represent a challenge you have overcome using ICTs, provide

effectiveness in the classroom, and the use of student work to demons

key factor in your professional career because it helps build teacher co

Year 2 Semester 3 All Students


Performance Based

Assessments 1

This course is an extension of Performance Based Assessments 1 by s

teachers to recognize student leaning and focus on remediation if need

how students with different learning needs can participate successfully


M8Developing and

Extending Curriculum

Curriculum cannot be static, but dynamic. This course ensures that tea

standards, but have the flexibility to incorporate ICTs dynamically and c

As Suriname rolls out its new curriculum, this is an opportunity for teac

Teachers will work in curriculum teams, by grade level, so that they can

matter mastery and extend curriculum to meet local needs

M9 Websites and DigitalDevices

We don't have to keep up with students or even be ahead of them, but

opportunity to work within a safe and educationally productive environm

those contemporary ICT capabilities basic to participation in a global e

explores media literacy, cyber-security, and personal safety. In addition

to customize applications to meet the needs of their specific classroom

Semester 4 All Students

M10Performance Based

Assessments 2

This course is an extension of Performance Based Assessments 1 by s

teachers to recognize student leaning and focus on remediation if need

students with different learning needs can participate successfully in a

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M11Solving ICT Problems in

Your School

While we can recognize the problems that may arise as an ICT mentor

allows students to read the research about what may serve as a proble

prepare accordingly. Elements of adult-learning shall be integrated into

allow schools to build an ICT-enabled culture.

M12ICT and Your


Participatory evaluation of community needs extends problem-solving a

into real-life situations, even regional and global exhibitions. We will excommunity and connect the teacher and students to an issue for which

contribution. At the same time, we will demonstrate how this process (

standards and (b) focuses on measurable results

Year 3 Semester 5 Year 3 Students

M13Interdisciplinary IT for


Course focuses on the integration of multidisciplinary STEAM (Science

Arts, and Mathematics) subjects with a special focus on diverse learne

intelligences, personalized learning, and visual media

M14Data-Driven Decision


BIG: Business,Industry, andGovernment always produces a massivebe organized, understood, visualized, mined, and analyzed in order to

data-driven decision making with direct relevance to educational chang

M15_e1 ICT for Safety (Elective)

ICT offers new opportunities, but it also poses dangers. We will cover

identity safety; creating environments to ensure that children are physic

social networks and bullying

M15_e2Mentorship for Mastery -


Professors and local mentors will conduct an assessment of emerging

personalized, intensive experiences to ensure that their professional po

of the ICT in Education program. The focus will be on subject-matter anwith the capacity of teachers to connect to their colleagues to grow eve

Semester 6 Year 3 Students

M16 Field Study Practicum

Emerging teachers are given opportunities to have direct teaching expe

working in classrooms led by master teachers. Those master teachers

recognition for their contribution to future teacher development by ment

working to ensure they meet national standards

M17Education forSustainable


Sustainable development is a road-map, an action plan, and a focus on

any activity that uses resources. ICTs are not an end unto itself but a sbut if we don't educate for the future, then we put future generations at

relationship between natural resources and national resources by teach

create a sustainable future.

M18_e1ICTs and Special Topics

- (Elective)

The combination of professional passion and practice comes together

address issues of burning importance to them and design EITHER: (1

to the national curriculum (2) a community project for which teachers w


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M18_e2 ICT for Health (Elective)

Next-generation health solutions focused on Suriname. This course w

health issues teachers can recognize and integrate into their classroom

currently in the health system. STEM subjects associated with health r

new concepts in disease prevention and healthy habits

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Example Module

Course Platform:

Public Website: Password is Institute2

Week 1: Face to Face (An ICT-Enabled Teacher for the 21st Century)

• Course Policies 

• Grading Criteria for this Course 

• Weekly Expectations for Module 1: Jan. 12 to Feb. 15 

o Setting up your Canvas Account

o Course Access in 3 Simple Steps 

o Canvas Guides/Canvas Gidsen 

o Canvas Studenten Snel-start Gids (Dutch) 

o Canvas Tutorial Videos 

• Completing Your Profile: It Really Matters 

• Your Professional Portfolio: Overview 

o Create a Blog for Your Portfolio 

o Portfolio Template 

• The ICT-Empowered, 21st Century Teacher 

o The 21st Century Classroom in Suriname 

o Our Ongoing Technology Resources 

o Even More (Best of) Technology Tools 

o Crowd-Sourced, Alphabetical List of ICT Tools 


Storing Your Files o Working with Google Docs 

• Activity: Toothbrush Test (Tools You'll Use Twice a Day) 

• Strengthening Each Other: Week One Review 

• Strengthening Each Other: Discussion 

• Quiz

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Week 2: Online (Efficient Management)

• Introduction

• Teaching Philosophy Statement 

• Discussion: Your Teaching Philosophy 

• Managing Your Classroom 

• Tools for Managing Yourself 

• Pick a Personal Management Tool 

• Cooperative Learning and Exercises Page 

• Week 2 Quiz (Write after module is finalized) 

Week 3: Online + Webinar (Assessment)

• Week 3: Introduction

• Grading or "Assessing" Student Work? 

• Grading a Different Way 

• Formative Assessment (56 Examples) 

• Week 3 Webinar Topic: Intro. to ICTs for Formative Assessment 

• Formative Assessment (For Webinar: placeholder) 

• Quiz

Week 4: (Design for Learning)

• Week 4: Introduction 

• Learning Design Process 

• Review: The 5E Instructional Model 

• Readings: Understanding by Design 

• Universal Design for Learning (Description) 

• Moving Forward with Understanding by Design 

• Discussion/Assignment: Universal Design for Learning 

• Group Project Option: Universal Design for Learning 

• Quiz

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Week 5: Online + Webinar (Reviewing Personalized and Differentiated Instruction)

• Week 5: Introduction 

• Week 5 Webinar: Your Portfolio 

• Inclusive Teaching and Differentiated Instruction 

o Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creative Learning-Friendly Inclusive Environments 

o Technology-Enabled Multiple Intelligences (Description) 

• Activities Using Multiple Intelligences: How Students are Smart

• Personalized Learning (Description) 

• Your Personal Management Tool Follow-up 

• Week 5: Midterm Reflection on Your Professional Practice 

• Quiz

Handbook: ICTs in Education: January 2015

Page 26: IIED 2014-2015 Handbook_Suriname

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