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    ISBN-13: 978-0-328-49217-6ISBN-10: 0-328-49217-5

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    Decodable Practice Reader



    High-Frequency Words

    it good at her agemake every small home

    Long Vowels Spelled Vowel_e

    mice age make home nice safecage fine Ike Ace quite wisepoke nose game reptile rose atebite cute race face life made

    /s/c, /j/g, /z/s

    has mice is nice agecage Ace wise his noserose race face

    Ike and AceWritten by Harry Doyle

  • 20

    Tess has pet mice.It is nice at her age.The mice make a home ina nice, safe cage.


    Tess will add a fine mice bed forIke and Ace.Tess has a lid.Tess is quite wise.

  • 22

    Tess can see her big mice.Ike can poke up his nose.Ace can make a fun game.Ace will act like a reptile.


    Tess will put fine pelletsin their red pan.Ike and Ace rose upand ate every bite.

  • 24

    Ike is big and can not sit up.Ace is small and cute.


    Ace is quick.Ace can run in a race.Ike can sit stilland make a face.

  • 26

    Ike and Ace have a fine life.What luck for mice!Tess has made a safe home for Ike and Ace.

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