
Illuminate Desirable | Feasible | Viable

What is Outcome Driven Innovation | 4

The Illuminate Program | 5

Let’s Illuminate | 13

About the Facilitator | 14


Emi Kolawole, Editor in residence Stanford University


What is Outcome Driven Innovation?

Outcome Driven Innovation is a creative approach to problem solving. It’s a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor made to suit their needs. Outcome Driven Innovation is all about building a deep empathy with the people you’re designing for; generating tons of ideas; building a bunch of prototypes; sharing what you’ve made with the people you’re designing for; and eventually putting your innovative new solution out in the world. Outcome Driven Innovation is about PEOPLE. Outcome Driven Innovation is about PROBLEM SOLIVING. Outcome Driven Innovation is about PRACTICE.

The Illuminate Program

Davis Kelley, Founder IDEO


ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

Why do Outcome Driven Innovation? A 2017 Outlook Report showed that the three biggest opportunities for organisations in 2017 were to: •  Improve organisational efficiency •  Improve customer satisfaction •  Improve workplace processes BUT HOW. . . Traditionally when looking to capitalise on these sorts of opportunities organisations have focused on: •  Expecting staff to find ways of doing more with less without the right intelligence to make informed

decisions •  Putting the customer at the centre without providing supporting practices to act on •  Emphasising the processes and procedures staff should be following using carrot and stick methods

BUT there is another way. . . Vary rarely do we see the use of Outcome Driven Innovation, combined with outcome driven innovation and strategic foresight to change how things ‘are done’. Be it service or product changes to meet the needs, wants and desires of customers or internal changes to reduce, time, cost and effort of staff and stakeholders. That’s where ILLUMINATE comes in.

ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

What is Illuminate? Illuminate has been designed as an experiential learning program that introduces the mindset, skillset and toolset of Outcome Driven Innovation. The intention is to enable participants to have an experience where they embody the principles of Outcome Driven Innovation whilst aligning actions to key organisational metrics. The program supports individuals to understand and trial a new way of thinking that puts people at the heart of everything that they do. Illuminate uses Outcome Driven Innovation as an approach to purposefully and meaningfully solve problems, capitalise on opportunities and create ideal futures. Illuminate focuses on the people involved with a service, product or system and seeks to build deeper insights into their motivations and aspirations so that the organisation can better be in service to them.

ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

The Illuminate program. Illuminate can be provided as an accelerated 3-hour course, full day program or two-day master class with a focuses on providing individuals with the motivation & inspiration to embrace a human centred mindset whilst implementing Outcome Driven innovation. A human centred mindset enables individuals to see things from many different perspectives, being open and believing that anything is possible. This is important because we live in a world where expectations are continually increasing and constantly changing, individuals are demanding more personalised and customised customer services and organisational systems. To truly understand what an individuals needs are, by they customers or staff and how they experience the services, products and systems it needs to start with thinking differently, asking different questions, deep listening, observation and building empathy to understand their context. Outcome Driven Innovation helps navigate rapidly changing environments and creating experiences that resonate with individuals, enabling the organisation to be adaptive to changing customer and staff needs.

ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

What will Illuminate participants learn? In Illuminate participants will be going through a Outcome Driven Innovation process and work on a pre-scoped or self-generated design challenge. This means participants will embark on rapid discovery, possibility exploration before the reveal of the solution. As participants go through this they’ll be introduced to different tools and frameworks that will help them along the way. Participants will learn about the mindset, strategies and experiences that will motivate and inspire them to embark on further learning and development of Outcome Driven Innovation skills.

The program will provide participants with the opportunity to experience Outcome Driven Innovation by going through the Illuminate framework.

ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

How will Illuminate be delivered? Time for discovery To kick off participants will gain an appreciation for design theory, outcome driven innovation and strategic foresight and how these three frameworks combined to provide a comprehensive approach for developing a Human Centered mindset. This time will also enable participants to involve themselves in the design challenge. We will interrogate, articulate and ideate around the challenge before moving onto exploring possibility. Time for exploring possibility Participants will use this time to focus on growing a greater understanding of the feasibility of their ideas by advertising, scrutinizing and prioritizing all whilst continuing to build empathy and collaboration through curiosity and experimentation. This is where participants get the chance to apply the theory into practice. Time for making it real Making it real provides the chance for participants to separate, estimate and instigate their solution. This stage is where solutions generated through the Outcome Driven Innovation approach are integrated into organisational metrics. This where ideas are checked off against feasibility, desirability and viability.

Rim Razzouk, Valerie Shute Florida State University



Email:[email protected]


Let’s Illuminate

ABOUT THE FACILITATOR. Claire understands that the world we live in is a world where disruption & transformation is the norm, where we fight to keep a hold of the known, the understood & the certain. However she recognises that for many of us, the urgency to change is increasing, presenting new complexities & challenges to be overcome. Claire is a strategist, designer & futurist, she combines these skills to provide her clients with a unique experiences and outcomes. Claire’s clients emerge as industry leaders; they stay ahead of industry disruption and reform, are employers of choice, financially profitable and make a positive impact in the communities they serve.

Claire has over 20 years of experience working with public sector organisations and in corporate environments to improve performance and growth. Claire has held many senior roles for the Department of Human Services, the Department of Health and has specialised in service provision. Over the last five years Claire’s work has primarily been with State and Federally funded organisations, Corporates and Local Government.

‘Claire believes that the curious, considered & courageous individuals amongst us will help shape the future’

ClaireEdwards|[email protected]|

Thank you