Page 1: Image research for our front cover

Image research for our front cover

Hannah Knight

Page 2: Image research for our front cover

Thought process

As a research process in the post-production stage of our front cover, we used the internet to look at various images in order to gain inspiration for the photo on our own front cover. We agreed that the image should be of a male, so as to create maximum impact on our target audience; teenage girls. We decided this because we felt that as teenage girls we are most appealed to a magazine with an image of a male on the cover, as opposed to a female. On analysing my SurveyMonkey response, I saw that 50% of my target audience would be most attracted to a female on the front cover, and I then made the decision that this would be the case in my own music magazine. However, because the results were balanced, I have changed my mind for the reason indicated above.

Page 3: Image research for our front cover

The images we were inspired by

We both really liked these photos. The main reason for this was that we both thought that they were incredibly original and interesting; the use of the models’ hands as a viewpoint for the audience is very visually dynamic, and neither of us had seen the camera angles in photos used in this way before. We agreed to try and re-enact these positions in our own photos for our front cover.

Page 4: Image research for our front cover

The main point of interest in this photograph for us was the angle at which the model is standing. He is facing side-on, a stance which we are both appealed to. The reason for this is that through the eyeline of the model in the main image, the audience’s attention can be drawn to other areas on the page. For example, we could have cover lines on the left hand side of the page, which the audience would be drawn to due to the model’s eyeline also facing that way. This technique would be very useful on a front cover.

Page 5: Image research for our front cover

We were both attracted to these images due to the clothes that the models are wearing. We both feel that a suit would be the most appropriate costume for the model on our front cover, as it creates a much sharper and professional look; obviously our model needs to look like a real music artist, and so the outfit that he wears is going to need to help to convey this.

Page 6: Image research for our front cover

We have decided that we want to use our photos to create some brand identity for our magazine. As our house colours are black, white and purple, we have agreed that all of the photos in our magazine are going to be in black and white, with one item pulled through in purple so as to stand out. This image perfectly conveys our idea, and in fact helped to inspire us when thinking of it.
