
A.C.T.S. Core Juan Ramirez Altar Servers Richard Salas Breakfast Ministry Graciela Rivera Cristo Rey Society Clara Nieto Eucharistic Ministry Lilia Sepulveda Environment Graciela Rivera Finance Committee Mario Riojas Guadalupanas Society Elena Salinas IHM Young Adults Maria Ramos Knights of Columbus Silvester Mireles

I H M CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Gabriel Ruiz, C.M.F. Associate Pastor: Rev. Malachy I. Osunwa, C.M.F. DEACONS Mr. Jorge Bonilla-Valentín Mr. Alfonso Cervantes OFFICE STAFF Michelle Marín - Parish Secretary Lisa Martinez - Weekend Secretary Sandra Burks - Sacristan/Housekeeper Martin Piña - Maintenance Mary Salas - D.R.E. ST. ANTHONY CLARET COMM. Rev. Gabriel Ruiz, C.M.F. Rev. Stephen Sherwood, C.M.F. Rev. Len Brown, C.M.F. Rev. Thomas Thennadiyil, C.M.F. Rev. Malachy I. Osunwa, C.M.F. Rev Mark Clarke, C.M.F. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the Month 6:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY / SÁBADO 8:00 A.M. (Marian Mass) Español 5:30 P.M. (Vigil) English (Ingles) SUNDAY / DOMINGO 9:00 A.M. English (Ingles) 10:30 A.M. Español (Spanish) 12:00 P.M. Español (Spanish) 5:00 P.M. Español (Spanish) MONDAY—FRIDAY / 12:00 P.M. Español (Spanish) CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES Saturday (Sábado) 4:30 P.M. – 5:15 P.M. or by appointment CCD OFFICE Saturday-Sunday from 10 A.M.-2 P.M. (210) 251-4826

Mission Statement

Immaculate Heart of Mary is a home for all! We strive to bring people to God through the celebrations of the sacraments and the Word of God while addressing the special and spiritual needs of the parish: the poor, the youth, the elderly, the physically chal-lenged, the family and maintaining a multi-cultural heritage. Inmaculado Corazón de María es un hogar para todos! Nos esforzamos para llevar a la gente a Dios a través de la celebración de los sacramentos y la palabra de Dios, respon-diendo a las necesidades especiales y espirituales de la parroquia: los pobres, los jóvenes, los ancianos, los discapacitados, la familia y manteniendo un patrimonio multi-cultural.

OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 617 South Santa Rosa Ave. San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 226-8268 Fax (210) 226-2412

Claretian Missionaries/Misioneros Claretianos OVER 100 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18, 2018

Lectors Emilio Estevez Liturgy Committee Nancy Sierra Men’s Club Fred Rodríguez Pastoral Council Terry Olguin Religious Education Mary Salas Senior Program Olga Gonzales Ushers Julio Sierra Wedding Coordinator Lisa Martinez Women’s Club Estella Rodriguez Youth Ministry Julio Sierra

Parish Organizations Directory

I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls

to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if

it dies it produces much fruit

John 12:20-33

1ST FRIDAY ROSARY The Guadalupanas Society would like to invite you to join them every 1st Friday at 11:30am to pray the rosary in the Church. Hope to see you all there. God Bless you! The next 1st Friday will be on April 6th.

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 18, 2018

I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

— Jeremiah 31:33

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) Psalm — Create a clean heart in me, O God (Psalm 51) Second Reading — Christ became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him (Hebrews 5:7-9) Gospel — If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit (John 12:20-33)


For Registration requirements you can call the office, visit our website at or email us at [email protected] Registration closes the Friday, one week before the Baptism date. Register in the Parish office Monday–Friday 9am-1pm & 2pm-5:30pm.

PRIVATE BAPTISMS Please remember that baptisms are a community event as we are welcoming the Child into the Catholic Com-munity. Private baptisms should only be requested for medical emergencies and military deployment urgen-cies.

CLASES DE BAUTISMO 18 de Mayo 2018 (Español)

BAUTISMO EN GRUPO Sábado, 19 de Mayo (Español)

REGISTRARSE PARA EL: Viernes, 11 de Mayo 2018

BAPTISM CLASSES April 20, 2018 (English)

GROUP BAPTISM Saturday, April 21th (English)

REGISTRATION BY: Friday, April 13, 2018

ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Gracias a Dios, tenemos dos grupos de estudio biblia en Espa-ñol. Uno se reúne los Domingos a las 10:15am y el otro los días Miércoles a las 7pm.


LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor hará una nueva alianza con la casa de Israel. (Jeremías 31:31-34) Salmo — Oh Dios, crea en mí un corazón puro (Salmo 51 [50]) Segunda lectura — Cristo aprendió obediencia, y los que ahora le obedecen encuentran en él la salvación eter-na (Hebreos 5:7-9) Evangelio — Si el grano de trigo cae en tierra y muere, da mucho fruto (Juan 12:20-33)

Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma 18 de marzo de 2018

Voy a poner mi ley en lo más profundo de su mente y voy a grabarla en sus corazones. Yo seré su Dios y ellos serán

mi pueblo.— Jeremías 31:33

NOCHE DE COMUNIDAD Every 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm we have community night for prayer, praise and community fellowship. Everyone is invited! ***Cada tercer Lunes tenemos la noche de la comunidad que es para alabanza, oración, y compañerismo. Invitamos a to-dos.

Stewardship Message: “Christian Stewardship takes a pos-itive view on money. It sees money not only as a medium of exchange but also as a symbol of the person who has it. The way we acquire it, use it, and share it, we are revealed in those actions.” ***Mensaje de corresponsabilidad: “La corresponsabili-dad cristiana tiene una visión positiva del dinero; ve el dinero no sólo como un medio de inter-cambio, sino también como un símbolo de la persona que lo tiene. De acuerdo con la forma en que lo adquirimos, lo usamos y lo compartimos, esas acciones revelan quiénes somos.

MONTHLY HOLY HOUR/HORA SANTA April 6th is First Friday-We have Holy Hour and Eucharistic Adoration at 6:30pm. Come and spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Eucha-rist! ***6 de Abril es el primer Viernes-Tenemos la hora Santa y Adoración del Santísimo a las 6:30pm. Vengan a compartir unos momentos en la presencia de Jesús Sacramentado.

ENGLISH BIBLE STUDY We have English Bible Study every Thursday at 6:30pm in the Parish office Conference room. Cost is $10 plus the cost of the study book. Each person is expected to bring a copy of the New American Bible. This year will be looking at the Gospel of Mark. All are welcomed and encouraged attend.

GUADALUPANA SOCIETY The Guadalupana Society will be having a Cake and Easter Bas-ket Sale on March 25th. Please support our Guadalupanas. ***La Sociedad Guadalupana tendrá un venta de pastel canas-tas de Pascua el 25 de marzo. Por favor apoye a nuestros Gua-dalupanas.

Simón Gonzales Eulogio Vivar Mary G Mendoza Rudy Diaz Cynthia Canales

Rita Martinez Michelle Guerrero Nancy Torres Angela Diaz Antonio D. Pesina

Elva M. McKnight Rome Escobedo Mary Marin Jesse Paiz Miguel Serna Jr.

If you would like a name to be put on the prayer list please call the parish office at 210-226-8268 or email [email protected]

SATURDAY, MARCH 17 5:30 p.m. Jules A. Cappelli Mariano Reveles Jr. Birthday Holy Souls in Purgatory Sp. Int.SUNDAY, MARCH 18 9:00 a.m. Keila Velazquez Thanks Chriselda Gómez Thanks Luz Maria Miller de Teresa Josefina De León Birthday 10:30 a.m. Cristo Rey Sp. Int. Rangel Valdez Divino Nino de Jesús Thanks St. Jude Sp. Int. Sr. De Los Milagros Sp. Int. 12:00 p.m. Julio & Esther Torres Health Mónica Torres José Luna Richard Burdick Ismael Hernández Anniversary 5:00 p.m. ALL PARISHIONERS Sp. Int. MONDAY, MARCH 19 12:00 p.m. Richard Burdick TUESDAY, MARCH 20 12:00 p.m. Richard Burdick Alice Cervantes Birthday Rubén F. Garza III WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 12:00 p.m. María Luisa Cárdena-Cerda THURSDAY, MARCH 22 12:00 p.m. Pete & Felipa G. Sanchez FRIDAY, MARCH 23 12:00 p.m. María Luisa Cárdena-Cerda SATURDAY, MARCH 24 8:00 a.m. Martha Dean Sp. Int.

Deadline for Mass intention requests must be submitted by Tuesday for the following week or any dates after and only upon availability. El ultimo día para solicitar intenciones de Misa debe ser enviada antes del Martes para la semana siguiente o cualquier fecha poste-rior y solo cuando este disponible.

WEEKLY COLLECTION TOTALS MARCH 4, 2018 Regular Collection: $3476.57 Children’s Collection: $49.00 Maintenance Fund: $977.16

Second Collection will be gathered for: Catholic Relief Services.

BREAKFAST Served by the Monarca after the 9:00a.m. and 10:30a.m. Masses. Come and join us for some good food and fellowship.

BREAKFAST MINISTRY SCHEDULE March 25th—Matachines April 1st—Young Adults April

THE CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES This week, we are taking up The Catholic Relief Services Col-lection to respond to Jesus in disguise. This collection helps to provide relief and support to struggling communities and to work toward peace and reconciliation among our brothers and sisters around the world. Please give generously . ***Esta semana realizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection para responder a Jesús con otro rostro, le ayudaras? Esta colecta ayuda agencias católicas a brindar asistencia y apoyo a las comunidades luchan por salir adelante y trabajar para conseguir la paz y la reconciliación entre nuestras her-manas y hermanos marginado y aquí y alrededor del mundo. Por favor, en oración, considera la manera en la que puedas contribuir a esta colecta.

MEN’S ENGLISH ACTS RETREAT The Men’s ACTS Retreat in English will be held here at Immac-ulate Heart of Mary on May 31st - June 3rd. For Information please contact Claudio Rivera (210) 427-0017 or Adam De Felice (210) 707-5725. Applications are in the Par-ish Office.

GOOD FRIDAY FISH FRY / PESCADO FRITO On Good Friday, March 30, 2018 we will be having a Fish Fry. Plates are $7 and include 2 fish filets and 2 sides. Serving time is from 12pm-7pm in the Parish Hall. Tickets will be sold after the 9:00, 10:30, & 12 pm Masses and in the Parish Office. ***El Viernes, 30th de Marzo tendremos un Pescado Frito. Los platos cuestan $7 y consiste de 2 filetes de pes-cado y guarniciones. Tiempo de servicio será de 12pm-7pm en el Salón Parroquial. Los boletos es-tán disponibles después de las Misas de 9,10:30 y 12pm. y en la Oficina Parroquial.

ALTAR FLOWERS / SANCTUARY LIGHT There will be no Altar Flowers during the

Lenten season. Thank you. Special intentions for the Sanctuary Light is still allowed. Please contact the Parish office

to place your intentions.

PENITENTIAL/EASTER CONFESSION Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30p.m. we will have a special Peniten-tial service in preparation for Easter. Everyone is invited to take

advantage of this Spiritual cleansing oppor-tunity. ***El Martes, 20 de marzo a las 6:30pm tendremos el servicio penitencial en prepa-ración para la Pascua. Invitamos a todos para aprovechar esta oportunidad de lim-pieza espiritual.

WEDDINGS / QUINCEAÑERAS If you are planning a Wedding you need to contact the Parish office for requirements at least six months prior to the desired date. If you are planning a Quinceañera you need to contact the Parish office for requirements at least two months prior to the desired date.


The Retreat Center and Parish Hall are available for rental. Please contact the Parish office for more details.


HOLY WEEK Our Holy Week Schedule is as follows:

HOLY THURS./JUEVES SANTO 03-29-18 Lord’s Supper Mass/Misa de la Cena del Señor 7:00 p.m.

GOOD FRIDAY/VIERNES SANTO 03-30-18 Stations of the Cross (El Via Crucis) 12:00 p.m. Seven Last Words (Siete Ultimas Palabras) 1:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Play/in Church (Youth Ministry) 6:00 p.m. Good Friday Service (Servicio de Viernes Santo) 7:00 p.m. Burial Procession (El Santo Entierro) 8:00 p.m.

EASTER VIGIL/VIGILIA DE PASCUA 03-31-18 Saturday 8:30 p.m. **Bilingual Mass**


Sunday 9:00 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. Bilingual 12:00 p.m. Spanish ***No 5:00 p.m. Mass***


Every Friday during the Lenten Season at 11am we will have the Stations of the Cross in the Church. You are invited to join us as we pray and meditate upon Jesus’ final journey. Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma a las 11a.m. te invitamos a meditar el Santo Vía Crucis acompañando Jesús en su camino final.


40 DAYS OF SERVICE Catholic Charities is running the following 2 campaigns for the duration of Lent, February 14-March 29, 2048. 40 Cans for Lent is a campaign to collect canned goods to help feed the hungry of our city. Bins to collect donations are availa-ble in the Parish office. 40 Days of Service involves volunteering for multiple programs of Catholic Charities including: Seton Home, St. PJ’s Children’s Home, Guadalupe Home, refugees, seniors and family and chil-dren services. To volunteer contact Debi Silva 210-222-1294.
