Page 1: Immune system Chapter 43. Pathogen: Infectious agent Innate immunity: Nonspecific Acquired immunity: Specific Previous exposure

Immune system

Chapter 43

Page 2: Immune system Chapter 43. Pathogen: Infectious agent Innate immunity: Nonspecific Acquired immunity: Specific Previous exposure

Pathogen:Infectious agentInnate immunity:NonspecificAcquired immunity:Specific Previous exposure

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Acquired Immunity

ActiveDiseaseVaccineTransfer of lymphocytes from a donor (bone marrow transplant)PassiveMaternal antibodiesImmunoglobulins (gamma globulins)

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First line– Skin

Second line– Cell counterattack

Third line – Immune response (antibodies)– Specific

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Skin1. Impenetrable barrier2. Oil & sweat glandsSkin pH--3-5 3. Sweat contains lysozymeEnzyme digests bacterial walls4. Prevents water loss

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First line

Lysozyme in salivaStomach acid Digestive enzymes in gutAirway mucousCilia in airways Acidic urine

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First line

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Second line

InvadersLymphatic systemDefense cells Adenoids, tonsils Thymus, spleenLymph nodes, lymph capillaries & ducts

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Lymphatic system

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Second line

WBCAntimicrobial proteinsInflammatory response

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Second line

Leukocytes (WBC)Circulating in body1. Macrophages (monocytes)Kill invaders by ingesting them PhagocytosisIngestion

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Fig. 43-3




Lysosomecontaining enzymes

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Second line

2. NeutrophilsMost abundant WBC PhagocytosisRelease chemicals--kill bacteriaAlso kills other neutrophils

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Second line

3. EosinophilsWBCLow phagocytic activityParasite defense

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Second line

Antimicrobial proteins1. Complement systemProteins found in plasmaAttack bacterial or fungal cell wallsCause cells lysisSignals other defense responses

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Second line

2.InterferonsParacrine polypeptideProtect cells in area of virusPrevent viral replicationCancer defense

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Second line

3. Natural killer cellsKills cells infected by a virusHelp fight cancer cells

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Second line

Inflammatory responseLocal, non-specificHistamines & prostaglandinsVasodilationIncreased blood flow to area Edema or swellingWBC (phagocytic), pus formationShock, systemic

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Second line

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Second line

Inflammatory responseElevated temperature (fever)Interleukin-1 Released by MacrophagesDirects hypothalamus to increase tempHelps stimulate defense response

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Third line

Specific responseLymphocytesT-cells---cellular responseB-cell---humoral responseAntibodies

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Third line

Antigen Foreign moleculeEpitopeAntigen determinantLocated on surfaceCauses a specific immune response

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Third line

Self-versus-nonself recognitionGenes code for specific proteins Major Histocompatibility Complex proteinsMHC proteinsCell recognitionGlycoproteins on surface of cells

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Third line

B-cell lymphocytesMade & develops in bone marrowBecomes a plasma cellProduce antibodies in response to specific antigensImmunoglobulins (Ig)AntibodiesHumoral immunity

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Third line

B-lymphocyte structureAntigen receptorSpecificPlasma membrane

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Third line

Light chains2 short polypeptidesHeavy chains2 identical long polypeptides 4 chains held together by disulfide bondForms Y-shaped molecules

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Fig. 43-9a


Antigen-binding site







Heavy chains

Cytoplasm of B cell

(a) B cell receptor

B cell







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Fig. 43-10

Antigen-binding sites




Antibody B

Antibody CAntibody A







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Plasma cells release antigen receptorSpecific for antigensArms of the Y shaped moleculeHave different aa sequences

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IgM first responseAggregation of complement proteinsIgG major form, second responseStimulates phagocytosis by macrophagesIgD receptors for antigens on B cellsIgAPresent in breast milk, mucous, salivaProvide protection to newborns

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IgERelease histaminesBind to mast cellsInsert heavy chain into mast cellsInitiate inflammatory responsePresence of antigensVasodilation

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Third line

T-cell lymphocytesMade in bone marrowProcessed in thymus glandRegulate immune responsesAttack cells with specific antigensCell-mediated immunity

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Fig. 43-9b






T cell

chain chain

Disulfide bridge

Cytoplasm of T cell

(b) T cell receptor



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Third line

T-cells1. Helper T cells (CD4)Initiate response based on antigens2. Memory T cellsRemember previous antigens

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Third line

3. Cytotoxic T cell (CD8)Lyse cells infected by virus4. Suppressor T cellsTurn off immune response

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Third line response

AntigenMacrophage process antigenSecrete cytokines (interleukins or interferons)Stimulates T helper cells

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Third line response

Recognize antigensAntigen receptor on T-cells Bind to antigensTriggers T-cytotoxic cells, T-memory cellsCytotoxic cells destroy infected cellsStimulates B cells

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Third line response

Antigen receptor on B-cellBinds foreign antigenTriggers formation of a clone of plasma cellsClones produce antibodiesAntibodies bind invading antigen Prevent affects of antigenDestruction or blocks effect

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Immune response Macrophage

⇓ Helper T-cell

⇙ ⇘ B-cell Cytotoxic T-cell ⇙ ⇘ ⇙ ⇘Plasma Memory Memory Cytotoxic cells cells cells T-cells ⇓Antibodies

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Cytotoxic T-cellsAttack transplants (skin grafts) Considered foreign tissueDestroy cancer cellsInterferon (lymphomas, renal Ca, melanoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma and Breast Ca)Interleukin (tx cancer)

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Primary immune responseFirst exposureLasts about 2 weeksMemory cells are also produced during the first exposureSecondary immune responseActivates memory cellsResponse faster & lasts longer

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Immune System Summary

First lineSkin, cilia, enzymes, pH of skinSecond lineWBC (macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, eosinophils)Antimicrobial proteinsInflammatory response

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Immune System Summary

Third lineLymphocytes (B & T)Antibodies (immunoglobulins)IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD

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Monoclonal antibodies

Antibodies specific for one antigenCell cultures produce large quantitiesUse in lab testsPregnancy testsAntibody to HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

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Human immunodeficiency virusAttacks + destroys CD4+ T-cellsT-cells secrete a suppressing factor Blocks other T-cellsInfects macrophages & brain cells

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Autoimmune diseases

Systemic LupusRheumatoid arthritisHashimoto thyroiditis

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Allergens (antigens)Release IgEBinds mast cells & basophilsStimulates release of chemicals HistamineDrop in BP

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Anaphylactic shockWidespread histamine responseDeathBee stings or peanuts or penicillinContact dermatitis Delayed responsePoison ivy, poison oak

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Blood types (ABO)

Blood type



A A anti B


anti A

AB AB none

O none anti A & B

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Rh factor
