Page 1: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration 320 [email protected]

International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020, pp. 320-338, Article ID: IJM_11_10_032

Available online at

ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510

DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.10.2020.032

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed




Amjad Ali

Benazir School of Business Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari Karachi, Pakistan

Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman

Benazir School of Business

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari Karachi, Pakistan

Dr. Khurram Shakir

Benazir School of Business

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari Karachi, Pakistan

Ibrahim Noorani

Department of Public Administration

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari, Karachi, Pakistan


This research was conducted to see the effects of ads using emotions on consumer

Decision making. The study was limited to Low participation goods exclusively Ice

cream brand. this paper also intends to analysis the mainly powerful ad request that

effect the consumer’s decision making. The study is restricted to Low attachment

product exclusively Ice cream brand. The hypothesize model has been tested by

Structural equation modeling (SEM) and factor analysis. We used the quantitative

approach, and the questionnaire-based survey was conducted using a sample size of

384 people and their answers to different appeals excitement, Humor, love, and

happiness were recorded. The hypothesis model has been tested using structural

equation modeling (SEM) and factor analysis. The outcome shows a positive effect of

emotions like Humor and excitement influence the buying aim of the customers. This

paper verifies the positive association between Ads using emotions and consumer

decision making with respect to the Ice cream brand.

Page 2: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 321 [email protected]

Key words: Emotional Advertisement, Decision Making, Ice Cream Brands

Cite this Article: Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and

Ibrahim Noorani, Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making

for Ice Cream Brands in Pakistan, International Journal of Management, 11(10),

2020, pp. 320-338.


1.1. Background of the Study

In recent Era Advertisement have become so much important tools for marketers by which

they sell their Brands and Products to their targeted customers. As we all know that the main

motive of marketers for doing advertisement is to remind and aware the customers about a

brand or a product by this way marketers achieve their product life cycle associated

objectives. Today the purpose of advertisement has totally changed. In 20th century the

motive of ad was just before motivate buyer to know with reference to the products and brand,

Usage of the Brand, and the features of the brand. When the customer used to understand

about the brand, he used to mislay their attention and used to avoid the ads.

Here this recent, advanced, informative and technological age where information is

surrounding everywhere, and customer has become smart because the customer knows

everything, he is the new boss, new CEO and new adviser of business. So, the marketers have

become smarter and they are trying so hard to build strong relationship with clients. To catch

the attention of customers and to give hard time to competitors the marketers are using

different promotional techniques (Sorensen, 2008). Using those techniques in advertisement

marketers are fulfilling their brands objectives. To make Brand positioning in the mind of

consumers markets exercise emotions in ads.

According to Zig Ziglar (1926) He is the motivational lecturer and writer ―People

purchase for emotional reason. They don‘t purchase for logical reason‖ we as a human are

extremely emotional being. We even react emotionally even to stuff. Even some time human

get angry on wall or computer screen so as we are naturally emotional being. Therefore,

marketers use emotional appeal because he know as much he will appeal emotionally as much

his marketing objectives will achieve because he also knows that people buy for emotional


According to Rossiter & Bellman, (2012) ―Emotional advertisement is as much powerful

so that it can even make people happy and sad‖. Neurologist says that there are various kinds

of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love

and humor emotions to attract people concentration and engage them with brand in order to

create brand image in the mind of consumers and customers.

According to Robert Heath (2012), seducing the subconscious, p. (26) ―first we have to

understand how people take decision in order to understand how people‘s behavior is affected

by advertisement‖. Actually our emotions play a role of gatekeeper or the master in order to

take decisions. It means our emotions role is as much extreme that we can not take decision

but for our emotions attach with it. And if we are out of time and we are not thinking about

decision on that time our emotions will take that decision for us through our intuition. It

means emotional advertisement can effect and influence our decision making far more than

people ever thought.

So many studies and researches have done to examine impact of ads based on rationality

on consumer decision making. The intention of recent research is to investigate reaction of

Page 3: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 322 [email protected]

emotionally presented ads by emotions of the excitement in ads, humor in ads, love and

happiness in advertising on consumer decision making. furthermore, the study provides to

make the perceptive about such emotionally presented appeal plus what are their reaction on

consumer decision making Advertising in the framework of ice cream brands into this region.

1.2. Research Problem

Today we have the age of competition where every product wants to beat another product

therefore today, we have unlimited advertisement of so many industries. Every industry wants

that people should involve in their advertisement which makes the customers more confuse

and make the decision process extremely difficult and critical because there are bulks of

advertisement in market. In this current situation, Ice creams brands in Pakistan is also facing

so many challenges and facing the retention of customers. Thus, ice cream brands must take

suitable actions in order to maintain market standard by adopting emotional appeal in

advertisement. In this way they can involve with customers more and grab their attention by

creating stronger relationship with customers in order to influence their decision making. By

this study we will measure the effectiveness of emotional advertisement in ice cream brands

in Pakistan. Also we will identify which emotions work effectively in ice cream brands in this


1.3. Objectives of Study

To examine the effect of Ads using Emotions on decision making of consumer for ice

cream brands within this region.

To establish the efficiency of ads using emotions in order to create powerful

association with consumer for ice cream brands within our country Pakistan.

To calculate which ads using emotions effects on consumer decision making and

repurchase for ice cream brand within our country Pakistan.

To access most influential emotional appeal in ice cream brands advertisement.


In this chapter we are going to discuss the emotional appeals related to consumer decision

making. In past several studies have been done on the impact of ad using emotions as an

associate variable within researcher which also have connection with the present research.

In marketing and advertisement literature there are so many literature which presents

experimental proof about the emotional appeals, by which marketers can easily shape the

behavior of consumer and influence them to take decision about purchasing the product for

example (Kotler, 2008) Actually the people attract with advertisement in two ways or sense,

emotional and rational sense. This is the reason because of approximately advertisement are

divided in these two category. logical advertisement and emotional advertisement (hongxia z.

2014). About the last 10 to 15 years researchers and marketers find out that emotional

advertisement can strongly affect consumer spending and decision making of spending

manners (t. allen, 1992). According to ethorson (1990) emotional ads can help customers to

recall easily. In order to generate such kind of emotions the marketers and the advertisers use

the expressive ads.

The advertisement which we watch in our daily life generates a friendly reaction as every

other thing we look in our journey of life produces an impulse emotional response (Duncan,

C. P., &Nlson, J. E. 1985). Which influence the Advertisers and giving the strong message so

that advertisers should be aware of the outstanding value of emotions within their ads,

According to Mr shaahid M and Bilal, (2016) ads using emotions are the tool that helps

Page 4: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 323 [email protected]

customers to relate their emotions with a specific brand or product, the emotional ads have

power to make people sad or happy or exciting, In advertisement marketers are showing the

events of life through that they are engaging the people and put customers in good mood in

this way they get success to stay longer in their memories. Because of emotional causes and

familiarities about the life event people relate the advertisement with their lives.

Eckler, P., &Bolls, (2011) describe the ads for promotion using appeals of emotions

control peoples physiological, social and psychological needs and wants. According to the

patti williams (2000) who defined how brands occupy a multiplicity of emotion in their ad to

improve expression. It is the nature of human that human experience different kinds of

emotions, range between fear, happiness, excitement, humor, angry and sad. In this research

we initially focus on the role of happiness, roll of love, role of excitement and the love of

humor appeal in emotional advertisement for ice cream brands in Pakistan.

2.1. Emotion of Excitement

Excitement is a kind of emotion which is full of joy. There are many kinds of excitement but

they all are exciting. Excitement get the attention of people e.g. If you can‘t wait to watch a

video so you are also feeling kind of excitement. According to khana (2016) Brands engage

people through excitement request in ad to purchase the brands in order to experience

somewhat exciting & unique. Marketers also use same appeal to highlight their brand

functions and try to create brand perception in the minds of consumers. People want to watch

exciting advertisement because they don‘t wants to be boring. It‘s good for you because if

people are excited about your brand so they can easily become your customers.

According to Michael Mayfield (2011) Using excitement in advertising is not a long term

solution because once your target customers have become familiar about your brand they will

not be exciting anymore. But if you want to use excitement in your advertising for short term

then it‘s brilliant for you because you can easily get attention of your customers in short term

period. But once your customers get aware about your brand then try to use different

advertisement with another shocking and exciting advertisement.

In order to understand how excitement effect consumer decision making, first of all we

have to understand how excitement exactly work in adverting. According to neil patel

―Excitement is mental, but it effects the whole body‖. The starting of excitement is just like

other emotions in the brand but excitement have strong physiological responses in their mind.

When human is excited so he feel state of arousal which means his heart beat increases,

and brain gives signal to increased the production of hormones in body. According to Paloma

Vasquez, the author of The Psychology of Social Shopping, points ―People emotions get

powerful when they are excited and can affect their decision making capabilities. When

people are excited they do more decision making even they make bad decision making some


2.2. Emotion of Love

Emotion like Love is another fundamental emotion which we fee for another human. Love is

not just emotions it‘s more than emotions. This type of ads are so much common which

brands mostly exercise in their advertisement in order to influence their customer to purchase

company brand.(khanna,P. (2016). Love is the feeling which creates strong relationship

between customer and brand and it influence customer‘s decision of purchasing. Khanna, P


There are so many peoples who said so many things about love. Socrates is also one of

those people once Socrates said ―life is full of pain but there is one word which can free us

Page 5: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 324 [email protected]

from all the pain and difficulties and that word is love.‖ According to Albert Einstein ―People

fall in love with other things and other person Gravity is not responsible for it‖. Once Martin

Luther King said love is the only power in this universe, which can change the perception of

people. Even it can convert your enemy in to your best friend. Some researchers believe that

the word love has used too much for consumer association with brands. According to

Bagozzi, Batra & Ahuvia (2016) in this modern age brand love is one of the important things

for consumers as well as marketers.

According to Carroll and Ahuvia (2006, 81) Emotional appeal is a relationship which

reflect the emotional connection of individual with a brand‖. According to park & Maclnnis

(2006) the individual preferences of loving the brand can be identify through the emotional


2.3. Emotion of Happiness

Happiness is the kind of emotion that comes to you when you think everything is first-class

on that time you smile. Happiness is kind of joy whenever peoples are safe or lucky or

successful they become so much happy. The advertisers and marketers use the emotions of

happiness to create strong relationship with customers and create loyal customers. Marketers

want to relate their brands with customer‘s good moment like joy, smile and happiness.

According to Ambler T. and Burne T. {1999} ads using appeal of happiness have ability to

sell to maximum number of customers.

According to Bagozzi et al., (1999) the one of the most important topic in marketing is the

way emotions affect the consumer decision making. So many studies have been done which

show the empirical purchases impact the consumer‘s happiness (Bhattacherjee and mogilner,

2014; Laros & Steenkamp, 2005; van boven & Gilovich, 2003; Thomas & Millar, 2013)

which shows one of the factual reason which is related to consumer happiness. That is social

interaction with people such as family members and friends. Therefore so many marketers use

this social interaction with family members and friends in their advertisement with happiness

appeal because they know this is really powerful tool for them.

According to Holbrook & Batra, (1987) Happiness is as much important factor of

marketing that its often the slogan or the motto of so many marketing and advertising

communication. Emotions of happiness is one of the significant factor that explain advertising

content. in this modern age where customers is your new boss so many marketers are trying to

attract their consumers by promising happiness in their advertising (Mogilner et al., 2012).

Ruth (2001) states that positive emotions in advertisement produce affective impact on

consumer‘s decision, which influence the consumers attention towards advertisement as well

as towards brand. According to Kotler et al., (2010) whenever you think about happiness as

the main theme of an ad campaign, your highest mind would be probably Coca Cola

company. From 2009 to 2015, Coca Cola's launch the advertising campaign by the name of

Open Happiness which was one of the most successful global brand campaigns which makes

Coca Cola the image of American happiness, and consumers of coco cola strongly believe in

happiness in coco cola brand.

2.4. Emotion of Humor

The ability or quality of the Humor in someone or something that makes you laughs.

Weinberger and Gullas (1992) writes whenever the funny ads run by marketers so on that

time that ads create powerful effects on consumers to force consumer interest in relation to

advertisement plus it impact on their decision making. According to research done by Speck,

P. S. (1987) In comparison of the emotions of humor in ads and those ads which don‘t have

humor found that those advertisements which has humor attracts customer‘s attention, have

Page 6: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 325 [email protected]

them to easily understand the message content and take final action to do decision making

about purchase.

Tellis (1998) states that so many people use humor in their communication as an effective

communication tool n their daily life. Humor relaxes the other person and builds strong

relationship between speaker and audience. Therefore you would find a lot of speakers too

frequently start their communication with a funny story. According to clow (2007) humor is

the tool which helps you to set good mood and gain acceptance this is one of the big reason

that humor is used 24 percentage of prime time TV ads and 35 percentage of radio


According to Speck, (1991) some academic researchers believes that emotional

advertisement using humor get more attention of people and people like it more as compare to

those advertisement that do not use humor in their advertisement. Though, the humor in

advertisement is valuable able and most suitable which increase the efficiency of

advertisement but it is one of the complicated topic which is affected by so many factor.

(Weinberger and Gulas, 1992).

According to fatt, (2002) it is so much important to understand that there are some

situation where humor are more effective despite of increasing the number of humorous ads.

Humorous ads show their effectiveness differently among cultures, demographic, individuals

and even among groups. Shimp (2010) has shown so many evidences to proof that ads using

emotion of humor are more effectual than the ads which don‘t use emotion of humor only if

when consumer‘s opinion about company is already positive.

2.5. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework




Emotion of happiness

Emotions of love

Emotions of humor

Emotions of Excitement

Page 7: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 326 [email protected]

2.6. Hypothesis

H1: There is Significant relationship between Emotions of Happiness and Consumer Buying

Decision making.

H2: There is Significant relationship between Emotions of Use and Consumer Buying

Decision making.

H3: There is Significant relationship between Emotions of Humor and Consumer Buying

Decision making.

H4: There is Significant relationship between Emotions of Excitement and Consumer Buying

Decision making.


3.1. Design of Research

The design of the research for this study will be involved in to testing the deductive

quantitative data which will collect through the survey questionnaire to find out the

correlation between variables. The time horizon for data collection is cross-section which is

about the three weeks of time. The unit of the analysis will be individual i.e people who they

use ice cream brandsof Karachi region. We will collect date through mono method that

includes quantitative strategy.

3.2. Procedure

The research will be accomplishes:

By gathering the prime data from those people of Karachi region who they use ice

cream brands and who have seen the emotional advertisement of any ice cream brand

Secondary data will be collected from literature data.

After collecting the data we will apply statistical tools on data.

3.3. Population

There are millions of customers ofice cream brand in Pakistan. We will select 100,000 most

frequent customers‘ top 3 ice cream brands (wall‘s, IGLOO, Omore) in Pakistan. The reason

of selecting they have gone through the process of using the selective direct and indirect

products of top 3 ice cream brands and they have also seen ice cream advertisement.

Therefore they are capable to give us the useful info about relevant questions.

3.4. Sample and Sampling Methods

Population of this research stood about 100,000 ice cream user of top 3 ice cream brands. By

following the scientific guidelines of sampling table of krejicie and Morgan (1970) to measure

the impact of ads using emotions on consumer decision making the sample of 384 are

selected. Probability method of sampling is used in which all sampling farm or population has

the equal opportunity to be selected.

Type of the sampling is stratified random sampling where ‗education‘ is taken as a

parameter. Respondent who they are doing masters they will give answer differently from

those respondent who they are doing graduation. The Sample from respondents selected

would be from different educational institutional located at Karachi

The total respondent are 384 in which 200 would be under graduate 100 would be doing

their master and 84 intermediate level.

Page 8: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 327 [email protected]

3.5. Instrumental Selection

The prime data has been gather by survey questionnaire from the 384 respondents. The

questionnaire was separated in to two parts. The first part addressed the demographic info on

nominal scale, whereas the second part of measure was negotiating with the elements to

measure the variables under the study on 5 points Likert scale, from one to five level 1=

strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= neutral, 4= agree, 5= strongly agree, because the Likert

scale is a continuous scale and it measure the intensity and insight of the subjective

constructs, hence generally used in the field of mgt sciences. It is used for measure and is an

updated and reliable five-item version of an former scale by (Keller, 2003).The statistical

tools have been used for testing the validity of the variables, it showed that the how logical

the content are, and measure the validity of variables of the data. Statistical tools also used for

testing the reliability of data whereas the consistency of the data is measure


4.1. Demographics Profiling

The following chart shows the data about the age, qualification, and gender. Because we

know that it is too much difficult to collect samples for big population there for, we have

collected small sample frame.

From 384 people 66.1% were men and 33.9% peoples were women. The spss result shows

that 280 participants are from 15 to 25 years old. When we look towards the qualification

1.3% of people belong to metric, 16.9% respondent belong to intermediate, 55.5% respondent

belong to undergraduate and 26.3% respondent‘s qualifications are Master. Furthermore

73.7% respondent prefer to buy the ice cream of Wall‘s brand, 16.4% respondent prefer to

buy ice cream of Omore and 9.9% respondent prefer to buy the ice cream of Igloo brand. The

frequency of purchase of ice cream which is dominant is 58.6% which people buy the ice

cream on Monthly bases.

Table 1 Respondents Demographic Profiling

Variable Category Frequency


Gender Male 254 66.1%

Female 130


Age 15-25 280 72.9%

25-35 99 25.8%

35 Above 5


Qualification Metric 5 1.3%

Intermediate 65 16.9%

Undergraduate 213 55.5%

Master 101 26.3%

I prefer Ice cream Wall‘s 283 73.7%

of Omore 63 16.4%

Igloo 38 9.9%

Frequency purchase Daily 11 2.9%

Of ice cream Weekly 98 25.5%

Monthly 225 58.6%

Yearly 50 13%

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Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 328 [email protected]

4.2. Descriptive Statistic

Table 2 Descriptive Statistic of individual

Emotion of love Mean Std. Deviation


Statistic Std. Error Statistic Ice cream brand Advertisement showing love induce 2.69 .060 1.170 1.369

Me in a good mood and feel good about advertisement.

Love appeal in advertisement increase liking 2.77 .062 1.220 1.488

of ice cream products

Advertisements with love emotion are the most memorable 2.75 .060 1.181 1.396

And create association with the ice cream brands.

I remember the information contained in advertisement 2.67 .061 1.186 1.407

With love appeal for a long time.

The above chart describes that how the ads of Appeal using emotions improve the quality

of relationship with the people who they watch advertisement and help them to remember the

name of brand in order to create relationship b/w the Brand and customers. Table 2 describe

the statistics of mean, statistics of Standard Deviation and Statistics of the Variance about 384

people about every one items use in Appeal of Love. The outcome shows the value of all

items lie between ranges of 2.67 to 2.77 showing the agree response about the variables.

Result of the value also proved that the emotional appeal of love is very useful and effective

in advertisement because the gap from mean to standard deviation is very less.

Table 3

Emotion of Humor Mean Std.

Deviation Variance

Statistic Std. Error Statistic

I strongly believe people buy Ice cream from 2.71 .062 1.209 1.461

the brands of humorous advertisements

The Humorous ads made me identify 2.65 .062 1.215 1.477

Ice cream brand among competing brands.

Ice cream Brands with Humorous Advertisements 2.65 .061 1.194 1.425

Helps me to recall brand before shopping.

I discuss the variety of products offered by the 2.75 .063 1.237 1.531

Ice Cream Brands of Humorous advertisement

The ability or quality of the Humor in someone or something that makes you laughs.

Weinberger and Gullas (1992) writes whenever the funny ads run by marketers so on that

time that ads create powerful effects on consumers to force consumer interest in relation to

advertisement plus it impact on their decision making. According to research done by Speck,

P. S. (1987) In comparison of the emotions of humor in ads and those ads which don‘t have

humor found that those advertisements which has humor attracts customer‘s attention, have

them to easily understand the message content and take final action to do decision making

about purchase.

The above describe the statistics of mean, statistics of Standard Deviation and Statistics of

the Variance about 384 people about every one items use in Appeal of Humor. The outcome

shows the value of all items lie between ranges of 2.65 to 2.75 showing the Agreed to neutral

response for the items used. The result of the value also proved that the emotional appeal of

Humor is very useful and effective in advertisement because the distance from the mean is

very less.

Page 10: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 329 [email protected]

Table 4

Emotion of Happiness Mean Std. Deviation


Statistic Std. Error Statistic

Ice cream Advertisements focuses on happy 2.75 .064 1.249 1.560

Images of the people appeals to my senses.

Ice cream advertisements showing connecting 2.53 .062 1.215 1.477

People give me a positive feeling about the brand.

Ice cream Advertisements that expresses happy 2.65 .063 1.236 1.528

Moments creates happy customers.

I can easily relate Ice cream 2.70 .065 1.281 1.641

advertisements with happy memories

Happiness is the kind of emotion that comes to you when you think everything is first-

class on that time you smile. Happiness is kind of joy whenever peoples are safe or lucky or

successful they become so much happy. The advertisers and marketers use the emotions of

happiness to create strong relationship with customers and create loyal customers. Marketers

want to relate their brands with customer‘s good moment like joy, smile and happiness.

According to Ambler T. and Burne T. {1999} ads using appeal of happiness have ability to

sell to maximum number of customers.

The above describe the statistics of mean, statistics of Standard Deviation and Statistics of

the Variance about 384 people about every one items use in Appeal of happiness. The

outcome shows the value of all items lie between ranges 2.53 and 2.75 showing the Agreed to

neutral response for the items used. The result of the value also proved that the emotional

appeal of happiness is very effective in advertisement because the distance from the mean is

very less.

Table 5

Emotion of Excitement Mean Std. Deviation


Statistic Std. Error Statistic Ice cream Advertisements are formulated 3.07 .065 1.270 1.612

To entertain and grab attention.

Ice cream advertisements with excitement 3.13 .064 1.252 1.569

appeal increase message understanding

I usually look for Advertisement that triggers 3.14 .062 1.211 1.467

Feelings of excitement in me.

Excitement Appeals are better for achieving 3.07 .064 1.254 1.572

communication Goals

Excitement is a kind of emotion which is full of joy. There are many kinds of excitement,

but they all are exciting. Excitement get the attention of people e.g. If you cannot wait to

watch a video so you are also feeling kind of excitement. According to khana (2016) Brands

engage people through excitement request in ad to purchase the brands to experience

somewhat exciting & unique. Marketers also use same appeal to highlight their brand

functions and try to create brand perception in the minds of consumers. People want to watch

exciting advertisement because they don‘t want to be boring. It is good for you because if

people are excited about your brand so they can easily become your customers.

The above describe the statistics of mean, statistics of Standard Deviation and Statistics of

the Variance about 384 people about every one items use in Appeal of excitement. The

outcome shows the value of all items lie between ranges of 3.07 to 3.14 showing the neutral

to agreed response for the items used in excitement.

Page 11: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 330 [email protected]

Table 6

Consumer Decision Making Mean Std. Deviation


Statistic Std. Error Statistic

Statistic I look forward to to purchase or repurchase Ice cream 2.54 .061 1.198 1.434

brands using emotional appeal in advertisement

The Probability that I would consider buying Ice cream 2.65 .063 1.226 1.503

from Brands using emotional appeal is mostly high.

I prefer to buy certain Ice Cream Brands over 2.68 .065 1.268 1.607

others because of their emotional advertisement.

Emotional Advertisement of Ice cream brand 2.63 .064 1.258 1.582

affects my buying decision.

The above variable describe that there is impact of emotions of happiness, love,

excitement and humor on consumer decision making because the majority of the respondent

has given the agreed response because as we can see that the mean values range is between

2.54 to 2.68 and the value of standard deviation is also less showing that there is very

favorable effect of ads using emotions on Consumer Decision Making.

Table 7 Descriptive Statistics (Factors)

Mean Std. Deviation


Statistic Std. Error Statistic

Statistic Love 2.7187 .0455 .8923 .796

Humor 2.6861 .0459 .8999 .810

Happiness 2.6595 .0483 .9476 .898

Excitement 3.0996 .0467 .9162 .839

Consumer Decision Making 2.6243 .0510 1.0013 1.003

Table 7 shows the statistics of mean, statistics of Standard Deviation and Statistics of the

Variance about 384 people. The advertising with emotion of Love has Mean of 2.7187 which

fall in the agreed range to neutral series. The value of standard deviation statistics and

variance statistics are .892 and .796 respectively. The range of standard deviation statistics

and variance statistics are smaller that shows that the love appeal is very effective in


The ads using emotions of excitement, happiness and humor are 2.6861, 2.6595 and

3.0996 respectively and the statistics of Standard Deviation and statistics of Variance are

.8999 & .810, .9476 and .898, .9162 and .839 respectively which is very low showing the

reliable result. Furthermore, the mean of consumer decision making which is dependent

variable of the research is 2.6243 which describe the majority of the people has given the

agreed response up on emotional advertisement has positive response on consumer decision


Table 8 Reliability Analysis

Cronbach Alpha

Ads using emotion of love (Independent variable) .741

Ads using emotion of humor (Independent variable) .727

Ads using emotion of happiness (Independent variable) .757

Ads using emotion of excitement (Independent variable) .716

Consumer Decision Making (Dependent variable) .824

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Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 331 [email protected]

In above chart the result of cronbach alpha is showing the reliability of dependent and

independent variable. The reliability test shows the significances of data. The above reliability

test show the acceptable result of all the independent variables and the dependent variable.

The chronbach alpha of all the independent variable such as emotion using love in ads,

emotion using happiness in ads, emotion using humor in ads and emotion using excitement in

ads are more then 0.7. Which are bigger than the required value that is about 0.70 there for all

independent variable are reliable and good? The overall chronbach alpla of the questionnaire

was .728 which is significant as it is greater than the standard value. The chronbach alpha of

consumer decision making is 0.824 as it falls between the range of 0.5 to 0.9 there for it is

acceptable. The instrument of research used in this research measures the emotional ads

impact on consumer decision making for ice-cream brands on different aspects.

4.3. Exploratory Factor Analysis

Through Factor analysis we decrease the huge numbers of variable in small and most accurate

and related variable called factor (Terre Blanche & Durrheim, 1999). This research belong to

exploratory nature the factor analysis was conducted to recognize the most significant items.

The variables are emotion of love, excitement, humor, happiness and consumer decision

making. After applying the factor analysis and the reduction the items was decrease to 20

substances with 4 substances for every factor because earlier than the reduction of item there

were 21 items. Consumer decision making was about 5 items but only 4 item loads on the

factor. While other independent variables like ads using emotion of love, excitement, Humor

and the happiness originally consist of 4 statements which were loaded on that factor. As we

know that our research was exploratory there for we apply the factor analysis in order to

identify the most important constructs. For the statistical measure of sampling we apply the

KMO test.

Table 9 KMO and Barlett‘s Test

According to the (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001) the KMO result should be higher than 0.7.

The result of KMO shows that the above chart has shown the precious results of the extract

constructs of bartlett‘s Test of Spehercity has shown the significant value 0.000 which

conform that the result of factor analysis is reliable.

Table 10 Rotated Component Matrix

variable Item Label Item Description Standard Factor Loading I_lov_1 Induce Nice Feelings .753

Emotion using love I_lov_2 Enhance Linking .736

in Ads I_lov_3 Create Association .773

I_lov_4 Attracts Attention .725

I_hmr_1 Increase Recommendation .714

emotion using I_hmr_2 Recognize Competing Brand .748

humor in Ads I_hmr_3 Increase Recall .760

I_hmr_4 Create Loyalty .708

I_hps_1 Induce Positivity towards Product .777

Emotion using I_hps_2 Create Happy Customers .743

Page 13: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 332 [email protected]

The above chart describes the relationship among single variables with extract constricts

and it shows the standardized factor loading for all items. Result of factor loading is showing

reasonable strong relationship with the constructs.

4.4. Confirmatory factor Analysis using AMOS

We use factor examination in order to decrease huge variables to pull out most reliable

variable called the Factor. We use this by using AMOS. As our research belongs to

exploratory nature therefore it is the reliable technique in order to discover the fluctuation

between observed & excerpt from variables. The AMOS converts them into a general factor.

We can also see in the diagram below which is showing most significant construct, such as

emotion using excitement, happiness, love, humor and consumer decision making.

Figure 1 Path Diagram

happiness in Ads I_hps_3 Induce to Purchase .743

I_hps_4 Help to Build Memories with Brand .749

I_ext_1 Entertain .747

emotion using I_ext_2 Enhance Message to comprehension .708

excitement in Ads I_ext_3 Trigger Excitement .748

I_ext_4 Achieve Communication Goals .709

D_cdm_1 Repurchase .800

Consumer Decision D_cdm_2 Increase Consideration to purchase .826

Making D_cdm_3 Preference Over Others .803

D_cdm_4 Affect Buying Decision .784

Page 14: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 333 [email protected]

Table 11 Standard regression Weight

Variable Item Label Item Description Standard Factor Loading I_lov_1 Induce Nice Feelings .753

Emotion using Love I_lov_2 Enhance Linking .736

In Advertisement I_lov_3 Create Association .773

I_lov_4 Attracts Attention .725

I_hmr_1 Increase Recommendation .714

Emotion using Humor I_hmr_2 Recognize Competing Brand .748

In Advertisement I_hmr_3 Increase Recall .760

I_hmr_4 Create Loyalty .708

I_hps_1 Induce Positivity towards Product .777

Emotion using Happiness I_hps_2 Create Happy Customers .743

In Advertisement I_hps_3 Induce to Purchase .743

I_hps_4 Help to Build Memories with Brand .749

I_ext_1 Entertain .747

Emotion using Excitement I_ext_2 Enhance Message to comprehension .708

In Advertisement I_ext_3 Trigger Excitement .748

I_ext_4 Achieve Communication Goals .709

D_cdm_1 Repurchase .800

Consumer Decision D_cdm_2 Increase Consideration to purchase .826

Making D_cdm_3 Preference Over Others .803

D_cdm_4 Affect Buying Decision .784

As we can see the above table 11 which is showing the Standardized factor loading for

each items with description of the variables & it show the relationship b/w single variable

with the extract construct. The above result shows the reasonable and tough connection with

the construct.

4.5. Evaluation Measurement of Model Fitness

AMOS are very useful in order to calculate the model‘s fitness and AMOS provide the data

by which we can find out the validity & the fitness of the hypothesis of study the different

significant indicates goodness of fit index (GFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation

(RMSEA), Adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), Chi square (CMIN/DF) and comparative

fit were carried out by the AMOS to determine validity of the model used in research. The

above indicates show the degree that the construct are related to each other. The figure 2 of

the table 8 indicate the value of the result.

Table 12 Model Fitness Test

Model Fitness Result of Value Requirement CMIN/DF 1.072 < 3 is good ; <5 is Acceptable

CFI 0.993 Close to 1 is good

GFI 0.957 >0.90

AGFI 0.944 >0.90

RMR 0.054 < 0.08

RMSEA 0.014 < 0.08

PCLOSE 1.000 > 0.05

The value of RMSEA, GFI, RMR, PCLOSE, CFI and CMIN/DF meet the requirement of

Threshold and show that the model is acceptable and fit. As shown in the chart no 8

4.6. Path Structural Equation Modeling

We use structural equation modeling in order to calculate the structural association b/w

endogenous and exogenous variable. This model shows the multivariate analyses and factor

analyzes of the model. First of all, we evaluate the model weather the association b/w latent &

Page 15: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 334 [email protected]

measured variables are important or not the below chart showing the path diagram of emotion

of excitement, happiness, love and humor towards the consumer decision making.

Figure 2 Path Diagram

4.7. Evaluation Measurement of Model Fitness

AMOS are very useful in order to calculate the model‘s fitness and AMOS provide the data

by which we can determine the validity and the fitness of the hypothesis of research the

different significant indicates goodness of fit index (GFI), Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation ( RMSEA), Adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), Chi square (CMIN/DF)

and comparative fit were carried out by the AMOS to determine validity of the model used in

research. The above indicates show the degree that the construct are related to each other. The

figure 2 of the table 8 indicate the value of the result.

Table 13 Test of model fitness

Model Fitness Result values Requirement CMIN/DF 1.241 < 3 is good ; <5 is Acceptable

CFI 0.977 Close to 1 is good

GFI 0.949 >0.90

AGFI 0.936 >0.90

RMR 0.089 < 0.08

RMSEA 0.025 < 0.08

PCLOSE 1.000 > 0.05

The value of RMSEA, GFI, RMR, PCLOSE, CFI and CMIN/DF meet the requirement of

Threshold and shows that the model is acceptable and fit. In this study we have taken the

seven model fit in order to examine the fitness of the model. Emotions using happiness in ads,

emotions using love in ads, emotions using humor in ads and emotions using excitement in

ads were examined throughout the 4 item even as other 4 questions were made to calculate the

consumer decision making influence by emotional advertisement. As it has described in the

Page 16: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Impact of Emotional Advertisement on Consumer Decision Making for Ice Cream Brands in

Pakistan 335 [email protected]

above table no 9 the resultant value of CMIN/DF is 1.241 which is acceptable and good as we

can see in the threshold. The resultant value of CFI is 0.977 which is closer to 1 and showing

the good result that the model is fit. The resultant value of GFI, AGFI, RMSEA and PCLOSE

are also meeting the standard requirement of Threshold. However the result of RMR is 0.089

which is greater than 0.8 is differ from the standard requirement as we can see in the table.

The above table is showing that the model is statistically fit and acceptable.

Table 14 Regression Weight (Hypothesis Testing)

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

Consumer_Decision_making <--- Love .059 .075 .788 .431 H1 Rejected

Consumer_Decision_making <--- Happiness .002 .066 .027 .978 H2 Rejected

Consumer_Decision_making <--- Excitement .185 .077 2.402 .016 H3 Accepted

Consumer_Decision_making <--- Humor .262 .085 3.094 .002 H4 Accepted

The result of hypothesis has shown the significant effect of Emotional ads on Consumer

decision making for ice cream product every Independent interpreter has given a standardized

& un standardized Beta coefficient to finds negativistic and positivistic effect of all variable.

Whereas the value of ‖ P‖ determine the importance of the data of 95 % confidence interval.

The above chart describe that Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 has rejected which describe that

Emotion using love and happiness in Advertisement has significant impact on consumer

decision making are proved to be rejected while Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4 has accepted

and support the result of the research.


In this modern age where everything has become difficult because of competition today

marketers are also facing many problem because in market there are too many advertisement

and it has become so much complex. Before era the motive of advertisement was just to

inform customers and the customers were loyal on that era. Today customer knows each and

every thing because this is the era of information there for to deceive customers are

approximately impossible. There was marketers are using various techniques to attract the

customer so that customer repurchase or recognize the brand in this way they increase the


We use the exploratory approach to know whether there is effect of emotional ads such as

emotion using humor in ads, emotion using love in ads, emotion using excitement in ads and

emotions using happiness in ads has impact on consumer decision making or not. We

conducted this study on ice cream industry. The data were collected from 384 respondents for

that we take 2 famous brands which they are well known in Pakistan like wall‘s, Omore and


The result of the research has shown the positive effect of emotional advertisement on

consumer decision making specially the emotion of Excitement and Humor are very useful in

advertisement in order to strongly influence brand recognition, brand Awareness and

customer purchase intension. Emotional advertisement is the kind of magic by which

marketers sell each and every thing.

Today so many ice cream brands (Wall‘s, Omore, Igloo) use emotional advertisement

frequently in order to excite and surprise their customers. Now the marketers of Ice cream

brand should learn the consequence and the importance of emotional advertisement in order to

enhance the sale, brand recall and brand recognition.

The objective of the research was to find out the effect of emotional ads on consumer

decision making for ice cream brands, To find out the efficiency of ads using emotions to

Page 17: IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER …...of emotions which impact on people differently. Marketers use happiness, excitement, love and humor emotions to attract people concentration

Amjad Ali, Dr. Nazia Abdul Rehman, Dr. Khurram Shakir and Ibrahim Noorani 336 [email protected]

create powerful association with consumers for the ice cream brands within this region and to

access most powerful emotional request in ice cream industry. We have successfully examine

the impact of emotional advertisement on consumer decision making that there is positive

effect of ads using emotions on consumer decision making for ice cream brand in Pakistan.

We have also determine that the emotional advertisement is very effective and it create strong

relationship with customers and we have find that the most influential emotional

advertisement appeal in ice cream brands are Humor and Excitement


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