Download pdf - IND ENG 2014 003


Design For


An Initiative By



Fight Against “DENGUE”


During the monsoon people are susceptibleto dengue, especially if their surroundingsare not very clean. However the initialsymptoms are often misunderstood as fever


•If people were made aware about the initial symptoms of dengue then they could seek treatment at an early stage and thus recover faster.

Planning during DFC

Collecting scrap


We sold the scrap and newspapers and then used the money to print out pamphlets, which we distributed to various people and households.

We also printed posters and put them up in all the nearby clinics.

Along this all of us spoke to senior citizens, people on the road and anyone who was not well informed about dengue.

We ensured the continuation of our cause over a period of time by educating more and more people who would read the posters whenever they visit the clinic

There was a feeling of pride amongst the children as they whole-heartedly participated towards bringing a change towards the society.

Team for DFC