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1. Présentation et introduction par André Jean Marc Loechel

2. Message et intervention de Jean Pièrre Euzen, Commission


3. Orange et son Living Lab apprentissage enrichi

4. Living Labs Malte et Hongrie

5. Joensuu Living Lab

6. Suyponja Living Lab

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Au cœur de Meetinnov - dans la suite des réflexions développées par l’Agence de

Développement du Val de Marne -, de l’espace symbolique de la Halle de Baltard - où s’est

notamment tenue la table ronde du CAREEP sur le Grand Paris - et des initiatives de la ville

de Nogent-sur-Marne que nous ne pouvons que saluer en la matière, l’objectif de la

rencontre autour des Living Labs constitue pour tous les acteurs de l’innovation territoriale

une étape importance dans les réflexions et analyses multiples qu’ils suscitent aujourd’hui.

Voilà dix ans en effet que - entre la France et la Finlande notamment - se sont développés

des échanges sur les espaces d’innovation (deux de nos intervenants travaillent en Finlande),

voilà cinq ans que le concept de laboratoires vivants s’introduit dans de multiples réflexions,

qu’il s’agisse de l’urbanisme comme viennent de le montrer les Journées mondiales qui se

sont déroulées au Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental, de l’aménagement du

monde rural - comme nous l’avons vu à RURALITIC -, des télécommunications - comme le

montrent les initiatives d’Orange en la matière telles que «Paroles d’élus» - ou encore de

l’éducation - au travers des prochains débats d’EDUCATICE -…

Cette étape sera d’autant plus utile que la Fondation des Territoires de Demain vient de

créer au Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental là encore, le 1er juillet dernier, le

RELAI, un réseau regroupant Living Labs, espaces de l’innovation et pôles de compétence en

France. Il a donc été demandé aux quatre intervenants d’évoquer les réalités quotidiennes

des Laboratoires d’usages dans leurs pays et évidemment aussi les représentations précises

qu’ils ont chacun des écosystèmes auxquels à des titres divers ils ont pu contribuer. Le Living

Lab des Territoires de Demain illustre bien les urgences qui sont celles des acteurs qu’il

regroupe : la gestion de l’identité et donc la nécessaire pluralité linguistique qu’incarnent

d’ailleurs bien nos invités, la place qu’ils occupent dans l’économie de la connaissance et de

la créativité en émergence et naturellement aussi le rôle majeur des flux de connaissances

qu’ils polarisent et dont nombre d’entre eux constituent les hubs les plus pertinents.





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Message et intervention présentés par André Jean Marc Loechel Fondation des Territoires de Demain.


Bonjour à tous.

Grâce à André Loechel que j’en remercie, j’ai la chance d’être parmi vous à MeetInnov et de pouvoir vous présenter les politiques européennes supportant les Laboratoires des Usages ou Living Labs.

Le processus d’Innovation est très coûteux; pour chaque succès, plusieurs milliers d’idées de produit conduisent à des impasses. De plus beaucoup d’idées gagnantes se concrétisent en produits difficiles à utiliser. Des études montrent que les trois quarts des utilisateurs trouvent leurs outils TIC plutôt stressants.

Placées dans un contexte centré sur l’utilisateur, la création d’idées et leur validation peuvent améliorer et accélérer ce processus.

En plaçant l’utilisateur au centre du processus d’innovation, et ce dans le contexte de la vie réelle, le concept des "Laboratoires des Usages" est intimement lié au second pilier "Renforcer l’innovation et l’investissement dans la recherche sur les TICs" du cadre politique qu’est l’initiative i2010 de l’UE.

Au niveau européen, la mise en œuvre de ce concept s’appuie sur plusieurs programmes :

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le Programme de Support Politique du Programme Compétitivité et Innovation de la DG ENTREPRISE, permettant d’accélérer l’innovation au bénéfice de la compétitivité, et comportant des objectifs ciblés sur les villes intelligentes (Smart Cities),

le Programme de Coopération du 7ème Programme-Cadre de Recherche, où il permet d’intégrer les utilisateurs dans la recherche et le développement,

l’initiative "Régions pour un changement économique" (RFEC) implémenté au travers du Programme INTERREG de la DG REGION,

l’Autorité de Supervision du GNSS (Galileo Navigation Satellite System) a aussi sélectionné des projets basés sur le concept Living Lab,

enfin les Communautés de Connaissance et d’Innovation (KIC) dont l’EIT ICT-Labs qu’André pourra vous détailler si vous le désirez.

Le potentiel des Laboratoires des Usages dans les différents domaines de recherche applicative favorisera l’adoption des résultats de la recherche et du développement.

Les Living Labs intéressés devraient pouvoir trouver chaussure à leur pied dans les objectifs ci-présentés, que ce soit dans l’appel N° 8 du PCRD7, ouvert le 20 juillet dernier et qui clôturera le 17 janvier prochain, ou dans les Partenariats Publics et Privés.

Le programme de travail pour 2012 & 2013 est en cours de définition, ainsi que le futur Cadre Stratégique commun de la recherche appelé HORIZON 2020.

Le Réseau Européen des Living Labs (ENoLL) a été lancé à Helsinki en fin 2006, sous la Présidence Finlandaise de l’Union Européenne. L’enthousiasme et la motivation des différents acteurs, y compris les Présidences successives de l’UE, n’ont cessé de grandir et le réseau ENoLL comporte aujourd’hui 274 membres originaires de la plupart des Etats-Membres de l’Union ainsi que de plusieurs pays tiers. Fort de cette masse critique, le réseau s’est organisé sous la forme d’une association internationale de droit belge.

Un appel à candidature pour un nouvel élargissement du réseau a été lancé le mois dernier par la Présidence polonaise de l’UE, dont les résultats seront présentés début 2012.

Le Réseau Européen des Living Labs, en permettant de concevoir des produits adaptés aux utilisateurs des divers Etats-Membres, aidera à la réalisation effective du Marché Unique et à l’amélioration de la compétitivité de l’Union Européenne.

Les Laboratoires des Usages sont une réalité!

Utilisons-les pour notre bénéfice commun, que ce soit dans les écosystèmes ruraux ou urbains !

Bonne chance à tous.

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8 novembre 2011, Nogent/Marne

Politiques Européennes supportant les

Laboratoires des Usages

New Infrastructure Paradigms and Experimental Facilities Information Society and Media Directorate-General

European Commission

Jean-Pierre Euzen Chef de Secteur, Living Labs

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Living Lab projects

-Open innovation

-Coordination Actions



European Network

of Living Labs

Innovation in SMEs

Thematic Network




Smart Cities


FP 7


FP 7

Regions for Economic Change


Danube Action Plan

GNSS Supervisory Authority




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Arrivée sur le marché








de pilotes

2-3 years 5-10 years





Experimentations à grande échelle (technologies existantes)

innovation dans les services

R&D orientés marché

Efficience, facilitateurs communs

Experimentation à l’échelle

Environ. collaboratif/exploratoire

R&D à long terme

Integration de nouveaux TICs & idées

Plates-formes ouvertes et interopérabilité

Internet du Futur : L’approche de l’UE

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FP7 Appel 8

• Ouverture le 20 Juillet 2011

• Clôture le 17 Janvier 2012

• € 785.5 M

• Evaluation: Février – Avril 2012

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FIRE plans under Work Programme 2011/12 (I)

• Appel 8 (1.6-b): Fédération FIRE • Cadre pour une fédération de haut niveau de toutes les “Facilités FIRE”

• Fédération durable vers 2015

• Modèles crédibles

• Portal FIRE

• Jeu d’outils communs

• Courtage • Gestion de l’accès des utilisateurs • Measures et analyses de performances

• Provisions pour l’ouverture

• Utilisation de standards ouverts • Utilisation d’infrastructures existantes de recherche (GEANT, NREN) • Coopération avec d’autres initiatives

• 1 IP, 8M€ (indicatif)

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• Appel 8 (1.6-c): Expérimentation FIRE

• Recherche pilotée par l’expérimentation sur l’Internet du Futur • Utilisation des prototypes existants

• Projets ambitieux • R&D visionnaires

• Applications à valeur sociale

• Usage innovant des facilités FIRE

• Large groups of end-users

• Proposants doivent prouver l’engagement des facilités FIRE qu’ils entendent utiliser

• Coopération Internationale au niveau usage encouragée

• STREPs only, 15 M€ (indicative)

FIRE plans under Work Programme 2011/12 (II)

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• Appel 8 (1.6-e): FIRE : Coordination et Action de Soutien

• Coopération internationale et de l’UE avec les acteurs idoines

• Partenariat Publique-Privé sur l’Internet du Futur (FI PPP)

• Initiatives dans les pays industrialisés / économies émergeantes

• Standardisation

• Exploiter les synergies, développer des standards, identifier les exigences socio-économiques, analyser les impacts, et les faire connaître

• 1 CSA, 2M€ (indicative)

FIRE plans under Work Programme 2011/12 (III)

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Appel 8 – FIRE : Impacts Escomptés

• Réduction des coûts sur les activités d’expérimentation

• Augmenter la compétitivité de l’UE sur l’Internet du Futur

• Utilisation large et innovante des Facilités Expérimentales

• Meilleure compréhension de la complexité de l’Internet

• Capacité stratégique à intégrer l’évolution de l’Internet

FIRE plans under Work Programme 2011/12 (IV)

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Usines du Futur 2012 (FoF) 7.1 Usines “Smart”; non-énergivores, production et adaptation


7.2 Solutions industrielles pour les nouveaux produits TIC

Bâtiments efficients en énergie (EeB) 6.5 TICs pour environnements à énergie positive

Véhicules verts (GC) 6-8 TICs pour véhicules entièrement électriques

Appels Partenariats Publics Privés

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• Appels lancés le 20 Juillet 2011

• Clôture le 1er Décembre 2011

• Budget ICT total indicatif

FoF 60 M€; EeB 30 M€; GC 30 M€

• Evaluation: Janvier-Mars 2012

Appels Partenariats Publics Privés

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Programme de travail 2012-2013

• Transition vers le PCRD 8

• Eté - Automne Discussions

• Fin 2011 Consultation EC

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Programmes après 2013

• 9/2/2011 Livre Vert sur un cadre stratégique commun pour le financement futur de Recherche & Innovation européennes

• Couvrant FP8 + CIP + EIT ( HORIZON 2020 )

• 20/5/2011 Clôture de la consultation

• Fin 2011 Proposition consolidée

• Juillet 2012 Discussions avec PE & Conseil

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ENoLL : Le Réseau Européen des Living Labs

• Inauguré le 20 novembre 2007 à Helsinki

• avec 19 membres

• Résultats de la 5e vague annoncés en mai 2011

• 274 membres à travers le monde

• 6e vague ouverte aux Expressions d’Intérêt

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L'innovation est vraiment considérée en interne comme en externe comme une force pour le groupe Orange. Nos équipes, 3500 chercheurs, 50 nationalités, sont installées en Europe mais aussi dans la silicon vallee, en Corée, au Japon ou encore au Caire ou Amman par exemple pour accompagner les pays émergents.

L'objectif de cette chaine de l'innovation est évidemment d'élaborer des offres et services pour nos clients.

Mon rôle dans cette organisation est de mettre en œuvre des projets d'expérimentation Répondant à un besoin exprimé par un territoire ou une collectivité locale. Nous faisons localement du living lab sans le dire. Il s'agit en effet de mobiliser les ressources internes, en phase avec nos objectifs, et d'apporter des partenaires adéquats pour coconstruire la solution. dans notre esprit l'innovation est au synonyme de Codéveloppement car il est impossible même pour un grand groupe de maitriser toutes les compétences.

Ces partenariats se tissent avec le monde académique et de la recherche mais aussi et surtout avec des entreprises, startup, PME ou grand groupe.

Pour illustrer mes propos, je vais évoquer 2 ou 3 projets concrets menés ou encore en cours sur l'Ile de France dans différents domaines.

Le 1er a permis de valoriser le patrimoine culturel d'une petite commune de Seine et Marne. Savins dispose de 2 monuments classés sur son territoire et avait l'envie d'utiliser les TIC pour les valoriser. Ce fut le 1er projet mettant en œuvre flashcode et internet mobile en IDF. Il y A 3 ans. La CL a apporté son territoire, une PME locale a réalisé les contenus et Orange a mis à disposition la possibilité de créer le contenu et son hébergement sur internet.

Autre projet démarrant dans le monde de l'éducation sur l'usage des tablettes; Avec 3 CG (95, 78 et 80), nous équipons 6 classes de 6ème de tablettes et nous travaillons avec des acteurs de l'édition pour les contenus et les CRDP et enseignants pour la démarche pédagogique. Le tout chapeauté par les académies concernées.

On voit clairement l'investissement de chacun des acteurs. Orange fournit les accès, les CG financent les tablettes, les éditeurs adaptent leurs contenus à ce nouveau support, et les enseignants font évoluer les pratiques pédagogiques.

Outre l'intérêt partagé pour le projet, c'est vraiment le cofinancement qui est une des clés du succès.

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UNESCO - Fondation des Territoires de Demain

Innovation et prospectiveSéminaire de la Fondation des Territoires de Demain

Programme international 2010Programme international 2010Le 11 mars de 10h à 12h30 et de 15h à 17h30 - Unesco, Paris - rue de Miolis, Bâtiment Fontenoy, salle VII.

„Connecting to Euro-MedSmart Cities”

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„Connecting to Euro-Med Smart Cities” CIP ICT PSP Pilot ‘B’ project proposal

4.1: Open Innovation for future Internet-enabled Services in "smart" Cities

Euro-Mediterranean Knowledge and Innovation Communities

4.1: Open Innovation for future Internet-enabled Services in "smart" Cities

„Connecting toEuro-Med Smart


11th of March, 2010, Paris

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What’s so smart about the Cities?

The widespread employment and adoption of ubiquitous computing, sensor networks and mobile media into the urban environment have unforeseen implications for how we might come to use networked digital resources to change the way we understand, build, and inhabit cities. Visible Cities presents a revolving programme on how emerging technologies are changing the cities w e live in.

How to manage to change Valetta as a smart city by ICT and Internet of things in short and longer term in Malta?

Dr. AlexieiDingli, Mayor of Valetta

„In the 16th century, Valletta was the “smart” city of Europe; carefully designed as a fortress but at the same ti me as an administrative city serving as the capital city of Malta. Today, in the 21st century, we have a vision for Valletta to be revolutionary once again. This vision entails the a pplication of ICT in the day to day running and experience of the city; ranging from cultural heritage to traffic managemen t. We plan to provide access for ICT resources to the major ar eas of the city, thus enhancing the experience of every visito r in the city.”

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Ovreview: Smart Cities & "Liveability” & ‘learning


in the Mediterranean EU Regions

1.The infrastructure of future cities needs to support vibrant, innovative and entrepreneurial

communities that take advantage of the digital environment and realize their potential to

become ‘smarter’.

2. We wish to associate the application of information-based intelligence to a system which is

able to operate the ‘smart cities” much more efficiently and with higher quality. The „smart city’s

system” is combined and multiplied by the processes, services

3. For a city and other systems involving people, efficiency and quality are necessary but not 3. For a city and other systems involving people, efficiency and quality are necessary but not

sufficient. We need to also focus on the human dimensions, what we call liveability or quality

of life.

4. The smart city sees preparations for a pandemic as an element of improving the quality of life

in the city today: what and how we plan must build on the values important to the community

and enhance citizens’ competence, participation and involvement.

Citizens will need to be involved as much as possible in the debate about values, goals and


5. Through such involvement a feeling of ‘mastery’ can begin to replace the feeling of fear and

uncertainty. A ‘learning’ community with high social cohesion and low social inequality will be

best prepared to respond.

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A Smart City is a city well performing in 6

characteristics, built on the ‘smart’ combination of

endowments and activities of self-decisive,

independent and aware citizens.

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The aim of „Connecting to Euro-Med Smart

Cities” project is..

1. To creating a „town twinning” based innovation network

between cities , service and content providers (telcos), public

and private companies and academic partners to develop and

deliver better e-services to citizens and businesses through 4

vertical ( energy, cultural heritage, traffic management, ageing

care) and 1 horizontal (Adventure based Learning) smart

applications in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.applications in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

2.The „Euro-Med Smart Cities” core partners will linking the

stakeholders to the generic „Learning Cities platform”, where

the newly implemented e-services will be permanently

accessible through the „Aventure based Learning Center” as

an opportunity to different target groups to learn how to use

the smart services - in a real time and in practice, to improve

their knowledge, by using some game-based elements and

self-assessment toolkits as well.

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The project objectives:• Establish transnational cooperation between city councils, public and private companies, research

institutes /and public support agencies in the field of development and provisioning of „smart

cities’ related services and products on healthcare, traffic management, cultural heritages,

smart home/smart buildings domains and a knowledge sharing by a blended learning platform.

• Establish regional services/network and learning centres (nodes) based on the „Connecting to

Smart Cities” - model of innovation.

• Develop a common process for joint transnational innovation and product development based

on LivingLabs, after the Beta testing period.

• Generate human capital and develop human potential for driving innovation and business

development via blended learning web-based platform.development via blended learning web-based platform.

• Establish structural and sustainable networks for continuous cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary

collaboration in research, development and deployment of innovative broadband services

/products with actives involvement of telcos.

• Create new market oriented products and services within and outside of Europe.

• Strengthen the regional R&D strategies to secure resources and encourage SMEs to improve their

innovation capacity.

• Develop solutions to bridge the digital divide and enable “broadband for all” at a reasonable cost

in Learning Cities, mainly in urban areas.

• Analyse future needs in the Euro-Mediterranean ’smart cities” market within the scope of

urban capacity building.

• Overcome brain-drain in urban areas.

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„Connecting to Euro-Med Smart Cities”












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4 vertical subprojects + 1 horizontal WP

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Model: „Connecting to Euro-Med Smart Cities”

– through „town twinning” network & services

5. Adventure-based Learning™














St. Tropez

(Nice, Toulon),








3. Aged Care

service from



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Subproject 1:

Intelligent heritage…. On a virtual mobile city


Main features of the system can be summarized as follows:

1) Location-based service based on PDA and GPS.

2) Simple and easy user interface.

3) Show attraction information near by the user's current position.3) Show attraction information near by the user's current position.

4) Rich multimedia support will be incorporated into the system to provide extra

features to enhance the tour expo.

5) A new media format, Panoramic broadcasting will be used, which employs

telepresence and virtual reality (VR) technology to place users right in the

center of action. It captures and transmits high fidelity surround video/audio

and enables personal viewing over mobile phones. Viers may join groups for

shared experience or explore events on their own.

6) Human guide – via map view, camera view

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A Context-Aware Smart Tourist Mobile Guide


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Learning™ opens up

a new world of


Skills and knowledge

are developed more

efficiently than

traditional training


Horizontal scenario …as


Learning™ is the

training tool of


Analysts assume that

game-based learning

methods will

become increasingly

important in the

years ahead.

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Overall Platform and Portal of Adventure based Learning

• Human Interaction

• Walk the Smart City

• Communications

• Competence Code

• Collaboration

• Analysis

• Feedback

• X-Knowledge

Reality Transfer


• Coachings

• Knowledge Library

• FAQs

• Engagement

• Behavior

• Processes

• Methodology



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Mediterranean EU Cities and Living Labs as smart

cities’s models/test-beds

• „Connecting to Smart Cities „ incorporates the Mediterranean EU Cities and Living

Labs as live test-beds/ laboratories using state-of-the-art broadband and wireless

technologies to demonstrate the operation.

• The cities and test-bed laboratories provides a vehicles for assisting industry players

with network design and planning, product development and improvement,

customization of products and services to the euro-mediterranean conditions,

conformance testing, system integration, etc. conformance testing, system integration, etc.

• The needs of SMEs are accommodated through the provision of incubator

opportunities. Through a partnership with telcos, the cities and test-bed

laboratories will be linked to another universities and research institutions in the

regions of the participants.

Please contact us:

Mrs Tunde Kallai : email:[email protected]

Mr. André Loechel: email:[email protected]

Mr Jürg Hofer email:[email protected]

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Virtual Reality in Therapy

Dr. Barnabas Takacs PhD (ICT , Research CCC Living Lab (certified in 2007)

Rotkreuz/Canton Zug – Budapest - Switzerland/Hungary

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Dr. Barnabas Takacs PhD (ICT , Research) Founder and President of Digital Elite Inc; Director, Virtual Human Interface Group, SZTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Bio: Dr. Takács is the Founder/President of Digital Elite Inc (, a Los Angeles-based company specialized in developing a high performance portable virtual reality and digital human animation platform called the Virtual Human Interface (VHI). The VHI forms the foundation of a large variety of novel real-time applications where a new generation of input/output devices, digital environments and virtual humans create an interactive experience. Examples include virtual reality therapy, clinical rehabilitation, ambient intelligence, interactive information kiosks as well as classical applications such as pre-vis for film, game, and location-based entertainment. He has published over 60 technical papers is the Director of the Virtual Human Interface Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary (

Cyber Care Clinique Team

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Key data

-Cyber Care Clinique Living Lab certification in 2007 by ENoLL

-CCC LL shared team and location: Rotkreuz (CH) & Budapest (HU)

-CCC LL physical lab: Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychoterapy at Semmelweis University, Budapest (HU)

-Virtual Labs: Rotkreuz(canton Zug) & Immersive Media Lab at Faculty of ICT of Budapest University of Technology and Economics

-Research and Development: Digital Elite, USA

-Web: and

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VR in Therapy … via CCC

…is a unified approach… This suppose a virtual reality platform and treat this domain as a whole whereas the cognitive, psychological and physical aspects of helping people are all encompassed within a single solution, called Cyber Care Clinique (CCC).

The underlying idea is to create a single hospital unit with virtual reality services to which different departments can subscribe their patients to and therefore maximize the utilization of the system. In this model, the flexibility and ease of re-configurability of the VR solution as well as the virtual environments themselves play a critical role. Therefore we created a unique platform to serve the needs of multiple health-care units and allow for the treatment of a large number of patients.

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• A. Cognitive Rehabilitation

• B. Psychological Rehabilitation

• C. Physical Rehabilitation

• D. Assisted Ambient Living (AAL)

Application areas

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The Cyber Care Clinique is..

…a low-cost, portable virtual reality system that can be used as a flexible and

reconfigurable platform to treat patients in need across multiple disciplines.

Our system addresses three major aspects of rehabilitation considering the patient as a whole.

1.The first one of these is cognitive rehabilitation, whereas visual stimuli and exercises in the virtual space are carried out in order to help people regain their cognitive faculties after a stroke or a series accident.

2.Second, is psychological rehabilitation, to help overcome fear, various phobias and side affects associated with stress.

3. Finally, physical rehabilitation designed to interact with virtual objects and carry out exercises in a virtual space.

The CyberCare VR system is comprised of multiple configurable hardware software components, each addressing key aspects of the goals of specific rehabilitative needs.

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DEE Robot camera:

A Portable 360 degree panoramic recording System.

For producing new immersive video content the CyberCare system employs a spherical digital imaging solution capable of delivering 95% full spherical imagery at 30fps.

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Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)

• A room with projections on all walls, floor and ceiling

• The users wear shutter glasses to get a 3D view of the world.

• The users are able to move and control the environment with some kind of input mechanism

– Camera

– Device in hand

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3D VIDEO Eyewear

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University Training on Cyber Care

Course title: Rehabilitation Application of Embedded and Ambient Systems at Faculty of ICT and Electronic Engineering Budapest University of Technology and Economics

First Block: The therapeutic applications of Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation Looking to the medical rehabilitation applications of VR R & D and innovation projects Cyber Care Clinic model, cognitive, physical and psychological rehabilitation

Example: VR therapy to relieve phobias, autism, ADHD and learning disorders

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1.Communauté internationale d'Innovation et de Connaissance


3.Art brut

4.Visit the virtual reality lab at the University of Budapest

5. Séminaire "Territoires de Demain" à l'Institut Français de Budapest

6. Creative Living Lab

7. UNESCO - Fondation des Territoires de Demain, Paris.

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Software DINOS for smart cities Augmented Reality in Tourism, Entertainment & Advertisement

Dylan Seychell Digital Information, Navigation and Orientation System (DINOS) Software to improve hospitality & Entertainment & Advertisement Supported by the Valletta Local Council Provides tailor made information The product is ready to commercialise after trials

In the City of Valletta in April 2010 In the City or Roma in March- October 2011

Developed in Malta, DINOS for Smart Cities is a hybrid system that collects and manages information and aids users travelling in cities by making use of localisation services. It incorporates an intelligent information system (online and offline content management) ,that automatically manages the status of the queues at tourist attractions, thus distributing visitors among different places of interest. The system is able to determine which queue is moving most quickly. Using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, DINOS in return suggests attractions to users depending on this status and provide recommendations based on their proximity to relevant locations. DINOS also studies the status of queues and approximates waiting time. This helps tourists to avoid long queues and helps the city administration distribute tourists among different attractions and statistics. DINOS offer a real time advertisement platform with revenue for the local management to attract the owners of restos,movies,shops to put their promotions. DINOS is an augmented reality apps and running on any ANDROID phones. Technology: Localisation, GPS, Compass, Augmented Reality, Hand-held Video Based, Interaction, Mobile Application, Natural Language Processing Features with mini games: Navigation using GPS and Compass, Wikitude API employed

Malta Living Lab links:



3. Conference on ICT and clustering, 18 February 2009, Malta

4. The Malta Call


6. Smart City


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8. The Euromedlab initiative.The development of a euro-mediterranean ecosystem of living labs and innovation


9. Innovation et prospective" Séminaire de la Fondation des Territoires de Demain - Programme international 2040,

organisé par UNESCO - Fondation des Territoires de Demain, 11/3/2010, Unesco, Paris.

10. Communauté internationale d'Innovation et de Connaissance

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Living Lab for Design and Services- alive and rocking Main topic is to present the activities of the Joensuu Living Lab for Design and Services

Joensuu area Living Lab is built on the collaborative activities between research and education, science parks and businesses. Regional industry includes plastic, machinery, wood, bio energy, forestry technology and service sector experience tourism, eg. music culture and ICT- development for wellbeing, healthcare and educational solutions. From the main LL stakeholders the North Karelia University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS) has cumulated expertise implementing these networks and multidisciplinary approaches to user driven design, service and business development together with Joensuu Science Park Ltd (JSP).

JSP and NKUAS collaborate in developing products and services both in the sectors of B2B and consumer offerings. Living Lab for Design and Services focuses in creating and improving sustainable product-service concepts with user-driven methods to achieve global competitive advantage through user value and engagement. Typically the concepts combine the know how from several SME’s in achieving the right value offering and user experience in the areas such as living, work, tourism, learning or senior solutions. Joensuu as a business hub of the region is a relatively small city with socially networked collaborative structure for user involvement in real life situations and environments. The whole of Joensuu forms the platform of the Living Lab: senior citizens facilities, marketplace, peoples residential areas, homes, universities, schools, public service centres, recreational outdoor areas and even forests. The geographical position offers unique possibilities for cross border activities also with the Russians.

Services offered for SMEs in the LL are facilitation for user driven R&D- and Innovation – processes, user research, user involvement and user testing combined with gathering together the necessary stakeholders for user value. NKUAS D’ART Design Resource Centre INNOstudio® is an intensive innovation service offering tailor-made workshops. These workshops are supported or their content is the user-driven product development: qualitative user research (interviews, observation), collaborative user development, participatory innovation camps, visual user research, usability testing and relevant market surveys. Business support model for public and private service providers has been created and successfully implemented by JSP. JSP Karostech Ltd is in a process of creating Global Oasis Network. Already existing activity of establishing PVCs with specific knowledge scopes will be one of the methods of co-creation.

Summary of the presentation (500 characters)

Joensuu Living lab in action

The presentation aims to present how Joensuu region Living Lab for Design and service is alive in the city. The city forms the platform of the Living Lab: senior citizens facilities, marketplace, peoples’ residential areas, homes, universities, schools, public service centres, recreational outdoor

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areas and even forests. Furthermore, Joensuu LL collaborates between research and education, science parks and businesses. The managing North Karelia University of Applied Sciences (NKUAS) implements the open and multidisciplinary innovation approaches to user driven design, service and business development together with Joensuu Science Park Ltd (JSP).

The activities in Joensuu area Living lab are run through smaller, EU funded projects such as AKI (“everyday users as the innovators of the companies”). One aim of the project is to develop virtual guidance system for rock festival called “Ilosaarirock” by using Living lab platform (picture). The challenges are what concrete could the ‘good feeling’ and the spirit of the happening be and how to turn it in as tempting and meaningful business for organization, which has been organizing the festival since 1971 and pushing it to the one of the main events among the Finnish rock festivals and national live music industry.

Case Ilosaarirock

In this case, visiting festival is seen as an entire experience, which includes the experiences before, during and after the festival. The development process is realized in three steps: understanding the

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experiences; creating concepts through the understanding; and test the concepts with the users. In every phase there are cooperative companies, users, habitants and developers working together.

Because the festival affects not only the festival visitors the perspectives were widen in order to a understand the experiences thoroughly. They were gathered together with Russians and Joensuu inhabitants, who haven’t visited the festival. Because explaining the experiences exhaustive is not easy for user, different participatory methods were used, such as INNOstudio®, diary- type “Rockbooklets”, experience maps and discussions. Also to see wider the spatiality, the whole Joensuu was seen as an area to experience the festival. To support that, one of the most visible phases were done in Joensuu Walking Street and was implemented together with local newspaper. Of course the understanding was created during the festival by “rockers” and the researchers observation work, i.e. taking notes and pictures.

Café Joensuu

The interactive orientated research methods were experienced as easy and positive by the users and the organizations. Also doing something different in the festival by yourself was as one experience on its own. Besides the deeper meanings and experiences revealed, there were also ideation and possible development aspects developed by festival customers. It also helped the organizations to notice new possibilities for experience travelling services. Next the concepts are going to be built in multidisciplinary workshops in recently launched concept “Café Joensuu”. It is based on the idea of open innovation and co-design. It’s both virtual and occasionally public café, which enables the open communication equally between everyone in Living lab ecosystem.

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How to present (300)

The presentation will be pictures (Power Point presentation) of the work in action. The first mobile guidance solution is going to be shown through presentation.


The practice of Joensuu Living Lab is based on participative methods, where all the residents, visitors, organisations and operators are able to bring their skills, stories etc in order to create this way new value for both to the residents and the organisations and business in the area. The development is brought to action where ever the real users and people are, in the way it’s understandable and easy for them to participate. The Living lab is then the whole Joensuu area, including the city, nature, services, work etc. The role of the operators (NKUAS and JSP) is to create the flow between the people and the organizations so, that the user driven point of view is possible, productive and effective. This kind of practice also enables creating social innovations for the future.

3-5 take aways

Experience development; user driven methods; participatory development; Living lab ecosystem; rock experience

Speaker biography, conference experience

(Attention: only one is going to participate, will be informed as soon as possible)

Mirja Helena Kälviäinen Dr., Principal Lecturer D’ART Design Resource Centre Centre for Design and International Business The North Karelia University of Applied Sciences Finland mirja.kalviainen(at) Dr. Mirja Kälviäinen is a fashion designer holding a Ph.D. on design research. She has analysed the substance of a good product both from the professional , designer point of view and from the user point of view. During the last 15 years she has dedicated herself on the user centred and user driven design research method eg. the study of consumer taste in a design process. She has also started to develop multidisciplinary innovation practices including co-design workshops from the beginning of the 2000. She has presented papers in about 50 international conferences on user driven design and innovation. She is currently the manager of the Living Lab for Design and Services.

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Ulla Satu Räty Project manager D’ART Design Resource Centre Centre for Design and International Business The North Karelia University of Applied Sciences Finland ulla.raty(at) Since 2009 working as a Project Manager in D’art Desing Research Center/NKUAS, Ulla Räty (M.Sc.(Econ), Artisan Stonesmith) has wide view and network to areal companies and developers. She has been developing customer and user oriented practices in innovation and development processes since 2001 in companies, latest as Customer Service Manager in NunnaUuni Ltd. In NKUAS she has been developing Multidiscipline and Innovative environment for product and service design through 17 different cooperative development processes with over 20 companies. She has experience of several national speaker forums and seminars as a speaker or participating as a panelist. Now she is running in NKUAS the second project AKI which is to develop areal Living lab ecosystem.

Supporting documents

“Joensuu Living Lab for Design and Services- alive and rocking” PDF

“Joensuu Living lab for design and services” PDF

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By: Andrea Vascellari, Living Lab Suupohja About Living Lab and Open Innovation in Suupohja, Finland. This is a short summary of some interesting elements of the projects we are running in this region:

Living broadband testbed: In our region we have the fastest

broadband network in Europe. The network is indeed utilized by the

public, but also used as a "living test-bed" by large global tech

companies to pilot new services or products with real people (who

agreed to participate in the initiative) in the real world.

Social Media Agent: Through an open innovation approach we

educated and fostered social media adoption among citizens. This

program is showing very interesting results related to the citizens

know-how and collective open innovation.

Regional Development Program: We conduct these and other

initiatives in cooperation with the regional development center of

the Suupohja region. The particularity of it is that, in addition to

investing in the development of more traditional clusters, the

region specifically dedicates resources to digital innovation, which is

a factor that nowadays plays a fundamental role in open innovation

projects and living lab initiatives. Partner of eukic.
