
IndexSee also the lists on pages 170-171, 173, 183-184, 195-198, and the photos on pp. 185-193, none of which are indexed below.

Abbott, Dave . . . 79Abbott, Flora Read . . . 152Abbott, Inez . . . 152Abbott, Knight . . . 9, 10, 23Abbott, Nathaniel Knight . . . 19,

152Abbott, Peg . . . 93Abbott, Sarah Johnson . . . 152Abbott, Walter . . . 10, 150, 152,

153Achilles, Ernest . . . 151, 181Adams, B.S. . . . 52Adams, Charlie . . . 76Adams, J. L. . . . 136Adams, Rubus . . . 60Adelson, Barney . . . 68Ahokas, Robert . . . 113Ainsworth, Bert . . . 29Alcroe, Sadie . . . 140Alexander, Dr. . . . 72Alexander, Gloria . . . 113Alexander, Pearl . . . 24, 25, 26Alexander, Warren . . . 4, 10, 13,

25, 26, 27, 44, 55, 57, 61,81, 105, 183

Allen, Leslie . . . 107Amadon, Alfred . . . 178Amadon, Hattie . . . 137, 177Amadon, Newell, W. . . . 174,

176, 177, 180Ameden, Wil & Alison . . . 34Amesbury, May . . . 67Amidon, Sally . . . 113Anlyan, Alex . . . 11Archambault, Alice . . . 150Archambault, Clare . . . 150Archambault, Gordon . . . 142,

150Atkins, Avery . . . 30Atkins, Flora . . . 145Atkins, Henry . . . 157Atkins, Jere. H. . . . 46Atkins, Reuben . . . 120, 157Atkins, W. S. . . . 120Atkins, Wesley . . . 115Austin, C.H. . . . 9, 10Austin, Charles . . . 125Babitt, Abbie Smith . . . 50, 115Bacigalupo, George . . . 26Badger, Dorothy . . . 109Baharian, Bedros . . . 143Baker, Mrs. A. W. . . . 165Ballentine, Miss . . . 124, 125Bancroft, Cliff . . . 50, 72Barbiari, Chris . . . 130Barden, Reginald . . . 44Barnett, Ashley . . . 172Barnett, Billy . . . 141Barnett, Carl . . . 172Barnett, Carlton . . . 141Barnett, Charles . . . 172, 183Barnett, Densmore . . . 61Barnett, Earle . . . 42, 179Barnett, Ellie . . . 140Barnett, Ely & Mrs. . . . 172

Barnett, Eva . . . 109Barnett, Florence . . . 79Barnett, George . . . 170Barnett, Glendon . . . 174, 180Barnett, Henry . . . 113Barnett, Ira . . . 153Barnett, Jimmy . . . 142Barnett, John . . . 28, 42, 57, 175,

182Barnett, Kenneth . . . 108, 175Barnett, Lester . . . 37, 43, 157Barnett, Lillian . . . 107Barnett, Louise . . . 142Barnett, Lourraine . . . 141Barnett, Milo . . . 19Barnett, Minnie . . . 102Barnett, Mrs. . . . 57, 140Barnett, Mrs. E. . . . 56Barnett, Ned . . . 43, 44, 56, 67,

174Barnett, Norbert “Nip” . . . 29, 93,

107, 113Barnett, Phillip . . . 141Barnett, Raymond . . . 107Barnett, Roy . . . 54Barnett, Rube . . . 140Barnett, Russell . . . 109Barnett, Walter . . . 140Barnett, Warren “Chunk” . . . 54,

85, 97, 174, 183Barnett, Winnie . . . 110Barr, Ida . . . 97Barr, Will . . . 13, 97, 181Barrett, Ben . . . 8Barrett, Bennie . . . 108Barrett, Bernice . . . 149Barrett, Ella . . . 108Barrett, Flora . . . 41Barrett, Merrill . . . 109Barrett, Neal . . . 8, 149Barrington, Mr. . . . 54Barrows, Max . . . 108, 142, 154Bartlett, Alpheus . . . 95Bartlett, Arnold . . . 174, 176, 183Bartlett, Arthur . . . 166Bartlett, Gerald . . . 176Bartlett, Paul . . . 176Bashaw, Everett . . . 153Bashaw, Henry . . . 161Bashaw, Julie . . . 161Batchelder, Mr. . . . 145Batten, Carroll . . . 155Batten, Hattie (Ennis) . . . 155Bayha, Evelyn Smith . . . 145Bayley, Jacob . . . 162, 163Bean, Bessie Walbridge. . . 15,

16, 22, 39, 40, 42, 44, 53,54, 56, 57, 62, 64, 65, 69,73, 77, 86, 97, 106, 107,108, 176, 169

Bean, Grace . . . 153Bean, Guy . . . 107Bean, Howard . . . 150Bean, Kenneth . . . 151Bean, Luella . . . 150, 151

Bean, Ralph . . . 15, 25Bean, Robert . . . 150, 151Beaton, Austin . . . 108Beaton, Bessie . . . 110Beaton, Betty . . . 145Beaton, Erlene . . . 150Beaton, Jessie . . . 105, 145Beaton, Thelma . . . 150Beck, Theodore & Florence . . .

167Belenky, Michael & Uli . . . 92,

136Bergeron, Herman . . . 44, 181Bergeron, Lorraine . . . 113Bibeau, Edith Bartlett . . . 176Bickford, Anson . . . 38, 111, 122Bickford, Geraldine . . . 30, 32,

38, 42, 50, 56, 60, 111, 122,157

Bilodeau, N. . . . 97Blachly, Barbara . . . 128Blake, Enoch . . . 155Blake, Gladys . . . 108Blanchard, F.F. . . . 97Blanchard, Muriel . . . 166Bliss, Carrie . . . 58Bliss, Ernest . . . 28Bliss, Horace . . . 101Bliss, Mrs. . . . 101Blodgett, Fred . . . 10, 19, 29, 37,

39, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52,61, 72, 74, 75, 78, 97, 105,115, 122, 170, 172, 175

Blodgett, Mary (2) . . . 113Blodgett, Mary . . . 144Blodgett, Warren . . . 174Blouin, Denise . . . 150Blouin, Fernande . . . 150, 151Blouin, Pauline . . . 150, 151Blouin, Roger . . . 151Bohonnan, Ethel . . . 145Bolles, Esther . . . 153Bolton, Aaron, Jr. . . . 6, 7, 9, 14,

15, 18, 37, 42, 43, 52, 56,57, 61, 66, 69, 75, 86, 95,96, 98, 99, 105, 109, 140,142, 162, 163, 164, 165,166, 167, 168, 169

Bolton, Aaron, Sr. . . . 5, 6, 14,36, 57, 61, 109, 144, 162,163, 164, 166

Bolton, Arletta McAllan . . . 105,113, 141, 142, 143, 164

Bolton, Betty Pike . . . 28, 59,102, 128

Bolton, Bill . . . 142Bolton, Bob . . . 102, 142Bolton, Carrie . . . 144Bolton, Foster . . . 53Bolton, Grace Pinkham . . . 142,

144, 165Bolton, Harold . . . 109, 140Bolton, Jack . . . 142Bolton, John . . . 142, 168Bolton, Lillian . . . 61

Bolton, Mabel . . . 142, 165Bolton, Maidene Walbridge . . .

25, 144, 147Bolton, Margaret . . . 144Bolton, Marilyn . . . 71, 144Bolton, Mary Blodgett . . . 144Bolton, Raymond . . . 6, 10, 144,

173Bolton, Robert . . . 142Bolton, Ruth . . . 110Bolton, Wesson . . . 6, 10, 144,

180, 183Boright, Mr. . . . 112Bothfeld, Charlie . . . 30Bothfeld, Ilene Goodrich . . . 112,

150Bothfeld, Mary . . . 175Bothfeld, Mrs. . . . 59Bothfeld, Richard . . . 55, 183Bothfeld, Roberta Perry . . . 9, 30,

92Bothfeld, Ted . . . 79, 105Bothfeld, Walter . . . 3, 4, 8, 9, 11,

31, 92, 113, 128, 175Bousquet, Beatrice Heath . . . 78Boyles, Alice . . . 59Brimblecomb, Percy . . . 49, 107Brimblecomb, Robert, Mrs. . . .

58Britt, Jason . . . 101Britt, Mr. . . . 30Bromley, Mark & Jacie . . . 115Brooks, Miss . . . 109Brown, J. Graydon . . . 179Brown, Jane Bolton . . . 36Brown, John . . . 29, 100, 101Brown, Kyle . . . 59Brown, Maida . . . 151Brown, Virginia . . . 58, 110, 112Bruce, Budd . . . 32, 35, 50, 62,

94, 142, 153Bruce, Jennie Gould . . . 61, 94Brungardt, Theresa . . . 183Buchanan, Mr. . . . 30Buchanan, W. W. . . . 101Bullard, Archie . . . 158Bundy, Esther Wells. . . 47, 54,

56, 58, 59, 62, 70, 166, 172Bundy, Howard . . . 165Burbank, Dr. Lester Warren . . .

59, 60, 63, 75-80, 96, 125,164

Burbank, Eddie . . . 125Burbank, Lawrence . . . 179Burbank, Lee . . . 182Burbank, Leo . . . 40Burbank, Mary “May” Stevens . .

. 59, 75, 77Burbank, Norris . . . 109Burbank, Pauline . . . 76, 77, 108,

110Burbank, Ruth Wheeler . . . 109,

125Burnap, Eben T. . . . 125Burnap, Mary . . . 6, 125

Burtnett, Mr. . . . 6, 52Burtt, Keith & Johnnye . . . 2, 92,

148Caffin, Dr. Frank . . . 79, 80, 81,

114Caffin, Virginia . . . 81Calder, James . . . 97, 115Cameron, Alice . . . 159Cameron, Bemis . . . 159Cameron, Bernis . . . 159Cameron, Ruth . . . 159Cameron, Sadie . . . 159Canoyer, Charles . . . 24, 153Canoyer, Fernande . . . 153Canoyer, Raymond . . . 153Carleton, Jimmy . . . 113, 182Carpenter, Adelia Perry . . . 127Carpenter, Barbara Blachly . . .

23, 24, 50, 65, 99, 114, 119,128, 129, 130

Carpenter, Charles . . . 24, 25, 60,64, 65, 79, 119, 123, 125,127, 130, 158

Carpenter, Clara . . . 65, 79, 110,116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 141

Carpenter, Flora . . . 65, 106, 110,118, 123, 124, 125, 126

Carpenter, George . . . 37, 65,110, 124, 125

Carpenter, George N. . . . 127,170

Carpenter, Glenn . . . 108, 125Carpenter, Hazel Pierce . . . 141,

177Carpenter, Howard (2) . . . 177Carpenter, Howard . . . 4, 7, 19,

22, 24, 37, 65, 92, 123, 127,130, 149, 157

Carpenter, Lillian Shepard . . . 24,65, 123, 127

Carpenter, Mary . . . 7, 76, 127Carr, Jessie . . . 111Carr, Ray . . . 111Carroll, Irene Corner . . . 51, 66,

67, 69, 70, 79, 117Carroll, John . . . 79, 99Carter, Agnes Walbridge . . . 147Carver, Dr. . . . 124Casterdown, Jim . . . 153Cate, Benjamin . . . 87Chamberlin, Pearl . . . 177Chandler, Gertrude . . . 161Chase, Ilene Houston . . . 78Chatot, Jules . . . 164Chester, Clarence . . . 116, 182Chester, Marion . . . 116Chester, Mason . . . 67, 182Chester, Merton . . . 116Chester, Mrs. Mason . . . 174Churchill, Payson . . . 137Churchill, Percy . . . 56, 96Churchill, Phillip . . . 176Clapp, Fred . . . 53, 54Clark, Anna . . . 150Clark, Clifton (Chub) . . . 32, 33,

51, 99, 116Clark, Cora . . . 116Clark, Doris . . . 111

Clark, Doris Stone Barnett . . .142

Clark, Dwight . . . 5, 6, 22, 44, 69,157

Clark, Emery . . . 168Clark, Flora . . . 116Clark, Francis . . . 153Clark, Hattie . . . 155Clark, Harry . . . 30, 32, 33Clark, Henry . . . 116Clark, Joseph . . . 116Clark, Louise . . . 110, 118Clark, Moses . . . 96Clark, Mr. . . . 30Clark, Olin . . . 155Clark, Reuben . . . 96Clark, Robby . . . 118Clark, Sarah . . . 110, 118Clark, Venna . . . 153Clark, Verna . . . 174Clark, Will . . . 34Coates, Barbara . . . 181Coburn, Burnham . . . 115Coburn, Elihu . . . 94Coburn, Joseph . . . 94Coburn, Simeon . . . 127Cole, Levi & Mrs. . . . 165Collins, Mr. . . . 97Colombe, Betty . . . 113Conant, Ruth . . . 147Connor, Etta . . . 69Cookson, Michael . . . 102Corliss, Andrew . . . 157Corliss, F.L. . . . 159Corliss, Mr. . . . 165Corliss, Mrs. . . . 165Cornell, Paul . . . 57Cornwell, Bertha Knapp . . . 177Corson, Dr. Frank . . . 74Counoyer, Alex . . . 88Couture, Joseph, Mrs. . . . 83Covell, Alvira . . . 95Coyle, Marjorie Wells . . . 47, 58,

70, 72, 97Coyle, Nancy . . . 61Craig, Marion . . . 106Currier, Christine . . . 108Currier, F.E. . . . 47, 107Currier, George . . . 16, 108, 172Currier, Sidney . . . 109, 166, 172Custer, General Geo . . . 166, 170Cutting, Israel . . . 101Damon, John . . . 34Dana, George . . . 100Dana, John . . . 95, 100, 101Dane, Harlie . . . 58, 175Daniels, Albert . . . 163Darling, Homer . . . 4, 67, 177Darling, Lillian . . . 63Dashner, Evelyn . . . 118Davinger, Ernie . . . 43Davis, B. F. . . . 121Davis, Barbara . . . 148Davis, Bernice . . . 118Davis, Betsy . . . 95Davis, Bill . . . 26Davis, Caroline . . . 95Davis, Dan . . . 33Davis, Elvira . . . 95

Davis, James . . . 95Davis, Jessie Gamblin. . . 47, 57,

86, 89Davis, Robert . . . 14, 15, 22, 23,

24, 25, 26, 84, 98, 148Davison, Frank . . . 40, 109, 165Davison, Mrs. Frank . . . 165Davison, Mrs. George . . . 165Davison, Wilfred E. . . . 40, 109,

115, 165Day, Ina . . . 151Dean, Paul . . . 46Deenan, Janet . . . 151Demick, Doris Ebbett . . . 49Denison, Orman . . . 125Desmarais, Noella . . . 141Desmarais, Rita . . . 141Desmarais, Simone . . . 141Diego, Sam . . . 55Dixon, John . . . 47Domey, Carlton . . . 4, 26, 33, 41,

42, 54, 112, 117, 118, 119,158, 175

Domey, Edward . . . 4, 41Domey, Lois . . . 49, 63, 68, 111,

112, 117, 118Domey, Marvey Gould . . . 5, 65,

94, 114, 119, 149Domey, Raymond . . . 177Donaldson, Jennie Smith . . . 8, 9,

28, 30, 37, 38, 40, 43, 46,48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56,57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 69,70, 74, 77, 78, 93, 94, 96,97, 106, 107, 111, 117, 140,172, 173

Dorr, Gene . . . 165Dow, Emily Martin . . . 122, 165Dow, Gene . . . 39Dow, George . . . 165Dow, Harvey . . . 122, 168, 170Dow, Leroy . . . 110Dow, Maria . . . 165Dow, O.L. . . . 20Dow, Ora . . . 11, 165Dow, Tyler . . . 165Drew, J.T. . . . 48, 101, 103Drew, Jessie . . . 59Drew, Jim . . . 16Drew, Marion . . . 110Drouin, Fr. . . . 166Drown, Mr. . . . 51Ducharme, Albert . . . 126Ducharme, Brien . . . 88Ducharme, Claire . . . 63, 126Dudley, Elsie . . . 148Dudley, Louisa . . . 148Dufresne, Rene . . . 176Duke, Ruth . . . 149Dunbar, Eva . . . 153Dunbar, Harv . . . 44Dunbar, Julia . . . 153Durant, John . . . 94Durant, Julia . . . 94Durgan, Henry . . . 96Durgin, Al . . . 165Duseaux, Miss . . . 116Dutton, Eliza . . . 95Dwinell, Don . . . 135

Dwinell, Hester . . . 55, 124, 125Dwinell, Hi Ola . . . 6, 123, 124,

125, 126Dwinell, Orpah . . . 125Dyer, Leonard . . . 72Eastman, Byron . . . 108Eastman, Frank . . . 158Ebbett, Raymond . . . 49Edgerton, John . . . 95, 120Emerson, Lee . . . 109, 111Emery, Hope . . . 107Emory, Bernice . . . 118Emory, Ruth . . . 118England, Miss . . . 108Ennis, Dora . . . 138Ennis, Earl . . . 175, 177Ennis, Everett . . . 5, 40, 156, 157,

158, 161Ennis, Fannie . . . 153Ennis, Fred . . . 153, 179Ennis, Hattie . . . 153Ennis, Helen . . . 153, 154Ennis, James . . . 181Ennis, Jennie (Clark) . . . 156Ennis, John . . . 176, 179Ennis, June . . . 153, 156Ennis, Ora . . . 5, 7, 53, 156, 157Ennis, Ralph . . . 153, 184Ennis, Raymond . . . 153, 184Everett, Hugh . . . 30Ewell, Adelbert . . . 88Ewen, Athelene . . . 110, 141Ewen, Bernard . . . 141Ewen, Cora . . . 141Ewen, Mr. . . . 164Ewen, Phyllis . . . 141, 142Ewen, Stanley . . . 141Farr, Charlie . . . 4, 17Farr, Jenny . . . 52Farr, Will . . . 17Farrington, John A. . . . 19, 20,

29, 90, 101, 165Farrington, Julia . . . 165Farrington, Lawrence . . . 28, 29Farrington, Mrs. J. A. . . . 165Farrington, Raymond . . . 28, 29,

42, 54, 147Farrington, Robert . . . 54Farrington, Thelma . . . 110, 147Faucett, Rev. . . . 51Ferguson, Emma Jane . . . 73Field, Howard . . . 180Fielding, George . . . 101Fields, Miss . . . 109Fife, Doris . . . 58Fifield, Eunice . . . 137Fifield, Isabel . . . 137Fish, George . . . 150Fish, Melvin . . . 150Fisher, Caleb . . . 100Fisher, Carl W. . . . 115Fisher, Charles . . . 168Fisher, Dean . . . 115Fisher, Edwin . . . 101Fisher, H. M. . . . 100Fisher, Hattie . . . 165Fisher, John M. . . . 28, 36, 60,

101, 165Fisher, Julia . . . 165

Fisher, Luke . . . 10, 20, 90, 93,96

Fisher, Marcus O. . . . 100Fisher, Mrs. John M. . . . 165Fitts, Orvis . . . 97Fletcher, W. H. . . . 77, 101Flint, Oramel B. . . . 167Folsom, Eva . . . 14Folsom, Hermie . . . 14, 38, 40Folsom, Lynn . . . 13, 14, 37Ford, Fowler . . . 1, 32, 35Ford, Lester . . . 110, 118Ford, Roxana Melissa . . . 35Ford, Walter . . . 1, 32, 35Foster, Alonzo (2) . . . 99Foster, Alonzo M. . . . 15, 20, 148Foster, Andrew . . . 142Foster, Billie . . . 74Foster, Carroll . . . 161Foster, Cecil . . . 157, 181, 182Foster, Charles . . . 116, 142, 148Foster, Elsie . . . 161Foster, Elsie Dudley . . . 148Foster, Evangeline . . . 123Foster, Francis . . . 5, 7, 13, 27,

31, 35, 37, 40, 43, 54, 64,87, 157

Foster, Fred . . . 142Foster, George & Polly . . . 148Foster, George . . . 161Foster, Harry . . . 96, 106, 148Foster, Hattie Hall . . . 99Foster, Herndon . . . 9, 20, 22, 23,

41, 61, 79, 85Foster, Jack . . . 37, 43, 96, 141Foster, Jerome . . . 161Foster, John . . . 123Foster, Linnie Dell . . . 148Foster, Mae . . . 116Foster, Marjorie . . . 142, 143Foster, Mary . . . 113Foster, Maude Stone . . . 61, 78Foster, Miss . . . 113Foster, Natalie Bartlett . . . 176Foster, Sandra . . . 113Foster, Sidney . . . 148Foster, Stanley . . . 161Freeman, K.P. . . . 96Freeman, Kelsey . . . 30, 44, 76Fulsom, Herman . . . 149Gale, Dr. Fred . . . 75Gamble, E.J. . . . 42Gamble, Ellen . . . 142Gamble, John . . . 142Gamble, Lena . . . 141Gamble, Marjory . . . 142Gamble, Mary . . . 142Gamble, Pete . . . 141Gamblin, George . . . 107, 174Gamblin, Glenn . . . 3Gamblin, Harry . . . 37Gamblin, Lottie . . . 107Gamblin, R. . . . 96Gangitano, Jim . . . 113Gardner, Joyce . . . 110, 111Gardner, Seth . . . 138Garney, Clare . . . 109Garney, Dora . . . 130Gates, Onis Shatney . . . 151

Gaulin, Angelina . . . 157Gault, Esther Howland . . . 78Gee, George . . . 152Gendron, Marjorie Searles . . .

138Gerry, Eli P. . . . 169Gibson, Harold “Spud” . . . 15, 26Gibson, Ilene . . . 71Gibson, Sally . . . 71Gilman, Edmund . . . 131Gilman, George . . . 173Gilman, Steve . . . 173Glidden, Alland . . . 108Glidden, Mack . . . 111Glidden, Perley . . . 108Glinka, Gleb . . . 27, 86, 174Gochey, Lester . . . 125Goddard, Francelia . . . 41, 77, 95,

133Goodale, Dr. . . . 75Goodale, Emma . . . 59Goodale, Henry . . . 177Goodell, Emma . . . 48Goodell, Henry . . . 46Goodrich, Glen . . . 93Goodrich, Ilene . . . 61, 112, 150Goodrich, Inez Abbott. . . 10, 17,

19, 112, 152, 174Goodrich, Ruth . . . 93Goodrich, Sally . . . 3, 151, 152,

153Goodrich, W.I. . . . 43Goodrich, Walter . . . 3, 57, 58,

61, 96, 99, 112, 125, 146,150, 151, 152, 154

Goodrich, Wendell . . . 3, 8, 10,17, 19, 22, 25, 62, 112, 150,151, 152, 174, 183

Goodwin, Mr. . . . 30Goodwin, Raymond . . . 128Gorham, O.W. . . . 96Gould, Bessie . . . 149Gould, Daniel . . . 149Gould, Ed (2) . . . 149Gould, Edwin . . . 5, 14, 20, 60,

142, 149Gould, George . . . 8, 20, 38, 67,

149Gould, Jennie . . . 52, 68Gould, Kate . . . 65, 67Gould, Margaret . . . 59, 61Gould, Olive . . . 68, 149Gould, Peg . . . 150Gould, Richard . . . 5Granger, Dale . . . 113Gray, Hazel Perry . . . 147Gray, Max . . . 25Greaves, Ann . . . 29Greaves, Carrie . . . 111Greaves, Marvin . . . 98Green, Charlie . . . 30Griffith, Cristy . . . 107Gunn, John . . . 140Haines, Carleton . . . 115, 180Haines, Delia Hoyt (Mrs. Moses)

. . . 165Haines, Ezra . . . 90, 165Haines, Gerald . . . 115Haines, Gertrude . . . 122, 165

Haines, Harley . . . 128Haines, Horace . . . 32, 122, 168Haines, Ira . . . 90Haines, Judith . . . 108, 145Haines, Leon . . . 25, 115Haines, Lucinda Stone, 168Haines, Moses . . . 165Haines, Mrs. . . . 100Haines, Mrs. Ezra . . . 165Haines, William . . . 122, 168Hale, Rev. . . . 173Hall, H.M. . . . 96Hall, Mark . . . 169Hall, Mary . . . 169Hall, Wesley . . . 36Hall, William . . . 99Hammer, George . . . 34Harding, Ann . . . 30Harrington, Clara . . . 142Harrington, Loris . . . 113Harvey, Alice . . . 108Harvey, Carl . . . 115Harvey, Charles . . . 37, 92Harvey, Clemma . . . 118Harvey, Doris . . . 108Harvey, Francelia Kimball . . .

134Harvey, George . . . 41, 76, 83,

134Harvey, Viola D. . . . 180Hatch, C. D. . . . 90Hatch, Helen . . . 165Hawes, Freda . . . 106Hawes, Gerd . . . 55, 64, 85, 86Hawes, Goldie . . . 109Hawes, Laurene . . . 111Hay, Katherine Walker . . . 3, 6,

63, 77, 78, 149Hayward, Harold “Hap” . . . 29,

33, 34, 158, 159Hazen, Jasper . . . 168Hazen, Miss . . . 116Heath, Beatrice . . . 111Heath, C.A. . . . 48Heath, George . . . 97, 168Heath, Marion . . . 84Heath, Mrs. Herbert . . . 176Heath, Myrtie . . . 61Heath, Orlando . . . 97Heath, Sarah . . . 166, 170Henderson, Sylvia Smith . . . 78Hibberd, Miss . . . 125Hickey, Wendell . . . 61, 92, 136Hill, Christine . . . 107Hill, George . . . 13, 18, 42, 55,

62, 108Hill, Mark . . . 110Hill, Reverend . . . 109Hill, Violet . . . 55Hills, Henry & Mrs. . . . 165Hinckley, Ed . . . 29Hitchcock, Elias . . . 100Hitchcock, Lyman . . . 100Hitler, Adolf . . . 27, 182Hodgdon, Edith . . . 110Hodgdon, Philip . . . 110Hodgeman, Erma . . . 21, 42, 57Hogan, Mary Ellen . . . 50, 121Hogan, Mike . . . 50, 121

Holland, Mrs. . . . 24Holland, Mrs. R. H. . . . 58Holland, Pat . . . 21Hollister, Grace . . . 153Hood, Marion . . . 109Hooker, Laura . . . 96Hooker, Liberty . . . 155Hooker, Mrs. Alvisa E. . . . 155Hooker, Parker . . . 155Hopkins, Annie . . . 149Hopkins, Bertha . . . 149Hopkins, Dorothy . . . 95Hopkins, E. T. . . . 134Hopkins, Eastman . . . 131Hopkins, Frank . . . 125Hopkins, Goldie . . . 59Hopkins, L.T. . . . 94Hopkins, Lonnie . . . 51, 123Hopkins, Mr. . . . 99Hopkins, Mrs. . . . 149Hopkins, Paul . . . 64, 109, 110,

130, 174Hopkins, Ralph . . . 113, 134Hopkins, Reed . . . 96Hopkins, Roy . . . 41Houghton, C.W. . . . 38Houghton, Carroll . . . 61, 67, 96,

99, 118Houghton, Cedric . . . 24Houghton, Charley . . . 41, 88Houghton, Elliot . . . 42, 51, 52,

75, 107, 112, 118, 130Houghton, Eltia . . . 153Houghton, Gilbert . . . 150Houghton, Joan Middleton . . . 78Houghton, Mabel Smith. . . 67,

110Houghton, Max . . . 118Houghton, Mrs. . . . 151, 154Houghton, Rachel . . . 117Houghton, Richard . . . 81Houghton, Rosie . . . 96Houghton, S.E. . . . 96, 107Houghton, Vivian . . . 117Houston, Cedric . . . 16Houston, Donovan . . . 17, 22, 34,

38, 40, 41, 48, 83, 84, 86,92, 96, 109, 110, 133, 137,138

Houston, H.E. . . . 43Houston, Howard . . . 138Houston, James . . . 113Houston, Myra . . . 82, 134Houston, Paul . . . 111Houston, Pearl . . . 55Houston, W. G. . . . 43Houston, Wilma . . . 137Houston, Win . . . 42Howe, Hannah . . . 96Howe, James . . . 96Howe, Nancy . . . 96Howland, Esther . . . 109Howland, Wilbur . . . 109Hoyt, Bertha L. M. . . . 98Hoyt, Emerson . . . 130Hoyt, Enoch . . . 30, 100, 131Hoyt, George . . . 100Hoyt, Marian . . . 56Hoyt, Ralph M. . . . 20, 27, 86

Hoyt, Ralph, Mrs. . . . 86Hudson, Alice . . . 106Ide, Dexter . . . 15, 129Irish, Zoe Smith . . . 13, 37, 56,

60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69, 78,97, 109, 116

Isham, Clarence . . . 176Isham, Daisy . . . 107, 153Jackson, Gladys . . . 116Jacobs, Arthur . . . 130Jacobs, Hosea . . . 136Jameson, Marion . . . 110Johnson, Evelyn . . . 153Johnson, Ray . . . 167Jones, Alvin . . . 116Jones, Leola . . . 116Jones, Rachel Bolton . . . 78Joyal, Joe . . . 149Joyal, Maggie . . . 99Kaula, Joan . . . 145Keeler, Edith . . . 153Keene, Helen Ennis . . . 154Keith, Gerald . . . 92, 136Kenerson, Gertrude . . . 118Kenniston, Nelson . . . 56Ketchum, Mr. . . . 120Kidder, Edgar . . . 35, 157Kidder, Maude . . . 35, 157Kimball, Alice Mary . . . 51, 52,

54, 55, 60Kimball, Asaph . . . 131Kimball, Benjamin . . . 131Kimball, Ezra . . . 131Kimball, Miss . . . 140Kimball, Mrs. . . . 69Kimball, O. . . . 82Kimball, Orson . . . 94, 131Kimball, Samuel . . . 131Kinerson, William T. . . . 76Knapp, Alta . . . 117, 177Knapp, Bertha . . . 116, 177Knapp, F.L. . . . 96Knapp, Grace O’Day . . . 177Knapp, Jackie . . . 177Knapp, Leota . . . 116, 177Knapp, Leroy “Clare” . . . 117,

174, 177, 183Knapp, Lois . . . 177Knapp, Lucius . . . 128Knapp, Mrs. . . . 47Knapp, Neil . . . 177Knapp, Roland . . . 118Kurz, Eva Cerasoli. . . 27, 56Kurz, Robert . . . 27, 178Kurz, Roman . . . 27, 56, 174LaBaron, Gus . . . 124Labrecque, Mrs. . . . 176Labree, Belle Foster . . . 65, 66,

70Labree, Blanche . . . 106, 108,

116Labree, Elmer . . . 66, 85, 153Labree, Marion . . . 116Labree, Walter . . . 180Ladue, Fred . . . 40Lafley, Cedric . . . 178Laird, Addison, Mr. & Mrs. . . .

19Laird, Emma . . . 67

Laird, George . . . 183Laird, Granville A. . . . 42Laird, Norm . . . 14Lakin, Bob . . . 176Lakin, Charlotte . . . 153Lakin, Fred . . . 35Lamberton, Curtis . . . 116Lamberton, F.G. . . . 20Lamberton, Fred . . . 8, 35, 36,

157Lamberton, John . . . 106, 123Lamberton, Kenneth . . . 158Lamberton, Marian . . . 35Lamberton, Miss . . . 140Lamberton, Mrs. Raymond . . .

177Lamberton, Pauline . . . 181Lamberton, Philip "Bob" . . . 36,

116, 158, 180, 181Lamberton, Raymond . . . 35, 36Lamberton, Theresa . . . 116Lamonda, Linda . . . 114Lamore, Blanche Labree . . . 2,

21, 40, 50, 56, 65, 66, 69,70, 74, 80, 116, 117, 119

Lamore, Henry . . . 174Lamore, Wilfred . . . 31Lamson, Arthur . . . 165Lamson, J.P. . . . 101Lamson, J.T. . . . 17, 95Lance, Arthur . . . 98, 165Lance, Byron . . . 60, 98Lance, Carroll . . . 98Lance, Cora . . . 98Lance, Doris . . . 98Lance, Elton . . . 98Lance, Harold . . . 118Lance, Henry . . . 98Lance, Howard . . . 109Lance, Joseph . . . 100Lance, Joseph, Mrs. . . . 101Lance, L. Clyde . . . 96, 153Lance, Lillian . . . 118Lance, Louise Bates . . . 98Lance, Mary . . . 47, 170Lance, Mary Paige . . . 98Lance, Paul & Mrs. . . . 165Lance, T.H. . . . 20, 95Lance, Theron . . . 101Lance, W.B. . . . 116, 140Lance, Walter . . . 98Lance, Will . . . 123Landa, Anita . . . 30Lang, Emerson . . . 35, 62, 116,

117, 118, 119, 128, 143, 179Lang, J. . . . 128Lang, Joe . . . 117Lanphear, Harold . . . 8, 44, 108Lapan, Philip “Pat” . . . 114Lapoint, Perley . . . 40, 153Lawson, Alice . . . 113Lawson, Charlie . . . 19Lawson, Doris . . . 138Lawson, E.R. . . . 43Lawson, Edgar . . . 55Lawson, George . . . 54Lawson, Leon . . . 55Lawson, Leona Pierce . . . 141Lawson, Margerie . . . 108

Lawson, Merlin . . . 138Leach, Lillian . . . 142Lebaron, Mary . . . 118Lebaron, Roy . . . 110Lee, Samuel . . . 100Legare, Amanda . . . 16, 64Legendre, Joe . . . 44, 92Leonard, Stanley . . . 99Lesperance, Paul & Betty . . . 74Levenworth, Jesse . . . 100, 162,

163Lewis, Clover . . . 59Linscott, Doris . . . 153Livingston, Alton . . . 109Lloyd, Dan & Judith . . . 120Lockwood, Bob & Marty . . . 167Lovely, Ralph . . . 96Lunge, Mrs. . . . 79Lyford, Aceneth . . . 95Lyford, Aura . . . 95Lyford, Burt . . . 30, 31, 123, 124,

125Lyford, David . . . 95Lyford, Edna . . . 125Lyford, Fifield . . . 93Lyford, Fred . . . 31Lyford, Judith . . . 59, 77Lyford, Kate Russell . . . 30Lyford, Nellie . . . 58Lyford, Paul . . . 54Lyford, Peter . . . 157Lyford, Salinda . . . 121Lyford, Thomas . . . 28, 29, 100,

148Lyford, Thomas, Jr. . . . 100Lyndes, Alp . . . 15, 124, 129Lyndes, Ellery “Pussie”. . . 47,

118, 123, 124Lyndes, Flora (Folie) . . . 129Lyndes, Merton . . . 108, 118,

123, 124Lyndes, Stanley . . . 6, 15, 47, 80,

118, 123, 124, 125, 129Lyons, Bill . . . 54MacEntyre, Millie . . . 48, 68Mack, Asa . . . 165, 168Maiden, Lee . . . 110Mallard, Carrie . . . 122Mallard, Mr. . . . 30Malmquist, Gus . . . 69Malmquist, Olive . . . 111Mangan, Charles & Sarah . . .

125, 126Marsh, Frank . . . 128Marsh, Fred . . . 98Marsh, Nellie . . . 98Marsh, Ralph . . . 74Marshal, Mr. . . . 30Marshall, A. P. . . . 101Martin, A.L. . . . 22Martin, Asa . . . 56Martin, Clarence . . . 56, 85Martin, Edith . . . 85Martin, Emma . . . 85Martin, Margaret . . . 85Martin, Pearl . . . 85Mason, H. D. . . . 174Mason, Henry . . . 170Maurice, Miss . . . 109

May, Albert . . . 3, 56, 57, 61,119, 122, 154, 183

May, Willard . . . 142Maynard, Barbara . . . 141Maynard, Darcy . . . 141Maynard, Elizabeth . . . 142Maynard, Ernest . . . 142, 174,

175, 183Maynard, Frederick . . . 142, 175Maynard, Isabelle . . . 142Maynard, Martin . . . 142, 175,

176Maynard, Virginia . . . 71, 141McAllister, Don . . . 109McCallister, Frank . . . 78McCallister, Lyndon . . . 78McCarty, Bernice . . . 111McCarty, Charlie . . . 38, 43, 56,

57, 76, 93, 107McCarty, Johnny . . . 107McClellan, Grant . . . 160McCormack, Gladys . . . 78, 110McCormack, John . . . 77McCormick, Lizzie . . . 52, 77,

78, 142McCormick, Pliney . . . 78, 140McDaniel, George N. . . . 115McDuffee, Fannie . . . 51McKay, Jane Coyle . . . 58, 70,

71, 72, 73, 95, 97, 112McKinstry, Guy . . . 9McKinstry, Lucy . . . 117McKinstry, Orlo . . . 117McKinstry, Raymond . . . 117McKinstry, Rena . . . 117McLean, Danny . . . 57, 58McLean, Hector . . . 120Meader, Mr. . . . 13Mears, Carroll . . . 122Mears, Ruth . . . 161Melvin, Mrs. Richard . . . 177Menard, Edmund . . . 113Menard, Elmer . . . 106, 145Menard, Henry . . . 93, 113Menard, Richard . . . 107Merrill, ______ . . . 107Merrill, George . . . 163Merrill, Perry H. . . . 92Merritt, E.A. . . . 44Merryfield, Harold . . . 110Merryfield, Ralph . . . 153Messer, F.A. . . . 20Metcalf, Cecil . . . 152Meyer, Hugo . . . 31, 52Meyers, Lafe . . . 40, 104Meyers, Walter . . . 2, 104Middleton, Dave . . . 14, 54, 57,

158Middleton, Dot . . . 111Miller, Edith Martin . . . 68, 85Milligan, Fleming . . . 164Milligan, Julia . . . 164Mills, H.M. . . . 96Mills, Hattie . . . 165Molly . . . 162, 163Moody, Lyle . . . 153Morey, Blanche . . . 106Morey, Maurice . . . 21, 22, 23Morey, Yvette . . . 21

Morrill, Abel . . . 94, 169Morrill, Abel, Jr. . . . 94, 169, 170Morrill, Capt. Edwin . . . 47, 94,

169Morrill, Margaret McLean . . .

169Morse, Bessie Beaton . . . 78Morse, Cecil . . . 44Morse, Cecil, Jr. . . . 27, 87Morse, Harry . . . 156Morse, James . . . 99Morse, Jessie . . . 156Morse, Nancy . . . 113Morse, Phyllis . . . 161Morse, Wayne . . . 157Munson, Ralph . . . 110Murray, Miss . . . 110Muxa-Wuxal . . . 163Nading Hill, Ralph . . . 158Neal, William Parker . . . 162Nelson, Albright . . . 41Nelson, Eva . . . 107Nelson, H. L. . . . 20Nelson, Louis . . . 110Nelson, Myrtie . . . 61Nelson, Stu . . . 2, 8Newton, Charles H. . . . 171Newton, Cora Ewen . . . 52, 141,

164Newton, Curtis . . . 130Newton, Louis . . . 130Nickerson, Rev. E. H. “Nick” . . .

174, 175, 177, 180, 181Norris, Florence Rogers . . . 139Norris, Bradley J. . . . 171Norris, Paul Alonzo . . . 173Norris, Salmon . . . 139Norway, Mildred . . . 110Noyes, Albert . . . 30, 50Noyes, John . . . 90Nunn, Lyle . . . 87O’Brien, Thomas . . . 157O’Conner, Carrie . . . 150O’Conner, Frank . . . 40, 151Oaks, Mr. . . . 120Orne, Abbie . . . 25Orne, Carleton . . . 107Orne, Dorothea Cameron . . . 53Orne, Glendon . . . 54Orne, Tom J. . . . 20, 21, 22Orton, Ann Lewis . . . 18, 42, 55,

113Osgood, Bertha Marie . . . 125Osgood, Gertrude . . . 59Osgood, H. . . . 96Osgood, Herman . . . 1, 35, 125Osgood, Samson . . . 127Osgood, Samson True . . . 127Osgood, Tom . . . 39Osgood, William . . . 93Owen, Alden . . . 177Paddock, Isabel . . . 53Paige, C. B. . . . 103Paige, E.W. . . . 95Paine, George . . . 4, 5, 22, 42, 63,

76, 106, 158Paine, Irene Talbert . . . 53Palmer, William . . . 163Paquin, Edwin . . . 51, 97

Paquin, Frank . . . 29Paquin, Harvey . . . 9, 42Paquin, Lewis . . . 155Paquin, Lois Knapp . . . 78, 177Parent, Margaret Joyal . . . 107,

108, 113Parsons, Charley . . . 23, 87Parsons, Janet . . . 113Parsons, Miss . . . 125Partridge, Warren . . . 126Patterson, Lloyd . . . 25Pearl, William & Lucia . . . 166Pearson, Eric & Jeannie . . . 51,

90, 121Peck, Alfred . . . 109, 132Peck, Ann . . . 71Peck, Carroll . . . 132Peck, Edgar . . . 132Peck, Ernest . . . 29, 41, 42, 53,

56, 130, 132, 165Peck, Florence . . . 83, 109Peck, Frank . . . 90Peck, Harry . . . 130Peck, Ike . . . 99Peck, Luella Wakefield . . . 132Peck, Orrin Day . . . 132Peck, Raymond . . . 4, 39, 40, 60,

63, 64, 86, 130, 132Peck, Ruth . . . 39, 52, 60, 64, 86,

130Pepeau, Clyde . . . 142Perkins, Bernice . . . 153, 176Perkins, Eldon . . . 153, 176Perkins, Frank . . . 36, 176Perkins, Helen . . . 58Perkins, Lettie Pike . . . 36, 41,

59, 153, 176Perkins, Miss . . . 112Perkins, Morris . . . 153, 176Perkins, Stanley . . . 153, 176Perkins, Sumner . . . 34, 35Perry, Adolphus . . . 169Perry, Allan . . . 43, 93Perry, Allen . . . 100Perry, Anthony . . . 168Perry, Beatrice Lance . . . 5, 80,

107, 118Perry, Buck . . . 16, 24, 49, 57,

80, 85, 92Perry, Charles H. . . . 171Perry, Delbert . . . 117Perry, Earlene . . . 116Perry, Erma . . . 80, 114Perry, Eva . . . 53Perry, Francis . . . 117Perry, Gerald . . . 54, 110Perry, Hazel . . . 53, 147Perry, Ivan . . . 107Perry, Jewett . . . 168Perry, Joe . . . 92Perry, Leatrice . . . 113Perry, Leon . . . 5, 38, 44, 92, 110,

140, 147Perry, Lester . . . 117Perry, Lila . . . 147Perry, Nathaniel . . . 120Perry, Pearl . . . 116Perry, Ralph . . . 44, 84, 109, 178,


Perry, Robert “Gus” . . . 5, 13, 38,41, 43, 44, 49, 64, 88, 108,147

Perry, Roberta . . . 113Perry, W.J. . . . 20Perry, Walter . . . 41Persons, Joe . . . 57Persons, Mason “Pete” . . . 34Phelps, Miranda T. . . . 76Phelps, Mr. . . . 138Pierce, Hazel . . . 141Pierce, Leona . . . 138, 141Pike, Addie Arthur . . . 137Pike, Adela Carpenter . . . 61, 137Pike, Anna . . . 137Pike, Betty . . . 118, 128, 143, 177Pike, C. H. . . . 43Pike, Carroll . . . 14, 128Pike, Dorothy . . . 137Pike, Earle . . . 14, 53, 56, 128,

137Pike, Ella Ide . . . 128Pike, Gertrude . . . 128Pike, Harry (2) . . . 137Pike, Harry . . . 23, 128, 137Pike, Helen . . . 137Pike, Irene . . . 137Pike, John Grant . . . 128Pike, Laura . . . 128Pike, P.R. . . . 43Pike, Perley . . . 128Pike, Philip R., Jr. . . . 6, 8, 49,

63, 95, 112, 137, 138, 139,175

Pike, Richard . . . 14Pike, Rob . . . 137Pike, Rudolph . . . 14, 79, 128Pike, William . . . 137Pilbin, Charles . . . 45Pineo, Clare . . . 62Pitkin, Belmont . . . 16Pitkin, Caleb . . . 7, 125, 127Pitkin, Ed . . . 64Pitkin, Fred . . . 64Pitkin, Olive Severance . . . 2, 64Pitkin, Ozias C. . . . 64, 96Pitkin, Paul Eli . . . 173Pitkin, Percy . . . 173Pitkin, Ronald . . . 16Pitkin, Royce S. . . . 64, 114, 115Pitkin, Victor . . . 111Plough, Eva . . . 116Porter, Earl . . . 160Porter, George . . . 2Porter, Zelphia . . . 108Poulin, Marc . . . 162Powers, Elmer . . . 54, 123Powers, Eva . . . 125Powers, Glenn . . . 125Powers, Lila Perry . . . 147Prevost, Jerry . . . 164Pulaski, Jack & Marge . . . 122Putnam, Eula . . . 19, 108, 130Putnam, Fanny Stone . . . 122Putnam, W. R. . . . 19Putney, Mary . . . 53Read, Abbie . . . 19, 146Read, George . . . 57, 58, 146Read, Ira . . . 19, 145, 146

Read, Warren . . . 153Remick, Theresa Maynard . . .

143Rich, Dr. . . . 10Richardson, Homer . . . 166Ridout, Herb . . . 54Risen, Mr. . . . 109Robinson, Rowland . . . 168Robison, Ruth . . . 142Rogers, Beauman G. . . . 59Rogers, Charles Henry . . . 139Rogers, Daisy Isham . . . 107, 108Rogers, Daniel W. . . . 139Rogers, Earle . . . 53, 54, 85, 86Rogers, Earle, Mrs. . . . 170Rogers, Florence . . . 139Rogers, George . . . 96Rogers, Hannah Webster . . . 139Rogers, Hanson . . . 139Rogers, Herman Alonzo . . . 139Rogers, J. Franklin . . . 139Rogers, Jack . . . 54, 107Rogers, James B. . . . 139Rogers, Jennie . . . 59Rogers, Kenneth . . . 54, 57, 60,

164Rogers, Louise Whittier . . . 139Rogers, Mary P. . . . 58Rogers, N.B. . . . 60Rogers, Phil . . . 166Rogers, Rob . . . 23Rogers, Robert Harvey . . . 139Rogers, Sara Jane . . . 113Rogers, Vera . . . 110Rosebrook, William . . . 174Rosenthal, Joe . . . 180Ross Blanche Smith . . . 131, 135Ross, Barbara . . . 135Ross, Leroy . . . 131, 135Ross, Paulene . . . 130, 135Rouleau, Marcel . . . 166Roy, Arthur . . . 76Roy, Evelyn . . . 116Roy, Hector . . . 116Rozanski, Lucie Lang . . . 110Rushman, Mike & Sally . . . 138Russell, H.A. . . . 47Russell, Hiram L. . . . 171Russell, Max . . . 177Ruta, Paul . . . 122Rutkowski, Howard . . . 143Ryan, Marjory . . . 141Salls, M.W. . . . 96Salls, Myrtie . . . 138Sanborn, Bridie . . . 53Sanborn, Elva Walbridge . . . 147Sanders, Morris . . . 50Sargeant, June Ennis . . . 36, 53,

153, 156Sargeant, Neal . . . 36Sargent, Charlie . . . 150Sargent, Etta . . . 150Sargent, Glenna . . . 150Sargent, Gordon . . . 150Sargent, Henry . . . 150Sargent, Oris . . . 150Sargent, Ruth . . . 108Sawyer, C.D. . . . 114Saxby, Della . . . 109

Scales, William . . . 101Scheiber, Richard . . . 42Scholz, Christa . . . 178, 182, 183Scholz, Erich . . . 178Scott, Aura . . . 98Scott, Mr. . . . 115Scott, Parley . . . 72, 81, 98Scoville, William . . . 119Scribner, Harvey . . . 114Searles, Bob . . . 137Searles, Earl . . . 137Searles, Gordon . . . 137Searles, Howard . . . 113Searles, Marion . . . 137Searles, Marjorie . . . 137Sellenberger, Rosemarie . . . 113Sentabar, Melvina . . . 155Severance, John Lance . . . 145Shatney, Elton . . . 150Shatney, Iona . . . 150, 151Shatney, Irving . . . 143Shatney, Onis . . . 150, 151Shatney, Ruby . . . 150, 151Shaw, Agnes . . . 110Shortt, Lee & Clara B. . . . 34, 90Shortt, Will . . . 1Shute, Herbert . . . 39, 93Shute, Herbert, Mrs. . . . 99Sicely, Danny . . . 159Sicely, Oliver . . . 157Sicely, Roy . . . 157Simpson, Frederick . . . 107, 178,

180Simpson, Lillian . . . 107Simpson, Robert . . . 107Simpson, Ruth . . . 107Slack, Barbara . . . 49Smith, A. Fanny . . . 149Smith, A.J. . . . 43, 107Smith, Abbie . . . 61, 110, 115,

118, 142, 147Smith, Alan . . . 145Smith, Albert J. . . . 157Smith, Angus . . . 8, 20, 37, 38,

39, 60, 62, 111, 149Smith, Angus, Mrs. . . . 58Smith, Billy . . . 145Smith, Burt . . . 4, 13, 20Smith, Carlie . . . 59Smith, Clara Carpenter . . . 79,

105Smith, Clayton . . . 164Smith, Cornelius . . . 120Smith, D.H. . . . 147Smith, David . . . 111, 149Smith, Donald . . . 110Smith, E.C. . . . 20Smith, E.F. . . . 19Smith, Edwin . . . 8, 25, 37, 44,

108, 110Smith, Ernest . . . 13Smith, Evelyn . . . 108Smith, Florence . . . 145Smith, Fred . . . 110Smith, George C. . . . 168Smith, Harold K. . . . 164Smith, Harvey . . . 140

Smith, Helen Wheeler . . . 48, 52,55, 60, 67, 68, 70, 76, 80,89, 97, 99, 108, 111, 125

Smith, Henry . . . 168Smith, Isobel . . . 113Smith, Jo . . . 157, 160Smith, Joseph . . . 93, 142Smith, Lola . . . 110Smith, Lottie . . . 66Smith, M. Pansy . . . 115Smith, Mildred . . . 110Smith, Olive (2) . . . 71Smith, Olive . . . 108, 113Smith, Richard . . . 160Smith, Selden . . . 115Smith, Sylvia . . . 107Smith, Tom . . . 142Smith, Velma Urban . . . 95, 113,

98, 99Smith, Walter . . . 115Smith, Warick . . . 163Smith, Winston . . . 116Somaini-dwyer, Pearl . . . 108Somers, Will . . . 165Soosup, Joe . . . 162, 163Sousa Family . . . 144Southwick, Frank W. . . . 19Southwick, J. M. . . . 38Southwick, Nell . . . 155Spaulding, Merna Walbridge . . .

147Spaulding, Richard . . . 144, 147Spazyk, John . . . 114Spencer, Bertha . . . 80, 118, 123Spencer, Blanche . . . 80Spencer, Ed . . . 68Spencer, George . . . 128Spencer, Ivan . . . 54, 124Spencer, Leonard . . . 34, 35, 47,

50, 61, 98, 116, 122Spencer, Mary . . . 123Spencer, Sant . . . 54Spencer, Susan . . . 61, 122Sprague, H. F. . . . 60St. John, Charles . . . 153Stafford, Beatrice Paine . . . 78Staples, Gail . . . 113Staples, Louise Farr . . . 4, 5, 17,

23, 38, 41, 48, 55, 65, 70,84, 109, 173

Stevens, Clayton . . . 140Stevens, Fanny . . .Stevens, Hazel . . . 150Stevens, Howard . . . 87, 140Stevens, Kettle . . . 140Stevens, Margaret Joyal . . . 175Stevens, Warren . . . 99, 150, 151,

154Stocker, Lavina . . . 153Stocker, Nat . . . 140, 156Stone, Addie . . . 125Stone, Archie W. . . . 61, 115, 118Stone, Azriah . . . 166Stone, Betsey Huntoon . . . 94Stone, Edward . . . 142Stone, Eli . . . 144Stone, Flossie . . . 142

Stone, Freda Maynard . . . 52, 53,75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 87,105, 111, 142, 143, 164, 165

Stone, Gertrude Kenerson . . . 118Stone, Hartwell . . . 96, 144Stone, Howard . . . 140, 141Stone, John . . . 94Stone, Kate . . . 144Stone, Louise . . . 78, 125Stone, Martha Badger . . . 144Stone, Mattias (2) . . . 19, 144Stone, Mattias . . . 94Stone, Maud . . . 125Stone, Mrs. . . . 146Stone, Mrs. Hartwell . . . 107Stone, Sue . . . 144Stoughton, Edwin H. . . 169Strayer, Elizabeth . . . 142Strout, Mr. . . . 112Strout, Vincent . . . 178Sucher, Dorothy . . . 31Sullivan, Miss . . . 141Swan, Hannah . . . 96Swan, Warren . . . 96Swanson, Mrs. . . . 116Tabor, Ina . . . 148Talbert, Beverly . . . 71Talbert, Erma . . . 106, 107Talbert, Helen . . . 71, 110Talbert, Irene . . . 106Talbert, Kenneth . . . 64, 90Talbert, Royce . . . 40, 112Talbert, Ruth . . . 112Talbert, Wes . . . 71, 181Tanner, Clara . . . 154Taplin, Wynn . . . 110Tassie, Mrs. Howard . . . 11Tebbetts, Aileen Perkins . . . 11Tebbetts, Annie . . . 125Tebbetts, Arnold . . . 4, 5, 6, 8,

11, 12, 87, 125, 177Tebbetts, E. John . . . 6, 11, 125Tebbetts, Florence . . . 124, 125Tebbetts, Forrest . . . 125Tebbetts, George . . . 6Tebbetts, Henry . . . 6Tebbetts, Herbert (Bert) . . . 25,

79, 87, 88, 125Tebbetts, Jesse . . . 125Tebbetts, Marjorie . . . 59Tebbetts, Mary . . . 11Tebbetts, Norma . . . 117Tebbetts, Roberta . . . 117Tebbetts, Ruby . . . 11, 52, 123,

125, 177Therrian, Dot . . . 152Therrian, Russ . . . 38, 41, 88,

151, 152, 154Thompson, Edwin “Dude” . . . 61,

110, 122Thompson, Harry . . . 32, 61, 90,

107, 108, 122Thompson, Larry . . . 74Thompson, Marie . . . 74Tibbetts, Harry . . . 44Timmons, Tom . . . 3Tobias, Abby . . . 126Toomalek . . . 163

Tormey, Chris & Mary Ann . . .136

Town, Mr. . . . 97Town, True A. . . . 32, 34, 35,

115, 116, 122Town, William Abner . . . 34Towne, Miss . . . 89Trombley, Joseph . . . 22, 23, 25,

61, 183Trombly, Jay . . . 113Trow, Kendrick . . . 169Trudel, Leo & Julie . . . 136Twiss, H.Y. . . . 79Urban, Arecca Gamblin . . . 10,

11, 41, 59, 68, 74, 75, 79,89, 91, 93, 96, 97, 105, 111,143, 146, 150, 172, 173,174, 176

Urban, Bernard . . . 10, 79, 91, 96,143, 157

Urban, Mr. . . . 39Urban, Velma . . . 113Urie, Miss . . . 111Utley, Charley . . . 31Utley, Merle . . . 31Vachon, Edmund . . . 49, 108,

110, 111, 112, 174Vail, Dr. Benjamin . . . 80Voodry Florence Wakefield . . .

132, 165Voodry, Clem . . . 40, 41, 109Voodry, Myrtie Walbridge . . .

109, 147, 181Voodry, S.C. . . . 56Wahlen, Mrs. George E. . . . 164Wakefield, M.V.B. . . . 96Walbridge, Agnes . . . 147Walbridge, Aileen . . . 138Walbridge, Bessie . . . 107Walbridge, Bob . . . 98Walbridge, Don Carlos . . . 169Walbridge, E. Payson . . . 2, 92,

148Walbridge, Edna . . . 147Walbridge, Elsie . . . 39, 110, 138,

154, 161Walbridge, Elton . . . 16, 87, 148Walbridge, Elva . . . 147Walbridge, Etta . . . 10, 41, 68,

75, 89, 172Walbridge, Everett . . . 14, 18, 25,

110, 138Walbridge, F.M. . . . 43Walbridge, Frances . . . 113, 138Walbridge, Frances Christie . . .

49Walbridge, Fred . . . 16, 18, 41,

110, 147, 148Walbridge, George . . . 17, 44Walbridge, Gerald . . . 138Walbridge, Harry . . . 2, 10, 13,

15, 16, 23, 40, 54, 64, 86Walbridge, Howard . . . 13, 20,

44, 49, 55, 86, 92, 97, 138,158

Walbridge, L.J. . . . 20, 37Walbridge, Linda . . . 138Walbridge, Linnie Dell Foster . . .

144, 148, 179

Walbridge, Louise . . . 179Walbridge, Lucille . . . 97Walbridge, Maidene . . . 109, 147,

148Walbridge, Mary Lyford . . . 138Walbridge, Maurice . . . 147, 148Walbridge, Maurice E. . . . 179Walbridge, Merna . . . 110, 144,

147, 148Walbridge, Myrtie . . . 147Walbridge, Paul . . . 179Walbridge, Shirley . . . 59Walbridge, Thelma Farrington . . .

147Waldo, Mrs. . . . 56Wales, Arthur . . . 90, 165Wales, F.A. . . . 97Wales, Fred . . . 91, 165Wales, Fred, Mrs. . . . 165Wales, Kate . . . 165Walker, Agnes . . . 107Walker, Annette . . . 149Walker, Annie . . . 108, 149Walker, Betty . . . 12, 149, 180,

181Walker, Edwin . . . 113Walker, Hattie . . . 149Walker, Ida . . . 149Walker, Katherine . . . 149Walker, Marion . . . 108, 149Walker, Mary Abbott . . . 68, 149Walker, Roger . . . 2, 3, 4, 7, 12,

22, 28, 38, 63, 98, 149, 159Walker, Ruth Duke . . . 149Walker, Susan . . . 78, 79, 174Walker, W. Chester . . . 149Walker, Warren . . . 109, 149Walker, Will . . . 2, 5, 6, 7, 22, 38,

108, 125, 149

Wallace, Dr. Matthew Pike . . .50, 72, 115

Wallace, Mrs. M.P. . . . 115Walters, Bill . . . 52, 130Walters, Christy . . . 141Walters, Myra . . . 141Warner, Fay . . . 22Warren, Agnes . . . 67, 74, 108,

165Warren, Dr. Mials Davis . . . 53,

60, 73, 74, 75, 76, 165Warren, John . . . 183Warren, Mrs. M.D. . . . 74, 165Warren, Tom . . . 22Webster, Dorothy . . . 78, 107Webster, Edwin . . . 107, 177Webster, George . . . 60, 107Webster, Gordon . . . 110Webster, Mrs. . . . 86Welch, John . . . 25Wellman, James . . . 113Wells, Esther . . . 109Wells, Gertrude Wiswell. . . 41,

47, 59, 65, 70, 72Wells, Hiram . . . 20, 125Wells, Lillian . . . 53Wells, Marjorie . . . 62, 72Westervelt, Jan . . . 47Westervelt, Janet . . . 47Westover, Miss . . . 109Weybridge, Mr. . . . 108Wheeler, Agnes . . . 111Wheeler, Clarence . . . 69, 110Wheeler, Cleora . . . 118, 124Wheeler, Ernest . . . 125Wheeler, Flora . . .123Wheeler, Folsom . . . 17Wheeler, Frances . . . 68, 69, 77,

80, 110

Wheeler, Fred . . . 2Wheeler, Harlee . . . 130Wheeler, Hazel . . . 48, 55, 89,

106Wheeler, Helen . . . 48, 55, 106Wheeler, Hubert . . . 38, 55, 60,

62, 125Wheeler, J. Henry . . . 92, 128Wheeler, Jettie Carpenter . . . 124,

126Wheeler, Maridene . . . 107Wheeler, Marilyn . . . 71Wheeler, Martha . . . 71, 113Wheeler, Maurice . . . 96, 118,

124Wheeler, May . . . 27, 41, 42, 53,

55, 63, 70, 86, 93, 117Wheeler, Merna . . . 117Wheeler, Nathan (2) . . . 125Wheeler, Nathan . . . 99, 128Wheeler, Nettie . . . 118Wheeler, Newell (Nute) . . . 99Wheeler, Oliver . . . 174, 177, 183Wheeler, Raymond . . . 124Wheeler, Raymond, Jr. . . . 126Wheeler, Ruth . . . 111, 124Wheeler, Wendell . . . 46, 51Whitcher, Lawrence . . . 153Whitcher, Mabel . . . 153White, Ernest . . . 150White, Lee . . . 24White, Nellie . . . 57White, Nelson . . . 151White, R.A. . . . 43, 157White, Ralph . . . 22Whitney, Lizzie . . . 76Whittier, Fred . . . 30Whittier, Grace . . . 149Whittier, Harrison . . . 168

Whittier, John . . . 98Whittier, John, Jr. . . . 139Whittier, Sarah Heath . . . 170Whittier, Simeon . . . 164, 166,

170Whittier, William P. . . . 101Whittle, Samuel, Jr. . . . 93Whittlesey, Rosette . . . 96Wilkinson, Betty Walker . . . 63,

149Willey, Charles . . . 59Williams, Dr. Herbert G. . . . 78Williams, Miss . . . 116Williams, Nellie . . . 59, 67Willy, Charlie . . . 30Wilson, Jemmie . . . 107Wilson, W. . . . 160Wiswell, Dr. Sherberne L. . . . 47,

70, 72, 73, 97Wiswell, Serephine Crosby . . .

59, 70, 73, 95Witham, Aaron . . . 99, 170Witham, Elwin . . . 176Witham, Ernest . . . 181Witham, Ernestine . . . 117Wood, Chester . . . 126Wood, Hiram . . . 168Woodard, Julia . . . 109Woodcock, Regis . . . 142Woods, Clarissa . . . 68Wooster, Grace . . . 67Wooster, Iris . . . 150Yamamoto, Gemma . . . 160Young, Gordon . . . 57

Main St., circa 1925
