
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: PART 2 The Rest of the World Unions and Reforms Thinkers of the Revolution Economic Systems Grab Bag THE REST OF THE WORLD This individual was the first to bring mechanized spinning technology to the United States. THE REST OF THE WORLD 100 Samuel Slater THE REST OF THE WORLD The United States was forced to industrialize after this war. THE REST OF THE WORLD The War of 1812 THE REST OF THE WORLD Single young women who worked in factory towns, especially those established by Francis Cabot Lowell were known as this. THE REST OF THE WORLD Mill girls THE REST OF THE WORLD This man brought a spinning machine to Belgium, allowing it to be the first continental country to industrialize. THE REST OF THE WORLD William Cockerill THE REST OF THE WORLD Explain German Industrialization. THE REST OF THE WORLD Happened mostly before German unification Each kingdom industrialized itself Railroads were then created to link the different centers UNIONS AND REFORMS The Factory Act of 1833 established this government control over factories. UNIONS AND REFORMS Children under 9 years old could not work. UNIONS AND REFORMS These were organized in order to give workers the ability to bargain for less working hours and higher pay. UNIONS AND REFORMS Labor Unions UNIONS AND REFORMS Name of the organized movement shown above. UNIONS AND REFORMS Strike UNIONS AND REFORMS This man created utopian societies at New Lanark, Scotland and New Harmony, Indiana where he paid his workers well and made sure they lived in clean areas. UNIONS AND REFORMS Robert Owen UNIONS AND REFORMS Explain what is represented in the image above. UNIONS AND REFORMS Creation of a labor union by workers wanting more rights THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION These two men authored the Communist Manifesto. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Marx and Engels THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION According to the Communist Manifesto, the bourgeoisie (upper/middle class factory owners now) were oppressing this group. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Proletariat THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Explain laissez-faire economics. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Govt does not intervene in the market. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION This thinker believed that in order to control population, epidemic and war were necessary. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Thomas Malthus THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Name Adam Smiths three natural laws of economics. THINKERS OF THE REVOLUTION Law of Competition Law of Supply and Demand Law of Self-Interest ECONOMIC SYSTEMS System that exists with private individuals (not the govt) controlling the means of production ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Capitalism ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Name for the creation of a classless society with no government ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Pure Communism ECONOMIC SYSTEMS David Ricardo argued that this would happen if there were abundant workers available for work. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Wages would always be low ECONOMIC SYSTEMS True or False: Communism advocates private ownership of property ECONOMIC SYSTEMS False ECONOMIC SYSTEMS System when the government owns and controls the means of production. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Communism GRAB BAG Name one positive impact of the Industrial Revolution. GRAB BAG Increase in life expectancy Health improved Wages improved as the govt added controls Unions gave workers more influence over the political system GRAB BAG Name for when businesses begin selling shares of their company to investors. GRAB BAG Stocks GRAB BAG When companies like Standard Oil began to sell stock, they were known as this. GRAB BAG Corporations GRAB BAG The Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800 restricted this. GRAB BAG Unionization GRAB BAG Belief that people should judge things in life for their value in order to get the greatest good for the greatest number of people. GRAB BAG Utilitarianism
