Page 1: Infertility Treatments Stress & infertility · Stress can often cause infertility, but it can also be a result of infertility. The biological interaction between stress and infertility

Stress & infertility

Incorporated in 2009, Hungry for Health started a!er a long journey of watching others battle with their own health concerns. Involved in philanthropy at Rise Above It, a non-profit that helps young adults with cancer, the founder witnessed first hand the lack of nutritional focus in the healthcare system, and the importance of Nutrition in fighting disease, despite the important role Nutrition plays in fighting cancer and a& disease types. As the health of some of these cancer patients was declining, Hungry for Health was being built with the determination to help prevent such disease through the most natural means that exist in our bodies. Through building this practice, it became evident that the importance of Nutrition starts at the beginning of life, which is why H4H Nutrition educates individuals and families on prenatal, infant, toddler, and family Nutrition Therapy. As children fo&ow the eating habits of their parents, and take on their enthusiasm of nutrition, they wi& adopt healthy habits at the earliest point in the nutrition life cycle. With its primary goal of disease prevention, H4H wi& play a key role in the health of future generations to come.

Jackie McNamaraNutrition Therapist(440) 552-8824

[email protected]

Source:Why Zebras Don’t get Ulcers, Sapolsky. 2004

Reducing Stress During Infertility Treatments

AVOID UNNECESSARY STRESS- When going through infertility, it is important to avoid all of the “extra” stresses in life. Try to have a low-key and calm environment as often as possible.

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HOME & WORK ENVIRONMENT- Keep your home and work environment clean and organized in order to promote relaxation and prevent anxiety. Prevent simple things like last minute deadlines, driving through rush hour and spending time with negative coworkers.

CONSIDER RELAXATION METHODS- Acupuncture, massage and yoga can initiate relaxation methods that focus directly on your body and stress prevention.

FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE- Do not feed your anxiety and stress, rather focus on the things you are fortunate for. Stress only contributes negatively.

EAT FOOD TO IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING PREGNANT- Certain foods can reduce stress and increases your chances of a successful pregnancy. These foods include:

• Yams- Rich in folate, Vitamin C and B6. They contain a substance similar to progesterone that can stimulate the ovaries to release more than one egg each month.

• Cruciferous Vegetables- They contain indole-3 carbinol, which regulates estrogen metabolism, helping convert the “bad” estrogens into “good” ones.

• Oysters- They are the highest in Zinc content of any food, and may naturally increase pregnancy chances.

• Nuts & Seeds- Great source of essential fatty acids, which are hormone regulators and a part of the structure of cell membranes, body tissue and brain development of the fetus.

• Berries- Highest antioxidant content, promoting cell health, and egg & sperm protection.

Take control of your Body

Page 2: Infertility Treatments Stress & infertility · Stress can often cause infertility, but it can also be a result of infertility. The biological interaction between stress and infertility

Females, Stress & Reproduction Like in the male, LHRH is released by the brain, which releases LH and FSH from the pituitary. FSH then stimulates the ovaries to release eggs, and LH stimulates ovaries to synthesize estrogen. After the first half of the menstrual cycle (the “follicular stage”), progesterone made in the corpus luteum of the ovary becomes the dominant hormone during the second half of the menstrual cycle (the “luteal” phase). Because the release of hormones in women fluctuates over the length of the cycle, the part of the hypothalamus that regulates the release of these hormones is more complicated than in men.

So what happens when you’re stressed? Well, in females “adrenal androgens” are a male sex hormone that is converted to estrogen. But, without enough fat cells (also the storage of estrogen production) there is a lack of estrogen and androgen concentration builds up. This inhibits a number of steps in the reproductive system.

Like in the male, endorphins and enkephalins inhibit LHRH release, prolactin and glucocorticoids will b lock p i tu i t a ry sens i t i v i t y t o LHRH, and glucocorticoids will affect the ovaries by making them less responsive to LH. The result? Lowering the secretion of LH, FSH and estrogen decreases the likelihood of ovulation. And that result? The follicular stage of ovulation is extended, making the entire cycle longer and less regular. With stress extremes, the entire ovulatory machinery is shut down, causing anovulatory amenorrhea.

In addition to hormones, inhibited progesterone levels and a release of prolactin during stress disrupt maturation of the uterine walls, disrupting egg implantation.

Males, Stress & ReproductionIn males, the brain releases LHRH (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone), which stimulates the pituitary to release LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). LH then stimulates the testes to release testosterone, and FSH stimulates sperm production.

So what happens when you’re stressed? Well, the whole system is inhibited. LHRH concentrations decline, LH declines and FSH declines. And then the testes “close for lunch”. The result? A decline in circulating testosterone levels.

Why does this happen? First, when you are stressed, endorphins and enkephalins (two hormones in the brain) block the release of LHRH from the hypothalamus. Endorphins, more specifically, play a role in blocking pain perception. Second, prolactin (a pituitary hormone released during stress) decreases the sensitivity of the pituitary to LHRH. This means that less of the hormone is secreted, and the pituitary is no longer responding to what is secreted. Finally, glucocorticoids block the response of the testes to LH just in case the hormone manages to somehow reach them during a stressor.

That only covers hormones. What about getting an erection during stress? Well, in order for a man to get an erection he must be calm, vegetative and relaxed. It is his parasympathetic nervous system that accomplishes the needed blood flow to his penis, allowing an erection. During stress, it is the sympathetic nervous system that is activated. Interestingly enough, the two systems work together to make it all happen. While it is the parasympathetic system that allows an erection to happen, it is the sympathetic to allow for ejaculation.

Stress: The result or the cause of Infertility?

Stress can often cause infertility, but it can also be a result of infertility. The biological interaction between stress and infertility is the result of the action of stress hormones at the brain level. While there are many causes of stress, for a couple that is infertile, stress can aggravate as time passes and the couple continues to remain infertile. Among the causes of stress are:

• The couple’s isolation

• Life with unrealized potential and unborn child

• Disruption of day-to-day life during infertility evaluation treatment

• The couple’s feelings that they do not have control of their own lives

• Loss of intimacy during sexual relations because it is a now a contributing pressure

The reduction of stress can results in pregnancy. Studies have shown that stress reduction helps enhance proteins within the uterine lining that are involved in implantation and increases blood flow to the uterus. In addition, the reduction of stress can encourage healthy hormone levels.
