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Business Principles

The four principles of quality, affordability, recognition and

customer service form the business principles on which

Southern Business School has been built.

The quality of our programmes and student services is the

product of internal quality assurance processes that are

continuously monitored. Quality assurance is further

enhanced through regular peer reviews that include

professional bodies, the expectations of both the private

and public sector and the requirements set by the

Department of Higher Education and Training, Council on

Higher Education and the South African Qualifications

Authority (SAQA).

Affordability is paramount to the development of a country

such as ours and we are proud that we are (continuously)

able to meet the demand for quality education at a

reasonable price.

Recognition is reflected in Southern Business School’s

status as a Private Higher Education Institution and

endorsements from public and private Higher Education

Institutions. We recognise previous learning experiences

and endeavour to provide access to higher education for

as many people as possible.

We strive to give recognition to our students at all times

and offer them a superb learning experience through

exceptional customer service. Our customer service

reflects the fact that we recognise our students as the

focus of all our actions.

Mission Statement

Southern Business School provides higher education and training in a framework where quality, affordability, recognition and customer service play a central role.

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Examination Centres

At Southern Business School we strive to ensure that all our students experience learning in the most convenient and effective manner possible, no matter where they may be. This commitment is supported by providing a large number of examination centres to students.

Most of our examination centres are located in South Africa and examination venues are available throughout Namibia and a number of centres in other countries.

Rules and Regulations

Southern Business School’s comprehensive Rules and Regulations are available in the Southern Business School Yearbook. The Yearbook is also available for download on the Southern Business School website

Centre for Safety in Society (CSS)

CSS is a unit within Southern Business School supporting the development of leadership and management skills within the Safety in Society Environment.

The ethos of the Centre for Safety in Society is guided by the following developmental values:

Consultancy services in management and related subjects.

Development of tailor-made training material.

Training on NQF levels 5-8.

Presenting of seminars and workshops in strategy formulation, design, analysing the strategies of competitors and evaluating strategic plans.

Action orientated research to address specific problems in missing or required value drivers, customer service, employee satisfaction, required value adding for more effective functioning in the private and public sector.

Undertaking skills and competency audits and assessments.

Capacity building programmes.

Undertaking of impact analysis to determine the effectiveness of previous training by other providers in the workplace.

Development and assessment of skills development plans.

Advise concerning changes in the external environment, changes in industries and changes in dominating external driving forces.

Advising clients about the most relevant literature and official government documents in public, municipal and police management.

Centre for Management andLeadership Development (CMLD)

CMLD is a unit within Southern Business School focusing on leadership and management in the workplace. Services and products include:

To create a learning culture for the Safety in Society environment that is appropriate, precise, differential and practical.

To create a supporting structure for the Safety in Society environment in order to professionalise a highly diverse environment.

To create an applicable, responsible and workable process for the Safety in Society environment.

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Normal Registration

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is a 130, credit NFQ 4 certificate issued for the first time at the end of 2008.

Minimum admission requirements are:

In addition, further admission requirements may be specific to certain programmes.

Certificates: National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in English as certified by Umalusi.

Diplomas: National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in English as certified by Umalusi and an achievement rating of 3 (Moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognised NSC 20 credit subjects.

Degrees: The minimum admission requirement for the Bachelor degree programmes requires a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in English, as certified by Umalusi and an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects from the designated subject list: Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Languages (two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies, Visual Arts.

Higher Degrees: A relevant B-degree.

Grade 12 before 2008

A Grade 12 Certificate with university exemption (endorsement) is required to register for degree studies.

To apply for normal registration for Higher Certificate and Diploma studies at Southern Business School, the applicant must be in possession of:

The senior certificate must reflect a minimum of five subjects in higher or standard grade or combination of subjects on the higher grade and the standard grade.

The Academic Board may admit a person with a senior certificate with a minimum of four subjects (which may not include more than two of the official languages) passed on higher or standard grade, provided the remaining subject/s passed on lower grade are not a prerequisite for the proposed instructional programme.

If one of the official languages is passed on lower grade, or you do not meet the above requirements, the student will be obliged to apply for conditional admission.

A matriculation certificate issued by the Matriculation Board; or

A certificate endorsed by the South African Certification Board as equivalent to the minimum admission requirements for higher education; or

Any certificate which is deemed equivalent and which is registered on the NQF.

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Southern Business School offers the following formal qualifications:

Qualifications offered by Southern Business School range from NQF level 5 to 9

• Higher Certificate in Management (SAQA ID 36197) NQF level 5

• Diploma in Management (SAQA ID 57222) NQF level 6

• Advanced Diploma in Management (SAQA ID 79586) NQF level 7

• Bachelor of Business Administration (SAQA ID 59850) NQF level 7

• Bachelor of Business Administration Honours (SAQA ID 71930) NQF level 8

• Bachelor of Policing Practice (SAQA ID 59226) NQF level 7

• Bachelor of Policing Practice Honours (SAQA ID 61630) NQF level 8 • Master of Management (SAQA ID 90908) NQF level 9

• Master of Policing Practice NQF level 9

Higher Education Learning Pathway BANKING DETAILS - SOUTH AFRICA

Standard Bank Account: 401-394-506Branch: WestgateBranch code: 016 641Account name: Southern Business School

The registration fee for students from foreign countries (excluding Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Swaziland) is R1 900.


Bank Windhoek Account: 800-248-1319Branch: WindhoekBranch code: 481 972Account name: Southern Business School Namibia


1 yearNQF

Level 5

Min 360 credits


NQF Level 10

Min 180 credits

Masters Degree

2 years

NQF Level 9

NQF Level 8

Min 120 credits

Honours Degree

18 months

Min 360 credits

Bachelor Degree

3 yearsNQF

Level 7

Min 120 credits

Advanced Diploma

1 yearNQF

Level 7

Min 360 credits


3 yearsNQF

Level 6

Min 120 credits

Higher Certificate

1 yearNQF

Level 5

































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ACCOUNTANCY as major electiveAccounting & Finance Project Management TaxationManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

BUSINESS & MARKETING MANAGEMENT as major electiveMarketing Management Economics 1A and 1B Project Management Management Practice Business Communication

DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT as major electiveDisaster Risk ReductionProject ManagementPublic Sector ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

FINANCIAL PLANNING as major electiveFinancial Planning Accounting and Finance Economics 1A and 1B Management Practice Business Communication

FLEET MANAGEMENT as major electiveFleet Management Business Law Accounting & Finance Management PracticeBusiness Communication

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT as major electiveHuman Resource ManagementLabour Relations orTraining ManagementProject ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT as major electiveLogisticsProject ManagementAccounting & FinanceManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

PROJECT MANAGEMENT as major electiveProject ManagementBusiness LawHuman Resource ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

PUBLIC SECTOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT as major Public Sector Financial ManagementAccounting & FinanceProject ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT as major electivePublic Sector ManagementProject ManagementPublic Supply Chain ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

PUBLIC SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT as major Public Supply Chain Management Public Sector Financial Management Public Asset Management Management PracticeBusiness Communication

PUBLIC TRANSPORT & FLEET MANAGEMENT as major Public Transport & Fleet Management Public Supply Chain Management Project ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication

RECORDS MANAGEMENT as major electiveRecords ManagementPublic Sector Financial Management orPublic Supply Chain ManagementProject ManagementManagement PracticeBusiness Communication





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Normal Registration

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is a 130, credit NFQ 4 certificate issued for the first time at the end of 2008.

Minimum admission requirements are:

In addition, further admission requirements may be specific to certain programmes.














1st YEARManagement Practice I Accounting & Finance I Project Management I TaxationBusiness CommunicationManagement Practice I Marketing Management I Economics IA and IB Project Management I Business CommunicationManagement Practice I Financial Planning IAccounting and Finance I Economics IA and IB Business Communication Management Practice I Disaster Risk Reduction I Public Sector Management I Project Management I Business Communication

Management Practice I Fleet Management I Business LawBusiness CommunicationAccounting & Finance IManagement Practice Human Resource Management IBusiness CommunicationProject Management ITraining Management IManagement Practice I Logistics IProject Management I Business Communication Accounting & Finance IManagement Practice I Project Management I Business LawHuman Resource Management I Business Communication

Management Practice IPublic Sector Financial Management I Accounting & Finance IProject Management IBusiness CommunicationManagement Practice I Public Sector Management I Project Management IPublic Supply Chain Management I Business CommunicationManagement Practice IPublic Supply Chain Management I Public Sector Financial Management I Public Asset ManagementBusiness CommunicationManagement Practice IPublic Transport & Fleet Management I Public Supply Chain Management I Project Management IBusiness CommunicationManagement Practice I Records Management I Project Management I Business CommunicationPublic Sector Financial Management I or Public Supply Chain Management I

2nd YEARManagement Practice II Accounting & Finance IICost & Management Accounting I Economics IA and IBEnd User ComputingManagement Practice II Marketing Management II Business LawAccounting & Finance I End User ComputingManagement Practice II Financial Planning II Accounting and Finance II Project Management I End User ComputingManagement Practice II Disaster Risk Reduction IIHuman Resource Management I End User ComputingPublic Sector Financial Management I orPublic Supply Chain Management IManagement Practice II Fleet Management II Project Management I Economics IA and IB End User ComputingManagement Practice IIHuman Resource Management II Labour LawLabour Relations IEnd User ComputingManagement Practice II Logistics IIBusiness LawEconomics IA and IB End User ComputingManagement Practice II Project Management II Accounting & Finance I End User ComputingMarketing Management I orTraining Management I orPublic Sector Management IManagement Practice IIPublic Sector Financial Management II Accounting & Finance IIPublic Sector Management IEnd User ComputingManagement Practice II Public Sector Management IIPublic Sector Financial Management I Human Resource Management IEnd User ComputingManagement Practice IIPublic Supply Chain Management II Project Management IPublic Sector Management I End User ComputingManagement Practice IIPublic Transport & Fleet Management II Public Sector Management IPublic Sector Financial Management IEnd User ComputingManagement Practice II Records Management II Public Sector Management IHuman Resource Management IEnd User Computing

3rd YEARManagement Practice III Accounting & Finance IIICost & Management Accounting II Project Management II

Management Practice III Marketing Management III Project Management II Accounting & Finance II

Management Practice III Financial Planning III Economics IIA and IIB Project Management II

Management Practice III Disaster Risk Reduction III Public Sector Management II Project Management II

Management Practice III Fleet Management III Project Management II Accounting & Finance II

Management Practice IIIHuman Resource Management III Labour Relations IITraining Management II

Management Practice III Logistics IIIProject Management II Accounting & Finance II

Management Practice III Project Management IIIHuman Resource Management II Marketing Management II or Training Management II orPublic Sector Management II

Management Practice IIIPublic Sector Financial Management III Accounting & Finance IIIProject Management II

Management Practice III Public Sector Management III Project Management IIHuman Resource Management II

Management Practice IIIPublic Supply Chain Management III Public Sector Financial Management II Project Management II

Management Practice IIIPublic Transport & Fleet Management III Public Supply Chain Management II Project Management II

Management Practice III Records Management IIIHuman Resource Management II Project Management II

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The Higher

Certificate in

Management is


entry into

higher education

at Southern


Admission Requirements


The structure of the degree can be summarised as follows:

Please note: If you select Marketing Management as a major - Economics IIA, Economics IIB and Financial Management will be compulsory.

If you select Public Sector Management or Disaster Risk Reduction as your major - Governmental Economics IIA and Development Economics IIB and Public Sector Financial Management will be compulsory.

If you select Human Resource Management or Project Management as your major - you can choose any of the following two options:

A – Economics II A & B and Financial Management.B – Governmental Economics IIA and Development Economics IIB and Public Sector Financial Management.

Registration fee:

Cost per subject:

Second semester

re-registration fee:

Exemption per subject: R 370

R 950

**R1 530

R 475

* Major Elective I

Business Management I Economics IAEconomics IBInformation Management Business Communication Business Law

* Major Elective II

Management IIEconomics IIA orGovernmental Economics IIA Economics IIB orDevelopment Economics IIB AccountingLeadership

* Major Elective III

Management IIIResearch MethodologyFinancial Management orPublic Sector Financial ManagementCorporate Governance


** except for

Financial Management

Management II and III

Public Sector Financial Management

Leadership, Business Management I

Research Methodology

which are R1 810 each

Economics IA and IB are R950 each

Economics IIA and IIB

Governmental Economics IIA

Development Economics IIB

which are R1 010 each

Prices exclude prescribed textbooks and are subject to an annual increase.

The qualification is open to students who completed Southern Business School’s Certificate or Higher Certificate in Management and/or Diploma in Management.

A National Senior Certificate: The minimum admission requirement for degree studies is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in English, as certified by Umalusi, and an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects from the designated subject list: Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering, Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Languages (two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies, Visual Arts.

N6 National Diploma

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Admission Requirements

• Students must hold the Bachelor of Business Administration, B Com or B Compt degree or another approved degree in the field of Business, Commerce and Management Sciences; or be in possession of another degree and have passed at least five courses from the field of business, commerce and management sciences, including at least Economics I, Management Practice I and Accounting I.

• Students with B-degrees older than 10 years may also apply for admission to the BBA Honours and such requests are treated in one of two possible ways: • Students must repeat Management Practice III, which forms part of the BBA degree; or students must apply to the Head Academic and submit a CV, providing evidence, including references that they have been employed in the selected subject area during the past ten years (or longer), thus having kept abreast with developments in the field. The CV is then evaluated by the Head Academic for approval for registration.

Please note: It is compulsory to select Research Methodology V(A) on commencement of the

Honours degree.

If you select Human Resource Management or Project Management as a major you can choose

between Financial Management or Public Sector Financial Management.

If you choose Marketing Management as a major then Financial Management will be compulsory.

If you choose Disaster Risk Reduction or Public Sector Management as a major then Public Sector

Financial Management will be compulsory.

Registration fee:

Cost per subject:

Second semester

re-registration fee:

Exemption per subject: R 370

R 1 100

**R2 090

R 475


** except for

Research Methodology V(A): R1 150

Research Methodology V(B): R1 470

Strategic Management V: R2 560

Bridging subjects: Economics IA and IB:

R950 each

Accounting and Finance: R1 530

Prices exclude prescribed textbooks and are

subject to an annual increase.

Compulsory Subjects

Strategic Management V

Leadership V

Research Methodology V (A and B)

Managerial Economics V

Financial Management V or

Public Sector Financial Management V

International Management V

Project Management V

Select One of the Electives

Human Resource Management V

Marketing Management V

Public Sector Management V

Disaster Risk Reduction V

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To improve the performances of organisations and creating competitive advantages.

To analyse complex issues within or regarding organisations, to evaluate alternative solutions, appreciate and contribute to the development of the responsibilities that businesses have towards societies in general, local communities and environments.

Admission Requirements

Southern Business School admits only a limited number of students toward the Master of Management on an annual basis. Students not successful in gaining admission may re-apply again during the next registration cycle. The application for admission is a two-stage process.

Stage 1: Application for Admission

An applicant must:

• Be in possession of a Southern Business School Bachelor of Business Administration Honours degree or equivalent qualification.

• Achieved an average mark of 60% or more at Honours level.

• Be 25 years or older.

• Have a minimum of 4 years’ relevant work experience in a managerial capacity.

• Be proficient in English.

• Be computer literate.

• Have access to the Internet.

• Be able to submit a research proposal.

• Complete an Application for Admission form (A12).

• Submit completed Application form (A12) together with proof of payment of the R300 Application fee .

Stage 2: Admission to the Qualification

Successful students must:

• Attend a compulsory induction session (see Induction Session).

Minimum computer system requirements:

• Reliable broadband Internet access.

• Firefox/Internet Explorer/Chrome web browser.

• Microsoft Word.

• PDF viewer.

• Ability to scan and upload documents.

• E-mail/mobile phone for notification and communication.

Two-day Induction Session

Subsequent to registration of their proposals, students admitted to the qualification must attend a compulsory two-day Induction session. The purpose of this session is to reduce the amount of time on visioning and engaging with context independently.

The cost for the Master of Managementis R11 000 per annum and payable as follows:

R300 Application fee

An amount of R5 500 to be paid six-monthly, starting with the acceptance of registration

In case of non-payment, the student will not be allowed to continue with the next phase of the programme until the necessary payment/s have been made.


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South Africa

Private Bag X03, Helderkruin, 1733

Plot 10, R28 Service Road, Diswilmar, Krugersdorp, 1739

GPS co-ordinatesS 26 03’.47.90” E 27 49.52.00”

[email protected]

+27 (0) 11 662 1444

Southern Business School is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private Higher Education Institution under the

Higher Education Act, 1997.Registration Certificate Number: 2002/HE07/015


PO Box 6941, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, Namibia

24 Wagner Street, Windhoek West, Wind-hoek, Namibia

GPS co-ordinatesLatitude 22°33’58.75”SLongitude 17°4’15.92”E

[email protected]

+264 (0) 61 308 781



Contact Information