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S489i Serur, Antônio.Inglês Instrumental I / Antônio Serur. - Cuiabá: EdUFMT;

Curitiba: UFPR, 2008.77p.: il. ; color.


1. Língua Inglesa 2. Língua Inglesa - Textos didáticosI. Título.

CDU - 811.111(075)


Profª Drª Ana Arlinda de Oliveira - UFMTProfª Drª Lucia Helena Vendrusculo Possari - UFMTProfª Drª Gleyva Maria Simões de Oliveira - UFMTProf. M. Sc. Oreste Preti - UAB/UFMTProfª Esp. Mércia Freire Rocha Cordeiro Machado - ET-UFPR

Lucia Helena Vendrusculo PossariLuciane Costa

Profª Drª Maria Lucia Cavalli Neder - UFMTComissão Editorial

Designer Educacional

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13Ingles Instrumental I - Antônio Serur

Nesta unidade inicial, estudaremos pronomes pessoais e o verbo TO BE, tempo presente e passado. Veremos também os pronomes possessivos.

Take from life what is pure and for living what is suficient.Pegue da vida o que é puro e pra viver o suficiente.

O estudo inicial é dos Subject e Object Pronouns. É bem simples!

Então, dear students, vamos saber o que são e para que servem!


Subject Pronouns

I = eu

YOU = tu/você


= ele


= ela


= ele/ela


= nós


= vós/vocês


= eles/elas


Subject Pronouns

I = eu

YOU = tu/você

HE = ele

SHE = ela

IT = ele/ela

WE = nós

YOU = vós/vocês

THEY = eles/elas


Fernanda is my girlfriend = She is my girlfriend.

She loves Tony = She loves him.

She works with Tony = She works with him.

It -Refere-se a coisas ou animais

Obs It é usado quando o sexo não estiver definido

Ex Child: criança ; Baby: bebê



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Subject Pronouns Pronomes Pessoais

I am happy. Eu sou/estou feliz.

You are sad. Você é/está triste.

He is rich. Ele é/está rico.

She is poor. Ela é/está pobre.

We are strong. Nós somos/estamos fortes.

They are weak. Eles/Elas são/estão fracos/fracas.

It is big. Isso é/está grande.

They are small. Eles/Elas são/estão pequenos/pequenas.

I a é sempre em letra maiúscula, até mesmo quando não é a primeira letra da frase. You a é usado para referir-se tanto a uma única pessoa quantos a muitas. It é usado com objetos e também é usado com animais se não soubermos o sexo. Se não soubermos o sexo de um bebê, usamos ita também. Theya é usado tanto para pessoas quanto objetos. As diferentes formas do verbo(verb) 'to be' estão a direita.

Os object pronouns possuem a função de complementar o verbo, substituindo

“algum objeto em uma frase, evitando a repetição. I bought shoes and gave the shoes to my girlfriend” = “Eu comprei sapatos e dei os sapatos para minha namorada”. Estranho não é?

O ideal seria “I bought shoes and gave them to my girlfriend.” = “Eu comprei sapatos e os dei para minha namorada”. Percebeu a diferença?

You love me. Você me ama.

She helped us a lot. Ela nos ajudou muito.

Give me the book! Dê-me o livro!

The pen is with him. A caneta está com ele.

1- Complete with the correct pronoun: (Complete com o pronome correto:)

a) It is easy for _____________ to find a job. (they / them)

b) John is going to London. ____________ is going there by plane. (He / Him)

c) ___________ are good friends of Dave. (Our / We)

d) Where are the other students? They didn't wait for ____________. (we/us)

e) The inspector said: "Are you calling ____________ an old man?" (I / me)

Let´s try guys.

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2- Complete as frases substituindo as palavras sublinhadas por Subject ou Object


a) Pamela does her projects on the computer.

__________ does them on __________.

b) Roger takes Lisa out to dance every Saturday.

__________ takes __________ out to dance every Saturday.

c) Steve and I help the children all the time.

__________ help __________ all the time.

d) Susan and Janet listen to music with Tom and me.

__________ listen to music with __________.

e) Jim takes Spanish lessons with Paul and Bob.

__________ takes Spanish lessons with __________.

VERB TO BE(Ser ou estar)

Na seqüência, estudaremos o presente do Verbo to be.

É considerado um dos verbos auxiliares mais importantes da língua inglesa.É bem simples!

Algumas pessoas acham que os verbos auxiliares só existem para dificultar ainda

mais o inglês. Não é bem assim. Se você conseguir entender a sua função na

estrutura da frase, verá que eles na verdade ajudam a tornar o inglês uma das

línguas mais fáceis.

Então, dear students, vamos saber o que é e para que serve o verbo to be!

Ingles Instrumental I - Antônio Serur

TO BE" “



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Supply the verb To Be in the Present Tense.

1. Winter _______ very cold in our town.

2. My office _______ on Black Street.

3. Her face _______ not dirty.

4. The children _______ in the garage.

5. Where _______ I?

6. The child _______ in the garden.

7. Mr. Black and I _______ very good friends.

O verbo 'to be' é frequentemente contraído quando segue um pronome. Sua primeira letra é eliminada e um apóstrofo é adicionado no começo da palavra e conectado ao pronome.

I'm strong. Sou/estou forteWe're happy. Somos/estamos felizesHe's sad. Ele é/está triste




Contrações são geralmente evitadas no discurso formal ou na escrita.

O verbo 'to be' torna-se negativo com a adição de 'not'.

I'm not happy. Não sou/estou felizShe is not sad. Ela não é/não está triste.They are not weak. Eles/elas não são/não estão fracos/fracas.

Use the short/contracted forms of the auxiliaries only.

Example: She____ reading a newspaper.

Answer: She's reading a newspaper.

a) They____ helping their mother.

b) I____ talking to Tony.

c) She____ singing a song.

d) You____ learning the poem by heart.

e) He____ watching a film.

f) We____ playing a computer game.


Decifrar essas palavras:

Ex: CELSO aCLOSE = fechar





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Aprenda Inglês assistindo a vídeos

Ingles Instrumental I - Antônio Serur

Past Simple


“to be”

Hello dear friend, você deve lembrar que, inicialmente, trabalhamos o Verb to Be no presente. Agora, vamos aprender o passado dele que vai ser bem facil. Are you ready? So let's do it!

I was = Eu era ou estava You were = Você era ou estava He was = Ele era ou estava She was = Ela era ou estava It was = Ele {ela} era ou estava We were = Nós éramos ou estávamos You were = Vocês eram ou estavam They were = Eles {elas} eram ou estavam

OK Guys! Let's use our brain.

1-Complete the sentences with was or were.

a) I _________ happy.

b) You _________ angry.

c) She _________ in London last week.

d) We _________ at school.

e) It _________ cold.

f) They _________ in the garden.


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2- Write the Past Tense of the verb to be:

a) The teachers _________ very busy last week.

b) The children _________ with their mothers.

c) That girl _________in love.

d) The child _________at home yesterday.

e) My car _________ clean yesterday.

f) Jeff and I _________friends two years ago.

g) That girl was sick, but I _________not.

3- Write the sentences into the given form.

a) Jane was in her class yesterday.Interrogative: ______________________________________________?

b) It was very cold last night.

Negative: _________________________________________________.

c) We were in the classroom two hours ago.

Negative: _________________________________________________.

d) They were in Paris two weeks ago.

Interrogative: ______________________________________________?

Hello and Goodbye

A- Hello

B- Hello, Marco. How are you?

A- Fine, thanks. How are you?

B- I'm fine, thank you. Well, I have to go now. Goodbye!

A- Goodbye, Dani. See you tomorrow!

B- Bye bye, Marco. Have a nice evening.

A- Thanks, you too!

B- Thanks.

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Demonstrative Pronouns

Pronomes Demonstrativos

This: este, esta, isto These: estes, estas

That: aquele, aquela, aquilo Those: aqueles, aquelas

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Vamos lá, galera, tentar completar esse diálogo com as palavras que se encontram abaixo.

In a Hotel Getting a Room for the Night

A. Good evening. Can I help you?

B. Yes, please. I'd like a room for the night.

A. Would you like a single room, or a double room?

B. A single room, please. How much is the room?

A. It's $55 per night.

B. Can I pay by credit card?

A. Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form, please?

B. Do you need my passport number? No, just an address and your signature.

A. (fills out the form) Here you are.

B. Here's your key. Your room number is 212.

A. Thank you.

B. Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!

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So let's do it!Learning Through PicturesVamos aprender vocabulários através de figuras.







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Entre no sítio abaixo, e aprenda mais

Responda às questões abaixo e confira as respostas no final do livro.

1) Complete the blank with the correct alternative:

Motorcycles _______ faster than cars.

(a) isn't

(b) is

(c) am

(d) are

(e) am not

2) Choose the wrong (errada) alternative according to the use of the verb to be.

a) He's my cousin.

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27Noções de Administração Púlbica - Ciro Bächtold

Nesta Unidade, estudaremos o verbo auxiliar TO HAVE, formas de diálogo, as cores e o vocabulário necessário.

Dear students, já trabalhamos o famoso verbo To Be. Agora,vamos conhecer um outro verbo auxiliar tão importante quanto o To BE, o To Have (ter) e o alfabeto inglês.

Então, dear students, let's do it!

English Alphabet

Aprender o alfabeto em inglês é muito importante. Conhecendo as pronuncias das letras te facilita em soletrar nomes, sobrenomes, ruas, endereços, e-mails, enfim palavras difíceis de escrever. Então, dear students, let's go!

Para o mundo você é mais uma garotamas para mimvocê é o meu mundo


When I was sixteen I asked a girl out and she just laughed and said, “NO”.Since then I've been frightened to ask another girl out. I don't think shall ever find someone to love me. I'm eighteen now and feel desperate.What can I do?

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28 Noções de Administração Púlbica - Ciro Bächtold

1- Um conselho apropriado a este adolescente seria:

a) de-lhe um presenteb) peça-a em casamentoc) tente novamented) termine o namoroe) troque de namorada


There is / There areThere was / There were

2- Complete the spaces with There was or There were.

a) _____________ mice in the house I visited last week.b) _____________ little sugar in my tea.c) _____________ children asking for money in the streets.


He, She, It has 'sI, You, We, They have 've

I have (eu tenho)you have (você tem )he has (ele tem)she has (ela tem )it has (ele / ela tem)we have (nós temos)you have (vocês têm)they have (eles / elas têm)

Observe que o verbo será sempre has para he, she e it..- O verbo to have é usado para falar das refeições:


to have coffee, beer, cigarettes... tomar café, cerveja / fumar cigarrosto have breakfast... tomar café da manhãto have lunch... almoçarto have dinner... jantarto have a shower, a bath... tomar banhoto have a party... dar uma festa

Have é um verbo irregular,ou seja, o past simple NÃO É com ED. I had (eu tinha)you had (você tinha )he had (ele tinha)she had (ela tinha )it had (ele / ela tinha)

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we had (nós tinhamos)you had (vocês tinham)they had (eles / elas tinham)

HAD 'd (p/ todos os pronomes)

3- Complete com as formas corretas do verbo TO HAVE no Presente ou Passado.

a) We ____________ a lot of exercises to do now.

b) They ____________ some friends who live here.

c) My mother ____________ three sisters.

d) She ____________ some problems at school last year.

e) He ____________ a brother who died two years ago.

What do you do?

Column 1 Column 2

( ) I'm a police officer. A) I take care of teeth.( ) I'm a dentist. B) I serve food and drinks in a restaurant.( ) I'm a doctor. C) I enforce the law.( ) I'm a teacher. D) I treat patients. ( ) I'm a firefighter. E) I fly planes.( ) I'm a pilot. F) I put out fires.( ) I'm a waiter. G) I teach students.

This is England.

Q - Is England a city?

A - No, England isn't a city. England is a country.

Q - And London. Is London a city or a country?

A - London is a city, a capital city. London is the capital city of England.

Q - Is London in Germany?

A - No, London isn't in Germany. London is in England.



Do you know that the kangaroo can't walk at all - but it can travel at 40 miles an hour!!

This amazing animal is very good at jumping. It can jump 20 feet at a time.

An adult kangaroo is only five feet tall, but it can jump over a car.

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Key Vocabulary

- Nice: - Meet:- Too:- Fine:- How about you:

- Great:

A. - Hi, my name's Frank.- Nice to meet you, Frank. My name's Simon.- It's nice to meet you too. Simon.

B.- Hi, Tom! How are you?- Oh, I'm fine thanks. How about you?- I'm great, thanks.

C. - What's your name?- My name is Bernard. What's your name?- My name's Stef. It's nice to meet you, Bernard.- Nice to meet you too. Where are you from Stef?- I'm from The USA.

D.-Hello, My name's Tony. What's your name? - Fernanda. - Where are you from Fernanda? - I'm from Brazil. Where are you from? - I'm from England. Are you Brazilian Fernanda? - Yes, I am. Are you English? - Yes I am.


- Hello, my name’s ______________________________.

What's _______ name?

- ______________________________.

- Where are you from ______________________________?

- I'm from _________________________. Where are you from?

- I'm from ______________________________.

- Are you _________________?

- Yes, I am. Are you ________________?

- Yes I am.

30 Inglês Instrumental - Antônio Serur

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Ex: CELSO a CLOSE = fechar






: post meridiem (after noon)

: ante meridiem (before noon)

: in the year of our Lord (Anno Domini)

: Before Christ


Hello friends, vimos pronomes , o verbo TO BE, o verbo TO HAVE, trabalhamos o

alfabeto inglês. Agora, estudaremos as cores em inglês. Então, dear students, let's

do it!

COLORS Red: Yellow: Blue: Purple: Orange: Green: Black: White: Gray: Brown: Beige: Pink: OBS: Light: Dark:

32 Inglês Instrumental - Antônio Serur

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

z e ro ( o h )

o n e t w o t h re e fo u r f iv e s ix s e v e n e ig h t n in e t e n

Paint the Letters

Things people carry


Todas as nacionalidades, em inglês, são escritas com inicial maiúscula. Grande parte delas apresenta terminações parecidas. Observe:

Pedro is from Brazil. He's Brazilian.

Country Nationality

Argentina ArgentinianAustralia AustralianBrazil BrazilianCanada CanadianChina ChineseEngland EnglishFrance FrenchGermany GermanIndia IndianIreland IrishItaly ItalianJapan JapaneseMexico MexicanPortugal PortugueseSpain SpanishUnited States of America American

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Be careful

Marque a alternativa que traduza corretamente a sentença abaixo para o inglês.

Eu tenho 15 anos de idade e tenho 1,60 m de altura.

a) I have 15 years old and have 1,60 of height.

b) I have 15 years of old and I have 1.60 cm tall.

c) I am 15 years of old and I have 1.60 m of tall.

d) I'm 15 and 1,60 km tall.

e) I am 15 years old and I am 1.60 m tall.


Peter: Hello.Jane: Hi!

Tony: My name is Tony. What's your name?Laura: My name is Laura. Nice to meet you.

Tony: It's a pleasure. This is a great party!Laura: Yes, it is. Where are you from?

Tony: I'm from Toronto.Laura: Toronto? Really, are you American?

Tony: NO, I'm not American. I'm Canadian.Laura: Oh, you're Canadian. Sorry about that.

Tony: That's OK. Where are you from?Laura: I'm from London, but I'm not British.

Tony: No, what are you?Laura: Well, my parents were Spanish, so I'm Spanish, too.

Tony: That's very interesting. Spain is a beautiful country.Laura: Thank you. It IS a wonderful place.

Na seqüência dessa unidade, vamos estudar saber como se comunicar num

aeroporto. Então, vamos trabalhar o vocabulário específico deste esse tema e

treinar alguns diálogos.

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Key Vocabulary

Can I have your ticket? _________________________________________

Can I see your passport? _________________________________________

Smoking, non-smoking _________________________________________

Window _________________________________________

Aisle seat _________________________________________

Baggage _________________________________________

Carry-on bag _________________________________________

Boarding pass _________________________________________

Tourist _________________________________________

Business _________________________________________

Pleasant stay _________________________________________


A.Good morning. Can I see your passport? B.Here you are. A.Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business? B.I'm a tourist.

A.That's fine. Have a pleasant stay. B.Thank you.

OK Guys! Let's use our brain.

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Name Age Balloon

Dear students, vamos trabalhar o presente simples e seus auxiliaresEntão, dear students, let's do it


The camel can live without water for one week.

It can walk over 200 miles in the desert without drinking water.

It can do this because it has three stomachs that hold water.

And the hump on its back holds fat, so the camel can live without food for a long time, too.

Simple Present

Advérbios e locuções de uso frequente com o Simple Present:

always semprenever nuncaoften, frequently frequentementeseldom, rarely raramentegenerally geralmenteusually normalmentesometimes às vezesonce a week uma vez por semanatwice a month duas vezes por mêsthree times a year três vezes por ano

Usos do Simple Present

1. Para expressar verdades gerais / universais.

Ant-eaters eat ants. (Tamanduás comem formigas)The moon revolves around the earth. (A lua gira ao redor da terra.)

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2. Para expressar ações habituais.

She goes to the cinema on Saturdays. (Ela vai ao cinema aos sábados.)

Nas 3as pessoas do singular ( he , she , it )

?Acrescentamos ES aos verbos terminados em s , sh , ch , x , o , z

push => pushes fix => fixes

Aos verbos terminados em y precedido de vogal só se acrescenta S?

play => plays obey => obeys

Aos verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante => (- y + ies )?

carry => carries fly => flies

Acrescenta-se S como regra geral.?

work => works smoke => smokes

Let´s try guys.

1- Complete these sentences with the Simple Present tense of the verbs in parentheses.

a) My secretary always ____________________ my lawyer. (to phone)b) The director never ____________________ on time. (to come) c) She often _____________________ to Paris. (to go)d) That man never ________________________ that car. (to polish)e) My father ________________________ to Rio every week. (to fly)

2- Which sentence is in the Simple Present?

a) He have read a book.b) He read a book.c) He reads a book.d) He haves read a book.

3- Complete the sentences with do or does.

a) How long ____________ our lesson last?b) What time _____________Paul and Jim get up in the morning?c) What ____________ your brothers do after dinner ?d) When _____________ your women come back ? e) What _____________ your brother do after dinner ?

True 1

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A seguir, vamos acompanhar um dialógo

Where are you from, Laura?

Mark: Where are you from, Laura?Laura: Well, my whole family is in the United States now, but we're from Costa Rica originally.

Mark: Oh, so you're from South America.Laura: Actually, Costa Rica isn't in South America. It's in Central America.

Mark: Oh, right. My geography isn't very good!!

Let´s try guys.


Take a photo of me !!!

Tom: Excuse me, sorry to trouble you. Can you please take a photo of me ?Fernanda: Of course. No problem. Where would you like me to take it ?

Tom: Just under the departures sign thanks.Fernanda: You look like you're going somewhere tropical. Where are you going ?

Tom: Oh, nowhere. I just want my friends to think that I can afford a great holiday. Thank you.

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Responda às questões abaixo e confira as respostas, no gabarito, no final do livro:

11) Complete the blank with the correct alternative:

English is a practical language but Mandarin Chinese ____________.

a) am notb) aren'tc) are notd) isn'te) are

12) Complete the blank with the correct alternative:

I'm living a happy life, but the volunteers _____________.

a) isn't

b) is notc) aren't d) am e) am not



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Dear students, vimos trabalhando o presente simples.

Nesta unidade, estudaremos , a continuidade, aprendendo seu uso nas formas negativa e interrogativa. Veremos as estações do ano e diálogo em loja e seu vocabulário correspondente.

Então, dear students, let's do it!

Simple PresentNegative & Interrogative

Na Negativa e Interrogativa usa-se o auxiliar “ To Do ”

I , You , We , They = do / don't

He , She , It = does / doesn't

Quando o auxiliar é usado o verbo principal volta para Simple Form:

ex : She studies a lot She doesn't study a lot.



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Let´s try guys.

1- Rewrite these sentences into the given form.

a) She prefers to have dinner with me .

Interrogative: _____________________________________________?

b) I spend my holidays in Brazil.

Negative: ________________________________________________

c) She likes to think about her life.

Interrogative: _____________________________________________?

d) He copies his exercise at home.

Negative: ________________________________________________


Learning English with Pictures





Cheek ; Eyebrow ; Nose ; Eye ; Lip Ear ; Chin ; Mouth ; Forehead ; Hair

Write the correct word next to these numbers.

0) ________________ 1) ________________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________ 4) ________________ 5) ________________ 6) ________________ 7) ________________ 8) ________________ 9) ________________

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2- Put the sentences into the AFFIRMATIVE FORM:

a) We don't go dancing on Sunday night.


b) Is the weather cold in this region?


c) Are you going to study for the test?


d) My sister doesn't do all her lessons.


e) My parents aren't in Curitiba.



Tony: Hi, Fernanda. How are you?

Fernanda: Fine, thanks, Tony. How are you?

Tony: Fine. It's good to see you.

Fernanda: You, too. I'm glad you have time today. Can you

help me? I need some advice.

Tony: Well, maybe I can help you.

Fernanda: I think of starting my own business – a boutique.

Tony: Oh, it's a good idea!

Fernanda: I want a company with my name on it. I make the decisions and control everything.

Tony: You need a lawyer and an accountant. I contact them for you, ok!

Key Vocabulary

Glad ________________________To need ________________________Advice ________________________Maybe ________________________To start ________________________Own ________________________Business ________________________To make ________________________Lawyer ________________________Accountant ________________________

ogue - Introducing Yourself

Cowards die many times before their deaths.Os covardes morrem muitas vezes antes da sua morte.

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1- Complete the sentences with do or does.

a) How long ____________ our lesson last?b) What time _____________Paul and Jim get up in the morning?c) What ____________ your brothers do after dinner ?d) When _____________ your women come back ? e) What _____________ your brother do after dinner ?

OK Guys! Let's use our brain.



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Dear students, aprender novas palavras sempre é muito importante e usando algumas figuras facilita o trabalho e o torna mais interessante. Vamos conhecer também as estações do ano em inglês.Então, dear friends, let's do it!

Learning Through Pictures




1- Em um aeroporto, os anúncios feitos pelo alto-falante normalmente são precedidos pela seguinte expressão:

a) Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? b) Pay attention, everybody!c) Dear passengers. Now listen, please. d) Listen to me, ladies and gentlemen! e) Please, ladies and lords!

2- Leia o diálogo abaixo.

Nasrah: How long does it take you to bring the dessert?

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Khahled: I'm sorry! I forgot your order.Nasrah: Never mind! Just bring me the bill.

Este diálogo se passa presumivelmente em um/uma:

a) viagem pelo deserto.b) restaurante. c) quartel. d) farmácia. e) metrô.

3- Escolha a alternativa que melhor interage com a oração dada.

How do you do?

a) I forgot!b) It is easy!c) How do you do?d) I don't know.e) But I don't!

4- Choose the right alternative to complete these sentences.

Alfred ________________Portuguese well. (to teach - Negative)?

She _________________ the lesson at home. (to do)?

Sometimes Mary and Carol ________________ to school by bus. (to come - Negative)?

My cousin _________________ to her hometown once a month. (to fly)?

This man _________________ English twice a week. (to study)?

a) . doesn't teach ; does ; don't come ; flies ; studiesb) . doesn't teach ; does ; doesn't come ; flies ; studies c) . doesn't teach ; does ; doesn't come ; flies ; studys d) . doesn't teach ; does ; don't come ; flies ; studyse) . doesn't teach ; does ; do not come ; fly ; studies

Did you Know?

Canada is the second largest country in the world, smaller only to Russia. Niagara Falls is one of Canada's best known tourist attractions. It is the largest falls in the world, measured in volume of water. Both English and French are official languages. Most of Quebec and parts of eastern

Canada are still heavily influenced by their French origins. Much of the rest of Canada is English origin.

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Better die with honor than live with shame.

É melhor morrer com honra do que viver com vergonha.


No hemisfério norte, as estações do ano são “invertidas” em relação ao hemisfério sul.Veja, por exemplo, em que épocas ocorrem as estações no Brasil (hemisfério sul) e na Inglaterra (hemisfério norte)

Let´s try guys.

1- Match the columns:

a) To buy ( ) estarb) To bite ( ) comprar c) To forget ( ) morderd) To have ( ) esquecer e) To be ( ) ter

2- Match the columns according to the meaning of the proverbs:

(a) When the cat is away, the mice will play.

(b) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(c) A good husband makes a good wife.

(d) Walls have ears.


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( ) Um amigo na necessidade é um amigo de verdade.( ) As paredes têm ouvidos.( ) Quando o gato está fora, os ratos se divertem.( ) Um bom marido faz uma boa esposa.

Exercises - Headwords

( ) Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

( ) shirt, blouse, shoe, coat

( ) mouse, elephant, tiger, pig

( ) arm, head, leg, shoulder

( ) juice, wine, milk, coffee

( ) History, Biology, Maths, French

( ) egg, ham, potato, butter

( ) mother, uncle, brother, grandfather

( ) athletics, swimming, running, boxing

When : quando

What : o que; que; qual; quais

Where : onde

What ..... for : para que ; por que

Why : por que

What time : que horas

How : como ; de que modo

What else : que mais

Which : qual / quais ; que

Who else : quem mais

Whose : de quem ( posse )

What kind / sort : que tipo / como

é (pessoa)

Who : quem ( sujeito e objeto )

Whom : quem ( objeto e após


What is .... like : como está...(tempo)

How much : quanto

How many : quantos

How big : qual o tamanho

How thick : que espessura

How deep : que profundidade

How tall : que altura ( pessoa )

How far : que distância

How high : que altura (coisas) que


How fast : a que velocidade

How often : quantas vezes

How long : quanto tempo

How old : que idade

How long ago : há quanto tempo

How wide : que largur

How soon : dentro de quanto tempo

QUESTION WORDS How + Adjectives or Adverbs

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Animal de estimação:



Hello friends, aprendemos o alfabeto, as cores e as estações do ano. Agora, vamos aumentar esse conhecimento básico, aprendendo números e dias da semana em inglês. Vamos também treinar num diálogo, para se comportar e se comunicar na hora das compras numa loja.


The chimpanzee is a very intelligentanimal that is good at learning language. A chimpanzee can learn to use sign language, but it can't always use correct grammar. For example, a chimpanzee can use sign language to say, "Me want banana now," but not, "I want a banana now, please."

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English Numbers

Aprender os números em inglês é muito Importante, principalmente a escrita deles.

Então, dear students, let's go!

Key Vocabulary

Can I help you? _______________________________________________________________

Can I try it (them) on?__________________________________________________________

Size ___________________________________________________________________________

Extra small _____________________________________________________________________

Medium _______________________________________________________________________

Large _________________________________________________________________________

How does it fit? ________________________________________________________________

Changing rooms_______________________________________________________________

How would you like to pay? ____________________________________________________

Credit cards ___________________________________________________________________

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Dialogues - In a ShopShopping for a Sweater

A. Can I help you? B. Yes, I'm looking for a sweater. A. What size are you? B. I'm an extra large. A. How about this one? B. Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on? A. Certainly, there's the changing rooms over there. B. Thank you. A. How does it fit? B. It's too large. Do you have a large? A. Yes, here you are. B. Thank you. I'll have it, please. A. OK, how would you like to pay? B. Do you take credit cards? A. Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express. B. OK, here's my Visa. A. Thank you. Have a nice day! B. Thank you, goodbye.


A man is known by the company he keeps.Diga-me com quem andas e dir-te-ei quem és.

Location: Oceania

Capital City: Canberra

Main Cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin

Currency: 1 Australian dollar

Religions: Anglican, Roman Catholic, others

Life Expectancy: 80.26

Independence Day: 1 January 1901

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DAYS of the WEEK


Monday ____________________________________

Tuesday _____________________________________

Wednesday _________________________________

Thursday ____________________________________

Friday _______________________________________

Saturday ____________________________________

Type the name of the day to fill each blank below.

a) Schools and offices are closed on ______________________.

b) The day before Friday is ______________________.

c) ______________________ is the last day of the week.

d) ______________________ has in its name a letter 'd' which is silent.

e) If today is Sunday, then tomorrow will be ______________________. f) The day after Saturday is ______________________.

Don't judge a book by its cover.Não julgue ninguém pela aparência


4. What color are violets?8. Look how ____ the grass and leaves are!9. This is the color of snow.10. Penguins are white and ____.


1. The sunflowers are a bright____.2. This color is also a name of a fruit.3. Many bears are this color.5. The sky is as _____ as your eyes.6. Look at the ____ fire engine.7. This is the color you get if you mix red and white together.

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Respondas às questões abaixo e confira as respostas, no gabarito, no final do livro

26) Choose the right alternative to complete this sentence.

Alfred ________________Portuguese well. (to teach - Negative)

a) don't teach b) doesn't teach c) doesn't teaches d) doesn't teachs e) don't teaches

27) Choose the right alternative to complete these sentences.

Sometimes Mary and Carol __________ to school by bus. (to come - Negative)

a) don't comes b) doesn't come c) doesn't comes d) don't come e) does not come

28) Complete the blank with the correct alternative:

The teacher is ____________ and cannot see you this morning.

a) toob) wantc) busyd) foode) see

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Dear students, como já havia mencionado, sobre o conhecimento básico, nessa

unidade, vamos completar esse conjunto básico de conhecimento com os meses

do ano e como perguntar e dizer a hora. Ainda mais, vamos aprender novas

palavras relacionadas à família e parentesco. É muito importante saber o uso

correto dessas palavras.

Então, dear friends, let's do it!


Let´s Try Guys.

1. The husband of my sister is my… __________________________

2. The son of my son is my… __________________________

3. My sister's daughter is my… __________________________

4. My mother's sister is my… __________________________

5. Who is your brother's son? __________________________

6. My father's father is my… __________________________

7. My wife's brother is my… __________________________

8. My daughter's husband is my… __________________________

9. My wife's mother is my… __________________________


Father : Mother: Brother: Sister: Son: Daughter: Nephew: Niece: Uncle: Aunt: Cousin: Parents: Grandfather: Grandmother: Grandparents: Relatives: Grandson: Granddaughter: Father-In-Law: Mother-In-Law: Brother-In-Law: Sister-In-Law: Son-In-Law: Daughter-In-Law: Godfather: Godmother: Godson: Goddaughter: Stepfather: Stepmother: Stepbrother: Stepsister: Stepson: Stepdaughter:

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LATE FOR SCHOOL Fred's mother: “Do you hear me, Fred? Do you know it's 9 o'clock already? Get up and go to school!”

Fred: “I don't want to go to school.”

Fred's mother: “ But you have to go.”

Fred: “The teachers don't understand me, and I don't understand them either. The children, too. They don't like me, and I don't like them either. That school hates me, and I hate it too.”

Fred's mother: “But you have to go!”

Fred (almost crying): “Why? Why do I have to go to school?”

Fred's mother: “Well, because you are fifty-five years old and you are the headmaster.”

1- Answer ( in English ).

a) Do the teachers understand Fred?________________________________________________

b) Does he hate that school?________________________________________________

c) Is Fred a student?________________________________________________

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Key Vocabulary

- Excuse me. _____________________________________

- Can you tell me the time, please? _____________________________________

- What time is it? _____________________________________

What time is it? - IA. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? B. Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock. A. Thank you. B. No problem.

What time is it? - IIA. What time is it? B. It's eight thirty five. A. Thanks. B. You're welcome.

Let´s try guys.

1- Complete these sentences.

I: Bill was born in 1984, thus he is going to be ______ years old in the first year of

the twenty-first century.

II: There are ____ names of the months ending in " y ".

III: There are ____ names of the months starting with "a".


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Capital letters

The names of persons and pets always begin with a capital letter. The word I is always written as a capital letter.


We named our new parrot Polly.

Every sentence, both asking and telling, must begin with a capital


The names of all places (like countries, towns and streets) begin

with a capital letter.


The Eiffel Tower in Paris is very famous



Dear students, estamos no finalizando o primeiro módulo, acreditando que fizemos

o bom inicio e uma ótima base na língua inglesa que é maravilhosa e tão

importante no nosso cotidiano. Agora, veremos as principais preposições e

também como dar e pedir informações pessoais.

Então, dear friends, para não perder o hábito... let's do it!

Prepositions of Place

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Let´s try guys.


Los Angeles, host of the 1932 and 1984 Olympics, was founded in 1781, though the oldest house still standing in the city goes back to only 1818.

1- Quando os Jogos Olímpicos foram pela primeira vez sediados em Los Angeles, a cidade tinha então: _________ anos.

2- Quando os Jogos Olímpicos foram pela segunda vez sediados em Los Angeles, a cidade tinha então: _________ anos.

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Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Não seja ingrato com quem lhe estende a mão.

Giving and Requesting Personal Information

Key Vocabulary

surname __________________________________________________________

first name _________________________________________________________

Where are you from?_______________________________________________

What's your job? ___________________________________________________

What's your address?_______________________________________________

What's your phone number?________________________________________

How old are you? __________________________________________________

Are you married? __________________________________________________

Are you single, divorced, separated ________________________________

Personal Information dialogue

A. What's your surname?

B. Santos.

A. What's your first name?

B. Simon.

A. Where are you from?

B. Moreira Sales, Pr.

A. What's your job?

B. I'm a teacher.

A. What's your address?

B. 34 White Street

A. What is your phone number?

B. 3028-6730

A. How old are you?

B. 54

A. Are you married?B. Yes, I am.

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Places of interest

Station _________- Estação Museum ______________________________________- Museu Bank _________________________________________- Banco Police station _________________________________- Delegacia de polícia Shop ________________________________________- LojaRestaurant ____________________________________- RestauranteSchool _______________________________________- EscolaMosque ______________________________________- MesquitaChurch _______________________________________- IgrejaBridge ________________________________________- PonteTower_________________________________________- TorreTheatre _______________________________________- TeatroHospital ______________________________________- HospitalBuilding _____________________________________- Edifício Petrol Station; gas station ______________________- Posto de gasolinaChemist's; drugstore; pharmacy _______________- FarmáciaPost Office ____________________________________- Agência postalCathedral - ___________________________________ - Catedral

1- Fill in the blanks with the words below.













a) Rio Branco is the Capital of _______________.

b) The Nile River is in ______________.

c) Asia and America are ______________.

d) The Thames is in ______________.

e) ______________ is a city in Mato Grosso do Sul.

f) The highest mountain is ______________.

g) The smallest country is ______________.

h) Gold is a ______________.

i) Florianopolis and Fernando de Noronha are ______________.

j) The Panda is from ______________.

k) ______________ is in Africa.

l) John F. Kennedy was killed in ______________.

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Responda às questões abaixo e confira as respostas, no gabarito, no final do livro

41) Choose the right alternative according to the months of the year:

The month after September is ___________. a) Ouctoberb) Octoberc) Ouctouberd) Octoubere) Octuber

There are two types of gorilla: the mountain gorilla that lives in the high areas of

the eastern Congo, and the lowland gorilla that lives in the rain forests. Both are

plant and fruit eaters. A gorilla can sit down among a small group of trees and

bushes and quickly eat every bit of plant food nearby. In a zoo, however, it soon

learns to like meat.

42) A palavra "both" pode ser traduzida por:

a) quaisquerb) aquelesc) estesd) ambos

43) A palavra "among" pode ser traduzida por:

a) perto deb) longe c) entred) ao lado dee) n.d.a

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1- d

2- d

3- b

4- b

5- d

6- d

7- c

8- d

9- c











































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