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Page 1: Initial ideas channel ident

Initial Ideas

My first Idea is a Drawn Animation Ident for E4. The Animation will start with a blank piece of paper, the number one will then be animatedly drawn onto the paper, then the following numbers up to the number 4. Next the letter E will appear next to the 4 and conclude in that way.

My Second Idea is a Clay Animation Ident for E4.The Animation will begin with the number 1 entering the scene, followed by number 2 and 3. They all morph together into making the number 4, and finally the letter E will enter the scene with a jump and stand next to the number 4.

My third Idea is a Cut out Animation Ident for E4. The Animation will start with the number 1 to 5 entering the screen, followed by the letters A to G then the number 4 and the letter E will be highlighted, and hopefully change colours rapidly.