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Prepared By:Trask Digital

(We Make Presence)

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Services we Provide

How we make your Presence on Web.

Plans We Offers.

Why SEO is Important

Main Methods of Accessing a Website

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Trask Digital is a Professional Profile Company whose started aim is to provide the outstanding solutions for all the SEO , SMO and Designing & Development needs.

Trask Digital is the perfect and professional crew for providing the affordable and effective SEO Services with wide pitch of clients all over the globe.

We are fully believe in all the techniques comes under the White Hat Methods means we make your branding highly popular on web by applying Google guidelines on that.

At Trask we work with a team having much experience in developing new strategies and ideas to make good rank in Search Engine with their reputed extraordinary efforts .

We always believe in teamwork because Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. So we all work with complete enthusiasm to show our work on web by making client present on it.

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At Trask we work with complete zeal to achieve the goal provided by the client with our determination to make them active on web

We follow strong values and moral codes to make the foundation of our company with right choices of SEO resell work.

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We Really believe in the commitments to be Accomplished. We never believe in the fuzzy commitments that we can’t deliver. We always offers what we can do in estimated time we take.

We always committed to remain loyal to our clients regarding their work and strategies. We are completely believe in the 100% security of the client’s details that these are never shared with third party and in any state of affairs.

Trask always work in the boundaries of White Hat strategies. We never follows the guidelines which are not permitted by Google. We believe in our abilities with humble confidence to take the rankings in Search Results.

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We always believe in the client Support Model. As the client give any task to us we deliver it on time with our full oddity by brining better ranking and great reputation.

We use all our Internal and external factors supplied by the client to bring the ranking in time with quality links, so that client can achieve higher

sales as his aspiration. We serve as a huge amount of

clients all over in USA, UK, Canada, Denmark, Australia and all over the globe.

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We are the SEO Reseller in the following areas and fields

SEO Companies

PR Agencies

Advertising Companies

Marketing Agency Firms

Web Designing Companies

Hosting Companies

Business Consultants & etc…

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Trask is a fully dedicated company for its work and provide all the ranking desires and make the business on the web to its clients.

We are the SEO Reseller with 100% secrecy to take care for the privacy of the client data and details . We work as your own SEO department under your company name.

Trask is fully dedicated to provides the services like SEO, SMO and designing and development.

In SEO we assured clients for making the quality back links and maintain their keywords ranking on Google search result. We work as Organic SEO and Business Enterprise related SEO.

In Organic SEO we are here for making quality back links on search Engine using best White Hat methods for maintain the ranking and on other side of business we maintain your brand in market.

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We here at Trask make a proper SEO work plan and give you the better results on the web by making some quality back links and maintain the ranking on Google search results.

We are fully dedicated with our SEO Plans with complete working of 8 hours in a day of 5 day week to meets the deadlines and standards.

Our dedicated work with complete zeal on the client’s project to make the better ranking and revenue for your business as soon as possible in complete time of span.

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Under SEO Services we works mainly under two patterns.

oOrganic SEO:oBusiness Enterprises Related SEO

Organic SEO (search engine optimization) is the expression acclimated to call processes to access a habituated adjustment on organic search engine result page(SERPs).

Some examples of techniques acclimated for Organic SEO cover application keywords and keyword analysis, back linking, link building to improve link popularity

In Business Enterprises Related SEO are completely concerned with market analysis like e-mail marketing, Internet marketing and so much.

All these marketing concerned are directly related with the traffic and ranking of the keywords in regional as well as outside the country areas.

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We are much professional to maintain the ranking as well to make the proper branding of your product. We provide you the best SMO Packages to takes traffic, Visibility and make you as brand name.

Mostly companies are much concerned with the keyword ranking not on the traffic but here at Trask we assured you for the ranking as well as Traffic, Branding and Visibility of your product. We make proper use of SMO plans and take maximum traffic from regional as well as outside areas.

We have both the experienced staff who work with complete dedication on both in house and client’s campaigns from many years and make them well ranked and visible on the web.

Trask give you the best SMO Proposal at affordable price to optimizing a website and its content in terms of sharing across social media and networking sites.

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Branding : Trask is a brand name among the clients and we also make the client’s campaigns a brand name on the web. We use so many branding sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and so many other social Media sites for making the proper branding of your product.

Visibility: If branding of any product is maintained on the web then it is automatically visible on the web to the users. We use high PR social networking sites and Video Blogging sites to make proper visibility of your product on the web.

Traffic: Now important thing comes is the traffic. Every client wants that he attains maximum traffic on his site. Traffic is automatically attained by using all these SMO proposals. As the traffic is attained then it will get maximum numbers of conversions which can directly related to the in sale business of the client.

Trask assured you as the right choice for SEO Reseller work by its dedicated work towards the clients campaigns.

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All the activities like traffic, Visibility and branding all are depends on the designing and development of the site. Al the on page factors directly related with the ranking of the site. If a site is strongly created with its on page activities then it has 90% chances of well ranking.

And most of the on page activities are depends on the designing and developing of the website.

We at Trask has professional web designers and developer who are experts in creating attractive yet functional websites for promoting products and services of any organization. We assured you with our D&D services to achieve best ranking and far above the ground towards traffic.

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We are offering following types of application under D&D which worth the Visits….

CMS Design Website: Content Management Websites allows owners to manage and control the all content which he wants to edit and add to the website.

These websites allows you to easily edit, remove and add the text as well as alter the images placed on the website.

The main advantage of CMS Websites are that You want to make some changes on the website It is not required to have much technical knowledge.

These websites are completely flexible and permit users to make flexible changes to the site with ease without much technical knowledge.

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E-commerce Websites : E-commerce websites are the best business website to promote your business or products through Internet marketing. All the shopping carts and online stores are the sufficient examples of E-commerce websites. These websites may ranges from large business scale to small business scale. No matters what is the size of business you can buy or sell your product any where around the world with these sites.

These sites are mostly product basis by which you can attain the sufficient traffic on that product and firm. You can make your visibility like store is open for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Trask provides you highly qualified and experiencedDesigners and developers for making these types of websites to make your business world wide on the web. We create so many E-commerce websites which are successfully attaining high traffic on web and also fulfill all the requirement of the clients which they want from Trask.

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Mobile Applications: In today’s world we seen that most of the population have smart phones means they wants to use everything like ticket booking, Study, games, transport Information everything on their hand set. So we are aware about the latest technology in Trask. We offers best mobile applications at affordable price which helps users to check all these facilities at reasonable cost with their less span of time on their hand set. Every phone run with its own operating system. so for the creation of any website with its operating system has the challenge to make such type of mobile application which is easily accessible with that operating system. We accept all these challenges and make so many such types of applications which are successfully runson the desired operating system.

Trask has so much experienced developer and creative designers which equipped with the tools and techniques to develop creative mobile applications which can be accessed on either Android or on iOS.

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Now We are going to recognize a new service which we are just start i.e. conversion from PSD to HTML. When we are creating a website then it takes so much time for the completion of one webpage. So for saving the span of time we are going to give you a new service with which you can complete single webpage with in an hour. In this service we cerate all the designing in the photo shop and then convert this in to the HTML. So it automatically gives you all the coding part and easily convert that webpage in the HTML. So we are going to provide this service in reasonable price with less span of time. While converting PSD to HTML we also takes care about that , Is HTML compatibility is matched with the browser compatibility or not?. SO we make all the conversions to take compatibilities of browsers in mind. We also ensure all the users that their interactive design is not going to hamper even after all the conversions has been made.

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When we are going to convert the sites form PSD to HTML then we have mostly three methods.

• Slicing Services

• SiteGrinder and

• Code it yourself

In Trask we use the Site Grinder method. In this method we are using all the essential tools required for the conversion.

Site Grinder is a Plugin for photoshop. This plugin converts all the website made in Photoshop directly in to HTML/CSS. This will do a respectable job.

Site Grinder is available for both Mac OS X and also for all Windows Operating System.

This plug in convert all the text files also in HTML coding. So it is easy to maintain these files with HTML code.

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Trask helps you to stay on the top ranking and maintain local as well world wide traffic on your site on search engine results. We offers you so many services by which you can make your faith on us. For making you presence on web we provide different types of packages to maintain your ranking and traffic..

We provide you SEO , Link Building,SMO , Web Designing and so many other Services. This will automatically traffic onYour website. We works completely on White Hat SEO and proving the results. We always takesgoal oriented and measurable campaignswith 100% safe , ethical and effective methods.

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We offers several packages like Global SEO Package and Local SEO Packages. In Global SEO Packages we include keywords with competition around 100000.

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In Local SEO Packages we include keywords

with competition around 100000. In this package we are going to provide all the services in the regional area only.

We work on your domain according to your country region only. We firstly search that what type of searching methods is used their and how people find a particular thing i.e with net surfing or any other method. Then we do work on that particular thing. Studies show that these days, over 80 percent of Internet users do research via a search engine before they buy a product or service online. So we mostly promote your business in the local region.

For these local SEO we are going to offer everything as keyword research , high traffic, Keyword Ranking on Search Engine result, Visibility of your site, Branding and much more.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key apparatus for the website owners to get more and more cartage to the website. Enhancement of a website is acute to get traffic and advance the akin over the search engine. The functional aim of the search engine Optimization is to get top ranking of your keywords from assorted sources and to get consistent visitors.

SEO makes your site well analyzed and helps you to resolve all the in site and off site problems of your website. With the help of SEO you can make proper analysis of your website and get out all the factors that creates problem in the ranking and traffic of your keywords.

The ultimate ambition for the website buyer and SEO is to get the traffic and appears in aboriginal 5 pages of the search engine and advance the positing online and as well to get the continue users on their website.

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We access a website for three main sorts as following: Search Engine TrafficDirect Traffic. Referral traffic.

Search Engine Traffic :- This traffic matters a lot. We get near about 46% of visitors from Search engine. So it is very important to get all the keywords in Search Engine Results.

55% of online purchases originates from search Engine.

A search engine visitor is 5x more likely to convert a sale than a visitor from Ad or banners.

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Direct Traffic is web traffic you get from people who already know about your website or store. They directly hit your url on the web make your traffic increase.

By comparison, search engine traffic comes from humans that apparently don't apperceive about your site. They were searching for a keyword or byword and your website just showed up in the after-effects on Google, Yahoo!, or MSN Live Search. Finally, referrer traffic describes web visitors that chase a web hotlink or online ad to your website.

On other side we have Referral traffic, this traffic comes from some referral points. In this we includes blogs, link sharing on any site comes in the referral traffic. In this traffic client does not directly hit on your site he comes from other sources on your site.

So we provides you the best traffic either Direct, Referral and search engine with our best dedicated resources. So make your presence on web by giving your work to Trask.

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