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These instructions are for building and installing the GloVis version 8.x code.There may be additional tools/utilities you will need to install as well toallow GloVis to run properly. The setup and installation instructions foradditional tools are not provided here (apache, other tools...).

Additional instructions are included in the filestateview_install_guide8_x.pdf.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

** To acquire and setup the GloVis code:- Download the file for GloVis source code- Make a directory to decompress the files into ("glovis" is a good name to use)- Move the archive file into the glovis directory- Change into the glovis directory- Ungzip & untar the archive file- Edit env/glovis_env.[csh/sh] to setup the environment variables appropriately

** Note: to build the GloVis website applet with the File menu enabled, a Java Key must be created. To do this, follow these steps:- edit the env/glovis_env.[csh/sh] file to define the following environment variables: GV_JAVASEC_PASSWORD abcdefgh GV_JAVASEC_NAME "CN=Company name, OU=organization util, O=owner, L=location, ST=state, C=country"

GV_JAVASEC_ALIAS glovis% source env/glovis_env.[csh/sh]% keytool -alias $(GV_JAVASEC_ALIAS) -storepass $(GV_JAVASEC_PASSWORD) \ -keypass $(GV_JAVASEC_PASSWORD) -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA \ -keystore $(GV_BIN)/javakey -keysize 2048 -dname "$(GV_JAVASEC_NAME)"

** The applet also provides the ability to do an address search under the map layers menu. For that to be available, a google maps API account is

needed, subject to Google's terms. Information can be found at

After a google maps API account has been set up, a perl module needs to be created and put into the $GV_HTML/ImgViewer/.security directory.

That file should be named and contain a method called geocode that is exported. This method should take an address and return results in the form: Found:lng:lat:formatted_address::lng:lat:formatted_address Or Error:your_error_message (See the ProcessResults class in for more examples of the expected search results.)

The file needs to be installed before installing the software. If it is added later, the build will need to be redone. Please refer to Google's documentation for examples of implementing the geocoding functionality and for licensing requirements.

As an alternative to using Google for address lookup, you may use another geocoding service. In, modify the callGeocodingCgi method to invoke a different script, or implement some other lookup functionality directly in the Java class.

** To build just the GloVis website (which is what most people will want to do), execute the following:% source env/glovis_env.[csh/sh]% env/make_directories.csh

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% make website

** To build everything in GloVis (which few people will want to do), executethe following:

% source env/glovis_env.[csh/sh]% env/make_directories.csh% make% make install

** To acquire the map layer linework files:- You may obtain a copy of the linework files for political boundaries, roads, U.S. Cities, and other map layers by using the script in the coop_utils directory. This script basically pulls the existing linework files that have been processed specifically for the projections used by GloVis to your local system. The original source linework files are no longer available for building the linework files from scratch.

** About the protected areas linework files:- The protected area information displayed by GloVis was obtained from the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) Consortium, December 2007 version. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is a joint venture of UNEP and the IUCN, produced by UNEP-World

Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the IUCN WCPA working with governments and collaborating NGOs. The WDPA is updated continuously providing the most current data on protected areas worldwide. Please go to for more information.- If you have the appropriate permissions to use those files, download the national protected areas polygon and point files.- Set up the GV_ORIG_LINEWORK environment variable in the glovis_config.csh script.- Install the unzipped files in a subdirectory of $GV_ORIG_LINEWORK.- Update ingest/linework/scripts/CellConstruction.csh to point to that subdirectory.- Make sure the $(GV_HOME)/html/ImgViewer/linework directory exists or, if it

is a symlink, that the directory it points to exists.** To build the protected areas linework files from the original sources:% cd ingest/linework/scripts% make% make install% make protarea

** GloVis requires the following external tools if you plan to include Landsat-7 ETM+ SLC-off data in your data inventory: - Perl GD module It is availble on As of Dec, 2003 it is available at the following link: <>.

- libgd Included with Red Hat. Need to make sure it is compatible with the version of the Perl GD module that you use.

** GloVis requires the following external tools if you plan to ingest your own data: - netpbm, for manipulating imagery It is usually part of the standard install on Linux systems. If netpbm is not installed on your system, it can be found online at <>.

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