Page 1: Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

- Curso y división: 2A - Espacio Curricular: Inglés

- Docente: Graciela Ricci - E-mail: [email protected]

- Fecha de entrega: a los 5 días de subido a la página


Open your books on page 6 and do the following activities. You can do the exercises in the book.

1. Read the text. Find these people in the photos.

2. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1- Lee´s surname is Smith.

2- Harlow Mill is in England.

3- Ruby is Lee´s brother.

4- Lee´s dad hasn´t got a job.

5- Lee´s mum is Spanish.

Page 2: Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

3. Look at Lee´s family tree. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. Decide who is speaking

in each sentence.

4. Add apostrophes (´) to the sentences about Lee´s family.

Page 3: Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

Lee´s sister´s name is Ruby. His dads name is Dave. Gloria is Daves wife. Sue is the childrens aunt. Bob is Lee and

Rubys uncle. Lees grandparents are Jack and Diana.

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

1- Is Amy the same age as Lee?

2- Are they at the same school?

3- Is Amy interested in sports? Which ones?

6. Read the text about Amy again. What are her hobbies and interests? Tick them in the box below.

Page 4: Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

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Page 5: Instituto “SAGRADO CORAZÓN” – Nivel Secundario

思Read the text and answerthe questions in

餞 嵩my,h。S。m。。g。。S.。。,

2 Aretheyatthe same schooI?

3 is Amy interested in sports?Which ones?

靂連二二二二二二二‾ ‾《 ‾‾‾‾ ‾

I’vegota husband -互生nameis Dave"

2 _-____

i,ve got a sister〇 ・一一一一name is Ruby"

3 ___○○臆」_

l,ve got a brother and a sister -

__________ brother’s name is Bob,

4    __

」ackand i have gotthree chiidren

_〇〇   一nameS are Bob, Sue

and GIoria.

5 __臆「「_-____

Gioria and i are siste「s一    __

ParentS’names are 」ackand Diana"


I営regular pluraI

my brother’s Iaptop,

Lee’s sister

my parents9 car

the chiId「en’s mothe「

TWo words .  Lee9s dad’s bike,

Dave and Gioria’s house

範Add apostrophes (’) to the sentences about

しee’s famiIy,

Lee二宣Sister± name is Ruby. His dads name is

Dave. Gioria is Daves wife, Sue is the ch=drens

aunt. Bob is Lee and Rubys uncIe. Lees

grandparents are 」ack and Diana"

言潜This isAmyArnold, Lee’s bestfriend"She'sfifteenand she’saIsoatHarlow M用High, ‘

She hasn’t go亡any brothers o「 sisters' Amy’s

birthday is on 15 Novembe「- She-s a typical

Scorpio' Amy isvery good with computers and

herJIObbies are playing computer games, Surfing

the intemet, taking photos, SWimming and, in

Summer, CyC=ng. She has a busy iife- SheLhas

judo ciasses two evenings a week af亡e「 schooi

and she sometimes has t「aining sessionswith

the schooi volieybaIi team too・ Amy is a very big

fan ofBro, the pop star,

㊨ Read the text aboutAmyagain" What are her

hobb盲es and interests? Tick them in the box


doing nothing going to the cinema

iistening to music pIaying compute「 games

reading books / magazines su「fing the inte「net

taking photos tidying your bedroom

visiting reIatives watching TV/ DVDs / f皿s on Yo血be

菅What’syour opinion ofthe activities in the box

a bove?

1 th盲nk reading is

exciting / fun / great/ interesting○


bo而g / terrible"

/ think doing nothing /s boring.
