Page 1: Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming Jianjian SONG Software Institute, Nanjing University

Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming

Jianjian SONGSoftware Institute, Nanjing University

Page 2: Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming Jianjian SONG Software Institute, Nanjing University

Content Computer Architecture Taxonomy ARM Architecture Introduction ARM Instruction Set ARM Assembly Language


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1. Computer Architecture Taxonomy

What is architecture?

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Architecture & Organization 1 Architecture is those attributes visible to

the programmer Instruction set, number of bits used for data

representation, I/O mechanisms, addressing techniques.

e.g. Is there a multiply instruction? Organization is how features are

implemented Control signals, interfaces, memory

technology. e.g. Is there a hardware multiply unit or is it

done by repeated addition?

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Architecture & Organization 2

All Intel x86 family share the same basic architecture

The IBM System/370 family share the same basic architecture

This gives code compatibility At least backwards

Organization differs between different versions

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von Neumann architecture

Memory holds data, instructions. Central processing unit (CPU)

fetches instructions from memory. Separate CPU and memory

distinguishes programmable computer. CPU registers help out: program

counter (PC), instruction register (IR), general-purpose registers, etc.

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CPU + memory





IRADD r5,r1,r3200


ADD r5,r1,r3

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Harvard architecture


PCdata memory

program memory





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von Neumann vs. Harvard

Harvard can’t use self-modifying code.

Harvard allows two simultaneous memory fetches.

Most DSPs use Harvard architecture for streaming data: greater memory bandwidth; more predictable bandwidth.

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Complex instruction set computer (CISC): many addressing modes; many operations.

Reduced instruction set computer (RISC): load/store; pipelinable instructions.

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Load-store Architecture

指令集仅能处理 ( 如 ADD 、 SUB 等 ) 寄存器中 ( 或指令中直接指定 ) 的值,而且总是将处理结果放回寄存器中。针对存储器的唯一操作是将存储器的值装入寄存器 (load 指令 ) ,或将寄存器的值存到存储器 (store 指令 ) 。

相比较,典型的 CISC 处理器允许将存储器中的值加 (ADD) 到寄存器,有时还允许将寄存器的值加 (ADD) 到存储器中。

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Instruction set characteristics

Fixed vs. variable length. Addressing modes. Number of operands. Types of operands.

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Programming model

Programming model: registers visible to the programmer.

Some registers are not visible (e.g. IR).

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Multiple implementations

Successful architectures have several implementations: varying clock speeds; different bus widths; different cache sizes; etc.

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2. ARM Architecture Introduction

ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) ARM 公司是一家设计公司,是 IP 供应

商,靠转让设计许可证由合作伙伴生产各具特色的芯片。 What is IP ? Intellectual Property

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ARM 的特点 ARM 具有 RISC 体系的一般特点:

大量寄存器 绝大多数操作都在寄存器中进行,通过 Load/

Store 的在内存和寄存器间传递数据。 寻址方式简单 采用固定长度的指令格式

此外, 小体积、低功耗、低成本、高性能 16 位 /32 位双指令集 全球众多合作伙伴

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ARM 体系结构的版本和扩充 六个版本

ARMv1 ~ ARMv6 ARM 体系结构的扩充

Thumb (T variant): 16 位指令集,用以改善指令密度;

DSP (E variant): 用于 DSP 应用的算术运算指令集;

Jazeller (J variant): 允许直接执行 Java字节码 什么是指令密度?




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ARM 体系结构版本的命名格式 命名字符串 :

ARM vx (x: 指令集版本号, 1~6) 表示变种的字符 ( 如 T, E, J ) 用字符 x 表示排除某种写功能。

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ARM 处理器系列 ARM7 系列 ARM9 系列 ARM9E 系列 ARM10 系列 SecureCore 系列 Intel StrongARM Intel XScale

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3. ARM Instruction Set ARM assembly language ARM programming model ARM memory organization ARM data operations ARM flow of control

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Assembly language

Why assembly language? One-to-one with instructions (more or

less). Basic features:

One instruction per line. Labels provide names for addresses (usually

in first column). Instructions often start in later columns. Columns run to end of line.

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ARM assembly language example

label1 ADR r4,cLDR r0,[r4] ; a

commentADR r4,dLDR r1,[r4]SUB r0,r0,r1 ; comment

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ARM 指令的一般编码格式

cond 00 X opcode S Rn Rd Shifter-operand

31 28 27 26 25 24 21 20 19 16 15 12 11 0

opcode: 指令操作符编码cond: 指令执行条件编码S: 指令的操作是否影响 CPSR 的值Rn: 包含第一个操作数的寄存器编码Rd: 目标寄存器编码Shifter_operand: 第二个操作数

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ARM 指令的基本寻址方式 寄存器寻址

例: ADD R0 , R1 , R2 ; (R1)+(R2)→R0 立即数寻址

例: ADD R3 , R3 , #2 ; (R3)+2→R3 寄存器间接寻址

例: LDR R0 , [R3] ; ((R3))→R0 寄存器变址

例: LDR R0 , [R1, #4] ; ((R1)+4)→R0 相对寻址

例: B rel ; (PC)+rel→PC

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Some assembler directives don’t correspond directly to instructions: Define current address. Reserve storage. Constants.

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ARM programming model




r15 (PC)


31 0


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Relationship between bit and byte/word ordering defines endianness:

byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3

bit 31 bit 0 bit 0 bit 31

little-endian big-endian

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ARM data types

Word is 32 bits long. Word can be divided into four 8-bit

bytes. ARM addresses can be 32 bits long. Address refers to byte.

Address 4 starts at byte 4. Can be configured at power-up as

either little- or big-endian mode.

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ARM status bits

Every arithmetic, logical, or shifting operation sets CPSR bits: N (negative), Z (zero), C (carry), V

(overflow). Examples:

-1 + 1 = 0: NZCV = 0110. 231-1+1 = -231: NZCV = 0101.

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Instructions Overview

Data instructions Move Instructions Load/Store instructions Comparison instructions Branch instructions

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ARM data instructions

Basic format:ADD r0,r1,r2 Computes r1+r2, stores in r0.

Immediate operand:ADD r0,r1,#2 Computes r1+2, stores in r0.

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ARM data instructions

ADD, ADC : add (w. carry)

SUB, SBC : subtract (w. carry)

RSB, RSC : reverse subtract (w. carry)

MUL, MLA : multiply (and accumulate)

AND, ORR, EOR BIC : bit clear LSL, LSR : logical

shift left/right ASL, ASR : arithmetic

shift left/right ROR : rotate right RRX : rotate right

extended with C

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Data operation varieties

Logical shift: fills with zeroes.

Arithmetic shift: fills with ones.

RRX performs 33-bit rotate, including C bit from CPSR above sign bit.

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ARM move instructions

MOV, MVN : move (negated)

MOV r0, r1 ; sets r0 to r1

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ARM load/store instructions

LDR, LDRH, LDRB : load (half-word, byte)

STR, STRH, STRB : store (half-word, byte)

Addressing modes: register indirect : LDR r0,[r1] with second register : LDR r0,[r1,-r2] with constant : LDR r0,[r1,#4]

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ARM comparison instructions

CMP : compare CMN : negated compare TST : bit-wise test TEQ : bit-wise negated test These instructions set only the

NZCV bits of CPSR.

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ARM branch instructions

B: Branch BL: Branch and Link

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ARM ADR pseudo-op

Cannot refer to an address directly in an instruction.

Generate value by performing arithmetic on PC.

ADR pseudo-op generates instruction required to calculate address:ADR r1,FOO

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Example: C assignments

C: x = (a + b) - c;

Assembler:ADR r4,a ; get address for aLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of aADR r4,b ; get address for b, reusing r4LDR r1,[r4] ; get value of bADD r3,r0,r1 ; compute a+bADR r4,c ; get address for cLDR r2,[r4] ; get value of c

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C assignment, cont’d.

SUB r3,r3,r2 ; complete computation of xADR r4,x ; get address for xSTR r3,[r4] ; store value of x

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Example: C assignment

C:y = a*(b+c);

Assembler:ADR r4,b ; get address for bLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of bADR r4,c ; get address for cLDR r1,[r4] ; get value of cADD r2,r0,r1 ; compute partial resultADR r4,a ; get address for aLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of a

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C assignment, cont’d.

MUL r2,r2,r0 ; compute final value for yADR r4,y ; get address for ySTR r2,[r4] ; store y

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Example: C assignment

C:z = (a << 2) | (b & 15);

Assembler:ADR r4,a ; get address for aLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of aMOV r0,r0,LSL 2 ; perform shiftADR r4,b ; get address for bLDR r1,[r4] ; get value of bAND r1,r1,#15 ; perform ANDORR r1,r0,r1 ; perform OR

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C assignment, cont’d.ADR r4,z ; get address for zSTR r1,[r4] ; store value for z

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Additional addressing modes

Base-plus-offset addressing:LDR r0,[r1,#16] Loads from location r1+16

Auto-indexing increments base register:LDR r0,[r1,#16]!

Post-indexing fetches, then does offset:LDR r0,[r1],#16 Loads r0 from r1, then adds 16 to r1.

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ARM flow of control

All operations can be performed conditionally, testing CPSR: EQ, NE, CS, CC, MI, PL, VS, VC, HI, LS,

GE, LT, GT, LE Branch operation:

B #100 Can be performed conditionally.

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Example: if statement

C: if (a < b) { x = 5; y = c + d; } else x = c - d;

Assembler:; compute and test condition

ADR r4,a ; get address for aLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of aADR r4,b ; get address for bLDR r1,[r4] ; get value for bCMP r0,r1 ; compare a < bBGE fblock ; if a >= b, branch to false block

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If statement, cont’d.

; true blockMOV r0,#5 ; generate value for xADR r4,x ; get address for xSTR r0,[r4] ; store xADR r4,c ; get address for cLDR r0,[r4] ; get value of cADR r4,d ; get address for dLDR r1,[r4] ; get value of dADD r0,r0,r1 ; compute yADR r4,y ; get address for ySTR r0,[r4] ; store yB after ; branch around false block

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If statement, cont’d.

; false blockfblock ADR r4,c ; get address for c

LDR r0,[r4] ; get value of cADR r4,d ; get address for dLDR r1,[r4] ; get value for dSUB r0,r0,r1 ; compute a-bADR r4,x ; get address for xSTR r0,[r4] ; store value of x

after ...

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Example: Conditional instruction implementation

; true blockMOVLT r0,#5 ; generate value for xADRLT r4,x ; get address for xSTRLT r0,[r4] ; store xADRLT r4,c ; get address for cLDRLT r0,[r4] ; get value of cADRLT r4,d ; get address for dLDRLT r1,[r4] ; get value of dADDLT r0,r0,r1 ; compute yADRLT r4,y ; get address for ySTRLT r0,[r4] ; store y

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Example: switch statement

C: switch (test) { case 0: … break; case 1: … }

Assembler:ADR r2,test ; get address for testLDR r0,[r2] ; load value for testADR r1,switchtab ; load address for switch tableLDR r15,[r1,r0,LSL #2] ; index switch table

switchtab DCD case0DCD case1


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Example: FIR filter

C:for (i=0, f=0; i<N; i++)f = f + c[i]*x[i];

Assembler; loop initiation code

MOV r0,#0 ; use r0 for IMOV r8,#0 ; use separate index for arraysADR r2,N ; get address for NLDR r1,[r2] ; get value of NMOV r2,#0 ; use r2 for f

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FIR filter, cont’.d

ADR r3,c ; load r3 with base of cADR r5,x ; load r5 with base of x

; loop bodyloop LDR r4,[r3,r8] ; get c[i]

LDR r6,[r5,r8] ; get x[i]MUL r4,r4,r6 ; compute c[i]*x[i]ADD r2,r2,r4 ; add into running sumADD r8,r8,#4 ; add one word offset to array indexADD r0,r0,#1 ; add 1 to iCMP r0,r1 ; exit?BLT loop ; if i < N, continue

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ARM subroutine linkage

Branch and link instruction:BL foo Copies current PC to r14.

To return from subroutine:MOV r15,r14

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Nested subroutine calls

Nesting/recursion requires coding convention:

f1 LDR r0,[r13] ; load arg into r0 from stack

; call f2()

STR r13!,[r14] ; store f1’s return adrs

STR r13!,[r0] ; store arg to f2 on stack

BL f2 ; branch and link to f2

; return from f1()

SUB r13,#4 ; pop f2’s arg off stack

LDR r13!,r15 ; restore register and return

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Load/store architecture Most instructions are RISCy,

operate in single cycle. Some multi-register operations take

longer. All instructions can be executed


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4. ARM Assembly Language Programming

Why and when to use? AT&T format and Intel format Grammar of ARM assembly

language Examples

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Why and when to use?


CPU 中的特殊指令 频繁使用代码的时间效率 程序的空间效率 ( 如操作系统的引导程

序 )Refer to “Linux 内核源代码情景分析” ( 浙江大学出版社 )1.5 节Refer to “Linux 内核源代码情景分析” ( 浙江大学出版社 )1.5 节

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AT&T format and Intel format

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Grammar of ARM assembly language

语句 程序格式

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语句 语句

指令 伪操作 宏

语句格式 { symbol } { instruction | directive |

pseudo-instruction } { ;comment }

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伪操作 符号定义伪操作 数据定义伪操作 汇编控制伪操作 框架描述伪操作 信息报告伪操作 其它伪操作

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关于变量的伪操作 声明一个全局变量,并初始化

GBLA, GBLL, GBLS 声明一个局部变量,并初始化



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GBLA objectsize ; 声明一个全局的算术变量objectsize SETA 0xff ; 给该变量赋值SPACE objectsize ; 使用该变量

GBLL statusBstatusB SETL {TRUE}

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关于数据常量的伪操作 EQU

name EQU expr {, type} 通常在 .inc 文件中

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分配内存单元 SPACE

{label} SPACE bye_num 分配一块内存单元,并用 0 初始化

DCB {label} DCB expr, {expr} 分配一段字节内存单元,并用 expr 初始化

DCD {label} DCD expr, {expr} 分配一段字内存单元 ( 分配的内存都是字对齐的 ) ,

并用 expr 初始化

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MACRO and MEND 子程序与宏


宏定义体 MACRO: 宏定义的开始 MEND: 宏定义的结束 通常在 .mac 文件中

格式 MACRO {$label} macroname {$para1, $para2, ...} ... ;code MEND

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MACRO $label xmac $p1 ... ;code$label.loop1 ; 宏定义体的内部标号 ... ;code BGE $label.loop1$label.loop2 ; 宏定义体的内部标号 ... ;code BL $p1 ;参数 p1 是一个子程序的名称 BGT $label.loop2 ... ;code MEND

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Example (cont’d) “abc xmac subr1”调用宏展开后的结果

... ;codeabcloop1 ; 内部标号 label 被 abc 代替 ... ;code BGE abcloop1 ; 内部标号 label 被 abc 代替abcloop2 ; 内部标号 label 被 abc 代替 ... ;code BL subr1 ; 参数 p1被实际值 subr1 代替 BGT abcloop2 ... ;code

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其它伪操作 AREA: 定义一个代码段或数据段

AREA sectionname {, attr1} {, attr2} ENTRY: 程序入口点 END: 源程序结束

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其它伪操作 (cont’d)




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伪指令 ADR

ADR{cond} register, expr 将基于 PC 的地址值或基于寄存器的地址值读取到寄存器中 汇编替换成一条指令

ADRL ADRL{cond} register, expr ADRL 伪指令比 ADR读取更大的地址范围。 汇编替换为两条指令

LDR LDR{cond} register, =[expr | label_expr] 将一个 32 位的常数或地址值读取到寄存器中

NOP 空操作,如 MOV R0, R0

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程序格式 以段为单位组织源文件

代码段和数据段 AREA 伪操作


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Computer architecture and ARM architecture

Instruction set Assembly language programming

Program structure Statements
