Page 1: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS
Page 2: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS

Greentree Group Publishers

Received 14/06/18 Accepted 17/07/18 Published 10/09/18


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 24 [e ISSN 2350-0204]


e-ISSN 2350-0204


The insomnia is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping or inadequate, poor-

quality sleep. They may have difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during night with

difficulty returning to sleep, and awaking up too early in the morning. It is followed by daytime

sleepiness, low energy, irritability and a depressed mood. The findings suggest that

sleeplessness epidemic affects an estimated 150 million in developing world. Words such as

Anidra, Nidranasha & Asvapna are used for insomnia in Ayurvedic literature. Charaka

included the Asvapna on 80 Nanatmaja vata diseases. The present clinical study was in the

management of anidra with jatamansi churna and shirodhara. According to Dravya Guna

Vijanan Jatamansi is nidrajanan drug and under Murdini taila siroseka is said to be effective

in inducing sound sleep. Fifty patients were selected randomly from OPD and IPD of

Kayachikitsa, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Jalukbari, Guwahati-14, Assam. Group A

was treated with Jatamansi churna with a dose of 1gm twice daily with adequate amount of

water for 60 days. Group B was treated with Jatamansi churna for same dose as group A for

60 days along with Shirodhara with Tila Taila for 7 days. After completion of the study result

were assessed in terms of clinical recovery, symptomatic relief and improvement of ASI score.

The study showed good results.


Insomia, Anidra, Jatamansi, Sirodhara, Til taila

A Clinical Study in the Management of Anidra with Jatamansi

Churna and Shirodhara

Jharna Hazarika1*, Om Prakash Gupta2 and Bishnu Prasad Sarma3

1-3Department of Kayachikitsa Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Jalukbari, Guwahati-14 Assam, India

Page 3: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 25 [e ISSN 2350-0204]


Insomnia is the complaint of inadequate

sleep. It is also known as sleeplessness, is a

sleep disorder where people have trouble

sleeping1. They may have difficulty falling

asleep or staying asleep as long as desired2.

Insomnia commonly leads to daytime

sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling

of being unwell, both mentally and

physically. Low energy, irritability, anxiety

, depressed mood and mood swings are

common associated symptoms1. It can be

short term (days-weeks) or long term

(lasting more than a month)1,12. It can occur

independently or as a result of another

problem3 for e.g. stress, chronic pain, heart

failure, hypothyroidism, certain

medication, working night shifts, sleep


Health is the supreme foundation of

Dharma, Artha, Karma & Moksha4. To

maintain the healthy state of body & mind

Ayurveda believes that life sustains on

Ahar, Nidra, Brahmacharya i.e. known as

Trayopastambhas5. Importance of Nidra is

clearly illustrated by Ayurveda.

As mentioned in Sushruta Sarirsthan 4th

chapter, Vayu, Manastap, Kshya and

Abhighat are the cause of Anidra. Charaka

included the Asvapna on 80 Nanatmaja

vata diseases6.

Shirodhara is a very popular panchakarma

therapy which is mentioned as Shiro Seka7

in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Shiroseka

is a type of Murdini taila and it is said to be

effective in inducing sound sleep8. As

Anidra is a vataja disorder so shirodhara

using Tila Taila is specifically indicated in

this condition as mention in Dharakalpa9.

Jatamansi is indicated as nidra janan by

Bhavaprakash Nighantu,Priya Nighantu.

According to Koyadev Nighantu,

Dhanantari Nighantu, Saligram Nighantu,

Bhavaprakashs Nighantu it has properties

of vata samak and pitta samak. According

to Koyadev Nighantu it has daha prasamak

property. According to Bhavaprakashs

Nighantu Jatamansi has the property of

vedana sthapan and samgya sthapan and

according to Saligram Nighantu , Priya

Nighantu, Bhavaprakashs Nighantu it has

medhya property. Due to these karma of

Jatamansi help to treat anidra.


Sleep hygiene have to maintain.

The time for sleeping and waking

must be same.

Avoidance of vigorous exercise,

caffeinated drinks a few hours before going

to sleep11.


i) To evaluate the effect of Jatamansi in


Page 4: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 26 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

ii) To evaluate the efficacy of Shirodhara

with tila taila and Jatamansi in Anidra.

This study is focused on the management of

Anidra with jatamansi churna and

shirodhara. Jatamansi was given orally.

English name of jatamansi is Spikenard.

Scientific name of jatamansi is

Nardostachys Jatamansi DC. Part use is

rhizome. The English name of tila is

Sesame. Botanical name is Sesamum

indicum Linn. Tila taila was applied





Level of study: OPD and IPD of

Kayachikitsa, Govt. Ayurvedic College &

Hospital, Jalukbari, Guwahati-14, Assam.

No. of group: 2 groups.

Sample size: There were 50 patients

selected randomly from OPD and IPD of

Kayachikitsa, Govt. Ayurvedic College &

Hospital, Jalukbari, Guwahati-14, Assam.

Drop out: There were 6 patient dropped out

at various levels.

Duration: 2 months

Shirodhara: 7 days.

Group A: Group A consisted of 30 patients

and treated with Jatamansi churna with a

dose of 1gm twice daily with adequate

amount of water for 60 days

Group B: Group B consisted of 14 patients

and it was treated with same dose as Group

A for 60 days along with Shirodhara with

Tila Taila for 7 days.


i) Tila taila one & a half lt. which is to

be changed after every three days.

ii) Shirodhara yantra fixed to Droni.

iii) Vessel of different size.

iv) Cotton & role gauge

v) Churna of Jatamansi.

Inclusion Criteria:

Male & female patients of age

group between 18 to 70 years.

Patients complaining of disturbed

sleep with Athens insomnia scale (AIS)

score ≥ 6 and Pittsburgh sleep quality Index

(PSQI) ≥ 5 were included in study.

Patients willing to give written


Exclusion Criteria:

Age below 18 years to above 70


Associated with other major disease

(Malignancy, Epilepsy patient,

Schizophrenia, Renal failure patient,

Severe hypertension, uncontrolled diabetes


Pregnant lady and lactating mother.

Allergy to the medication

Diagnostic Criteria:

Sleep efficiency index.

Clinical history

Page 5: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 27 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

Assessment Criteria:

On the basis of improvement of sign

& symptoms.

Laboratory Investigation:

Blood R/E

Other investigation if necessary.

Statistical Analysis:

All the value expressed in standard

statistical method.

Paired t test used for statistical

analysis of each group.

Unpaired t test used for comparing

the groups.


The prior consent of patients was taken

before administrating the drug by fulfilling

the condition as per IEC( Institutional

Ethical Committee).

IEC/1620-125 Dated 0 9/05/16


Total 50 patients were enrolled for the

present study, out of which 6 patients

dropped out at various stages during the

study, finally leaving 44 numbers of

patients for the study. Group A had 30

numbers of patients and Group B had 14

patients, respectively. Maximum no of

patients were 27.2% belonging to the age

group 26 to 35 years of age and minimum

no of patients were 6.8% belonged to the

age group 66 to 75 years, male 68.1% and

31.8% female, 79.5%Hindu, 18.1%

Muslims and 2.2% Christian, 65.9%

married and 34% unmarried, 9.09%

patients belonged to poor class, maximum

no (50%) of patients were middle class and

40% were rich, 43.1% were Graduate,

27.2% were read upto 12th standard, 25%

were read upto 10th standard and 4.5% were

uneducated, there were 20.4% students,

18.1% were service holders,15.9% were

business workers, 13.6% were house

workers, 11.3% were laborer ,9.09% were

drivers, 6.81% were retired person and

4.5% were agricultural workers, 65.9%

patients were from rural area,34.09% were

from urban area, 97,7% were non-

vegetarian and only 2.2% were vegetarian,

20.4% patients are addicted to tea or coffee,

18.1% addicted to smoking,22.7% addicted

to betel nut 13.6% addicted to alcohol

15.9% addicted to tobacco and 9.09% had

no history of addiction. Out of 44 patients

65.9% were Rajasik Prakriti followed by

34.09% of Tamasik Prakriti. Problem

related to sleep initiation was found to be

the major symptom in almost all cases of

Anidra. There were 36.36% patients

suffered from moderate complains of sleep

initiation, 34.09% people suffered from

mild severity of sleep initiation, while

29.54% suffered severe complains of sleep

initiation. Out of 44 patients 27.27%

complained of severely less duration of

sleep i.e. less than 3 hours, 47.7% patients

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Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 28 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

suffered moderately less duration of sleep

i.e. sleeping for only 3-4 hours and 25%

patients had mild complains of less duration

of sleep i.e. sleeping for 4-5 hours. There

were 27.27% patients complained of severe

sleep interruption of more than 8 times,

50% suffered from moderate severity in

sleep interruption of 6-8 times at night and

22.27% suffered from mild interruption in

sleep i.e. 3-5 times. Out of those patients

included in the study 13.6% had presence of

severely fearful dreams, 40.9% had

moderate forms of dreams i.e. some forms

of disturbing dreams and 45.45% suffered

from mild severity i.e. presence of

occasional dreams. Among the 44 patients

27.27% had severely non restorative sleep

i.e. difficulty in staying awake during day

time, 38.6% suffered from moderate grade

of non-restorative sleep i.e. losing interest

in all hobbies and activities and 34%

suffered from mild severity i.e. waking up

un-refreshed. In group-A 63.3% suffered

from 40-60% of Sleep Efficiency Index and

26.6% was between 60-80% of Sleep

Efficiency Index, 10% cases reported to

have severely less Sleep Efficiency Index

of 40%. In group-B 21.42% cases reported

to have severely less Sleep Efficiency Index

of 40%, 42.85% suffered from 40-60%

Sleep Efficiency Index and 35.51% was

between 60-80% of Sleep Efficiency Index.

In group-A, incidence of associated

complaints were mainly Aruchi 80%,

Siragaurava 93.3%, Srama 63.3%

Angamarda 70%, Apaki 83%, Jrumbha

26.6%, Glani 33%, Bhrama 26.6%, Klama

50%, Sirahsula 70% and in group-B

associated complaints were Aruchi 85%,

Siragaurava 100% and Srama 92.8%

Angamarda 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha

71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama

50%, and Sirahsula 92%.


Table no – 1. In group A, t29=8.34,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

implies jatamansi churna is effective in

sleep initiation.

Table no- 2. In group B, t13=6.5,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective in sleep initiation.

Table no– 3 shows comparison of

sleep initiation where Group A mean is 1.06

and Group B mean is 1.28, SD is ± 0.7, t42=

1, p> 0.1, hence difference is not

significant. It implies that the treatment

procedure in group A and group B are

equally effective.

Table no – 4. In group A, t29=7.44,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

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Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 29 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

implies jatamansi churna is effective on

duration of sleep.

Table no- 5. In group B, t13=6.2,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective on duration of sleep.

Table no:6 shows comparison the

effect on duration of sleep where Group A

mean is 0.93 and Group B mean is 1.42, SD

is ± 0.746, t42= 2.06, p< 0.05, hence

difference is significant. It implies that the

treatment procedure in group B is more

effective than group A.

Table no – 7. In group A, t29=7.8,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

implies jatamansi churna is effective on

interruption of sleep.

Table no- 8. In group B, t13=8.57,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective on interruption of sleep.

Table no:9 gives comparison the

effect on interruption of sleep. Group A

mean is 0.96 and Group B mean is 1.5, SD

is ± 0.66, t42= 2.55, p< 0.02, hence

difference is significant. It implies that the

treatment procedure in group B is more

effective than group A.

Table no – 10. In group A, t29=5.04,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

implies jatamansi churna is effective on

occurrence of dreams.

Table no- 11. In group B, t13=6.54,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective on occurrence of dreams.

Table no:12 gives comparison the

effect on occurrence of dreams. Group A

mean is 0.53 and Group B mean is 1.57, SD

is ± 0.704, t42= 4.66, p< 0.001, hence

difference is highly significant. It implies

that the treatment procedure in group B is

more effective than group A.

Table no – 13. In group A, t29=6.83,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

implies jatamansi churna is effective on

non restorative sleep.

Table no- 14. In group B, t13=5.61,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective on non restorative sleep.

Table no:15 gives compare the

effect on non restorative sleep. Group A

mean is 0.93 and Group B mean is 1.42, SD

is ± 0.806, t42= 1.91, p< 0.10, hence

difference is not significant. It implies that

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Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 30 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

the treatment procedure in group A is and

group B are equally effective.

Table no – 16. In group A, t29=7.41,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant result at the p value <0.001. It

implies jatamansi churna is effective on

sleep efficiency index.

Table no- 17. In group B, t13=7.42,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective on sleep efficiency index.

Table no:18 shows compared effect

on sleep efficiency index. Group A mean is

1.03 and Group B mean is 1.5, SD is ±

0.763, t42= 1.94, p< 0.10, hence difference

is not significant. It implies that the

treatment procedure in group A and group

B are equally effective.

Table no – 19. In group A,

t29=16.56, hence it shows statistically

highly significant result at the p value

<0.001. It implies jatamansi churna is

effective in Athens insomnia scale score.

Table no- 20. In group B, t13=13.30,

hence it shows statistically highly

significant at the p value <0.001. It implies

jatamansi churna along with shirodhara

are effective in Athens insomnia scale


Table no:21 shows comparison of

Athens insomnia scale score between group

A and B. Group A mean is 11.56 and Group

B mean is 14.57, SD is ±3.93, standard error

is 1.24 t42= 2.42, p< 0.02, hence difference

is significant. It implies that the treatment

procedure in group B is more effective than

group A.




Jatamansi has Madhur Rasa, Snigdha

Guna, Sita Virya10 . According to Charak

anidra is nanatmaja vataja disease .Due to

Madhura rasa Snigdha Guna, Sita Virya it

alleviates vata. According to various

Acharya karma of Jatamansi is that it

alleviates all the three doshas, it is

dahaprasamak, varnya and also

vedanasthapak10, it has also action on the

nervous system such as samgyasthapa,

medhya, valya, vedanasthapan,

nidrajanan. Due to these karma of

Jatamansi help to treat anidra.




As per the principle of drug absorption,

maximum absorption is in the scalp region

and comparatively oil is better absorbed

than water11.

Tila has Rasa- madhura, Guna- guru,

snigdha, Vipaka- madhura10. Due to

madhura rasa vata is decrease. Guru guna,

snigdha guna and madhura vipaka are

Page 9: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 31 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

contradictory for vata dosha. So tila is

helpful for treated anidra. Some karma of

tila is vatashamaka, vedanasthapana,

medhya, rasayana , snehopaga, vajikara10

.Due to these karma tila alleviates vata;

which is helpful to treat anidra.


The results were analyzed statistically

which shows both Jatamansi alone and

Jatamansi with Shirodhara are effective for

the management of signs and symptoms of

Anidra. But the combined therapy of

Jatamansi along with Shirodhara are more

effective in duration of sleep, interruption

of sleep, occurrence of dreams and Athens

insomnia scale score. Jatamansi and

combined therapy of Jatamansi with

Shirodhara are equally effective in sleep

initiation, non-restorative sleep and sleep

efficiency index. In this study no any

adverse reaction was noted.

Table.1 Effect on Sleep Initiation (Group A) n=30

Mean value SD SE t29 p Remarks

BT 1.83 0.69 0.127 8.34 <0.001 S

AT 0.76

Table 1 Description: The mean level of symptom of sleep initiation is reduced from 1.83 to 0.76 which was

statistically highly significant at the p value <0.001. (BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard

deviation, p-probability)

Table 2 Effect On Sleep Initiation (Group B )n=14

Mean value SD SE t13 p Remarks

BT 2.21 0.72 0.194 6.5 <.001 S

AT 0.928

Table 2 Description: The mean level of symptom of sleep initiation is reduced from 2.21 to 0.928 which was

statistically highly significant at the p value <0.001(BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard

deviation, p-probability, S-significant)

Table 3 Comparison of Sleep Initiation

Group Mean value Mean B-A SD SE t42 p Remarks

A 1.06



0.22 1 >0.1 NS

B 1.28

Table 3 Description: t42= 1, p> 0.1, hence difference is not significant. It implies that the treatment procedure

in group A and group B are equally effective (SE-standard error, SD-standard deviation, p-probability, NS-nothing


Table 4 Effect on Duration Of Sleep: Group A. n=30

Mean value SD SE t29 P Remarks

BT 1.86 0.68 0.125 7.44 <.001 HS

AT 0.93

Table 4 Description: The mean level of duration of sleep reduced from 1.86 to 0.93 which was statistically highly

significant at the p value of <.001(BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard deviation, p-probability,


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Table 5 Effect On Duration Of Sleep: Group B. n=14

Mean value SD SE t13 P Remarks

BT 2.35 0.851 0.229 6.2 <.001 HS

AT 0.92 0.51

Table 5 Description: The mean level of duration of sleep reduced from 2.35 to 0.92 which was statistically

significant at the p value of <0.001(BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard deviation, p-

probability, S-significant)

Table 6 Comparison the Effect on Duration of Sleep

Mean value Mean B-A SD SE t42 P Remarks

A 0.93 0.49


0.237 2.06 <.05 S

B 1.42

Table 6 Description: t42= 2.06, p< 0.05, hence difference is significant. It implies that the treatment procedure in

group B is more effective than group A.(SE- standard error, SD-standard deviation, p-probability, S-significant).

Table 7 Effect on Interruption of Sleep(Group A).n=30

Mean value SD SE t29 p Remarks

BT 2 0.669

0.123 7.8 <.001 HS

AT 1.03

Table 7 Description: The mean interrupted sleep had reduced from 2 to 1.03 which was statistically significant

at the p value <0.001(BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard deviation, p-probability, S-


Table 8 Effect on Interruption of Sleep (Group B).n=14

Mean value SD SE t13 p Remarks

BT 2.1 0.648

0.175 8.57 <.001 HS

AT 0.64

Table 8 Description: The mean interrupted sleep had reduced from 2.1 to 0.64 which was statistically significant

at the p value <0.001(BT-before treatment, AT-after treatment, SD-standard deviation, p-probability, S-


Table 9 Comparison the Effect on Interruption of Sleep

Mean Mean B-A SD SE t42 p Remarks

A 0.966 0.53 0.66 0.209 2.55 <.02 HS

B 1.5

Table 9 Description: t42= 2.55, p< 0.02, hence difference is significant. It implies that the treatment procedure

in group B is more effective than group A.

Table 10 Effect on Occurrence of Dreams (Group A).n=30

Mean value SD SE T29 P Remarks

BT 1.43 0.57 0.105 5.04 <.001 S

AT 0.9

Table 10 Description: The mean value on occurrence of dream reduced from 1.43 to 0.9 which was statistically

significant at the p value <0.001

Table11 Effect on Occurrence of Dreams (Group B).n=14

Mean value SD SE T13 P Remarks

BT 2.21 0.93 0.24 6.54 <.001 S

AT 0.64

Table 11 Description: The mean value on occurrence of dream reduced from 2.21 to 0.64 which was

statistically significant at the p value <0.001

Table 12 Comparison The Effect On Occurrence Of Dreams

Group Mean


Mean B-A SD SE t42 P Remarks

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Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 33 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

A 0.53 1.04 0.704 0.223 4.66 <.001 S

B 1.57

Table 12 Description: T42= 4.66, p< 0.001,hence difference is significant. It implies that the treatment

procedure in group B is more effective than group A.

Table 13 Effect On Non Restorative Sleep (Group A).n=30

Mean value SD SE T29 p Remarks

BT 1.866 0.739 0.136 6.83 <.001 S

AT 0.966

Table 13 Description: The mean level of non-restorative sleep reduced from 1.866 to 0.966 which is statistically

significant at the p value <0.001.

Table 14 Effect on Non Restorative Sleep (Group B).n=14

Mean value SD SE t13 p Remarks

BT 2.071 0.937 0.253 5.61 <.001 S

AT 0.642

Table 14 Description: The mean level of non-restorative sleep reduced from 2.071 to 0.642 which is statistically

significant at the p value <0.001

Table 15 Compare the Effect on Non Restorative Sleep

Group Mean


Mean B-A SD SE t42 p Remarks

A 0.93 0.49 0.806 0.256 1.91 <0.10 NS

B 1.42

Table 15 Description: T42= 1.91, p< 0.10, hence difference is not significant. It implies that the treatment

procedure in group A is and group B are equally effective.

Table 16 Effect on Sleep Efficiency Index (Group A).n=30

Mean value SD SE t29 p Remarks

BT 1.83 0.765 0.139 7.41 <.001 S

AT 0.8

Table 16 Description: Sleep efficiency index is the ratio of duration of sleep to the total time spent in bed and is

expressed in percentage. The mean SEI reduced from 1.83 to 0.8 which is statistically significant at the p value


Table 17 Effect On Sleep Efficiency Index (Group B).n=14

Mean value SD SE T13 p Remarks

BT 1.85 0.758 0.202 7.42 <.001 S

AT 0.357

Table 17 Description: The mean SEI reduced from 1.85 to 0.357 which is statistically significant at the p value


Table 18 Compare the Effect on Sleep Efficiency Index



Mean B-A SD SE T42 p Remarks

A 1.03 0.47 0.763 0.242 1.94 <.10 NS

B 1.5

Table 18 Description: T42= 1.94, p< 0.10,hence difference is not significant. It implies that the treatment

procedure in group A and group B are equally effective.

Table 19 Effect of Treatment on Athens insomnia scale score: Group –A ( n =30)








SE t29 p REMAR


13 1.43 11.57 3.82 0.698 16.56 <0.001 HS

Table 19 Description: t29=16.56 p< 0.001,hence the result is highly significant. It implies that the trial drug

signifies in reducing insomnia.

Page 12: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 34 [e ISSN 2350-0204]

Table 20 Effect of Treatment On Athens insomnia scale score: Group –B ( n =14)

Table 20 Description: t13= 13.1, p< 0.001,hence the result is highly significant. It implies that the trial drug

signifies in reducing insomnia

Table 21 Result showing Comparison between Group A and B on Athens insomnia scale score.



SD SE n t 42 P

A 11.56 3.01 3.93 1.24 30 2.42 <0.02

B 14.57 14

Table 21 Description: t42= 2.42, p< 0.02,hence difference is significant. It implies that the treatment procedure

in group B is more effective than group A.









15.5 0.928 14.57 4.16 1.112 13.10 <0.001 HS

Page 13: Int J Ayu Pharm 78.5%, Apaki 64%, Jrumbha 71%, Glani 57%, Bhrama 64%, Klama 50%, and Sirahsula 92%. RESULTS


Hazarika et al. 2018 Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2018 Vol. 9 Issue 2 35 [e ISSN 2350-0204]


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