Page 1: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario

Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP)

Progress and Highlights


November 29, 2007

Bob Vallario

Page 2: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Today’s Focus

BERAC May 2007 Recommendations - Recap

Six month status including IARP: Overview




Page 3: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

IARP Mission

To advance the basic research and the scientific capacity to understand decades-to-century climate change from the perspective of the scale and effects of human influences and natural systems,

To understand the possible long-term impacts from such changes, including the role of adaptations and feedback mechanisms.

Page 4: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Snapshot of the Major Elements & Interactions

Human SystemsImpactsImpactsCoastal Flooding & Storm Damage; Regional Water

Quantity & Quality; Managed Forests;

Agriculture; Bio-Energy; Overall Energy Demands,

Reliability, and Vulnerabilities; Wild Life &

Terrestrial & Marine Ecosystem Damages &

Shifting Geography; Tipping Points; Human

Health, Features of Human Settlements; Populations & Migration; Land Use, Biodiversity, Economic


Human DriversHuman Drivers• Emissions & Concentrations: CO2, CH4,

CO, N2O, NOx, SOx, NH3, CFCs, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, VOCs, BC, OC, etc.

• Land Use & Land Cover Changes: terrestrial carbon cycle, albedo, hydrology, surface roughness, etc.

• Marine & Aquatic Changes: Nutrient, sediments, pollution & runoff, etc.

Earth System

Human Human Responses & Responses & AdaptationAdaptation

Natural ResponsesNatural ResponsesAmbient Temperature, Sea Level,

Ice/Permafrost, Precipitation, Winds, Ocean Circulation, Ocean Acidity, Storm Frequency, Trace Gas Fluxes (CO2, CH4,

N2O), Episodic Extremes, Soil Properties, Vegetation & Carbon Cycle, Albedo







Managed Ecosystems




volcanic forc ing

Solar forcing






Coping Strategies

Impact Mitigation

Page 5: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

A Simplified View…

Human Systems Emissions & Other Climate Drivers

Climate Forcing

Climate Response

Human & Natural Systems Impacts

Page 6: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Inherent Complexity in Modeling the Human Dimensions

•Energy sciences•Environmental sciences•Economic sciences•Health sciences•Land management sciences•Water management sciences•Social/behavioral sciences•Industrial sciences•Transportation sciences•Building sciences•Marine and coastal sciences•Agricultural sciences•Animal sciences•Materials science•Plant science•Forestry•Geo-engineering sciences•Bioengineering sciences•Population sciences

Discrete and integrated, collective system behaviors

Contributing Elements from Contributing Elements from Diverse Fields:Diverse Fields:

•Driving Climate Change

•Mitigating Climate Change

•Impacts from Climate Change

•Adapting to Climate Change

Goal: To Understand the Goal: To Understand the Human Dimensions and Human Dimensions and Consequences of Climate Consequences of Climate ChangeChange

Page 7: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

BERAC Summary Recommendations

1. Improve integration of IAMs [Integrated Assessment Models] with state-of-the art ESMs [Earth System Models]

2. Improve representation of climate change impacts

3. Use near-term objectives and metrics for greater transparency and to document progress

4. Increase attention to validation, evaluation, and uncertainty surrounding [model] results

5. Increase attention to science-based tools for modeling practical policy options versus optimized, cost-effective policies

Page 8: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Response To Date Through Five Main Mechanisms

Draft CCRD Strategic Plan

Snowmass ’07 Annual Integrated Assessment Meeting

JGCRI/ORNL* Summer Workshop Series

Lead PI Meeting

Funding Directions

*Joint Global Change Research Institute/Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Page 9: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

1. Improve integration of IAMs with state-of-the-art ESMs

JGCRI/ORNL summer workshop (Third in Series) – Workshop bringing IARP communities together with ESM, IAV, and computational communities to advance ideas and pathways for improved integration.

Round 5 IPCC scenarios – IARP support for the international Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, building on a new and innovative closely coupled approach by the IA and ESM communities to provide the drivers for ESMs, AOGCMs, and others for the next round of IPCC assessments.

Co-planning, co-funding of research within CCRD–co-funding of emissions (aerosols) research with Atmospheric Sciences PM and IARP participation in recent ARM Workshop. Joint activities/planning with Climate Modeling community including UCAR/NCAR interactions with PNNL and MIT IARP teams.

Draft CCRD Strategic Plan – a particular emphasis in behind-the-scenes planning for the draft CCRD Strategic Plan

Lead PI meeting – emphasis discussed and vetted in first “corporate” IARP planning meeting held at Snowmass.

Laboratory Strategic Focus Areas (SFAs). Emphasis incorporated in SFAs for labs supporting IARP.

Page 10: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

2. Improve representation of impacts in IAMs

JGCRI/ORNL Summer Workshops (First and Second in Series) –workshops on impacts and adaptation. CCSP has acknowledged these as pivotal contributions to revisiting the CCSP strategic plan given both increased emphasis to impacts and adaptation and human dimensions in general.

Snowmass ’07 Annual Integrated Assessment Meeting – Strong Week 1 Focus; T. Janetos on behalf of IARP in Week 2 session on paths forward.

MIT Grant Renewal. Significant emphasis in grant renewal for MIT Research Team.

ORNL support. Primary emphasis in new, “startup” SFA for ORNL in support of IARP.

Draft CCRD Strategic Plan – reflects ideas for a significant shift in emphasis toward impacts and adaptation.

Emphasis in upcoming, routine grant solicitation – (ongoing)

Page 11: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

3. Use near-term objectives and metrics

Draft CCRD Strategic Plan – major progress in developing objectives as a work in progress and within an integrated planning framework.

JGCRI/ORNL Summer Workshop Series – additional venues that are helping to inform evolving program objectives.

Page 12: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

4. Increase attention to validation, evaluation, and uncertainty surrounding results

Snowmass ’07 Annual Integrated Assessment Meeting – two key themes through most of the sessions:

Validation – CCSM analog and possible paths forward through Stanford’s Energy Modeling Forum (EMF).

Uncertainty – S&T session contributed innovative perspectives on uncertainty characterization and use of probabilistic methods

Preliminary plans for a “validation” workshop – intended to be a path forward workshop for IARP with Lead PIs and several other invited participants. Originally planned for November but put on hold until beginning of next year.

JGCRI/ORNL Summer Workshop Series – extensive discussions on uncertainty and probabilistic methods. Recognition of key importance given data/characterization issues for impacts and adaptation and the understanding of tipping points and distribution “tails”. Workshop reports forthcoming.

Page 13: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

5. Science-based tools to model practical policy options versus optimized, cost-effective policies

Snowmass ’07 Annual Integrated Assessment Meeting – Half day set aside to address alternative methods and modeling approaches (included as part of two-day S&T session).

Upcoming EMF and MIT workshops - Early FY ’08 workshops will partially address this challenge.

CCSP Interagency Working Group on Human Contributions & Responses/Decision Support – issue raised in group discussions on possible future interagency research priorities.

Page 14: Integrated Assessment Research Program (IARP) Progress and Highlights BERAC November 29, 2007 Bob Vallario


Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy


Past emphasis on jumpstarting the process - notable progress in response to main BERAC recommendations.

Additional shifts, progress, and participation should be expected.

Searching for high leverage opportunities and strategic shifts within a constrained (flat) budget profile.
