Download pdf - INTEL Abbrev Acron


    Occasional Paper Number Two

    November 1997DVP-2600-1828-97




    ARY I








    NSE I






    Joint Military Intelligence College

    PCN 28034


  • The Joint Military Inte

    research on intelligen support to policy-levelligence College supports and encourages ce issues that distills lessons and improvesl and operational consumers.



    This document has been Office of the S AND INTELLIGENCE IONS AND ACRONYMS


    approved for unrestricted public release by the ecretary of Defense (Public Affairs)

  • Foreword....................

    Abbreviations and Acr

    Codes for Geopolitical

    Geopolitical Areas by C


    ............................................................... V

    onyms.................................................... 1

    Areas.................................................... 230

    odes...................................................... 239



    This comprehensive list o those used presently, as well Sources for this list include th glossaries from Unified Comm contributions, from the faculty expansion of any item may va but this list will hopefully con

    This editor is indebted to k (USAF) of the College, who s Linesberry of the U.S. Specia that commands most frequen and SFC Mark McCurry (USA as possible, and the editor ext

    All users are invited to sub of the list, older or superseded would create confusion. This Intelink, where it will be upd or abbreviations by mail to: D College, MC Attn: Dr. R. Swe by Ingternet to AFswerg@dia

    Dr. Russell G. Swenso



    f intelligence abbreviations and acronyms includesas those in use for approximately the last ten years.e last DIA Lexicon published in 1991, numerous and and Combat Support Agency documents, and of the Joint Military Intelligence College. The ry somewhat from one organization to another, tribute to greater standardization.

    Sgt Hannah Reddy (USA) and SSgt Angela Wimbushpent many hours in collating this list. Debbie l Operations Command collaborated by adding tly used acronyms. 2LT Vincent Littrell (USAF)

    ) helped ensure that the list contains as few errorsends his thanks for that dedicated assistance.

    mit additions and corrections. To promote the usefulness acronyms will be discarded only if their retention

    list is also published under the JMIC home page onated regularly. Readers are urged to send new acronymsefense Intelligence Agency, Joint Military Intelligence nson, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC 20340-5100:, or by Fax to (202) 231-2171.

    n, Editor and Director, Office of Applied Research


  • 1



    A2 Air Force Intelligence Staff Officer (component level)AA (1) Attack Assessment; (2) Attrition Analysis; (3) Antiaircraft;

    (4) Avenue of Approach; (5) Automatic AssociatorAAA (1) Antiaircraft Artillery; (2) Air Avenue of ApproachAAAOB Antiaircraft Artillery Order of BattleAABNCP Advanced Airborne National Command PostAAC Alaskan Air CommandAACB Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating BoardAACE Army Alternate Command and Control ElementAACOMS Army Area Communications SystemAACS Attitude and Antenna Control SubsystemAAD Airborne Assault DivisionAADC (1) Army Air Defense Command;

    (2) Area Air Defense CommanderAADCCS Area Air Defense Command and Control SystemAADP Area Air Defense PlanAADS Antiaircraft Defense SystemAAE Army Acquisition ExecutiveAAF Army AirfieldAAFES Army & Air Force Exchange ServiceAAFIF Automated Air Facilities Information FileAAG Army Artillery GroupAAI Air-to-Air InterceptAAIFF Air-to-Air Identification Friend or FoeAAM Air-to-Air MissileAAO Analysis of the Area of OperationsAAR (1) Active Array Radar; (2) After Action ReportAAS Analyst Automation SegmentAASLT Air AssaultAATS Automated Architecture Tool SuiteAAVS Aerospace Audiovisual ServiceAAW Anti Air WarfareAAWC Anti Air Warfare CommanderAB Air BaseAB2 Air Battle Command System (ABCS) Brigade and BelowABC Airborne CorpsABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control CenterABCOMM Alternate/Backup Communications

  • 2

    ABCS Army Battle Command SystemABIC Army Battlefield Interface ConceptABIT (1) Airborne Imagery Transmission;

    (2) Airborne Information Transmission ProgramABM (1) Antiballistic Missile; (2) Automatic Building MachinesABMA Army Ballistic Missile AgencyABN/Abn AirborneABNCP (1) Airborne Command Post;

    (2) Airborne National Command PostABR Available Bit RateABW Air Base WingAC (1) Air Crew; (2) Active Component;

    (3) Air Conditioning; (4) Alternating CurrentA/C AircraftA2C2 Army Airspace Communications and ControlAC-130 AFSOF Spectre GunshipAC2SMAN Alaskan Command and Control System Military

    Automated NetworkAC2MP Army Command and Control Master PlanACA (1) Alternate Command Authority;

    (2) Airspace Control AuthorityACAAM Air Courses of Action Assessment ModelACACS Army Command and Area Communications SystemACAT Acquisition CategoryACC (1) Access Control Center; (2) Air Control Center; (3) Aviation

    Component Commander, (4) Air Component Commander,(5) Air Combat Command; (6) Army Component Command

    ACCB Army Configuration Control BoardACCHAN Allied Command ChannelACCIS Allied Command and Control Information SystemACCISS (1) Automated Command and Control Intelligence

    Support System; (2) Alaskan C2 Intelligence Support SystemACCO Army Central Control OfficeACCS (1) Airborne Command and Control Squadron;

    (2) Airborne Command and Control System; (3) Advanced Communications Control System

    ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament AgencyACDS Advanced Combat Direction systemACDUTRA Active Duty TrainingACE (1) Allied Command, Europe; (2) Advance Communications

    Element; (3) Aviation Combat Element; (4) Analysis Control Element; (5) Assistant Corps of Engineers; (6) Airborne Command Element

    ACES Automated Command and Control Evaluation SystemACEVAL Air Combat EvaluationACF Alternate Command FacilityACFT AircraftACI Airborne Controlled Intercept

  • 3

    ACINT Acoustic IntelligenceACIS Arms Control Intelligence StaffACL Access Control ListACLANT Allied Commander AtlanticACO (1) Access Control Officer; (2) Airspace Control OfficerACOC (1) Area Communications Operations Center;

    (2) Air Combat Operations CenterACOM Atlantic CommandACOS Assistant Chief of StaffACOS/I Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Navy)ACOUSTINT Acoustical IntelligenceACP (1) Alternate Command Post; (2) Assault CP; (3) Allied Commu-

    nications Publications; (4) Airspace Control PlanACPERS Army Civilian Personnel SystemACQ AcquisitionACR (1) Armored Cavalry Regiment;

    (2) Automated Change RecognitionACS (1) Afloat Correlation System; (2) Aerial Common

    Sensor; (3) AUTODIN Switching Center; (4) Airborne COMINT System; (5) Assistant Chief of Staff

    ACS/I Assistant Chief of Staff for IntelligenceACSA Allied Communications Security AgencyACSB Amphibious Contingency Support BriefsACSC Air Command and Staff CollegeACSI Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, HQ USAFACT (1) Air Combat Tactics;

    (2) Advanced Concepts and Technology ProgramACTD Advanced Concept Technology DemonstrationACTEDS Army Civilian Training, Education, & Development SystemACTS (1) Advanced Communications Technology;

    (2) Advanced Communications Technology SatelliteACUS (1) Area Common User Systems;

    (2) Army Common User SystemACV (1) Armored Command Vehicle; (2) Air Cushion Vehicle;

    (3) Armored Combat VehicleACW (1) Aircraft Control and Warning; (2) Anticarrier Warfare;

    (3) Air Control WingAD (1) Air Defense; (2) Destroyer Tender; (3) Air Division;

    (4) Artillery Division; (5) Active DutyA/D Analog/DigitalADA Air Defense ArtilleryADACP Alcohol & Drug Abuse Control ProgramADAPCP Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control ProgramADAPT Automated Decisionmaking and Program TimelineADARS Army Defense Acquisition Regulation SupplementADATS Air Defense Antitank SystemADBT Advanced Data Base Technology

  • 4

    ADC (1) Aide-de-Camp; (2) Air Direction Center; (3) Assistant Division Commander; (4) Air Data Computer; (5) Air Defense Coordinator

    ADCAP Advanced CapabilityADCC Air Defense Command CenterADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control ProceduresADCOM (1) Aerospace Defense Command (now SPACECOM);

    (2) Administrative CommandADCON Administrative ControlADCSOPS Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and PlansADD (1) Air Defense District; (2) Assistant Deputy Director (DIA)ADDIS Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery SystemADDISS Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support SystemADDO Associate Deputy Director of OperationsADDO(MA) Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Affairs

    (DIA)ADDO(MS) Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Support

    (NSA)ADDS Army Data Distribution SystemADDU Additional DutyADE (1) Audio Deception Emitter; (2) Aerial Delivery EquipmentADEW Airborne Directed Energy WeaponsADF Automatic Direction FindingADFH Air Deployable Forward HeadquartersADG Deperming ShipADI Air Defense InitiativeADIC Aerospace Defense Intelligence CenterADIEC Army Deployable Imagery Exploitation CapabilityADIO Additional Duty Intelligence OfficerADISS Advanced Defense Intelligence Support SystemADIZ Air Defense Identification ZoneADL (1) Ada Design Language; (2) Armistice Demarcation LineADLP Advanced Datalink ProtocolADM (1) Atomic Demolition Munitions; (2) Advanced Development

    Model; (3) Acquisition Decision MemorandumAdmin Administration/AdministrativeADN ACE DGZ Number (NATO)ADNET Antidrug NetworkADOC Air Defense Operations CenterADP (1) Automated Data Processing; (2) Airborne Data ProcessingADP-MIS Automated Data Processing Management Information System

  • 5

    ADP-T (1) Automated Data Processing and Associated Telecommunications; (2) Automated Data Processing and Associated Training

    ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code ModulationADPE Automated Data Processing EquipmentADPS (1) ASARS Deployable Processing Station;

    (2) Automated Data Processing SystemADPSSM Automated Data Processing Systems Security ManualADPSSO ADP Special Security OfficerADPSSP Automated Data Processing System Security ProgramADRG Advanced Digitized Raster GraphicsADRI Arc Digital Raster ImageryADS (1) Automated Data System; (2) Air Defense Sector;

    (3) Airlift Defensive System; (4) Acoustic SOF Detection System; (5) Advanced Distributed Simulation

    ADSS Aerospace Defense Systems SubcommitteeADSTAR Advanced Document Storage & Retrieval SystemADSW Active Duty for Special WorkADT (1) Active Duty For Training; (2) Additional Duty TrainingADTLP Army Doctrine and Training Literature ProgramADTOC Air Defense Tactical Operations CenterADTS Adversary Threat SquadronADV Advance(d)ADVAL Air Defense Evaluation TestADVON Advanced EchelonADW Air Defense WarningADX Air Defense ExerciseADZ Air Defense ZoneAE (1) Atomic Energy; (2) Assault Echelon; (3) Ammunition Ship;

    (4) Aerial Exploitation; Application EntityAEAO Airborne Emergency Action OfficerAEB Aerial Exploitation BattalionAEC ASARS Exploitation CellAEDS Atomic Energy Detection SystemAEELS (1) Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System;

    (2) Airborne ELINT Emitter Location SystemAEICC Area Emergency Information Coordination CenterAEM Missile TenderAEMS Automated Edge Measurement SystemAEN Arbitrary ELINT NotationAEOS Advanced Electro-Optical SensorAEROFLOT Former Soviet Union Civil Airline AES (1) Atomic Energy Site; (2) Airborne ELINT SystemAESC Aerospace Environmental Support CenterAETC Air Education and Training CommandAETCAE Army Europe Technical Control and Analysis ElementAEV Armored Engineer Vehicle

  • 6

    AEW Airborne Early WarningAEW&C Airborne Early Warning and ControlAF (1) Air Force; (2) Armed Forces; (3) Stores ShipAFAC Airborne Forward Air ControllerAF ACSI Air Force Chief of Staff IntelligenceAFAITC Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center

    (Goodfellow AFB, TX).AFAL Air Force Armament LaboratoryAFAMPE USAF Automated Message Processing ExchangeAFAMRL Air Force Aerospace Medical Research LaboratoryAFAP Artillery-Fired Atomic ProjectileAFARN Air Force Air Request NetAFAS Advanced Field Artillery SystemAFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data SystemAFB (1) Air Force Base; (2) Airframe Bulletin;

    (3) Antifriction BearingAFC (1) Automatic Frequency Control;

    (2) All-source Fusion Center (Marine Corps)AFC4A USAF Command, Control, Communications and

    Computer AgencyAFCA Air Force Collection AssetsAFCC (1) Air Force Communications Command;

    (2) Air ForceComponent CommandAFCEA Armed Forces Communications Electronics AssociationAFCENT Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO)AFCS (1) Automatic Flight Control System;

    (2) Army Facility Component SystemAFCSC Air Force Cryptologic Support CenterAFDB Auxiliary Floating Drydock (large)AFDD Air Force Doctrine DocumentAFDIGS Air Force Digital Graphic SystemsAFDL Auxiliary Floating Drydock (small)AFDM Auxiliary Floating Drydock (medium)AFDT AEELS Fixed Downlink TerminalAFEOC Air Force Emergency Operations CenterAFEWC Air Force Electronic Warfare CenterAFFIS Airfield Facilities Information SystemAFFOR Air Force (Component) ForcesAFGCCS USAF Global Command and Control SystemAFGL Air Force Geophysics LaboratoryAFGWC Air Force Global Weather CentralAFGWC/FNOC Air Force Global Weather Center/Fleet Numerical

    Operations CenterAFGWS Air Force Ground Weather StationsAFIA Air Force Intelligence AgencyAFIC (1) Air Force Information Center; (2) Air Force Intelligence

    Command; (3) Air Force Intelligence Center

  • 7

    AFICE Air Forces IcelandAFICP Air Force Intelligence Communications PlanAFIES Armed Forces Imagery Exploitation SystemAFIISP Air Force Intelligence Information Systems PlanAFIO Association of Former Intelligence OfficersAFIP Air Force Intelligence PlanAFIS Air Force Intelligence Service/StudyAFISA Air Force Intelligence Support AgencyAFIT Air Force Institute of TechnologyAFITC Air Force Intelligence Training CenterAFIWC Air Force Information Warfare CenterAFLAN AFSOC Local/Wide Area NetworkAFLANT U.S. Air Forces, AtlanticAFLC Air Force Logistics CommandAFLE Air Force Liaison ElementAFLO Air Force Liaison OfficeAFM Air Force ManualAFMD/GF Air Forces of the Military District/Group of ForcesAFMC Air Force Materiel CommandAFMIC Armed Forces Medical Intelligence CenterAFMPC Air Force Military Personnel CenterAFMSIS Air Force Modeling and Simulation Information SystemAFMSS Air Force Mission Support SystemAFNET (1) Air Force Network; (2) Air Force Data NetworkAFNORTH Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO)AFNORTHWEST (1) Allied Forces Northwest Europe (NATO);

    (2) Air Forces Northwest RegionAFOC Air Force Operations CenterAFOE Assault Follow-On EchelonAFOSI Air Force Office of Special InvestigationsAFOSP Air Force Office of Security PoliceAFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchAFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation CenterAFR (1) Air Force Reserve; (2) Air Force RegulationAFRES Air Force ReserveAFS (1) Air Force Station; (2) Combat Stores ShipAFSAA Air Force Studies and Analyses AgencyAFSAC Air Force Special Activities CenterAFSAT Air Force SatelliteAFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications SystemAFSC (1) Air Force Systems Command; (2) Air Force Specialty Code;

    (3) Armed Forces Staff CollegeAFSCOORD Assistant Fire Support CoordinatorAFSCF Air Force Satellite Control FacilityAFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network

  • 8

    AFSIP Air Force Satellite Intelligence ProgramAFSOB Air Force Special Operations BaseAFSOC Air Force Special Operations CommandAFSOD Air Force Special Operations DetachmentAFSOE Air Force Special Operations ElementAFSOF Air Force Special Operations ForcesAFSOS Air Force Special Operations SchoolAFSOUTH Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO)AFSOUTHCOM Air Force Southern CommandAFSPACECOM Air Force Space CommandAFSPC Air Force Space CommandAFSPCIP Air Force Space Command Intelligence PlanAFSPOC Air Force Space Operations CenterAFSSE Air Force Space Surveillance ElementAFSST Air Force Space Support TeamAFSTC Air Force Space Technology CenterAFTAC Air Force Technical Applications CenterAFTACIES Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation SystemAFTF Air Force Task ForceAFTFWC Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons CenterAFV Armored Fighting VehicleAF/VC Air Force Vice Chief of StaffAFWAL Air Force Wright Aeronautical LaboratoryAFWARNS Air Force Warning SystemAFWCCS Air Force Wing Command and Control SystemAFWL Air Force Weapons LaboratoryAG (1) Adjutant General; (2) Miscellaneous Auxiliary ShipAGARD Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and

    Development (NATO)AGB IcebreakerAGC Automatic Gain ControlAGCCS Armys Global Command and Control SystemAGDS Deep Submergence Support ShipAGE Experimental AuxiliaryAGEF Frigate Research ShipAGEH Experimental Auxiliary (Hydrofoil)AGER Intelligence Research ShipAGES Advanced Ground Exploitation SystemAGF Miscellaneous Command ShipAGHS Patrol Combatant Support ShipAGI Intelligence Collection ShipAGL (1) Buoy Tender; (2) Above Ground LevelAGM (1) Air-to-Ground Missile;

    (2) Missile Range Instrumentation ShipAGMR Major Communications Relay Ship

  • 9

    AGMS Armored Ground Mobility SystemAGOR Oceanographic Research ShipAGOS (1) Ocean Surveillance Ship; (2) Air-Ground Operations School

    (NATO); (3) Air-Ground Operations SystemAGP Patrol Craft TenderAGR Army Guard ReserveAGS (1) Hydrographic Survey Ship;

    (2) FSU Automatic Grenade LauncherAGT AgentAGZ Actual Ground ZeroAH (1) Hospital Ship; (2) Alternate HeadquartersAHFEWS Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare SystemAI (1) Airborne Intercept; (2) Air Intelligence; (3) Artificial Intelli-

    gence; (4) Air Interdiction; (5) Airborne Interceptors; (6) Area of Interest; (7) All-Source Intelligence

    A3I Accelerated Architecture Acquisition InitiativeAIA (1) Army Intelligence Agency; (2) ACE Intelligence

    Architecture; (3) ACE Interface Architecture; (4) Air Intelligence Agency

    AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsAIA/IRD Air Intelligence Agency/Intelligence Reserve DetachmentAIAWS Automated Intelligence Analyst WorkstationAIB Atlantic Intelligence BoardAIC (1) Atlantic Intelligence Command;

    (2) Afloat Intelligence CenterAICBM Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic MissileAID (1) U.S. Agency for International Development;

    (2) Aerospace Information Digest; (3) Army Information Digest; (4) Accident, Incident, Deficiencies; (5) Active Integral Defense

    AIDES (1) Analyst Intelligence Information Display and Exploitation System; (2) Automated Intelligence Display and Exploitation System

    AIDS (1) Acoustic Intelligence Data System; (2) Advanced Identifica-tion System; (3) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

    AIF (1) Automated Installations Intelligence File; (2) Army Industrial Fund; (3) Airfield Installation File; (4) Air Intelligence Flight; (5) Automated Installation File

    AIFV Armored Infantry Fighting VehicleAIG (1) Address Indicator Group; (2) Air Intelligence GroupAIIC Advanced Imagery Interpretation CourseAIIF Automated Installation Intelligence FileAIIRS Automated Intelligence Information Retrieval SystemAIM (1) Air Intercept Missile; (2) Active Inert Missile;

    (3) ADCOM Intelligence MemorandumAIMD Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance DepartmentAIMP (1) Army Intelligence Management Plan;

    (2) Army Intelligence Master Plan; (3) Advanced Imagery Management Program; (4) Automated Information Management Program

  • 10

    AIMTB Artificial Intelligence Module TestbedAIN Advanced Intelligence NetworkAIO Air Intelligence OfficerAIOEC Association of Iron Ore Exporting CountriesAIP (1) Architecture Implementation Plan;

    (2) Anti-Surface-Warfare Improvement ProgramAIPR Automated Information Processing RequestAIR American Institute for ResearchAIRA Air AttacheAIRCENT (1) Air Forces Central Region (NATO);

    (2) Allied Air Forces Central EuropeAIRCOM Air CommandAIRCOMTERM Airborne Communications TerminalAIRES Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation SystemAIRES II Airborne Reconnaissance Electronic System IIAIREW Airborne Infrared Early WarningAIRK Area Interswitch Rekeying KeyAIRLO Air Liaison OfficerAIRREQRECON Air Request ReconnaissanceAIR (1) Replenishment Oiler; (2) American Institute of ResearchAIRS (1) Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere;

    (2) Automated Information Retrieval SystemsAIRTAPS Aerial Imagery Reconnaissance Tracking and Plotting SystemAIS (1) Automated Indicator System; (2) Advanced Indications

    Structure; (3) Advanced Indications System; (4) ArmyIntelligence Survey; (5) Automated Information System; (6) Air Intelligence Squadron

    AISA Automated Intelligence Support ActivityAISS Automated Information Systems SecurityAIST Air Intelligence Support TeamAITE Advanced Indications Technology ExperimentAIU Army Interrogation UnitAIWO Air Intelligence Warning OfficerAIWS Advanced Interdiction Weapon SystemAJ AntijammingAJCC Alternate Joint Communications CenterAJFP Adaptive Joint Force PackageAJNPE Airborne Joint Nuclear Planning ElementA/JSIC Alternate JSICAK (1) Cargo Ship; (2) FSU Kalashnikov Family of Assault Rifles;

    (3) Automatic Remote RekeyingAKA Also Known AsAKDC Automatic Key Distribution CenterAKD/RCU Automatic Key Distribution/Rekeying Control UnitAKL Light Cargo ShipAKM (1) Apogee Kick Motor; (2) AK-47 Assault RifleAKMC Automated Key Management Center

  • 11

    AKMS Automated Key Management SystemAKR Vehicle Cargo ShipAKTCAE Army Korea Technical Control And Analysis ElementALAIRCOM Alaskan Air CommandALARM Alert, Locate and Report MissilesALASAT Air-Launched AntisatelliteALASCOM Alaskan Communications Inc.ALB Air-Land Battle Doctrine (FM 100-5)ALBM Air-Launched Ballistic MissileALC Accounting Legend CodeALCATS Automated Lines of Communication and Target SystemALCC Airlift Control CenterALCE Airlift Control ElementALCM Air-Launched Cruise MissileALCOM Alaskan CommandALCOP Alternate Command PostALCOR ARPA Lincoln C-Band Observable RadarALCS Airborne Launch Control SystemALD Airlift DivisionALE (1) AIRES Lifecycle Extension;

    (2) Automated Link EstablishmentALERT Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater (AF)ALES AIRES Life Extension SystemALF Auxiliary Landing FieldALFA Advanced Liaison Forward AreaALL Airborne Laser LaboratoryALMS Automated Logistics Management SystemALO (1) Air Liaison Officer; (2) Authorized Level of OrganizationALOC(S) Air Line(s) of CommunicationALPS Accidental Launch Protection SystemALRAAM Air-Launched Long-Range Air-to-Air MissileALRP-S Army Long-Range Plan for SpaceALRPG Army Long-Range Planning GuidanceALS (1) Active Laser Seeker; (2) Airborne Link SegmentALSA Air-Land-Sea Application (Center)ALSS Advanced Location Strike SystemALT (1) Alternate; (2) AltitudeALTAlR ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Instrumentation RadarALTREV Altitude ReservationALUSNA American Legation U.S. Naval AttacheALUSNLO American Legation U.S. Naval Liaison OfficerALWT Advanced Lightweight TorpedoALWTIC Annual Land Warfare Technical Intelligence Conference

  • 12

    AM (1) Ante Meridian (Before Noon); (2) Amplitude Modulation; (3) Asset Manager; (4) Aerographers Mate

    AMAB Air Mobile Assault BrigadeAMASS (1) Advanced Marine Airborne SlGlNT System;

    (2) Advanced Marine Air Support SystemAMBISS Automated Map-Based Intelligence Support SystemAMC (1) Airspace Management and Control; (2) Army Materiel

    Command (Formerly DARCOM); (3) Air Mobility Command;(4) Air Mission Commander

    AMCC (1) Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications; (2) Ashore Mobile Command Center

    AMC/IN AMC Deputy Chief of Staff for IntelligenceAMCIT American CitizenAMCM Airborne Mine CountermeasuresAMD Activated Metal DecoyAMDT AEELS Mobile Downlink TerminalAME Airspace Management ElementAMEMB American EmbassyAMETS Artillery Meteorological SystemAMF Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO)AMH Automated Message HandlingAMHA Army Management Headquarters ActivityAMHS Automated Message Handling SystemAMIDS Airborne Mine Detection SystemAMIM Army Modernization Information MemorandumAMIP Army Model Improvement PlanAMIRS Army Multispectral Imagery Requirements StudyAMIS Advanced Microwave Imaging SensorAMM Army Modernization MemorandumAmmo AmmunitionAMMS (1) Allowance Material Management System;

    (2) Acquisition Milestone Management SystemAMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution

    SystemAMOPS Army Mobilization Operations and Planning SystemAMOS Air Force Maui Optical SystemAMP (1) Amplification; (2) Army Modernization Plan;

    (3) Acquisition Master PlanAMPDS Automated Message Processing Dissemination SystemAMPE Automated Message Processing ExchangeAMPHI Aerial Mission Photographic IndoctrinationAMPHIB AmphibiousAMPL AmplitudeAMPS (1) Automated Mission Planning System; (2) Automated Mes-

    sage Processing System; (3) Aim Point SystemAMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

  • 13

    AMRWS Advanced Remote Miniaturized Weather StationAMS (1) Automated Message System; (2) Auto-Manual System;

    (3) Autonomous Message Switch; (4) Advanced Mapping Spectrometer

    AMSAT Amateur Radio SatelliteAMSC Advanced Military Spaceflight CapabilityAMS-H Advanced Missile System HeavyAMSSA Assured Mission Support Space ArchitectureAMST Advanced Medium STOL TransportAMT ACTS Mobile TerminalAMTF Airmobile Task ForceAMTP Army Mission Training PlanAMU Astronaut Maneuvering UnitAMW Amphibious WarfareAN (1) Net Tender; (2) Army/NavyANALIT Analyst-to-Analyst Message FormatANC African National CongressANCC (1) Ashore Navy Communications Capability;

    (2) Automated Network Control CenterANDVT Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice TerminalANEX Analyst-to-Analyst Exchange Message FormatANFO Ammonium Nitrate Fuel OilANG Air National GuardANGB Army National Guard BaseANGLlCO Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison CompanyANL Net-Laying ShipANLYS AnalysisANMCC Alternate National Military Command CenterANMIC Alternate National Military Intelligence CenterANR (1) Alaskan NORAD Region; (2) Active Noise ReductionANRPC Association of Natural Rubber-Producing CountriesANSI American National Standards InstituteANVIS Aviators Night Vision Imaging SystemAN/VRC Army Navy Vehicle Radio CommunicationsANZUS Australia, New Zealand, United StatesAO (1) Action Officer; (2) Oiler; (3) Authenticator Organization;

    (4) Area of Operations; (5) Aerial ObserverAOA (1) Amphibious Objective Area; (2) Angle of Attack;

    (3) Angle of Arrival; (4) Airborne Optical AdjunctAOB (1) Air Order of Battle; (2) Advanced Operational BaseAOBTS Air Order of Battle Textual SummaryAOC (1) Air Officer Commanding (U.K.); (2) Air Operations Center;

    (3) Army Operations CenterAOCC Area Operations Control CenterAOCS Aviation Officers Candidate SchoolAOE Fast Combat Support ShipAOFDA U.S. AID Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance

  • 14

    AOG Gasoline TankerAOI (1) Area of Influence; (2) Area of InterestAOIC Assistant Officer in ChargeAOIR (1) ACE Operational Intelligence Requirements;

    (2) Area of Intelligence ResponsibilityAOL Area of LimitationAO&M/NM Administration, Operations, and Maintenance/Network

    ManagementAOO Air Operations OrderAOP (1) Area of Probability; (2) Air Operations PlanAOR Area of ResponsibilityAOS (1) Special Liquids Tanker; (2) Amphibious Objective Study;

    (3) Area of SeparationAOSG Amphibious Operation Support GraphicAOSS Automated Office Support SystemAOT Transport OilerAOTF Acoustic-Optic Tunable FilterAP (1) Armor-Piercing; (2) Air Police; (3) Transport Ship;

    (4) Associated Press; (5) Ammonium Perchlorate; (6) Antipersonnel; (7) Application Processor

    AP-I Armor Piercing IncendiaryAPB (1) Self-Propelled Barracks Ship; (2) All Points Bulletin;

    (3) Antipersonnel Bomb; (4) Acquisition Program BaselineAPC (1) Armored Personnel Carrier; (2) Area of Positive Control;

    (3) Adaptive Predictive CodingAPCC Alternate Processing and Correlation CenterAPFSDS Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding SabotAPHIS USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServiceAPL (1) Barracks Craft (non self-propelled);

    (2) Applied Physics Laboratory (Johns Hopkins University)APM Army Program MemorandumAPMS (1) Automated Production Management System;

    (2) Advanced Precision Measurement SystemAPO (1) Army Post Office; (2) Air Post OfficeAPOD Aerial Port of DebarkationAPOE Aerial Port of EmbarkationAPORTS Aerial Ports File (JOPES)APP ApplicationAPPS ApplicationsAppl ApplicationApprox ApproximatelyAPPS Analytical Photogrammetric Position SystemAPS (1) ASARS-II Processing Segment; (2) Air Planning SystemAPT (1) Automatic Picture Transmission; (2) AirportAPU Auxiliary Power UnitAPVO FSU Air Defense AviationAPW American Prisoner of War

  • 15

    AQF Advanced QUICKFIXAR (1) Advanced Readiness; (2) Army Regulation;

    (3) Action Required; (4) Repair Ship; (5) Agent Report; (6) Army Reserve; (7) Army

    ARABSAT Arab Satellite (Communications Organization)ARB Battle Damage Repair ShipARC (1) Cable Ship; (2) Acquisition Review Committee;

    (3) Armored Reconnaissance Carrier; (4) Air Reserve Component

    ARCENT U.S. Army Forces Central CommandARCENT-K USACENT forward element-KuwaitARCENT-SA USACENT forward element-Saudi ArabiaARCH ArchitectureARCOM Army CommandARDC Air Research and Development CommandAREC Air Element CoordinatorARCS (1) Automated Reproduction and Collating System;

    (2) Acquisition Radar and Control SystemARD Auxiliary Repair DrydockARDF Airborne Radio Direction FindingARDM Auxiliary Repair DrydockAREPT Agent ReportARF Airborne Relay FacilityARFCOS Armed Forces Courier ServiceARFOR Army Force(s)ARG (1) Amphibious Readiness Group;

    (2) Internal Combustion Engine Repair ShipARIS Advanced Range Instrumentation ShipARL (1) Landing Craft Repair Ship; (2) Airborne Reconnaissance

    Low; (3) Army Research Lab; (4) Aerial Reconnaissance LiaisonARL-I Airborne Reconnaissance Low-ImageryARLANT U.S. Army Forces, LANTCOMARLEA Army Logistics Evaluation AgencyARLO Air Reconnaissance Liaison OfficerARM (1) Antiradiation Missile;

    (2) Atmospheric Radiation MeasurementARMA Army AttacheARMISE Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support ElementARMLO Army Liaison OfficerARMS Automated Resource Management SystemARNG Army National GuardARO (1) Area Records Officer; (2) Auxiliary ReadoutARP Alert Response PlanARPA Advanced Research Projects AgencyARPAC Army PacificARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NetworkARPS Advanced Radar Processing System

  • 16

    ARPV Advanced Remotely Piloted VehicleARR Radiological Repair ShipARRC (1) ACE Rapid Reaction Corps; (2) Allied Rapid Reaction CorpsARRN Andean Ridge Radar NetworkARRS Aerospace Rescue and Recovery ServiceARS (1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Aerial Reconnaissance and

    Surveillance; (3) Airborne Receiver System; (4) Air Rescue Service

    ARSA (1) Annual Reevaluation of Safe Areas; (2) Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture

    ARSGS Airborne Reconnaissance SIGINT Ground SystemsARSO Assistant Regional Security OfficerARSOA Army Special Operations AviationARSOC Army Special Operations CommandARSOF Army Special Operations ForcesARSOFE Army Special Operations Forces, EuropeARSOFSUPCOM Army Special Operations Forces Support CommandARSOTF Army Special Operations Task ForceARSP Advanced Reconnaissance Support ProgramARSPACE Army Space CommandARSPACECOM Army Space CommandARSPOC Army Space Operations CenterARSST Army Space Command Space Support TeamARSTAF Army StaffART (1) Aerial Reconnaissance Team; (2) Amateur Radio TransceiverARTADS Army Tactical Data SystemARTAS-K Army Training and Support-Kuwait

    (former name for ARCENT-K)ARTBASS Army Training Battle Simulation SystemsARTCC Air Route Traffic and Control CenterARTEP (1) Army Readiness Training Evaluation Program;

    (2) Army Training and Evaluation ProgramARTISS Advanced Requirements Tasking Information and

    Support SystemARTPP Airborne Reconnaissance Technology Program PlanARTS Automated Remote Tracking StationARTY ArtilleryARV (1) Armored Recovery Vehicle; (2) Armored Reconnaissance

    Vehicle; (3) Aircraft Repair ShipARW Air Refueling Wing

  • 17

    AS (1) Submarine Tender; (2) Air Surveillance; (3) Analysis Sub-system; (4) Air Station; (5) Anti Spoofing; (6) Advanced Sensors

    ASA Army Space AgencyASA (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and

    Reserve Affairs)ASAB All-Source Analysis BranchASAC All-Source Analysis CenterASAP (1) As Soon As Possible;

    (2) Advanced Sensor Applications ProgramASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture RadarASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review CouncilASARS Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar SystemASART (1) AEELS Support Analysis Reporting Terminal;

    (2) Analysis Support and Reporting TerminalASAS All-Source Analysis SystemASAS-AS All-Source Analysis System All-Source WorkstationASAS-E All-Source Analysis System-ExtendedASAS-SS All-Source Analysis System Single-Source WorkstationASAS-W All-Source Analysis System WARRIORASAT (1) Antisatellite; (2) Antisatellite Treaty;

    (3) Advance Satellite Antenna TechnologyASB (1) Air Surveillance Broadcast; (2) Army Science BoardASC (1) AUTODlN Switching Center; (2) Army Service Component;

    (3) Army Space Command; (4) Advanced Systems CourseASCAMP Advanced Single-Channel ManpackASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASCC (1) Air Standardization Coordinating Committee;

    (2) Alternate Space Control CenterASCII American National Standard Code for Information InterchangeASCM Antiship Cruise MissileASCON Automatic Switched Communications NetworkASD Assistant Secretary of DefenseASD (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control,

    Communications, and Intelligence)ASD (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control,

    Communications, Computers and Intelligence)ASD (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security AffairsASD (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and RequirementsASD (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low

    Intensity ConflictASDC Advanced Space Data CorporationASDEP Army Space Exploitation Demonstration ProgramsASDIA All-Source Document IndexASDIAZ All-Source Document Index Automated

    File-CompartmentedASDIAZO All-Source Document Index Automated File-ORCONASDIC Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center

  • 18

    ASDS (1) Automated SlGlNT Dissemination System;(2) Advanced SEAL Delivery System

    ASDV Auxiliary SEAL Delivery VehicleASE (1) Aircraft Survivability Equipment;

    (2) Airborne Support ElementASEAN Association of Southeast Asian NationsASED Army Space Exploitation DemonstrationASEDP Army Space Exploitation Demonstration ProgramASEMA Army Special Electronic Mission AircraftASF All-Source FormatASFC All-Source Fusion CenterASG Area Support GroupASGOBS Army Standard Ground Order of Battle SystemASI (1) Additional Skill Indicator; (2) U.S. Army Space Institute;

    (3) All-Source IntelligenceASIC All-Source Intelligence CenterASICC All-Source Intelligence Coordinating CenterASIDS Airborne Secondary Imagery Dissemination SystemASIP All-Source Imagery ProcessorASIPS Army Standard Intelligence Plotter SystemASIS Army Space Initiatives StudyASIT Adaptable Surface Interface TerminalASM (1) Air-to-Surface Missile; (2) Antiship Missile;

    (3) Attache Support MessageASMD Antiship Missile DefenseASMT AssessmentASN (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and

    Acquisition)ASOC Air Support Operations CenterASOG Air Support Operations GroupASOS Air Support Operations SquadronASP Ammunition Supply PointASPAC Asian and Pacific CouncilASPADOC Alternate Space Defense Operations CommandASPB Assault Patrol Support Boat (Riverine Warfare Craft)ASPIC Armed Services Personnel Interrogation CenterASPJ Airborne/Advanced Self-Protection JammerASPO Army Space Program OfficeASPS All-Source Production SectionASR (1) Submarine Rescue Ship; (2) Airport Surveillance Radar;

    (3) Adaptive Situation RecognizerASRP (1) Airborne SlGlNT Reconnaissance Program;

    (2) Airborne SIOP Reconnaissance PlanASRRS Army Survivable, Recovery and Reconstitution SystemASSC Alternate Space Surveillance CenterASSET All Source Satellite Evaluation Tool

  • 19

    ASSIST (1) Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals; (2) Automated Special Security Terminals; (3) Automated Special Security Information System; (4) Automated Information System Security Incident Support Team

    ASSM Antiship Surface MissileASSOTW Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the WorldASSR Autonomous Soviet Socialist RepublicASST (1) Antiship Surveillance and Tracking; (2) AssistantASSW Antisurface Ship WarfareASTAG Army Service and Technology Advisory GroupASTEC Advanced Satellite Technology and Extremely High

    Frequency CommunicationsASTERIX Automated Analyst Support ToolsASTMP Army Science and Technology Master PlanASTP APOLLO-SOYUZ Test ProgramASU (1) FSU Airborne Self-Propelled Antitank Gun;

    (2) Approved for Service UseASUW Antisurface WarfareASU SWA Administrative Support Unit Southwest AsiaASUWC Antisurface Warfare CommanderASV Armored Support VehicleASW (1) Antisubmarine Warfare; (2) Aircrew Survival WeaponASWC Antisubmarine Warfare CommanderASWCCS Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control SystemASWOC Antisubmarine Warfare Operations CenterASWTF Antisubmarine Warfare Task ForceAT (1) Antitank; (2) Air Transit; (3) Simple Antenna

    (Electronic Component); (4) Air Technician; (5) Awaiting Trans-portation; (6) Antiterrorism, (7) Annual Training

    ATA (1) Actual Time of Arrival; (2) Ocean Tug; (3) Air Transport Association; (4) Advanced Tactical Aircraft; (5) Air Traffic Agency

    ATAC ASAP Technical Advisory CommitteeATACC Advanced Tactical Air Command CenterATACMS (U.S.) Army Tactical Missile SystemATACMS ER Army Tactical Missile System Extended RangeATACS (1) Analyst-to-Analyst Communications Service;

    (2) Army Tactical Communications SystemATAF Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO)ATARS Advanced Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance SystemATAS (1) Air-To-Air Stinger; (2) Automatic Terrain Avoidance SystemATB (1) Air Technical Battalion; (2) Advanced Technology BomberATBM Antitactical Ballistic MissileATC (1) Air Traffic Control; (2) Air Training Command, USAF;

    (3) Air Target Chart; (4) Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft)

    ATCAE Army Technical Control and Analysis Element

  • 20

    ATCC Air Traffic Control CenterATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control SystemATCH ASW Torpedo-Carrying HelicopterATCU Airfield Traffic Control UnitATD (1) Actual Time of Departure;

    (2) Advanced Technology DemonstrationATDB ACE Target Data BaseATD/IFD Advanced Technology Demonstration/Integrated

    Feasibility DemonstrationATDL Automated Tactical Data LinkATDS Airborne Tactical Data SystemATE Automatic Test EquipmentATETS Atomic Heat and PowerplantATF (1) Advanced Tactical Fighter; (2) Amphibious Task Force;

    (3) Fleet Ocean Tug; (4) Aviation Turbine Fuel; (5) After the Fact

    ATFD Automated Tactical Fusion DivisionATGIN Atomic Ground InterceptATGL Antitank Guided LauncherATGM Antitank Guided MissileATH Above The HorizonATI Automated Tactical IntelligenceATIC Aircraft Technical Intelligence ConferenceATIMS Advanced Technical Information Management SystemATL ACE Threat ListATLIS Airborne Tracking Laser Identification Systematm AtmosphereATM (1) Antitank Missile; (2) Air Target Materials; (3) Air

    Target Mosaic; (4) Antitactical Missile; (5) Asynchronous Trans-fer Mode; (6) Air Tasking Message

    A-TM Alpha Team (Special Forces Operational Detachment)ATMDE Army Theater Missile Defense ElementATMG Arms Transfer Management GroupATMOS Atmospheric Trace Molecules SpectroscopyATMP Air Target Materials ProgramATO (1) Air Tasking Order; (2) Abort-To-OrbitATOC Allied Tactical Operations Center (NATO)AFTOCONF Air Tasking Order ConfirmationATOL Assisted Takeoff & LandingATOS Atlantic Theater Operational Intelligence SystemATP (1) Allied Tactical Publication (NATO); (2) Advanced Technol-

    ogy Program; (3) Advanced Tracking Prototype; (4) Advanced Tactical Planner

    ATP-FO Automated Tracking Prototype Follow-OnATP/RMBUX Advance Tracking Prototype/Rocky Mountain Basic UNIXATR Automatic Target RecognitionATRS Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance System

  • 21

    ATS (1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Automated Tasking System; (3) Audit Trail Server; (4) Applications Technology Satellite

    ATSS Alaskan Transportable Satellite SystemAT&T American Telephone and TelegraphATT Technical Assistance Training TeamATTCS Army Tactical Command and Control SystemATTD Advanced Technology Transition DemonstrationATTE Assistant Theater Topographic EngineerATTG Automated Tactical Target GraphicATTN/Attn Attention (to the attention of)ATTP ACOM Tactics, Techniques, and ProceduresATWC Atmospheric Tactical Warning ConnectivityAU Air UniversityAUD Arbitrary Unit DesignatorAUGTDA Augmentation Table of Distribution and AllowancesAUM Air-to-Underwater MissileAUS Army of the United StatesAUSA Association of the United States ArmyAUSCANUKUS Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United StatesAUSD Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for DefenseAutoID Automatic IdentificationAUTODIN Automatic Digital NetworkAUTOSEC Automation SecurityAUTOSEVOCOM Automatic Secure Voice Communications NetworkAUTOVON Automatic Voice NetworkAUTUMN FORGE NATO ExerciseAUXCP Auxiliary Command PostAV (1) Armored Vehicle; (2) Audio-Visual; (3) Air Vehicle;

    (4) Auxiliary VectorAVCS Attitude and Velocity Control SystemAVF All-Volunteer ForceAVGAS Aviation GasolineAVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution RadiometerAVIM Aviation Intermediate MaintenanceAVLB Armored Vehicle-Launched BridgeAVMF FSU Naval Aviation AVMT Aviation Maintenance TrainerAVN AviationAVP Authorized Vendor ProgramAVR Aircraft Rescue VehicleAVSAT Aviation Satellite SystemAVSCOM Aviation System CommandAVT Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training ShipAVUM Aviation Unit Maintenance

  • 22

    AW (1) Air Warning; (2) Automatic Weapon(s); (3) Water Tanker; (4) All-Weather

    AWACS Airborne Warning and Control SystemAWADS Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery SystemAWARS All-Weather Reconnaissance SystemAWC (1) Air War College; (2) Army War College;

    (3) Air Warfare CenterAWDS Automated Weather Distribution SystemAWE Advanced Warfighting ExperimentAWESS I Automatic Weapon Effect Signature SimulatorAWGN Additive White Gaussian NoiseAWIS (1) Army WWMCCS Information System;

    (2) Aircraft Wireless Intercom SystemAWN Automated Weather NetworkAWOP (1) Absent Without Pay;

    (2) Automated Weaponeering Optimization ProgramAWS (1) Air Weather Service; (2) Advance Warning System;

    (3) Analyst WorkstationAWSS Area Weapon Scoring SystemAWT Water TransportAWWIMS Automated Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring SystemAWX All-WeatherAXAF Advanced X-ray Astrophysics FacilityAXP Allied Exercise PublicationAXT Training ShipAZ Azimuth

  • 23


    BA (1) Budget Authority; (2) Budget ActivityBAA Broad Agency AnnouncementBAC (1) Budget Activity Code; (2) Broad Area CoverageBAD Baseline Assessment DocumentBADGE FINDER Proper Name of SystemBADGE KEEPER Proper Name of SystemBAE Battlefield Area EvaluationBAG Battalion Artillery GroupBAI (1) Battlefield Air Interdiction; (2) Backup Aircraft

    Inventory; (3) Battlefield Artificial IntelligenceBALTAP Baltic Approaches (NATO Naval Command)BAN Base Area NetworkBANDIT Bragg Area Network for Digital Intelligence TransmissionBAO Basic Attack OptionBAOR British Army of the RhineBARB Beacon-Aided Radar BombingBARCS Battlefield Area Reconnaissance SystemBAS (1) Broad Area Search; (2) Battlefield Automated Systems;

    (3) Billet Access SystemBASIC Battle Area Surveillance & Integrated CommunicationsBASOPS Base OperationsBASS Battlefield Surveillance SystemBAT-D Battlefield DeceptionBATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and FirearmsBATO Balloon-Assisted Take-OffBATS Ballistic Aerial Target SystemBAWB Bomber Activity Weekly BriefBB BattleshipBBBG Battleship Battle GroupBBLS BarrelsBBO Booster BurnoutBBS Brigade/Battalion SimulationB2C2 Brigade and Below Command and Control SystemBCA Broadcast Control AuthorityBC2A Bosnia Command and Control AugmentationBCBL Battle Command Battle LabBCC Base Communications CenterBCDSS Battle Command Decision Support SystemBCE Battlefield Coordination ElementBCI Bit-Count IntegrityBCR (1) Battlefield Communications Review;

    (2) Baseline Change RequestBCS Broadcast Control Station

  • 24

    BCT (1) Base Consolidated Telecommunications; (2) Betac Command Team

    BCTP Battle Command Training ProgramBCV Battle Command VehicleBd BaudBDA (1) Battle Damage Assessment; (2) Bomb Damage AssessmentBDA/PSA Bomb Damage Assessment/Post Strike AssessmentBDE/Bde BrigadeBDM Budget Decision MemorandumBDP Battlefield Development PlanBDS (1) Base Development Survey; (2) Bulk Data ServiceBDSP Battle Dress System ProjectBE Basic EncyclopediaBEMT Basic Electronic Maintenance TrainerBENELUX Belgium, Netherlands, LuxembourgBER Bit Error RateBES Budget Estimate SubmissionBETA Battlefield Exploitation and Target AcquisitionBEYOND DUTY Proper Name of SystemBF Battle ForceBFA Battlefield Function AreaBFACS BFA Control SystemBF(S)BL Battle Focus (Support) Battle LabBFCS Ballistic Framing Camera SystemBFE Blacker Front EndBFI Battlefield InterdictionBFM Basic Flight ManeuversBFMA Battlefield Functional Mission AreaBFOV Broad Field of ViewBG (1) Battle Group; (2) Brigadier GeneralBGN Board on Geographic NamesBGPHES Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension SystemBGW Battlefield Guided WeaponBGWU Battle Group WorkupBH Busy HourB-H Bosnia-HercegovinaBI Background InvestigationBIACC Basic Integrated Aircraft Command and ControlBIC Battlefield Information CenterBICC Battlefield Information Coordination CenterBICES Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation

    Systems (NATO)BICM Battlefield Intelligence Collection ModelBIDS Battlefield Information Distribution SystemBIF Basic Imagery File

  • 25

    BIFF Bistatic Identification Friend or FoeBIIB Basic Imagery Interpretation BriefBIIR Basic Imagery Interpretation ReportBIM Ballistic Intercept MissileBIOLDEF Biological DefenseBIOLOPS Biological OperationsBIOLWPN Biological WeaponsBISS Baseline Intelligence Summary SupplementBIT Binary DigitBITE Built-In Test EquipmentBITS Base Information Transfer SystemBIU Bus Interface UnitBks BarracksBKS Broadcast Keying StationBL Bomb LineBLDG BuildingBLEST Berm-Loaded Explosive Simulation TechniqueBLEU Belgium-Luxembourg Economic UnionBLIP Background Limited IR PhotographyBLOS Beyond Line-of-SightBLSS Base Level Self-Sufficiency SparesBLT Battalion Landing TeamBLUE FLAG ACC command and control exerciseBM (1) FSU Truck-Mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher;

    (2) Ballistic MissileBMATT Briefcase Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical TerminalBM/C2 Battle Management/Command and ControlBM/C3 Battle Management/Command, Control, and CommunicationsBMC Battle Management CellBMCT Beginning of Morning Civil TwilightBMD (1) Ballistic Missile Defense; (2) FSU Airborne Combat VehicleBMDO (1) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization;

    (2) Ballistic Missile Defense OfficeBMDSCOM U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Defense Systems CommandBMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning SystemBMG Basic Mission GuidanceBMNT Beginning of Morning Nautical TwilightBMP FSU Armored Infantry Combat VehicleBMSS Ballistic Missile Systems SubcommitteeBN/Bn BattalionBND Bundesrepublik Nachrichtendienst

    (German Intelligence Service)BOA Broad Ocean AreaBOCCA Board for Coordination of Civil Aircraft (NATO)BOIP Basis of Issue Plan

  • 26

    BOMREP Bombing ReportBOQ Bachelor Officers QuartersBOS (1) Battlefield Operating System; (2) Base Operating SupportBP (1) Battle Position; (2) BandpassBPA (1) Battlefield Psychological Activities;

    (2) Blanket Purchase AgreementBPE Beacon Precision EnlargerBPF Bandpass FilterBPI Bits Per InchBPPBS Biennial Planning, Programming, and Budgeting SystemBPR Business Process ReengineeringBPS (1) Basic Psychological Operations Study; (2) Bits Per Second;

    (3) Beachman Processing SystemBPSK Burst Pulse Shift KeyBR Blade RateB/R Bridge/RouterBR/Br BranchBRAC Base Realignment and Closure (Commission)BRDM FSU Wheeled Amphibious Armored Reconnaissance VehicleBRET Bistatic Reflected Energy TargetBRI Basic Rate InterfaceBRIXMIS British Commanders-In-Chief Military Liaison MissionBRL Bomb Release LineBRP Bomb Release PointBRS (1) Beachman Reporting System; (2) Backup and Recovery

    System (3) Beach Reconnaissance SystemBRU Bomb Release UnitBS Broadcast ServiceBSA Brigade Support AreaBSD (1) Battlefield Surveillance Device;

    (2) Battlefield Surveillance DisplayBSS Broadcast Satellite ServiceBSSC Battle Staff Support CenterBSSG Brigade Service Support GroupBST (1) Battle Staff Team; (2) Betac Support TeamBSTS (1) Boost Surveillance and Tracking System;

    (2) Boost Phase Surveillance and Tracking SystemBT Basic TrainingBTA Best Technical ApproachBTF Battalion Task ForceBTG Basic Target GraphicBTI Balanced Technology InitiativeBTR FSU Armored Personnel CarrierBTRY (1) Battery; (2) Field ArtilleryBTU British Thermal UnitBTW By The Way

  • 27

    BUD/S Basic Underwater Demolition/Sea-Air-Land (SEAL)BUIC Back-Up Intercept ControlBUNT British Underground Nuclear TestBUR Bottom Up ReviewBVITS Baseline Video Imagery Transmission SystemBVR Beyond Visual RangeBW (1) Biological Warfare; (2) Bandwidth; (3) Beamwidth;

    (4) Bomb WingB&W Black and WhiteBWC Biological Weapons ConventionBWP Basic Working PaperBZ Buffer Zone

  • 28


    C (1) Crisis; (2) Confidential; (3) ConiferousC1 Combined Staff Personnel OfficerC2 (1) Command and Control; (2) Combined or Coalition Forces

    Intelligence StaffC2S2LAN Command and Control Support System LANC2W Command & Control WarfareC3 Command, Control, and CommunicationsC3OB C3 Order of BattleC3S Command, Control, and Communications SystemsC4 Command, Control, Communications, and ComputersC4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,

    Surveillance and Reconnaissance C4S Command, Control, Communications, and Computer SystemC5 Combined Staff Strategic Planning and Policy OfficerC6 Combined Staff Command, Control and Communications

    Systems OfficerCA (1) Cryptanalysis; (2) Heavy Cruiser; (3) Civil Affairs;

    (4) Combat Assessment; (5) Controlling Authority;(6) COMSEC Account; (7) Command Authority; (8) Counterair

    CAA (1) Concepts Analysis Agency (U.S. Army); (2) Combined Arms Army (FSU); (3) Command Arrangement Agreement

    CAB (1) Current Analysis Branch; (2) Civil Affairs Brigade;(3) Civil Affairs Battalion

    CAC (1) Combined Arms Center; (2) Collection Advisory Center; (3) Control and Analysis Center; (4) Crisis Action Cen-ter; (5) Civil Affairs Command; (6) Civil Applications Commit-tee; (7) U.S. Army Combined Arms Command

    CACDA Combined Arms Combat Development ActivityCACM Central American Common MarketCACTIS Community/Computer Automated Counterterrorism

    Intelligence SystemCAD (1) Computer-Assisted Design;

    (2) Conceptual Architecture DocumentCADES COMIREX Advanced Exploitation SystemCADIZ (1) Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone;

    (2) Coastal Air Defense Identification ZoneCADOB Consolidated Air Defense Order of BattleCADS Containerized Ammunition Distribution SystemCADST Civil Affairs Direct Support TeamCAE Computer Aided EngineeringCAF (1) Crisis Augmentation Facility; (2) Combat Air ForcesCAFMS Computer-Assisted Force Management SystemCAG (1) Carrier Air Group; (2) Collective Address Group;

    (3) Commander, Air GroupCAI Computer-Aided InstructionCAIF Command Automated Intelligence File

  • 29

    CAIMS Conventional Ammunition Information Management SystemCAJIT Central America Joint Intelligence TeamCaLANdar Da Vinci E-Mail ApplicationCALS Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics SupportCALT Civil Affairs Liaison TeamCAM (1) Computer-Assisted Modeling;

    (2) Computer Aided ManufacturingCAMO Computer-Aided Manual OperationCAMPS (1) Computer-Aided Management Planning System;

    (2) Computer-Aided Mission Planning System; (3) Compartmented All-Source Analysis System Message Processing System

    CAMS (1) COMIREX Automated Management System;(2) Communications Area Master Station

    CANDOB Consolidated Aerospace Defense Order of BattleCANR Canadian NORAD RegionCAN Coastal Air Navigation SupplementCANT Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear TestCANUK US Canada, United Kingdom, United StatesCANUS Canadian - United StatesCANUS LANDOP Canada-United States Land Operations PlanCAO (1) Crisis Action Organization; (2) Chief Administrative Officer;

    (3) Central Action OfficeCAO(SOP) Coordination of Atomic Operations

    (Standard Operating Procedure)CAOC Combined Air Operations CenterCAOCC Combined Air Operations Coordination CenterCAP (1) Combat Air Patrol; (2) Civil Air Patrol;

    (3) Countermeasures Advisory Panel; (4) Crisis Action Planning; (5) Crisis Action Procedures; (6) Capabilities

    CAPSULE JACK Proper Name of SystemCAR (1) Canadian Airborne Regiment; (2) Chief, Army ReserveCARC Corrective Action Review CommitteeCARDA (1) Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage

    Assessment; (2) CONUS Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment

    CARE Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.CARG Crisis Action Review GroupCARGRU Carrier GroupCARIBJIC Caribbean Joint Intelligence CenterCARIBROC Caribbean Regional Operations CenterCARICOM Caribbean Common MarketCARIFTA Caribbean Free Trade AssociationCARL Category Assignment Responsibility ListCARP Computed Air Release PointCARS (1) Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System;

    (2) Common Automated Recovery System

  • 30

    CARVE Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, and Effect

    CARVER Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effects and Recognizability

    CAS (1) Close Air Support; (2) Calibrated Air Speed; (3) Collision Avoidance System; (4) Crisis Action System; (5) Crisis Action Staff; (6) Combined Arms and Services Staff School

    CASC Crisis Action Support CellCASE Computer-Assisted Software EngineeringCASIC Combined All-Source Intelligence CenterCASLAN Command Automated Software Local Area NetworkCASS (1) Collection Analysis Support Subsystem;

    (2) Command Activated Sonobuoy SystemCAST (1) Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical

    Intelligence Tasks; (2) Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group; (3) Computer-Assisted Self Training; (4) Computer Assisted Satellite Track

    CAT (1) Conventional Arms Transfer; (2) Crisis Action Team; (3) Combined Arms Team; (4) Crisis Augmentation Team; (5) Category

    CAT-1 RECategory-1 Receive EquipmentCATF (1) Commander, Amphibious Task Force;

    (2) Civil Affairs Task ForceCATIS (1) Computer-Aided Tactical Information System;

    (2) Computer-Aided Tactical Intelligence SystemCATIS/IESS Computer-Aided Tactical Information System/Imagery

    Exploitation Support SystemCATS (1) Combined Arms Training Systems;

    (2) Combat Airlift Tactics SchoolCATSS Cartographic Applications for Tactical and Strategic SystemsCAV CavalryCAVU Ceiling And Visibility UnlimitedCAWS Commercial Analyst Work StationCB Chemical, BiologicalC-band 3.9 to 6.2 GHz Communications BandCBD Commerce Business DailyCBF Common Budget FrameworkCBI (1) Complete Background Investigation;

    (2) Computer Based InstructionCBI/T Computer-Based Instruction/TrainingCBJB Congressional Budget Justification BookCBM Confidence Building Measure(s)CBO Congressional Budget OfficeCBR (1) Chemical, Biological, and Radiological;

    (2) Case Based Reasoning; (3) Constant Bit RateCBRN Caribbean Basin Radar NetworkCBRS Concept Based Requirements SystemCBS Combat Battle SimulationCBT (1) Computer-Based Training; (2) Combating Terrorism

  • 31

    CBTDEV Combat DeveloperCBTI Combat IntelligenceCBU Cluster Bomb UnitCBW Chemical and Biological WarfareCBZ Confidence Building ZoneCC (1) Command Center; (2) Command Ship; (3) Cloud Cover;

    (4) Collection Center; (5) Computer Compatible; (6) Communications Controller; (7) Commander

    C-C3 Counter Command, Control, and CommunicationsCCA Communications Control AuthorityCCB Configuration Control BoardCCC (1) CARDA Control Center; (2) Consolidated Command Center;

    (3) Command and Control CenterCCD (1) Conference of the Committee on Disarmament;

    (2) Charged Coupled Device; (3) Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception

    CCE Contingency Communications ElementCCEB Combined Communications Electronic BoardCCEP Commercial COMSEC Endorsement ProgramCCF Collection Coordination FacilityCCF-SS Collection Coordination Facility-Support SystemCCG (1) Combat Control Group; (2) Crisis Coordination Group;

    (3) Combat Communications GroupCCG-NB Communications Control Ground-NarrowbandCCGD Commander, Coast Guard DistrictCCGP Combat Communications GroupCCHC Headquarters CommandantCCI Controlled Cryptographic ItemCCIC Concentrated Counterdrugs Intelligence CollectionCCIP Command Center Improvement ProgramCCIR International Radio Consultative Committee (French Acronym)CCIRID Charge-Coupled Infrared Imaging DeviceCCIRM Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements

    ManagementCCIS (1) Command, Control, and Intelligence Support;

    (2) Common Channel Intelligence SignalingCCISCMO Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures

    OfficeCCISS Command & Control Intelligence Support SquadronCCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephone and

    TelegraphCCJ1 USCENTCOM Manpower, Personnel, and Administration

    DirectorateCCJ2 USCENTCOM Intelligence DirectorateCCJ3 USCENTCOM Operations DirectorateCCJ4/J7 USCENTCOM Logistics and Security Assistance DirectorateCCJ5 USCENTCOM Plans and Policy Directorate

  • 32

    CCJ6 USCENTCOM Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Directorate

    CCJA USCENTCOM Staff Judge AdvocateCCM (1) Cross-Country Movement; (2) Counter-CountermeasureC3CM Command, Control, and Communications CountermeasuresCCMF Consolidated Collection Management FacilityCCN Crisis Communications Network (CIA)CCO (1) Communication Collection Outstation; (2) COMINT

    Collection Outstation; (3) Circuit Control Officer; (4) Chief, Combat Operations

    CCO/SCO Central Control Office/Sub-Control OfficeCCP (1) Consolidated Cryptologic Program;

    (2) Communications Checkpoint; (3) Contingency Communications Package

    CCPC Critical Collection Problems CommitteeCCPDS Command Center Processing and Display SystemCCPDS-R Command Center Processing and Display System ReplacementCCS (1) Collection Capabilities Statement (HUMINT);

    (2) COMINT Collection Subsystem (3) Combat Control Squad-ron; (4) Communications Control Set; (5) Command and Control Systems; (6) Constellation Control Station

    CCS2 Command and Control Subordinate SystemCCSA USCENTCOM Scientific and Technical AdvisorCCSC Cryptologic Combat Support ConsoleCCT (1) Combat Control Team; (2) Combat Coordination TeamCCTC Command and Control Technical CenterCCTF (1) Contingency Communications Test Facility;

    (2) Combined Coalition Task ForceCCTP Continuously Computed Target PointCCTS Combat Crew Training SquadronCCTT Close Combat Tactical TrainerCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCCTW Combat Control Training WingCCWT Command Center Watch TeamCD (1) Controlled Dissemination; (2) Certificate of Destruction;

    (3) Civil Defense; (4) Coastal Defense; (5) Calendar Day; (6) Committee on Disarmament; (7) Collateral Damage; (8) Compact Disc; (9) Command Ship; (10) Counter Drug; (11) Command Director; (12) Combat Developments; (13) Community/Service-Developed

    C&D Cover and DeceptionCDA Congressionally Directed ActionCDC (1) Career Development Course; (2) Combat Direction Center;

    (3) Combat Development CenterCD-ROM Compact Disk-Read-Only MemoryCDAS Central Data and Applications SupportC-Day Day in Which Movement From Origin BeginsCDB Central Data BaseCDCS Communications Distribution Control Segment

  • 33

    CDE (1) Conference on Disarmament in Europe; (2) Compound Damage Expectancy; (3) Center of Distance Education

    CDEC Captured Document Exploitation CenterCDF Central Document FileCDI Compact Disc InteractiveCDIP (1) Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program;

    (2) Council of Defense Intelligence ProducersCDIS (1) Communications Data Interface System;

    (2) Counterdrug Intelligence SystemCDIST Canadian Department of Industry, Science, and

    TechnologyCDL Common (high bandwidth) Data LinkCDLF Consolidated Domestic Launch ForecastCDM Common Digital MapCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDP (1) Central Data Processor; (2) Company Distributing PointCDPS Coherent Data Processing SystemCDR (1) Critical Design Review; (2) CommanderCDRL Contract Data Requirements ListCDRUSAJFKSWC Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy

    Special Warfare CenterCDRUSELEMNORAD Commander, U.S. Element NORADCDRWESTCOM Commander, U.S. Army Western CommandCDS (1) Chief of Defence Staff (Canadian); (2) Combat

    Delivery System; (3) Cryptographic Device Services; (4) Combat Direction System

    CDSE Cryptologic Direct Support ElementCDSORG Civil Direction of Shipping OrganizationCDST C3CM Data Support TeamCDT (1) Central Daylight Time; (2) Communications Data TerminalCDTS Computer-Directed Training SystemCDU Control Display UnitCDV Compressed Digital VideoCE (1) Circular Error; (2) Cost Effectiveness; (3) Civil Engineer;

    (4) Communications-Electronics; (5) Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army); (6) Current Exploitation; (7) Counterespionage; (8) Command Element; (9) Collection Emphasis

    C&E Collection and ExploitationC-E Communications ElectronicsCEAO West African Economic CommunityCEC (1) Cooperative Engagement Capability;

    (2) Consolidated Expenditure CenterCECOM Communications and Electronics CommandCED (1) Collection, Exploitation, and Dissemination;

    (2) Captured Enemy DocumentCEE Captured Enemy EquipmentCEI Communications Electronic Instructions

  • 34

    CEL CelestialCELT Current Emitter Location TestbedCEM Concepts Evaluation ModelCEMA Council for Mutual Economic AssistanceCENTAF (1) Central Region Air Forces (NATO);

    (2) U.S. Air Force Component, USCENTCOMCENTAG Central Army Group (NATO)CENTAM Central AmericaCENTCOM U.S. Central CommandCENTJIC Joint Intelligence Center USCENTCOMCENTLANT Central Sub-Area of Eastern Atlantic AreaCENTO Central Treaty OrganizationCEO (1) Communications Electronic Officer (USMC);

    (2) Chief Executive OfficerCEOI Communications Electronics Operations InstructionsCEP (1) Circular Error Probable; (2) Construction Electrician

    (Power); (3) Common Electronic Parts; (4) Civil Emergency Planning; (5) Committee for Energy Policy of OECD; (6) Capital Equipment Plan; (7) Concept Evaluation Program

    CEPG Combined Exercise Planning GroupCEPIR Current Exploitation Photographic Interpretation ReportCEPR Compromising Emanation Performance RequirementCER (1) Cryptographic Equipment Room;

    (2) Communication Equipment RoomCERP (1) Combined Economic Reporting Program;

    (2) Capital Equipment Replacement ProgramCERT Computer Security Emergency Response TeamCES Concept Exploration StudiesCESM Cryptologic Electronic Warfare Support MeasuresCEST Contingency Exploitation Support TeamCETA Chinese-English Translation AssistanceCEWI Combat Electronic Warfare IntelligenceCF Canadian ForcesC6F Commander, U.S. Sixth FleetC7F Commander, U.S. Seventh FleetCFA (1) Combined Field Army (Korea); (2) Covering Force Area;

    (3) Combined Force Air Component CommanderCFB Canadian Forces BaseCFC (1) Combined Field Command (Korea); (2) Combined Forces

    Command (ROK/US); (3) Combined Federal CampaignCCFC Commander in Chief, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces CommandCFD Common Fill DeviceCFE (1) Conventional Forces Europe; (2) Communications Front-EndCFER CFE ReplacementCFE-U Communications Front-End-UpgradeCFI&I Center for Integration and InteroperabilityCFIS Combined Forces Command Information System, (CFC)

  • 35

    CFL (1) Coordinated Fire Line; (2) Cease-Fire LineCFMS Combat Fuels Management SystemCFP (1) Contingency Force Pool; (2) Concept Formulation ProcessCFR Commander Force ReconnaissanceCFSO Counterintelligence Force Protection Source OperationsCFSR Contract Funds Status ReportCFV Cavalry Fighting Vehiclecg Center of GravityCG (1) Guided-Missile Cruiser; (2) Consolidated Guidance;

    (3) Commanding General; (4) Coast Guard; (4) Chairmans Guidance

    CGEUSA Commanding General, 8th US ArmyCGF Central Group of Forces (FSU Forces in Czechoslovakia)CGFMFLANT Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces AtlanticCGM Computer Graphics MetafileCGN Guided Missile Cruiser Nuclear PoweredCGS (1) Coast & Geodetic Survey; (2) Common Ground Station;

    (3) CONUS Ground StationCGSC Command and General Staff College (U.S. Army)CGUSARPAC Commanding General U.S. Army PacificcGy/hr CentiGray hourCH (1) Aviation Cruiser; (2) Channel; (3) Communication HelmetCHAALS Communications High Accuracy Airborne Location SystemCHAALS-X CHAALS ExploitationCHABNCP Chief, Airborne Command PostCHAMPUS Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed

    ServicesCHARS CharactersCHB Cargo Handling BattalionCHBDL Communications High Bandwidth Data LinkCHCMSA Chief, Cruise Missile Support ActivityCHCSS (1) Chief, Central Security Service;

    (2) Chief, Cryptologic Support ServiceCHG Guided-Missile Aviation CruiserCHGN Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation CruiserCHIP Communications Handbook for Intelligence PlannersCHJUSMAGK Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, KoreaCHJUSMAGPHIL Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, PhilippinesCHJUSMAGTHAI Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, ThailandCHMAAGDOMREP Chief, Military Assistance and Advisory Group,

    Dominican RepublicCHMDO JAPAN Chief, Military Defense Office, JapanCHN Nuclear-Powered Aviation CruiserCHODC INDIA Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, IndiaCHOP (1) Change of Operational Command;

    (2) Change of Operational ControlC-HUMINT Counter Human Resources Intelligence

  • 36

    CHUSMLO Chief, U.S. Military Liaison OfficeCI (1) Counterintelligence; (2) Counterinsurgency;

    (3) Current IntelligenceC2I Command, Control, & IntelligenceC3I Command, Control, Communications, and IntelligenceC4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, &

    IntelligenceC4I2 Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence

    and InformationCIA Central Intelligence AgencyCIAC Computer Incident Assessment CapabilityCIAD (1) Combat Intelligence Applications Division;

    (2) Command Intelligence Architecture DocumentCIAP (1) CIA Program; (2) Command Intelligence

    Architecture/Planning ProgramCIARDSCIA Retirement and Disability SystemCIAS Counterintelligence Analysis SectionCIB Combat Infantrymans BadgeCIC (1) Combat Information Center; (2) Combat Intelligence Center;

    (3) Combined Intelligence CenterC3IC Coalition Coordination and Communications Integration CenterCICAC Counterintelligence Control and Analysis CenterCICC Consolidated Intelligence Communications CenterCIC Server Combined Intelligence Center ServerCICWS Combined Intelligence Center WorkstationCID (1) Criminal Investigation Division;

    (2) Combat Intelligence DivisionCIDBS Combined Intelligence Center Integrated Database ServerCIDC Combined Interview and Debriefing CenterCIE Communication Intercept and ExploitationCIEF Consolidated Imagery Exploitation FacilityCIF (1) Corps Interrogation Facility;

    (2) Consolidated Intelligence FacilityCIFAX Enciphered FacsimileC4IFTW C4I For The WarriorCIG (1) Computer Image Generation;

    (2) Combined Intelligence GroupCIGSS Common Imagery Ground Surface SystemCIHS Classified Information Handling SystemCIK Crypto-Ignition KeyCIIC Current Intelligence and Indications CenterCIID Command Intelligence Implementation DocumentCILMS Covert Infrared Lighting and Marking SystemCILO Counterintelligence Liaison Office(r)CILOP Conversion in Lieu of ProcurementCIM Corporate Information ManagementCIMAS CENTCOM Iranian Military Activities SummaryCIMEX Civil Military Exercise (NATO)

  • 37

    C-IMINT Counter Imagery IntelligenceCIMOC Civil Military Operations CenterCIMP COMSEC Interoperability Master PlanCIN Cargo Increment NumberCINC (1) Commander in Chief;

    (2) Commander of a Combatant CommandCINCACOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic CommandCINCAFLANT Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, AtlanticCINCAL Commander in Chief, AlaskaCINCARLANT Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, AtlanticCINCCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO)CINCCFC Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command, KoreaCINCEASTLANT Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic (NATO)CINCENT Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Central EuropeCINCEUR Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces EuropeCINCFOR Commander in Chief, Forces CommandCINCFORSCOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Army ForcesCINCHAN Commander in Chief, Channel (NATO)CINCIBERLANT Commander in Chief, Iberian Atlantic AreaCINCLANT Commander in Chief, Atlantic CommandCINCLANTFLT Commander in Chief, Atlantic FleetCINCLANTFLTDETSO Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet Detachment SOUTHCOMCINCMAC Commander in Chief, Military Airlift Command (archaic)CINCNORAD Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense CommandCINCNORTH Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO)CINCONAD Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense CommandCINCPAC Commander in Chief, Pacific CommandCINCPACAF Commander in Chief, Pacific Air ForceCINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, Pacific FleetCINCPACREP Commander in Chief, Pacific RepresentativeCINCSAC Commander in Chief, Strategic Air CommandCINCSOC Commander in Chief, Special Operations CommandCINCSO Commander in Chief, Southern CommandCINCSOUTH Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO)CINCSPACE Commander in Chief, U.S. Space CommandCINCSPECOMME Commander in Chief, Specified Command, Middle EastCINCTAC Commander in Chief, Tactical Air CommandCINCTRANS Commander in Chief, Unified Transportation CommandCINCTRANSCOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Transportation CommandCINCUKAIR Commander in Chief, United Kingdom Air Defense Region

    (NATO)CINCUNC Commander in Chief, United Nations CommandCINCUSACOM Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic CommandCINCUSAFE Commander in Chief, U.S. Air Forces, EuropeCINCUSAREUR Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe

  • 38

    CINCUSARPAC Commander in Chief, United States Army, PacificCINCUSNAVEUR Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, EuropeCINCWESTLANT Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic (NATO)CINF Community Imagery Needs ForecastCINSGCY CounterinsurgencyCIO (1) Central Imagery Office; (2) Chief Information OfficerCIOC (1) Combined Intelligence Operations Center (Korea);

    (2) Combat Intelligence Operations CenterCIOP (1) Controlled Intelligence Operational Proposal;

    (2) CIO ProgramCIP (1) Consolidated Intelligence Program; (2) Country

    Information Package; (3) Critical Intelligence Parameter;(4) Combined Interoperability Program; (5) Crypto-Ignition Plug; (6) Correlation and Integration Processor

    CIPE (US) CENTCOM Imagery Production ElementCIPEC Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting CountriesCIPHONY Enciphered TelephoneCIPL ClNCs Integrated Priority ListCIPMS Career Intelligence Professional Management SystemCIPR (1) Consolidated Intelligence Production Requirement;

    (2) Counterintelligence Production RegistryCIPS Counterintelligence Periodic SummaryC2IPS C2 Information Processing SystemCIR (1) Central Intelligence Report;

    (2) Continuing Intelligence RequirementCIRC Central Information Reference and ControlCIRCOL Central Information Reference and Control On-Line SystemCIRIS Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information SystemCIRK Common Interswitch Rekeying KeyCIRL Current Intelligence Requirements ListCIRT Computer Security Incident Response TeamCIRVlS Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital

    Intelligence SightingsCIS (1) Country Intelligence Study; (2) Communications Intercept

    System; (3) Compensated Imaging System; (4) Canadian Intelligence Service; (5) Chief, Intelligence and Security (Canadian); (6) Combat Instruction Set; (7) Combat Information System; (8) Commonwealth of Indepen-dent States; (9) Combat Intelligence System

    CISA C4I Integration Support ActivityCISC Counterintelligence Support CellC3ISC C3I Systems CommitteeCI/SCM Counterintelligence and Security CountermeasuresCISD Command Intelligence Strategy DocumentCISE (1) (US) CENTCOM Intelligence Support Element;

    (2) Corps Intelligence Support ElementCISO (1) Counterintelligence Support Officer;

    (2) Counterintelligence Staff OfficerCISPOTREP CI Spot Report

  • 39

    CISR Communications Intelligence Security RegulationC4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers,

    Intelligence, Surveillance, and ReconnaissanceCIT Counterintelligence TeamCITA Combat Intelligence and Targeting on ArrivalCITS CENTCOM Imagery Transmission SystemCIV CivilianCIVC Carrier Intelligence CenterCIVIC Civilian Vulnerability Indicator CodeCISION Enciphered TelevisionCIW (1) Consolidated Intelligence Watch;

    (2) CMOC Intelligence WatchCIWC CIW CommanderCIWG Cooperative Interaction Working GroupCIWS Close-In Weapon SystemC&J Collection and JammingCJB Congressional Justification BookCJCS Chairman, Joint Chiefs of StaffCJCSI Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff InstructionCJIATF-E Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-EastCJIATF-W Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-WestCJIT Combined Joint Interrogation TeamCJTF Commander, Joint Task ForceCJTF-AK Commander, Joint Task Force-AlaskaCJTF-FA Commander, Joint Task Force-Full AccountingCK Compartment KeyCKG Cooperative Key GenerationCL Light CruiserC-LAMP Community Laser Measurement ProgramCLASS Close Air Support SystemClass Classification/ClassifiedC&LB Coasts and Landing BeachesCLF Commander, Landing ForceCLMD COMSEC Local Management DeviceCLNC ClearanceCLO (1) Counterdrug Liaison Officer; (2) Chief Logistics OfficerCLOCE Contingency Lines of Communication, EuropeCLS (1) Contractor Logistics Support;

    (2) Clandestine Lighting SystemCLSC COMSEC Logistics Support CenterCLSP Composite Launch Sequence PlanCL/TECH Clear Language Technical Reportcm CentimeterCM (1) Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff;

    (2) Collection Management; (3) Countermeasure(s); (4) Cruise Missile; (5) Collection Manager; (6) Collection Management Division; (7) Countermine; (8) Countermine Activities

  • 40

    CMA (1) Countermission Analysis; (2) Collection Management Authority; (3) Community Management Account

    CMAA (1) Command Master at Arms; (2) Chief Master at ArmsCMAFB Cheyenne Mountain Air Force BaseCMAFS Cheyenne Mountain Air Force StationCMAH CINC Mobile Alternate HeadquartersCMAS Cheyenne Mountain Air StationC-MASINT Counter-Measures and Signature IntelligenceCMB Collection Management BranchCMC (1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex; (2) Commandant, U.S Marine

    Corps; (3) Command Master ChiefC/MC Command Master ChiefCMCA Cruise Missile Carrier AircraftCMCC (1) Commander in Chief, Mobile Command Center;

    (2) Component Mobile Command CenterCMCDS Community Multilateral Counterterrorism Database SystemCMCI Computed Mission Coverage IndexCMCM Commandant, U.S. Marine Corp MemorandumCMCS (1) COMSEC Material Control System;

    (2) COMINT Mission Control SystemCMD (1) Collection Management Division; (2) CommandCMDC Command CellCMDR CommanderCM&D Collection Management and DisseminationCME Communications Monitoring EquipmentCMEA Council for Mutual Economic AssistanceCMEC Captured Material Exploitation CenterCMF Combat Mission FolderCMFC Combined Marine Forces CommandCMIC Combined Military Interrogation CenterCMISE Corps Military Intelligence Support ElementCML ChemicalCMO (1) Collection Management Office; (2) Civil Military

    Operations; (3) Central MASINT OfficeCMOC (1) Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center; (2) Civil Military

    Operations Center; (3) Central MASINT Operations CellCMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide SemiconductorCMOTF Civil Military Operations Task ForceCMP (1) Combat Mission Planning;

    (2) Configuration Management PlanCMPF Confidential Military Purpose FundsCMPS Compartmented Mode Processing SystemCMR Crisis Management RoomCMRS Collection Management Requirements SystemCMS (1) Combat Mission Section; (2) Command and Management

    System; (3) Community Management Staff; (4) Collection Management System; (5) Common Mapping Standard

  • 41

    CMS/RMG Community Management Staff, Resource Management GroupCMSA Cruise Missile Support ActivityCMSI Civilian Multi-Spectral ImageryCMSS Collection Management Support SystemCMST (1) Collection Management Support Terminal;

    (2) Collection Management System ToolsCMT (1) Crisis Management Team; (2) Critical Mobile TargetCMTC Combat Maneuver Training CenterCMTC-IS CMTC-Instrumentation SystemCMTS (1) Critical Mobile Target Server;

    (2) Compliance Monitoring Tracking SystemCMW/CMWS Compartmented Mode WorkstationCN CounternarcoticsCNA (1) Center for Naval Analysis; (2) Coordinates Not Available;

    (3) Critical Node AnalysisCNAC (1) Customs National Air Command, Oklahoma City;

    (2) Customs National Aviation CenterCNAD Conference on NATO Armament DirectorsCNAVSPACECOM Commander, Navy Space CommandCNC (1) Counternarcotics Center;

    (2) Computerized Numerical ControlCNCS Cryptonet Control StationCN-CMS Counternarcotics Command and Management SystemCNES Centre National dEtudes Spatiales (French National Space

    Agency)CNET (1) Chief of Naval Education and Training;

    (2) Centre National dEtudes Des TelecommunicationsC3NET Command, Control, and Communications NetworksCNFJ Commander, U.S. Naval Forces JapanCNFK Commander, U.S. Naval Forces KoreaCNFM Commander, U.S. Naval Forces MarianasCNI (1) Communicating NATO Intentions;

    (2) Communications, Navigation, or IdentificationCNIC Combined Naval Intelligence CenterCNIN Composite Network, Front-End Internal NetworkCNIPS Counternarcotics Information Processing SystemCNK Cryptonet KeyCNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsCNN Cable News NetworkCNO Chief of Naval OperationsC/No Ratio of carrier to noise in a 1Hz bandwidthCNOC (1) Counternarcotics Operations Center;

    (2) Combined Naval Operations CenterCNOM Chief of Naval Operations MemorandumCNOR Command Not Operationally ReadyCNR (1) Chief of Naval Research; (2) Combat Net RadioCNRIU Combat Net Radio Interface Unit CNS Commercial Network Survivability

  • 42

    CNSWTG Commander, Naval Special Warfare Task GroupCNTL Command Nuclear Target ListCNVFD Color Night Vision Fusion DeviceCNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapons Design InformationCO (1) Commanding Officer; (2) CompanyCO3 Combined Staff Public and Governmental Affairs OfficerCO6 Combined Staff Judge AdvocateCO7 Combined Staff Command SurgeonCOA Course of ActionCOB (1) Close of Business; (2) Collated Operating Base;

    (3) Chief of Base; (4) Command Operating BudgetCOBE Cosmic Background Explorer COBOL Common Business Oriented LanguageCOC Combat Operations CenterCOCOM (1) Coordinating Committee; (2) Combatant CommandCOD Carrier On-board DeliveryCODIS Continuity of Defense Intelligence SystemsCOE Common Operating EnvironmentCOEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness AnalysisCOFIR Compendium of Future Intelligence RequirementsCOFs Central Operating FacilitiesCofS Chief of StaffCOG (1) Combined Operations Group;

    (2) Continuity of Government; (3) Center of GravityCOI Communities of InterestCOIC Combat Operations Intelligence Center (USAFE)COIN CounterinsurgencyCOINS (1) Consolidated On-Line Intelligence System;

    (2) Community On-Line Intelligence Network SystemsCOINS-II Community On-Line Intelligence System-IICOIR Commanders Operational Intelligence RequirementsCOIS Combat Operations Intelligence SystemCOLISEUM Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and

    ManagersCOLL CollectionCOLLECT CollectionCOLOP Collection Opportunity (messages)COLT Combat Observation and Laser TeamCOM (1) Computer Output to Microform; (2) Chief of Mission

    (U.S. Embassy); (3) Collection Operations Management; (4) Commander

    COMA Court of Military AppealsCOMACC Commander, Air Combat CommandCOMAAFCE Commander, Allied Air Forces Central EuropeCOMAFFOR Commander, Air Force ForcesCOMAFOSI Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations

  • 43

    COMAFSOC Commander, U.S. Air Force Special Operations CommandCOMAFSPACE Commander, Air Force Space CommandCOMALCOM Commander, Alaskan CommandCOMAMC Commander, Air Mobility CommandCOMARSPACECOM Commander, Army Space CommandCOMASPC Commander, Air Force Space CommandCOMAINT Command MaintenanceCOMAIR-BALTAP Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic ApproachesCOMAIRSOUTH Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern EuropeCOMALCOM Commander, Alaskan CommandCOMALF Commander of Airlift ForcesCOMANR Commander, Alaskan NORAD RegionCOMANTDEF-COM Commander, Antilles Defense CommandCOMARFOR Commander, Army ForcesCOMARSOC Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations CommandCOMARSOF Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations ForcesCOMATF Commander, Amphibious Task ForceCOMBALTAP Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic ApproachesCOMBAT DF Combat Direction FindingCOMBENE-CHAN Commander, Benelux Sub-Area ChannelCOMBISCLANT Commander, Bay of Biscay Submarine AreaCOMCANLANT Commander, Canadian Atlantic Submarine AreaCOMCARGRU Commander Carrier GroupCOMCENTAG Commander, Central Army Group, Central EuropeCOMCENTLANT Commander, Central Submarine AreaCOMCM Communication Countermeasures & DeceptionCOMCO Canadian SSOCOMCRUDESGRU Commander Cruiser Destroyer GroupCOMDT COGARD Commandant, U.S. Coast GuardCOMECON Council for Mutual Economic AssistanceCOMEDCENT Commander, Central Mediterranean AreaCOMEDEAST Commander, Eastern Mediterranean AreaCOMEDNOREAST Commander, Northeast Mediterranean AreaCOMEDOC Commander, Western Mediterranean AreaCOMEDS CONUS Meteorological Data SystemCOMEDSOUEAST Commander, Southeast Mediterranean AreaCOMEX (1) Committee on Exchanges; (2) Communications ExerciseCOMFAIRKEF Commander, Fleet Air KeflavikCOMFIVEATAF Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern EuropeCOMFLDCOMDASA Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support AgencyCOMFOURATAF Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central EuropeCOMGIB Naval Commander, GibraltarCOMGIBMED Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean CommandCOMGTMODEFCOM Commander, Guantanamo Defense CommandCOMICEDEFOR Commander, Iceland Defense Force

  • 44

    COMIDEASTFOR Commander, Middle East Force (USN)COMINEWARCOM Commander, Mine Warfare CommandCOMINT Communications IntelligenceCOMINTADTSK COMINT Advisory Tasking MessageCOMIREX Committee on Imagery Requirements and ExploitationCOMIS Collection Management Information SystemCOMJAM Communications JammingCOMJSOC Commander, Joint Special Operations CommandCOMJSOTF Commander, Joint Special Operations Task ForceCOMJTF Commander, Joint Task ForceCOMJUWATF Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task ForceCOML CommercialCOMLANDFOR Commander, Land ForcesCOMLANDJUT Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein & JutlandCOMLANDNORWAY Commander, Allied Land Forces, NorwayCOMLANDSOUTH Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern EuropeCOMLANDZEALAND Commander, Allied Land Forces, New ZealandCOMLANTAREA Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic AreaCOMLOGNET Combat Logistics NetworkCOMM (1) Communication; (2) CommercialCOMM(S) Communication(s)COMMAIRCHAN Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, ChannelCOMMAIRNORLANT Maritime Air Commander, Northern Submarine AreaCOMMARBASPAC Commander, Marine Corps Base, PacificCOMMARDEZSECAK Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone Sector, AlaskaCOMMARFOR Commander, Marine ForcesCOMMARFORJAPAN Commander, Marine Forces, JapanCOMMARFORK Commander, Marine Forces, KoreaCOMMARFORPAC Commander Marine Corps Forces, PacificCOMMARFORSOUTH Commander, Marine Corps Forces, SouthCOMMCEN Communications CenterCOMMDET Communications DetachmentCOMMO CommunicationsCOMMS CTR Communications CenterCOMMZ Communications ZoneCOMNAVAIR Commander, Naval Air ForcesCOMNAVAIRLANT Commander, Naval Air Forces, AtlanticCOMNAVAIRPAC Commander, Naval Air Forces, PacificCOMNAVBALTAP Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic ApproachesCOMNAVFOR Commander, Naval ForcesCOMNAVFORK Commander, Naval Forces, KoreaCOMNAVINTCOM Commander, Naval Intelligence CommandCOMNAVLOG Commander, Naval LogisticsCOMNAVMARIANAS Commander, Naval Forces, MarianasCOMNAVNON Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway

  • 45

    COMNAVSCAP Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Scandinavian ApproachesCOMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems CommandCOMNAVSECGRU Commander, Naval Security GroupCOMNAVSOF Commander, Naval Special Operations ForcesCOMNAVSPACECOM Commander, Naval Space CommandCOMNAVSPECWARCOM Commander, Naval Special Warfare CommandCOMNAVSURF Commander, Naval Surface ForcesCOMNAVSURFLANT Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic FleetCOMNAVSURFPAC Commander, Naval Surface Force, PacificCOMNORECHAN Commander, Northern Submarine Area, ChannelCOMNORLANT Commander, Northern Submarine AreaCOMNORTHAG Commander, Northern Army Group, Central EuropeCOMNSWU Commander, Naval Special Warfare UnitCOMOCEANLANT Commander, Ocean AtlanticCOMOCEANSYSLANT Commander, Oceanographic Systems AtlanticCOMOCEANSYSPAC Commander, Oceanographic Systems Pacific CompanyCOMOPS Communications Operations SummaryCOMP CompatibleCOMPACAF Commander, Pacific Air ForcesCOMPASS Computerized Movement Planning and Status SystemCOMPATWINGSLANT Commander, Patrol Wings AtlanticCOMPHIBGRU Commander, Amphibious GroupCOMPLYMCHAN Commander, Plymouth Submarine Area, ChannelCOMPUINT Computer IntelligenceCOMPUSEC Computer SecurityCOMPW Composite WingCOMPWING Composite WingCOMS Collection Operations Management System (HUMINT)COMSAT Communications SatelliteCOMSC Commander, Military Sealift CommandCOMSEC Communications SecurityCOMSECONDFLT Commander, U.S. Second FleetCOMSEVENTHFLT Commander, U.S. Seventh FleetCOMSIXATAF Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern

    EuropeCOMSIXTHFLT Commander, U.S. Sixth FleetCOMSOC Commander, Special Operations CommandCOMSOC-K Commander, Special Operations Command, KoreaCOMSOCEUR Commander, Special Operations Command, EuropeCOMSOCLANT Commander, Special Operations Command, AtlanticCOMSOCPAC Commander, Special Operations Command, PacificCOMSOCSOUTH Commander, Special Operations Command, Southern CommandCOMSOTFE Commander, Support Operations Task Force, EuropeCOMSPOT Communications Spot ReportCOMSTAT Communication Status Report

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    COMSTRATCOMWING ONE Commander, Strategic Communications Wing OneCOMSTRICKFLANT Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic (Afloat)COMSTRIKFLTLANT Commander, Striking Fleet, AtlanticCOMSTRIKFORSOUTH Commander, Striking Force, SouthCOMSTS Commander, Military Sea Transportation ServiceCOMSUBACLANT Commander, Submarine Forces, Allied Command, AtlanticCOMSUBEASTLANT Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern AtlanticCOMSUBGRU Commander, Submarine GroupCOMSUBGRU 8/CTF MED Commander Submarine Group (Mediterranean)/Commander

    Task Force MediterraneanCOMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic FleetCOMSUBMED Commander, Submarines, MediterraneanCOMSUBPAC Commander, Submarine Forces, PacificCOMSUBWESTLANT Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic AreaCOMSUPNAVFOR Commander, Supporting Naval ForcesCOMTAFNORNOR Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North NorwayCOMTAFSONOR Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South NorwayCOMTASKFORNON Commander, Allied Task Force, North NorwayCOMTECHREP Complementary Technical ReportCOMTHIRDFLT Commander, Third FleetCOMTRAPA