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Problem Solving – Conflict Resolution

Page 2: Intercultural negotiation


• Fisher & UllyNegosiasi sama dengan “integrative bargaining”.

• Negosiasi adalah “win-win negotiation where both or all parties involved can end up with equally beneficial or attractive outcomes.”

• Definisi ini lebih mengacu pada pendekatan problem solving

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• Pruit“A process through which agreement may be reached on matters of mutual interest, is essentially the art of persuasion.”

• Hasil dari negosiasi ini yang kemudian oleh Pruitt dipilah dalam tiga kategori, integrative agreement, distributive agreement, dan no agreement.

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Karakteristik Negosiasi

• Karakter Negosiasi– Open information flow between the

parties– A search for a solution – Parties understand– To achieve the above

• Lax dan Sebenius (1986) menyatakan bahwa negosiasi merupakan “a process of potentially opportunistic interaction by which two or more parties, with some apparent conflict, seek to do better through jointly decided action than they could otherwise

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Culture, and So What?

« Globalization is the reason for the revival of local cultural identities in different parts of the world »

Anthony GIDDENS (British sociologist)

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Variables of Culture

1. High-context and Low-context culturesHigh-context : message is part of the contextLow-context : messages are explicit, direct and unambiguous

2. Dimensions of timeTime orientation toward the Past, Present, or FutureTime is linear or circularMonochronic and polychronic time

3. Relationship of Man with Nature and SpaceMastery, Harmony, Subjugation to natureProxemic : Intimity, Personnal or Social areas

Edward HALL

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Clifford GEERTZ (anthropologist)Culture is a set of control mechanisms, plans, recipes, rules, instructions, for the governing of behavior

Hofstede (sociologist)Collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another

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Dimensi BudayaHofstede :

Power Distance the extent to which less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally

Uncertainty Avoidance the extent to which people feel threatened by uncertainty and ambiguity and try to avoid these situations

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Dimensi BudayaHofstede :

Individualitas vs kolektivitasPeople looking after themselves and their immediate family only, versus people belonging to in-groups that look after them in exchange for loyalty

Maskulinitas vs femininitas The dominant values in a masculine society are achievement and success; the dominant values in a feminine society are caring for others and quality of life

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The Consequences1. Power Distance

– Large Power Distance : Status symbols, the elder advises the younger• Small Power Distance : the younger advises elder

2. Individualism/collectivism– Individualistic cultures :

• frequent use of « You, We, I » • « Treat yourself right »

– Collectivistic cultures : • showing people as part of groups• being alone means you have no friends

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The Consequences3. Masculinity/Feminity

– Masculinity : • Strong need to win, to be succesful, wish to dominate• Being the first », « Be the best »

– Feminity : • Caring, softness, understatement• True refinement comes from within

4. Uncertainty avoidance• Strong Uncertainty avoidance

– Need for explanations, structure, testing, scientific proof– « The best in the test » or «Test winner »

• Low Uncertainty avoidance : – result is more important

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Dimensi Budaya – Negosiasi Internasional

1. Semakin besar jenjang power distance antara kedua pihak yang melakukan negoasiasi, akan semakin besar pula kemungkinan kontrol yang lebih terpusat

2. Nilai kolektivitas yang tinggi, negosiasi dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih akrab dan bersifat kekeluargaan

3. Dalam budaya yang maskulinitas, kekuatan menjadi titik tumpu, sedangkan pada budaya feminis, nilai simpati menjadi faktor perhatian

4. Negosiator yang berasal dari pihak yang uncertainty avoidancenya rendah lebih suka menghindari budaya yang terstruktur dan ritual negosiasi yang prosedural

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Dimensi Budaya

Patrick Collins dalam buku Negotiate To Win :

• Collectivistic vs Individualistic• Direct vs Indirect• Perception of time• Approach to conflict


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Relationship between cultural dimension and negotiation


Melihat proses integrasi dan distribusi dengan asumsi tujuan awal dari para negosiator adalah membentuk pilihan strategis Mencirikan suatu proses negosiasi adalah dengan memperhatikan strategi integratif ataupun distributif Melihat negosiasi sebagai suatu proses evolusi

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“A side from the usul markers of one’s culture – such elements as history,

language, music, dress, cuisine- the way you interact with others also defines and

characterizes your culture. In cross cultural negotiation, an understanding of

the difference you Encounter in interpersonal behaviors is essential to

success.(Patrick Collins – Negotiate To Win!)
