
Interdisciplinary project "Z matematyką na Ty"

– a part of the ACTIVE PROJECT

School: Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Ks. Jana Twardowskiego

32-620 Brzeszcze ul. Szkolna 6 Malopolska

Poland Maths teacher - Leokadia Malec

The main project aim

to show pupils various uses of mathematics knowledge in non-standard situations

The project’s description

We chose two of themes for the school projects:1. Room of my dreams2. Clocks

Optional : multimedia presentation

Pupils worked in 9 three-member groups - each group had different subject to work out.

The project’s description

Interdisciplinary activities : mathematics, history, geography, physic, biology, art.

Activities:• planning work within groups • searching for and using information• carrying out the project (building a model

in a scale, making a sun clock, a water-glass, estimating the cost, …)

• presenting the effects• self-assessment and evaluation

I. Room of my dreams:


- prepare project of furniture of pupils room

- work out a plan of enterprise

- execute of cost estimate of repair works

2. Elaboration of project :

At first pupils have designed shape and measurements of the room, next they have chosen furniture and they prepared cost estimate of repair works.

For visual presenting of room they made spatial dummy.


3.Manner of presentation:

multimedia presentation

II. Clocks:1.Purposes: -Learning about history of clocks

-Review of manners of measuring the time

-Construction and description:

→ sun-dial

→ water-glass

→ star clock (nocturnal)


2. Elaboration of project:

At first pupils have analyzed history of clocks, next they have constructed

and they have described three clocks:

- Sun-dial

- Water-glass

- Nocturnal

They have presented package of jokes connected with clocks and they have made quiz

about clocks.

3. Manner of presentation:

Presentation of executed models and discussion about their operations.

Four dimensions:

In the class Outside the classroom

1)Pedagogical dimension:- Interest of research projects-Skill of integration knowledge from different subjects-Increasing natural curiosity of a child

-Using different knowledge sources-Application school knowledge in practice

-Objective analysis of gathered materials and correctness of drawn conclusions

2)Social dimension:-Creating ability of working in group, discussion

-Rational work division in group

-Organizing one’s own work-Responsibility for the effects of work

In the classroom Outside the classroom 3)Political dimension:-Skill of preparing and practicing speeches in public-Scheduling long-term work and choosing optimal method of solving the problem

-Drawing conclusions from data and observations

4)Ethical dimension:-The way of making decisions and solving conflicts-Making self-judgment-Skill of judging the others-Involving every member of a group
