  • InternatIonal ConferenCe

    Good Practices in Gender Mainstreaming:

    Towards Effective Gender Training

    Brussels, 28 November 2011

    ConferenCe VolUMe

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    • Agenda ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

    • Biographies of speakers & moderators ............................................................................... 6

    • Summaries of presentations .......................................................................................................... 10

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    09:00 - 10:00 • Registration

    10:00 - 10:20 • WELCOMEVirginija Langbakk, Director, European Institute for Gender Equality Daniela Bankier, Head of Unit for Equality between Women and Men, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice

    10:20 - 11:00 • OPENING SESSION

    The European Commission’s approach to exchanging good practices in gender equality Anne Galand, National Expert, Gender Equality Unit, European Commission

    Good practices on gender training Barbara Limanowska, Senior Gender Mainstreaming Expert, European Institute for Gender Equality

    Gender training as a tool for gender mainstreamingMaria Bustelo, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, School of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid

    Moderator: Virginija Langbakk, Director, European Institute for Gender Equality

    11:00 - 11:30 • Coffee break

    11:30 - 12:45 • PANEL DISCUSSION 1“Good practices in gender training: experiences of international actors”

    DG RTD: Gender Toolkit in EU funded researchViviane Willis-Mazzichi, Head of Sector, RTD-B 6.2 Gender Science in Society, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission

    DG DEVCO: Toolkit on mainstreaming gender equality in EC development cooperationMarina Marchetti, Head of Sector, Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, DG EuropAid, Development Co-operation, Europe-an Commission

    UNESCO: Gender Equality eLearning Programme Saniye Gülser Corat, Director, Division for Gender Equality in the Office of the Director-General, UNESCO

    Moderator: Agnès Hubert, Adviser, Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA)

    12:45 - 14:15 • Lunch

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    14:15 - 15:30 • PANEL DISCUSSION 2“Good practices in Gender Training: Experiences from EU Member States”

    ANDALUSIA (Spain): Programme G+: A mehodology for using public budgeting to improve gender equalityPaula Cirujano Campano, Gender Expert, Gender Budgeting Programme, Directorate General for Budget, Finance and Public Administration Regional Department, Government of Andalusia

    AUSTRIA: Gender agentsHeide Cortolezis, Director, NOWA and Managing Director, Arcade

    SWEDEN: Gender training through the Program for Gender Mainstreaming Marie Trollvik, Program Manager, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

    Moderator: Birgitta Åseskog, Former Senior Adviser for Gender Equality in the Governmental Offices

    15:30 - 16:00 • Coffee break

    16:00 - 17:00 • PANEL DISCUSSION 3”Ways Forward: Gender Training for Sustainable Gender Equality“

    With the participation of:Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Head, Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Innovation Niall Crowley, Board adviser, EQUINET Katrien Van der Heyden, Gender Consultant at Engender and Director and Senior Consultant at Nemsa Consulting

    Moderator: Maria Stratigaki, General Secretary for Gender Equality, Ministry of Interior

    17:00 - 17:30 • CLOSING SESSIONDaniela Bankier, Head of Unit for Equality between Women and Men, European Commission’s Directorate-General for JusticeVirginija Langbakk, Director, European Institute for Gender Equality 20:00 - 22:00 • DINNERRadisson Blu Royal Hotel (Capitals Room)Guest speaker: FEMM Committee Member

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    Birgitta Åseskog I was born in Västerås, a small town in Sweden in 1944. In 2010 I retired from my position as a senior adviser for gender equality issues in the governmental offices of Sweden.After graduation at Uppsala University most of my career has been devoted to the work to promote gender equality in the society. I started as a teacher and a study and career counselor in upper secondary school during the 1970´s and continued as a teacher trainer in the 1980´s. I joined the division for gender equality in the governmental offices of Sweden in 1990 and remained until my retirement in 2010. During my time in the governmental offices I had the opportunity to take a leave for four years in order to work at the Gender equality unit in the European Commission (2001-2004).During a period of two years (February 1996 - February 1998) I was a member of the Group of specialists on gender mainstreaming (EG-S-MS), which was set up by the Council of Europe. The Group delivered the final report “GENDER MAINSTREAMING Conceptual framework, methodology and presentation of good practices” in May 1998. In August 1998 I was appointed expert to a UN working group on National Machineries for the promotion of gender equality. The group delivered an expert report to the UN Commission on the Status of Women in March 1999. During my time in the European Commission I was responsible for developing the first and the second annual report on Gender equality to the European Spring Council (2004 and 2005).

    Daniela BankierDr. Daniela Bankier has been working for the European Commission since 1999. After heading the legal unit for equal treatment and non-discrimination, she is now the Head of Unit for equality between women and men in the Directorate-General Justice. From 1999-2004 she was a Member of the Cabinet of the German budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer and in 2005 became the Deputy Head of cabinet of Vladimir Spidla, the Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Dr. Daniela Bankier started her professional career in the International Department of the Austrian Central Bank, whose representation office in Brussels she headed between 1995 and 1999.Dr. Daniela Bankier studied law in Vienna, Paris and the USA and obtained a PhD on the legal questions of the European Economic and Monetary Union in 2003.

    Maria Bustelo Maria Bustelo, PhD in Political Science, Complutense University at Madrid (UCM). Associate Professor Department of Political Science and Public Administration and Director of the Master on Evaluation of Programmes and Public Policies at UCM. Team leader at the UCM of the MAGEEQ European research project (Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Europe -2003-2005, V Framework Programme), and the QUING European research project (Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies in Europe -2006-2011 VI Framework Programme). Within that project, activity leader OPERA (about gender+ training). Member of the Board of Director Committee of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and the Quality of Public Services (2007-2011). Vice-president, and President elect (2012-13), European Evaluation Society. External expert of the European Thematic Network in European Women’s studies ATHENA. Prize “Ángeles Durán” on Scientific Innovation in Gender and Women’s Studies 2006. Member of the Feminist Research Institute UCM. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, and of Investigaciones Feministas.

    Biographies of speakers & moderators

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    Paula Cirujano Campano PhD in Sociology specialized in gender and public policy, Master on Gender and Development and BA in Political Science and Sociology. She has been a researcher at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidade da Coruña and has done investigation at the University of California at Irvine, Wesleyan University (Connectitcut) and Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux 3. She is the author of La estrategia demorada: Género y Cooperación Internacional en España (2005) and co-author in the book Género en los ODM: Retos para la Cooperación Española en América Latina (2008) and Género y políticas de Cohesión Social: Conceptos y experiencias de transversalización (2007). Within the public administration she has worked as a gender expert for the Xunta de Galicia and currently advises the Gender Budgeting Programme for the DG Presupuestos-Consejería de Hacienda y Administración Pública. Junta de Andalucía.

    Saniye Gülser Corat S. Gülser Corat is the Director of UNESCO’s Division for Gender Equality in the Office of the Director-General. Before joining UNESCO in September 2004, she pursued a dual career in the academe and in international development. Her academic work included research and teaching in the field of political economy at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa in Canada.As an international development practitioner, she was a senior development advisor for various bilateral development agencies (Canadian International Development Agency and the International Development Research Center), for multi-lateral lending institutions (the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank), UN agencies (UNDP and UNCTAD) and for civil society organizations, especially in Asia and Africa. She also has private sector experience as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an international consulting company (ECI Consulting, Inc.) in Canada. S.G. Corat is a graduate of the American College for Girls/Robert College in Istanbul and holds a B.A Honours degree from Boğaziçi University (Istanbul, Turkey). She has M.A. degrees from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). She pursued her doctoral studies in the Political Science Department of Carleton University.

    Heide Cortolezis My education is an expression of my curiosity to understand how systems work, why structures and processes cause discrimination and how to change systems: I studied Family and System Therapy … Business Innovation (MBI) …. Organizational Development (MSc). My professional career shows the desire to support development of individuals and organizations, to initiate change processes and to manage change. Since 17 years director of “NOWA”; a regional association of the City of Graz and municipalities, focusing on equal opportunities for women, carrying out EU-projects, running a Learning and Resource Centre for Women and a Train the trainer Academy. In addition managing director of Arcade, counselling change processes, implementation of GM for regional governments, federal ministries, political organisations, private companies and industry; examination of strategies and programmes, leadership training and seminars on organisational development. Since 2007 project manager of the Government of Styria to implement Gender Mainstreaming into all departments, consultation of regional ministers and support of processes to realise GM and Gender Budgeting.

    Niall Crowley Niall Crowley is an independent equality expert. He was the Chief Executive of the Equality Authority for ten years since its establishment in 1999. He worked in the NGO sector on a range of equality issues prior to this. He is author of ‘An Ambition for Equality’ published by Irish Academic Press and ‘Empty Promises: Bringing the Equality Authority to Heel’ published by A&A Farmar. He is currently the Board Advisor to Equinet.

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    Anne GalandAnne Galand is currently serving as the national expert in the Gender Equality Unit in the European Commission. She has previously worked with gender mainstreaming for the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway. She has also given consultancy and training of public and private sector on gender equality and gender mainstreaming. She obtained her bachelor diploma in Ethnology from the Université Lumière Lyon II, France, and the Université Laval, Canada. She received her Master degree in Social Politics and Gender from University Toulouse Le Mirail, France. She has furthermore pursued studies in counselling and pedagogy at Nord-Trøndelag University College, Norway.

    Agnès Hubert Agnes Hubert has been an adviser in the Bureau of European Policy advisers (BEPA) since 2005.Before joining BEPA, Agnes Hubert - a graduate in Economics (Bsc and DEA) and in Political Science (DEA) of the University of Paris 1 - has held responsibilities in Development & Cooperation (international commodity agreements), Information & Communication (information Europe – 1/3 world) and Social & Employment Policy (head of the Unit Equal Opportunities for Women in DG employment). She has a specific expertise in the fields of gender, social and employment policy and fundamental rights.She is the author of two books (“L’Europe et les femmes, identités en mouvement”, ed. Apogée, and “Democracy and Information Society in Europe”, in Forward Studies series – Kogan page) and of numerous articles and academic contributions in the field of gender equality and European integration. She has developed and taught seminars on the “EU and Gender” at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy (Tufts University, Mass. USA) and at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies in Madrid. She has undertaken a research on the mutually reinforcing dynamics of gender equality and European integration.

    Virginija Langbakk Virginija Langbakk is currently the Director of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in Vilnius, Lithuania. EIGE is an EU regulatory agency, which supports the EU and its Member States in promoting gender equality, fighting discrimination based on sex and raising awareness about gender issues. Previously, Ms Langbakk worked as Deputy Director at Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Over the past 17 years, in her capacity as a gender expert, she was involved in bringing the gender perspective into the public sector at local, regional and national levels in 38 countries worldwide. At EIGE, she is responsible for management of both the administrative and operational structures of the Institute. Her role also includes developing and implementing the Institute’s mid-term and annual work programmes. Her vision is to position the Institute as the strongest and most competent knowledge centre for Gender Equality in the EU.

    Barbara LimanowskaBarbara Limanowska is the Senior Gender Mainstreaming Expert and Acting Head of the Operations at the European Institute for Gender Equality. Prior to this she was engaged as the Regional Gender Adviser at the Regional UNDP Office in Bratislava.In the past she has served as the Director of The National Women’s Information Center in Warsaw, as a consultant on anti-trafficking for the UN Office of the High Commissionaire for Human Rights (UNOHCHR) in Bosnia Herzegovina, and as an anti-trafficking adviser to several UN and international agencies, including UNICEF, OSCE and UNDP.

    Marina MarchettiWorking at the European Commission since 2004, Marina Marchetti deals with gender issues at the beginning in Science and Technological Development and - since October 2010 - in development cooperation. With a degree in Political Sciences, Marina has a Master degree in European Affairs and another one “Science Culture and Environment”.

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    Inés Sánchez de MadariagaHead of the Women and Science Unit, Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Innovation, and Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Madrid School of Architecture. PhD in Architecture, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Master of Science, Columbia University, NY, where she studied as a Fulbright Grantee. She has been Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and at the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as Jean Monnet Visiting Professor at the Bauhaus- Weimar School of Architecture in Germany. She is author of six books and more than 30 articles in professional journals. Founder of the first Spanish research group on gender, architecture and city planning. Member of the Board of Directors of the European Urban Research Association. She is the Spanish representative to the Helsinki Group, an advisory committee to the European Commission on gender and science. In addition to her academic record, she has been Executive Advisor to the Minister of Housing and Deputy Director for Architecture at the Spanish Government.

    Maria StratigakiSecretary General for Gender Equality at the Ministry of Interior since November 2009. From 2000 to 2009 she was Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Policy teaching on gender, social policy and gender equality policies and Director of the Centre for Gender Studies. From 1991 to 1999 she worked at the European Commission (on equal opportunities between women and men -DG EMPL) and from 1999-2002 she was Director of the Centre for Gender Equality in Athens (KETHI). She has coordinated European research projects on gender, migration and women’s entrepreneurship. She was scientific coordinator of the project Gender Studies in Social and Political Sciences at Panteion University and scientific responsible of the European (FP7) research projects: GeMIC (Gender, migration and intercultural interaction in the South East Europe) and MIG@NET (Migration, Gender and Transnational Digital Networks). She has published in Social Politics, the European Journal of Women’s Studies, Les Cahiers du Genre. She is the author of The Gender of Social Policy (2007) and has edited the collective volume Gender Equality Policies: European guidelines and national practice (2008) (both in Greek).

    Marie TrollvikProgram Manager at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) Marie has a background as a Human Resource Manager and later Project Manager for Women to the Top and European Project on Equal Pay, conducted by the Swedish Ombudsman of Equal Opportunities, 2001-2005.The projects were funded by the European Commission within the framework of the EU - Programme relating to the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality(2001-2005).

    Katrien Van Der HeydenMs. Katrien Van der Heyden, Gender Consultant at Engender and Director and senior consultant at Nemsa Consulting (spin off of the University of Antwerp), is Belgian, holds a M.Sc. degree in Social and Political Sciences and a post graduate degree in Gender Studies. Ms. Van der Heyden was consultant for the gender monitoring study (FP6), covering the mobility and INCO projects (2004-2007). She also was involved in the development and training sessions of the EU DG research gender toolkit. She has wide a wide experience as a gender mainstreaming trainer in public and private organisations.

    Viviane Willis-MazzichiHead of Sector “Gender” – Directorate “European Research Area” – Directorate General “Research and Innovation” – European Commission The tasks of the Gender sector consist of the promotion of equality between women and men, more specifically between female and male scientists, at all levels as well as the integration of a gender dimension in research and innovation content.

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    Summaries of presentations

    Daniela Bankier The European Commission follows the dual approach by both implementing gender mainstreaming and initiating specific measures. The Commission’s Strategy on Equality between women and men recalls that gender mainstreaming “will be implemented as an integral part of the Commission’s policy making”. Daniela Bankier will discribe the Commission’s main structures and challenges for gender mainstreaming.

    Maria Bustelo Gender mainstreaming remains the most important strategy for integrating a gender perspective in all public policies. One of the key activities of gender mainstreaming policies and strategies is gender training, which aims to raise gender awareness and train in gender competencies for integrating a gender perspective into all public policies for public officials and professionals. How should it be this gender training in order to be an effective and useful tool for gender mainstreaming?QUING, an international research project funded within the European Commission’s 6th Framework (2006-2011) aimed to address issues of gender and citizenship in the EU’s multicultural context and provide innovative knowledge for inclusive gender and equality policies in EU member states. The activity within QUING called OPERA has been in charge of the integration of knowledge on gender, intersectionality and European gender+ equality policies and its translation into operational standards for gender+ training.Based on the results of the QUING/OPERA project, I will expose the characteristics to take into account when planning gender training which aims at effectively contributing to integrate a gender perspective in all public policies.

    Paula Cirujano Campano The Andalusian Gender Budgeting experience began in 2003 with the aim of mainstreaming gender in the public administration through public budgeting. The public budget is a strategic and powerful tool as it is present in all the Administration´s activities. Therefore, by integrating methodological gender tools (Program G +) in the preparation, execution and control of the public budget, we orient all the Administration´s activities to the goal of gender equality. The Gender training conducted within the G+ Program has been a key element to disseminate and implement the necessary notions and tools among managers of budgetary programs. All this contributes to the drafting of the Gender Impact Evaluation Report from the draft budget for the autonomous region of Andalusia, which is a result of all organisation’s training effort..

    Saniye Gülser Corat UNESCO Programme for Capacity Building and Training - priority Gender Equality.This presentation will focus on UNESCO’s experience in capacity building for the implementation of UNESCO’s Global Priority for Gender Equality.

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    Heide CortolezisSometimes the reason why the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming is not really successful is a lack of knowledge, sometimes it is a lack of clear orders and responsibility within organisations. Sometimes each effort in context with this issue seems to be just a waste of time and money. To foster the GM process it is very important to have internal Gender Mainstreaming expertise – therefore we train Gender Agents in the relevant internal positions. GM requires organizations in their potential for change. Participants of this 12-days seminar learn how to initiate and design successful change projects, they learn about phases, functions and roles in a process of change, meet tools and methods and how to use them in their daily work, and they deal with the power of images, questions and settings in context of equality. In the last years about 70, managers and CEOs of private businesses, members of the Regional Parliament and other politicians, senior staff of municipalities, of public administration, Trade Union, Employment Service and Federal Social Welfare Office, research institutions, universities and education institutions and have been trained as Gender Agents.

    Niall Crowley• An introduction to equality bodies.• The added contribution of equality bodies to gender equality training - entry points open to, content available from, and infrastructure development by equality bodies.• Securing the contribution of equality bodies.

    Anne Galand • Presentation of the results of the Commission’s exchange of good practice on gender mainstreaming. • Presentation of the Commission’s internal gender mainstreaming training.

    Virginija Langbakk The Lisbon Treaty established gender mainstreaming (GM) as a European Union value in 1999, and later the Commission’s ‘Equality Strategy 2010-2015’ assigned these tasks to EIGE: (i) set up a documentation centre … with existing statistics, data and information, functioning models and approaches to GM (2012); (ii) provide support to the development of mainstreaming tools and methods (2011 – 2015). In the resolution on Beijing +15 - UN Platform for Action for Gender Equality of 25/02/2010, the European Parliament urged EIGE to develop strategies and tools for GM, in particular, for training on GM in Europe. EIGE’s currently focuses on: collection, analysis; GM tools and methods development; identifying good practices as a tool for mainstreaming gender into EU Institution and Member State policies and programmes. This is an excellent opportunity for EIGE to discuss with its stakeholders the direction of GM and gender training work – both important for improving European policies.

    Barbara Limanowska In compliance with the Regulation establishing the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the Institute has started working with selected methods and tools, which were considered and acknowledged as good practices in the field of gender mainstreaming and the promotion of gender equality. First results of this work will be presented at the conference – proposition of the operational definition of good practices of gender mainstreaming, a methodology for identifying existing gender mainstreaming good practices, presentation of the first examples of good practices in the area of gender mainstreaming training programmes. The departure point for EIGE’s work in this field is that a good practice in gender mainstreaming should be any procedure that not only ‘works well’ in terms of actions, methods, strategy, but that is part of a wider strategy for gender mainstreaming.

    Marina Marchetti The strategy of DG DEVCO to integrate gender in development cooperation policy and programmes includes different instruments: from policy dialogue, to training and capacity building. Marina Marchetti will present these instruments and future programmes.

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    Inés Sánchez de Madariaga Gender training is a required and central element for gender mainstreaming in any field of policy. No policy action can be effective without substantial gender training of officials and stakeholders. Particularly persons in decision making positions need to be trained. An additional requirement for effective gender training is a high standard of quality, without which the training could have negative effects. In certain domains, such as scientific policy, getting on board leaders in the field who might contribute to certain phases of the training process, as in the experience of the Stride program at the University of Michigan, might be an additional element for success. Criteria for ensuring a high standard of gender trainers and programs in Europe need to be developed, and may be also some kind of accreditation mechanism.

    Marie Trollvik The Program for Gender Mainstreaming is funded by the Swedish government with 25 M Eur. It aims so secure equal services and resources to citizens on the local level, women and men, girls and boys alike. 87 local projects have been supported by the program. One of the prerequisites to get support from the program is to have a board decision for gender mainstreaming and to appaly a gender persepctiv into the steering system of the organisation. So far 66 000 people have taken part of taining. There will be a lot of training, mostly for politicians and management. An important part of SALAR’s programme is the Internet Portal And the tool makEQuality, both are being translated to English to be accessible on a European level.

    Katrien Van der HeydenKey success factors for a successful gender (mainstreaming) training:• Key stakeholders should be present• It should be situated at the start phase of any project• Clear and definitive support from the organisational top is needed• Methodological approach should be: - Transformative - Participatory• Content should include: - Lot’s of concrete examples in the context of the trainees - How to deal with resistance - Strategic tools.

    Viviane Willis-Mazzichi Female scientists are still struggling to keep up with male colleagues in their careers. 45 % of PhD graduates are women but only 30 % of researchers in Europe are women and the share falls down to18 % at the level of full professors. The 7th European Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) stresses the role of women in science and supports the promotion of gender equality thought a series of measures. Training scientists and managers of research programmes is one of the key means supported by FP7. The Toolkit for Gender in EU research has been used across Europe since the end of 2009 to train applicants to FP7 calls and multipliers.

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  • European Institute for Gender EqualityE-mail: [email protected]
