Page 1: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan
Page 2: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals

Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical SchoolFaculty member, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Nov 12,2009

Page 3: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Let’s note: Indexing Iranian journals in international academic databases:

• A way to achieve

scientific improvement


Page 4: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Types of journal indexes

• A database covering many different journals;• An index designed from scratch for a journal

that has never been indexed;• An index in progress, one that was started by

one indexer and that is being continued by another indexer;

• A cumulated index for a journal that is either still being published or that has ceased publication.

Page 5: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

ISI Web of Knowledge• It provides access to many databases and other


• Web of Science (including Science Citation Index (SCI), • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), • Arts & Humanities Citation Index

(A&HCI), • Biological Abstracts,

Page 6: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

ISI Web of Knowledge (Cont.)

• It covers about 8,700 leading journals in • science, • technology, • social sciences, • arts, and humanities, • Current Contents Connect, • Medline, • Journal Citation Reports (two editions:

Science and Social Sciences), • ISI

Page 7: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Web of Science• Web of Science is an online academic service

provided by Thomson Reuters. • It provides access to seven databases:

Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science and Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Social Science and Humanities.

Page 8: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Web of Science (Cont.)

Its databases cover almost 10,000 leading journals of :

• science, • technology, • social sciences, • arts, • humanities and • over 100,000 book-based and journal

conference proceedings.

Page 9: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

What's the difference between Web of Science and ISI Web of Knowledge?

• ISI Web of Knowledge is a comprehensive research platform, which means it brings together many different types of content for searching. Journal articles, patents, websites, conference proceedings, Open Access material – all can be accessed through one interface, using a variety of powerful search and analysis tools.

• Web of Science® can be found within ISI Web of Knowledge. This resource offers access to journal articles in the sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities.

Page 10: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

ISI Journal Selection Criteria

• The evaluation process consists of evaluation of many criteria such as Basic Journal Publishing Standards including:

• Timeliness of publication, • adherence to International Editorial

Conventions, • English Language Bibliographic Information

(including English article titles, keywords, author abstracts, and cited references).

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ISI Journal Selection Criteria (Cont.)

• Thomson Reuters also examines the journal's

• Editorial Content,• the International Diversity of it authors

and editors. • Citation Analysis using Thomson Reuters

data is applied to determine the journal's citation history and/or the citation history of its authors and editors.

Page 12: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Do you wish to submit a journal for evaluation?• Thomson Reuters needs at least three consecutive

current issues to complete an evaluation. • Please send the most current issue of the journal, and then

each subsequent issues as soon as each is published to the following address:

• Publication Processing Department Thomson Reuters1500 Spring Garden StreetFourth FloorPhiladelphia, PA 19130USA

• Back issues are not evaluated. Send only current issues.

Page 13: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Do you wish to submit a journal for evaluation?(Cont.)

• It is not necessary to send accompanying material in support of your application other than enclosing a document stating the following:

• Full Journal Title • ISSN • Publisher's Name and Address • Editor's Name and Address • Brief statement on the unique features of the journal

and how it is distinguished from other journals in the field.


Page 14: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

• Index Medicus: is a comprehensive index of medical journal articles, published between 1879 and 2004 (covering 4612 journals).

• MEDLINE: is the NLM’s premier bibliographic database, and includes all the citations published in Index Medicus plus others that were formerly in specialty databases such as HealthSTAR. MEDLINE was launched in 1971. As of March 2008, more than 5000 journals are currently indexed for MEDLINE.

• PubMed: is a service of the NLM that provides free access to MEDLINE and some other bibliographic information.

• PubMed Central (PMC): is the NLM’s free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature (a service with more than 450 journal titles).

• Entrez: is the search engine and retrieval system used at NCBI for the major databases, including PubMed.

Page 15: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

PubMed and Medline

• PubMed is more up to date than Medline and has more citations. Many of the extra citations are very recent articles that are not yet indexed for Medline. Most users will be keen to find these citations.

Page 16: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

What's the Difference Between MEDLINE® and PubMed®?

• MEDLINE is the largest component of PubMed , the freely accessible online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM®).

• Approximately 5,200 journals published in the United States and more than 80 other countries have been selected and are currently indexed for MEDLINE.

• A distinctive feature of MEDLINE is that the records are indexed with NLM's controlled vocabulary, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®).

Page 17: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

In addition to MEDLINE citations, PubMed also contains:

• In-process citations which provide a record for an article before it is indexed with MeSH and added to MEDLINE or converted to out-of-scope status.

• Citations that precede the date that a journal was selected for MEDLINE indexing (when supplied electronically by the publisher).

• Some OLDMEDLINE citations that have not yet been updated with current vocabulary and converted to MEDLINE status.

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In addition to MEDLINE citations, PubMed also contains: (Cont.)

• Citations to articles that are out-of-scope (e.g., covering plate tectonics or astrophysics) from certain MEDLINE journals, primarily general science and general chemistry journals, for which the life sciences articles are indexed with MeSH for MEDLINE.

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In addition to MEDLINE citations, PubMed also contains: (Cont.)

• Some life science journals that submit full text to PubMedCentral® and may not yet have been recommended for inclusion in MEDLINE although they have undergone a review by NLM, and some physics journals that were part of a prototype PubMed in the early to mid-1990's.

• Citations to author manuscripts of articles published by NIH-funded researchers.

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• One of the ways users can limit their retrieval to MEDLINE citations in PubMed is by selecting MEDLINE from the Subsets menu on the Limits screen.

• The following link provides detailed information about MEDLINE® data and searching PubMed®:

Page 21: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)

• The First Citation System in Islamic Countries• ISC is a system which deals with analysis and

ranking authors, publications and institutes. Islamic countries’ universities, research centers and scientific societies can consign one issue of their scientific journals to the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology.

Page 22: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

The Islamic World Science Citation Database partnership with Scopus

• Over the past 10 years, Iran’s scholarly output of scientific articles has increased significantly. In light of this surge in output and to further support and bring visibility to researchers it represents, the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) recently signed an agreement allowing the ISC's publications to be indexed in Scopus.

• The agreement is expected to create additional interest in the growing scientific output of the Islamic world and facilitate greater collaboration between scientists. [email protected]

Page 23: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Scopus• Scopus is a database of abstracts and citations

for scholarly journal articles. It covers nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers, including coverage of 16,500 peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences (including arts and humanities) fields. It is owned by Elsevier and is provided on the Web for subscribers. Searches in Scopus incorporate searches of scientific web pages through Scirus, another Elsevier product, as well as patent databases.

Page 24: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

• Scopus is the research tool of choice for 60% of the world’s Top 20 ranked Universities, providing access to more than 5,000 international publishers across the scientific, technical, medical, social sciences and arts and humanities fields.

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• Updated daily, Scopus offers:• Nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000

international publishers, including coverage of - 16,500 peer-reviewed journals (inc > 1,200 Open Access journals) - 600 trade publications- 350 book series- Extensive conference coverage (3.6 million conference papers)

• 38 million records, of which: - 19 million records include references going back to 1996 (78% include references)- 19 million pre-1996 records go back as far as 1823.

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Scopus (Cont.)

• Scopus is a very large database covering most of the health sciences, and life sciences as well as Physical Sciences and Social Sciences.

• It does not have a thesaurus (subject index) of its own but it can search on the subject headings assigned by PubMed and other databases.

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• While there is considerable overlap between Scopus and PubMed there will often be articles found in one database that are not found in the other using the same search. • Scopus includes all the citations in

PubMed and Embase from 1996 onwards, but is not as up to date as PubMed. • The Scopus search engine is not as

flexible or thorough as PubMed or Embase.

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• Scopus is a complete service package, easy to set up and customize, and includes COUNTER-compliant usage reports, an information website, live assistance with e-Helpdesk and a broad spectrum of collateral for each institution with access.

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EMBASEExcerpta Medica Database

• EMBASE is a biomedical database produced by Elsevier. The database contains bibliographic records with citations, abstracts and indexing derived from biomedical articles in peer-reviewed journals.

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• Over 20 million indexed records from more than 7,000 active, peer-reviewed journals.

• Holding over 1,800 biomedical titles not offered by Medline, it delivers a comprehensive coverage of relevant biomedical literature.

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• More than 600,000 records added annually; over 80% with abstracts

• Covers over peer-reviewed journals published in 70 countries / 30 languages

• Biomedical scope covering the following areas:

– Drug therapy and research, including pharmaceutics, pharmacology and toxicology

– Clinical and experimental (human) medicine – Basic biological science relevant to human medicine – Biotechnology and biomedical engineering, including medical devices – Health policy and management, including pharmacoeconomics – Public, occupational and environmental health, including pollution

control – Psychiatry and mental health, including substance dependence and

abuse – Forensic science – Alternative and complementary medicine

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• Europe, Middle East & Africa: P.O. Box 2111000 AE AmsterdamThe NetherlandsTel: +31 20 485 3767Fax: +31 20 485 3432E-mail: [email protected]

Last update: 9 Oct 2009

Page 33: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Scopus, PubMed, and Embase

• Scopus covers all the journals included in PubMed from 1996. The search algorithm in PubMed appears to be more specific but it includes explosion of MeSH. While Scopus will search MeSH it won't explode MeSH.

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• Similarly All the Embase journals are covered by Scopus, and Scopus will search Emtree (the Embase thesaurus) but there is no explosion of Emtree terms.

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Embase and PubMed

• Differences in coverage vary with the particular disciplines, but Embase has more European journals, more non-English journals, and probably more drug therapy journals.

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Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)

• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) is a division of the American Chemical Society, and produces Chemical Abstracts, and related products. It is located in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

• CAS provides the largest databases of publicly disclosed chemistry-related information, makes them accessible through search and retrieval software and provides links to the original literature and patents.

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Chemical Abstracts (Cont.)

• The term "Chemical Abstracts" is often used loosely to apply to all the different files and products, but the different parts now have specific names.

• In 2007 the Chemical Abstracts Service was designated an ACS National Historical Chemical Landmark in recognition of its significance as the most comprehensive repository of research in chemistry and related sciences.

Page 38: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Biosis Previews• Biosis Previews covers many areas of

biology including life sciences and clinical material. • BIOSIS Previews® contains citations

from Biological Abstracts® (BA), and Biological Abstracts/Reports, Reviews, and Meetings® (BA/RRM) (formerly BioResearch Index®), the major publications of BIOSIS®.

Page 39: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Biosis Previews (Cont.)

• Biological Abstracts includes approximately 350,000 accounts of original research yearly from nearly 5,000 primary journal and monograph titles.

• Biological Abstracts/RRM includes an additional 200,000+ citations a year from meeting abstracts, reviews, books, book chapters, notes, letters, and selected reports.

• Together, these publications constitute a major English- language service providing comprehensive worldwide coverage of research in the biological and biomedical sciences.

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PsycINFO®• PsycINFO is an abstract database that provides

systematic coverage of the psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. (The database also includes records from the 1600s and 1700s.)

• An essential tool for researchers, PsycINFO combines a wealth of content with precise indexing so you can get just what you need easily.

• PsycINFO contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, cited references, and descriptive information to help you find what you need across a wide variety of scholarly publications in the behavioral and social sciences.

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CINAHL Databases• CINAHL®, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and

Allied Health Literature, is the most comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health literature.

• While starting out as a single bibliographic database, CINAHL has expanded to offer four databases including two full-text versions.

• CINAHL is owned and operated by EBSCO Publishing, with the Cinahl editorial team continuing to work out of the offices in Glendale, California. The CINAHL databases are available on EBSCOhost®.


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Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR)

• In order to give access to health literature published in or related to the Eastern Mediterranean Region, the Eastern Mediterranean Region Library Network (EMLIBNET) produces an international index to Eastern Mediterranean health literature and information sources using headings according to the Medical Subject Headings MeSH list of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This index is called Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR).

Page 43: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

IMEMR (Cont.)

• The IMEMR database is the only system in the world which indexes and disseminates health and biomedical information originating in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and it is as current as any modern international indexing service.


Page 44: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Index Copernicus• Index Copernicus International after the signing of an

agreement with Google Inc. is a strategic partner in international scientific journals digitization project

Digitization is FREE OF CHARGE for journal publishers.

Details and digitization conditions are available in Publisher Panel - a panel to manage and guide publishing process of the scientific journals

• Http://••

Page 45: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

IndexCopernicus Evaluation Methodology 2009

• Stage 1.Detailed Parametrical analysis The following groups of parameters are evaluated:

• Scientific quality: 580 base points (58.0%) • Editorial quality: 200 base points (20.0%) • International availability: 135 base points (13.5%) • Frequency-Regularity-Stability: 50 base points

(5.0%) • Technical quality: 35 base points (3.5%) • Total: 1000 base points (100,0%)

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IndexCopernicus Evaluation Methodology 2009 (Cont.)

• Stage 2.Negative score analysis Negative score is given for:

• irregular or late issuance [late by up to one publishing period (-30), joint issues (-50), late more than one publishing period (-60)];

• Unethical advertisement placement [within article (-60), directly before/after article (-40).

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IndexCopernicus Evaluation Methodology 2009 (Cont.)

• Stage 3.Expert peer-review Frequency-Regularity-Stability: 50 base points (5.0%)

• Scientific significance of the published material [±20]

• Up-to-date content [±20] • Educational value [±20].

Page 48: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

How is Index Copernicus Value (ICV) calculated?

• First, Base Points (BP) are converted into 10 points Total Basic Score (TBS), then:

• For journals indexed in Current Contents Index Copernicus Value (ICV) calculations are based on the following formula:9+[(TBS)×(IF)] (where IF = impact factor value).This formula ensures that the journals indexed at Current Contents a have minimum ICV of =9 points.

• For the rest of journals which are NOT indexed in Current Contents TBS=ICV

Page 49: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Main items

I. Scientific Quality II. Editorial quality III. International availability IV. Frequency-Regularity-Market

stability V. Technical quality

Page 50: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Relevant databases

• BioethicsPubMed, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Biosis Previews, Sociological abstracts, SciFinder Scholar

• Cell BiologyBiosis Previews, PubMed, SciFinder Scholar, Scopus, Academic Search Premier

• General PracticePubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier

Page 51: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Relevant databases (Cont.)

• Clinical MedicineCochrane Library, PubMed, Biosis Previews, SciFinder Scholar, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, Web of Science

• DentistryPubMed, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar (especially for dental materials), Biosis Previews, Academic Search Premier, PsycInfo (especially for psychological aspects)

Page 52: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Relevant databases (Cont.)

• Drug AddictionPubMed, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar, Cochrane Library, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier, Sociological abstracts

• Forensic SciencesSciFinder Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect

Page 53: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan

Relevant databases (Cont.)

• Human BiologyPubMed, Scopus, Zoological Record, Biosis Previews, Current Contents Connect, SciFinder Scholar, Academic Search Premier

• Human EvolutionZoological Record, Biosis Previews, Academic Search Premier, SciFinder Scholar

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Relevant databases (Cont.)

• Human PathologyPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, SciFinder Scholar

• Human PhysiologyPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, SciFinder Scholar, Academic Search Premier

• Human ReproductionPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier

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Relevant databases (Cont.)• Neurology

PubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Cochrane Library, SciFinder Scholar

• NeurosciencesBiosis Previews, PubMed, Scopus, Academic Search Premier, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect

• OrthopaedicsPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Cochrane Library, Academic Search Premier, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect

• PaediatricsPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier

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Relevant databases (Cont.)

• PharmacologyPubMed, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar, Biosis Previews, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier

• Reproduction in mammalsPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Zoological Record, Academic Search Premier

• SurgeryPubMed, Scopus, Biosis Previews, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Current Contents Connect, Academic Search Premier

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Page 58: International Scientific Databases for Biomedical Journals Roya Kelishadi, MD Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Isfahan Medical School Faculty member, Isfahan