Page 1: International waterless car wash importers and distributors find success with pearl waterless car wash

International Waterless Car Wash Importers and Distributors Find Success with Pearl Waterless Car Wash

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As Waterless car wash products become more and more popular, companies in every country in the

world are looking for the right partner and product manufacturer. They find out quickly that not all of the products on the market are created equal. Some smear, some don’t shine and others do not work at all. There are a few products on the market that do a good job and they are the companies seeing success in the marketplace. International Waterless Car Wash importers have found that Pearl Global far exceeds their needs of excellent performing products at a great price point. Craig at Pearl Global also provides outstanding customer service, email support and free shipping quotes. The shipping department finds the lowest shipping prices available and offers this to the clients to instantly save them money, time and hassle. As a Pearl distributor, they are able to use the pictures, logos, websites and the vast amount of certifications and documentation proving the products are of the highest quality. This helps business owners get started quickly and establish their company in their home country without problems. We have seen Pearl Car Care product distributors open up companies and become very successful within a few weeks because they were not bogged down with re-inventing all of the media, documents and certifications. They purchased the products, they were shipped, accepted at their destination, diluted and packaged and then either purchased by consumers or used to clean cars. The process is easy and streamlined. No headaches or hassles. We have shipped to over 100 countries and have access to a dozen freight forwarders who provide the lowest cost shipping to anywhere in the world.

The customer service does not stop with certifications, documents and shipping quotes. Pearl also offers waterless car wash business advise, consulting and success coaching. The Pearl web marketing and video team also creates marketing material, videos and high quality graphics for the Pearl distributors. This robust content marketing and social media push is a great way to support the Pearl distributor when they are located 1000 s of miles away. Just because you are 1000 s of miles away does not mean that ′ ′you cannot visit the Pearl Operations Center. Craig will take you on a tour of the Pearl product manufacturing facility and provide a personal one on one business meeting with you to discuss your business plans using the Pearl products.

From Sweden, Norway, Finland, Korea, Japan and the United States, Pearl distributors are finding success in the way Pearl treats its clients and customers. It is like a family. This family is growing every day and we want to expand into every corner of it.

Again, the Pearl Waterless Car Wash product line is one of the best performing waterless car wash products in the world. That is what people are looking for around the globe. Besides a great product line, they get an outstanding customer service experience, unlike any other company. From very detailed product support and documentation and great pricing to the best shipping quotes available. The social media, multi-media content sharing, content creation and media publication is pushing the entire Pearl team into a category of their own. Pearl will soon release a new waterless car wash audio podcast, video series and a mastermind webinar to help the international distributors succeed more.

We are aware that every country is different and each have their challenges of getting the products into the marketplace. Cultures, Taxes, Markets, High Costs and other barriers to entry do not seem to pose a problem and the products have been widely accepted in every country. Pearl continues to see an influx

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of inquires and companies wanting to expand their business with a very high quality waterless car care product line.

If you are interested in becoming a Pearl Car Care product distributor or a wholesale importer, please contact us at Pearl today. Find out what the buzz is about and how we can help you succeed, the way the other Pearl Team Members have.

Thank you