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A decade later, the internet has changed how wecommunicate acquire informationentertain and amuse ourselvesaccess education and learningworkshopbankprayand more

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Internet is today one of the most important part of our daily life. There are large numbers of things that can be done using the internet and so it is very important. You can say that with the progress in the internet we are progressing in every sphere of life as it not only makes our tasks easier but also saves a lot of time. Today internet is used for different purposes depending upon the requirement.

Two sides of internet:

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Communicate socially 42%

Engage in work for classes 38%

Be entertained 10%Communicate professionally 7%Don’t know 2%

Students use the Internet most often to:

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The Internet earned the highest marks as "very valuable" from more than 40 percent of respondents.

Career web sites were highly rated by about a fifth of graduating students.

Job postings on career center web sites were a frequently-used resource.

Most of the passed out student use the internet to find the job.

Job Search Resource:

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Now a days people like to use online shopping

Most of the people by cloths ,purse,wallete,or many electronic things online.

Most common items purchased CDs ( 64%) Books (58%) clothing (42 %) concert/theater/event tickets (32%)

Internet as a shopping mall:

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Used primarily to communicate with their professors do research/get information view course Web sites contact other students carry on email discussions with classmates obtain grade information 79% of college students feel the Internet has

had a positive impact on their academic experience.

complete and check homework assignments

Student’s Academic Uses of the Internet

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1. search engines2. surfing3. using a directory4. reading about sites5. help from classmates6. assistance from library staff

How do students find new websites?

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Now a days people can talk with their relatives with the help of the internet.

People can contact with any one from a very big distance.

People use face book , twitter, watts' up, Skype, and many more apps for communicati0n

Now a days any operation can be done with the use of internet.

Now online lectures are also done with internet.

Internet for communication:

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Education is one of the best things that the internet can provide. There are a number of books, reference books, online help centres, expert’s views and other study oriented material on the internet that can make the learning process very easier as well as a fun learning experience.

There are lots and lots of websites which are related to different topic. You can visit them and can gain endless amount of knowledge that you wish to have. With the use of internet for education, you are non-longer dependent on some other person to come and teach you.

Use of internet in education:

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With the use of internet in the financial transaction, your work has become a lot easier. Now you don’t need to stand in the queue at the branch of your particular bank rather you can just log in on to the bank website with the credential that has been provided to you by the bank and then can do any transaction related to finance at your will. With the ability to do the financial transaction easily over the internet you can purchase or sell items so easily. Financial transaction can be considered as one of the best uses of resource in the right direction.

As a financial transaction:

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Research suggest that children use media for entertainment and relaxation purposes (to relieve boredom, to play games, or for social interaction) however little is known about what really motivate children to use Internet.

Exposure to ViolenceAddictionSocial RelationsEating disorderslonelyness

Dis Advantages of internet:

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Due to teenagers’ curiosity and interest in relationships and they seem more likely to give out personal information, which may potentially make them vulnerable.Parents and educators should be well aware of this risk, which can be greatly minimized by some family rules about computer use.Parental ControlReceives phone calls, mail and/or gifts from strangers. Quickly changes the monitor or turns off

the computer when someone else enters the room.

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Media violence will have a strong effect on young children. The reason being that they lack the real life experiences to judge whether something they see on screen is realistic.

Signs of an addicted personThe social effects of such internet use may

depend, in part, on whether these online social contacts are with family and friends, or with strangers and acquaintances.


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