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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

A lot of internet marketing posts and products promise that you will get results. If you believe most sales letters, results are available almost at the click of a mouse.

But what actually works in real life?

Is it really push-button easy?

Or do you need to do more to get the results you’re after?

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

Well, like most things that are worthwhile, internet marketing takes some effort.

And like lots of things the results aren’t 100% predictable.

But there are a few things that you can do which will help tip the balance in your favour.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

1. Work in a niche that interests you

The reason for this is that you won’t find the time and effort you need to put in to making your internet marketing work is anywhere near as difficult.

For instance, if you’d read somewhere that body building is a good niche to get into (I’ve not researched the idea but it probably is) but you have the body of a 9 stone weakling and no intention of changing that, the chance of you making a success in that niche is slim (no pun intended).

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

But if you choose a niche where you’re keen to take an interest then you’ll be more than happy to create new content in it on a regular basis, report your progress and generally be willing and able to help other people succeed in your chosen area.

Those factors alone will give you a much better chance of getting results than slogging away in a niche that bores you to tears.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

2. Create content regularly

If you’ve read many of my posts, you’ll know that my preference here is for written content. Because that’s the type of content that Google and the other search engines prefer to index.

Even if you choose to use videos, make sure to add written content below them.

I’m not always as good as I should be on that front but it’s worth putting a reasonable amount of text below a video because it helps YouTube and Google to understand what the video is about.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

Some people also recommend editing or uploading a transcript of the video.

Again, that's something I’m less good at than I’d prefer to be. Partly because I’ve not really noticed much difference in rankings but that could just be me. The video captions are in a separate file on YouTube’s site (in a directory called timedtext) so they’re definitely available for search engines to index.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

Anyway, back to creating content regularly…

It’s up to you how you define regularly.

I’d suggest that it’s more often than once in a blue moon.

But it will depend on your schedule. Daily is good, every few days works well, so does once a week. Less often than that can work too.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

The search engine robots learn how often you add new content and will adjust their crawling frequency accordingly. It takes time and money to crawl your site only to find nothing has changed since the last visit.

The learning side of things means that if you start creating content more often, it will take a bit of time for the search engines to catch on to that. You can nudge them along – WordPress helps by sending a “ping” when you add a new post – but their computers take time to adjust so you may not notice much difference initially.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

I’ve recently been posting more often on my site and have noticed a small uptick in the amount of traffic I’m being sent since I’ve been doing that.

I suspect that after a few months of regularly adding new content that uptick will be larger.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

3. Get a few inbound links

A major part of the search engine algorithms is popularity. They mainly measure this from the amount of inbound links your site has.

The precise formula is a closely guarded secret and I suspect is now at least partially based on the search engine algorithms teaching themselves. That’s certainly the case with Microsoft’s X-box which means there’s every reason to think the same technology is being applied elsewhere.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

Some inbound links are easy to get.

If you turn your written article into a video like this one and a PDF then you can add your link on YouTube and SlideShare or whichever other document sharing site you use.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

Likewise you can add links from your LinkedIn posts. And guest blogging (maybe via Fiverr if you select the blogs wisely) can also help if you don’t over-do it.

Other links are harder to get but can help if the amount of time spent getting them doesn’t outweigh the help they give you. You’ll need to decide yourself on a case-by-case basis.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

4. Keep doing it!

A reasonable amount of consistency is good.

Don’t be robotic about it – that’s one of the reasons that auto-blogging systems don’t really work (lots of other reasons too) because it’s not in our human nature to work like clockwork.

But set a schedule and do your best to keep to it.

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Internet Marketing That Actually Gets Results

When you don’t, that’s fine so long as you don’t use the missed item as an excuse to give up.

If you need more help, feel free to check out this link.

Good luck!
