Download pptx - Internet Safety

Page 1: Internet Safety


ETEC 5303

Page 2: Internet Safety


1. Never post your personal information, such as a cell phone number, address, or the name of your school.

2. Be aware that information you give out through social networking sites, instant messages, e-mails, and blogs could put you at risk of bullying and other types of victimization.

3. Never meet in person with anyone you first “met” online. Some people may not be who they say they are.

4. Remember that posting information about your friends could put them at risk.

5. Never respond to harassing or rude texts, messages, and e-mails. Delete any unwanted messages or friends who continuously leave inappropriate comments.

6. Never give out your password to anyone other than your parent or guardian.

7. If you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t post it online!

8. Only add people as friends to your site if you know them in real life.

9. Think before posting your photos. DO NOT post or send semi-nude or nude pictures of yourself or anyone else! Personal photos should not have revealing information such as school names or location.

10. Use the privacy settings of the social networking sites.

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Page 4: Internet Safety


Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Cyberbullying is becoming one of most common forms of bullying.

Cyberbulling is preventable if it is reported. It is important to document and report the behavior so it can be addressed properly.

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Page 6: Internet Safety


This link is for a software which enables parents to control what their children have access to. It filters websites, videos, as well as music. It reports searches, instant messages, and social network activity. Safe Eyes Parental Control Software Includes:

1. Content Controls - Flexible content control allows you to select the types of website that are appropriate.

2. Program Controls - Control Instant Messengers, P2P File Sharing, and other harmful programs.

3. Time Controls - Control the amount of time spent online, and the times when the internet is available.

4. Usage Logging - Create and review logs of websites visited, programs used on the Internet, and Instant Messaging Chats.

5. Usage Alerts - Be notified instantly via email, text message, or phone call when someone visits inappropriate websites.

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This link has subcategories for parents, kids, and teens.

This link gives a basic overview of internet safety.

This link is the FBI’s parent guide to internet safety.