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Page 1: Internet Safety Pooh
Page 2: Internet Safety Pooh

“Hi! I’m Winnie the Pooh.”

“Today I am going to help my friends learn the safety rules

of the internet.”

“Let’s Go!”

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“Hey Roo, Tigger is coming” said Pooh.

Tigger walks up.

“Hey there Roo and Pooh, what are you all doing?” asked Tigger.

“Oh nothing just reading books,” Roo replied.

“Oh, that’s nice.” “I was wondering can I use your computer to get on the internet?, asked Tigger.

“Of course you can,” said Roo.

Tigger starts to get on.

“Wait!!!...said Pooh. “Roo you have to check with your

mother first so that you can know if its okay for Tigger to

be on the internet,” says Pooh.

“ You’re right Pooh,” Roo responded. Then Roo leaves the

room to go ask his mother.

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“Uh oh, Piglet looks upset.”

“What’s wrong Piglet?”, asked Pooh.

“ I gave Rabbit my password to my account and now

someone else have it”, said Piglet.

“What should I do?”

“Oh dear!”

“I think you should tell Rabbit how you feel”, said Pooh.

“Thanks Pooh . I feel much better now.”

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“Uh oh. It looks like Tigger is upset, too.”

“What’s wrong Tigger?”, asked Pooh.

“My teacher is upset with me because I went into an online area that cost money without asking”, Tigger said.

“What should I do ?

“Oh no, Tigger!”

“I think you should apologize to your

teacher and say that it will never

happen again”, explained Pooh.

“Thanks Pooh.” “I feel much better

now”, said Tigger.

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“Uh oh!” “It seems like Eeyore is upset, also.”

“What’s wrong Eeyore?”, asked Pooh.

“I saw something creepy on the internet and I don’t know

if I should tell.”

“What should I do?”

“Oh dear!”

“I think you should definitely tell an adult”, said Pooh.

“Thanks Pooh. Now I feel much better.”

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“What’s wrong Rabbit?”, said Pooh.

“Oh , it’s just that I was emailing a friend on the internet

today and they asked me a question that I was very

uncomfortable with, so I stopped emailing them because I

didn’t know what to respond back”, said Rabbit.

“What should I do Pooh?”

“Well Rabbit, I think you should tell

that person that you would rather not

answer that question because it made

you feel uncomfortable”, replied


“Why thank you Pooh. You are a true


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“Oh dear, are you okay Christopher Robin?”, asked Pooh.

“No, not really .”

“Well what’s the matter?”

“Well someone whom I didn’t know emailed me on the internet

today and I responded back to them, now I’m wondering was I


“Pooh, do you think I was wrong?”, asked Christopher Robin.

“To be honest, yes, you were wrong because you should

never respond to an email to someone whom you

especially don’t know”, explained Pooh. “But don’t feel

bad, next time you will know .”

“Thanks Pooh. You always know what to say”, said

Christopher Robin.

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“Thank you Pooh for being a great friend because we

couldn’t have done it without you”, said his friends.

“And thank you for being my friends”, said Pooh.