
Online Circle Digital

Key Takeaways from Internet Trends 2016 for Marketers

Online Circle Digital


This is a summary of the original KPCB Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends 2016 – Code Conference

Full report can be found here

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#1 – Internet user growth is slowing down

Internet user growth is decelerating, except in India.

Brands will need to find smarter ways to reach a relatively stagnant audience in an ever increasingly noisy environment.

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#2 – Internet Ad spend is growing

Internet advertising in the US has grown by about 20% since last year, reaching $60 billion—two-thirds of that growth has come from an increase in spend on mobile ads.

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#3 – Facebook and Google

76% of online advertising goes to Google and Facebook.

Facebook’s yearly advertising revenue (up 59%) grew much more than Google’s (18%) last year.

Facebook has seen a massive growth in the past couple of years.

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#4 – Ad blockers usage is growing

Ad-blockers usage is growing fast.

As Internet advertising grows, Internet users block the noise by installing ad blockers.

Brands must find new ways to reach their target audience.

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#5 – Online Video Advertising

Mobile and video are on the rise.

Current format still ineffective: 80% mute video advertisements, and almost two-thirds reports frustration at having to watch un-skippable ‘pre-roll’ ads.

Good video ads are authentic, entertaining, in-context and brief, like Snapchat video ads.

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#6 – Snapchat is hot right now

Snapchat trifecta = communications + Video + Platform

Brands are finding their way into it.Using a mix of Camera/Storytelling/Creativity

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#7 – User generated content

Users are increasingly sharing videos via platforms like Facebook and Snapchat.

Snapchat and Facebook have implemented branded ‘filters’ for their video platforms, allowing companies to provide imagery for users to incorporate into their own videos.

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#8 – Live StreamingA crucial element of the mobile video explosion has been the development of live streaming technology.

As part of their wider video integration strategies, Facebook and Twitter both released live streaming products in the form of Facebook Live and Periscope.

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#9 – MessagingMessaging is evolving from simple conversations to rich interactions complete with GIFs, videos, stickers , filters and as a platform for commerce.

Customer service seems to be the most obvious growth area for messaging apps.

Millennials communicate with text, today’s teens communicate with images.

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#10 – Messaging

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#11 – E-commerce continues to grow

E-Commerce sales have risen from less than 2% of retail sales to 10% of retail sales.

Internet continues to grow as a retail distribution channelsupported by visual-centric networks like Instagram and Pinterest.

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#12 – Data as a Platform

Data is moving from something your use outside the work stream to becoming a part of the business app itself.

It’s how the new knowledge worker is actually performing their job

As Data explodes, data security concerns explode and general population gets even more concerned.

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