


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Opening of Programs 2015.

2015 is a new chapter in the life of St Michael’s - one of the most ambitious we have ever programmed, as we continue to explore the link between spirituality and wellbeing.

We have over 20 ticketed events, eight volunteer-led programs, weekly organ recitals, a new Spiritual Wellbeing Series of workshops, plans to increase our online education courses as well as several new programs in development.

Pick up a copy of our programs booklet, join us online and subscribe to our email list to keep up to date with these events. We very much look forward to seeing you in 2015 and sharing conversations for greater spiritual wellbeing.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Celebrating the 2015 Opening of Programs.On Sunday 8 February we celebrated the opening of our 2015 programs. Margaret Smith’s inspiring decorations cascaded from the balcony along side a banner proclaiming the theme for 2015 Conversations for Enhanced Spiritual Wellbeing.

Guest artists Shu-Cheen Yu (soprano), The Orchestra of St Michael’s led by Rebecca Adler and The St Michael’s Brass Ensemble led by Geoffrey Payne delighted everyone with a marvellous selection of music and the congregation sang loudly and joyously throughout the service.

The programs were launched with a short film and uproars of applause. 300 of the weighty, 44 page, programs book swere distributed and the summer sun came out just in time for our BBQ feast at Elements Cafe. With sausages, veggies, salads and coffee in hand, the atmosphere was friendly as the congregation eagerly read about the many exciting seminar, workshops, concerts and performances coming up at St Michael’s in 2015.

Shu-Cheen Yu (soprano) performing with the Orchestra of St Michael’s.

Dr Francis Macnab and Dr Debra Campbell-Tunks open the 2015 programs at St Michael’s.

The beautiful flowers and decorations arranged for the day.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

The St Michael’s 2015 Program books.

Enjoying the BBQ at “Elements Cafe” after the service.

Dr Francis Macnab welcoming everyone to Morning Service.

The Orchestra of St Michael’s and Rhys Boak on organ.

The St Michael’s Brass Ensemble and Rhys Boak on organ.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Over the years St Michael’s has connected with thousands of people across the globe. We have a strong internet presence, connecting with over 3,000 people each week via our YouTube channel and Facebook page. The rich history of St Michael’s as a city church has also assisted in the development of many ‘congregations’ scattered around Australia and the world.

There are many people who visit us on Sundays, attend our programs, watch our online videos, participate in the conversations we create via social media and join us for special events such as marriages, baptisms and music concerts. Many live overseas, interstate or in rural Australia and though they are physically far away they continue to see St Michael’s as one of their valued places.

St Michael’s has attracted some of the world’s top thinkers and researchers and regularly holds seminars and lectures as part of our Sunday service and during the week.

Last year respected clinical psychologist Professor Lisa Miller from Columbia University, New York, presented a series of seminars and workshops exploring the connection between spirituality and psychology. Thousands of people attended her presentations, listened to her interviews on ABC radio and on our YouTube channel.

Her visit sparked the flame of interest in our congregation and the wider Melbourne community in the noticeable link between spiritual wellbeing and psychology. In response, the St Michael’s Church council was motivated to elevate the spiritual wellbeing programs of The Centre for Wellbeing @ St Michael’s in 2015.

To this end, Dr Debra Campbell-Tunks, Dr Francis Macnab, Erin Cookson and the staff of St Michael’s have created a program of events and activities for 2015 that will focus on the aspects of Spiritual Wellbeing.

In addition to the 2015 program, Dr Francis Macnab and Dr Debra Campbell-Tunks have entered into a collaborative relationship with Professor Miller and her network of colleagues working in spiritually-oriented psychotherapy and spirituality research programs.

By being part of this network with Professor Miller’s new initiative, LEO (Learning, Evolving, Opening), the Spirituality Mind Body Institute Wellness Center at Teachers College, Columbia University, we aim to be a contributing partner in international research into spirituality and wellbeing.

As LEO is a relatively new initiative, and St Michael’s has a long history of spiritual wellbeing programs we are keen to collaborate in this global network of like-minded professionals.

International Connections with St Michael’s.

Dr Francis Macnab and Professor Lisa Miller.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Spiritual Wellbeing Series.

Spiritual Wellbeing Series

In 2015 you will see a new symbol at St Michael’s, shown above, the symbol that marks our Spiritual Wellbeing Series. A series of workshops, seminars, online courses and research projects will explore the connection between spirituality and wellbeing.

We live in a time and culture where many people have rejected religion, yet Australian researchers have reported that 47% of people surveyed in a large scale study called themselves “spiritual.” A large number of that 47% reported that they considered themselves ‘spiritual but not religious’. As this represents a large shift over the past two generations of Australians, it begs the question, what is spirituality? We know that ‘being spiritual’ means very different things to different people - but is there a core meaning that draws people to want to identify themselves as spiritual?

The word “spirituality” comes from root words in Hebrew, Latin and Greek that basically all mean wind, breath or air — that which animates and defines life.

Christina Puchalski, MD, Director of the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health, defines Spirituality in a very open manner which is comprehensive and appealing.

“Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way[s] they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred.”

Meaning, purpose and connectedness are core desires and drives for most people, essential to health and happiness. If we are to define spirituality as encompassing these, then it is vital that encouraging spiritual wellbeing is something we give increasing attention to in mental health and wellbeing programs.

For further information on our Spiritual Wellbeing Series browse our list of programs on our website Below are a few examples of what to expect in the coming months.

Spirituality in Clinical PracticeThursday 21, 28 May & 4 June, 12pm

Psychotherapy on Sunday’sCommences Sunday 22 March

What is Spirituality?Thursday 6 August, 6.30pm & Friday 21 August, 11am


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Many people will never enter a psychotherapist’s consulting room. But the teachings of psychotherapy could benefit people on a wide scale if only those teachings could be readily accessible.

In 2015 we are introducing a “pilot” study called Psychotherapy on Sundays led by Dr Francis Macnab AM. These sessions will take the form of topical talks. They will not be a substitute for psychotherapy in practice, but rather they will develop themes that will be helpful to people in their everyday lives.

Psychotherapy on Sundays will be held on Sunday afternoons at St Michael’s. The sessions will commence at 12pm and finish at 12.55pm.

Dr Macnab draws from a career of over 50 years as a psychotherapist. His psychotherapy training (with individuals and groups) began in a long-stay mental hospital in Scotland.

This included exposure to the Crichton Royal in Dumfries (at that time, a unique treatment institution

in the U.K.), the extraordinary therapeutic community of Maxwell Jones (which became a significant influence on the early shape of Cairnmillar), and the early work of R. D. Laing.

Dr Macnab’s early therapeutic work involved groups of patients diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia, and in this he was introduced to the work of the Washington School of Psychiatry, Dr Harry Stack Sullivan, and later to the field of existential analysis.

In Melbourne, he established The Cairnmillar Institute. It has become a distinctive centre for psychotherapy and for the training of psychotherapists and counsellors. It was the “birthplace” of the psychotherapy method of Contextual Analysis and Contextual Therapy.

Psychotherapy on Sundays will aim to bring to an interested audience, the accessible and relevant teachings of Psychotherapy.

Some of the topics that will be explored are:

Getting free of a hurtful experience,a distressing memory, a damaged life.

The power of self – self-confidence, self-worth, self-importance.

Protective factors of your emotional and mental health.

How to ADAPT to how things “ARE”. Are there steps in making a successful adaptation?

Resilience factors.

The traumas of life and their treatment.

Psychology on Sundays.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

In 2015 St Michael’s will be forging a partnership with Dr Steven Koski of the First Presbyterian Church of Bend, Oregon, U.S.A in the development of Mingary Bend: A Centre for Wellbeing.

The development and partnership with Mingary will help carry the healing and restorative spirit that has touched and transformed the lives of so many in Melbourne to the people of Bend in Oregon.

Twelve years ago Mingary, The Quiet Place was constructed at St Michael’s as a place for reflection and renewal for people going through stressful times.

Mingary, The Quiet Place, provides a unique space to allow anxieties to settle and emotional strengths to be refocused. It places no demand on people. It is open to people of any religion, or none.

2014 saw a growing numbers of people from the city and rural communities requiring our support in their times of illness and stress.

We are delighted to continue Dr Francis Macnab’s spiritual and psychological revolution with the expansion of Mingary, The Quiet Place, around the world.

Mingary, The Quiet Place At Home and Abroad.

The Coracle of Mingary.

Anyone can become a member of the Coracle. All you need to do is write a letter to people you know who might receive some benefit from visiting Mingary, The Quiet Place.

In times gone by, people living on the many small islands of Scotland would carry food and comfort to their neighbours using a small boat, called a coracle. A coracle is a carrier of nurturing friendship.

As part of the development of Mingary, The Quiet Place, we are inviting people to become part of the Coracle of Mingary: Helping spread the word about this unique space which gives people a place to reflect, remember, and be restored.

Sample letters will be available to download from the St Michael’s website. Letters will also be available as part of the meditation booklet that is being produced.

Visit for more information about Mingary, The Quiet Place and the Coracle of Mingary.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

New Programs in Development.

Ties Across TimeThe spirituality of remembering the ties across time.

How we are enhanced and strengthened by influences of existential importance, reflections, conversations, thoughts

and prayers.

Searching for HarmonyOnce the great psychologist of a past era wrote in

“The Varieties of Religious Experience.” “The visible world is part of a more spiritual universe… a harmonious relation

with that higher universe is our true end.”

The TranscendentStudies on the relationship of spirituality and mental health

claim that various mental health problems are reduced when there is a ‘meaningful’ connection to

‘the transcendent’. What does ‘The transcendent’ mean?How is ‘The transcendent’ accessed?

What are the dynamics of reducing the occurrence and the severity of mental health problems?

Most people have seen how quickly a relative or friend can deteriorate after their 59th birthday or after their 79th birthday. Could that deterioration have been prevented, or slowed down?

St Michael’s has long been an advocate of healthy ageing and in 2015 we continue our dedication to thriving in old age.

The Golden RopeThriving becomes part of the ‘triumph of experience’.

GOLD is the symbol of triumph. We all want to ‘hold on’ to the GOLD ROPE of all that is good:

our youth, our hope, our strength of spiritour courage, our wholeness.

SAGESAGE events offer psychological insights and information about healthy ageing in a friendly interactive forum.

Each month we choose a topic and bring you a series of strategies and tools to help you cope with the big stresses in the years post 55.

Visit for more information and to book your seat at the next SAGE seminar.

Healthy Ageing Program.

120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]


Special Events.The Oxford dictionary defines entertainment as the action of providing, or being provided with, amusement or enjoyment. Music and special events have always been integral to the vitality and inspiration offered at St Michael’s. In 2015 this tradition continues with vigour.

Wilma Smith and FriendsFriday 13 November, 7pm

Wilma Smith will be among the many internationally renowned artists appearing at St Michael’s in 2015. Wilma Smith is a Fijian-born violinist raised in Auckland, New Zealand. She has been concertmaster of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and since 2003, co-concertmaster of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in Australia.

Wilma studied at Auckland University and had an early professional experience with the Auckland Symphonia (now Philharmonia) and New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. She then continued her studies in Boston at the New England Conservatory with Dorothy DeLay and Louis Krasner.

Bookings for these events can be made online at or

Anthony Ackroyd - Stress Less, Laugh MoreThursday 7 May, 6.30pm

Clown Doctor and one of Australia’s most respected comedians Anthony is bringing his acclaimed wellbeing program Stress Less, Laugh More to St Michael’s.

Yo Mama: Mothering in the 21st CenturyThursday 8 March, 6.30pm

We are thrilled to welcome Melbourne International Comedy Festival favourite Nelly Thomas as she teams up with ABC Radio’s George McEncroe and Australia’s favourite Octogenarian Ethel Chop to honour mums this International Women’s Day.

What better way to celebrate being a woman than to laugh about the ups and downs, the good, the bad and the ugly of womanhood and motherhood?

With several husbands and nine children between them, ranging from two to sixty-two years of age - this show promises to be a no-holds barred expose on maternal matters.

Anthony is a cast member of the ABC radio comedy show Thank God It’s Friday!. He is the creator and director of the United Nations of Comedy which aims to bring together the best comedy from around the world and build bridges between cultures through shared humour.

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian newspapers acknowledged Ackroyd as one of the best comedians of his generation. Cosmopolitan Magazine dubbed him “The Man of the Moment”. Beat Magazine declared him “one of the ultimate comedy legends”.

We are thrilled to welcome Anthony to St Michael’s to bask in the health and wisdom of laughter (and his highly entertaining persona).

25th Midsumma Service 19th Fight Free February

22nd Future Spirituality

27th SAGE

7th Stress Less, Laugh More

14th Law Week Seminar

21st & 28th Spirituality in Clinical Practice

4th Spirituality in Clinical Practice

11th Writing Seminar25th SAGE

23rd Living Mindfully

27th St Michael’s Day

1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

Prof Camilleri Lectures 30th SAGE

5th Yo Mama

15th Blessing of the Grapes

22nd Psychotherapy on


3rd Good Friday5th Easter Sunday

19th Anzac Day Service26th Steven Koski Service

25th & 26th Open House Melbourne31st SAGE

16th Relationships: School of Love

6th What is Spiritual Wellbeing?

19th The Laborastory28th SAGE

8th Remembrance Day13th Wilma Smith &

Friends Concert 20th Forgiveness Workshop

20th Christmas Concert25th Christmas Service

Christmas 2014 was a joyous celebration of life and hope. The glittering decorations of Margaret Smith’s uniquely decorated Christmas tree served to remind us of the jewels of hope we can find in everyday life.

Dr Macnab spoke about the birth and growth of the human spirit in our own age. He asked us to adopt two powerful, alternative “symbols” (alternatives to the symbols of violence and destructiveness that continue to absorb so much of our civilization’s attention and resources) during this Christmas period and beyond, so that we might foster an evolution of our human spirit. He names these two symbols altruism and compassion.

Those gathered joined together in song as the church was filled with uplifting Christmas music lead by guest artists Lotte Betts-Dean, Joe Chindamo, Zoe Black and The St Michael’s Brass Ensemble.

Evgeny Chebykin’s unique performance on the French horn and Bruno Siketa’s exceptional talent on the trumpet were highlights of the service. We look forward to hearing them again at future services.

Remembering 2014 Christmas at St Michael’s.

Evgeny Chebykin during the Christmas service.

Bruno Siketa performing during the Christmas service.

The beautiful Christmas tree designed and decorated by Margaret Smith.

120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]



120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Sunday 25 January was a huge day of celebration at St Michael’s. Three special events came together to form a morning of music, poetry and inspiration: Australia Day, the birthday of Robert Burns and The Midsumma Festival.

The church was decorated with flags as the St Michael’s congregation welcomed visitors from around Australia and across the world. People traveled from Bendigo, Ballarat, Sydney, Darwin, Perth, London, Los Angeles, Indonesia and Taiwan to be part of this special day.

Dr Macnab’s Sunday Address Searching for tenderness, Uncovering tyranny was a highlight of this extraordinary day. The Midsumma Festival celebrates the diversity of relationships of our human makeup - “surely one of the miracles of life,” said Dr Macnab. “Church and religion have had a long history of intolerance of diversity, a long trouble with tenderness, often overwhelmed by their fear of tenderness, and often caught up in the tyranny of imposition.”

Dr Macnab also mentioned how Robert Burns poems expressed a vision of friendship, love and universal peace. “The acceptance of diversity in all

humanity, the celebration of a spiritual depth, and a transcendence that lifts us beyond our violence and our tyranny… to a better way of tenderness and goodness in all human hearts - oh, it’s a dream of course. But a dream worth having!”

The beautiful arrangement of Australian native flowers were donated by Rosalie, Lois, Christine and Meryl in memory of their father Russell Baker. The Processional Staff and carried by Laura Beckett to promote diversity and acceptance within St Michael’s.

Midsumma at St Michael’s.

Harry Brockwell performing Freight Train on the Didgeridoo.

Harry Brockwell, a Melbourne Didgeridoo player and maker celebrated Australia Day by perform during our special Australia Day service. He performed two original works, filling the church with an inspiring meditative melody unique to the Didgeridoo.

Having studied with well-known Didgeridoo players in Arnhem Land Harry told us that he loves to share the many exciting and rewarding attributes of the Didgeridoo whilst maintaining a respect for the traditional communities where the instrument plays an integral part of society.

Didgeridoo playerHarry Brockwellat St Michael’s.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

St Michael’s supports the Mental Health of Australian Doctors.

On a recent trip to the Northern Territory a St Michael’s staff member made a vital connection with a doctor who was suffering depression.

The doctor, who wishes to remain anonymous, wished to thank St Michael’s, “for your time and understanding in what has been a difficult time was my life.”

In 2013, a national survey of Australian medical students and doctors was conducted by Beyondblue. The survey found that doctors are far more depressed and stressed than other Australians, with a large number having suicidal thoughts.

The study showed that students and doctors aged under 30, particularly women, are at most risk of suicidal thoughts and mental illness.

With the news that three training psychiatrists have died in recent weeks this is an issue that is of concern for all those in the medical profession as well as their families.

St Michael’s will continue to offer her support though our online e-courses and one-on-one counselling at Mingary.

Professor CamilleriLecture Series.

We are delighted to welcome back to St Michael’s one of Australia’s leading International Relations scholars and commentators, Professor Joseph A. Camilleri OAM.

Professor Camilleri will present a lecture series in which he will be interpreting the most critical social, economic, environmental and security challenges of our times. Exploring how these challenges affect us personally, our networks and communities, our nation and the world.

Now Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University, Joseph Camilleri was the founding director of the La Trobe Centre for Dialogue. In a career spanning 45 years he has taught over 30,000 students, supervised some 40 PhDs, authored or edited over 25 books and written over 100 book chapters and journal articles.

Professor Camilleri has researched, lectured and given evidence to government and other enquiries on issues of governance, human rights, security, the role of religion and culture in contemporary society, and the politics of the Asia-Pacific region.

Visit to book tickets to this series.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Rev dr MalcolmSinclair sends his regards.

In a recent letter, Dr Malcolm Sinclair stated that the St Michael’s Intersection, December 2014 edition, was “visionary, honesty, hopefully, realistic - just what I have come to expect from St Michael’s.”

Rev Dr Malcolm Sinclair, the minister of Metropolitan United Church in Toronto Canada, has been a guest minister at St Michael’s on several occasions.

Dr Sinclair spent his time in Melbourne, speaking on several topics as part of our Sunday Service and weekday programs.

He has spoken at council meeting’s, reflecting on the particular concerns of inner city ministries across the world - our similarities, our differences.

These visits have built a bond between St Michael’s and Metropolitan United Church: a connection that has been continually strengthened over time with ongoing support and communication.

We look forward to continuing our conversations with Dr Sinclair in 2015.

Dr Pamela McNally Anderson.

Reverend Dr Pamela McNally Anderson was the guest minister at St Michael’s on January 11. Originally from the USA, she is a graduate of the San Francisco Theological Seminary. She is currently on the staff of the Trinity Cathedral Sacramento, California.

Dr McNally Anderson dedicated her address to the Dance of the Soul. Stating that there are occasions in life that fill us with so much intense joy that the emotion seems to flood the brain and spill over into the rest of the body; the natural response is to dance, as the fullest expression of that jubilation.

Farewell to Sarah Tomilson.

On Sunday 2 February we bade farewell to Sarah Tomilson, who has become a fixture here at St Michael’s where she has worked as a Verger for the past seven years.

Dr Macnab held a special moment during Morning Service to acknowledge and honor Sarah’s dedication to her work at St Michael’s.

The team at St Michael’s will miss Sarah very much. We have enjoyed working with her and wish her continued success for the future.

120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]


Ann Brown’s Mingary Poem.

In a pervious edition of Intersection we asked people to write in and tell us about their experience of Mingary, The Quiet Place. We have received some inspiring letters and emails over the weeks and we wanted to share this beautiful poem written by Ann Brown.

MingaryFor me Mingary is a space

That beckons the listener into God’s grace.Within Mingary there is time to think

To distil thoughts and find missing linksWhich have the strength to turn difficulties into opportunities

Allowing peace to massage my soulMaking my wounded spirit whole.

- Ann Brown

We’d love to hear from you about your experience of Mingary, The Quiet Place. Send us a letter to the address below or email [email protected].

Music at St Michael’s.

Music has an important role to play in the functioning of society and has had for many thousands of years. No human culture appears to be without music. Singing, in particular, seems to be universal. The music program at St Michael’s brings us some of the best musicians and music that Australia has to offer to enrich our experience during our Sunday services and special events during the year.

Some of the special musical events we have planned for 2015 include:

ANZAC Day Service, 19 April - This year marks the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli. Join us for a special service with music by the Melbourne High School Choir commemorate ANZAC Day.

Wilma Smith & Friends, 13 November - An evening of inspirational chamber music. All proceeds will go towards the wellbeing and mental health programs of St Michael’s.

Thursday Organ Recitals - Every Thursday at 1pm St Michael’s the grand organ comes to life for a free 30 minute recital.

For all the details of our 2015 music program visit our website


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

Sunday has long been a special day for churches, the traditional day to hold services and ceremonies.

At St Michael’s, Sunday morning sees hundreds of people fill our church eager to be part of a unique experience.

Dr Francis Macnab’s Sunday Addresses are the highlight of the morning and many continue the conversation he creates during the morning tea, held in the hall after the service. Sunday services at St Michael’s include a mix of traditional and modern presentations. Inspirational music is integral to the services and include guest musicians of note.

In short, you don’t have to be religious in order to attend a Sunday service at St Michael’s. One of our congregation recently stated that she has “been coming to this church since 1983 and I wouldn’t call myself a Christian. I love the feeling of hope and the conversations that are started each week.”

Sundays at St Michael’s is unique for the relevant, contemporary preaching that embraces inner wellbeing as our core message; we also offer a wide variety of Sunday programs after Morning Service.

St Michael’s is a place which affirms and encourages the best expression of who you are and who you can be, through the Sunday service and numerous wellbeing programs and our commitment to counselling and psychotherapy. The Centre for Wellbeing @ St Michael’s offers secular programs suitable for people of any faith or no faith, with a focus on spiritual wellbeing.

St Michael’s also offers a range of volunteer-led, free, programs that are open to anyone who whishes to attend.

More information about Sunday events and activities can be found at our website

Sundays at St Michael’s.

120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]


What people are saying about St Michael’s.

“Watching St Michaels on YouTube, nothing else could ‘fill me, transform me, lift me up’ bring me to tears like Dr Macnab. So real, I can so relate, like no other ‘church service’ to touch the heart and soul, and everyday are a life-line.” - Marie Edmunds

“A beautiful Church, I have been there to music recitals many times.” - Dorothy Booth

“Always worth getting out of bed early to get to St Michael’s on time.” - Patsy Worledge

“[St Michael’s] gives one courage.” - Judith Morgan

“I love [St Michael’s] it’s a place I like to go when the city gets to loud. It’s so peaceful, and let’s me reflect.” - Sharon Golotta


It is with sadness that we announce the passing of three longtime members of the St Michael’s congregation; Donald George McCurrach and Gail Bourke.

We offer our condolences and support to their families and friends at this time.

Books Available on Sundays.

Even though our bookstore closed last year you can still purchase Dr Macnab’s books on Sundays at the enquiry table. A selection of books are available in the Hall after Sunday Service each week.

You can also purchase Dr Macnab’s books from the office Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and online at

Have you visited the gardens lately?

Take some time to experience our gardens next time you visit St Michael’s. Take a journey into the Mingary Garden, along the stepping-stone path. Once enclosed within the quiet space, sit and reflect in front of the stone fountain.

A space like the Mingary Gardens a person can retreat from the noise of the world and reflect.


120 Collins St Melbourne 3000 (03) 9654 5120 [email protected]

The Big Tent Project Update.The Big Tent Project is expanding to rural Victoria.

The training program headed by Dr Francis Macnab which has supported Kindergarten Field Officers for over 20 years, will now be available in country Victoria.

We are excited to announce that with the support of St Michael’s, The Big Tent Project is now able to offer training and supervision to Kindergarten Field Officers in Mildura, Ballarat, Bendigo and South Gippsland.

This training program operates under the rationale: If we help build one child’s self-worth, we set that child on a new and better pathway into their future. By helping one traumatised child in a kindergarten, we help their 30 or so classmates; we help the staff; we help the parents. The project explores how we can prevent children from being troubled and potentially disturbed and violent adults.

We hear more and more about domestic violence and how it can damage children. The Big Tent Project is building a new way of caring for thousands of traumatised children in kindergartens across Melbourne, the state of Victoria.

If you would like to help support this important program by making a donation please fill out the form below or visit

The Big Tent Appeal To make a donation, please complete this form and post it to:

The Cairnmillar Institute

993 Burke Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

I would like to support The Big Tent Appeal with a gift of

$ ______________ or $1000 $500 $100 $50

I would like to support the 2008 Appeal with a gift of: $50 $100 $200 $500 other $

I would like to make my gift by: Cheque: Payable to the ‘Cairnmillar Institute’ Credit Card: Visa Mastercard

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Please notify us if you wish to be taken from our mailing list

Marie, Kylie and Jenny - members of Melbourne KFOG.

Mingary Counselling Service

Confidential, low-cost counsellingIf you are seeking relief from painful or stressful experiences, assistance with major life changes or help reducing anxiety, fear and uncertainty, call Mingary Counselling services to make an appointment today.

Or visit The Quiet Place (pictured above): a peaceful, nondenominational sanctuary for people of all religions and cultures. Open 8am to 5pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm Sundays; enter from the Russell Street side of St Michael’s.

St Michael’s Place, 120 Collins Street, | (03) 9654 5120