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Intro to Lean SalesOverview & Q&A Session01/08/17 - Ho Chi Minh City

1. Download: > Resources > Templates: Lean Sales2. Upload: access via googledoc3. Share: share access with founding team and mentors


Meeting Context:My background / Your sales situation & questions

Overview: Sales for Startups and Engineers (3+ hours in ~20 minutes)

Q&A:Real-time “deep dives” based on your actual sales situations

Decision: 10? / 1 thing

Next Steps...

Agenda - your sales situation and questions pre-submitted

1. How to build target for a sale team?2. How to keep your members motivated when they miss the sale target?3. How to keep sale manpower size not fluctuate, considering the fact that startups have low

budget on commissions and sales are harder to close for any salesperson?4. How to develop policies for parts sale and retain them?5. How to build a good incentive program?6. I am interested in how technology could help sales, release them from admin's task to

focus on their job. How to evaluate tools benefit, what do you think about using AI Bot?7. How can I massively push sales on F&B?8. What do you need from the sales manager?9. How to start selling?

10. How to know that guys is the suitable salesperson for hi-tech start up?

WHAT do you mean by?... WHY?...FOR EXAMPLE?...WHAT ELSE?...

Conceptual Business Model(Customer Development)

Repeatable Sales Model

There will be suffering ...

Founder Sales

(a special kind of

suffering)Till repeatable sales model is established ...

Sales Process Engineering: Levers to minimize waste

Reduce uncertainty around who are your early adopters & customers.

Reduce time to no’s.

Reduce number of and duration of steps to yes.

Reduce context switching costs for each yes.

Continuously improve daily process, habits and focus.

Repeatable Sales Process Concepts

Sales is a search mindset. Why buy Anything/Us/Now?

Get info don’t give it. MVPitch.

10 Steps. Focus on Next Steps.

Prioritized pipeline follow-up. Biggest sin in sales?

Meeting Agenda: You open them, they close themselves.Always be opening meetings and prospects.

Be more closed minded.Pilot closes.

Disclaimer: Will not probably work for all markets or products.

You and your startup is probably the exception.

Agenda - Real Time “deep dives” & Thermometer Close

Meeting ContextOverview

Q&A: Real-time “deep dives” based on your actual sales situations● Deal Walkthrough (3Q’s, 10 steps, Next Steps, Pipeline Rank, Pilot)● Meeting Walkthrough (Agenda, Next Steps, Closed Mind, Opening)● Thermometer Close (Any guess?)

Decision: 10? / 1 thing

Next Steps...

Agenda - Decision & Next Steps

Meeting ContextOverviewQ&A:Decision: 10? / 1 thing

Next Steps...

Lean SalesOverview & Q&A 01/08/17 - Ho Chi Minh City

1. Download: > Resources > Templates: Lean Sales2. Upload: access via googledoc3. Share: share access with founding team and mentors

Worksheet: Pipeline Review (Prioritizes Time / Next Steps)

Acct Step % Revenue Expected Revenue(sort by)

Date Next Steps Summary / 3W’s

ACM Pilot 4 40% $50,000 $20,000 March 25th

Decision maker wants to talk to reference at Fortune 100.

Discuss final draft of pilot proposal.

Decrease cost or fire; We’re the only one’s with FDA approved app and case study for Fortune 100 client; Deal needs to be done by next board meeting on March 25th or CEO loses large bonus.

ACM Enterprise

Formulas for Expected Revenue:% conf x’s value of deal = Expected Revenue

Worksheet: Info drives 10 Step Sales Process

Step % Litmus Test

Lead 10% Paying attention to us.

Value Prop - 3W’s 20% We have answers for 3W’s. (SO GET INFO!!!!)

Champion 30% Returns calls. Gives info. Make intro’s. Agree 3W.

Executive Sponsor 40% Their budget. Agree 3W’s.

Pilot 50% Signed Pilot agreement with PO attached for full rollout.

Gave Pricing 60% Sent pricing.

Negotiation 70% You are negotiating.

Agreed Pricing 80% Pricing is finalized.

Signed PO / Agreement 90% Signed agreement and PO.

Case Study / Referenceable 100% They’re happily taking calls and approved case study with quote.

Lean Sales Canvas by Walter Roth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Why buy AnythingWhy not do nothing?

Questions to dig for pain

What are 3 items for our MV<P>itch?

Why buy from Us?Why not from a competitor?

Who are our competitors?

What can only we do?

Questions to uncover these things:

Case Studies

Why buy now?Why not wait?

What are external/internal events we can link the buy to?

What are some questions we can ask to uncover events?

What are the ideal possible next steps?

Techniques used to uncover more Next Steps that may compress timeline or at least add more clarity for forecasting?

Outline of “Signed” Pilot Agreement1. Their Suffering, Budget, Path2. Your recommended solution3. Value of solution4. Scope & mutual success metric5. Team deliverables timeline6. Next steps after success

(i.e., a PO for full solution)

Download: > Resources > Templates: Lean Sales

Be more close minded: People buy emotionally.

People buy emotionally.Prospects lie. They don’t trust you.Don’t fall for their tricks.

E.g., It’s work for a lot of people, but I’m not sure if it will for you… mind if I ask you a few questions first?

How long you’ve been suffering? 10 Years? So it must not be that big of a problem ...

Agenda - Decision & Next Steps

Meeting ContextOverviewQ&A:Decision: 10? / 1 thing

Next Steps...

Lean Sales TrainingNext Steps: Feedback and the value of mentoring...01/08/17 - Ho Chi Minh City

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