Page 1: Introduzione alla progettazione europea 2/4/2014 Ruth Davis

CReMPE Coordinamento Regionale per il Management e la

Progettazione Europea

Introduzione alla progettazione europea

2/4/2014Ruth Davis

Page 2: Introduzione alla progettazione europea 2/4/2014 Ruth Davis
Page 3: Introduzione alla progettazione europea 2/4/2014 Ruth Davis

Overview• Who? EC DG• How?

– Via national and regional authorities of the member states (e.g Structural funds)

– Directly (contribute to the implementation of an EU programme or policy e.g research, education, health, consumer protection, protection of the environment, humanitarian aid)

• With what?– Multi-annual financial frameworks (2014 – 2020) poltitical priorities for

the next 7 years

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Multi-annual framework programmes 2014 -2020

Smart and Inclusive GrowthCompetitiveness for Growth and Jobs Economic Social and Territorial CohesionConnecting Europe Facility Cohesion fundCopernicus Less developed regionsCompetitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) More developed regionsCustoms, Taxation and Fight against Fraud Outermost and sparsely populated regionsEmployment and Social innovation Programme Territorial cooperationErasmus+ Transition regionsGalileo Horizon 2020 ITER Nuclear Decommissioning Assistance Programmes

Global Europe Security and CitizenshipCommon Foreign and Security Policy Asylum and Migration FundDevelopment Cooperation Instrument Civil Protection MechanismEU Aid Volunteers Consumer ProgrammeEU Civil Protection and European Emergency Response Coordination Centre Creative EuropeEuropean Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights Europe for CitizensEuropean neighbourhood Instrument Food and feedGuarantee fund for External actions Health for GrowthHumanitarian aid Internal Security FundInstrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) IT systemsInstrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) Justice ProgrammeInstrument for Stability (IfS) Rights, Equality and CitizenshipMacro-financial assistance

Sustainable Growth Natural Resources Common Agricultural Policy (pillar I) European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Life programme Rural Development (CAP pillar II)

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Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014 – 2020

Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 and EU budget 2014 – DG Budget2013 - ISBN: 978-92-79-34348-3

€ 960 billion

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Multi-annual Framework Programme 2014 - 2020

Call for Proposal(s) (Bando)

GA ContractGA Contract...etc.........

Call for Proposal(s) (Bando)

Call for Proposal(s) (Bando)


GA ContractGA Contract.......etc.....

GA ContractGA Contract.....etc.......


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ExamplesProgramme Horizon2020 Health for Growth

Directorate General (DG) Research and Innovation Health and Consumers

Funding 80.000 million 449 million

Workplan Published 11 December 2013For the period 2014/2015

End MarchFor 2014

Call for Proposals Multiple deadlines (1° call expired 12 March)

1 deadline per year

Evaluation 1 step/2 step 1 step

Negotiation Structured Unstructured

Contract signature

Implementation Up to 5 yrs Up to 3 yrs

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Timing: Example – The History of Euregenas

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Common Ingredients


Excellence and


EU added valueCost-effective



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Previous Projects

Other Funding


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Page 12: Introduzione alla progettazione europea 2/4/2014 Ruth Davis

Profili – Project Manager

Knowledge Strumenti di gestione (diagramma di Gantt, Logframe, ecc)

Technical and Administrative Credibility

Conoscenza e/o esperienza di progetti comunitari. Padronanza della lingua inglese

Sensitivity Gestione dei conflitti interni al team e alla struttura

Leadership Behaviours Leadership all’interno del team e riconosciuta dalla struttura (sponsor)

Ability to Engage the Management Culture’s Support

Capacità di coinvolgere la struttura nella buona riuscita del progetto

Integrative Problem Solving Capacità di gestire lo stress e di trovare soluzioniCooke, H. S., Tate K. - Project Management, 2011

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Profili – Scientific Co-ordinator

Knowledge Competenze specifiche sulla materia del progetto

Technical Credibility Profilo scientifico riconosciuto almeno a livello nazionale in materia (pubblicazioni, ecc). Padronanza della lingua inglese

Ability to Engage the Management Culture’s Support

Capacità di coinvolgere la struttura nella buona riuscita del progetto

Integrative Problem Solving Capacità di gestire lo stress e di trovare soluzioni

Activity Planning Capacità di pianificare le attività e monitorarne l’andamento

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Profili – Financial Manager

Knowledge Competenze specifiche in materia finanziaria

Administrative Credibility Conoscenze di gestione finanziaria europea e nazionale. Conoscenze di base della lingua inglese

Ability to Engage the Management Culture’s Support

Capacità di dialogare con la struttura per la buona riuscita del progetto

Integrative Problem Solving Capacità di gestire lo stress e di trovare soluzioni

Bussiness Planning Capacità di pianificare le spese in funzione delle attività e monitorarne l’andamento

Page 15: Introduzione alla progettazione europea 2/4/2014 Ruth Davis

Reccomended Reading

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (2008) – PMBOK Guide – Project Management Institute

Project Management in Public Health in Europe (2011) – EAHC/DG Sanco

Project Cycle Management Guidelines (2004) – EuropeAid/DG Development

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