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Page 1: Investigation Stage

Unit 1 Question:

To What Extent Does our Health Depend on Technology?

Area of Interaction (AOI):

Health and Social Education

Significant Concept:

Our health is only as good as our health service

Page 2: Investigation Stage

Investigate Stage


I need to create a video or an animation to educate a certain group on the health benefits of a

certain technology. My aim is to inform people so that they know about the health benefits of

this technology. I will have to choose one type of technology which benefits the health and

then present it to a group of people. The video or animation will have to be informative, so

people can learn about this technology and interesting so people will want to learn about it. I

have already chosen what technology I will research: the pacemaker. I have chosen this

technology because I am very interested in this topic and how it works inside the human body.

Also I am very interested in biology so this links in very well with it.

What technologies I could research:


Electronic cigarette

Dialysis machine

Electronic toothbrush

How the problem relates to me

This problem relates to me because my grandfather needs to have an operation to insert a

pacemaker cell so this affects me because his health has an effect on the well being of my


How the problem relates to the society

This problem relates to the society because in this way older people can live longer without

having heart problems. This is a benefit to my society but also something negative because it

can sometimes happen that the pacemaker can have a malfunction, leading to abnormal

heartbeats. In my research I will find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of the

pacemaker and decide if it is positive or negative for my society.

How the problem links to the Area of Interaction

This problem links to the Area of Interaction because it is Health and Social and the technology I

am going to research benefits the health of old people to extend and improve their lives. By

creating a video I will inform people about this particular kind of technology which could

improve their lives.

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Questions I will need to answer

-Knowledge (information about the technology)

1. What is a pacemaker and how does it work?

2. What are the advantages and the disadvantages?

3. How is it helpful to society?

-Presentation (making the product effective)

1. How can I make the video interesting to different age groups? (survey)

2. What are people interested in?

-Practical skills (using the software to make your product)

1. What software do I need to use?

2. What skills do I need to work with this software?

The sources I will use will be: websites, books, videos, television programmes, newspaper

articles, magazine articles and interview an expert. I will need to use at least four in order to

have enough information and so that it is reliable.

To evaluate my sources I will ask myself these questions:

Are they unbiased?

Are they valid?

How reliable are they?

How do I know this?

Were they too detailed?

Did they not give enough detail?

Were they just right?


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Design Brief

The way that I will attempt to address the Problem stated is to create a video in order to inform people

about a certain technology. The first thing I will do is my research about the pacemaker cell so I will

know what will go in the video. Then I will start researching how the program I will use to create the

video works. After collecting all this information I will start creating the video. I will have to plan my time

carefully because I don’t want to stay behind and I will respect all the deadlines and the fixed dates.

Before starting to create the video I will make a plan of all the different parts in the video and how they

will combine. Also I will need to think about the music in the video, the information and how long it will


I am going to create my video when I finish doing my research and when I will know how the program

works I will create the video in school because the software that we will use is on the school computers.

I will make a plan of the time it will take me to make the video so I don’t have to do it at home. To test if

people like my video I will make a questionnaire and ask people what they think about it. Because my

target audience is an old age group I will ask my grandparents and also maybe my parents because when

they get older they could be interested in this kind of technology. I will ask them if they think it is clear

and it has informed them about this technology.

In class we saw some videos that some students a few years ago made so we can understand what we

are aiming to do. The videos all had some music and they had alternated parts of writing and acted or

animated parts. Some videos had also parts where students acted out a small role play informing about

the technology they had chosen.

GOAL: I will educate my target audience which is an older age group on the health benefits of the

pacemaker cell.

TARGET AUDIENCE: my target audience is going to be an old age group. From about 65 to 80 years old.

They are the interested age group because the technology I will research is studied for older people as it

helps to regulate the heart beat and it prevents strokes.

MAJOR CONSTRAINTS: one of the major constraints will be time, because we don’t have much class time

and I will have to do a lot at home, considering also my other homework I will have to be careful not to

forget things. Another constraint will be the software that we will use, because it is quite an old program

and I will have access to it only in the computer lab. Also I have never used this software before and I

will learn how to use it and all the function it has. I am not very good with these kinds of softwares so it

will be quite difficult for me. I could ask the ICT teacher Mr Mariani for help as he is an expert in this


CRITERION: my aim is to make an entertaining video that will also inform people about my chosen

technology. People should not be bored when they look at my video but they should be interested in

learning more about it and find it helpful.

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Design Specification

Design specifications are a set of features that must be clear recognizable in the product. I will evaluate

my product against these specifications.

- Limits: define the range of performance

- Demands: requirements or features which must be met

- Wishes: requirements which should be met

Function: What it needs to achieve and do.

Appearance: How it should look (e.g. for a powerpoint mention slide transitions, for a movie

mention video effects, lighting, etc.).

Content: The information included it. Also, the type of content – e.g. information on a

technology presented in the format of a story.

Materials: What it will be made from (if you are making something physical, it would be wood,

metal, etc. but if you are designing something on computer it will be things such as sound

effects, video clips, images, etc (which you found during your investigation).

Size: The dimensions or length – (for example a movie would have a run time and an aspect

ratio, an animation would have both a run time and pixel dimensions).


Function Appearance Content Materials Size

Must not talk about more than one technology

Must not look childish

It must have at least 10 facts about the tech.

Images about tech. information, video clips.

Must not be longer than three minutes.

It must not be aimed at a random age group, it has to be specific

The music must not interfere with the video.

Must not be made in a poor quality


Function Appearance Content Materials Size

Must only talk about one technology

Must be no longer than three minutes

Must have 10 facts

There must be music

Has to be high quality

It needs to be aimed at a specific age group

It has to be a video or animation

Has to contain images

It has to be created in a video format

The video has to be three minutes or shorter

It has to be professional

Has to be interesting and captivating

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Function Appearance Content Materials Size

It should be aimed at the specific age group

Should look professional

It should have intersting images

There should be music, fitting the topic

It should be high quality

It should teach something and inform people

Has to contain at least 10 facts

It should be a video format or animation

It should be around three minutes long

Should not bore people

Test Plan

Test name Actual Outcome Comments/improvements?

Does the video talk only about

one technology?

Is it aimed at only one specific

age group?

Is it informative?

Is it interesting and captivating?

Does it look professional?

Is it longer or shorter than three


Is it a video or an animation?

Does it have at least 10

interesting facts about the tech?

Does it contain interesting

images and video clips?

Does it contain interesting


Does the music interfere with

the video?

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Does the music fit the topic


Is it created using a video


Is it high quality?

This table contains all the design specifications i have written previously so it is very complete and

contains many specification angainst which i will test my product. When i will create my final prdouct I

will use this test plan table to see what other people think about the video i will create. Another way in

which i could test if people like my video is by doing a survey. It could contain questions like: do you

think the video is interesting? Do you think it is informative? Did you enjoy watching it? This will give me

a wider range iof opinions so I can improve the video in many areas.


Question Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5

Did you like my video?

Do you think it was interesting?

Did you enjoy watching it?

Did you learn something about the


Did you like the music used in the video?

Does it look professional?

Are the images and video clips interesting?


This questionnaire will be useful to assess my final product because this way I can see what people think

about it and in what ways I can improve it.

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Evaluating my performance

During the Investigate stage I have worked really hard and tried to produce my best work. I wrote

everything in detail and followed every step by looking at the grade 11 unit 1 blog Mr Mariani made. I

was also very organised during this stage because I worked a lot in class so I didn’t have to do it at home.

I am also ahead of the rest of the class because I worked quickly without distractions. I am very pleased

with the work I have done in this stage because it is detailed and well written. The part that I found most

difficult in this stage was writing the specifications because there are three different sections: the

demands, the wishes and the limits and it was difficult to think of that many and put them in categories.

Page 9: Investigation Stage


What Are Pacemaker Cells?

Pacemaker cells are specialized cells that cause involuntary muscles and tissues to contract or dilate.

They are found in all involuntary muscle groups, which can be striated or smooth tissues. Striated

involuntary muscles are found in the heart, smooth involuntary tissue can be found in the brain, blood

vessels, and the digestive system.

Pacemaker cells have a specialized cell membrane that allows sodium and potassium to cross and trigger

their electrical impulses. Once the first cell generates an electrical impulse, it triggers a chain reaction in

the other pacemaker cells.

The heart’s pacemaker cells are usually found in the right atrium in an area called the sinoatrial node.

The electrical impulses generated by these cells cause the cardiac muscles to contract. They also control

the rate of each contraction. Pacemaker cells generate an electrical impulse approximately 70 times per

minute when the heart is at rest and up to 160 times each minute during exercise.

All of the heart’s cells are capable of acting as a pacemaker cell. The cells located in the sinoatrial node,

however, are considered primary because they are faster than the other cells. They are responsible for

starting the chain reaction most of the time. The other cells are then secondary and will fire in the event

that the pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node fail to start the chain reaction. When both primary and

secondary pacemaker cells fail to keep the heartbeat regular, an artificial pacemaker might be


Evaluating this source:

This source was very useful because it explains exactly what a pace maker cell is and its function. I think

that this source is quite reliable because it was published by two researchers, Nobel laureate Eric

Kandel, M.D., and Steven A. Siegelbaum, Ph.D., at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. So this proves

that it is a very reliable source and that the information contained in this article is reliable. This source is

also unbiased because it is a medical article so there is no opinion on a medical aspect. This article was

not too detailed because it was the correct amount of information and there was not too much detail

about the heart. It is just what I needed because it is also easy to understand for me.

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The Body's Electrical System

Have you ever wondered what makes your heart beat? How does it do it automatically, every second of

every minute of every hour of every day?

The answer lies in a special group of cells that have the ability to generate electrical activity on their

own. These cells separate charged particles. Then they spontaneously leak certain charged particles into

the cells. This produces electrical impulses in the pacemaker cells which spread over the heart, causing it

to contract. These cells do this more than once per second to produce a normal heart beat of 72 beats

per minute.

The natural pacemaker of the heart is called the sinoatrial node (SA node). It is located in the right

atrium. The heart also contains specialized fibers that conduct the electrical impulse from the

pacemaker (SA node) to the rest of the heart.

The electrical impulse leaves the SA node (1) and travels to the right and left atria, causing them to

contract together. This takes .04 seconds. There is now a natural delay to allow the atria to contract and

the ventricles to fill up with blood. The electrical impulse has now traveled to the atrioventricular node

(AV node) (2). The electrical impulse now goes to the Bundle of His (3), then it divides into the right and

left bundle branches (4) where it rapidly spreads using Purkinje fibers (5) to the muscles of the right and

left ventricle, causing them to contract at the same time.

Any of the electrical tissue in the heart has the ability to be a pacemaker. However, the SA node

generates an electric impulse faster than the other tissue so it is normally in control. If the SA node

should fail, the other parts of the electrical system can take over, although usually at a slower rate.

Although the pacemaker cells create the electrical impulse that causes the heart to beat,

other nerves can change the rate at which the pacemaker cells fire and the how strongly the heart

contracts. These nerves are part of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system has

two parts - The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic

nerves increase the heart rate and increase the force of contraction. The parasympathetic nerves do the


All this activity produces electrical waves we can measure. The

measurement is typically represented as a graph called an

electrocardiogram (EKG). Here is an example of three heartbeats

from an EKG (Figure 5):

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Figure 5

Each part of the tracing has a lettered name:

1. P wave - coincides with the spread of

electrical activity over the atria and the

beginning of its contraction.

2. QRS complex- coincides with the spread of

electrical activity over the ventricles and the

beginning of its contraction.

3. T wave - coincides with the recovery phase

of the ventricles.

Electrical system abnormalities can range from minor premature beats (skipped beats) that do not

require treatment, to slow or irregular beats that require an artificial pacemaker.

Evaluating this source:

This source was not very useful because it was too detailed and it contained too many scientific

explanations. If I had to do a biology research this would be perfect because it explains in lots of detail,

however it is not appropriate for my type of project because I have to put this information in a video

and if it is too complicated people will get bored and they won’t be interested in the rest of the video.

Even though it is not useful I checked this with the last piece of information that I got so I checked that it

was reliable and they both say the same things, only in this one there is much more detail. I got this

information from a very reliable science website so I am sure that it says correct things. However I won’t

be using this in my video.

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Pacemaker e vita quotidiana: ecco i comportamenti da evitare Oltre 60mila dispositivi vengono impiantati ogni anno per regolare il battito cardiaco e permettere una

vita normale. Ma alcune attività sono off limits: ecco una guida sui rischi nella vita di tutti i giorni

Per 60 mila italiani ogni anno è un piccolo apparecchio salvavita, oltre mezzo milione di persone se lo

sono già fatto impiantare nel nostro Paese (2 milioni in Europa). Parliamo del pacemaker cardiaco, un

minuscolo congegno - grande come una scatola di fiammiferi - che, inserito chirurgicamente sotto la

pelle del torace, è in grado di correggere nel caso che i farmaci non risultino efficaci i disturbi del ritmo

del cuore, intervenendo quando percepisce che sta battendo troppo in fretta, troppo adagio oppure è

un ritmo disordinato.

Una volta impiantato, il pacemaker diventa una parte dell'organismo con cui dover convivere

rispettandone però le caratteristiche. Abbiamo chiesto al professor Massimo Santini, direttore dell'Unità

Operativa di Cardiologia all' ospedale romano San Filippo Neri, quali sono gli accorgimenti per convivere

con il pacemaker: consigli semplici ma degni della massima attenzione, perché possono esistere

interferenze con strumenti della vita giornaliera.

Personal computer. Se vengono rispettate le normative base di sicurezza ed il pc è in buone condizioni,

è possibile lavorare al computer senza alcuna preoccupazione.

Elettrodomestici. Non ci sono controindicazioni. Evitare, però, di piegarsi sopra il forno a microonde in

funzione, controllando sul libretto, le indicazioni del produttore.

Telefono cellulare. Distanza minima d'uso, 15 - 20 centimetri dal dispositivo. Meglio, inoltre, conversare

accostandolo all' orecchio opposto a quello del corpo dove si trova il dispositivo ed evitare di tenerlo nel

taschino della giacca quando non lo si usi. Ideale è ricorrere all' auricolare e fare attenzione, all'

acquisto, al livello di dispersione elettrica indicata dal produttore.

Lettore mp3. Solo se si trovano a 3 centimetri dal dispositivo, auricolari e lettori digitali interferiscono

con il funzionamento di defibrillatori e pacemaker. È bene quindi seguire le stesse regole valide per il


Altoparlanti. Fare attenzione ad altoparlanti, forti magneti, generatori di corrente, saldatrici industriali

ad arco e motori, utensili a batteria come i cacciavite ed i trapani, linee di potenza ad alta tensione, forni

fusori, stazioni radar, antenne di trasmettitori. Non avvicinarsi a meno di cento metri per i trasmettitori

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radio/tv e radar ad alta potenza, capaci di recare danni circuitali. Non chinarsi poi su motori elettrici in

funzione, come l' alternatore dell' automobile, che contengono spesso magneti.

In viaggio. Sono circa 6 milioni gli italiani che partiranno in vacanza per Pasqua. Per chi abbia un

pacemaker è possibile prendere l'aereo. In aeroporto, però, è utile portare con sè la tessera d'

identificazione del dispositivo perché sia quest'ultimo sia il defibrillatore attivano il metal detector.

Discorso analogo per i controlli di sicurezza nelle banche. Un portatore di pacemaker può viaggiare con

treno, aereo, automobile. E' bene informarsi, andando all'estero, dove siano ubicati i centri ospedalieri


In ospedale. Non ci deve sottoporre a risonanza magnetica, PET, elettro cauterizzazione e radioterapia

che possono causare danni permanenti al pacemaker tradizionale. Controindicate sono anche TENS

(terapia antalgica) e litotripsia per la cura dei calcoli renali e biliari. No anche all'ablazione,

defibrillazione e cardioversione esterna, cardioversione interna, terapia ad alta frequenza (diatermia),

elettro agopuntura, magnetoterapia. Non sussistono invece controindicazioni per i raggi x, così come per

l'uso di trapani dentistici ed apparecchiature per la pulizia dentale e l'uso d'ultrasuoni.

Un nuovo apparecchio. Grazie a un nuovo dispositivo ideato da Medtronic e presentato in un convegno

a Milano, i soggetti portatori di pacemaker di nuova generazione potranno sottoporsi a risonanza

nucleare magnetica. Il nuovo apparecchio risulta infatti insensibile ai campi magnetici, grazie alle

modifiche strutturali dei cateteri e dei circuiti del generatore apportate. Ogni anno vengono eseguite in

Italia 800 mila risonanze magnetiche, ogni 5 minuti in Europa viene negato questo esame ad un

paziente con pacemaker (300 mila nel nostro Paese). Fra i pazienti con pacemaker, il 17% deve fare una

risonanza magnetica per motivi di salute entro un anno dall' impianto e il 75% nel corso della vita.

Cos'è il pacemaker. Fu inventato, nel 1957, da Earl Bakken negli Stati Uniti. Emette impulsi elettrici

necessari per regolare la frequenza cardiaca. E' dotato d'un generatore d'impulsi e uno o due elettro

cateteri, che portano gli stimoli al cuore. Oggi i dispositivi sono automatici: analizzano le condizioni del

paziente e riducono al minimo gli stimoli artificiali. I sistemi, inoltre, raccolgono nel tempo i dati

sull'andamento della frequenza cardiaca e sono in grado di trasmetterli con la telemedicina da casa al

centro medico ospedaliero, rendendo così più semplice e precisa la gestione della cura del paziente.

mportamenti_da_evitare-5586025/ 07 aprile 2009

Evaluating this source:

this sources was very useful even though it was in Italian, but it is not problem because I can translate it

when I need the information to put on the video. The article is about what you should avoid if you have

a pace maker machine installed in your body. For example it is advised to speak on the phone only using

headphones. The source is reliable because it come from an Italian newspaper so I am sure about using

this information for my project. There wasn’t too much detail and it was very clear.

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Evaluating this source:

This article was quite difficult to understand because it is full of scientific terms and I could not

understand a few of them. This meant that I had to search for them and it took me quite a lot of time.

However this source is very reliable because it comes from a famous scientific magazine so I am sure

that the information I took from this is correct. There was more information than I needed but it was

quite useful.

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Cardiology - Heart Physiology II (Muscle contraction and Pacemaker activity)

Evaluating this source:

This video was very useful because it explained how the pacemaker cell works with diagrams so it was

very easy to understand. The source is reliable because a professor teaching in college made these

videos to inform students about this particular subject. There was a lot of information in the video, in

fact I am not going to use all of it because it goes quite in depth but it has been very useful and clear to


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Interviewing a specialist

-Specialist: Doctor Andrea Piccinini


Do phones interfere with pacemakers? The answer to this question depends on the type of phone

being used. Today's pacemakers are engineered to avoid interference from cellular phones.

However, in some cases, digital cellular phones may interfere with the devices.

Do pacemakers need to be adjusted periodically? Some devices may need to be adjusted if a

person's medical condition or lifestyle changes. And of course patients with a pacemaker need to

have regular appointments with the doctor that installed the technology to check if everything is

proceeding correctly.

When replacing a pacemaker are the leads also replaced? (Leads are the wires that carry the

electrical charges to areas of the heart.) If the original leads are functioning properly, in most cases,

they can be left in place and reattached to the new device.

When do pacemakers need to be replaced? Most devices will last several years, after which

the battery or pulse generator will need to be replaced. Replacing a pacemaker generator may be

done on an outpatient basis or may include an overnight stay in the hospital.

Can you travel with a pacemaker? Yes, you can travel with the device and drive a car if cleared by

your doctor. You should be sure to always have your identification card with you wherever you go.

Can you exercise with a pacemaker? Upon consulting your physician, you may be able to do

moderate exercise with your pacemaker, including housework and yard work.

Can a patient feel the pacemaker? At first, you may feel the weight of the device in your chest.

However, over time, most people become used to it. The pacemaker generator is very small, about

the size of two coins stacked on top of each other, and weighs about an ounce or less, depending on

the make and model of the device.

Evaluating this source:

Interviewing a specialist is the best source because you can ask them anything that is not clear and they

can explain it precisely. I have decided to interview the specialist last because in this way I could ask him

the things that I did not find on the internet, in books and in magazines. I have the perfect amount of

information because I asked him exactly what was not clear and all the remaining doubts I had.

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La Repubblica – Cardiologia. Pacemaker e vita quotidiana: ecco i comportamenti da evitare


The Scientist. Exploring life, inspiring innovation. New Biological Pacemaker


Cardiology Heart Philosophy II


Specialist: Doctor Andrea Piccinini
