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7/31/2019 Is Tupac Really Dead 1/2


Is Tupac Really Dead?"They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor" That was just one of Tupacs very

inspiring quotes, Tupacs music's inspired many people all over the world and even though he's

dead his music is still more popular than most rappers/singers today. My question for you is

what happened to the music today? All these singers and rappers all rap about sex, drugs, and

money, while Tupac rapped about living and helping the world become a better place. The

funny thing is when Tupac did a hologram performance he did a better performance in 5

minutes than most people do in 5 hours. He was the only rapper to ever try to make the world

a better place from the day he was born, to his violent death. He will go down in history as the

single greatest rapper of all time.

Music is Music has changed a lot over the years, it went from people putting all there

soul and working their butts off to get into the music business just to make a living. Now days

artist take it as a joke to be a musician, they get other people to write their music and sing

whatever their record deal wants them to sing even if it's against all their beliefs. Artist like

Drake, Justin Bieber, and Chris Brown all started the same way as Tupac but all sold out, started

doing music that makes you just want to turn your radio off and take your head phones out. It

can be hard to let go. But Life Goes On, Tupac once rapped to his fans. He'd want you to accept

his fate, keep ya head up and be real to your women. Music will never be the same as it was

before because all the people that had "talent" what is rare to find now a days were murdered

or died a very sad death, and with their death died music. September 13th 1996 marks the

saddest day in music history (Tupacs death day).

What’s with these new artist rapping about just having sex, getting high, and wasting

their time and telling everyone that’s the type of life you want. What the hell type of life is

that? They’re now teaching you that’s the type of life you want to live or be involved in, instead

of actually teaching you important life lessons or helping you get somewhere in life. What is

music? “An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through

the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color”. Music used to be the most beautiful

type of art used but over the years it got stripped down into a game to see who can make the

most amount of money and get the most girls. “When I write rhymes I go blind & let the Lord

do his thing..” – Tupac. When he wrote songs it spoke with the soul, it went straight to the

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heart, and it was like magic every word he spoke helped a mother get through her day, a young

girl to not worry about how guys hit on her and disrespect her, help a son know he is loved.

Tupacs hologram performance will go down in history as one of the best performancesever made and will be remembered worldwide for sure. From the second Tupac appeared on

the stage it got the whole crowed, the audience from all over the world watching pumped and

out of their seats jumping dancing and cheering, having a good time with their friends listening

to real music. He taught the world to never disrespect your mother, to be grateful for every

little thing you might get in your life, for every smile you give someone make sure you give

yourself a 100 more smiles because you made someone’s life better. 

In conclusion yes Tupac is dead but he will forever be in our hearts and in the history as

the single greatest rapper of all time.