Page 1: Is Your Testosterone Origins & Evolution Of Insights Into Side ......There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing

The Legend Of Bad Cholesterol

Insights Into Side Effects For Treatment Choice

Origins & Evolution Of The Western Diet

Is Your Testosterone Too Low?

Page 2: Is Your Testosterone Origins & Evolution Of Insights Into Side ......There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’2

Page 3: Is Your Testosterone Origins & Evolution Of Insights Into Side ......There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’3

What is Testosterone? Testosterone is a male sex hormone, chemically known as 17-beta-hydroxy-4-androstene-3-one. It is the strongest of the androgens naturally present in a human body and is basically produced by the testicles. Testosterone is responsible for the development of a man’s deep voice, beard, and other sexual characteristics, which may include but not limited to the sperm cell production, libido, strengthening of bone mass and muscle tone. Higher testosterone levels are believed to lower the possibilities of heart attack and high blood pressure. It may also be used to help treat some medical conditions such as male hypogonadism, female breast cancer and menorrhagia (prolonged heavy or excessive menstrual bleeding), among others. Testosterone also influences red blood cell production, bone density and fat distribution patterns in men. How It Works Testosterone production begins around the seventh week of conception to help form the male genitals. Production increases with puberty to develop certain male characteristics such as a deeper voice, body hair, and increased muscle mass and strength. As

the testosterone levels increase, the testes and penis become bigger, thus, affecting a man’s sex drive. Testosterone production peaks in their late teenage years or in some cases, in their early 20s before it levels off until the age 30. After that, the testosterone level normally drops by about 1% every year. The constant production of testosterone from the testicles provides a new supply of sperm cells every day. It is controlled by different systems in the body which are sent through the hormones, released in the bloodstream, travels to the brain and relay messages to the pituitary gland, which then tells the testicles on how much testosterone is needed. Testosterone affects certain behaviors, such as dominance and aggression. It triggers a man’s competitiveness and can boost their self-esteem. Testosterone levels rise or fall as it is affected by sexual activity. However, keep in mind that one’s persona are also affected by biological and environmental factors; and are not solely based on testosterone levels. Since testosterones are important in a man’s growth, it is important to know one’s own testosterone level. Most men have enough testosterone but there are times when the body produces less. And the only way to determine the testosterone level is through

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blood testing. The bloodstream acts as the conveyor to transport testosterone in different parts of the body, and as such, testosterones are present in the blood for measurement.

Low Testosterone According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, normal testosterone levels range between 300 – 1000 nanograms per deciliter. Beyond these values, a consultation with a doctor would be advisable, especially if it is not age related. As mentioned earlier, testosterone production surges during puberty to help develop a man’s physique — stronger muscles, increased bone density, body hair growth, deeper voice, penis growth and even sexual drive. Production reaches its peak but varies between the ages 20 to 30 and gradually declines thereafter. Age is just one of the factors affecting testosterone levels. Testosterone production is also affected by weight, exercise and fitness level, health and diet, as well as stress, alcohol intake, social environment, and other medical conditions. Low testosterone levels could result in lack of self-confidence, self-esteem, and motivation. Sometimes, a person may also feel less energetic than usual; have less sexual drive and even have sleeping problems.

Side Effects:Physical ChangesSince testosterone plays an important role in a man’s physique, the low levels of testosterone would greatly affect a man’s body. This includes weight gain, fatigue, loss of body hair, decreased muscle mass and strength. Sexual FunctionsDecrease in sexual drive or libido, decreased stamina, fewer erections, and lower sperm count, sometimes, even infertility.The lack of sexual drive, however, is sometimes associated with the decrease in testosterone but is not always the case.It may be due to other medical conditions such as erectile dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, and depression, among others. Emotional ChangesChanges in testosterone levels also affect one’s emotions and mental capacity. As sexual functions are affected, a man’s attitude can change. They may develop a lack of self-confidence and lack of self-esteem. Sometimes, it degrades their sense of well-being.They may feel incapable of performing well and thus, the possibility of affecting their relationships that may even lead to depression, anxiety, and irritability. Others would have difficulty in focusing on things, memory issues, and sleeping

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problems. Factors Affecting Testosterone Levels Age and genetics- generally, men over the age of 30 starts to have a decrease in testosterone production. Some are genetically inclined to produce low levels of testosterone.

Diet–too much carbohydrates and sugar contribute in the decrease of testosterone levels.Exercise– too much exercise or the lack of it lessens testosterone count.

Weight – unhealthy diet combined with obesity will definitely lower testosterone levels.

Alcohol Intake – alcohol prevents the secretion of testosterone and it goes without saying that too much intake is not good for your health mentally and physically. In fact excessive alcohol use is one of the biggest killers in the world, and can be crippling for developing societies.

Stress and not getting enough rest–7-8 hours of sleep is recommended. No matter how much you exercise or eat healthy, the body needs to rest properly and relax.

Medical conditions– some medical conditions can also affect testosterone levels. These includes but not limited to: Low levels of cholesterol – the testes changes cholesterol to help make testosterones.Injuries, infections or diseases affecting the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles – these three works together to produce testosterones.Vitamin and mineral deficiency – vitamins A, D, K2 and minerals like zinc and magnesium play important roles in the production of testosterone. There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing regular exercise. Taking vitamins A, D and K2 with mineral supplements, such as zinc and magnesium also helps to compensate on the gradual decrease of testosterone production.

Maintaining a well-balanced diet with less carbohydrates and less sugar would help you get the healthy lifestyle needed to maintain a healthy mind. I do also offer supplements that can improve one’s testosterone levels naturally.

My best selling Estro Clear and TestoBooster are great supplements that will surely improve your testosterone level without increasing the risks of having prostate diseases. To know more about these two powerful supplements, click here. In turn, I would like to remind you that a healthy

mind provides a more stable emotional state and sexual functions.

Page 7: Is Your Testosterone Origins & Evolution Of Insights Into Side ......There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’

When you were diagnosed with prostate disease – or other modern day illnesses, you may have thought to

yourself, Why me? Was there something I did to bring this on? It’s a totally legitimate question.

And according to researchers today, all of us are bringing illness upon ourselves by our Western Diet.

Loren Cordain, researcher from Colorado State University,

states in one of his research papers, “In the United States and most of the Western countries, diet-related chronic diseases

represent the single largest cause of morbidity and mortality. These diseases

are epidemic in contemporary Westernized populations and typically afflict 50 – 65% of the adult population, yet they are rare or nonexistent in hunter-gatherers and other less Westernized people.” Both the medical profession and laypeople try to look for only one cause of illness. We think, Oh, it’s from a virus… it’s because I was a smoker… I ate too much salt for too many years… Yet, it’s often a combination of factors that usher in the illness, which then becomes difficult to beat.

Dietary Boo-Boos are Unforgiving and Bring DiseaseCordain maintains that evidence from scientific studies over the past 36 years reveals that all “diseases of civilization” are due to several dietary causes working simultaneously. Some of them include the following dietary boo-boos:

1. High Glycemic Index Foods We eat foods with a high glycemic index. These are foods that contain sugar or GMO wheat, corn, soy or potatoes. Eating them


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then releases large amounts of insulin in the body that favor fat storage, a rise in cholesterol levels, and high blood sugar levels. How would this affect you and cause prostate disease? The high glycemic index is related to the creation of diabetes, which then is associated with other degenerative diseases. It could potentially accelerate the progression of prostate disease.

2. Foods with Altered Omega 3 and 6 Ratios We eat foods high in omega 6 fats instead of omega 3 fats. The omega 6 fats cause inflammation throughout the whole body. Constant inflammation in the body seeds many illnesses, including ones in the prostate.

3. Genetically Modified Foods Preferred Over God’s Choices Our foods are different from “original” foods put on earth by the Creator. They contain more fat or carbohydrates and less protein, and this causes dietary imbalances. Eating too many carbohydrates leads to the emergence of diabetes or metabolic syndrome. One clear example is that of wheat. Modern day wheat is 10-15% protein whereas ancient wheat species such as emmer wheat are 28% or more. Eating less protein means eating more fat in the diet and/or more carbohydrates. A high fat diet is associated with reproductive organ cancers. Our foods also contain significantly fewer vitamins and minerals. This affects food cravings and the feeling of satiety, which tells us to stop eating. With processing, levels of minerals in the food fall.

Zinc is one of the minerals affected by processing – and that’s unfortunate to those with prostate health issues. The prostate is one of the top organs that demands a lot of zinc to fulfill its functions. This is why you’ll often find zinc as one of the major ingredients in prostate health supplements. Other organs that command a high level of zinc include bone, eyes, testes, skin and kidneys.

4. Bad Choices in Foods Affect Our PH People often struggle with acid base balance in our body, due to foods eaten or not eaten.Minerals in the foods such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium play an important role in pH regulation. But if the foods aren’t containing these nutrients anymore in decent doses, you end up with pH balance issues. Running to buy the most available alkaline water machine or alkaline balance restorer supplement never fixes the original problem. When your body pH is too acidic, you invite in cancer of the prostate as well as other diseases. Allergies, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, and other disorders are the result of inflammation in the body.

5. Altered Sodium and Potassium Levels The foods we eat are out of balance with sodium and potassium. These two minerals have to be in balance. A 2:1 ratio of potassium to sodium is best to begin restoring the pH balance in the body. It also affects how the muscles, nerves and entire nervous system work. About 75% of the salt in our diet comes from the salt added to processed foods. Only 10% of the sodium in our diet is found naturally

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in the foods we eat that are not processed. The remaining amount is added during cooking or salting food once it’s cooked. High blood pressure commonly results when there is too much sodium intake and a deficiency of potassium.

6. We Eat Foods That Constipate Us The foods we eat are not high in fiber anymore. With all the genetic modification of foods, fiber content has been changed in favor of sugars and carbohydrates. Our fiber intake is often a lot less than the recommended 25 to 35 grams a day. Yet with simple changes of food choices, it can easily get back on track. When you don’t eat enough fiber, the waste matter created from food stays in the body for longer periods of time. This means that the intestines swell with waste matter. Since the prostate is located in proximity to the intestines, they inadvertently receive the ‘pollution’, too. How much of the swelling is related to additional waste products, especially from the colon, has not yet even crossed the minds of researchers. Years ago, I ran an herbal study of men who had been having impotency issues. Some of them also had benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. Yet when their colon was moving more regularly their symptoms of BPH resolved.

7. Other Issues Higher amounts of refined sugar, alcohol, refined vegetable oils, and processed dairy products are in our Western diet now. They were not there in the food supply before.

Every one of these is linked with degenerative diseases including prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, and neurological disorders.

If you eat a processed food diet, many of these changes in the food supply are beyond your choices. You will never be able to make a processed food diet healthy. Good doesn’t come from bad.

But you can start eating wholesome foods, close to their raw form or undoctrinated form and cook them. This way you keep all the nutrients in them and they actually nourish you. All types of health benefits are seen in the very first week when you do this – and then the benefits start piling up over time. You’ll be amazed at what type of health conditions you can reverse if you simply eat a diet that is a pre-Westernized diet.

Your prostate issues are not permanent if you make changes now. Change your diet. Change the way you look at supplements and nutrition and make wide-sweeping changes. You’ll never regret them. Source: Cordain, Loren, et al. Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 81:341–54.

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Recently, federal authorities in Brazil revealed an investigation into widespread corruption in the country’s meat packing industry involving payments to government officials to forego safety inspections and cover up health violations.

The scandal involved some of the country’s largest meat-packers—including the world’s largest red meat producer—that have allegedly been selling rotten meat and poultry for years. Acid and carcinogenic chemicals were reportedly used to make the meat look fresh, while cardboard, potato, and water was mixed in with poultry products to increase profits.

The investigation has already resulted in the suspension of thirty-three government officials and the indictment of sixty-three individuals.

The fact is that it is not difficult for manufacturers to doctor rotten beef to look like and smell like fresh meat. Your government does not protect you in any shape or form from buying and eating poor quality products. And rotten beef continues to be disguised and fed into supermarkets.

Consider the following:• The use of ractopamine has been banned or restricted in 160 countries because of safety

concerns, but US pork producers feed this drug to about 80% of American pigs to boost growth rates.

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• The European Union and Russia have banned the use of chlorine baths as an anti-microbial treatment for poultry, which is still commonly used in the US. American beef products are commonly treated with growth hormones to make the animals grow faster, which are also banned in Europe..

• Potassium bromate, a possible carcinogen, is used in American bread products to make bread whiter and fluffier. It is banned in the EU and other countries.

• Brominated vegetable oil is found in some sugary, citrus-flavored soft drinks. Drinking a lot of this stuff has been known to cause skin and nerve problems. It has been banned in the EU and Japan, but not in the US.

• Artificial dyes like yellow #6 and red #40 break down into carcinogenic compounds when eaten. Occupational exposure to these chemicals is thought to cause around 25% of bladder cancers. For these reasons these chemicals are banned in the EU but—you guessed it—not in the US.

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• American milk producers commonly add recombinant bovine growth hormone (rGBH) to dairy cows to increase milk production—a practice that has been banned in the EU, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. RGBH is a genetically engineered artificial hormone made by Monsanto. The individual most associated with rGBH has moved back and forth between high level jobs at the FDA and Monsanto over the years.

In the absence of adequate information about country of origin because of inadequate regulation, it is hard to avoid eating rotten meat unless you safeguard yourself by only eating organic grass fed meat products.

There are many good reasons to avoid eating meat that has been industrially produced since there is absolutely no control over what they do to that meet before you buy and eat it.

So safeguard yourself, eat less red meat, and when you do buy meat make sure it is organic and grass fed. And that in brief is my recommendation to you and your wellbeing.

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For a majority of men, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, a whole whirlwind of choices and considerations descends upon them. This can be overwhelming, to say the least. In private practice, many times I spend much of the first and even second appointments with such men just discussing considerations, pros, and cons with conventional and alternative treatments. And I can say from doing this hundreds of times, it is an information overload for the majority of individuals to process!

Thankfully, a new study published via the University of North Carolina, more succinctly sheds light on the pros and cons of treatment options (at least in the conventional world of prostate cancer), enabling men to see the field of options ‘handicapped’ more clearly.

In this article, I will review some of this study’s key findings and also thought processes I’d encourage gentlemen diagnosed with prostate cancer to consider as they navigate through the often confusing, daunting, and multifaceted world of prostate cancer treatment.

Knowledge is power but only if you know how to understand it, apply it and use it wisely!

Consideration OverloadWhile this study doesn’t consider any alternative prostate cancer treatments or even some of the most innovative ones such as HIFU (i.e. high focused ultrasound), it does review some of the more standard possibilities that may be presented to men at various stages of diagnoses including: active surveillance, radical prostatectomy, external beam radiation treatment, and brachytherapy (a treatment that involves inserting radioactive seeds into the prostate). “Patients diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer -- and that’s the vast majority of patients with this disease -- face many treatment options that are thought to be similarly efficacious,” said Ronald C. Chen,

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MD, MPH, UNC Lineberger member and associate professor in the UNC School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology. “Therefore, the quality-of-life differences among these options become an important consideration when patients are trying to make their decisions.”

I couldn’t agree more. Quality of life outcomes are paramount when considering all kinds of treatments, especially those that may have the potential to permanently negatively alter urinary, sexual, and reproductive functions. However, I have found that in nearly a decade of practice seldom is such discussion had for men that are diagnosed with prostate cancer before they actually receive treatment. This often leads to disappointment with outcomes due to possibly prevented side effects and moreover a sense of regret of wishing they had made different choices with their treatment.

Why this study is such a landmark one in particular is nicely summed up in the quote by study author Chen:

“There has not been a large-scale comparison of the quality-of-life impact for these modern options, until now,” Chen said. “Existing quality of life studies have studied older types of surgery and radiation that are no longer used, and patients need updated information regarding the impact of modern treatment options so they can make informed decisions about the choices they face today.”

In this particular study, authors paneled more than 1100 men that had received various forms of the previously mentioned conventional treatment options and were able to detail some important trending as it relates to success of treatment and even more so, the side effect difficulties that many were left with. In sum, they discovered the following salient points:

• Prostatectomy was linked to higher sexual dysfunction and urinary leakage than the other options. At two years after treatment, more than 57 percent of men who had normal sexual function prior to treatment reported poor sexual function after surgery, compared with 27 percent who reported poor sexual function after external beam radiation, 34 percent after brachytherapy, and 25 percent after active surveillance. “With modern robotic surgery, sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence continue to be some of the side effects that surgery can cause,” Chen said. “While we do see improvement over time, even at the two-

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year point, surgery still causes more of these issues than other treatments.”

Meanwhile, other treatment choices were linked to worse scores for other side effects.

• External beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy caused more short-term urinary tract obstruction and irritation, while external beam radiotherapy was linked to more short-term bowel symptoms.

• For the group of men who chose active surveillance, urinary issues and sexual function worsened over time.

This may be partly due to aging, and partly due to some men who experienced cancer progression that necessitated treatments that caused these side effects.

“At the two-year time point, patients who chose radiotherapy or brachytherapy actually had quality-of-life results similar to patient who chose active surveillance, and that may be surprising to some patients,” Chen said.

In ConclusionWhile I long for the day when we might get a comprehensive study that looks at these treatments vs. other high caliber alternative treatments in a true comparative way, for the moment, this study does help us advance our comparative abilities in various possible choices many men are going to get offered and will be considering in the conventional realm of care. Furthermore, considering the stage of cancer, the age of the man, his overall health and other possible lifestyle and treatment interventions he may employ in addressing his prostate cancer will also help to better way the pros and cons of what choices may be best suited for a gentleman who is debating his options, hopefully with the help of his qualified and hopefully open-minded healthcare provider(s).

For individuals in such situations I always give the following advice: remember to always build your diverse and trusted healthcare team around you to help you weigh such big decisions. Making a decision you are confident in and comfortable with can only help to improve your odds of a successful outcome! REFERENCES:Ronald C. Chen et al. Association Between Choice of Radical Prostatectomy, External Beam Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy, or Active Surveillance and Patient-Reported Quality of Life Among Men With Localized Prostate Cancer. JAMA, March 2017 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.1652

External Beam Radiotherapy

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Cholesterol is a natural substance that comes along with some foods we eat. It is a nutrient that is essentially needed by our body. Traditionally, excess cholesterol has always been associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer. Experts have told us that there is such a thing as good and bad cholesterol. And that we should avoid bad cholesterol. But is there such a thing? Cholesterol is Bad. This is a Myth! One of the greatest myths in modern medicine is that cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease. People often get scared about what they read about cholesterol. We are obsessed with avoiding foods rich in cholesterol and keeping our blood cholesterol levels to normal. However, did you know that there is no single research to support this? People have been fed with information like “good” and “bad” cholesterol. But for most of us, it is not simple to understand what good and bad cholesterol means. Rather than dig deeper into the subject, we blindly accept the norm that cholesterol is bad and should be avoided.

Feeding the Myth of Bad Cholesterol

The anti-cholesterol drug industry is worth at least $100 billion dollars. Pharmaceutical companies market these statin drugs to the scientifically-naïve public. Instead of promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle, marketers stress the importance of taking these drugs. As a result, people spend more money unnecessarily on anti-cholesterol medications.

We are constantly informed that cholesterol must be lowered. And statins are a quick fix for this problem. But there is no solid evidence that anti-cholesterol medications benefit our health. Why are we being fed with misleading information with cholesterol? Are we just lining up to fill the pockets of profit-oriented pharmaceutical companies?

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Statins: Beneficial or Harmful? Statins are the most trending anti-cholesterol drugs in the market. You might have heard about brands of this drug, like Lipitor, Mevacor and Crestor. Pharmaceutical giants claim that this drug reduces bad cholesterol by disrupting the action of Co-enzyme Q10. Statins also interfere with the liver’s function, and this reduces the production of LDL. However, Co-enzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that primarily protects our cells. It also helps release energy, especially in the lungs, liver and heart. CoQ10 is also associated with preventing nerve tissue deterioration. As an antioxidant, this agent helps in preventing oxidative stress in our cells. Thus, it also has anti-cancer properties. Just like any other drug, statins come with many harmful side effects. One study reveals that these drugs are associated with diabetes. Statins also hasten the breakdown of muscle tissues. This can potentially overwhelm the kidneys and cause acute renal failure. We need to pause for a minute and get the facts. Think about the truth and the “noddy-science” about cholesterol. The truth is that cholesterol is essential to our survival. Lowering our cholesterol levels is actually harmful, especially when we get old. And anti-cholesterol drugs like statins are unnecessary quick fixes that harm our body more. There is No Such Thing as Bad Cholesterol

Contrary to popular belief, our body needs cholesterol. • Hormones are produced with cholesterol. We cannot produce estrogen, progesterone and

testosterone without it.• Cholesterol is needed for nerve synapses. Without it, transmission of impulses cannot take

place. • It prevents water from evaporating out of our body. It also makes the skin waterproof and

regulates the entry of water. • Vitamin D cannot be produced without cholesterol. • Cholesterol makes bile. And bile is needed to digest fat. • Cholesterol is needed to create and maintain cell membranes.

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• It is a critical element for making steroid hormones. Without it, our bodies will not develop. It is true that cholesterol is naturally produced by the body. The body normally produces about 1000 milligrams of cholesterol. This is not enough. The additional requirement comes from our food. And this is absorbed through digestion. During digestion, the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) carries dietary cholesterol from the liver to various parts of the body.

LDLs are essential. It is needed most by our liver, brain and spinal cord. None of these organs will work if we reduce cholesterol.

There is no need to artificially reduce cholesterol. When there is enough cholesterol in the body, it normally balances LDL and HDL levels. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) take excess cholesterol back to the liver. This excess cholesterol is then processed and excreted.

There is no such thing as bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is the same, whether being carried by LDL or HDL. The truth is that cholesterol is a necessary ingredient for healthy development, maintenance and functioning of cells. Rather, it is oxidative stress and free radical formation that causes cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Here’s What You Should Do Rather than cutting back on fat, you should reduce intake of sweet sugary snacks. These fructose-laden foods are associated with free radicals that damage your cells. Eat foods high in antioxidants. Vitamin B3 or niacin is an antioxidant that naturally lowers cholesterol. A healthy diet should also be complemented with balanced activity and rest. References: Corrao, G., et al. 2014. Statins and the Risk of Diabetes: Evidence From a Large Population-Based Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. Jun; DC_132215. Dhalia, NS., et al. 2000. Role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases. J Hypertens. Jun;18(6): pp. 655-673. Maxwell, S., et al. 1997. Free radicals and antioxidants in cardiovascular disease. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Oct; 44(4): pp. 307–317. McNamara, DJ. 2014. Dietary cholesterol, heart disease risk and cognitive dissonance. Proc Nutr Soc. May;73(2): pp. 161-166.

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Zucchini Breakfast Hash

In this recipe we combine so of regular morning favourites with other healthy ingredients like coconut oil and avocado to supercharge your daily intake of healthy fats. A filling and tasty solution that is quick to from fridge to dish. Enjoy!

1. Peel and nely chop the onion (or garlic) and slice the bacon.

2. Sweat the onion over a medium heat and add the bacon. Stir frequently and cook until lightly browned.

3. Meanwhile, dice the zucchini into medium pieces.

4. Add the zucchini to the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes. When done, remove

from the heat and add chopped parsley.

5. Top with a fried egg or avocado. Enjoy!


• 1 medium zucchini (200 g/ 6.9 oz)

• 2 slices bacon (60 g/ 2.1 oz)

• 1⁄2 small white onion (30 g/ 1.1 oz) or 1 clove garlic

• 1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil (15 g/ 0.5 oz)

• 1 tbsp freshly chopped parsley or chives

• 1⁄4 tsp salt• 1 large egg on top or

1⁄2 medium avocado







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salmon with creamy spinach

A favourite for lunchtime or as a light dinner. For those of you that love the health benefits of salmon this dish combines plenty of healthy fats with spinach to satisfy your cravings whilst nourishing your body. Easy to make and keep you going throughout the day!

1) Add chicken to a slow cooker (or casserole pan) and grate 1 inch of ginger over the top.

2) Add all of the dry spices into the slow cooker and mix well.

3) Add canned diced tomatoes and tomato paste into slow cooker, then mix well again.

4) Lastly, add 1/2 cup coconut milk and mix together thoroughly. Cook on high setting for 3 hours.

5) Once the slow cooker is done, add the remaining coconut milk, dairy free heavy cream, and guar gum and mix thoroughly into the chicken. It should help the curry thicken well.

6) Steam the cauliflower.

7) Plate the cauliflower and pour the chicken tikka on top and serve.

• 1 small salmon or trout llet (125 g/ 4.4 oz)

• 1⁄2 large packet fresh or frozen spinach

• (125 g/ 4.4 oz)

• 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream (or coconut milk)

• 2 tbsp ghee, coconut

oil or extra virgin olive oil (30 g/ 1.1 oz)

• 1 serving Hollandaise Sauce

• freshly ground black pepper

• pinch salt or more to taste







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In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service we can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected] or alternatively click the button below.

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Hi Ben,

Just read your message on Italian style coffee. Where can I order this coffee online in America? What brand is the best? Thanks,


Hi Hampton, When I drink coffee, I only drink espressos and cappuccinos (and always replaces milk with goats cream and I have either no sugar or I use my natural syrup instead). I love coffee, but it is something I drink in moderation. When I’m in Italy I prefers the ‘illy’ brand. I wish you good health,

Ben Ong



Page 30: Is Your Testosterone Origins & Evolution Of Insights Into Side ......There are ways to improve one’s testosterone levels. Most of the time, these factors can be counteracted by doing ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’30

Hi Ben, I have BPH and get up 4-6 times a night. Urologist wants me to take Flomax or something similar. I have tried natural supplements with little or no impact. Is this something I just have to live with? Maurice Hi Maurice,

Hi Theodore, I would recommend a couple of things.

1) Keep a meal diary for a week or 2 and send it in to us by emailing [email protected]. Put “Attention: Clinical Nutrition Team” in the subject line and I’ll have my team review your diet and get back to you with advice. 2) If you’re waking up a lot at night, stop drinking liquids after 6pm. 3) Finally I’m going to make a video over the weekend to respond to your question of how to reduce your symptoms in more detail. Keep an eye on your emails next week. I wish you good health,



