Page 1: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

tOLI " W A ' J

• ; ' • • • " ' " y •• • • - " ^ ' • • ' • - ' - •* • • ' • - • ' " T ~ l . ,

PINCKNEY, MICIHGAN, THURSDAY, MARCIL& 1883 ^ • - - . ' , , I ' .


JtotocrlptiOT Price, $1*00


A REPAIR SHOP in connection, *$th done. GiveuaaeaU. West of hotel.

our Btore, repairing Cash tiji aides and pelts.

W. B. HOFK. RT"1



* ADV8RTI8INGBATB3:/ • Transient advertisements, 9 oasts'per inch-tor —-aUatiaasrtianjutdtencents per Inch foreachstibs*-

*2«snt insertion. t*x^nonce*,Scents per liaeforl -each insertion.-Special rates for regular advertisa*' amsnt* by the year-or quarter

i L.nOYT

CARPENTER & J0INE&, For ralorm'ation Inquire at Teeple A CsdwelTi Hardware. Pnccmrer, JIIOH.


after th« morning •erv'c* lag the Sunday ^ 0 ° ° 1 ^ p< srpKABC*, Pastor

^ R E S l ^ S * & E * M - * those not familiar with t h e j w w ^ R , ^ C B A H B f PftBto*i



When yon need anything In the line of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES,

Perfnmery and Toilet Articles, Stationery,Etc We will try to make it fof yonr Interest to(pat-JJ ronUens. All Jrugelregh and pare.

Have you lost .anything ? Have you found anything ? Have you anything to sell?/- ; Do you wish to buy? i Do you want anything, and don t

know where-to find it— . , A d v e r t i s * ^ tha. DiaP.ATCH; It W"i r

save you time anlf irioney. »

B 0 R N.

WHERE have the robins goufc? * * i sick horses about t h e ^ t r y

justnow. ....-,r——i_ THIS 18^1"round world—but a great

many flat people live on it. ^MARTIN" BQELVIN, JR., bas taken

^railroad boarder/'- Weighs 10 lbs.

t #0HNNY MCCLOSKBT IS VOrgi ill . • -

AND still the railroader mourneth because of the weather.

A social party was given at Will Jenkins' Thursday evening "last.

Oyster supper at Wm. Placeway's to­morrow everting. ••• ' . '

THE question oft'the day—"how's your nqse?" ";

HENRY MEAD, of Mejsion, has sold his 60 acre farm to Herman Swarthc-uk *. ~ T H E IJ.0well and Dexter stage lines are well patronized - - ^ - ^


* * Ws want a • good eor respondent at

Hamburg Village and another a Pet*


w.ct •"iK^DB. B»i»i"8eerttar>

Wo M,E

IT Meets on second Saturday of/eacl U.-Meeta on sew ^ C o S | Resident

Friday March «, 186¾ te Mr. and-Mrjp Melvin, Jr., a sjon. 1

Wednesday, MarehTth, 188JJ, to Mr., and Mrs. J. M. Crosamaa, of Unadilla, a son.

. tysville. Martini


' S


. Church,meets first Saturday of eacb month. Jft». SUBAM NY*, i»resident.

.MARY VAN Fuc«t.Cor. Seel K. O. Tr^fe^Wviirgrton Tent,^meets at

Masonic Hall the first Friday evening on or before .tfhfl fall of the moon in each month.


Died—At^xer home, in Marion, March 4th, 1888, Mrs. 9*°- SistUer, in the'T4th year ©fffeer age.


iC. V. VisWiHKi4», Bee. See,,

SERvicES appropriate t o ^ a l m Sun­day will be held at the (TalnoEc Church, on Sunday, March 18th. ;;" Mc CLUREI/. HIXCHEY, of north Put­nam, sold his farm of SQ acres, Friday last, to Johin Commiskie, of Genoa.

L. C. GOODBICH, of Ann Ar Dor,- was in town visiting friends during the past week. He followed suit and took—the

THE mania for "fixing up 1 stilljcon- [PISPATCH. : < , - ' tinries to spread, and some more stores "" Mas-. N. P. BLEBK iias been visit-will undergo much needed repairs, - hs^ at her mothers (Mrs. Webb), near

E. G. Embler, a former resident of. lh,e,village, for a few^ays past, we are

MR. TURNER, oflBowlerville, favored -^ie DISPATCH with a brief call Friday last. -

Putnam, made a good run fou Recorder of Howell, Monday last, laekmg six-Teen voteTofTua^ opponBnt7" ^ ^ -

EEY. E B , DUHIG, of Chelsea, whojis also pastor of the Catholic .Cnurcfi', ra this village, favored the DISPATCH with a pleasant social call; Friday last.

T • A CARD. As we have comTtothiL ^

;po9ing to make it our future home, l^wouToTlhrough the medium of the

S T v i d h i t y t t t w X l f b ^ l S l / ^ 3 . ?EABSOS hM ^ e d , l ^ e lomSfrtha-aaioainUuice of as^maay Quantity of brick, ana is naTing^mm MlKramoulmwJil,^UVLl „ „ , „ ™ , „ „ t : _ £ w " favor us with a call. We d0 piled up on the pnUw « « w . t o t a tm . 7 " t comehereexpectiug^ do . a flw steady f o r I m n u - wheuSprmg opeu^. o g a t i o n a i ' ^ciety have



.hand. eat aor_y** x~— , PlNCKNEY; MlCHlOWi

^winesi^neLmPmckney, but jimpiyx - A TABI^AU SOCIAL will, be give ask for a-share of your patronage and ^. Congregational society, at the hope by fair deal to merit it. v | ^¾.^ ftf Mr; j . A:"Cadwell, on Wei

JAMES WH*TE, of East Saginaw, has vjjerr visiting fiends4n Pinckaey^ janclit vicinity• during thB^past week. We. send another Qj^PATca-taEa^t Saginaw,1

now. Look for neighborhood jrfews qb'5th, this week. We have changed the "make-up of our pafter somewhat to

i~av,v ^.. , w rt H t r a v n o i Yl Cf «rtf3 «

'iSfo. i DID yaujhave the epizootic yet?

- WhereV your la^t year's maple su­gar totmelt over tbr "new crop.1

WILL Mr. Pearson stand, behind his brick pile and sing uHold the Fort."

DAVID BENNETT and daughter Nellie have g*»ne to' Saginaw to visit friends.

A groat many of the country schools are closing this week. -— ~-

W.'J7"MttLKK, of H6w«Ur-wftB-'-4tv<-town Saturday. ~-

James irarkny, Esq., Y^urned from-his northern trip, yesterday. '" Fremont Kennedy has just returned from '"Nebraska.

THE village charter is in the hands of the legislative printer^-and will soon be per%ctecl;~we understand4he elec­tion of village officers will occur on the last Monday in March. —-—*~-

M. L. HINCHEY, .having sold his farm near Chubbs Corn'ers, has had posters printed at this office,. advertising an, auction sale of stock and farming tools on the premises, Tuesday, Mar; IS, Perry Blunt, auctioneer. -

UxAni&A.—From various«onrces,we .gathervthe following'items of Unadilla r>pw« pt/tnn \^\P. an hour ibjp our neigh-

• i-t





iir deal to merit it. ^ \?^U¥^*T"^T^V> ' "" w"I Yours ver f respectfully, ^ ^ - . ^ - ^ ^ 8 ¾ . ^ %We^s'

^ C . l HoUister. day evening March 23d. All a n u p . 'dially invited. -• *

. J. T. Eaman has sold his flock of 91 fat lambs to John 'Reywsit,. of Dexter* They were as fine a lot as we ever_saw, and *attracte'd,'^onsid'erable. attention when drawn through town, th 13 m O r ^ ing

rrnpoq-news-:departm"ent,: ,c:.—,—, ^ •Janet'Marshall and her mother are

making their yearly vistt to friends at NorthXake. / , . „ r . ^

A. JS.:- Conrad, of Beloit, 'Wis., for­merly of U-nadilla/ has been called to New York by the death of his grand-the "make-up of our paper somewnat to i>ew AUIB. vj,- **y «-«* ,— „

better accommodate our advertising«>a*. mother.. She is/ well remembered here *-^° i7*] as auntie Conrad, and was loved by all

The person wh o borrowed a carpet reel from Mrs. S. .Sykes two years agpj-ls, jrequested to^returh the same.. .^, ^ AN erasible tablet memorandum was

lefta,t this office last week. Owner can have -flamejby calling. _Vegetine at Wincheirs Drug Store.

Ir^BiCKAN^ANli STJRGEON7-Offlce. Mann's Blocks PlNCKNEY.




a s s v^-~_*v%™?-. r"—: " "" - «--. ' »

JO Er-wsce,

HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Kataomininf and Paper-hanging. --


^iNCKNETT ' ^ " "*~ '

CALL and ape our Easter Cards, plafti .or fringed, at L .SfeusR BROJ,

as auntie Conmd, and was loved by all who knew herT ^ to

The-young-^e^ple haaa very enjoy-' " l7 i l DoctorXlast Saturday"

* - • - — - - J - _ i ? - i i „ changed -the time, for .their morning ser- a D letimeat — ^ . - , . ^ - ^ - - -vice from eleven «'clock to -half past e.VenjIlg i a^d Holden was wonderfully ten o'clock: Sunday3ctToot a t " ^ a l ^ s t — r i s E ^ LJ^:__ eleven. Evening '^service at halt-past 0ieekAs all tke ragejn,this vicinity seven. ^ now—ijtamps/ '• " . ,

E PEABSOH has issued billsT printed : ThevBapt i^cial at J K i r k l a n d ^ -«t this £t£ advertising an auction last ^ednes^y eve, was we 1 attended,-

fi^Art\*te* implement; « ^ « ^ J ^ ^ ^ £ 2 " a ] : g a ^ : P e a r s o n J a r m , t w o ^ e s east^of| ^ . ^ ^ \ J ^ g ^ a s ^

/ ^


0 " ..:~ TH£ lecture-^-Mrs, BoiseT-at. the M

[Pinckney, "-Thursday, March JlPerry Blunt, aucfiBneer.


& BesF imd w ! r » t l*. E. Richards Co's., —r—\- ••' : ".

Lawrence De Pew & Co's crackers vtrli. E^Richards & C o ^

E. -^buTTftf Frlday^evening last, was .TIJFStockbridge SentineUcjihtsm^ w«il--eateon«ed/and some of those who story about the size Ann Arbor, school

heard i t . ™ ^ , one temperance ever delivered: in the abou^ iTBfoT Freeman? -Dtd^-ever Lvillage>/ 1 'eo skati

Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Pow­ders- at WincheITs Drug Store.

^ A / 1 I 4 K K ; - fcealerin

Clothing and General Merchandise,

-r V. BROWN,

S H A V I N G P A R L O R .

Alao dealer in Cigars ^nd Co*tecttoaaryt

.Second .eastofPoatofflce,^ PrNCKKBY.

, Good butter wantedTat L^ E. Rich-M>rAJ j ards & Co's. ""^ ^

. Marshall's Catarrh Cure at Win-ekell's Drug Store, "Pierce's GoldlJa-MedicaTT>Tsc^eryat

WinchelFs D r u r Stored

Bao.ALLE^-oi the Dexter Leader, said J'hqwdy'do'^to^-us through the telephone, Jhens1*eT-mbTBUSLg.- -if we ever get so as to be able to walk t>n both feet again, we're, going down to 4 e r a a t w i n c n e i i 8 i / r u g o W ^ both feet again, we're, going down to

*" Cap Sheaf coffee 18 cts. per ID, at h. | o o k h i m ov<>r RVn SPe about how lar,ge (E. Bich|r4s_& Co s. - ^ ig I t 1^1 o u r (c)left foot that keeps

Shiloh's consumption cure at 'Win; -- ^ "r— - — J - ^ - - « -cfceUj! Drug Store. '—*•.*' •

Best cteam cheese at 18 cts. per lb. at L. E. Richarr3*a5CoV

us at home now, and you needn't insin­uatesuch a thing, brellii en. —

-•go skatin" down aboutthere^nd lose sight Of thfr_city_ behind one^ of.those dainty peds (as a- friend ¢1 ours. 3id^ thinking it was the~a"8cejiaing hillside thine upward gaze was^ftxed upon.

Ex. VICE PRES^ SCHUYLER COLFAX e at-tbTe-Baptist Church, in

sflori vis-k^ »— [/week. CoinB againi/'Pype;1 and serve the rest'OCufi: scv ''''—^

Jav Backtls -and family, of Pinckney, were'the guests of F. C. and Mollie Liv-ermore, last Saturday. • — ~ . — 1 j


— >RY-OOODT^ANCY QOODS, . , Boots and Shoes, Hats iad Cans. Irick Stor* oh thscorner. ^

A new-iine of tobaceo this week at L.53. Richards & Co's. ' :

Cracked wheat and oatmeal, nice and fresh at Winchell> Drug Store.

James Markef, of this town, general ag^nt. for the Hero Reaper^ j^Ro^tgag.-^K-O. ¢^-- •Wa-TrVnmTwt.Ttv.—the- handuslcv

MR. T . ' J . EAMAN, of Alexandria, Ar­izona, paid the' Dispatch office a visit, yesteraay. • He h a s t e n in New. Yorkf on business Connected with the/silver

1 mine'in which he is, interested, and on pretu?hing camethis way to-visitrfriends „ „ B u a y „ ^ v „ ^ and>elatives. "He is quite pleased wit^ j ^ e past two weeks, at the increased his new tome in the boutbwestr - /'.-rciwulation and-demanoLfor the.^Dis

TMBSwialai-fe^rimes' la^t^i^.^AWH."" Though we. haya i n t e n d e d ^ wara-grand sueeess, ^ t r^G's c c ^ m c f c - l K 0 ^ ^ 1 , a j l P r o b 1 . f f e m a n d ^ ' .y e t co4r

llWeTirTriaaynBvening, March 16th Subject, '.'Our Martyred Presidents Tho lecture-will begin at 0 ©clock.

There ar^~aiT~clrurcnes^z-lInadilltt township. ~~ ~""«" " '

t u g n n n y " .. . . .—^=¾ * , t T ' t_ Tickets, $0 cts., to be fojind f t Hickev & GoodenowistH. D. Wilber s Garland & Hprnung's, and Chas:; H. Brown s, a l sAt the door the evening of the lec­ture. T»~— .,7-"---'.' * "~

W E have been somewhat surprised,

-' A C A R D, . *: __. WE wish to say to our many friends

in and about Pinckney, that we have completed arrangements.«to open a first -class stock of hardware at Pinckney, ... and shall be ready for business about April-life'' Please bear this, in ,mmd and give us a. call;

F. L. BROWN & Co.


—Duringlh* ^a«f*infteen year* 5,500 ©hurehes have Jbeenljuilt inithia country.

—Berlin with oyer lj!60,0OQ popula-Hnn, hMonly forty-five placea ofwor»

II qiBgl>aV^nwW. t

eling ^ t f f r c^p f f i r ^e 7 Sandusky Machino and Agricultural Works, aft-j pointing agents and contracting with them for 1883. Mr. Marker represents ofte "of the best reapers in the Ian(1.=^

Ayer's Hair Vfgor aT Winchell's Jp^rng S tore. ^

dious residence wag_fillcd to itsfotmosf With people of the village and/Vicinity. An elegant supper was serve&at about ten o>lnck. Games and social converse enliven-ed the evening, agd theTwano^ under the 'skillful fingers of Mrs.-Ar*r

l Deafcersin

I f . 1 «


Mann, contributed abs t rac t ive lurefcT&TeTrtert^iUPeTit-. ' • - THREE Grand Trunk freight cars passed over the ^Ficliigan Central road, the other day, >t is said—and a- Dcxtor maJseeing ^hem at once jumped at

_ . , the conclu^jonHhat the Gv T. and the rt^^i put ™» wH.h the Heaton naKLM f! An.d>nooled their inteirestsVinoon

ja t iu t ton- i^ tener , free of charge, at tha Bee Hive. _

"**Itongh.oa S a t e ^ ^ i a e h e U ' s Drug Ltore.

c^lk" for-extras "every day since. We: shall add4a fge i r t o ^ r lg8"e--,afa


this~lreek+^KZ50uld--.cautioir-{mr friends that the l f l t e g w t ^ y r t a w

nf the paper ia to stibsiFbe^fQr it, as so

ship; _ —Durirrir th> paat year ^ixty-one uon>

blfore l l turday O«on and feve haAUountry, at « averse age 0I uxty-foor


years, ,.- «. L —The CorntU Memorial of New York

^ite_U.thought to be -the largest Sunday School in the Meth^dtec Church. It hat: ^ ^ .——; • r - r 1—«—t i LI**^ —

seauence of which the Air Line would


A.TTORNEY iCOUNSELOfe and Justiceotthe Peace,

Offlce in the Brick Slock, . ^ PlNCKNBY?



P. VANWINBXB,., :; ""^^>.


Sigler'siWStore. " PINCKNEY



tJash !0r Hides, PeIW«nd Pura. ^ itoJrtsouth of.Globe itotol. PTNCl

bTabandoned, and Pinckney have no riAWail gftei all- ^ h a t Q^o mc inaxions some men have!

pearl barley, and oatmeal /Considerable talk was caused Monda the BHelff store. ~T~ v by J. Pearson taking peroeasion ot In Wkite fish^and mackerel *t L. yE: property, recentlypurchasaed, whic

R i c h a r & ^ s T ^ ^ - / 1 M for nmnv yearT^en ige^aB^ t g

W U N / y * *** »*»w *—>w-* — - - — - -

a total membership of 1,.448-"^-Inltfew York public schools, accord­

ing to the new regulations, ^ InBtruotlonr^ ^singing are to be given in every grad« exoeptthenrit grade of boys. / .

— A gain of sixty-two per centthe^a^t

Lathis Jiavc ^ ^ ¾ ^ ^ ^ ^ merchftttt of.Mon^ - - u- • — A/wx for building an



"7 -

many aw doing daily. ^g$*p look out for our regular subsfenbep first, as,^6f course, we are honestly

lund to ,do.

Ian rom Jos. Kirkland, Esq., of Chicago,. - - - , - , ^ • r ^ a r i ^ " h i m s d t 8 0 i p r ^ ^ indig- ^ ; J ^ P ^ ^

fr«sfe.line>U}roce>ies^at L. j E. Richar^^Co's .

l ^ s t ^ , 2 5 , ^ ^ 5 ^ c e i > t t e a l t t L . E. Richards A Go's

tokiag to< Pridtf uf 0ana4a • plug icco a t L . E. fticljaids^ baccb lards & C

At S I G L E ^ i ^ ^ PMCKNE*£M!

y • U - ;

•;'J- • V// '^p|K&7-.18¾.

O0»s QY«r jMgiet'a-Dtif W0W1

Gree^n Rio Coffee 1Z &l*-«ti^per* at L. E. Richards & Cb s. -,-^-..,

Frank Siddall's soap^t L.ilJlichAr4ft

<Borfcxine; a substitute fpr soap, «t-L. ^Richar^^CCo's. • ^

fo»g6t to^al l aTTit^fft^Jn^im| a^XrE?Bic^ards &

The A^alo^e<inhaleri8^reoom: m e n 4 e d ^ aiafe. anoSa^rreeable r * i n r ^ administering

niri difficult and ^chronic 1 rnedvca1

cMttra^dbid In. IBe'head^bronc Shmfc4t^.^Call and,tost it for,;


Pearson's" additwjn<to the village 0 PmckneyTbrHis a sduare^l6 rods on

sh^siae, bounded nortfe^r^Main street east bv Mill street, south byj^rs.

annVt^sidence, west by South street^ " un through it east an©:

^jnvenience of tetfmsV ffbTrt^ryurth hfertisitvi

Iness lot'TS^^J^S'Tee^.—Pinck axter

-u orrespod'ence is ._. .

The writer must ind the "town

itte. South ;traet is nut un the weet?si«e>of the

iave been fooling^ pump,'] and got mix "Stl

atrt that M r . B ^ ^ p p ^ c 1 5 ^ •chaseo: any title to the public

iquare-»Ctliis village. ; in a moral Sint o f V t e ^ h i s of course calls for S explanat ion^n^Mr. Bullock, but ?he question of legitttyvSo fa ras the present claimant is concf rneo^gh t S t - b e anecte^'by.the d e c e P ^ n ^ 1 impbyed in obtaining the deed trom-be heirs of the Kirkland estate. Mr. ! a r £ n > still confident that he has

thing on 'the ta-tl^* ^ ^ l o n g Sensorial cbntest was

^ r e ^ O d ^ B o s e J a s t i h u r s d a v e ^ e n -

*4sL 1 .7 . . i t - . - i t . QO-nA Kallnt Mr.

"addition—to $66-which was 4ormi '* recent

—The YouajrJVfen's Christian Asioci»--tion has established branches at Cairo. Beyroa#Smyr&at Damasct», Jerusalem, Nazareth. €slwttav-4k>!if^eng^aad^ Yokohama.—Chicago Htraty.

—In tho experimental kitchen in thr Iowa Agricultural • College tt><» girl sta-de&ts are taugtit the phuosophy'as well

. .—* —vi..--/ " ^ ^ learn


as the practice of cpoVing. thp chemistry and comparative economy of foods, the usual adulterations and th* methods of marketing. ^^

—When the Derby Academy at Hintf* ~ ~ resumed ita sessiou after the

. ( . - —


property in"question,butHoweltSb.. is; and if the usouth jside is boundi by Mrs. MannTs residence," thatiady

know what haaroecdnie. l ^ a V w e l l . t M ^ •ofWfpoadent

st have rho hat

Sess man of Michigan's Metropolis, b e i r i ^ s o ^ f f g e l y interested in .the

^ ^ ^ H ^ S L Segna?e the session a f ^ 9 , > « £ « ii5i&

1½ lias had no le^Mlative iencfcO* something of ^ ^ " . ^nd ma?ieSi&.st t i^ct some atfcmtion

of fiijhf^sonal eccentricUti «.e is nbt a Feniarra|E)fcBHsn r^nC ttrtbitfty^^reputatu^nrJ^ he may prove a satisfactory serVaSrwf the

ham,Mass., iwmucu *»«» «*»»«»"» —-^-^^-holiday vacation!!* was discoverwt^hat

jojpievone^acl entei^ihe-Jghc^roQgr some one 91U1 gawtw^ JM-g^wgy;«-~— v and distributed six dbTlalralg muuey In" the school-books which were left in the desksr The largest sum which was re* celyea^sKsingle scholar wis two ^rt--" \ax*.-~Bo*ton Transcript. ^

u.^..*^* /*# *u**jr*fingk rif4.783 be eele-

/ 1

W ^ e r s a r y o T t h e ^ c e ^ K m b e oele-' i by ^8«niaay-»ohQols, eoltewjsand

Tefigioisend edubational 10*1»*. tions th>wbrld over with a •'QQSinapoJtk tan service?'to begin when iti*v Lott4onr Oct St. The Ccem^ Sumday^ohool Assooietton has the '^hinfe^ ~1 :. .: ^ T Z



Page 2: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

•it- T

* - *

ginclnep §ispxic1i. J E R O M E W I N C H E L L . E D I T OK.

,Wrt d at tbe Ptotofflcej, Plnctoej, a* cUfcft tnattf r,


^.ilAlii t le house in SandMone*Jie^Jae&-inon WHS fouud a few mornings- "IPH"*****!^ Ijuat weBt of that cltv. He wa» prostrated S*d Insensible. He was takcu to tbe nearest house aud didd in balf an hour, lie recently received notice of back pension allowed him amounting to over $8,000, and It is *uroosedihe got drunk and fell on his way home. andlaWout au iuKm. ITc leaves no. family •

,$Q uoonds^to the. bushel


;.:fc- _

,- n

Wfeole number pf Vote* Nec«**ary to a eluiie* . Tho». W.. Palmer Byron 0 . Stout Moreau 8. Crosby. : v . . Cbas. Upson Thos. W. Ferry

j ameiin A milt lap . fTfwrwvm'it^,..,.

August Stock, «5w&d b|*d faliler of &~ >\_

'•'££•& SSnS^ratj-ss^ta «* -t*t esteem by tbe entire community. »•-

0 » tbe evening of February 25, * 'MeM'- a » d

MrV Porter Brown, an old couple living in-" Sartland, Khmlles south of Fenton, were quiet-

I ft Seated in their home, four masked meusud-U ^ b u m tbe dooiw>pen with a large< fence Dost, crabbed Mr. Brown, gagged bim and cow-S S f f l l S S a revolver,' * T $ y then immedi­ately entered the bedroom and procured fl,b00

-£T bills autlWOO-in gold. They eeemed very l o o l and aaaSt lc , and left the old couple

bound EandamI foot to% theirbed, where they ranged' two hours, Mr. Brown fcuj«l M? team r*rWlarne*#*d, but nut removed., Offi­cers arTstirring themselves tn the matter, but are &B*Tar withyut any clue. . ,_

Charles GorshoVs drugstore and Mrs. A, J ^ Stevie's milUnfery establishment at ^aldron^ Hillsda1Jaunty, burned on the mgbt or tne Sd.,loJitm ^ was the work o f > incen* pia*T. : '

IritheOobb murder clise, at Kalamazoo, after • being out aU night the Jury disagreed, standing - 2 E £ ? £ t w fo¥ eoasictilon a. new trial win

grow and grow 100 bushels to'the acre in Dakota". -<—»—

F r a n k Cobb, t he Kala«nazoo fratricide, tr ied to blow u p the jai l a few days ago by opening the gas pipe* and tilling t i e building with gas.

- Duriug February 14 prisoners were received at -Jackson, of whom two were for murder,4u the first degree, and # disappeared, of whom two were bji pardon and-one bv escape, leuving a tot^l at the close of, the mouth of 028.

Battle €re«k has been under a temperance administration the past year, and ime of U * argkimeptsthe temperance people are now uslrig why their ticket should bere-eieetedis tba t the city, i* of all games of 0*umce, and taexeare but three public billiard table* in tbe city, with its 12,000mnabiuuts, ....,.

i s a shoeing of the elerieai work that ha* beeu caused by the senatorial contest a little calculation proves that<'dpring the s^slon of the joint committees, Clerk Grossmani and Sec­

tary Hoskin*, who have done the roll calling c veiled out the names of the members 80,-

1*0 times. Of this work the greater part haj ^•rosstnan^wl^vhastalledjiiamcs ^4,-

500 tlmest - ,- - . . . --

til 40 44 'JO


1 ._. I I 1

Perry Ilann Edwin Willits Mariden C. Burch J, W, Ciiajnplln..

It was noticed that Palmer had a majority of all the Republican vote*, aud ht6Jelectiw*>.was a foregone conclusion. A roll was called aud changes in Ms favor came In tlfiek and fast,

* until his total vute reached 75.- and ut9:3U o'clock Lieut liov. Crosby announced the chjctlem of Thos. W. Palmer a* Uuited States senator. Mj. Palmer soon After <«ptareii, and was KwetCawlth a p<Tfert stunifof applause, aud lu a pleating happy address Jh« aecepteo-the honors which had been beAtowed upon -Win. Several others followed #i well-timed femarks, aud after extending a vot* of thanks U» nearly everv oue participating in the sessions of the convention that body adJourn«HL ,

Total TOtpt NecertarKo choiev Charles Cpsoo Austin Blair l)au J Arnold ThoaJ O'Brien.. . M r M d j B S , . , , . , -John Atk in** . . Frank AHotkcr . . . Frank Giddey |Wra Jehni»o'n..... i^ ix>ud. -r

4«^a»6 t 3d ballot BdJuaHet 58ft

! '

\ Hll


261 M6

T h e S e n a t o r i a l E l e c t l o n .

Feb., U6.—(Jne light ball6t was the enactiua clau •MOSIUY. Feb., « ; - ^ n « u 8 % ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 k e * r a T O T e p t a l ' t l i | B - a c t which Inflicts -esptra

T a ^ ^ t t t ^ r n t ^ m v e n t l o n and »» | ^ « ^ . t ^ t t o ujonTheTrime of horse stealing... uraa./M-iiotwiuntil to-morrow. I h e vote suxw. ^ U t t , t ^ " ^ " v.; ..fTO.«--cirt,,^i :an,nna t\wn

tf W £

x v

edght to four for coovicti,krtt._A be had.

Owosso has a well that becomes too salt for use three or four times a year ,and this peculiar custom it has kept up for 00 yews.

Dr-Stearns of_Grand Rapids, who chased his "crazy" sister-ia-law through the streets^oi that ciJ&'threw her into a mud hole and ha<J_ her arrested, has himself been arrested for us­ing unnecessary violence. Mrs. Stearns 6ays her"hBBband~eh'?^ft>d her s She was trying to get away, '^ashedidnotw to rnjsre herfn any way, and-that was the onlv way to compel her to be quiet. '

Michigan built nearly 30qjailes of raflroad-in ;1B83. •'.'" - " " ""'

Isaiah Lesh, formerly ot Addison, Lena>yee county, was killed on February iMth at W bite-Jiouse, Ohio. *

Mrs. M. B. Perkins, one of the most estima­ble ladies of Hudson, fell on the fey walk; pror ducing concussion of the brain, and is lying in

—a precarious condition.,^ • • Battle Creek people who are opposed to get-

^ n c water-fron> any of the lakes hear the city because it i8=nat pure enough, will be surprised to learn that the'water works committee who ^ T p w n pyVm^ing the water find that t h a t « Goguac and WUllt* lakes Has a freedom from oreanic matter that is - remarkable,, while tbat from some of the wells on Main s Creel 1* piu*

was ordered until to-morrow Stockbridge, airPaluier, 34; I ^ h r o p , 37; VHJ. lita, 9; Hannah, ll; Sanford. 1; ier ry , £, Cros by ,2 ; ' !

TUESDAY, Feb. 27-=-Thls has been _auother exciting day is the senatorial contest—perhaps the most exciting one since the first vote was t & W — Three sessions of^the-joint^vimllQJL were held and the largest uunjiber of votes yet

- taRnwastbe ' resui t . Below is given the vote in detail

SBKATg, Feb. 2tt—A bill was parsed to amend the charter of the city of Saginaw... . A IUCIUOT^ jaj was pjeseuted in the form ot a resolution adopted by the Soldiers' aip^ Sailers' Reunion ^ r f ^ ^ U ^ t e ^ ^ i l i a u , August ^ . l«Ja. in favor of a State bounty law.

HOLSK—lu eommirtee of the whole, all after was Btruck out of the'Sen-

AmUl prolonged and hearty cheers the nomi­nation of Austlu Blair WJUJ made nnauimoua. The ilemousUation which foUpwed hU nomina­tion was go&i evidence Of CTfie sjaecre regard euU'rtate«d%y. the citizcus of this eommou-wealth fort*? war governor.

The convention then proceeded to uominate candidate* for the short term, and the ballot laknFshowed that T. J. O'Brien of Kent county was the successful man. ThnJ*^l«t-w««».toH lows! Whoje number of vptea Noce*sary_k>.choice1. . . . . . . . • • • Thomas jrO'Brlen,

t^nflrew Howell..., Edward t agge r t . . . Geo:i8. Clapp . . . . I)ai>«JL Arnold . . . . Chas. Upson


f ' - - 1st 2d 3d Whole number of votes Necessary tofe choice. T^>masW Palmer. Francis B Stockbridge Geo V N Lothrop. Edwin Wil l i ts . . . . . Jerome W Turner. M< Wm Newion Thomas W Ferry.. Perry Hanriah Thomas A Wilson. Wm C May bury. . , James B Angell... Charles V Babcock

-Lyman G Mason... j . . . J o h n W McGratb. . . . . George L Yaple Charles F Gregory . . . Georg« W Thompson.. Archibald McDonald. • Wm P Wells.' , • • • George P Sanford.. . . •Charles C ^ontrtock.. M

^9 39 | 35 of-thfr. health.



nounced unfit for use S. E. Walbridge, for vears a leading miller jn

western MichigaB, died at his home in KalF"-zoo, Sunday, Feb. 25th, in an apoplectic fit. was 57 years old, ahd was well known through out the entire state. ,

•BV the burning of Peter Denna's houe*. In Montague, Muskegon county, three of MsThil-

:-aren were burned to death,-and-a Miss-^Barr.-a domestic In the family, was also burned to death. The unfortunate people were so badly burned that the re.mains had to be taken out on a shoveL The loss w 111 reach $1,200, with an insurance of only $£00. The origin of the fire i is unknown. , ' • • • '

• Geo; Wolcott, brakeman on the D.> G, H. & •U. roaoUielL under the wheels ot his train Tiear-Ada a few days ago, and was so badly mangled that he died soon after. The deceased was 2¾ years old, and leaves a wife and three children, who live*in Detroit.

_ vera! petitions w ere pmePted, amoug Vbem one asking for tbe eJiactment of a law to per­mit women to vote at municipal elections^..,. A concurrent resolution was agreed to to ad-lourn for the 28th, after which the House ad­journed.

SB JUTKx. Febi 27.—The Senate bill to arrange for .the taking tjf the census and ^tatistlca.. of the state lil'-lSS4,was referred Jo the committee of the whole... .The following bills passed on ^thirtl reading: Allowing-mutual insurapce, companies of other atfrtes to do business in this I After'The^ usual vote of thanks to members,

^ - . - . w.ete then in order. For the first r,cgent the vote stood as follows:. Whole number of votes : . . . S49 Necessary to a choice,.'. »'•"> Henry B. Hutchinis..; \ "^ftS"* James R White. . . . , . * • • * » Theodore Nelson. • • • ••••,. r-7 Joseph C. Jpnes ; • • : J

Tlio. nomination of Henry B. Hutchins of Macomb was declared unanimous, and tbe baU lot was taken for the second regent with the

-following result: Whole number of vote* ^ • ¾ ¾ Necessary to a choice". '•'&& Joseph C. Jones • • ••-,.•<??*? James E. White 178 Theodore Nelson - ^ — . — . . . . . . . . . ."*•,•. ---11-John Rice...' • -•• 77 11. R. Gass ..« • 15

The'senatorial question did not entef tn^o the diAgussiou of the state convention, save In the Intervals of business, the feeli ng belug that that question shoirhl +*J left-^wtth the-legislatur*^

United States Seaatgre. Carr] lu Cleveland Iveador.

-1A lopk in j t -p \% the Sena t e <mt?wf «r-pr ispd at sec ing h 0 w ruany 1 nen repr<^ seuf different s t a t e s t h a n those "of. the i r bir th . * | o « t o f t h u wes te rn Htntes a re

Tepre«ented b} euh le rn inen and muny of "the eas tern by m e n - i r o m otlier s ta tes . By <mreful inve.stigutioiL 1^ JUnd t h a t MVOU Sena to r s were horn" in {)hi&, f « u r in T»nne*«ee, ^ » r in Vermon t , t l i r e . i t ) Georgift, six iu K e n t u c k y , four in V i r - ^ g in ia . oue in I n d i a n a , one in Connee t i -eut , three in N o r t h C a r o l i n a , two in . •Delaware, t h ree in S<mtn Carpl ina , k M r in Mary jand , t w o hi. I l l inois, Utreo u , Ma8sacUusett«, t l r t d r l n Wame, 0110 In a^ Mkhigt i iJ , six mtityk- York , t h ree i n ^ P e n n y l v a n i a r o n n in MLssouri, t w o ' f t N e w H a m p s h i r e , t w o in Rhode I s land , Wes t Virginia,.JOTIC in Scot land," > a » d one in I r e l and .

Iowa and I n d i a n a are r ep re sen t ed by Ohioans ; Mississippi, -by ( Georg i ans ; Louis iana , by JV Verm<mtt t i r and a Ken tue-kmn; Cal i fornia , by ji V i rg in ian a n d a n . lndmni i in ; Arkan^iHj by a Ten-U

n^sseea'n a n d a Kentucl i i i4 i ; Minneso ta , by a Penru |v lvan iac a ^ l an O b i o a n ;

•jCfabaina, py i\ Ter ipesseean

state; amending act 253 of the law8of»1881, relative to highways; amending sections 1734-

arrd a 1 e n n e s s e t a n »im ^ G e o r g i a n ; New J e r s e y , fey- a N e w Yor j tg r^ -ar^d an I r i s h m a n ; Oregon , by m e n f rom M i i n e a n d I l l inois ; T e x a s ; by m e n f rom K e n t u c k y arr i tVTfginia; a n d Wiscons in , by merJ from N e w York and V e r ­m o n t ; Vi rg in iH^Telmessee , Sou th C a r o ­l ina , R h o d e ^ I i l a i i d , P e n n s y l v a n i a , i v o r t h € a r o l i n a . N e w York , N e w Hanap -sh i re , "Massachuse t t s , M a r y l a n d , M a i n e , Oh io and Dc lwaaxe iare r ep re sen t ed by

"Wltile Connec t icu t ,

• ^ #

?es, Georg ia ,

ilaries of istate-officers; Senate bill r^o. arvr f fa S a D r e m e Court—John M- Tatem, Green,

Nathan Church.** 1L-Richmond/. € . Maxwell,..

He I Byron & At^>*. .-" ."' . ^ : _ • 6th 7th 8th 9th

Whole of number voteSTT.ISr 131 120 120

Alex. Ferguson, of East Saginaw died on the mtirning of February 27th« from acute iuflam-matton of the liver, aged 53. He came to Sagi-

—now city la Vtifi, vn a member of the village council and for years an alderman. He ran three times for county treasurer,- being elected three yearajigo, ahd retiring from ofiBce the-first of last month. He was alscr -a-promlnent Oddfellow. -.' " ,, _

The board of supervisors of Kalamazoo eoiimy have voted to submit to the people the question of anew court house to/cost $«,000. or thc< erection o/ a flr^ p^^f hilllding to cost $2,.=.00.

Necessary to a choice. T. W. Palmer F..B. Stockbridge.,. Chas. C. Comstock.. Edwin Wi l l i t s . . . . . . . George-Y. Lothr6p„ Michael Shoemaker,. Hugh McCreedy.... Thoft'W Ferry.....". J a s B Angell.-Timothy Nestor...... By ion U Stout Moreau S Crosby... John Strong . . . Perry H anuah Frlsble Benton Hanchft t . . .

, Wm A Moore . . . . . . . *H ^McCormlck,. . . Henry Chamberlain JanrRoo^t - ^ - -8olomon.-L Wlthey . N BEldredge Wm Shakespeare... Samuel LSmith.-..v Edward King J W Turner

61 80 29

13 3

' 8.. 2

J -1 1

- J -

61 32 30

•61 •36 3d


61 33 33

0th 130 61 33 32. 28

44 40 a*

. "i i >'•'

. i i i

3 1 2

1 1 1

I )


Tbe-w:lfe of N, A. Phelps, of Dexter, died'on February S5tb^_4gedll, „Shc had boen a resi-dent of that place for over., 50" yea/.-, and was_ highly esteemed. •

Diphtheria and measles luive made their apr pearance in Charlotte.- The o^iidings con ta i iu -L^ ' mg the sick have been placarded and the real- ^ 1

aents warned not leave the premises. , K' ^

^Marshall Baloonist paid429 40 a few-^Sys ago, for having_kept ljis place o; •* in the moralng. '— ,

Over 75 fatal accidents have been reported from the lumber woods this winter.'

1st. 2d. -121.

4A revival of .unusual magnitude is in progress at Hillsdale w^negeTanoTscores of conversions are reported,-fflany-ct them being from "many senloTHand junior classes-


Whole number of votoo.. 118 Necessary t^^^mlee . . , . . i* . 61 Francis fi Stockbrldgei^^. »3 33 Thos WPalmer '.. "33 <« F4wln WHlits 5 b

ron G Stout . . . . . . . . : . - 4 2 44 -Comstock. 3- o . . -

Moreau 8 C r o s b y . . . . , . •>• > 1 J j A m p a B A n g e l l . . . 1 . 1

. JFerry^^-Y^."— ' ^ ^ --T-1-Tutry Hannah . . .1 . - . : : . . , • • •- 1 George ¥ N Lothrop ..;.'"

"337 .121

..,., w« relative* to the : public All'were given Immediate effect....

Th? Senate concurred in the resolution to Ad­journ over until Thursday, March 1st.

HOCSE.—The following bills were passed: House-hill No. 75 to amend seetiou 7 of act 351, approved Juue 10, 1881, relative to protection of game; joiut jeeniutlon for the submission of a constitutional amendment to increase the

salaries of-state-officers; Senate bill No. 5" to­re deeds — -— bills, havirig been" reported adversely, T from committees, were laid on the table: House bill No. 14 to repeal sections'IS and 19 and to

-amend section 20 df an act providing for the assessment of property and the levy and collec­tion of taxes thereon;-house bill No. 40Q, to amend section l&of above aetjaud, to add a-new section, No. 110; house bill No. 357 to abolish the Law and Medical Departments of the Uni­versity of Michigan... .The resolution of Rep­resentative Adam* .was adopted, calling for a full statement of-aftajrs by cooperative and mutual benefit associations. ^

SKNATC, March!.—The bill to'allow -mutual' fire insuriince companies of.other states to do businees'-Trith this state, was passed on third reading, and the bill"gfyen "immediate effect; Petitions were presented for the extention'to women of tin.-.right of suffrage, and all other legal rights now'pessessed'by man; for tl|e sub­mission of a prolrtbltory .amendment; for amendment of charter of Charlevoix; and a supplementary memorial relating to charges against vbe Fish Commissioners. The Senate then met in oxecative session and confirmed a long list of-noUrles public sent in by the'Gov-qrnor, and alt^r the joint convention the .Sen­ate adjouaned.

HovsB^-A pttltion was presenU'd signed by a number of Jackson ladies, for jtr law giving

jfotnen the privilege of voting at municipal elections; petitions were also presented for the submission of a prohibitpry amendment; for the repeal of tbe conspiracy law; for a law es­tablishing ten hours as a legal day'B labor; for a law abolishing the eon tract'system in prisons; for the incorporation of trades unions; against the Poor Commission bill for Wayne county.. Bills were passed re-lRcorporatlng Breedsvillc and detaching territory from Por t^e^J lough-ton county. ^ -_ : . *"' ..jSEyATF, Varr'Ti -V^TV.f following were riaps-

ratlroaa offieefs, and others the coB»eution ad jouroed. ^ " .'

A'triaasi-conventlon of PruhiblttonistaTQet'l»-Lausing March 1st for the purpose of nominat­ing candidates for justices of the supreme court and regents of the University. , A series of ap­propriate resolutions'were adopted, "and the fol­lowing ticket placed In nomination: Judges

John W. Laniing.

F.wing, Ionia; Rev. G. S. Hickf y,

D E T R O I T K I A R K E T S .

33 32 9-


i l

.1 i

• l

TircRSiuyrMatch L^The convention was assembled at the usuaXhour, and the seveaty-flfth joint vote warUkei^resultlng as follows:

le"numbe&-118; neceseafy-to a choice, 60; Whole Byron G. StolJt, 41; Francis nB. Stockbridge,

After thf"vl-uf',nt " f m n t t n n B *" a<l)o»ru.


the united capacity „ „* - ,H« BOIIS.- -Uotiraaylums are over crowded,^and the

•• bnw¥Q-1iimi>>TraTmi* ^ • T 1 " nT1 <mpwrjtivft necessity.

- The body of an unknowii man abouJU^ears T o f age was found on the afternoon ?fM*rch 1st,

bv two young men who were hunUflg ntar the Tie^.c«meteTy grefunds-iust e a ^ o f Ionia. He

- had evidentlv'been laying ia^he snow for three or four weeks. He wa te ry>ror tydressed , , the clothing being toprfud ragged. ^There was nothing fo indlcate^ffie cause of hia death other than by freezings - Mrs. Jerom^Leavitt, the wife of a prominent lumber mefchapt and au old resident o r .Che ; boygaafdroEpedJead at her home <m F/rtday, -- -^^ pf heart dftease.

Judge Mills of Kalamaioo, sentenced H. H. 8tearn8,"allas Henry, to four years lirthe state prison for perjury in tbe Cobb case.

Rev. J. Smith of Decrfleld,Lenawee county, father of the state, nil Inspector, ^ g p ? f » | •teat., from the effects of a broken limb causeo: by>!fall durihg the ley weather of four weeks agoyagedjtlygarse-


l a another ballot

IV hole nUffr

^ e ^ U n h t i

take a rece*» tiirevenine, e t c . ^ was ordered-and it resulted thus: ber, 118; necessary to a choice* 60, Byron G. Stout, 39; Francis B. Stockbridge, 26; Thomas W. Palmer, 27; Edwin Willi*8, 5; SolomonTL. Withey, lOTMoreou S. t^osbr, 3vH^O-H«dg^ 3; Jas. B. Angell; 1; Thos. W. Ferry. 1; Perry Hannah, I ; Capt. Joseph Nicholson, 2.„

There was a forebodiflg in the minds or th. majority, when tbe convention assera •agajn at seven o'clock J,hat the senatorial

ed an third reading;-Senate manuscript ineor-porating Springy ells: House manuscript re-in.-coriwrating DTxIerrSenatc- bill 41-ineorpora-tirig Menominee. *A11 the'above were given im­mediate effect... .A memorial of Richmond, Backus & Co.. of Detroit,-was presentM-for an amendment of act 168 of 1879, n reference to .the publication of reports of the Supreme Court. The petitioners complaln-thatras'-tber law now stands they_have no way of making the publishers of the report sell Richmond:, Backus <fe Co., quantities at Wholesale, and they are obliged to purchase copies singly—

f reatly interfering with the success of their usiness... . Adjourned until Monday evening HOUSE.—The bill to "

lu Shiawassee eourity .,, _ memorial was .presented 'from the Hon. 9. . L. Pratt Relative to- inatructlon io morality in the 'public schools, which was ordered/printed in the journal . . . . Remonstrances were presented from ;twenty-citrht titizetls of* Ecorse and from thirty-four,

Wheat—Na 1, white Flour Buckwheat.* Corn..-O a t s . . . . 7 . . 7 . . . . , , . . Clover Seed- $ bu Apples * b b i : , . . . . ' . . . . Dried Apples, $ 16 Butter, Vlb.c Eggs... , . :....., Dressed Chickens... , ;•;. Dressed Turkeys. . : . e.. Ge«se:..7:": ' . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . Ducks Cheese ,.-2 Potatoes, ^ b u — : Hone'y Beans, picked Beans, unpicked ',. Hay . . . . . . . S t r a W . . . i i - r : . , w v . T . rw . r. Pork, dressed, $J 100... Pork, tness — ±..... <. -Pork, family..: , , . Beef, extra m e s s . . . . . . . Wood, Beech and Maple Wood, Maple Wood, HicKory..."...... . Goal Egg. V. . . . , . v • • • Coal, Stove . Coal, Chestnut. — ." v .

.$ 73 4-65

OS 85

K e n t u c k y , Missouri and W e s t V i rg in i a a re r ep resen ted by one nat ive born Sen­a to r , and ono b o r n e l sewhere .

1 _ - -XtiESJUFiiliNAXCWS. _ . . . . ' T h e younges t s ena to r is Nelson. W .

A l d i i c h , of J t l h o d e I s l and , who • is 42 yea r s of age . a n d t h e o ldes t i s - S e n a t o r Morr i lU»i V e r m o n t . w h o J s i l : T w e l v e -senator^ ar-€Mi-i->der^'>Q^.4.nirtyTdgM-.-b.e>."._, t w e e n 50 and 60; seventeen "between 60 ,

^ n d T^r-and on ly one , Sena to r Morr i l l , is over TO ^ e a r s of a g e . Sena to r s Sher ­m a n , Grover , H e n r y E. Davis , a n d PugH a r e just 60. Pend le to r i l 'Maxey , L a m a r

IvrelJft; C a m e r o n , S l a t e r / R a n s o m , Rob-- b J n ^ V t m Wj^ek^zMcMillan, H o a r an.d^— HaWley a r e o7 ; t j a t t , Vqorhees , VVin-dorii a n d M a h o n e S6: B a y a r d , George , Mil iar , E d m u n d s and C a m d e n , 05; F a r ­ley, Allisun-ttnd^Coke, .r>0; W a l k e r , Ves t ,

j a n d Vance , A3: Miller , of Cal i forn ia . K e l l o g g - a n d F r y e , [y'l\ G a r l a n d a n d J a c k g c m ^ S ^ C a m e r o n , I l a r r i s o n a n d ~,_

The sena to r s trmrartt?±_il4ile, J o n a s ,

P i u m b , Mcl?i)l. Ba r rowrPock twl l , Blair , S'ewell, Mi tche l l , Aldr ieh a n d Bu t l e r ; a n d those over 60 are Sawyer , J o h n s o n , Morr i l l , H a m p t o n , Laplmm," S a u n d e r s , C^)fTger, Dawes , David Davis , J o e .Brown,- and Eli S a u l s b u r y . J o h n A . L o g a n n e v e r - g i v e s his' age , and the p lace is filled wi th a dash in tho djree-t(TTT. -••• . "•

— • ' " ' • K D f C A T K t y OF X i l E ' S K I ^ T E . J Sixtyjpf t h e s ena to r s had j i c ademiu


•' 5 SO ' # « 00 • jacKSOBr-^H-^iwueiui i , ^ . . 57 ik 58 \Ing.alls, 00 y e a r s of age . . . . . . . . . . L-4J -(¾ '4o - ufitler'50 a t e 'Gjurmau;

educa t ions , a n d twenty-seven a re College bred- nien. N i n e

R e p e a l o f t h e P r e - e m p t i o n L a w s .

T h e s u n d r y civil bill now before con­gress has a c lause r e p e a l i n g the ex is t ing law for the p r e - e m p t i o n of publ ic l ands . Thes<» laws a re extens ive ly p e r v e r t e d by specula tors , w h o have n o in ten t ion of oo e t ipying the l a n d s e n t e r e d by the'my as was or ig inal ly c o n t e m p l a t e d by congres s , b u t m a k e t h e m a m e a n s of w i t h h o l d i n g the l a u d from ac tua l se t t l emen t . T h e repeal ing- 'c lause, however , doea no t a n -niiLthQ-:homestead, l a w s , anrTennTft in l

of these s e n a t o r s

w e r e ediicajted in t h e . c o m m o n schools , f6ur were^brough t ' tip u n d e r ' m i l i t a ry discipl ine a n d two-«rc p u t down .as hav,;. i n g no educa t ion wha teve r . S e a a t p r D a w e s i s _«.,p_r o du c t p f Yale , Ho a f. df Hft r^ajd , Saulsbur}T of Diek-inson, C a m ;

Pr ince ton , G r o v e r

these i m p o r t a n t p r o v i s ' o ^ : , T h a t a n y pe r son who has .bere tpfore ijiade o r m 'ay h e r e a f t e r m a k e a b o n a fide en t ry of p u b ­l i c l a n d s u n d e r the homes t ead l a w s Shall h a v e the privilegj£j2L_payin£r a

e ron a n d F r y e ot Bowdoin,"~Ben H a r r i ­son arid McD-ill of M i a m i univers i ty , a n d Allison a n d C o n g e r of the We-stcrri Reserve col lege , now kfcated"*aT?"Cleve,-land . N e a r l y all the Sena to r s a r e l aw­y e r s by profession, fifty-three having: s tudied law a m i nea r ly all p r a c t i c i n g it. T h e r e a r e a coliple of business m e n , seveTaTfarniers and a half dozen bank-* ers , bu t t h t r l a w y e r s have the m o n o p o l y of t h e S e n a t e .

Fa i r of N e v a d a , is t h e r ichest e ena to r ; H a r r i s - <-)f Tennossoe , | s—the p»orca t


S h e r m a n of ±

Ohio , is t he l eanes t ; Dav id q ^ H i n p i s , - t h e fa t tes t ; B u t l e r of Caro l ina ! the h 'andsom

.. r--- -- establish/ *n<tot of/"a rxxj^cpmrnlssiori tor » ayne county rtU7.pnft-f WvAndotte. against the


incorporate"Bancroft, m i u i n i u m pr ice for t h e rmant i ty o'f l a n o T h n u t D o n ^ a m e r o n of P e n n s y l v a n i a , t i e was": recalled... ,A e n t e r e d a t a n v t i m e before the ^ x p i r - ' p o o r e s t \ V u > ^ e k - - o f N c b r a s k a , t h e

^ a t ion of five y e a r s f rom t h e d a l e - o f en- wi t t ies t and^Mttfeh-ell of P e n n s y l v a n i a , t r y ^ a n d after a c t u a l res jdence , i m p r o v e ^ } h e dul les t ; B a y a r d l h c m o s t s cho la r J r , r i e n t and cu l t iva t ion h a v e been m a i n - p n A ^ J w n b - ^ h e . l e a f l l r ^ o ; M o r g a n of Ala-

b a m a r t f t l ^ s t h e mos t , a n d J o h n s o n of irglnja," t h>- l c^ t{ S a u l s b u r y of Halm

Canby offered t h e following reso^ftttJir in rej^ardJO the fish: commission: /

erew^ttjntroversieB exist b«tw*e»-^the of Flsh^ommissioners ancLthe Superin-

'enden^-and an Investigation o> the same is now pending tefora the legislatare with a view fo the adlustmeiit of such difficulties. -r-v

Resolved, the Senate concurring, That James CL-Portman continue to aex as superintendent

Gained for a period of not lesstrnm two and one-half years after entry; and'pro.

lem m u s t and would be solved before ; tbe / con- o f t j j e t r o u t ijatcherv at Paris and carry oni;he jjfinjtiofi^dlourned. The voting begat/ again" w o r k t n e r e , a n d O . ' M . Chase at the whiteflstt

Vlded.furLhetvthajt a n y person a p p l y i n g Tor the "benefits 6f t h e . t imber c u l t u r e l aws sha l l m a k e h is e n t r y in pe r son a t , the> j£r«per4eeal Iftod- o i # , , a n d sha l l m a k e a f f i d a v i U h a t he is^aoacthial resi-^ d e n t 6f t h e c o u n t y * n d s ta te , | o r t e r -rltoi 'y, in which, t h e r and is s i tua ted , a n d t h a t he-has n o t - en te red in to any con^ t r a c t or a g r e e m e n t to re l inqu ish tho en-



r Howell Mas^lsed^^uL'cessary $l,^Q»l?eau<-ln aW dtAb* Detroit and Lansing telephone lincfauo wfllsoon havt^all the benents of telc-

' reog»nnnlcatlon»._ jr,>-^._. annual association of ..Cowej ahe


.miuiBterThelorin-OliVfct onthelsjt ^ . ^ , *• W B. Williams read a papej-otTieAUlai^wnic*-

. Hon which attracted nwen attention.>Be con-- S d ^ r e d t h a u W W i a i H j d r i f t o f aseculat^du-

C A t i o T w J ^ w S infio^tty andVatlieisiB, and auoteffHeurei from varloua countries to-prove

^ llertorisldered reHglou* schools a nej^sfty. " Jit that a system of morals and the prlncTOB*p£ ~*^~^a§^fBuiTbe taught la rtatcinBtitutldnfl.—

Wm. KUmerr-coBvleted 6t 4£* m^Jf r^of Jacob Boldman, at Newago, has been^Dtenced

-. to Jackson prison for life, and theiherlfl stffitod " {Mediately for that piaco. wUhblspritonc^---

atT?30 o'clV)ck and three votes-wereytaken as rapidly as poeslble^t^e, results' bel/g aar Tol-1 lows: ~ ^ c - - /"'

4ftt 2d 3d Whole pu'mberof votes . . . ' . . . / . . . 7 ¾ ^ 1 3 0 -13] Neceasarv to a choice , . / . ol »1:.: Pi Thomas^NV Palmer ,/••• ^ ^ ^ L U 3 V . Francis B Stockbridge../, » 25 i l Byron G "Stout....1. . / . . . - . ' . . . . , . . 41 37^85 Moreau S Crosby...ji 3

4 Edwin-WUHts . W D Fuller . . , Pe r ry Hanna l i . JameffB Angel l .

f \

egislatureand settlement by the legislature of said controversies.

Resolved, further, That it is the sense of the legislature that ho person from another state

South CarolinaT the h a n d s o m e s t ; M c D i i r of Iowa , the ugVwstV Mahone of Vi rg in ia , t h e mos t h e t e r o d o x ; a n d McMi l l an of

inneso ta , t h e m o s t o r thodox ; S e n a t o r Iri>aU3 of K a n s a s , is the bes t d e b a t o r

w a r e , i.^.thtv t a f t c s t ^ a n d S a w y e r t h r / : - v - 7 shor tes t ; Edr i iunds is th>>Jje8t lawyer/, ^ ^ Dav i s of W e s t V i r g i n i a / t h e l r e s t bne i

Has work there, and 0 . - M . Chase at tt»c wmteusj t r v h e m a y m a k e , a n d t h a t b e h a s n o nateheiy In Detroit/as they are now doing, ^tgo pvirnose of m a k i n g any"Suchrre l inquish-t i t the completion of a full investigation by ttie. j ^ — ^ a n ( j p f fenng f o r ^ a l e as . a m a t t e r

of rraiBc o r s p e c u l a t i o n of re l inquish

31 ^ siould be placed la charge of thefwork of hatch

The resolution WBS put upon Its pa^sage-Un-der Buspcnslofrof the- rules; but, after A brief and brisk debate, t h e pw:amWanu*-Te9olution-pr were laid upon the tabled

m e n t s of en t r i e s m a d e u n d e r the proJ visions of the t i m b e r cu l t u r e laws , sha l l be d e e m e d p r i m a facie? evidence t h a t

T S S S S f f i K 1 * " * * ^ " " ^ ^ 5 ° 1 1 ™ ^ o h en t r ies V o r c m a d o to s p c c » l a t i v e pu rposes , a n d s u c h en t r ies u p o n b e i i a b l e t o

^Thomas W Ferry ngc Eh r - • ' • • ' * • * * ' ' » > * '

I * • 9-J » •

i » a * t « 4 V » l i. 1-V

shal l there" r , cance l la t ion~ r 6y~the

cTommiss ione ' ro l the g e n e r a l land.oft tee, be le-

- The Huron/ the oldest h o W ip H a r r i M ^ , burned on tbe 2d Inst , 4 ^ 0 ¾ ^ ^ ¾ ¾ «capip* with a * u & ^ ^ £ * A Wg* tohive*riglnatedKq)e>lttne«<7: t /J

,- Daniel Boyler%0y>MjH^dt*^**?* U v t d

J ^.' .-•"-•' ^ — - ^ •• \ J

Charles Upsob Henrv Chamberlalil-. J T>V.andi'vVriter • •_ • • • w v • •••'• • • •?*. John Q ^A-danaf ..- • •• •• • • • • • •« • • -

Before^W&stber vote^tfas Uken the naTno of Col. Francla-B. Stocitbridge waa withdrawn, and tbe 80th jbratvote w«st»l«nand ann^«tick

ed,as follows: WhoXnum iiecessary t%ft-chbfte, oTj^Thomas 40; Byrwr(£'Stout, 38; Moreau. S. Cros Ubar.rUpso?,'8^ Thomaa W

cotes, 1 2 1 , jer,

-Cbamberlaih; 2; Wm. D. Taller, 2; Jjaradei -• ~ 'hD. Nurthi 1,| Sd<ftB Wlllltr,

• C " - -

"U r / -

FtrrY,^,6; rrmfy

-• >na BdrtlwJi SethD. >urth^ 1 \ SIIWMB WIIIitY, A l Perry Hannah, 1; fomeaJB. AugeH,1. . ^ .Th> Tait and decisive vot« was U ^ s ^ ^ T ^ ^

the^ldCTtexcftemdiir T r t « U ™^&T™%* the vote was tblt :

_......"'•; ", T i i e N o m i n e e * . . The first Republican convention ever held ln-|. the Saginaw Valley assembled in East Saginaw on Wedmaday, February 2&. In response to the call a large and enthusiastic delegation *s -Bumbled*- The convention TcaUedr'tor the puryoseof nominatjngitwo candidates for the supreme court bench^and two regents for tho unl,ve«4tf,-Jl^ua^liflual comtnjttee^iWere ap^

t.ftdVan<r ' i e reguhur .routine work ^ione, w h e f r - ^ convention proceeded to thft^rea* Jw^mess^foi^which tt~ had been called. The

tlce for -ioll. ferm wcre_then

a n d the l a n d oovere i^ t h e r e b y - s h a l l dftftmed subject t o entry-by' the first

ness m a n ; L o g a n t h e m>>&t no ted ge al , and F r y e j i Ma ine , t h e ^ m o s t elo-qiti&nt orat.orj v

- ; ; - ' H O W - T i l K Y a E O A K L i F D . B a y a r d b e g a n life as a coii.nter-junTr>

er, Beck as a f a r m handy Conne r , aa a l u m b e r h a n d , Dav i s o f / W e s t V i r g i n i a , as a b r a k e m a n , D a w e s as a s choo l t e ache r , F a i r as a ba r - t ende r , F a r l e y as a coach d r ive r , ftbrman a s a sena te p a g e , - J o n e s of F lo r ida , as;n, c a r p e n t e r , McDil l as a de i r a r tmen t c le rk , Mor r i l l

-as a c o u n t r y s to rekeepe r , P l u m b a s «-p r i n t e r ^ dievil,".Sawyer as a l abore r , Shermanjas-a , su rveyor , and ' V e s t as r e p o r t c r7

v-Where Nobodj Ever Die?*^

Elizabeth City Economist. "; > r x - _

gat applicant.

jvinff and Slandering:. notice^^iiii one Austiif fflady to


-nomlpatlotts t< ½MnS and-aftor the^tsual eua«l«t.ic speeches,

were taliHhrHUjjrt foB|gtog io-

have an object in view . - " W h a t i 8 _ i t f 2 - ^ ^ ,

*'I watflTtd proy^intMlw rest of you from slandering irje;'*, ^ ^Obryon mean thing; yon nerer Kfc*r to see^'otir_JrieapXeiu9y ibem|elvea,''

* / - x •

A^oiTesp^ondent^ w r i t i n g fromTDavie coun ty , s ays : M r . E d H u i y l see you a re ! h u n t i n g tfp old"men.- D o w n hero alon^f" t h k . p a r t of th& N o r t h Caro l ina coas t is a goo(Hsange fo r t hem. W ^ o a n sca re ' e m xip- i rv t^e -ne ighborhood of t h e hun-< d r e d s . . ^ . T h e t ' o ( | ^ i n m y M a r i n a u 4 - N * 4 - ^ dyJJPayne, both/otTh>m :n.ear a hundrfed.


ind they u&n dance~a 1¾ fimv equal to a boy of eighteen, On North Battka they

tittreVdie, but on South Banks they pnee^ti^. a meeting and whittled -sfcteka

L X J - . . ^ ^ . "hould kiU his grttndfat£ e what a funeral

i • ' ' •

-.r . . -'-\>

. . V

- «-• " , ' " ' • • < , , ^"'- --*

---- : . - — •

W decide e£ that'they vrtvii

Page 3: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

. > - - . * • • • » -

I - '? •J?

• V "T*

T " ^

' . l >


' • . ' <


T . . - . . ,

" * 3

J l ' • i -V

-—- -*-.-—.—.

^ - . - 1 - ~ U

B A L L A D E O F R H Y M E .

• wim< '6 parade;


^, ._...

"Wien blossoms born of balmy ***ritig ' "Sreatbe fragrance 1« tbe«fca*«tit shade

O r S S c h e i [ A c r e tlu- b ! u , W l ^ > Their hearts wribmuate overweight*!, When brook* go babbling through the fflade

And uvi r rocks the grasses cltmb . To greet the sunshine, half fifr-aid,-

How eaay 'tis to write, a rbyme1

WUtm limitations ane/a-xVor stay Terpsteb&rrd . , .

When drcamj waltrea stir the s t r i n g Aud jewel*na»U on rich brocade."*-

I Whf 1¾ Part** dresses are displayed, And slippered feet, keep wire Jul t ime.-- _

• In wfoter, when the rosea fade, How eaftv 'tis to write a rhyme^ ^ ^ >

L L e fair-faced, gentle glr »»« ^ ^ ' Wlllltm aud glad to Uuve you bring t - v 7 S r ctoiiiS for fove and K*t * « ^ f c L ^

In ki l t**, *««*«> a n d< w o r , ( i * t 1 1 * 1 " * ^ The bells of bliss to better cbime;~-

•Wlum Cupid's rule* are first olwj ed How'easy 'tis to write a rbynie.

^ _ _ , JSSVOY. Header, forgive me, man or maid, , -

-* • AWinitCftllioptftblflcrlnw; ": Amf let this brief ballade persuade

' l i o w ^ y ' t U t o w r i t e a r h y ^ ^ ^ .


a i c a n , a s N a r r a t e d f b y Y O u o E e ? T h e ce lebra ted F o u e h e , D u k e of h t -

- u a n t o , somo t ime chief of pohee to Na­poleon, was r e t a ined b u t a shor t t ime , it is weH-known, in - th i? j&aryice ot the B o u r b o n s , after the i r res tora t ion to the . t W n e of- J^aiiee. : . :He_retir jnL_ to the t o w n of Aix. j n ^ P r o v c n e e . anil there Hved in ntl luenee' irHd ease *ippn the g a i n s of liisi^nff a n d busy ca ree r . On W~e occas ion 4hei euitvp^uiy-Jia&eni-bled in

-Jiia.^aJ.Oja^heUFd • l o w t r u r s t o n u — -

I" lit

from his l ips t he fol-

B Y decree* , ai> N a p o l e o n aastfTfyeiI the

a u t h o r i t y

• * . .

^ o"t~a~kiffg;-Gveiythmg-alHAit i i i i n / e v e n in the dftys of the Consu la te , bep-an to Wear a cour t - l ike a p p e a r a n c e .

.All t h e old, monarerrrnl hab i tudes were r ev ived , one by one . A m o n ^ - o t h e r re­vivals of this kind, t he cus tom of at-tendino1 mass p rev ious V> t h ^ . h o u r of

' a«dieaoe-ftga^reHt<)rt 'd:by l fbuapar te , i a n d he himself was p u n c t u a l -jn his ap-

p e a r a n c e . a t the chape l of St. C l o y d - o n - i u c h occasrott*.- N o t h i n g could be m

m u n d a n e tba i i t l ie 'modV of -pe r fo rming f.TuiVroligious' seryfces. T h e actresses

' ot t h e o p e r a were/ t he chor is ts , and g r e a t

wi th a slow ma tch a-1

kindled . T h i n g s h a d been so a r r anged , t h a t in a q u a r t e r of an hou r we should have been sca t t e red Jwuonjf t he ' rues of the Fark,/>f Sain t Cloud Fouehe mus t be told of th is : Dubois mus t be warn­e d ! "

" N o t a word*** t/hern,"' repl ied Boua-part<;% ?'Thje knowledge of one plot only ^engenders a second. L e t , J o s e -d u n e remain ignoran t of the dange r she as escaped . H o r t e n s e , J o s e p h . Cania-

ceres tell none of t hem, and let the g^ver i i inen t j ou rna l s say njotj a word a lwut miy f a l l . " I

Th,e first CUIIMU was t h u ^ l e n t for some t ime .

"Duroc ,*" he said, i%\ k n g t h , ' -ybi i will c o m e to -mor row af mass a n d ex--a m i n e with-jattemlQta the youjng^girl whom I «K'STTpoiitCmit"to you. ; She will occupy the fourth window \\i

tjhe ga l l e ry on the r ight , . J j^ l fcw her htuxM^wrtcause he r tr> be fol lowed,-and b r i n ^ i m c inteHigenou-ol hy r .na iae , hx?.r abodeiv iifld her "circumstances." ; I t will He "better to do^ this y o u r s e l f I would n o ! have the police In te r fe re in this ma t t e r .

_I"()n the mor row the -eves of m o r e than" <me pqrson were t u r n e d to the window iTL-the ga l l e ry . But the jea lous Jo se ­ph ine sojugfit* in vain for the graceful

Jigirjjjif_. t h f i ^ Q u n g girl . . She was not there." T h e i m p a t i e n t r l r s t C o n s u l , and his con tu lan t , Durpc , , w e r e g r e a t l y an-noypd a t h e r non-ajppeavance,r'and smal l was the a t t e n t i o n ; p a i d by t h e m to the

ervice t h a t dayJ T h e r t - a n x i e t y was nitlcsrs. T h e g f i T w a S seen o r e . ; ""'" r : •'; •-,-„...^__ '

T h e suiuii lers ofjNtipolooii were spent jliiefly at Malma;ison—the win te rs a t S a t n t ' C l o u d and- tjhe Tu i l e r i e s . W i n t e r iiw.V1 onntji on , jtr)i| t.h« VTrsTT,onsuI had been - hpicKng-t?oiw!t;:.m t h e g t e a t - - a p a r t -m<iiits of the last" of these pa laces . I t was the t h i rd of tftat .month which the Repub l i cans well ca l l ed . Nivosc, and in the e v e n i n g B o n a p a r t e e n t e r e d his ear* r i a g e to go to the opera , - a c c o m p a n i e d by liis a iu -de -eamp, Laur i s ton<and Gen­era l s L a n h o s a n d Berfchier! T h e vehi-de \W\a a b o u t to s t a r t , when a - f ema le , w r a p p e d in a bbu^-mant lp< ' fushe<i out upon the l ' l ace Caroujsel; m a d c r h e r way ih t c r t he m i d s t of t h i ^ g u a r d s about to !^J??y]>a ny Bonpa"r te , 'and held forth a p a p e r to the l a t t e r , c r y i n g : .

iCit izerrConsul .C' i t izenX'ounsul . read! ,


"fTHVJld djviiy exhibit ion' of for t h e people.* ... r\ "«ne~particular t ime the j ) i i j i c tuah -

j j ^ f ^ J o ' n a p a r t e in i d s a t t e n d a n c e on " mass"w ;as niTTier d i s t ress ing to h is wife.

T h e quick and j ea lous J o s e p h i n e had discovered- t h a t the eye of h e r ' b u s b a u d wa"s t oo much-d i rec ted to a wipdow in t i n - g a l l e r y where t h e r e n-gulnjrt.y ap-

' p e a m i the form and face of a gir l * oL uncomnv*n •' beauty..- ,- T h e - - ches tnu t t resses , the brillian£..e\cs and gr-tioe!*^

iTgu-n^tjf Cirw<j»»M*i)nagc caused the more uneas iness to Oke"ttrm*urs wifoi as the

• s t r a n g e r ' s g lances -were . bent not less o f t en 'upon B o n a p a r t e thai^lds, were up- , on her.__

i W i i u .

\ x i ^ i h a t y o u n g g i r i r -

close • saa of tke

1 Jose-ph ine , one .dav , at. the close ot ftie ser­vicer vwliaWiim she seek from :iie Firs t Consu l? ' I obse rved 'he r d r o p a' bilhX


j u s t now a t his,feet. He picked it up " I saw •him-/ ' : C3?OTme could tel l Joseph ine :who_the o b j e c t " of- her notice precisely was. t h o u g h the re were some who dec la red her to. be a i v ^ u i i g r e e , ' ! latelyfriTtrrrned, ttn-fhwho was- p r o b a b l y ai>strous of; the

implor ing ly joining her hands , A , "• W h a t she would f u r t h e r have-sa id was

lost.-" T h e c o a c h m a n , who,--it after­ward sa i rhwaj i Inioxu^iwlr giisv ihe lash- to his horses . aruKthey s p r a n g oft with the speed of l igh tn ing . , . "

T h e ( 'onsul , thferwing in to his hat the papor-luv-lMul^eceivjeil. r e m a r k e d to 'his c o m p a n i o n s : " I could not well "see her l igure , but I"think the poor- woman is

^ r P u u g . " p _,;'- . T h e ca r r i age d a s h e d a long rapidly.

I t was juat i.-^umg from the, s t reet of St. Nicholas , when/ a' fr ightful de tona t ion was h e a r d , m i n g l i n g wi th and followed by tjie c rash of .broKen windows 1'fml the (•ries of in jured passe rsby . T h e infer­na l m a c h i n e had exploded: / - t I i i i r i ju fed ; tiro c a r r i age of the CTotrshl a n d i ts ' ' in­m a t e s was whir led NN'ith undi iumished


interventfdrrDf the F i r s t Con*«r i t i f avor of he r family. Wi th such M g m ^ e ; < a * this, the consu l ' s wif(»-was-- i^-di^Ml; rest sat is tied ioTl i ie t ime . ~ . . .After the audience of the s a m e day Qati-passed, B o n a p a r t e .expressed a wish"

'f(>r a dr ive in the p a r k , and a c c o r d i n g * ^ "went o u t a t t e n d e d by his wife, hi.s bfotV' e.r J o s e p h , Duroc , and FTo'ftense tte.ui-t i a ina i s . T h e King of Prua3 ia . iws t t^5 t

( - ^ - — 0 ^ «. ^ . - . . . . - -

H^vi ln , which 'wiw exetMtted on

presen ted Napo leon with « t s f i 'pejb.set "f l l " r ^ < *""}• JP " " " ' K ttrid-they-


t u r n i n g - -Okvent '


wt r re j i a rnessed lo_a.ii-open cTTartstzfo^ the party-.--.. T h e Consul t*w?k it in to hi.* heaq , t o dr ive OH--person, a n d "mounted

= - = ^ U I | I I iby. p i m r h i i i i r r ^ s e i i t . . T i m e h a r i o t

se t off, .but just as i t ^ ' - as i . ^ ^ U l t o .., the ^piw:k, ' . ^ 1 1 ^

<rra*dK^iiLn^t '-^--st()ne a t the a n d the4tc*t Consul w a s th rown to_JJhji

r o u n d . H e ^ a t j e m p t e d t o rise, bu t ag¾«L^el^ p r o s t r a t i o n : a s t u n n e d an(l in-s«tiJsibie>--condition. ' ^ i e ix i iwh l l e the horses s p r a n ^ f ^ ^ r d ^ y U h l ^ e ^ h a r i o l ,

d were only s t o j ^ « 4 l ^ h e j i _ r i u f d t v . a t t h e > t e k of his; - . - . . . . -—

s e i ^ e t t . _ , . . - --:.-t.-.----u u t i n a " swoo i rmgcohu i t ion . T h e r e^ of t he p a r t y speeauvy>ceturued to<Napo leon, a n d ca r r i ed h im bsck^to his apa r t -monts .— O n reebve r ing Jiis senses fully;

. rapidity-io ttte+tperj^ "iSorrapart*;enter-etk,his„ bo'x-with seF^ne^brow'anil unruf-fjeiK^eportnieTft^ Ho^saluted . as usual , the ass\in7 , |Jed Jtpri : t ,norsl t<i news of t U ^ ^ p l o s i o n c*arae, with all the s])eed whic'jj fumor exercises upon such 'oecfl ( ietF calhi."

t\l\ were s t u n h e d a m l s t u p e -B<mapartc only was . "}>erfeetly ":He stood " \ ^ h ^ e r a s s e d a r m s .

listc^iiug a t ten t ive ly to ' the oi*atori6 of tha t

re-^vening^"" Sudden ly , howevejv- -h meinJaferedTUe-pa})er pwt intoiiis;vhands. He-toerk i t ' bu t aftri r ^ i d these l ines^.

^ V l n i t i e n a m e of i ieaven. Citizen (.'on-' stil, 'do nofTgw4.0 the o p e r a to niglt tyor if you do go , p a s s ^ i l o t t h r o u g h thesfrefit of

. .. t „, . ... , . - , . , 7^-—-: 1 ffiiiu'iu r a i s i n o ^ j H ^ e y e > ^ H i t to hlalce" the h r s t t h i n g ^ u c h he d,ul was t o ^ i t | U a n p t j . . o ^ ^ r ^ p g ^ ^ q o ^ k "Irkdiand in to his pocke t a n d pull n u t the MlipjOt p ^ p e r drop)>ed a t his feet in. the ^ a p e T . " T > > ^ t n g ^ ^ i v e r hi« -shoulder; Jd^ephlnjrread

l i v e r It wtwdy:

" D o iwt dr ive out


r a l ' s a r n T a n d s a i d . w a r i j ^ ^ e e x there—looki"-^

B o n a p a r t e ^ s t o p p e d suddfmTv

vour . c a r n a g e

p t t r t o f . coachn ian to-day 4 u r _ t h a t : J i to dr ive

• \ . • /

"Sliould b e ' a w k w a r d , e n o u g h a g a i n s t a s tone . ( ro . jDuroc ,and e x a m i n e t h e char io t . ' - ' _ . ^JUuroc-obeyed. Soon after h e r e t u r n ­ed* v^ryCpale, antf took ' th"^ first' vCohsut a s ide . '^r i twoT/Consuls-^^ibJt t f••••hat l . J Q U nrrt- strtteic the^-4U)ne, a n d s topped o u r d r ive , we4iaU^aHT)*ea J o s t . ^

" H o w s d T ' was t h e ^ e p l y . > - .

: -* 'There w a s inr the1

St. "Nicholas: On r e a d i n g - t h e s e words . the^.Consul

H! Upraise his eyes . JC.xuctly on* s t t c t o hiuv. in a bo\ on llTe th i rd tier,

"sat theHo.ung gir l of the Chape l of Saint Cloud , whn. with jo ined h a n d s , seemed to u t t e r p r a y e r s of g r a t i t u d e for the es­cape which l iad t a k e n p lace . He r head had no cover ing but her flowing and

iuitiful ches tnu t ha i r , aud'TTer person was vrRinped in a d a r k m a a t l e , - wfiieh the I'on.surTveorfhized as identic»l with t h a t w o r n by tln>^y<mian who had de­l ivered the 'paper - to h i m - a t the ca r r iage d b o f ' o n - t h e PJacc C a r o u s e l C ^ ^ ^

'.fro," said lie, qdietl 'y butquiclTry>.$o .isilife, t h r e w Sum^self ,^^^^ . . , . 0 t o t he bOxVxactly oppositS ^ « ^ A ' > W Bitten tor prot y n ^ J o s e p h i n e w ^ b n to h f c - o u t S c tn i rd tier. You NvSliithi ^ S ^ ^ r l ^ v i w ^ loirmfr condi t ion . T h e r e s t - „ . . . . . . . > ^ C J :„ .. 1.1... 1 „ , 1 . i>I: pleasednv*»te birrc *recoverea

young^ r i a n a b l ack m a n t l e . Turing l i e r ^ t o ^ t h e Tmfa r i e s . I m u s t see her, w i t h o u t d c l a y ^ ' B o n a p a r t e spoko thus ,

'SVTHtbul ~ ^

gone . ^ J i o b lack r^antTe-Avas. * \ n u o y e ^ k . a V t h i s beyond^

g i r l was h . H ., ^ .tto. be seen . ^

'rSSP' r 11 • " > ^ 1 ^ J m e a s u r e , he_ ln i r r iea lv jjefrt^off l A n n e s ' T h i s c a n h a v e no Hl luwon- i&t jm^te l t o i n t e r c e p t h e x . - a ^ k a s . i i ^ V i i T f f . ^ T l i e

acc iden t , Haiti B o n a p a r t e . --No ^ ^ b x - k e e ^ r had seen such aft i n d i v i d u a l cou ld ferstse t h a t - T w a s to p lay the ^ ^ e ' w n o t h i n g a ^ t her . "

yatjtfe agylLed to jhmchd, a n d Dubois , ^wfr ' — Q a f l a n t al l t h e Tieal^ofHhese func t ionar ies failed in djscovori tK^her

v,'Y / V int. ^ _ Yt fa r s r i i n on after the t h e ih fe rna t mach i r iv -and . . . . Aepopipanyinaf c i r c u m s t a n c e / ^ wii

" d l t a j u a l b ffce" o c c u r e n c e m o r e re rlcable in the eyes « f B o n a p a r t e T o

- ^ i h a r g ^ w ^ r a g g e r H . i e c e s o l ^ t ^ W ^ m ? . A l M R W o p c poured it* [ $ $ $ ^ ^

t r o o p p ^ t n t o F rance , and compe l l ed the Kmp^rpv to lay, down thje sV3e"pfre which hailbtjien so long shaken irt t e r ro r o v e r h a l f ' t h e civilized world, i T h e Isle of FJba . became for a few dajys t he mos t r t ' iut irkable spot on the g lobe , a n d final­ly thte 1 resusc i ta ted empi re fell to pieces' anev^ on the held of Wa te r loo . , B o n a p a r t e was about to »quit F rance .

' I ' he -moment had come for him to set foot, in the bark^which w a s l o convey h im to the Knglisli vessel. F r i e n d s w h p " had followed the fallen chief to the v e r r las t were s t and ing by to give h im a tin ' ad ieu . H e waved bis hanxl to tho a r o u n d , and a'^&aiile was on the lip whtctrffad gil 'en the farewell kiss to the imper ia l eagle . At4 ,h i» ins tant 6 * ' o m b roke th roug l i t^e band t h a t s tood fore Napoleon. She was io the p r ime o f w o m a n ' s l i te ; not a gir l , yet*_young enough to .retain un impa i red t h a i beau ty for w|iieh she bad been remarkab le , among! a crowd of beaut ies . H e r fea tures :were full of anxie ty and sadness , add ing iuteresjt ' to lier ap j )ea r ihee even at such a momen t . . . _

"Sire! .s ire! '" said sl»e, p r e sen t ing a p a p e r hur r ied ly ; '•read"! read!1 '

T h e E m p e r o r took the p a p e r p resen t ­ed to him." H e shook [. his head , and he ld up t h e p a p e r t o liis eyes. After p e r u s i n g its contents ho, took it be tween his h a n d s a n d t o r e it to- pieces, sca t te r ­i n g Ch*e f r agment s in the air,

" S t o p , s i re !" cried the wrJnhui. low the advice! B £ warned—it t ime! : ' , .;„ ' t ,

• 'Xo!'-^replied Napoleon . And , t ak ing frotn his finger a beautiful or ient ia l ruby , aJTJahrabh2 sou reu r ro f h i s E g y p t i a n cam-paijgns, he held it out^ to the woman . Sh<ftook it. kneel ing , a n d - kissed" t h e ha i jd jvhich^presented it .: T u r n i n g his "he^a^,^lpo1elMF41iett•-i^t¾:^J1^l'd, into^th^"

fruui rpui niui pTlt-torrt. New V«irk. Sold

.-Kol-is vet

ularly if resultinK Tru: (VKT.I., llA/AUI) ii C<).

,by I>M»«{ff1i*tt>. . KKD FOX,"Skunk. Muskrnt bought f<.r eash at lil«li-

cut prices. ,Sen<l fur circular »vhi(;h jjive;* full partl<-ul«r.H. K. <'. BOC(;UTOV, .'> Howard St., New Vnrk. .;

LVON':*-Patent Heel ritiffenor the only/hivejn-tion^thatjiiakes nld lxx)tKftr;iiyt]t.ii.- pew. •

' - '. Fr«ee of Charge . An pie«arit wing book free of ciiarye e<iOt«ij»4ri2

humorous, and sentimental «001,% *uiujby Wiaard Oil Companies, In their open air concerts., flamttns Wizard oi l Co., Chicago III*. WtZAUt) im, cures rheumatiaru, lame back, sprains, bruises, burnt*, vcaldH, ulcers, ferer sores, luflaruation ot. the kidneys, neuralgia, headache, toothache, earache, sorethroat, catarrhf hayfever. allays infiunuUion and reflevtw pain in any part of the system, -Sold by dru«rt»U at a>eent*. d(«!l lunfl'l fa-D>fe"Ti:"*Ati?rToTr will baju'hh puln and be happy.

*boa|t w hieh awai tod -to-take- hitti~t-?- t h e vessel. J l ' h e vessel took h in r to ' the bar­ren} roclcqf St. Helena . - '

nd^there he died. XMts of three wa^nings, . t \yq,were use-.

less*because neglected unt i l t!ie d a n g e r had occurred , and the .third—-which p rognos t i ca t ed the fa"te of Napo leon , if once-4n t h e , p o w e r of. h i s -adversar ics - — the ' th i rd-was- re jec ted . - -.--;•

-•'Bjit who . was this v^onjan. ()trHTjTo'r'

^ ' T h a t , ' . - r e p l i e d Fouehe, ° 1 know not wlith certainjty. ; ' T h o E m p e r o r , if he k n e w ultimately^- s_eeins to hav*«s keptrthe see te t . ' All tha t is i a o w n , respect ing the m a t t e r is that a fem-iile' ^ e i a j e d to Sa in t 44e-gent, one of the a u t h o r s bfMJie explosioniof the street St. Nicho las died" at the hosp i t a l IIotid U h ^ha t - a round h e r neck was.siuspenxled, by

^ibbbnrtluV^xqiiisite, orien^'b"y of NapoTe

Tire shopt ing sefr^a^has the a v e r a g e boy begins roa

out of hi si pa ren t s for a gu which,—ia- all h u m a n p rabab i l i ty boy will id lhe r c r ipple hiniseif body else. " F a t h e r . ' ' said Joh-H-ny Fiz­zle-top, "*'«anyt you upaiv. m o n e y enough to get me a g u n ? " "My son when J carrr spare* a-boy F11 get you a g u a

•The Fredericklotcn. :.,-Xtxu {•Can.) lkpartc.v sa^s":'. " N o b o d y but . a d m i r e the ^e i ' s i s ten t ente'rpi

inanifL'sted^by the;owTtcrs^ of StY J a c o b s Oil in kepping the n a m e b'efbre the pub­lic. I t received a-big ' s emi off" in t h e Hotise the o t h e r day by . t h e H o b . Mr. j^a j ley , w h o ' warne.d his cbUeasues in t h e . G o v e r n m e n t of the d a n g e r of Bear Kniers^receivihof two bountie-t. for one nose : thejudicioufi u-ao'of- i h e (^1 eau-» . i h g r a p k C g r o w t h .

Gold is e i ther the or tjvo n u n »-ankind,vaqcordiu<j t o ib< use.

If there is a._person in this coun t ry who does^not know of Jrtinson'.«?' Anodyne Liniment we hone, this p a r a g r a p h will r e a c h tha t person'-?; e r e am? tha t he wllh wfi te us for pa r t i cu la r s of it; It is more va luabk ' |hfH):-xgo]d,- si lvoi-or precious s tones7 ' - —-.. "~ ""•--• ' s .

Ai you -wish 4o "remove avar ice m u s t r emove it's mother-^.iuxtlrv":

\ ( i u

t> T h e manufacturersol^.^ht-^i^tH^e-i-^.t^-\iilfy i 'on(tif.i(in-~l&u'>Icrx inform . us ' tha t t hely^powders will etlect u a) i y pre vent h o g c h o l e r a and all o t h e r ^ a i s e a s e s l a hogs , a n d tha t thev will increase the si/.c "» ml w eight^ cine-' qiiartciv^

A P a c t v ^ o r t H R e m e m b e r i n g . ^ A severti-coldior cqtieh can4be«oone*tf ured

by taking, acei>rtUdg ty directions. 'Allen's LungBalsanr."- It faru be procuredNat ;tnv dru.c: store. It is liHrnilf^to tlig-u.ost t'iMtca'u1 JXT-son. . \

He wlm,Jmn tbe reputuiKm of rlnintf vafh-may sleep-tiH n»H)ti.

From Cleveland, 6liio,. Comes A letter signed.,T. Walker,, savlm/T "About six months Ago ebrmn?riced taking

•JRurd/ticic ' IJloud Hitters for protracted ease of

V a«d wonted streojrjb.

and now am mv appetite

Feel better altogether. I.

In tli >roldflrr«J

eexehaiiiri' of thought u*e 110 coin but d silver. ' ... . * - = ^ _ - - - — -

Oallea to Preachy \Ve feet ca^pd-npon tQ.preach a few gospel ^»^|a<^4J^atTarcAvorth knowing.-\Ve-*aut

.cv-trybalj^tivettiyj all thati^-poesihk in this worfth^We want^all thoilyjjr^o aye suffering from rJieuinatisrrr^Qguralfla,'ami all a'chesi Rpfajhia and rja^^oknttw^thattfhonuuf Felec-tricpihi^&n unfaihnjr^uidjfrptepdld cure.

• It. is chance fhnt^ in likes brotifeTs^^rt-Jvearta B a n a H . t h a t rnak*'friemi*. "^^ - ' . ^ - ^ - * . . .

There can be somethiogberoio ina^mejlitine arweH-w iu individuals." Burdock Khnx> 'ten have effected many a gallaiit rescue among 1¾¾rlBUflfrt&sqftek* r'fhpu&in^da b,iaye cecapcu thettigcriea of dftnenaja and i\etxoua.jiSflltT through thejus* of jtnia wonderful, rfodlciiie. Tt4ii emphatically Jhe best stomach and blood toidcmihcworlvi.

Ydu a>»u*cfotrir the *iitldX K'uVe bt^fore you coifiraend vouwclf,

The only naUaral hair renever is Car&rliiur,, a deodorized extra*:t of petroleum, prepared without distillation or rectification with acids or alkalies, contaiuirjg no mineral or (Tiber polaoos, delightfully perfumed aurl *Mikar aud pure as spring water- "

Speaking macb and are very different.

speakiug N> t-be p jln^

I m p o r t a n t When vou vlflttor leave New^Yurk Oity; save

baggage Expretffiage and Carriage Hire and tetopat the Grand Union Iiofel,opposite. (Jrand CJentral Depot". j

1 Elcgan'tj rooma, fitted ap at a cxwt of one mil­lion dollars, reduced to $ and upwards p<rr; day. Plan. Eli vator. Restaurant

ppllwfwith the beat. Hi rse earn, stages and ev .L4* railroad to all de «ts. Families ear^

live V t u • for lea*-money 11 the Grand Union $o tc ;u* at any other nr t-cia^Jiotei in thf m _. _^\..: f ] When Fogg saw a train on the dresa of an Qi|l

lkdy, b^ . r emarkea tha t i tws behind time,,

S/IKSHMAS'H TONIC, the only preparation of beef containlnx HM entire nutritious, properties. It contains blood-making, force-«ener-atlnKund life-sustaining properties; Invaluable for lxni'UKHTldK, DYISPKIVIA. nurvi^us prostration, and all ti>pm»-**t wewontl debility; also, in nil enfeebled conditiontt, if nether the re«u4t iif exhaustion, jjer-" voun prostration, overwork, or a<:uti; dkie^se. partie

nary complaint*. C A S

LEARN TEUGRAPH^a'Psg^-ssg: Taled, American Seho^of Tmegraphy, MadUon.W^a. iSfifi* week In your own" to wo. Tertaa and afioattc


: *Co. V( Voritand. € 7 9 » we«k. tl2adaratbom««aflll7ma4ftGoatlyoat * ' * t l t free. Addre— T r u a ^ C o - X u g u ^ . ^ n

AG K N T M W A * T l J J * f < j r the best andXimtBHt in* Plvtorlil B*u)1t» and Bible*. lMcai redao

perTaent' ^JAT.tHt HMWHlNuCo- Philadelphia. I



. v ^ wmmmwm '•• w a 4 i v w tnomsn'aoo jEio 9nn9 or a t n.-

uatlon, addref*. /ftlentlne Pro* , J*neoTllle, Wto.

Rochester JtlCK LISTS FUII . \U. Gla» , Seed Grower

Koche^ter, N. Y.

i>> you .wish to opiaut KOod and] valid ¥u««T .¾^¾¾¾¾ I

BOX, 37 Weal-CaD' KreH8 8 t , Detroit; Mich. Attorney 1 tin Patent Cause*. JCstablished U | vears. Henrt.for pamphlet, free.

Upon - - 1 .


P A T E N T S r

- F?;y- i@r Send

Patents A. L H U M A N X , Solicitor ot Patent*, Waahtagtoo,

D. C. &T Send fiu- Crrcular.^gf -"I'rucured or 00 pay! Alu> . trade marks, etc. »ead mod I el and sketch; will examine and report if patentable.

kManyyearM practice. Pam­phlet free. N.W.FtuaeraidA. Ct>,.Att'yB,Wa«I»lngtonJD.C.

F O B H O I ^ B I E K f t o n any diaeaae, woand or to Jury. Parents, widow* and children are entitled Millions appropriated. Fee $10. Increase, pen­sions, bounty, backpay


and honorable discharge* procured. Send stamp tor instructions and bounty table. E. fiBLSTQN ACQ- At t 'v^Box 7», Washington,t)

p r e F O R . Liifi£3 W«E»t ALL ZLSWAIl?,

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graving represent the Lr.n2iinl!,-asalthT ftats, f • •• ' ' - .


F O R S O L D I E R S on .•i*ByaaiBuaeo< Injary. Parents, widows and children are entitled Millions appropriated., I'"ee $10. Increase, pen-sions, bonnty.^acJt pay

and honorable discharges procured. New Law&.Send . . _jn*.and -bounty table. A\.W-11U:

eerald A Co., Attorneys. Box 5H8. WashlngtoaTD. CT jlamp_for inhtrnctioi

And the serererer forms of indigestion. A B » _ _ jjhlet on the above most dlstressttg maladies and

Eheir complete cures, post free, five c « i t s in- stamps. *ifU. K1>G, Esq., STArr.SCKOEOX, KOTAI. N. \rT. 5NG1.ANO. Apply t o Nv j

l l l Y H A R D K I N G , B o x 8 8 , ' -^ D e t r o i t , n i c l i . _

G U A Y ' ^ P E C i I F l C M K » 1 C ' 1 N E .

n v . N A n unfail­ing cure for Sem­inal Weakness,

a . Impotericy. and ail diseases that. fc»llow as a se-v [uence of 8elf-

as Toss 1 Memory.upiver-sal Laesit trd e ,

BEFORE TAIINLi 'a ln ln tbeBackJtprEI T A I I I B -•4-ttmnenH'i»f Vision, £remaluxe Old Age, andlnany other diseases, that lead to insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave.

PT" Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de^ ' sire to send free by mail to everyone. f3r* The Spe­cific MediciniLlfljold-bX-aiL-riiaia«Ma_gl_^^ age. or Mx'-packages for ¢5, or wltl be sent by m a u o o the receipt of.the money, by addressing

THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.,HBUL... On acc*»unt ofc'coonterfeits, we have ado

yellow wrapper; the only genuine. Guarantee* of cure issued by Farrund, Williams & Co,, Detrtft

i -Mich.

v -

«..mlj«• Ar<a O^fteiq-hroatand CURIPlLi Lung A f f e ^ n j .

>t C o n t a i n * No O p i u m in Aiiy F o r m ;

mmended "by Physlcfahs. Ministers and 'Nurses>-4n tact by everybody who has jri'en it a good<,iialJ>lij}ever fails to bringjelief.

Cnres-J.lheuma.tlszu, Lum-

b&go, LameBapj:, Sprains and

Bruisjss, Asthma, Catajrrh,

Coughs, Veldt, So2e Throat, 2

E'ipht.hqria,, ]Bnfns^ Ficsi

Bites, Tooth* Ear, and Head­

ache, and all pains and aches.


_- tfc.« ',-iest •!«: rivii an ' l ' ruc^ i t ' remedy ' c th«

wcrUi. •-!,»•(.•;>•'..cttie gTJarar.twJ. So'.dby mr<Ucine

dealers evcrVrihere." "J),i:c^luu> i'a eight lan^uijer.

FOSTER, MILSURN & CO., Propn EC'l ^ALO & Y . U . S . *.-.

•V- —



<dro« (\>nsunip_tu>iti BrOwAiaffilttcot

ids .1!

For the

neumonTa^jnflaenia. Hoarsem


Cener The good and staunch old stand-by, MEXICAN MUS­TANG UMMENT, has done more to assuage painr relieve suffertaff, a id save the llres of men and blasts than all other

\ - --7^-

ma^Croufi.'.Whooptaw Cough, atrt Breatrilnij Ortriatt, I t ftoothea antf h t sranoo | the Lungs, inflamed aa<l Poison disease* and preventttue-nlifht, sweaia and the _ _ , ^

jjaaajkCftiss t h e | chest'.which acoompany \u COH-SUMPT1GN »».no> a h i^curabiejnaway. H a ^ l ' i B A U I w k i f will cure'yout-even though professional aid falls. " .**-- \

iniments. imt tpfte%nejr« te Ids'

•tea through s^in an tlie ^ryDOae^dri;

ty^ydft and morWd secretlottg, andreatOT: lug the afflicted part to somnd andOTppJehealth*

Page 4: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

t — • • • t

- E — K - - ' . ' . l ^ . » rtww mm --.¾ *-» ' V t r w t t M ^ '

v i


• / • '

'."•JW « < * • • • • •



day from tht* Doctrrrt m i ^ e r e r and aya, i*f your school-days and seeraedj-reaUv while I wrulie'd-hi my sjornetYl could

c ft. r


in"i i + SAVED.

A TJIL'K STORY, 81)4 8^44 beside the iron road,

A little child* O'f t *n yoarauM: 8ht> heard two men'tin? thuti.lcrsroll"'".

From north and so uu, tnat^ninly showed Danger too fearful to bo toid.

Nearer, still noprer. rumbling on, ^ On«v train np|> ouched witli fmahlnsr speed; What could ^he doiwjin would jrive toed

5Co4»er—a chtW-who st^od Hloim — "** And Voiceless as u roadside weed?


A f eetiTrory _ Acrosstbetrack—and then untied.

. , Her little apron from her side. And waved it swiftly as aho could, i

If o-aly »he migiit bo eApvedl ' If only on the hissiaprbuck «

Of that huge ia«»n«ier, uearing faat, i The eogiuegr his eye mi«ht east ] On hejkj&<a^«n'i Incurving track, %.

And heed ner trtif uaT ere he passed I i * !

She,stands *ith shout nn<l warning beck; Qncamoa tjbo.trtun with thund.miu roar;

•'• TJheureaaah *&»*—hn look* oiioe.inory— -He sees a little waring speck. • * •

And aiacke iuK* slower moves and slower. '." **», little gik.what's all this row?'V

"Another train! My ears ft |tUna! •• fc rountUthe curve Illco mttRiitf aruajl

Back, buck-ftor 1 raustotenal now The other 15' aud away Bhd ruus^

' So by this little maiden's hand Were hundreds saved from fearful lot;

; Hut when with awe they spoke of wuat__^_ They had escaped—and made demand

Aoout the child^they found her not.

^yor she.bad vanished tttfongtl tHtf vviind; v None guessed hor dwelling place or ljame

}•• Nor by wlwtt-Wo ldroiH etia.vJe sho caue—' While home she ran in blithesome mood, ~Norkuew shtj'ba i dona a deedyf t am^ __

ButtpthVotd tim©* they would hav-e said It •as an angel tb'at stoad taerj— The hood ab we hergbldea hs'

A niiilbua glowing round a head Witb'Supernatural radiance fa fair.

'The sraalT>toJt« apron fhat she waved Aeross the durwrerous Iran.track,

' To wnrn-the riishing engine* brick. Might have-trefep- wing< whoso flashing.saved

-r-JEJtfa uuuUYea souls from mortal wrack.

S A S M E ^ A C P H p s O y .

'~, I t waa.my_ ^mtege7~dxning Jhe . ; last 4ays of his strangely prosperous career, ito see a^ good deal of the late Mr. Thomas Carlvle—"True Thomas," ' ' as

:.A'('-;uii !?«?• M,tephe'rson, tell Tammas Carlvle h iw to construe' this or that passage in 'the 'Meta­morphoses.' ..Sometimes, just to shame us, he was put at the vory bottom of the '< class, and then—Lord, to see him loup» irs r from pliTce'to p!!lf!iJ,'11K.W. uuu I"HH« niug up a bviut, and then standiU'-T. Hushed and triumphaul, iu his old plaee, at the very top!

"Sandie's lather was a sma)L_trades­man itf tllasgow, and yuu1 maybe sure ho-- was proud enough' of his son. "Sandin was -ever isjjieU and span, had the

astonished that y 6¾ had made any "mark, in the world.* , -

" I foreod a laf^h, but I felt hot and cold all over. i

" M)o you retnember h imf proceeded Mill. 'I-fe remembers (/(juwonilert'ully.1

" 'I am not isure,' i returned vritlr

be.^t of clothes, aud-a silver wak'Ii and chain «jjiveu to him by ljis aiKit•'j)i'i ffi? bir'Uiday. llis'tkfoUs'W'rH^tr-hitj^iU. •-clean, white and neat, with no thumh-marks or do^'s-leavfs to disii^ure lhe pa^es. He wrote a bejiutiful hand, like copper-platerauTTin Hue writing et:ns, as. we]l its the vest, he was /«</.V prith'Atfis* , Well .migth^liOi . Ifrok with seorn on my slovenlyl 'dress, lpy bouks: all thumbed-and torn'and on iniy^lnnil-wt'itinjj, -which was illJto huvke but as heathen Greek. Well mi.u'hi he lije held up to" me, as he was, for ar>'h'min^ lijilit and an example. ' Tammas (IvHyle. ^o-outandwasi i vo.ur face; when wilt* ye learn to,bo tirly, like Alexander! M:ie-

.phei'tHm? 'Tammas, your booil* are a disgrace; _do y"« 'ho1- think sjjatnb when ye see jee the books of 1£.V"\andef Ma«pher-

?'_ ^Ftu'-^hame, 'fainmas,-tV>r shame; \ \ do yoiLever see. Alexatuii'r Maephyrson srrcking'blfiek man [a apuc'ius. oif Seoieli sjveetliieatj ifr"rtre"'"tntdst p 1 -'Xauimas^yo'ur handwriting is a

of lhat name in; the class <vith nie, but I've almost forgotten him. It 's—it 's a

| long time ago ' ' ' 'Hypoerite that I was! Did John Mill I "know that- i w:is lying?' He looked at I me, for some moments with^Hi »m-u«eU ! smile, as if he were calling upsome queer j r^'ininisinmeetand I—1 could have brained [.Him. • Some liitld time after thai John [Mi l l and 1 fell.out. He wrote a criticism • of HuekleN 'History of Civilizatioti.1 1

handled'the-same l«)ok next quarter and | turned MilTs arguments inside out in no f very complimentary Ijjwhion. Mill wus • a sensitive-man, and' awhile after that ! he cut me deail in the^gtreet. We made [ it up afterwards, -ibut were never tlie I same as Uii\\re^ *'Iii.l the day of his death | I 4eve r gave him any explanation. I f. cared ho "more for Htickl? orchis argu­

ments than for that lly on the wall], ^Buckle, indeed—the poor, silly, over-i|cTarrrmcd ^^K4i»«y guwkL. ZTho ^eal M cause of my attack on John Mill was ' anger and irritation. Sahdie Macp.Uer--son. again, was at th« bottom of it all!

"A year or"so':if}etf this I Went down to.Glasgow on busini>ss. 15y that time 1 had made a name for myseif-.aud my visit caused a stir in the city,

t ha t l i had come to preach hoiiestyand 4iKle(n'tuliiUi'e, pure living knd high thinking, to n. roiien generation.• but' Samite .Nhcpherson kneW bettbiv Sandie saw tkrough mr. It was no use }>osJng as a great thinker md teaeher before/iu/i. .l^Jltiuded Ms words: 'Mony tldngs please'thw folk in liondou t-hat wouldua 4ran^r iloon in Gkujow.4 "|t was-ijitrmi-


i _ . iatihg,1 to say the leas Muuh na 1 •<•

JvHv despised the fellow, his altitude u>f in­vincible stupidity was something Titanic. TcHhe bedsitle. t k the heathen Emperor^ slaveTrsed toconiecaeh morning, sayiug. •' Philip, rjiiiiember you must die!' .To my beds'uh', for many a dav baViie tho spirit of Sandie, saying: 'Thomas Car-lyle, remember you're a poor creature, and T hum) U,n '"* *

>«1 tluniglit to have my revenge on Sandie; at last, they made me Lord Rec­tor of the University- of Glasgow.

"More proud tSuilcxultaut than you can think, I went down to my natal City to deliver the rectorial address. I was an old man by this tune, and had a great name all o%c|r the wurl^- Such a recep-tiim as they gave me! As^I stood m.thjL large hall, with the professing and citi­zens avound. me, the students in their thousauds cheering • me, line dailies in the galleries smiling down upon, me, I felt that 1 had reached the

I addressed I spoke

UMHH ANU-JtWtltii,. and' healer in Knglish and Amer ican*

SHOT (ill"SS U ..RIFLES^ kimU: aUu u full line of tiHluntf'.tackle, poebsi i^rtto'rj, Watle ftiid-H«+t4Mit rit/.ora,' rasvr btr«ff,

lioiit'H ui.ul brththes.


•tionj Alexander, sej. seT. to show him

hini how

write.' These were the" cries -ringings forever I n mvjears. WTiatP-wonder if I

^h^tj-^ '4-with^he^jori l l^^>v^ a swggering uis"tefor philosophy. Affer a few diiys 1 grew very Weary of being lionized-:; -for nearly every day there was a givtuoci11iT^Tc^.-au44--w'a»Tboi^tUe

al)omina-a" '-co|ty your-a lad should "cTTes"

gre_w t0 look on ^andlelis a'slipertoT^e" ingr-TO be gaze^J ' atj^yith adiuiratlou and envy, to be imitated with a\Ve~ and" fear? v *-*It was just the same story'.when we went^to college.

"We met theEe on our former footing;^say, he distinguished hUiisjeii as usual,. while-iT wateh.L-U him from a

.respfieyu\..^d.i^rajacej. i'ew" words over

height of my ambition them-like a man inspired, of my early days, , my my fondness for the country otvjoiy birth, and--F'was i n ' t h e middle of a

" ' den 1 became eonseious oTa raa"rn~f33SL

with the admiration of'daft folk of both upon i t - w h o s e face "eonUt -itTie but the Dne'goronorm as I was : jw*mier-r-o iaJJiadolrfifliM, .all*. n i y llffe • T n e

sexes ing about tho streets looking at the. old

"TvoTn? ' and calling -to miml the places I had'known when a lad, I passed down the ^ Gallowgate and saw the name of 'Alexander Macpherson' "over a"Tniatl grocer's shop. Now, I wa,s in a.sympa­thetic mood that day; the contemplation. oj^ old •scenerf and .the thought of the kindness of my countrvmen h;ul-touxihud.

passed bet\v.e*m us,

'he was affectionately called by the gen-; eration t a whom* he told so many grira truths^ I had gone ii6 him as a 1 i'teran;

firiirit—onipi:<>( | b " marw who, coming ' up i r o m ^ o t l a n d ^ o ^ l l p i t tor—forttmc, f-ttio same pTo" i f i a ^ 4 : J e t t e r s o f ^ t r o d ^ c t i o n - t e - H h ^ ^ r t r x r ^ ^ f c W ^ 4 ^ botJi.

f reat man. The natiorr^deliglnedrto onor him, and, de.spite ins dislike of

' the literary class generally, he iiev^r failed to SOT a~kind word to"»«v** '

1 brother—Scot. J K E S finilgt young

j&iviee ' For %ome reason or other, he took to nie, andthou^h so many vears hn junior 1 become a frequent visitor at his house and

jeived a \gieat deal of his "'confidence. was oqe wintey- evenings as we sat

alone Ujgether irv-his study—that study which was * yery Mecca to literary pil-griras-of all nationa—\hat .1 he made tho singular confession which 1 am about to

^place orfreeord. " "^ -^ Let me explain the matter, as H!ar as

<?po»sible, in his own words. • - 1 despair -of repr6ducing the peculiar accent }md the deep pathetid "burr1 ' . of his yoice — ( which he preserved to %he last^-as well

• ascertain eceentricrrteTof^r^nujieiatroni-

which I shall not imitatB.

"You think,rne^successfnl-fl^«n, and


popniariJP4nnion^ "Well, may-be I have been successful b%--yond my—nier-its^-_j»hich are- sftaii eapagh, Lord k n o w ; but lest I shdvld

»w daft witlvmy own self-conceit,, the )rd sent Saudie Macpherson to keep

"1% '18 a humiliating-confession to make.vbut almost at any point of my_ long career.rfrom the^very beginning, t h e t h o u g h t s ! having converted Sandie

laid have be>h more precious to me than th*L^mira t ibn of all the• rest of the WorldT^Sandie, however, never be­lieved in me i?osi tfreNirst, When I 'published my firs^Hao^K^my "cluef thought was, ' W h a t ^ w i l i S a n ^ ^ A I a c -tjhereon think of this?' a r ^ tvh^H^I w a r d the crrticisms^.which cut mo iil e_a haggis right and left, I could have b t me every thing but the thought of how At wouid^gloat ov^^r ieTir^o^fryondof

^Jhu Sodtland. T wafrsntrmwhat"<»on,^>]$i\ "and a wee bit hopeful when, some ytjars afterwards, I published my 'History;' foi the critics, knowing -nothing of the ff"K]f??t, p m ' - ^ ' l t t^ a mail! and talked

been on speaking ^erms—either-in or ont of school. But the relationship be­tween n<t w^anlo^rly iiM.lprs-tnQi,). Somft-times tts-he-pa^scd me in"'tTfersf'r,RitjAve'ar-ingferandly his red College ami-hisioiiege'hat, whUeJLcrept alc>ag >vjjLh my gown on my arm, he would:give me a patronizing nod",'"That was all. AVe be-gan Gieek and moral philosophy . und<

we- ha 1 neTCT-^-niy-tTiTTnt, mid^meikHl-suddenlv a t tlii .iijamt? of TnT~old' schoolfellow. CoUld it possibly' be*t-hje same?* liefore-X_knew. what I. was doijng 1 had e.utered the shop.

* ' r c s ,XwM' rjght. _.-There, .standing-TToliindthe counter, was Sandie, lirmsell, olde&tffldmmer, rjut p^iit and_eleau as usual; "^-i^nTereirtre"WTp~mea^wr«i^-out aiporrnd'of mbist^sugar for a barer

jpliy . u n ^ ^ ^ o t e d ' servant lassie iii pettiooat and rHri Hie nhr | yfa^trgewa^-^l "

^Ita^pl(ers<>u3UI--hadvd'onp. - ~r ••


He"lTrank tnieiiTittij^:ti-ke-lm-^meSj^ji: milk- >Jrorn. the \U*%;: 'GreT-k••••t«-':-t4te-J-spcond and third I followed him > b o r - !'.¾^. ;-, , :nomerit that he recognized nn WiisU;—as-^a cluuiS-v :Hetlghjig. M ' ) \ y s |,. t__ :_^_,. t t. t.: r l,m^ni. -I t e ^ | g l l L » i *.oye s i ; deo<h\^ a k l i i s 'e've'was cold as ice. -^- —-Ks to emulate iu vaui. y~ ' '"' ^ ' ' . ' l ^ r^T^vTPmnr^ je" rep l i ed

•<a4' >• d up and our eyes met,_ X-

ithe'recogi U-gum-,and gran itej.

j)ieee, tilled and lit it, and smoked tor" some minutes in silf^pot* with,his eyes

~~1'VN»UI lipWu'llie fit^Mjija^yfra^htngdjiui,^

we left college I lost/sight of h i m f o r sormsiyears. 1 iHilji^'eheHuighf have- received a ^ J b u ^ ^ y and gtme to QxfqnL ljut du^C.father.- proud as he was . of rnV^attnrnYients, : did not want to spoil -hkn for trfluhviiu wi thdre w ljtim 4H4*m^i4ui_had coin \A eU iiis cours€. I rm'self took to pupil--teaching^ having not ..yet.decided, try

_my fortiuie iii_.literature. * -.; * -'But one .day*.fired by sudden en-

thusiasm, I W4 xut a'^tbfrg*'lett(!i* to thr^ Glasgow Hcru'd on spm'j <j nest ion of the day." I t was ^ivinted ue \ t mornirig in 'all thegioiw or large- ±yp^_anil.signed •'Thotnas-Carlvle.' "it was j>roudest, dayofniy 1 i pit butratjt^j-tPwa •»•"> I e it-i \wA—

bo pve'relouded.": Towards afte'nuK+n Tt^l a••eoft'ee-^hop^ aml_s~aw in the~

co^ipartmen'f next to me, his head buried' in this^pirpeTr^a-: htmian -figure-^ Tlie-: paper wa^the }frr<ri-l, opejn'at'the ])age containing pay letter. 1 sat blushing with airtfeivno^rffrrjstvblmvtr-rt

'Th.'ifs my name, •I smiled, attd_ prepared to hold out __ "*I tiling we were schoolmates together.

My Carlyle. Thomas Carlyie. T5o y o : ^

' l ie looked at me from head to foot. -His^eye rested on. my .old. cloak broaoMjLrjmmcd hat, darkle. ••)~<~^**'j^opT|ojh

_ _'l mind ye \v>H-^nough yr trffh 11» i^K'Tiiff : " ' ^ _ ^

thanks; ,onh\

and he. nodde_d

Can T serve

pTi^sirrg I should like" tOT«4iiud aciitiaintahcestTip,' Sandie lM'oeettleil leisure

, •Noihing, nnd T/thought you of our old

"As 1 spoke ly with his business behind the counter— TypeTTeft-his~ti4i-and--h»)k(Kt>intpt,.it; took _d_own a piece qirdoa't - UgrU* and J-Tril^'iiug. it int,) small portion's-, gave a sort~?}T"grTrTrtrifcrF4^ "dress -to- hi-m-and -Hoddad -agiiiuiilMjji^ after a pause, while I stood hesitating^ he observed quietly, surveying; me criti-.

began He

snTp." Presently •UXtv ace'" I saw to ray .s'urprisVsTny old school fellow7, Sandie MacphcrsorK Our eyes met but-his-stonyjarbs g t iY^b^ ignJ jo f recognition. Then he t u r n e d t o the paper-again And stalled! Yes, heiv^as reading- mylet ter . It might, astonish th^e public but i t could not impose upon him. There were Latin and, Greek quotations in/rt and fragments of moral philosophy: how ashamed I felt of them as I saw them come uader his "-baleful

Hesrnjted aga4n, placed d o w n t h a ,id his reckoning and walked

out,ofIt^e^sftopLWithout a word. 1 went home a-mis>e^bUT>ftaji. ' I might put on grand

^ , ] ca1|jP#pqm trenti to .foot: .Tin-1 ' . Y n u -CQ • stay'iug' up :X0ndoa-t

fertr t h her -bitfr one Triatr

tVvhaver8 [nonsense^ about my industry. \ my originality a n d - m y erudition. I \ cared .nothing for the critlfes,,but I said to-\ myself with a smile: *That's"---one'for Sandie Macpherson, at last!" ^ ,

"Perhaps y<Mi will be asking who Sa>4*6 Macpliersdn. is that I set such s toreb^his good opinion? Well, up till

" j~sgo you might have seen his name

~Jt was given baptkmairy—over "the front •4ot a small grocer 's^hoo in the Gallow-M t e of Glasgow. . ^ - ^ ' ---^

~^^^anadeanWw«ftTe-| '•*We first met in the Semiftary and

afterwards we attended the High * As T mind: Sindie now, he was a, we smug-niouthed,; blacji-aveezed laddie, with eyes like a hawk and a stoop in tho •taonlders, From first to last he * a s

--ijyejr-at the-jap-otthe class, He carrieii

s'ti»uggles"""tiU-",T "doh(|uevcd the lx>ok-ta^t.ei', tiie magaziiie editor aivdThe pub-

der Macph^rstrrC-^-lisher;---ami becam^ a recognized .pro-. .--.11.-- ^. * . ducer ofr^the popdlav literary; "article.

Years pasge'U-away; l a tho course of year3 I ^efliigxateJto London on t^e

-^ ^' ' r->hn Mill, llie philosop^ier~

— ^ *.

• " • ' < •

away all the prizes at the Seminary. and~|"of time thed ^ w h e n he came Ho the' High School,

among lads twice his size, he waa *dnx' qf thelplass. Such a memory as hehad! J t was wondoitfwis; wonderfuW-^He^oul*^ i^paat th* w^fa'-TAtin J)ft^cfuS^ith :

... hisieyes s|itf&, and, he kfxew the-H*4»oE? ^x^JfitfcUd^ when we were peohing

[breathing liard^oT'fer thw «i'ons Asinp-Tfum.1 y^-lPtHitoir'hjmsolfcj^waiih-a-f^i^

V * ^

-XT-*. - ; . '/

ot him>> Aa for rae.^irerehewas dux " dunce.^ I had the t a ^ s fjari \in-

-fl^'torture,*'*' applietf- to* the hands ^

man knfcw myin^rksiure, anc was Sandie Macphors"

*'It was no iue. arguin^with". mysel tliat tne man was .in idiot: IMfsajthAwgli-he was glib at Cb>taking, what was^iaught hihi^he had neither talent noj original _ Tjie niemory of those early days hanntet rae like a'shallow. ^,-., , L-^V

^I^ara not go'mgVj weary yon—and rriy^eK^wHh. ah%ory of my literary

henr? __ ' t e s . ' ' -^ , . . . - . "... •

—^You're what they call a leeterary man, noo?'.

'Just, so,' I atumdh'. but fexUuog. rather "'"ivshanif.d.

A-twe.Ql,1 said Sandie, reflectively,-pieces of sugar and

arge iar . ' a tweel , Lon-as he^w^-pt up his .put them don's a b[ centre

,to a :-e and they civil-it the cation*;' tJtii- -r-luu'ii ' ^

_ _ mafias" ookTng~TfuuHly'li]j atnTe.-"-One man'.p

face, in all that seaof faces! BuT't knew -it only too wefl—grim, cold, hard as

' c,, yet with a kind of piTying smile

words went out ended feebly, sit chnTPwtCh tinishiM v»\

w ing

my head7 "aud~-"J"t/-:h

'down into my igh (^tedfef^wtreTi^t-tmd " .*. The nexrday

re cobiuwis in the papers; and course-of

papers, .(ing report

theie in the

the .long re\To*rT~"5cVnTP*hingto this-effect: '-U thlr point of discourse, alluding to hi-; early days in this city, Mr. i/arlyle was visibly'' affected. His emotion was- touching to^witness.; aftd; he almost bjiok'e dow ii'; but amid the loud cheering of his enormous audiene©JifL.J. at ;iasT"cbncTTutTni" hts~ TUT d_ress. * * V isl b]yj^a!¥eeted, 'toucliing- emotion'!' ', They little knew that my speech was tlneT gjnjs^l^ib^racc of Sapdio Macpherson!.'

magniti.'autpa.d*' I,' indeed! —anM

The great man paused, half amused,. half angfy at the remembrance';of 'his odd experience. Reaching out his hand,-

-faptook-jdow^ ;L pipo from, the _mautle-, siiioke

"'ipfui jtWtMjj|4^J"y'and Won< broke the silermie.

4 n c v e r a i i W ? 'About a year

i AtJ&st he -V--

ago,. again after tftaL however, an old

friend, a minister of thekirk. coming ou a visit from GJjugow, informed luc^th.'iL^-M. my former |s\4tool-jetiowr^-wditf:\vjxAoim__Ai ot itis cHtngVf^Fa^wFhadl recently died. L=_ My friend hiuTbeen with hi hi fretpiently

niy ] diini^._his_last illness. ~~T asked, pot witluHit anxlet-y. if the poor fellow'" had still remembered me,- - '..(. " "Aly fne'nd smtrtrd. • •__ • -. :—"•() , -yg^ he, remembered- you well,'

s death he~~s"poke"about VQU-1. before

his death be~spt, ' f 'lipleed! and—wiiat-tiid-

s atrlv^c; ire less ly 'STfa+kJ give you .-his very werds,?'

asked my merTti^iaiigMng:rneju;ily^>

' l > r i a in ly ' "They ' r e felling-

J2iiii\Jir4TfiH.d,ust writ'tjir

clean daft! Wkaf^uloTiF, silly siunpj>-[fool} as ynn ^

-'- ^''S<»->^*<iiS^^s.HedJWatj;»i 'the o-fd philosopher, a n d ^ . v , "whaUver ha|-)pe'us'tbv'hie.f

xL,kB^jfeftt~Hiyijsi^er_ must be considered*failure, for the one



said, 'that r-: book.

C A L G O Q D S r optiinl u'»««lt<, si>wiiin*inaclilno A fu l l l i n o <if

ninth's «iul oil, «>iulii day und'.tliirty Uour docks, uilild, silver, ami niclj|J+ walclu's: iH'ttt rnlhnl plate' vvsu-huiiiH aud ctiaims ni-cklaoes, l<>ckBtn,l)race-U'ts, sUevt-JuiUuiiti, sulid j;tiUl tllltMl riutt;s. -ALL kinds repah ' ing on fjun* and jew­elry as low as wood work can.l>e done.

Give mo a call. -





OYSTERS, ^CANNED.'GOODS, ETC. _ Prices always reasonable^*

M T e s t M a i i i S t . r " ~ r T PINCKNEY. i tf


FfKES-rSO^ M.i>T'F,iCTlftE!t!M)F


C A R R I A G E S AM) i--

SLrjIGMS. ^\F: .— , _ - j

\\',,>4;oop on ''pTiOf tlr-ti'lii--1 n'-'rio'rtiiight-of nar UiLIiuIiiiL; IIii' UviiLlhti: ytylea uf toTTav. fail

us a full f Vd

&YKES &$m timkmy^ --3-JAMliOIARKEY

• • • V

— • • - .%.

And IKniler lu

J • laRM fllACHlNEffit

wenmu: '--•-. l«W#M



FURlVKFtMlE. dream of my. existence^-to'make. an im-

H)rossion on Sandie lutephereon—" io«»n rcmleyed impossihle fOr ever.

lloberLBucfiUTian, iii ljclgmvia.\

A Physician's Cottciuslon,

Among-tluvpapei»-folMj»4+MuLMm by" ot ccevi

i4tut tlio lid-of thirtyiyj ^Trply—'Mmiy tjiiajg.s please the folkHn LontTon that

•German-physician, who died a f-ew Wt-icks agp. is one _c_ontainiiig notes of "cert"ifn-cjouc'l'islons lkj;"•• h4i4^arwyed--at-

wouldnagang doon iu iihr? , p

"What l ie meant [Could nan •it-was a mem £"n.eral' reilection,

gather; r

invitation-of Job i

when J fatted or sueceeded^bafcMMiourse

dimmer, ft w^r^one tine day tha t John Mill returning^from the North", where ho had been lecturing o"n some

^loJitlEalj^bje^tjjip^ : the >yay, Carlyie, f mcTaiTold '^ ibSTBinoTotlS: •*'B

felt' !~ome1?ow that'it had a ptM'.-oiiul plication. • A long pause ensued, istooi 'wkwardly. waiting j a . front of the

but—Sandie did not seem in-clineii^foY^^'ther conversation. At. last, feeling rathe^simcoriitortable, 1 dercr-^ mi nei+to "put nfre^ftMo^the inter-vie w i '- ' * $irv\-f;vil,..I' 11 wish you*>?<4Qd- mornipg, ' t saAdvmovin*5 to the sl\op.

Gobd^ morning,' gWH]Lti!d|^rn<^c, _eyc3 from' lus desk auTt

ledger, to whiclvjie liad just

4u ring_ a .pVof e s : ^ th.vh iorty .years." JXfjne Of these notes "ho ftvpresses an opiniohs^at at least, a

rt-'i t.h'rrd-af'thftiriness of the"

-not .raising

" I gone.

he shop, indignant at theman's ' imperfirsbabil i ty. Glanc-'

Tt ig back from the pavement t srr^v San-die's face quietly regardirigTnsie over his

Rodger—.ftml__^m7t'/<7—jtist asXit. hrfii"

i t r patients who

S( night his adviciiwere purely imaginary, found it not only against his OTvn

iht«M>^--b^t-r--al3Q-agaievSt that of the seh'-^ipnos"cd ^ufferers, to destroy the illnMuu byr^i^ormmg^ -tb&m- that - ther&> WQS. reat t r :mN^me" JfOT ^jaimfftyT---rlt-healtK\vas to thehvtv matfer of almost vital ifiii u^L

iat pos? estroy the plea9-

sscd this blea-y. In the

thera^ niite

smnecrwhf'n I saw khrf reading m\ effort in literature. . l ie was certaii

<•&* Jip^Mi'

Then ^published my lu>t book, and, as I have told you, it \vian a failure... / 1 re~ trieved myself second, vvh^eh was

tout half as good and n o t ^ n e a ^ so eat^est as the Ih'st. • 1 stjll had (jlas'gbx^ and Sandie Macpherson in- my mmd? Kever<r"in my" writings on 'the Britrsh l*«i™\ed

rkr health breanle yficrteugly affected .

quite irrVcphCllabl •'Alxjut this period of' my career, as

you .may remember, I Was' particularly

_PMistine and on the sordid," self-con* e ^ i o n - g r e ^ J p w e T ' - r & ^ j c e i i i a ^ of the

o n e *"~" ' '"" ^^ - 1 , ^ - ' - : •- ' • • • " , . ' , -trading classes in this (jountryi 1 de­nounced thexhypderisies of Sodom and the llcsh-pots^f-Gomorrah. The press tooknip mv cry^aTtt^Pliifistinism liad

«ehooitelioW ot jbwtk IU G^lasgow. V 'Ay,'-indeed P' £ vsaid, feelihg

bloQd'mount to my face in a moment. —r'^^A'd'Alacpherson, a sraaTI tradesman, and amember of thejocal

/Hub w h i c h J ^ k me dowijrr A"*prosy fellow, and y-ary^sapcastio.. He amused

^ . 'aohaabJI^sM-ly; every ^-»^very-4nuch with h^dryremimscej-.c«i " ' ' ' ; ' -' ' '. -. /:.-- , i i^:.f '—':--V~. ;

tffat I Hail a grirtrarp ^othing'OtNIm.klndA^wai


^lei4-have my revvng© on Sandie

1 ¾ ¾ I might against hi . the*raan fcwl mastered me. Folk Tnlgh>

eornjpare n v e ^ J o h n the Baptist-rtfeachr tng^to, the wila^aeaisv,-^hey might ,s»ay

ing belief th ^.ing»was an absol few hi stances, i ii-w4*Um the terrible truth that they well, he found that the result wr uine'illaess.xForthe patients, all inte 4n life, departedvwilh their.iayarite occu-pationTjJ nursing^^ themselves^ and thetr




nervous degression, llerajso found tha a nile, weakly persons live .'. longer

tig omvsJ- ..Witlmnt going so $ar as to>ny t ha t the best, lives are tho^e

the insurance offttres, he thought, neV^tholess, that persotis with" a s<'rew iTioso raHreoIteh airalrr-loriffev* ity than those in w^ case can be detecteiir

np-trace of

—When a man "htrystefu r ^ Q f u f e n ^ y ^ o i r g h t - --ffawV-JMwiuUi^kiua- fj-ic-ffm

gin dragging-f ho river or casting aro^nd^ for,a Thurderer until it is known-hoi his -bdoks sf;and and Jiow mjuehr mbqgy he. has bottowed^itetrdurost, — -

< ^ e m p n juice Js preferred to Vinegar nyea t« t ? ,w ia toTewtrf r a w p y i -


•STKKKT, • . ..



X v 3—-t&^etj-onr-




All kiilds of Groceries, Tobacco, and Cigars.

(lermantavva. Yarn, Notions,

ill be solxLclieap for casu,

KK. ..... ".. . •' * • • ;

j - * ' ' ' 'H. •

Page 5: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

OUfeNEMHBOiiSt Jesterday, bfeing conducted by the Itev. yMt, Smith,„A hftrtiavfo i tW^i^ *»*<*

/ J , .„ .~1t /,Vi>l/1i<un J t i r u i v i i n a r .

M$m t^o small children rfurviyc her.

IlliTF wrri , lJit , , U I B I

i % - ^2

roin our t'orreapundeuU

James limber, a-veung man .from Marion wiiiK * # & * f1 J10™

crushed" by l i e falling "of a log,,;: Bert Francis'returned-to Marion last

Tuesday. 13irt has been residing in the • p i c a m a t * of the^Nfcrth for the past

,•• 'The JiboCtUe new Methodist Church J* *<*** y?t been clelnitely located. f A surprise party-was given at the

reddence of J ohnj'ijalker. 1 he guests enjoyed a good time. ' . •-A

The literary exercises of the Putnam' and'Uiudilla Lyceum were well y>n-; 4ueted j tlie oration on the sub} eel oi addi t ion was excellent. , . - I '

fcanfinatum of history class in Dist. « T 2 , results'as follows: Andrew Yan-

k ' l l Frank Bailey, 81; Emily

"DffiER. From the Leader. ,• -i We have been .inionu*d that Harry L,^ielps M» l»uivhased the-old Mrs. Hall farm.- .•.-••-•• " - - —

Nilo T«rrv of Webster township has sold all of his fanning jiytynsils^ahdis ountem plating moving to the ./.Pacific coast very soon.

The banner l°a'l °f wltfhjt Hifrseafioh was brought into town Wednesday,, by J. V. N. Gregory. One hundred and-jive bushok>was the amount.

*A. K^iieai and lamilyjiave gone to "Ann Ariior to take charge of the St. JiiuiesiiQtgj.jantil tho 'proprietor,. R. A. Beal, can rent it<



• * - * •




J2. L. M.

HOWELU-From our Cor res i+oaden t . -—" !

Mr. and Mrs.G. WTSykes, of Puu*-^., ney, -spent la*t

Mr. and M*£ Parker-ftnd Jas. YV lute, ^1 nf East Saunnaw^evemtowii one day

last week. ," . . . . '.. '•..-.,

R ^ B B S B S US'

- • 7 : . , . :


* — . i -

- - . . . «

From the &xce!si<+r.

• ' Mr Peck, of Ionia, Kas'lately been Engaged as baggageman at.the D. L. & N. depqt of this village.

Several cases of diphtheria-is reported outside the village. _ _ ~ •

- Benffre #lar-veshaw,">lie has-%een--very sick with .the sanoe disease that

. „ „ * . - . , - ^ resulted inSthe death of his sister an* — r~-\*-1 twoToothers, | s now pronounced by the

Dodders for G.3?aul Smith's imperr attending physician 6*ut of danger. conations are, out, two entertainments .. „ . . s , - , , :

w S l b e ^ n i n ^ ; Opera House o a f " W d ^ a t f O T T W ^ * ^ f

A most successful Masquerade Social).^^onftge^wean»%r ^ , ^ ^ ,

which W a r e o f f e r s at f e w e s t r ^ ibk -p rkos , - JKo. one who wishes to

r3VesfcQf S e Globe Hotel, Main -Street; PINCKNEY, MICH.

CURE Sick-Headache, Dyspepsiaffift #1-. _v . - ^ / . ^ d ^ M H r.nnsiioation. Comp/uint, Indigetthn, Constipation, T w w r//£ BLOOD. _

MOTiCE.-WithQ»t t particle ©f doutot, X«J-

3£yWHTtUiBed. I»rtc«» «5«- P ^ ^ 0 ^ -

• >:or t>te>r»ll*nig8Ut«. • ' " j .

K E ¥ G A S | ' STOKE.;

W h e n ; ^ H. ^ - : Buache s- re^ide^ee last Friday evening.- There.werejr^m iiftv to seventy-live markers.pi^s^nt, and a-s many^more spectators.. Every f-ostume was a praiseworthy one.

enefitof Bey. M.W.Gilford.


I . . . . . . . . . -_ . ;

^heoldhreomdoor east of Mann's Brick,-with agmd^M

The now Drnt; andj^rocery Stora of

f .->

An alarm: of fire was gounded^Sun-day morning, which interrupted ser v ^ n l i l T t h e ^ h u r e h e s . . ArstoveTtp veTrtpt

of. the - became disjointed in the garret, ot. the "Old Whipple Block." causing- smoke

i to pour from every crevice in the root, • n X m n n g ' t h e old landmark; the ap-

,4a5nce of being all afire-inside. Ihe fera:p.ripm6iwas brought out, but was ^ needed; as the^re was all m the

~ stove.—•—~~'—vr»—•—»— " A "lancer nuinberi)f real estate ex­changes are reported . ^ ^ . ^ 1 ¾ than for years before. Peter Gill ^ r

-:. a numl*u--of ypiraj^pppular ^ p e r -J farin audjwiH so1on_move on a tarm

^•rom the Register. - , r ~ * ^ John T^ipnrt was examined by^us-

tice Frueauif on Monday, on a-charge of burglary . at-' NeuhofF's store, last Wednesday night, and bound ovW~tu; the circuit court in_the sum_ot5>oOU._ C^Donaldsoh & Myers, of Detroit,.ate tusily engaged in p_repatin? P l a n s lo,r

the school-house in the sixtb ward. The specificationsAViU^llsfor a.brick

1 building instead of stone as at nrst de-


>I-s filled to its iitmost|capacity...wittL(,


Also exclusive.-agents for,the sale pf_

l^eaFYi^ilantl; , Charter'Election last Monday, again

stirred up thj old fouds in potttics, making the e l e W . a n S i t i n g one. The ticket elected, is as follows; . -

- Evident; w V . - « f y ^ f f " o i ^ r ^ ^ r W Fry; Recorder Pa -

rick Hammell; TrUsU^, John V^ Gib liefW Ed. 0. Sw^et J^hn ^ . Wright, T. B. Knapp and Ohas. A, Wood. • -

^ The BaptW Sunday tSchooTWvuace $lt)0 worth of new book-s in its? librai j .

-^6e-4ead.intT features of thte High

signed. .^ T Five hundred and-twenty-two stu­dents have-Tregistered in the Literary Department this yeatr-^rghteen bave Entered since the first ofJaftnary, _ i Mrs. J7.M. Chase will o p n a prigale,

-school-for-children at the corner J f ^ ^ ^ ^ F f p a = ^ ^ g B y ^ 3 E ^ t r j g f e a g ^ : Monday- . ... ....

Mr. Harrison-Sonle, the. treasurer of the University, has been elected Grand Master of ttra- Michigan Grand:Lodge-of-OddFellows. > . . ;

Yett Armstrong, formerly known as "Graphic" and arrcsidcnt'of Ann ArboTj also a-member'of the medicaT class ot 78. (Flomoeop.) is. now foil owing, the profession of a portrait artist in Detroit, -whf r«-l«^^«- ^ : 4*«i-yon, is fast" bring­ing him to the front*ranks-of fine art.


.-..,.- ...:.. . . . _ > - ;:-' ;

^^S^M^^^^^ ..: ;,...._ : : _...,__

W^ carrv a f u l t Ho* ^ S n » a r s , T w ^ , ¾ VnU'oo prowid tiTTrt nn-'rounQ, i)y,ed i r i u t s , Cigya

clmiw line of routed Uolfees a n j grind Mwin 111 tli- bt^xe, We limb* aopecialty^of I e B 8 \ ° l V ^ ta*e <>f tho eiti/.-naof laockueyandvicin^j tog i \ e .

Yinu'sior {tie future,

Put Tip c6ea0:-for cash.


ScJ^entertainment. wjicii o c c u r ^ the-Opera Hou$e,,JJa£rii 911,. wrti oe

also rralrra^

Xaurels; »---tied u lGngJIkedj

^nder , the ^iTe^opefa;rPtitj"-" 1 costumes to suit

Last - aundftyT-^fr-rrtH li^dasjjcs, in


yexdden times. ^ ^_ ^ P^rjvv Frown and wrfe, 'living in

^ t l ivmerwer l victims or the heaviest

this county, for y^ars, On Friday ^gUt^bout ;eight o : f B ^ ^ e - | g o 4 ^up le were quietly s e a ^ m tfeir borne, four masked men burst open ttte doorwith a large to^e post ^IrrBrown was ^ lv onedt the inen, thrown violently

q e W in a similar, though not as• W i - shallvfelle 1 lv bv another of the gang, wbile the. o f s e V ^ t c e n v , y

: r Z -„,Q« nntflrftd the bed room

one of the schools was witlwmt-a teach; or. 'so the place was supplied by a vowfrg

1' ? grftd 1 1 -, who proHaued-aL once To'edify thcin. Among ' other things,... he explained7 to them, that r.anhn-^TTTgsley^vag-^o^auso )1€Hwas a ' big gun. The lessom which was about~Au«3SJias~and SappEira^ix - . how when Annanias-• dropped dead he was wound up and-taken out. The teacher s commentary on this was that. 1 • a ft er h e was, W4^«r#-up-ha A idn' t run any more? The young nun" made a big hit, and here-tfter will be in great

West IVtain Si Opposite Globe Hbtdl, . '—- 1IIUH7 TlfCKpEY,

f f f i o f t i ' CUSTOM MrtttS '-({RULES k JOHNSON, Proprietors,

Wife 1 to 'makolnown totUetr old and now enstoftv Jr *tui t t™ev A * W i i r t d tu-do better work rf all kind* in tfu-ir lineof WaiawwthanBver befote. Their SfilS ha "a« **A thoroughly reatted infifle, r£i>ajr.'dancl improvwlontaide, making U*W\?n-ifiit for thi-ir eustomorB. Uuod Blieda .for•team* in connection with the Mill3. They have- n»w.-on natui over 5.HX) bushels uf_drv, wmirt red ttd white wheat horn which they iuak(vtheTP1>«aterade of Hour, WAIUUNTEU. Tliejt prind no g r o w e r

' mn-itv>vheiit except for customers—and then it lir KnHind^S>et)arate ?tone and bolted throu-h sepa--ra e bolfrf. T W buying flour o ! t h e m ^ i i i g e t tfo' ™own or mnety ttm.r. Those br in^nj : a r w £ o t -ood drv, wmnd good tlour, and those brhvinuVfomi-» ' m'fiisty whcat .mu^expect nour J""rA.. L..„.> Thm. rflaiv have senarate bolts for

'A foDrline of

S - ^ They-a{fo have. BeparateboUs for bucl:wheat.—Corn ghelTwUvUlh^i"- " rTI u t th rn S * new\imprnved Diietlrts Iron Corn »hel era, without extra cliarge. -Th^vpay cash tor ^ ¾

AUVpotfona hAx^irfrtinsettled acconnts of "rain—AU worfona navin!rim»*-iiif« av«.Y""<-° -with them• a * - 1 ^ »il»,-JtfH ie\[uested-_to_cajl_>ad pay thesaifie. ' '


i ther two men entexed the bed room andnooSl-800 in bills and $900 m

^^ the place; didiiot ask where

demani-^Ahri ^Arbpr Courier,

EXE MARKET, of Pinckney, in tire €oWfcr^i*triet- and M f ^ B m - k M ? ^


i^rrspaiTcr Sn*seri ption Agency

Lake school.^>otiriad* yeaǤ, have surely proven

their ability to instruct and govern, not only their juniors I^Uhose who>e giro outnumbered their o^no-Howelil

C5^ari;Sta^aig Tobacco

iresU.-^..^^-r^*^^ Korean. n S ; ' ^ n ia^ rae&efe ->«*« lg«»J -

m e t e r s , V u b l i 8 h « w / i ^ N * w ^ » } « - - » ^ ^ « « , united to « m i U8vi .«U ; r7^&»l^ule p r i c e s *

fc^vttUlatfue.uf^boiik*. papers HU ,. A n a r J i y o ^ ^ . S l f f i i I v . n u . u V d to a « n t s . a t ^ o l e * a l * p n e « . Corrospondeuce solic.iu-d. Aildres


6V was; but found l t m z s '. After obtaining %gir booty

Brits stripped Mr.Brown and put ifb his 'wife in bodT and- tying J ^ d C a n d feet'/tcfget^e¥, jett,


'"*"* years ouinumi •*?**- Republican. ^, t -" " '


S t a t i o n e r y j Goods are all freah and'ne^T

tc« wooaa.»B? «11 ixcau,*^ w w . . TrTce^rate-^WgyB-TroniMbier^Wl^to-naerit* 1 beral shareof the public patronage. Call and see ™r~-=^

F A l S FOB SALE. A vniivAble farm-o'f about ei-.'hty acre9 lying

th^ro both irom wic» »**w.«..«-


ToPtne^afc and4tpcedy oareof

lEdto" Mr. Brown i. foll j^keopiripw ^uch money in hi- ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ was generally known; VVe £u^aei S f f l d W he nas been robbedp.npe

BIJSIWESS LOTS FOR^SAEE; e*s! of liu« e11 >« * <-w*uu u 0 t s are

^ ^ ^ 3 ? ^ ^ ^ ^ > luCuu.1 C e n t e r ot tlu-VnK*., and will be .old ul. leap-

°U:vbIljSMES PEARSON, ^ C K ^ M I C H ^ -

Desirable, lots for sale. A few desirable bijs

ble prices. Enquire of



BBWCHITI5, HlWttHIE, I W , UlrHGuL TIP^ Mfr atbriSEftSESOF /

4o'him; maybe this will. - - , - 1 -lioin'itke Republics

Howell -telephone--^1 be 1¾ ' ' -M.h» VnddleofAprilor

' ntral otHee wirtbe^

thl Higliry 'r^Sytrnn^nded by " ^'acuity t)iroiigittm*\ the

-St^tes.and Canada.; ^¾


more perfptt iwitr/vm««Tit for ad.-

at the Biac3;smlth shop. CHRISTIAN BROWN?

BESlrtfftEIFOR SALE. / T h , l-'U^t rcidence in the village .of Pinckney,

J n n W . l i ftnd M l ^ ^ - T D i ^ e r ^ ^

A son. .A^urabor , ^ wilt be ptiVTrp abou^tovfiu

r.fl)r. Hutto.»a irivate ".boxesf

fVl bv Snedical>tofes8io.v4ln^tu>amictedpnb-

rythingifeu^ls^.fbtindfii frflf t-cdiiss stock Gfeneral M e p h a n d i ^ ^ low te you

trlned to one medicine/ torww «•?,'• hut'i* a«lapt*Kl ta th^adrni nediea asJh»» case niayTequfr rrtliediea asJ

aiclau way OP

frillfj^^ Cptmty. QustomeraTold

t tCnh W U H r c l F t ' E U V , ; E a ! ^ i i n ^ ^

w S r B L E P R O w i T Y FOR SALE. "' "for <ale on easv t t rms , thjj_following

orou«rt\ iu l'teeltueyi 7 r o v e d ) / a ^ ^ ^ t h e village»

^For^pricea, terms, etc.,


a pood tar^.« Wur--. iw> p ^ „ n: r ^ i » , o I h « n f ^ > i

are infalnable; w •

y i^vJ^lojcail and^ine.

miw*."" 1 1 1 1 " • f i h « a T « i n k extension

t t ia all w«»l i^*™ta/X

torn, m


, X-"

Page 6: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

„ . . - , .r —«i) j -*_. , . "^.i'*-."i ^.- -> * ' : i. "WM>

_V'. > * '

U- r^r; V - v •*

rt-~ • . i -:^rL *&

t 1 -r

r .- ,.


_H#_rr t*F Tttl WEEXv

n t l i U N .



The dejjartnUmt of **t**Tf has received the up plication of tile British govtrumcnt fbr the e _

fomur-_ „ . , tltMl t ha t Sheridan was one of fTfe~brganiai-rs of | the "Invincible . , " which Sheridan denies,

, * • ,


The Senate committee- are Charges of corruption which

plication "of tllo British govt rumcnt Tor tue tradit ion v)flJ. J . Sherhfan, of Xew l u r k , « peeted of complicity In thft Pbftmix V a j ^ m ders in Dublin. Carey, thiMnformer, test!


iuveetij^ttitjii? „_...... . . . huve been; pre­

ferred against Ko'bert G. Dryeuforlh, t heuew-ly-appolnted assistant eoramfrsijuuer of patenter He is cbarged with bribery, tampering* with

' papers pendtng-before htm." and otne*^orma of crookedness- What the outcome •Avil^be. it is

r.«.haigrti)uWrjwineJL ; j .


JjUlie Qyurt oi Claim*, a j udgmen t was ren­dered in favor of' the Hannibal ov: St. Joseph Railway Cojnnanyfur 6&J41jS4,m a claim aiatinal

the. House of Bjfcjswsen tat Ives" last night u sceue which no-one cau^fatl to* pronounce, disgraceful ^iu the e x t r e m e It \tf«s an. unpleasant t ru th ; ye!, to road the-plti-H«4 proceedings <** printed iw the reeord,-t«ue would supjMise that all tlie members had be­haved with the utmost .dignity and decbrum. I ts reports of the -Senate - proceedings ,Uetter. A few days ago two members

ftSOfly exchanged opinions the r e v r a e piiiiieutary, but their remarks,iUthoughuttcr.ed ftr doud and threatening tone*,, apparently

1 . - «4


* r i


the UuitSTStatcs under aeontwact frr currying. the malls.

p - \ MtSSINO. .

\ I Two weeks ago II. M. Yaile, one of the de-|efldftQt« in ' the s ta / route eases, went west -to-be present at the death bed of Ids wife, who l i v e d h i K«\v M e x i c o . • T h e r e h a s b e e n a m p l e

" -time for htm to have returned but he has not - done erf. While ub action ha* been taken by the

court , the government or tne bondsmen of ¥Aih\iL_is._nnder stood that , if he does uot

' p u t In an appearance soon, steps will be taken to discover the reason why. Vaile willed alii hl4 property to his wife a year ago, and was

reoniequently left a poor man a t her death, the

«roperty going tp her relatives: Mr. I^crr, of le government's counsel, 'said to-day that

__ ; he 'diu not think YaiW would re turn, ami that ' he had probably ^ouellb jo in Spencer.


-„ Seefctarv Chandler has approved* the action tjaken by Oapf. Ramsey in. the recent trouble with the cadets at. the Annapolis- Naval Acad­emy. Capt . i tamsey submitted the naines of three cadets, who declined to apologize to him/

* for their conduct, t o t h e Secretary^ who referred 'ttre"«istter'tai!ki'0"Capt:k"''Rani8ey, giving tdm" authori ty to exercise iiuy farther dc^eipllne nec­essary.

"" - NOT AlTKl) I'RJX.

Nearly tiOO bills are left UttrejwrteAl by the . House committee on military affairs. Tfi&most

notable among them are the Grant retirement bill and the House 'bi l l to restore Fita John

\ foxter,""'.-."' -:,r.T"-,. ,-"--.-— r ! POljTj'OX^l). 4 • ...

- A t a recent executive session the ^.*d to |pl3stpone cotistdgration of A

<^tNomrnercIal treaty.^intj[l Deceinjbvr.

, ON i fnE A>T^I015SSKAT.

The printers employed- in t n ^ g o v e f m n e u t . pr int ing pirlce arfc very" anxious Icst'tUe amend-

ment proposed by Mr. Anthony dircctlnglSe" publicr—grte^1* t t t r - e m p i o y "^wurkmenr a t

— u m r k e t .rates ia Philadelphia., Baltimore and , Richmond,: should be ~ adopted. It

. l i s "thought probable this amendment, or oae even more str ingent will be adopteti, aud


d i l a t e vot e Mexican I

t tms^br ing the omee dowTi to a bu?nTess~Tyasisi Should this be done capable printers and b i u i i j ers . uot members of the union, will haya-uuigfe '^fav ^ ^ n;ovv.,come

r t U D l t y t T ) s h ^ f g t h e er j jp loy l i i ent • rttlertHi liv



"rrts great Institution.

^ \ ^ ^ W I L L XI.>T C O N I L : : . , :

Th^iJjynBe will not eotiaju- iu the action taken by the Seflaie on the tax and tariff oil 1,1 autJLa. joint iiQaXarxuaa committin'i couriotiBg-rt>f ti

Un.eDtbers.from each house, has been, appointed i n e committee -consists, of the foKowing mem-

' bers: Messrs. Morrill, Sherman, Aidrieh, Bav-ard and Beck from the -SeualcjL-and Messrs.: Kelley,McKmley, Haskell. Randall ulid Gar-

J l s l e from the House.

^L * - ' . ' ; • " • ^ . . . . • ' " ! • ••••} - « »

eut^aw M they did under the three

• - V , IK)ES IT H1XX1HJ)'.

. ashlnifEoii KveidngISftar of the ^diiiat., DNx's l! e Ct)iigrrissu)u'al'-''Record record J

rhaf i> the use pt p r lu t l ug i t JLder the that-Jt ic, an (>hicl>»l trauseript of the

i n f a n t ,Guj n-.->i»( There is not a word r 'a Issue-of thaft fc occurrexl in

esBe« o r t h c bar room in the hotel, in­dicting him for al-sonl The in4.ictmeut w a U i u s three couuts. The first' charges t h e prisouer witli willfully, nialiejoutdv a*d felon\Hi<sly uet-t t ng l l r e to and burning the Newhail hoqseKlur-Ing tlie night of January 10, causing the death" of Thojj? B. Elliott, David ft*. {Power, Robt-rt I low l e g a t e Connors, Lteaie Ah|»lin and I.ib-

. . . , ble A. Chellib. No other victims are mentioned publication to ^ l i U K . l j u t h o , .o U I , t . The s m m d repeat* the.rirst. and


ecpruin. ; |>re no s ck that ofttirrt

fAttcd to reach the ears of t he official iVpor.teriS as their report gave not the slightest plgn of yi'h&i ui'-ciu'red.. If it were uot . for IlitJ paj^rs the country would get but aiVii and Indeed laiae IUVH i>i wital- aeJiiaJiy

iftoei daily 'rfeet rrc i l i



'Bhi: IvepuJ'iiwin members of the Senate held a caucus oMtthe'Jd'lust'' and selected Mr. Ed­munds as the candidate for I'restdeht "pro tern. •to sUeeLMid.A}r.~J)ttvi8. :No opposition,,.,It. was voted at the same caUcus, that titers ^-¾M be no extra session of.the Senate , '•'"" ACHK^i) TO. '"<

The eonfereiiL'e eomiiiiittce liave agreed upou a report on the tariff bjlll. Mr. Morrill has pre seutetl and explained, the same to -the Senate. l ie said the entire -amount of reduction to re-

\ suit from the passage of flht bill wn* eattriiated at 175,000,000:,

. • : O A V t o ' s i-'AKBWEl.]..

T h e following is ,tue full text of the address of David Davis in resigniug tl>e oiliee ol presi­den t pro temrfjf the Senate :

"Senators—Grati tude- falls t o - e x p r ^ - lite-feeling which inoves me iu rcspirtldiiig to the generous exprrssion^ in the resolution you liave adopted. Sa.8 the presiding otlicer of^this honored body, hhave VeeeivetH courteous co-. operf.tjon from both sides and constant kind

adds that t^ie building was o'wned h j th« Ne.w-hall litmse SUx:k Compaiiy, a corporation cr**-atevl and e-xistiiigby and "uqdfx~the laws of Wisconsin; aud the.tbird eouut is a repetition of the se«'()ini; Wtth the addition t h a t t l i e bntld-iH£-eomm«nly known and called the Newhall House- was li»ie<i to aud occupied by one Johu F. A'ntisdel. SciieUer'a counsel was at once noti-tled, and luslst-ed upon an immediate arraign­ment, which wiw g rau tM. After the reading of the.indleLment the prisoner answered usual qu$»tlou ^.'uot>j*uHty, s ir ," in a 'steady voice; Ball has beeu-llafed itr- ¢10, Thi' trial htujCbecn set for March. K


ahtr.lher« waBaVroufrid flew his>right eyv-pistol wr , ap^d to. i»>tkiu elotn] which ^ a * btrnrrwatt'Touatl trnder the pillow. T h e vfo'^ud was probed ',and the "t)al! k m u d Iu his Dradn.. Mr. I la ight recovered aulHcleutly to uiake a dcixfcdtiou iu.whieh he declaresvhe did uot lire tfc« shot amJfdld not know who did. . l ie «aid th<-weapon had kept in a stand d rawt r a t the foot of thu-!>«d. Mrs. i la ight says she did not hear t h e shot; ut all and Jkjjows nothing about It. She has a good "[hsuraui'K<. on Mr. Haight ' s life, l i e i*4**?r third husband, aud her two former husbauds a re said io have died suddenly. ' "" j ^ t> .

Jbhli O'NcJl, adlquor dealer of Whitehall, -N. ¥ A has been foiin'd gvtilty of -157 offensft u u d e r n h e Civil Right.i bill, and sentenced to

-Mw-y a line *y,0fl0fwlt-h ¢.^00 costs, auda tnou th ' s fimprlsouinwjtj, Thij a l ternat ive of the senteuee

will be eighty years' irup^sonmeiit . 01 funnshed fclOjOOO hail and appealed;


Hfi\tiUtf)iial-'Twrfa are van-eat iu Bt^irtott

irjiposed by these acts, the more so as-I entered upon the duties df the chair almost a stranger

ht^*'parl iamentary practices. Sjx years*-.have passed awuy bince. the legislature of Illinois

I conferred upon me the t ru s t wHtrfch is about to f cxp i r e byxtjttstit'utiouaT Hmitattoj5u.„I. neither

sought T^or--expected an/.eloctlon which was brongfi't-abxvut by a union of olements, , Poiilt-


JIx ( A XAtL'-RAtMATtOS" gt'Ka'

Edmuuds has reported adversely ^) the Senate from the Cornimttee ou Judiciary House '

'bill ti),provi<le for the restoration to citizenship of such citizens of. the United States as"have become natifralized as subjects of Great Britain

-a iA-desire to re turn ta th~e"Ir~ orIg1paT_^Tlegi-. ance,—This "Ulll-was iateod^^-t-o glv? the forctf-of raw to th72 third article of the convention be­tween the United States ' and Gfeat -Britain, concluded >fay J-K),- IS70} which ^provides . tha t '•If any citizen of- the United States natural­ized within the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty shall renew his tesldence in the Uni ted States, the United States Government may, on his own application, and on such eonditious as tfcAtgovemjnent_may think fit t o impose, re--

"aami r i f im t o l E e character and -privileges oT citlnens of the United States, and Great Britain khall n o t In. tha t case claim i i i m a s a British subject on aceoutit of his .former naturaliza­t i o n / ' " " """" "

HAitTSfpy; W i - s s .

f dent hais_ruirjiinaki'l7'1-t<ttr-Hiirt^uff ' — a t P o r t l i u r o n . • -


The bill g ran t lns a&s«jcfcus(' of pensit^u to one-armed and onc-leggea^scddlers has passed the-Seaate-.—^T-he-^bill-aa passeO^te^r ete-foHow-ing language : ' 'That from and aftefc>the pas &age of this act all persons on the pens' " ' " aad^all persQps1 hereafter granted a, penai-csmis

rtrrr "WiTOTTVhile lfa therrnllitary or naval scrvic the United-States and in the line of duty shall have Igst one l u t n d ^ r one foot, or been so totally or permanently--disabled »0 to fonder thei r "incapacity toj>erfonnTnaaual larjor equiv-

--j»Ujnt to the loss o f a hand or footv shall receive •a pension of-134 per month ; tha t persons J J O W -on-tee pension fOtlsj and all persons hereafter.

niiaiL} iave lost either a>-arm-<at"bT above the\ell)ow,

- ^ T a leg, a t or a b o v e ^ h a ^ k a e a ^ or. .-fthalvhave

ical ypInioV»<^ay> separated me from the two g rea t ' pa r t i e s and h a » j 5 u b j e e t t d mv action here and elseJKhcrc t o / tlie criticism-of o r g a n s of lx>th organizations. A public man who'stepa, outside of regular 'party lines i»Jcxposed tb misrepresentation of his motives and tne charge of weakness iu his conduct. He-gVts no credit for the moral courage of sclfrassertlon and none for easting/ a^MMUa^jtion ih-4lefcasc oj his prtndple6. / In legislating- f have^ought-txf consider measures solely with reference to the public good and without the least regard to-their political paternity. Above and beyond all other objects,, my grea t aim has been to extin­guish the strife of sections anuTo see the Union Gestured iii all its integrity. _Xhank God, that

_ N orth and south a r e o n l y g.'ettgT'auhleal. expressions. Fifty mllUbcV of free, happy aud prosperous people rejoibc in a reunited country, strengthened bv the sternest of human trials.. I shall carry away with me andThe'rish as a solace iu private life the 'coi~

_dial friendships formed here. It will be a cou-' Jt pleasure to reflect upon that iii'. jar has

tHeturbtd the adrnlnlittraHoii cri th>- lHL>b-ni»>w.

Nbrwicli, Conn,, jjias. s tart led by IMI eartli^-qualcc phaking_buildings In sm alarming nian-ner. i t laAted'three .t<>-rtyu seconds.' accom­panied by a deep rumbling.y~About the same time a brilliant meteor shot across the sky,

[ northeast to northwest, emitt ing a dazzling white light-aud flames,' haying an apjwrent <li ame|«:-of eight-feet; ' " " -, v—_'—:

: HE C>:i)KU»T0bl) ii.'i " —

Mr. Merrick, eomiscl for the gdvcrninent 'ou

resign, bidding arf' ailectionate and to

..which I farewell- t*^every.member of tne senate every omeeNcTiniieetcd with i t . ' ' ~

>. I I V M .

Th*' !3~th cona^ess dosed-its Uborvoii S«tui day, March -•), ^ ^ - ^

* A'l -LA>T.

Saturday, March :id .\yas- a memorable dav in tli'e House. : The protwtioniste-h.aye won-a great vjejton-. - It-ir-tfrfrtrattrtbuti trie astuteness of_their SenatbriarTeaders and ahle"a!urcuuning hianagement'of the principal and most-powerful protected inttreptfli: After tlie action of the Senato-on the conference report o n i h e tariff hill, -there, w.a'S-• no_Jouge» ,\any, •doubt tha t the Houae^would take the same action. A' vigorous c€orfr^w-ny nmde—by thV| opponents of the bill to defeat its iinal pas-sage. and hou r s -we re spoilt cpilbbllng ove,r points.of order, aud other <itie'stions of uo. impbrtaucel.whatever, except.i.V>. -ajpeans of de-fej^n^Acliojn^n-thcJjilL JAIla,ttcmpts t-o-de-

Lfeat its passage, were iu vain, and wheiLa_vt)tc ^was taken at five o'clock its final passage was

announced. The bill was a t once sent t o / t h e Senate, where it wa&.signed bv theprcstdftnt-uf that body. .Arthur afli iiow a law

• A"-f ixed hii

ew niintilert .differ. Prehidaot s signature, and I h e J j i l l .is


- 'The bill to. adjust tho salaries of pt;stinlisU;rs iu conformity with the reduced'-*rates of post-age"has bee.n"signed by the President.

"TttE'St'KVlToIIsT*^ r

tlmt Jcuuie Cranier, btdieved to have beeu«iur-; dered by. the Mal)ey» jut New -IIami, has b e t * found a'live. ' _-. • \ \

' ^ ^ X C K U T A t N . . . . , *'i

Hertflj Kelh>gg, anilulogspeculaU»rof Lead-ville. has'diSappeared wlt l fsotne $30,0v|0, most of which.|U claiihcd*l)y other parties, (ppiuiousr are dlviijlcd as to- whether he lias absconded or lHN't»uujrdercAL,... '••»•- " \

J A FATAL i.YOW s|,|f)T:. (\ * An unusually large number of sutfw' sliaew

have peefentlv t aken pla^'e in the mitviug regious oftr tahTldaho and California. A Toper, Col., dispatch of February 5?? says a mail cajrrier has j u s t arrived there with particulars of-i elide at the Tuponis mine, Middle Park. T h r e e ' m e n nsmexl n u t y , Williams ami-Booth were killed by1t . Their cries were heard for» hours, b u t rescue wan infpossible.

^. / T H E . SAMS OLD STOKi'. • f

The rgglojis-aloug the lowcr-MlssK^ippi are .suffering as usual from brbkeu and breaking leveeiv. /Three have broken- in .Louisiauu' arid the railroads in the vicinity are all under water



Nearly two-fdih-d* of GaJTatiu county, 111., is flooded, and dy'seutiiry, pueumtJUiaaHdViaUciai fever prevail to an a larming ^xtent. "Fences •are washed, away, stocfr drwif t td and a larg¥^"^i, '", ;

part of t M , i n h a b i t a n t s driven troiu the'ijh j . , . : ^ ^ 1 ..*!

HK'fTliK LATE TJ1AX NKV.£u. ~ f

"• A Buffalo j | r y has jus t aivardell the, ^&\tk. Shore railroad ar$2,000 j udgmen t against 1Krle county for a passenger car bumecMiy 3 m'ol dur ing the riots of ,l]j

-of—Jwse "floy-tf ..., .^---^-2^- , .usane Asylum near

Philadelphia fiMSw last,|lia»-been released aud pr'ououuced eaiife. "She'saVs* she was put out of the way to. keep her from" her father's death bed, and will eoutest his will on the ground of J u«due Inilueace. The .physicians' c-ertiflcate upon which Miss Hoyt was committed was not t i ledraud the physicians have been, cited to coui^tto explain. ...^., , : ,

= * RAUI-V S 1 U KB NY

ttre starroute trials, ytatw tb the i>Wt vestcf-day that no promise rof Immunity had been given txrilerdell on condition of his lakiug-Uhe wifcuees stand for t h e government, a6d that .it was expressly stipulated tliat he • nftist r e h ; oh' tlie mercv^bf the Court. " ~~. V :

atored-rifttL'a larg# umytRT of barrels of lubri eating oij. There was such au*1ntcuse smoke t h a M b e ilrem'en had diflicultY^tn"approacbi»g the burping building. The 'occupiers of- the

Slaci: are 9Wah«SDT^K, "o i l -dea le rs , aud the ew York popular publishing company, t 'here

were :U) people at Avorfc'tttFTtetime o( "the (ire, including about 20 young girls. -EseajK' was at first thought impossible. "The girls and men rushed to the windows, screaming loudly -for help, many of t hem_'faint ing from iright. Afiistof t he ininates escaped by • means of a skylight; No- lives were lost, losses on-property:", Swan <V "Popular Dublisbint? I-QITIrwM V -ncTOr«ntFr$tf^<)Ott;--oiy-nic';%t^u^"n"g,' total• aboiit |50,000.^ The-buifding is

•«5?orjDT the old

Harper mansion adjoining the ruadwav of the Brooklyn bridge. " " " Many of the girls" escaped y

capes <jutsideof the .huHiL-by means of fire < jug .

, • ~-, THEY AUE NOT l'LEASUlTT" ' , "~

Sfc\d mauufacftlrerH sav the tariff bill, a.-, I>assed is a severe blow -to their Intercutc, as -audi aa-to-lhaUif-cottou tifa and wite ' rod roa»-

inarka to the fund for. t JLa?-' relief of t h e sufferer* by the Hoods Tn^Amerlca.


A ho'ndbu c<^Te«pjt)ude«t 'of the 'r-renrian'a Journal assorts that'^a .warraut has been act­ually Issued for the inau known as "Number l,""eopies of which *irvoi3Pcn seut to I.iver-J

Is reason to be-arrested. Th»;

<'orrpspondenfudd8 t t r a tKngland has uo option

}>odl and Bifmlujfbath. There lieve that he - will" shortly be

but to apply*to the French unci Atnerjeau Gov­ernments lor. the extradi t ion of Byrne and Sheridan, f f foreign >tates th iak thev can jUFtly and prudently withdraw k B M K M u r -derefs, or instigators of murder , tnmwfujlhf* re«i>)u.sibilitv k p r i m a r l l y their*. -'W--i* "• 4

' '• Til l ! (JZAU'rt PJC.Njr. *^ %

Moscow has-y«tted.--200,000 roubles 1rx the pstivlties at tending the coronation of the-czar.

Atppng other arraugemeut^ f«r "dclfb.Ut.lng the peasantry there are to be Wi fountHiT).s w.UU 40,000 hflttl6S'of beer, each RepOowtng7?ree to all, dur ing the day. The share which the nihi­lists a r e to tujie iu Jjbe 'entertainment U still tiiieertalUj aud w.ill be awaited with interest. ,f

. " AV ALIHI. -.

f Frjtnk. Byri |o t-foriwhose e,vti t iun the. French government baa bttwn-ua. , have*taken steps to' secure numerous,aliidftfilt ,* of members of parliament and others, te^raj^*/? lng t ha t they saw Byrne In. London May- 0 IjBt, , j t t he day.of the Plubilix park-niurdcrs. •

/UUlSl»fCTK)X IX TL'Jf-fii,.. " ' .

" * desir ing ' to rirst.

, f i lM- H»PJU)f's Ol ' lN lOX.

A letter from the Bishoj) of Kuphoe, County Donegal, is published in -wh ich he, says ;the only cbanee the do«titute people hav«'to m a i n -tjiftldfe is through chari ty. H^'sa'yft' the [Wjl-iey of the government is evidetitiy one of ex­termination. - . - ' . '

U I T S O F N H W S . Estimate of 'The-postmastera t 'Biun^wick, N. J.i h i s IK-

Dick, ^20,(X)0; rcome iusane through excitgnient a t tending the ¢15,000 v» * ^ ' r ' " ^ i P g J g f tjieja^yiatjojrjar^qciu^jb^^

Ex^treasurer Polk of Tennessee-ia Xxjry_.111.-Case against him ha< been eontiuued.

•Ajeptir sent, from Honolulu to Philadelphia

UfactiiSrers^ The latter claim tha t -they wj]] be fon'pdjb) qAiii, business. .._ _^_-i" I L Z H


—Uov .-CUatfelandUt-' bill causes-great cxciteihent In New York, the great majority of ppople regardlngji is reasign as IiH>ufl]cieritaiB*-':fndicating a disposition'on-. hiH^part to'Tavor. miiiiopolles a t the expense of the,perrph\ ' . ; _——.;. ' v . ,

^-~~' "'_.. AXTiCEyATOIt. BL'KNEI). _. , D u n l a p \ clevatof at Alhany, N. V. hum.-A ou Saturday-, th«;-klinst. Three persons were killed, and three1 others seriously injured bv falling walls.-. The loss is about.#27.%0OO.

1ms"been returned without being cured . The Prince of Wales is salfl~tcTbe In a brown":

s tudy whe theMo aeeeprfMluyJfaTIo'hlo'atteujJ thurcorouutlon flfthe czar or to be otherivise-^n-., Many houses have been s w e p t , away" and

^tbjeFs.'maVAid I'ntifi tludr—fouadations by the p logd at Shawuetown IIJ. Tlje railroad depot

was de8tjrrvTrj^mdlhiL'li^E:to-Xhe::tii^ fnatifja a t ¥5)0,000.' . • '-

__MiJXyDaniels h a * received from the New YorkCeut ra l $29,0(X) for Injuries received iu the Spuyteu-Duyval disaster, some months ago. This is the largest sum ever paid bv that railroad to, anyone .for personal i n jur ies . ','

The buildings ' for the, J„ouisvi{le Cotton Ex­position, will cover fifteen acres of ground,"''imfl' are completed in Ju ly .

The Brafdwood relief fund no*~ amount* to «411,000.' , Twenty-four feet ^of w a t e r j n j i s t yrt be, removed from the .Diamond mine before the bodicsO*' thivdruw-uedminers can be reached! •

i^itKY's ITAI I morni /F>. City, The iffairsof Ferry Bros, at Sa l t -hake

Utah, are assuming serious shape. "Suits are crowding on all-sides. The-latcst insti tuted is against tne.Marsac mining company, in ' whk'h Senator Ferry is interested, and-.involves the t i te to-^«j to 'wnbfPark City. . Fraud in secur­ing patent is alleged. ""- '" ; .

— .".-- • ANOTHEK TIU'AN'l. ' • -

Louis P. Carman, ex-Secretary of -the Man­hat tan Fire Insurance Company of New York has bt:en iidsslng since Feb. 23th. The accounts

xtt the company. iir_e short, $40,00(^- - * ^ m v i c s TO CONVICTS, -•-••-'-

The.mutiny at Sing Sing prison huvin£_bt'»;.n I h e superintundeat-a-few^-d xt Vf* ft1

formed those lately in revolt that thVy would' have nn opportunity to establish themselves i n the cantldcnc-c- 'of the prison ollicers. —Hrr advised a cheerful compliance with t l icregula-.tiortsOpaying it wa5 for themselves, to make Mlfe'burdcnsorne or comparativ. ' The l;iw Rotv

- H ^ ^labor ^ 8 i e r a u r would

bfbetii here-ani i i»nid -tlm'-should I fjj'rwii'rdT way-wattninted iu-gaying"that the 14" n\„ JU\

I witn-Bojtl commutation.* from msubo!'dHio.Ye*0

i i i omnrnoN i'HOHirrw^i>. 1—In the M ib.sourt ~Ho"uae of "Kcprcie^Lativcs

the committee reported recommendingwat+he : prohibition amendmeut to the Consti tution not pass. An amendment was offered proyld ing that any legi8la^orr^or-caTni t tg--^obiW-ti(»n 4tvto efJect should make provision to reim-imr^eUjnjw^r-Sr-distUler^-anil ^others for^losses they may' a result^ The arneudment was laid" upon the table by -a test vote" of (>8 ayes to 59 noes, a n d thus tlie prohibition ques­tion in Missouri iR-**^tfed for this wr-ssi?irr--i-.f the J.cgislature. *'. , - ~

- _ - ' ' • • — P D R B tR,"aaziixEi?s.'-The railroad r t a t r a T E v a n s t o n ,

P O K K I G N A F F A I R S . ^3ETW«sa**ir;uuKca AXn'S^ATii.

i'he. government-tif Chili remains fTrTrr-tuits dtiterminatioijfo ap,point. its-mvtt..rt;dej»iasti>^


dignitaries'. ; The-Pope's legate has left, the country. Congress. is; expected-to -vot.c_j.mly the "salaries oCpriest» the go^ernmentrnts nam­ed. Church (i^sestabli.sbTiie«t_Ui—becoming ;i national (|Ue«tion. - .


Aecouius from the distr ict of Gwcrdoru, County Donegal, in the northwestern part of Ireland, indicate that the condition of the peo­ple is dis t ress ing. . Thi,' medical* otlicer of the utsfrlrjtreports that the children arc mush ema­ciated in consequence of the scantiness of their d t e t and generaruse of sea-weed as theprineiDal

"""icrJidsjCjstek person in a1mt>st every Lioinje,'<iwing to want of food. L

"En tb< 'riiK_\"_I-_.VAX'S 'VJKVgS.

House of Comuions recefitfy'Ta-v'eiy'an .lough the governurtul had IH> large

measure concerning the government of Ireland 'bduce'thls.ynar. they 'intended to bri

nn-ffic^'STirls, \fTUT . The t ru th wa.-Tthe

E l trig uriT

Both Houses of thc^Mi^souri Leg'islatui'f have passed a joint resoliition opposing the' passage or r'e-eatabll&hment.bvji'on.gress of any form of bankrupt law. J" •

- ^ i e j ) u b H c debt was decreased '$7.."iC0.0tW—-Z'-. | -dunhg-February . ^ .

Secretary Folgcr's coiinuued- illness is eau^-4ng much anxiety in political circles in W/i'sli-Ington. " .' '•"

The fitter wedding festivities of the crown princcHiid princess ' nf ( iermany occurred on the 2Srh ""of Febfuai'v. -They weV'e postponed several weclis ago on aiv-ount'oj'.1 he death 01' -Prince Chai*}es,',: . , =

- ' ----.. . . / .Losses by flood at Lawrcncebur^s^. Ind..

amount U).^43:3,000. " M a n y of the inh.ihfonlj* are entirely destitntc. -=-- •. • " . -

— T h e r e c e i v e of the defuiTct city bunk of«'rTeports-rhp-teTt)lbtlts a t l l ^ r t ^ T r n d savs that-depositors'will receive about 20--]>er cimt. " 'Difr'."annex" to Harvard college, composed-* of young lady-pupils, lit* bfen most gat.isfue-.

; t o i T , : -

to t he distress trlere. The t ru th wajfThe huId-4 irigs in the west of Irchyad were t<)o small and the "people-could notTlve without,'gefflng into eK'bt^ The (piestion was- whethlT, by giving exf raiordinary relief, the gyvernnujui sbould

chiding" Jeaimet.te,-date all in good,hearth..

t le t t aud other"•furvinir i arri \^il at St. Pctcr.srtucg on

Itl,r were r<'~ umed early o;i WTfithiead.ay- morning, March 1,

' ^ 4 ^ h ^ u - ^ w r e ^ l d e m H / n r m e d with crowbars', and other toolsj tore up oyer 1,066feet of the Chien-


he*>n nt.herwiisn an r]lsa.h1e^-flj» t o hp " r n i ^ p a H T

N E W S N O T E S •impKEv vn °

.ate advices f rom' the Creek Nation way ti

eheej^hVleaderr ts in exile, at the .Cheyenne ^ a g e ' u ^ iinrhflcnii Por tor T -commander d'f U10

tated, for performing any n i a m i a l ' labor,;'"but not ao much^as f/rrequiraregular^JC-csonal aid and attendance, shall receive a pensiouSif $30 per month. Provided, ' that no th inc contained

d u t b t s - a c t shall be construefl 'to rci^eal seetion 4tJ9» of the revised statutes, or to i"hauge the rate.of $18 p e r m o n t h therein ment ioned ta 'be

" \ ^ ro rx j r t i bna t e ly divided for any degree of disa . ^-Mity^cstabllshwlior whichjiettiou 4tl9" ^

- n o provis ion? ' "^^r.irEv.nox'T AGHEE.-

)emoeratic Ber}atQr3 have refused to serve on>|

i^T07erflmfiat,partyv has raptured a lot of .other, rebel. leadenrand Is taTrfeg^acTh'c^measures to, prevent any further concentration. of the 'ISp-

jKisitlon forces: ALMOST El'il>7tMl(".

Notwithstanding streirnoug efforts^to throttle it, siuall-pox appears to be gettlBg ^fe^ ' upper hand of tu^author i t ies a t LU»hV^and \ ^ m i t y r The ljeadvil]e>ubllc sebools are closed. A ue' pest house Is wdyg>ttmlt. The­ing generah>kD^aef i rHg out into the sur-

[•.roundljpgwsyns/ i S o m n i ^ m i t n . ^»»hH«h

the>tarjff conferenee fitHajnirittee,' and at arec< tneeting^ofthat commit tce>l t^a* impossj."' t ransact any~bualues8. "-'" ""*• ^

- _ _ . , The entire deleCTtf( -"—„Mfi8raction o v ^ ^ '"

sz OOXWEH'sWOBk; /

T&e Item in theTundry civil bill tor a house a t the mouth of. Detroit * river has raised in the Senate on Conger's motion. •30,000 toWOOO. - ••

. - ; - r - T 0 : B E RB-XDJT/ifTEU.

..The bWre-adjuttlng ttee jaah^kgroL

light been from

the lucctl ' T h e

rateg of masters ' to conform to postage, has ba*s€dJJ»**ffouse:r T b e ' meaauw* met with theJwKrty approval of the postoflfct departnoenTand waa considered t h e fairest and i i ^E^opos f t i oa^ tha t gould bedrawa ,—Theob-je^hdf the bill is tc r id jus t the salaries of *T,^ 000 pos tmas te r s .yThe bill.retained t h e p c lass inca t lon^ tpos tmas te rs as t o the " ' The bill ca r t t edH^OIXLaddl t l jM^^ tioo TheaataMes or-tha^poftmasters were la-creased from $l.Qf)Oto1i5^i0p, and a t Cincinnati,



TBaTOmbH^ f ronMW0.KJ^15 ,000 . -The com,

^L»?c6nd an^liJiiril_£laaa-pOBtof|Ices. *-*Tiit-preseHt\ The'. ra te of co)

Srortbycraw postmostcri



t n y ^

fng^tfarantine. The Denver ^iHiUiorities are fsTng every precaution to prevent^rt*_appeac-

aAce there, and have been successful tbrhCf:u' * . '• " AX tMPOlrTAXT i)E<:BIC»S.

ldge Barrett in the *«^rio.rcou!ct chambers A York on February 20„decided in -favor -gppTT6ftWott'of .Tay (iottld-and- W m . - N r sm th roug t r AttorTriey "t? eneTal . ^ t o bflng an action in the nam

people of the, State of New York to^afiuul eOttia<er DT~tiOT Mirwf*EAaTic7fi>fffiegraph cotrF

audulent issue of n.Hts4cctsion saysr "If

.use of s tocfc<7tidge B; the aUegattans'T)- — ^.--r-~—^-- r - — t r u e ^ B d ^ n e V a r e not denied t tpo^tbis motion,

company r8CWt^er should <«r t aku j^ i e an­nulled; and the attoTTlecjreueral w.oul ellct inJUs duty If T e f a a e 4 t o pr^>ceedr><Not only can t H i r m ' t i w be mat ' — - ^ - ^ - " the

ety 4a<-&>^ction


proof of the charter , but pu) mands t ha t It shall D$.prosecu Is essentially a^stttteactiont none ^ because thsPr^IatoTa may deBlr^dts proseetrtioi forjjBiwoBs of tlreij owm^fc^foJloaHLjfcafc ihe \_ . bpleshordrdbe permitted t o b t f n g t w a c t l o r i , noubecauae tn^ re la tors r e q u e s t It, but because the faela JuatityIE1 l f i a \ W pUWlfi in teres t ' « F m a n d s J ^ T T h e only effect of the relation is to

fnfly, the people awl t t s t the cost and c r ­imes ofl i t igat idm ana 1 ( the re la torsarewi l l - j tg-to assume t h a t burden, so. much the bet ter

for the .fctftt*- Thejipniieation is g ran ted . '*?-*« «CHBtiL»» INDICTBto FOB/ESOX. "

The^ran3^ ju ry In tlje. NeWh»HL liairfte

gT!" ed.

' Evans ton railnvtd" ^Many women .isshst^

'• TUB uiu .yu .iuK 1 'sftiKKtT>llT..—~"" 'I'he grand jury in the Newhall hou,s>di.saiiter § rendered its verdict. _ The documenf>ites

thaf^ket i re originated at or neaFthe haSe JUT--the eleva>«t. I h c densf>." pnffnenttng tipi^k^-"and lieat, ha>kig no outlet in theelevator shaft; filled the corridorek^nd made escape impossible. A l l i h e lives were lostNisitriin thir ty /minutes ere tos>^witriin thir ty minutes

very of tbe>«irc., They'flnd thatr as coiistnTcfedriivas sub'stantla'f

a f t e r thc dlscoy^ the Newhall.waT a manner as such buildings usuarU: are, and that there. w*as-scarcely a hotel in t"be>s^)untry as ejisy_of egress aa the Newhall. ? Tj

d done all that was reasonable for prof-cctiol ancr^escapc in r:a8e of accident; They Hnd that •l^an.dlor<rAn|is\Ii'l was extremely solicitous fof tlrtTwelfare andWfety of hlseue?tfi; that . 'how-

cr , jie did notempl t^^uf l lcfentmetror means tna ra rm the guests, butvriliLsayin extenuation t.haf. h f > d 0 p t e r l t h e tyypno prnr.B^t.ifiiVifi ft* \yy l u . tela of llke.Staiiand calls atteiiti()rrto-4hc paralleled r n p ^ I t ^ o f - t h e smokc^apd-^mr

[ H e was at fault in nbt^strtn^l4«jfrils help as to their duties In ca*e o j ^ ^ K ^ a p d u'flleient at t^nt lon-krlbe b a r ^ p t n atfer know

ing-Ahe haMte<jfthe tenant. TTTis^rind. t ha t of

j st.i^-.emigratfatD^-Whicil-lh^pi><ir we're-iiot nTerse to. and merely postpone the evil.da), ,

- •„ oisHATisrin-ji. _ TluHladicals in Paris are'iwurry a', the arrest

.of Frank n^rjie,- at the instance of the British g o v e r n m e n K ^ t h e Tntranslgeant aeciises the government of"b'a^ciycTingiug in order to meet Knglish exigencies. A^iuf^vcjnvestig 'afum is being.nmde into thc-cireiirnsfanccs of the ar-'

j^'St. It is expected other - a r r e s t s of persons supposed to Brc ounce ted \sith tnV-^tftwhles in I r e l a n d 'wHt-hr- iii^^i':'"~Ryi-n'i. wi-is .iv^'tjv;,'", t

•the dii'i^'t.charge of ussa»sinatidn. - -- . . , . ' THK LOXj>OX Tl i lHs" OI'IXIOX...

- The Times inau,articU> touching tlie ~appli-~ -.cations of England fo ti>c. United MM*:*

rand French governments f o A t l u ' extradition of

'Sheridan and Byrne-says: V'No candid A'ttier-• lean .or Frenchman* wofilu corjfjend that the case of theT'ha 'nix Park mutders V as- covered bv the privilege accorded"poHilea!.V»irende!\v'' and

vusfecrted in Great BrTfiTm ia-tbe caso'oHiraiirr1-ywho at tcnrptetHhc Ufe of'^r|rri^'urK;ri)r Niino eon irM^5Sj l 'but ,M the T imes""sa 'y^ - ' i f only t'Omplicity'-Ka^the organj/.aticm of a secret socie­ty is allegedagaitist Bvrne and ,-Sht-riih\«, tlj^ii extradition \V111 p b ^ b l v be refused.". , \ -

to save lif 0."

^•ARNBUI. >>X^ECT-E1>. N J ' . " A \ . Parnell'bas^vTitten the president"m the laiid

league <if America that If thereTts-riopVospectW-rfurther legislation for Ireland durfegUhje prds^

t ses'sTou of parliayieut, he .wiUrj ro t^d to*the UrfHcHl'States to at tend thji^prOposcd er>n/ven-}Io;i m>Uhiladelplrfa:


\ , " " ^ *&*.brings 'ft spTelme-h"

A^A-trCAALK" Ol^.'OVti-itV

i>ctorju>tj;eturned from the KfKitamw WCTTOT ^e«i - • - —

r>£Jead and silver ore nearly pure. He says/the mln«s.«re ofya<*tre"x

. . t e n t , a m i . 4 l i s - ^ t t i / a t e d that ltborrt^lociivtion no t^^ iug4_theTV^are ^ ( X X W i n s of^onCla.#tokt. .Tlie-

value o r ~ ^ i n ^ i ^ a t - j M ^ e u t ^ l discovered is trMl^JO^jilOiJ^H^ec^^m is one lumdred

_aJcjgcimMdwoper exTrfloti.'fyjajirie^n tlie hillsides.^T-bc:nftrre>jfir4 wftnlii commend the Police a n d F I c ^ ^ x t r - D i l l e s of the route selcct>rF=bY the^CapH-

DepartriMnts, an(rre<pmniend the e4ilarg?metn pi*nn PactHc Railway, via Kicking HorsHij'ftp*

the maimer the morgue w-jfc the. laws r cgu la t ing jhc moile buildings arc defectlver—- .


and Und tha t egress front!

^ «rflCAQO'a 'srHIQOt. H O U S K . H .

ji*r^Teiv of the ieeeht parochial school d k ;ter In New Ytfrfc. at. thp. reqnpat OM^IP Br»«rd of .Educa t io^ |he City Buildinsr Inspec tor t s Ttiak-

examlnatlon of the public schools. iilraogtjvlthiQttt cxcfiDtioa,,thev h a r e " "auTty in constructtoTf and dangoy-

eamnlpes pass close to wooden par-th>4p6iy}opeH In,9*rd.


ous; tltions ftid

A sxsati: Hjiigfttlaii

;HT)EK. / Jusflce> the peace.aud

qnrtpeqt d t l f c e j w ^ D e Rtty-hls ter , \N. Y. OpTfeiCraortJlngOf Mafi

housekeeper was awttkwied by the ropoi pistol, and hastening ab«(n to Mr. Hi ro6rn„shc^foundhim »l t t lBr5n!the floortn-his »i^W^loJne«.aTttr uncowcTousT^^ilM^ H a i g h t i w*s in bed^ The housekeeper' cajleef-a^doctoir; and when-he arrived Mr. ^ a i g b t bad cr$w^M


^ a i /-

r msetiiitdrjied.: ;'THsptow waj TJ

~/ </ ^~


utrwi:,. 1 MM iuftVfiox, ^ n t . , d>apateh'of the lM inst.

" ens: of the Canadian Pacific s\ ,- A Lon? says Geo. StepacTja: 01 tne Canadian t'aeJtic syn dlr^tn, has mB^iMMuggcstiou itt- t l j«^London

assistlng^tht'immigratlorhftf lO.OOa^agrlcuTtut- I , e"*\'^" V-""' " " " ' T t ' V . . ." " a t 6 3 § C a n a d . l a h . n o r t h w ^ ^ n a ^ n i B ! i . f . . l l l c . . ^ m : ^ c

loan. .yiite capital, for s tar t ing £ \ . IX T B » T011.S.

n inculpated by informer ^ uracrs i ' wan a r res ted a t

" V gave - h i s J i ame as 03. I t Is report confession x » his


_ "Waleh, tli> ey In thd D u b Irarvc on t h e 2d insfT ilrst as Hyland «nd his, ed that he has made.a'*'full .connection with the Pbranlx pa

*/* "" , iVON'T mVE ue.


'Igglns,, the-Canadlanweat l ief pr^pi „ , ^flieres to his predietlons of ayjtorm Mareli 9-11 1 He says i t will be as g r e a t ^ s e j ^ o c -

rred Upon earth or cati possibly occur. Is ' i vea t ida l [ »ave^wm ocoar l a t h e ^ a y of | ^ Q * ^ .

cbast of Awst rJ la ««d(iailf of Mexico.

• ^ - ^ - I-IBERAK, . - Z

^Tl Eml I c r n w n v ^ r a j ^ v e n J i O O O




—Thrji^e hundred women are coming from Ire--lantrjo •.vorkju-a.cmton factory In NX'w'Hauij>—

ibirc . - - ' • •

Botli houses of the M;i> . Jie_hust:r"fs legislature. hiivepjisscda bill providing Jor biennial eh tions of state *>/m'ers and biennial sessions liif- - - ;—-. the legislature.- " ' , -

Great Britain has no less.than 1.074 "gnierals * in her.:army. Imt. onlv :IM of thetn arc iu aetivo le r r ice . . •' . • • " - ' ' .

• j - "Iti^n^TbTtcd tbH4rHowgfft<T--t^ vytirtcrTiig in • ' ^-^ -

F l o r i d a 7 • • ' -The duke of'Sutherland has gone i-o—Kgypt

U> secure conc i s ions for the construetiun oi railroads the/c under the Euglisji.syndicate. .,.I.lejiry..lIipperl*..cid(iL=ul. t h e - M i l w a u k ^ rir<'-depart me ui, h'lWYtjjlghedin cojiscqugnee, it is said, qf unfavorable criticism growing out "of

[<lie Newhall house "tire T5ut-'of every 10(> voters in tin- f.nnt'Wn •.: ; .; ,^

" V

M ti'an"!fa*ij4>e'r read nnr Vvrluv Jiost.c

ing""'"costiiignearryv! James Elliot, th«.

j ^ y e a ucw^public..library liiii!,'.!-.

gilisf, well-known to sports throughout the wcsT>>was sho't .and kill­ed in Chicago on_the first instNiy^.Icre

A. .W. I..awrenee-<fcrCuV - flottr-mg-Stufgeou.Bav, Wis., the finest in the . . w-ifh 10,000. bushels of grain was destroyed ftfe-oh the.1st—Inst. .1.0?^ — — $-.ku)uti. ui-jiiranwr" ^15,000.. _ .,;" , - = ^ - - ^ -

... .Gov. Stephens olJjeorgia-i*^jeriously ilh The Duke.of fidinburglV will be present, at the

coronation of the Czar of; Rusrda. The Prin.v s>f Wales will send regrets;? -%_: . \ - \ . MasRaehusetts man, while drunk, was run ov \ r by the cars and lost Ids legs. His "wife 1 1 1 ^ ^ ¾ 1 deliberation.has broSsrht stiit-agalsi*t tltc liir»mir^elte'r instead-of against t,he railrot»d|t-jjXt*hrr.B.-.Gough, who-has been liHJturln^f o^^- . .

r tdcmsri^lmc^ajid^feinperrtnce for -41 years and rehearsed b t | J ^ -" " speech over ^,000 times,_ grew r.ighte<iusly i o j

dignant when he arrived in Baltimorethfn'ifher • night ftTKhfound the,'.Cvent advertised as hi*' " lagUippcarance."

Th.-'-Jtritish riarllamnnt. bn» v n t ^ i ^ ^ r W H ^ defr-ov tho .expenses i<f the IndfnTv-*" """"


..._A.f_u}l..leSgfh .porti-ttit tvf-f ScKfCrrant has been placed in the White House , / - - .

mpamed in his American ironnau, Eaga^kaud other prominent

land lengners.V

F tec Press fpr r e l . i e v ^ d l s t r e s s U i T l r e l a n d by | { l o u ) W A ' T ^ I * ) > « i \ K i X ( i ^ Q l d b a t h s tful ^ 1

ii floQtUri'rj the stomach oT_ g.qih to afl(l/(>ii Ssing, is" riot on the wholei th« r43o»t pralitame- f<.r_fi---f>f cold,- 'Wjiter 'lining.-'' Cosiivtjfress^ piles and huli-gestioh

s ^ .

am ttaifonuly^ristiev^d bv thU An ,llg [".morning Pn<t eve>in£r^trr^0Tf(Af^^h^~' ewr "* quantity tnust'^bo determined by tiftcrj^

'ori6 for lumaeltV Two or,th^>*rtv^l6w} J

wift do to tat|gin with, jtusTtlie quantliv' —Jir soon gyojsr•rM'rfUxmbl&pftmv anil

ailuw i pufijfjrw ta U56 much '

liianag^tir l y i m i



j^neflt. If wisely^ >ti<j wjiyjegreai-^: L&tbiuaen^ftt Jftth.

^ . J

•'.".. v sc:

^ • ^


= ^ >-. • / • » ¥ — r 7 /

,* .v*

TZ:^l$Lr -7^ •--."V.'V.-'T'

• \ -s." • / . - > < . .

R 3 S S 1

g ^ ^ ^ ^ j j

Page 7: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

THTITPK: F a o » for Faxmera.

A pair of twin yearling calves beloa^-ing u> J K.'Adams, of Mason City, Iowa, weighed 1,600 p_ounds each.

The most diminutive plunt.^frown Tin nature is the Arctic raspberry, whieh .is „» utiM.ll that,.«Jpfr oiiiM'o viaf will hold the who)fe,-:bntaeh«v^itVe.f» arid alt. ' —

4Jvur 7U;()ft0 plants/have been distrib­uted by the-"l*epartment of Agriculture during the-past year, a less number than

rge boxes An OKI-Fashioned L y c e u m Lecture . "¥he harm* worojpalckod in lar^ with these ashe* ull oyer and all round, J Httrper>i Magazine each ham hemg'eovered. ^ ¾ ^ ¾ Reader* didst ever deli veil i lecture at have not teen wc»)eyhedthp uhw will a ^ l n t r r ^ u l g ? ~ ~ ~ t r ^ - T o w h t l n r be eaten.. 1 he housewife w 11 find that f o l l o w i * ft i s . ,, r*(fe h a y R b e ( n

'.jyawhing well wjilina^e tr^e hams clean. l n e r t , -- * fe

Occasionally we had a hajm disfigured bythe alkali destroying tfie skin :n places. - ! ' • ; . - • - • i • -- y./>r f u l l y t w e n t y b e f o r e t l i e w a r

i used no saTTpeteFTJT smoke. I used only salt and sugar to save mei. t. ^When ready io hang the hams were washed were clean, then laid on scaffolds of small

usurfftbe!U!W-1*»* tree plants were *e»t | notes-to- drain arilHlry, and then sua-

orida JUispateh crop at

.1 tJiii>kP. »7.tX)0.W0 will the mark t*-authjh»g uofo*"-,

aeon happens .-to the erop. ->-Atth'tifmeeting 'of the Connecticut

State ISoW of Agriculture a lady gave ller^GXp^iJejiee' in poultry raising, in which, she stated that fruflPfatotiO nens

pended with strings In thesmoke house. I preferred strips of a plaatr^ilwthe pal­metto, called by -old folks in, niy boy^ hoodllays7' "barrow grass. Tl*e leaves ace about 2 feet long, and can be divid­ed . rfito I to J of an inch, and stiong enough to hold up o"0 or 0.'» poupij". Wfy snioke house .wai* about 15 feet to the ewes; walls of hewed white oak, six innheAlhiiik^.notched, and when season*

134 own

gave a net return of from 897 to *lo6, M , the spaces orefacks lilled inside and wlfl^urranc^^-Iiltdlngs or other -ifeed-T0?* W J t h J i m ^ m o r i ^ ^ J ^ J l o ^ : was JLeas expense.

A* growth with the-• calves'U a greater " t than food that will produce

Jg&p'cte ami-bone is more desirable than one which "producer: tosh. Therefore i»ats and bran are esteemed a better food for growing calves than corn and bran. ^

Fro2eli roots, or, iudml, fro^n-ft**!Hpirdid send the largest middlings., in of aay^ind, is very pernicious to swjtie

" a«d all other stock, ami it i«.,.;apt; to ^seour thepi badlv, ,rfnd iir any event dis-

tvlrte their dH*rolib4 and- renders .the otherrood taken into the stomach less putritious^ttUhe animal* "'"""•

A .New Jersey^e^ch-grojver sa fc h.e Scares nothing for the peaeiT y^ll^ws. (Jive the peach trees a g<sod dose of pot­ash all b vex the ground where the roots

". feed, and wash the bodie* each spring wjith lye, and the yellows can not . drily b> prevented%ut cured ,n

"N*iw- Ka - p ^ j o ^ e ^ o n t t e B t ^ ^ . - « ^ 4 ^ m & r t h i n k s thai^a-liberal dres^ngdf -_-___^

- —phosphoric acid, potash ft*d lime "wmjpr- t tnr Btrrrunmriug waters prevent the ravages of black-knots in plum and cherry trees, saying* this '.dis-

. eas« k tmkno^r^w4i^ niiw_ and rich in mineral elements.'.

There is likely #to be an increased planting of potatoes in the South for the early-Northern, market this year. The busines.Vhasbeen very remunerative for two years past, -Late potatoes do not sueceedSvell in the South, owing to'hot weather at the time for turning,the tu­bers.. ..^ . X-.

'• J The late rose potato is losing its pop­ularity. „ It was nayer so goou1 in-quality as the earTy rose, aud the .former, > ^ r helped bring thejnttet jntojiisffepute". Now the farmers iwrujjlmirof the late rose as ltkelv t-o>6t Tu wet seasons and

-to'LUght inTli fimm.—American Cultf -\-ator. :

"S^irac portion, of- the farmer's *vbeat : eropshould be Ihwired, not only for home

use. kwt-for selling to tenants anU others in the neighborhood, who buy fl6ur." 1& this way the wheat brings a better ])riee atida94h*4>ran-auiiiniddiing ur^ retain­ed on the farm there is less loss of fer­tility. \ - . •-—_

- It is stated that 'the .average cost of jroduction of an acre-ofv^heju is $105.0.

of three-inch l>ths, sa-weu "o^ inch planks, and abofut thi-eo-quarter ppace. The gables were ^Inclosed similarly. Tne hams hung between the ; rafters, shoulders and jowls ^ext, iand the mid­dlings under. All were dried by the circulation of the air. A friend, a hear relative of General 11. 1C. Lee,' proposed

exchange for our,sjmalr|breakfast baepn s ides-a t least two or " one. My onlj sister in Alab^mji cured her meat similarly. She had to provide fori ninety and I for seventy "blacks, i haje put up 20,000 pounds of pork", and even when selling pigs for breeding I put up: not less trtan 15,000 pounds per year. £ •'' "' . ,.,.- - . • ' v. A n U n d e r a r o u n d City. If^morcst» MDOtaiy'fOf March."

New Yorky as everyone''knows, is -ttitniited upon a narrow "island. It can-

Mrs. Brown having a, lecture up^n the P^rtlienon, w;w invited to deliver Jt beforei I the lyceiim at Walnutvilfe-.i Kao^iii^ of Walnut ville only that it Was fifteeji mihs from a' railroad, i j rs . Brown suggested a more popular »ub-lect. No; Walnutville wanted the Par­thenon. At the station named in 't-fie letter of direction Mrs. Brown saw a stage,-and wx>u its driver said:

"He you thV lecturer for \V.tlnut-Tille. " -

"Wa'al, git right in; arid you. h'ain't no need to pay no fare neither, for I'm the ooi^mittee that wrote youi"

Mrs. iJrown was the* only passenger, and ihi* driver cheered} the long arid lonely way by telling her, "Folks was thinkin1 a sight about seein* on Jier, lots on J e m rememberin, her grandsir. They were only four hours on theiroad, and whe^n the time for the lectin e came Mrs. Hrown was escorted^to the hall by the same gentleman. On the* way he exhorted her to Speak up, and not be like 'Hhern MethodiBt ^vrmnfen, who mumbled sottolk^dlcPndt ferimv when to say 'Hallelujah.^' ;"" „.,

The hull, a n uiipainte^l3uildi»gj eon-j , ' , . sisted of a great room with an enormous

™ ^ ^ 3 ' « ; S f .2L^teid^-d°or opening directly into it. were seats against the Wall upon

! ex-•'tinr


OR PAIN. nelleves *nd cures

Neuralgia, *-Sciatica, (lumbago,.

B A C K A C M E ,

5TJ *

1M CINCINNATI Treating Consumption, A»«luna,Bron-

ctaltte, i^Ksal Catarrh, )*ore Throat, Lotpof Volee^an«oih>r flaUdle* of


sntri W ^ n T t b ^ r o H e ^ d j r e ^ ^ Terming t t e S ^ i ^ ^ i ^ ^ t d ^ n e i ^ S f f i ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ As-a con

se<pience an enormous business is being upon | a small surface of land, to done,

utilize .which there have been built with-ini the last twelve years immense ojmce bdijdings and apartment bouses, eaCh of \*jjuch accommodates as many people as live-in an ordinary village. Under this

basements and cellars, in addition^t<f* gas-pipes, water-mains, andotlie^rxlnder-ground constructions. JPo^relieve the surface of the streols'of their enormous vchicut.'w^tr^iilteTit is pi'9p6sed to build., underground s^r6i3ts and subways to at1-.

reOrnmodate the sew^rs^water, gas and steam pipes, and eventually telegraph and", telephone' wires Nor is this all. Advantage- will fe taken of these sub­ways torrurrcars, and open passages for vehi^le^".. It is^npt improbable, that by the twentieth*' century the principal thoroughfare^ will be Underlaid by a second street, so~"as to expedite travel and trarfllcr New Tork has"tried one experim«?i!ft on a very great scale;, no less than three companies are'laying steam pipes all oyier• th'efcityv. which can be used not only for power but for heat­ing: and cooking purposes. It is believ­ed that th"(rtim'6-vEill shortly come when furnaces, Stoves, and ;ot-her heating a.p-

^m'Ouuction Oi an acre-vfr-vy-ft sw, in «pi..uw.v'. . . . .m^v^, ^^.^.-,, u u v l .. ^ ,1 i^^y^^ «.^-U costs no more except in the•onc^fttnn-'parafuses will be dispenseit with, and of manure, to raise a large "e^p-that i^

"small one, and every bushel oviir^ the -amount necessary to pay the expanse of the crop, brings in tin? profit ~U\

rfarmer's' pockt't. butter may be spoiled- in1phurn-;

ing, .. «<er-churning,.. or_ churning at ' |rtfT^>,^r)1 >* tnn low ti lemperature. af-

• - •

fects tlictextu>«Caiid crmTrgi^the prop^ er waxiness to a s ^ ^ ' g r e a s i n e s ^ The proper temperature oHnnter creaifHor hunter,-Ifttely ^ - X '• l— " S ? N J Y m n ^ t n - r b T ^ ^ V f r o m ix*Ih churning will" usually

-about 60 to 05 degrees K' The best time for shipping bee iiy

considerable distance is in April OL- qui (jarly I r r ^ y , before the- combs are too heavy with IjLi' • though with proper care in prepari^* them and ordinary usage in handlmgT"they can be_shipped at any time with complicative safety, ex­empt in quite cold weather.

~TIda\o,"wHh her va]le>sautHtrmin nicies covered withbu'nch gras«, has 000 square miles of gmylng ^and; Mwn tana', 58,000; (^blfiriulo. O.OQ.Qj Wvom-

i 78,000; Washington Territory, 80,-A ^a^tMn=Orggon. 55,000; and,Jjjeji

SO OO Tsmjare miles—a tot;tl."ol'

two sides, which the stage driver plained as beingthe place where old men sof "town-nieetin1 day.'1 The people who^ were in their seats turned round and gazed a t Mrs.\6rown while she-tooirontrer wraps and put on her gloves. Telling her escort^she. WJJS ready, he said he "wafn't a-goin' upon UiaT.rQ^strumTormalie'a fooloi himself; therminister ^ad got to do that.1 '

While waitipgititgjhe minister', and

Mrs. Brown direrted her mind by won-dering why a row of men were seTvteur at the bauJr_:trf^-tfee curiosity conquered* _ "What are those men up;_

Them^ JWhv, tneVre the for?v

- - . > . j Ye the vValnut-yille Brass Iiaad"7and. they're goirT to

, , - , - ., plav. .4>on't they have no bands where narrow stretch of land are built sewersy yotf'cprne from?" -

that heat will .be^upplied fcom the out nid« as water and gas*ncuv. are. It is saidXhat every process of cooking", iri-

can tmrf^hidtiT*, ^^. H(>w^this can bU-aceomplish-ed

^team is a mv-


dtery to>the, uninitated

Gen. Stiprm&Dt^pefenda th<a Sword, Etlward W. Bo.. . ^ .—v.. r f . xt c

Brooklyn, the i n d e f a t % a ^ T e - ^ m 6 ^ n i p i r - " ^ i ^ ^ v ' - • Mdvedthe^mvingre-^^^^

term anT m res^asse te^ a Tett^r'requesting.-him.-to subscribe

pen the sentiment, in thn swor

"3M IS mightier



trre4th-ng letter of

mental vvriting.>^>5(hen I write anything I wa?itTit""tb^ be reat^and- connected; m

.JorfS,iis, for- instance^ l t t^our ,quqta-i«trfrom Lord Lyttmrs play^oi^"Kictie-

lieu,1' MlPhe pen is mightier trntn^jiie ord.^: Lord Lyttonwodld never ha^

ss ignature to so, naked a senti raeut. »«rely I will not.

squat ducrngbcel

^niiles of lands capable ^ "id mutton.

|er-say»>naH m'.^er faifed ''iBicnre garget by the use'cTfAjeftns. . He Ifeedj one pint.of bean meal, in5%qd with other meal, for four successi vedays>aml has found that quantitv^sufficieutto curl the worSt^cases. He thinks' if cows-were led with bean meal several times a year

tfecovould never be troubled with gar-

lest^ejdcr ^preservative is salixsy . M« acidw^tdmS-Jbedn extensively vised,

rsf>Tnple»^^ kept

In the.tex} licationi —

e re was a'pr'efix-o'rquali-

Fortunately Mr. Snow, the minister, appeared,then, and Mrs. Brown trailed meekly up the aiala aft^rhim. Obedient to'his gesture, she sat -itewn, and he said, "We,wiH'-»nite in praver." - That exercise' disposed of, Mr. Snow

proceeded with '.Columbia, the gem of the ocean.' " .^ ,

The ' performance was stunning, (leafeningt-but before breath or hearing could be regained the agile clergyman was again on-.his feet:> .

"The chorister of the Baptist church will now delight the audience with a song—'There's • a good tirne earning, boys; wait a little longer.1 " - The chorister walked jdowly -to the stepspf-the platform, and waited, look­ing severely at-Mr.-Snow.

" I forgpt^to say,11 shouted that much-afRi-cted man, ""fHat7 he will be ac-compained by his daughter on a ~Masorj_ an(V Hamlin instrument." -- . .

•Then; the father and daughter mount­ed the stage, the organ was wheeled into its place, and the performeis had a o-noii t i m e , if n o b o d y c l a n d i d .



Soreneu, Cuts, Bruises. 1 FROSTBITES,

m m * * , scAtn« , AnU all other l>odl!y»<:l>efl

and palmi. F i m CENTS A BOTTLE.

Boldbjr all DruKgtet,i and Dealer^. Directions in U languages. Q

The Charles A. Vogefer Co ( tMWIit i to A. VOOEyCK L . <,


. you ladies'whl us* Uiera,

"BMAUtiflen the Skin

»ru«v«8 Taa, i i . pl>a,Jrec« IDS, hl.H t ta FaUbeskndm •erj UiernisL oa t>eautv an i rt«. fl*1* deMctloti. ItlliS.UXMltfe* w«tt<W $J yean auixltsn hirm l*-6s|*e laate H io lifsure prep->mtion Is prop­erly niartf. Ac­cept DO eoofi-t^rttlt of Uml-larname. Tbe disUnsrulsh e d Dr. L. A Sayxa satdtoalady of Uie hntiHon (a pail^nt; — "A8

I _reccomuiei (l Gourart's

•TIVE « — , ,

T i «.

vrream, as Uv< least hArmtui of all the ckln IT parac UUS." One bcittiP'RUl last six nionUi% using. U every ituy. Also Puudxe'Sut)U<eTvmov«j Buperfluous b»lr wltufoit l o l i w totheskte. • ~-- ^ " •

Mme. M. B. T. COUKAUD, Sole 1'rop., 4S hvrtd street, Newport.

For sale by \al.l UruxrleW '4p.£+Fvfatj G» (IK Dealers

proof of -any ripe srtfluK i \<c *ainc. rswr

W ! L B O R ' S coMPotra'D o ?


'rdcONSt'MFTIVES:^-Many baye bceft hat -glvti tht'lv U?sUiBuny In faror of the uco o f ' W Pure Cod^Liver Oil anil l^lme." Experience has

t6 be a valuable.remedy for Consumption, Asthma, Diphtheria, and all diseaseB of the Throat,

JDH. W<<LFK treat* the aboTe-nafch*! *Ji*e»n6e QJ Medicated Inhalation*. Whim UmiutdjiUui&lenad, retbedlen are brought "face to tnc&^fn ^contket with (he disease; whereat), If they are »waU+*w©d, they mix with the contemn of to« atomach and never reach the organ* of respiration.

l)IC"WOJiKK hae, by the ^udlciduB employmeot of Medicated Inhulatlonis assisted thuusands to re-Kain their health, many of whom had been pro-r houpoed lnc'umble, and given up Ut aio by their

-_ J2A'>" jihyirtclanH and friepdB. T""

DR. WOl'KE has prepared a Hut of qaestlona for vlck people to answer by mall. They are tn«cht rac­ier the name he would a*k -were ke-by the twdslde ui the invalid. By writing annwws to these ques­tions any one can »cnd an accurate otutement of' hl« dl>icutte, ana receive and u»je mflallngrtjtnedtea -at home. Vn any^>a.rt of .the Un*t«4 States or Cana­da, without lncijrrtng the expense and discomfort of making a Visit to Cincinnati. Any one sending |iU name and postoffice addfetifl with a three-cent .

? p<j»t«g4.y*tamp. will receive 4 couy of thw "ClreuTar •yf tjuwtions" by return maH.

1>U> WOI.FK hail pfltTtlghed a medical boolc called - "Common Sense. L'tfuse and Cure of Consumption,

Asthma, etc..1' a copy of which he wiahend to.any body who orders It. by mail, and tnclbaes 0 cent* In postage stamps, with bis name and pomofficie ad­dress. The book Is of great value to* any one af-fllctetl wltft -any auieooc <»C- the Nose. Throat or

' L u n g * . • " - < • • . . . . . . .. » •

UK. WOUFKMsjMsiUiUjDUs11^ anothef book o f - « pages entitled "Light about the HuuiJe Wo^JUve In," wi^ich every healthy person as well as ^tck

'_ ought t,o read. This book h a s a special interest to persons who have weak lungs, or Any symptoms of ConaumpUon, Asthma, BronchiUs, or Catarrh. Sent to any address free by mail, on receipt o f 'i

>- rents in postage stamp*.

Addrej*. D R . ^ ¾ . A V O I i P C

,, ~ - \W, Smith Hir-Cla4innati, O.

V -

£^i-»j>*^- ,2 •' £. Str.-itton

•i .kSS t / ' t : - 3 R S i T Y , . is .the ctfdtst, largest,

ic most able andT experienced lers, ^finest roorijipsfia* better

fac i l i t ies ever way, thaa-any other businesa college in iLkhigan. Axk

/outgraduates and the business men o f Detroi£,.ahQiitjiur Schoo l . Call or

[send for Circulars. Shorthand bw a PtocUdklRtpouer. J *




andL«ngs? Manufactured only by A. B. WILHOIWJ Chemist, Boston. Sold bv all druggists.

Iron TjeTM*. Bte«l B«*rhi(t. » r u l

jomes, n « wilt* T T . i-pMontriaU W»rrukU6 years. Vot fr«« book, addrw*





.The auilien'ce was indifferent To an alarming degree, looking to Mrs. Brown like scores of dupiicates'of the goddess Pasht-who sits and glares at people in the British Museum. "' x '

BrjQ\vn_ will oh the Parthenon,

Mrs. Brown Stepped to the fronyalid, am id s ti 11 ness -s^pToi^tm^hltl^fe^ouTd

ear theJ>mithin^>iKperS0nfl near her, reftd4ier •pjtaer' It tooii^an hour, and •thtm^^Ij^that time the death-like quiet was brok«Naut, odce;'and then a~boy who had climb^d-^p'on the outside, anjl peeped irr-atp^ wffirktwj-inf^ compaflious in a hoars>--whisper tli&tr "she warh^ no great-to Joo^>vat, any^

Not a hand stirred Dor evfe« -aii

"Snd vTHl CDnxpIeU^ .V^inge t h e b l o o d i i r t h * e n t i r e s y s t e m i n t h r e e m o n t h s . A n y p e r - , e o n ^frho y i l l trtl;° 1 F i l l t n r h n i g h t f m m l t o l " HI'ITI'H, III^V lm tt<fff<in'iil t o s o u n d h e a l t h , If "ancU a t i l i n g b e p o c s i b l e . F o r c o r i n g F e m a l e C o m p l a i n t s t h e s e P i l t i h a v e n o . equa l* F h y e l t l a o s r i s e t h e m i n t h e i r . p r a c t i c e . S o l d p V * r y w h c r e t o r . s e n t b y m a i l f o * e t g h t l ^ t t e r - a t o m p g , S e n d f o r c i r c u l a r . I ^ g « J O H N S O N ¢ ^ ^ 0 . , . B O S T O X , M A S S .

* ^QBQUR, ASTHMA,^B^ONCHITIS. JOf*Xrs6N*!= A N O D Y N E t I N I » E B J S T # i l l l n i U « - V tancou:-!;/ rejiove these terrible rtiweasus, a:id *Hlr>o*i lively,", cure nint. e"»«rs out of ten. Inibrmxtion thatwilL*!!^ inany bv^s sent free by mail. Dcu't delar^ar-m'om«Q.t. Erevtrftica ia better than cure. j^-^ 1 "

JOHNSON'S ANODYNE'\AHmWtlfr^%tf^$i* Ni'oralgia., Influenza, Sore Lungs, B'ceding & the Lhngs.Chronic Hoars.enert', Hacking Cough, Whooping Coujih, r' tjhpimmfitm, chmnlc ipian-hcca. Vrirouic I^schtcry, C'holerrV'Morbns, KidncyTroublcs, Disea»es of tba Spine aud Lame Back. Sold evervwEcfo. Send for^pamphwf to I. S. Joussos & C<5^rBoTrusTai*S3r-

- ^ _ - • • . • - . . . —

^AnEhBlisliVeterinao'Sofgeoh and Chemist. r\ow travellriff In this country, says that-most I •of the Horse and 'Cattle , Powder* solci ,Vre [ are worthless ir;\sh. He.says tliat Sheruu'; Condition Powdcnsare -ibsblutely, p«re ,-.::-. immensely valuable. Nothing rin earth win fiiake hens laylikc_5herKttn,3 Cor.dii <^ltoLphtf foo'l. .*^>i*vepwh(;rg;crteat by ir«ailfor-S4^fer-itanap» L 6.JQH'^




Beue^th the ru The pea iajntghticr tLan

3ow, this wSrid "

ej e.lid moved when the Parthenon wl? ended; but Mr. Snow allowed' ncTfifne" for embarrassment, for he was at once

hi^ feet ' ~ ^ chorister of the Methodist

church^wili sing 'Rocked in the cradle

^ , D3EHAL OFFEH EVER fMQC Mem- i w ^ M i i , . i:4iynm

t-«i An rl

I^QD^S-^M' pr^ocunn, Q,^T ttirtjr Uwojoij »orij. ; ! i i, "Tip to live Lim«| " tori t»»*J &roD It* \>rtt Afticne£D lad

• S f t i S j n S E ^ r ^ — t t 1 r r r h r - ? ^ e ^ ? a - g t t y V - f o r t ^ a ^ a n ^ ^

•ssr»«-.t.;i. A f*??5VVi<i» In;: Sa.r>-. Ti>i. Sketched, Poerej, Wit, Wum<ftr, and Ut.uiii—»f<v;k t-r AIU B*> Pun i Ili\istrutfdl<*hus, humorout-Enoavirss. Sketehea, Mn at t-i _t«te <vn«a>r?, W4.E/'tan», etc.; KOiMiy RKCKI lauK^s: »:»*> ilie "Roirue'a

'rtiZiS.TA.I SPANGLED BANNS Eitabl^'ied 1-.¾¾ bcc=a ita ilst yca*=Jauuary


lypseat-sword. ; '

of t h e deep:^^*^Je wi l l accojmriajiy^TTrrF —* St?rf. '• ~~ r - r

jm pros


tsrherein a ^,re very


six* mclitrirro^^5^r_strit-liave the peculiar flavor of new sweet-cider. Orte 'ouiice of tlie acid is uufficieait ft>uJbarreT of thj-rty-two gallons. Put [he acioV4n the 8wue.t cicfer and mix it well; the hung tip. It will not ferment

Varm manure'varies widely m ity and jraluc, ami it. Is only by tji!trex excise'of some aoeur'ate knoWl^dgu of"

t h » materials of vyhich it is ide that

jtor 3s as neiir as any use fur the sword

each)fi its proper spherc-

ent the condition ed. Men entirely indeed, and even "

ro ached^greatnC/ t^S>^found good ^V .. .. y T ou aiioS^liavie seen the day when a

-'great and gootlsijanr ruled this country ^(LittcblnVwho -wieldod a-^Dwerful anil j^olific~pen, and yet^nd^to.Call to. h'is assist) — »

The-saraac masterly nrdifferenee while the Methodist chorister ro violently bacKward arid while'he was wiping his Heated

r he had fetxirneu to hj^ seat

,V^i^: -Hv!



I • i « < - ) * . n u i i . k tj^SntTKta l v : Ct -liii-:.a»lj>'«rJM'ritht>c3.

C i t i s .Mbrfri^ixsf y r ' - * ^ «nt.v|[ fctd prir-<^g, -TfttUe

ruor«« »nd Atr-I.»t*b of th* WtrM. FtHtm r-f»nl lo l l . n ,

_ . . S(»t.H(«c.' I.irbt, Bcunc), *«., ^cp, •Jl <«uiitHc<, Ibincat VMZU* * to 3U ptr M i l ,

Xrtraacr&ptir, CempKiico at t>>« Hunts Raetv

VSr^tte. *« . .

I S o O o t m mU reuet OILKT ,>t»iM» imitmmmrlni M I U I . RtMEUSUk. A?j » truiy impcrWd book, but it li »m«»,rr*»h, tad •MHMi.Dtetiaa. fry. BrtM-4 * » » M»-tjt* fn-flB* prptr, -"*• ' — — - - - ^ - ^ -

- . J - " , . . CL-.rncr.'' kiiown Che world over tor its rxpotureof Fniudf, S-» ii.'Kert, »nd llurnliUBi. We dtiire to double.our cir-rtraticn. Mirt to (io.».>-»e h»ve weurcd • m»ci«lvedition~ >-:' '.'.:•? eiiirtly cere "LW-page .Vmtrican DictioMiry, oom— t-'i!.. r,-.-J unahritlgcd. tt contains as much m»tttt *M ar.v £1 Oiciioti*Ty, tiul it U uroctlu ai i eprtxxttd.

TIFUIM^ HWri A O T 1^ou<h »erih double th«' l n i W j \ H M U flt'l. \p\(t. yet We offer our large.

i reliable, trnl,n^pul»r uatiotial -p»|H-r ibr OBly 0 0 «WUla -! a y?ar : • .ndn^a i once -ecu-v,W,«X)riew»«b»cribtr»,inf' i nuw offerthii n e ^ i n d ekcant TtW-page I)ictioii«ry in « i b -

' t k l ) " -" "•'• " . - . - . . - -

X • /

• - / • —

/ L J J n u a J f . _iiBfc_Ul ita»*tt»JiJ Al X l l l l i a V l l | ^04 jbjid b«*dl U42 1STJu.t-k

forwa>*L. and

gable Mr. Snow tnew/n« wean-

he band ..-^. ^»...„ _..

ice a .mUlfon of Uanirsiii swo^da*. I can hot subscribe to yovrPsaenti-

inde: ness

1 again delightrti*w4t-h MareBrng througfirQeprgia.

Hark! from the tombs^1 would have suited the temper of the ariBrence equal­ly aj well—to all appearance>^fejtter,

Tinally^xhe niirijster concluded: ^•"Theso oxorcist-s will close with a be

tt, '.*The peri is-*mightier'than" ford,11 -which you ask me to write, b£-

,.<-£< Ralher^iBL the providence of God, is.-a time for all things; a tihie

when knot and

the farmer canvftrrfve-at any/true est/ mate of its actttal worth. There is ing'wlrich he oughtbetter w im^*gtund% for it is .tha n n t r l m e n t ^ t u s stub the

" tooi r^f t i^ I'i'iiiiJi. <.hu JrKmtHirt on'whlch hrs-suecesslargely depends.

past b'

^After on ashes faaaj,ly BO


H a m s , was quite

Ourto| times../! was quite a* large

duoer of pigs and hacon.. iff, cobs, etc., I settled thorough teach-ng -for

nfiTarid sifting them).

if-ree the prlQ.ciph3s_of jright and justice, bortndup in the pies lies «of hatred, rfev'ejoge ahtCtyranny, that the


pen of „mtghty men lik><Jlay, Webster, ' Crit tenden and Lincoln

disentangle. . - ^ ^ \ - Vi shine you all success in your efforts^

I am, witE respe_ct, ' " " ' • . ' ' ""—-^-^--— ^our , friend. .--^--.-^

" ' W. T. SHK^SAN. - « • "

Ajieaf man in the statesAiH ho could feel the jar *>f a railroad 4>rain long be­fore it reached himi-but the jar failed on him the other day, axudthe first thing he felt-was a curve in the air and a drop into a swairip.-~Er«B^r«i»s.—"•;-''. •

ediction He had hardly spoke its last

WfibH^ho Htage-dxivcrjBhputed: / .^HereSjnarrn, is the money we've

took. You&aj^take your payon11? ' ' . Mrs. Brown, jnt^tcijmstomed to ap-

proving herself, dccratfS she rose to tho t ocqasion, for she tlw-n^drall the money- into her -pocketrhaiiSkerchief, and told him she would settle onNl^er way to the train.. One or two poop walked, up to her,! limply shook her hand, and^aid, pUmtrrety,.-"We have

"oyed your*}e^*y*e,fr but with these .4-e^cVptions; th^ aw?nlv silence Vas not

distiirbefl^To this day" Mrs. Brow|i is irf ofovibt if they^think the Parthenon an; improved sewing-machine or a ' w kind of h ^ y - s p r e a ^ e r > \ S

Why is a'pig with a Vwiste^r^tail like the ghost in Hamlet? Because it could a tall uniold. — - — — ^ ~ T - '•

1EAR IN MIND,"J The e&oT«"titesra!rtinr= henpe»t, mo«t vulukhle »nd.

lirfrT ivholc y?

cVer'printfd—ii'»ent prepaid aa » FrOO Oift with our " h;-p«M Hlustrated Xedger-»iie Mmlly Tv^er for •

Jnnd alKt'or only 63 eenti in posta£«-«tau)r^-cub,

^1 Now la the t ime I

•ttntkl cloth-?! It birtdTnj AB a free rift to all who *en4 50 eenti for the Bioner tmcyemr and enclote 13 erttt ta

rt pav ictuil enrtoi'portape. cte.rHpon the Dlctionuy. w* metntVtatwe my,'a«va

f port* fh»t

our paper u wurth uchntinyone ' '

turn mail; ana that

jart'jo- nwticwrie* < . . h V a year, arid J , . . .

ai much at anyone toldiktil: thatytnreanhat«both

- fcr y

d.detlrable back. Oub of five. fci.K

tyuarmtet MtU/actm m evencam* fftr. and enehxe Jl green itawp*.

* «e vmrvBNaty A^w'-"'"" ' I

ICflttAOM ft ._ '5; ten.

THINK of ft ;<X>-pa|K, 1.400 eol tlonaryi and a itAndard'ftmiily paper ^ _,, fficcnU. Send now. Addreu, > * •— |

Banner Fuhliahiag Co., Hlnadale, SJBU

hftrm. elolh-fnt Dte-aaUfreeior a paltrr —

atcTktf. that

The llajrnetteInaoien contain a*i I form minntei butterlw*; recharg

of m*Kn«ta Folentlftnally MTMIV;. IO blood vrltli matrnetlsm«ajKt e\>r. SrHir* ayatena througlj the CONHIL,

, _ _ _ __ _ _ OeneretOy their Magnttic AirJon au acmabio warmth^afad Insure agatmt CXXLD yEgJSy,

ci Circulation in the Feet antl b^&^r»^^^»^°

Coi^€%d1blain?_and remove all unnatnral heat,peWpir»uon>«ffellinq an-i


i _ XoLan*BackJ£i4>%n

Eitremi Ies; _ , In>«well

Cure Rheumatism, Heuxalgia and Kindred Dise"as< In an forma of QironJaand Nerroui Dtfeaaed and Debility are invaluable,

1,000,000 Prominent KealdenU of the Weat WeArtng Them. Inaoles for Sale b>a\U landing Druggist*,

THOUSANDS pF PERSONS-Are now -WriUiin* In_Dle»*«e. all of whom dareTttajeontraclion of their differ

/ a n t MaladW from the catching of " ri^AMP O R C Q L D K"

-—1LXeei> the feet werta and the head cool* U an axiom ae^old as the hills. and yet It ! « • • true to-oay aa at any point in the worid*e hietory. ^ v ^ _

InaoOee aeptTsoetpWd oo receipt of %\ pexjpair^ _T" tamiliea, 6.nairirf»r *5. • ' " k "irfor lady or Kenfleman. A«euta wanted im* very

. DKPABTXJRE", IN HKALINii AND PHYSICAL awolale of marvelous cure* obtained from wear-

fMAQNtTlHXPPOANCEB, wrUwot the taking of Druga and Medicines, - - • ' - ^ ^ • - ' ' ' •

cmrrmwy. «mt Hae./w LadU^tr Otnt*' - - - ixaluluMmtorqf *ko« usually w<frn.

Of MMmttef* irAfn Uuvmt icvrn. k>.«t «•*:TnMtara f t , corner Qnlncy, CMcaaa, lit

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Page 8: iSfo. i tOLI WA' J • i-t TTS^OOTTOWS. I •jpmCKM · tOLI

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t o wonder)


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.. isj^r and Seas on Tonus, v C Amongi the items of news- reqfei«ed> •BspecHing the-recent transit have [been; tome v^hieh have Uttle^bearingf orjpone, «n $he question of the sun's distance,yet ju»ful l of interest to those i*ho wish to* jfearn something of the real condition' of •iher planets thaflf euiown. We have been apt, perhaps, to regard Ve^ius in transit nwre^-as aa adjunct to- our •telesoppiff'measuring instrum-euAs (mi-eronaeterik heliotueiers, ami so ft)rth,)< forgetting how m.6ch interest attaches to the passage of a'World like our own (in-ijl probability) between us and the-fource of our light and heat. But even the telescope scrutiny of a planet so situ* ated is likelyto rev;eai railch that,., is in-struetive, H carefully studied; while .with

rful an instrument of research wakuay hope to learn

such things about Venus or Mercury in transit ss-aaen a century ago would b*ye defined hop3les«ly beyond our means oL "investigation. FoAimately*- these m-mrirtc*haxe not wholly neon overlooked .during the late transit,, though the ob­servations for determining .the sun's jdistaneo have occupied so JParg«*a.shar* jof attention, at least among oiUeial as*

. tronomera. ^ The'most important of these physical

Inquiries are tluwe relating to the atmos­phere of Venus; and of'these the most promising are those directed to.her ap­pearance during the, few minuses when

—•early but not the" whole of her disk is />n, tfifi /ace of the sun* Jf we place ourselves in imagination'at that point

"x>f. Vjenus1 surfacewhich, as- seen from ~ the earth at such a time,

"litis farthest from the solar disk, jft

times altogether absent We have ai< ready pufcan rjfcsei'vervin imagination, on the surface of Venus; let us, now a i r agine the earth; itself put in VenW phice at the time of tho transit. If fhe air chanced to be cloudless, what ;we have, considered would fiappen—the sum woutd be visible through the refractive

doubt those clouds-were, like oursr . . , . , . telbirdaorwater-drops, oi: cirrus clouds .

waibe-roanifest on a littie conspirationf./fee particles. It foflOwa that Venuflc)-$STP' :"**!*• . r h e v J^E18*611*6'* • " • ia...t » • _ *. _ must have seas like ours; /that the same

kind of material vitality, whitK is shown-•n the earth_|n meteorological phen-

that from that point no parLof. |ho sun ^ean be visible unless Yenuisr'has an- ai-J Biosphere. But if Veaus'hftS" an atntos-. ~ghere^ifeejdm^ojw^-,-then iroua.the point I we arer"''^jSsidefm]gr'ai'^TgB"'p^Tt~<^i^e"'-1

.--^ljn^ttiik must he visible, being raised ; mto view by the retractive power of that

atnfospherc, precisely ,as our sun when In a geomctrica["~sepse he has set (JLhat

T% .

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;for when ^straight line from-the eyetb ' him eneounteeS tjhe convexity of the, earth) Is brought wholl^*ato viow by~-#t xnosph€fic refraction,^ ' the

yj>art (about oCvenus v ou ld


ap wiview Venus in transit), f ^ u t if the air were cloudy over tha* \ pjirt of the earth's eonvexity,r tfegaUn would not be seen there, and tnearoof light would be oither wanting altogether or incom­plete; For it is to be observed tha* the, greater part ot'lhe refractive action of the earth's afinosphero is exerted below the level at which the higher clouds appear, and a - v « x Important part belW thi level evenof the cumunis olouds, Evi» denee-is not wanting to afibw • precisely what happens when our earth'comes be-

-tween •» heavenly body and the-sun* We obtain such evidence during total

sun-.lower from Amerl' :"\ eneer* They speak of him as a played-out h«m* bug. The Pall Mall GcuHtU laid thai ••although his mission 4 r aa admitted failure he has bees allowed to leave the

Theft qootinr that in England

Mr. Wilde did not appeal clad aa hf dldL in America becajisel.'^haf would no* b i tolerated there," the Pall Malt Added with almost brutal direotneaa: *' u this the songstress does wrong to the meas­ureless toleration of oon|empt which pre­vails in this country. Except thehitle street boys no one would take any notioa of the,'wayla wjiich Mr Wi^ie wasolad, so long as he eondesoendecf to be clad at allv" \ FroaCifae. -tit. Jame&tfazttU he reCeivedTTErven harsher t r e a t m e n t T h e editor hoped tha t Mr. Wilde would profit by the melancholy failure of hie visit, for, " n o t to pu t too fine a point on it.

w.^i»*i*^-*^J^ disk of the mpon oontitrnee td sfiine with a-bright-red Bght, really soch light a* .wejjet from the setting sun, whilo- on other, occasions (doubtless when the earth's. .'aimQSpfce*e"~is-. heavily iaden with eloudB) the moon's disk is entirely lost to sight during total eclipse.

Thus, then, wo can safely infer thafr-the incompleteness of the arc of light around Venus on the x6th was duo to clouds in the air of Venus. Spectro­scopic aftalysis indicated-the presence of aflueoua'^vapor^in the atmosphere of Venus- at that time. Hejiee,- -bjeyond all

omena •xists also on Vent^s,1 but whether^

*o man can safelv sav. -Lndon Times. " F ^ a p s . " ©ontin^d the oommentator, Oscar Wilde may hare more «ym

Dangerous Funeral Appliances.

The-possible agency of the undertaker in disseminating infectious diseases is not •nffinifttitly regarded by health aathori-

\ /

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i. ' ' '• **~~/ Y { * .

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.lour-wths) of the, sun be brought into view in this Way, suppos­ing her air of the same refractive power as ours, simpiy because the suh, as seen from" Venus, -looks larger than as. seen f rom^", while the refractive effect ionthis'snpbosition) wouM be nogreater. IJutv^till, alarge portion of the solar disk Would be visible"We"re there* no clouds

^»yer that part of Vemra. No.\s, an 6b~ ^'server on earth, directing Tiisrsight to

ihat point of Venus, id looking alon^ pre­cisely • the same visual line "toward the sun as our, supposed observer on the-j-

inet, only from a greater distance, "he terrestrial observer, then, would see

the.sun in the direction of his visuariine toward that part of Venus, as certainly as the observer on- Venus would, and.

> for the same reason*- he would see the sun through the- refractive action-of the planet's atmosphere. It follows that, supposing Venus to have an atmosphere Tike that of our earth; and stiH more if, as other-observations have tended to show^. Venus has an even denser atmos­phere, light—real but refracted sunlight *—wptrtd^come "to the terrestrial trbserver" around thafel part of the.^convexity of Venus' disk. Aud^it is cleari further, that the wholt* of thstr-partof Venus' cir­cumference wlii would, on tin- iimposition,besUMqunded by an arc of light; whereas, if Venus'

.'no^at ni osph e re,

ties. In many places public f unei als are prohibited in cases of lPfcfetiouB diBoasor yet they are the rule rather than the.ex­ception the country oyer.

When the funeral services areireld' in private houses, it i»*a common^hjjig* for the undertaker to provide chairs or camp stools for the multitude. These are Car­rie d^from house to house, and are liable - D„ to become carriers of infection. Some—th

are reported as having adoptecL^he new plan. Demonstrations of the process of

^ . ^_.._(._„^servative fluids have\been h tiesrOU^deithe^sua4 made in the dead house of Bellevue^os/

' "" ' * ^ pital. No mutilation of the body is'<re-quired further than the -openin^-x>f^ rt'ery for the .injection of the fluid^

are several fluids which/ answefx ^Jjas,'no^atniosphere, or*an atmospba»rj^artery ^qry-muclvvai'er.than theBarth'n no fiT H Tnet^


__axc of light«wonld be seen. ~: " Now, ^during the transit of 1874, not

inly was such an. arc of l ight visible fround the part , of Venus .which*-was utside the sun's disk,/ before the first nternal contact and—after the second,

but this arc WAS photographed. The sig-


= * = T = -iiificanceof this will bWeen w ^ e t t w e re^ member that pketogp»ph»of4h»sun m u s t

rtaken witli very short exposures, other wiSes^he image is destroyed by «*cess of light. iJaajsseii has obtained good pic t -_ ._ ures of tlie^siin three feet in diameter,. withaiLlejtpQMtreStfless than the two-thouaandthpai't 'of a sect»n^, and although 'n l S 4 thirexpos'ures weT^BQthing like 80 short,as tb is r they lastedlmtteh lesj

-uAi f i iJ t t^yW^^

than a sec6nd. If, during this posure,"the afe of light round Ven^

1 tographic record, we may be sure much brighter light^than^that

we see her when she enin£ sta/i It was, in

light as that which Ijjjng sun,whfin the werecet

air jsaj; its that that

clearest./ nttQlto^raphic^record ; VemisT>as a^atmospl

•v -

we have in positivB

re*, fractive^pwer/hbt falling much shoi^ _ it do. not equal or even*exceed. that of our Q\vn'air. \ •••- - - .'

Dui&rthe recent transit pbserva* lion -wasyTepeatedy with results not pre­cisely the same/yet perfectly accordant ° ^ ( ^ithJiiQS^obtained in 1S74, and even to the thoughtful raihd more specially inter­esting. The arc pf light was hot perfejfty butJ5k*ken near the middle^ so thaton^pj two Jne"h«rjns of light couid be* seen, extending 'fi'mh^ejther cusp of the solar, dijak ( tha't is, from"

^ ^ e a k v w K 6 f e the'outlrai ^/^V^enus intersected). These

fthff sun an'c

carefu^ndertakers may take the trouble toMiisinfVct such all cases of possible infection; but we doubt its .being don^e*yC^aeraltyv 7 , The ice-bo^s^Tn^waich the dead are laid until the ikno of burial comes, are still m#re4i&bre*\to. oarry the^geims of disease. The ice-boxes are costly, seldom renewed, and are scarcely more frequently disinfected.-That they are a source of public perU is gradually be-coming' rooognizod by physicians and-Boa.rds of Health; andXnot "a'few have taken an'interest in the devising of means^o^&eir displacement. The most promising substitute is lthe injection of preserving fluids into the ^circulatory system. Quite a number of prominent undertakers in this city and ^grooklynr

" fall into the hands of other ladies ae aem>ible and as chastening to his I n o i ble spirit as Mme. Nilsson. For from women alone is his hope of salvaUan. Men, who are often rather brotallyoon-tempfeiious of such'creatures as Mr Wilde will have nothing to db with ftim, eran ih the way j ^ remonstrance. But, fortunately, it is not BQ with worn-en. , They are.._£Yfir helpful to the weak, and, soft to the soft; and besides, there is much in Mr. Wilde'# demonstrations which loads to the infor-

Notwithstanding the low prices advertised by onr competitors we have

JTJ&*£_ B I B a ^rfcf-i a fuJJ and complete line of

Barga ins in Teas, & lbs. Japan Tea/ - 11.00 S^fos.fifie Japan Tea - $1.00 3 lbs, uHQhM sfoPiEllM^. 21r2lbsJnestjap.Tw$1.00

Low prices in choice green Rio Coffee, Frtaik fiirtdal'l if>ap^ extra rjojajam

ro sited coffde in packages »nd--4>ulte^^aTAglW^ white fishr halibut, codfiifr,

Lakin's'Boraxine, a stbstltute for sb^p

ground spices, new process flour,

Mule ear fine-cut tobaccO^tt^O D # lb. x i x Taylor cracker8r ginger snaps


ence that he himself is awoman spoiled.*4

Worst of all were the oommects in the

sadder Wilde as returning to England a "aaad« if not a wiser man,n leaving the f*4m*ri cans a merrier but not less wise people," who ''laughed at .him, and when they ' vwa-g : t i r ^ o f . laughmgf forgot him." 1

•Mrl pathy with the Atlantic Ocean, as itself a gigaatio failure, BOW that he is retnim-ing home despondent, than he bad when' he set out full of hope and confidence in his mission. He may have a certain in? dulgenc.e for it as annelanoholy and

impostor. The . Atlantie mouotonous Oceans Niagara* Falls, the American people—they'art all .vast delusions, each as indifferent as the others to the majestic personality of Mr. Oscar WildKi" t h are all painfully Wont observations, and savor strongly of that 'tdreadful ber-8<jnality" which so grieved Mr.'Wilae'n'

, Kojal baking powder,

nned goodsi etc. ^ j

Lemon snaps, Cream snaps, graham crackers, oatmeal"cracfeers, Boston craek-

ers, N. O.Jhiscuits, imperial biscmtSj -, ) r ' - '

Wtdo of Canada plug smoking tobacco SI$0 per lb-A GOOD X I N E O F SOAP.

W* have the largest -and most complete stock of fine cnt plug awf smoking



fied with*his home and will find exist-ence there as "utterly dreary as it wal" here. A prophet, and apostle cannot be sai'd to be* greatly honored in hii own .country when the news of. his return prompts the press 6F tfoe hmcHw call hinj* such unpleasant names as "oreature,",, 'weak and soft," a "woman spoiled,"

and-A'4 melancholy andononotonoui im-postorT^^This ig not exaotly receiving a-marovith open-~g>rms. It oomeS"BeaBBr

-ttr+he "fervid l-eoap tion^ "with a basin of hot water whiofef A r t e j ^ ^ ^ a r t T s w l f e once extended*to him on a lecturing tour.— Chicago-Tribune,,

for the >ose, and the eostof embalm?; ingis said tb^belittle if any greater than the_eharge for ui^>tiseof an Ice box.

A careless embalmer<may still be a oarrijer of infection, but itw^uld seem to be easier to enforce precautiona>y^meas-ures in the case of a man thati'witl bulky and variously exposed ice-eqx,

Glre Ilini a Medal.

M.n _a

**i Woodward Avenue ear yetter--

one of our solid oitizens, whose weather predictions have t fever been dis ­puted, si nee he was ra ted wor th f50,000, remarked to an acquaintance t ha t this" was unusuat rw reather for the last of De­

hor. He had hardly spoken wpjein an old man with a bundle unde r his a rm hopped up and replied^ - - _

even mi it It is eh? :4U1- jus t be t you a n

dollar that you are mistaken!1 1

V^'snH" this unusual wea the rP"

of every sort American:

of disease.—Scientific

Singular Recovery of a Lost Ring.

Several months ago aiady residing on Beacon Street^ took off a number of rings from her fingers and laid them upon the dressing table* After washing hethands he_re_turned to theroom to replace her

,'when to her-astonishment one of ^iamond ring, was missing.

She waa-cSHajn that she took i h e ring from her fin^er>and equally -certain that no one could . have^e^tered the room" without her knowledgeaurin^ the five minutes she had been in the*'%a^roomi A most rigid search was institnte^J^ut the missing ring, valued at ,J|200, wl not found. A few weeks smoa-fho"

much annoyed by—mice. Almosl nign^v the/ held their Teveisi~i:T:hay not only-destrbyed her sleep, but choice laces werennifcriated, The lady procured

nelof^t&e^old^fashiooed kind, iving baiteduvwtFa temptlng^bTr' ~~The prophot aeomed).

of eheese, placed i t , nea?"Hhe^.scene of depredations.- On the fbllowmg^morn-ing she had three finesilky mioe ol ous sizes. [ Onepf them was so peculiar/ ly oon8tructed tba>it attracted ½er at-teption. asif tention. as if appeared to have A string tied around it8"body. The servant girl

.*• ,:/

, _ : . : • * m

' t



f > earth,

was instructed to drown the captives and reset the trap, and she was about throw-ng the dead mice into the dirt barrel

en her eye was attracted by a sparkle * proved to be the lost diamond

waa not perceptible When mouse waajtliv*, but which tame to

soaking which the :

D . . . . ^ t inbtiai received. ItllKSuptfesed in his ? V i ? m e m b e m g , t t a t Uaste to^e t awar t h a t h ^ r W , h i s head

# . « f ^ 1 w?f! ^^P 1 4 4 ** through the ring, and subsequent ttrug. go fnflpr, recognignff ^ a t g i J only forced it over his forelegs,

^ i j ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ r e it remained, Thii is a toughj ^T®0*. Venue varies ^jr^lnii j! t«^iFe-it_a8 ft was tolcl^L

<*»— w^-oonsider ^^Jou^S. "^ of, our own . „•." •", ^ >:»'." " '"

ris^tt to find. , ;• *-Th* country is estimated to be from be com~*f three to four hundred million dollar!

were vmeqital in length." We lea the inequality of these horns that „ mosphere of Venus is of vatiab'e t par/ncjT, like that of our earth. Over that part of Venus where the longer^orn Was seen; the atmosphere >was (at the1

time) dearer than where1 'thd shorter arc was seen, in 1874 the ai

-.,'fNo, sir! yoil two"to one we had j list such a" December week three,


A'l titw trading Daily and Weekly Papcra kept doncUnUyjt

• ; It will pay'you to call and get our prices. ^, Call and see ng.

r i V£. E. RICHAKDS:& co: "r~"r ^ News-Dealers, Book-Seller§, Stationers *

; _.._ • _ f ; •_ , " 9

~l': U V ' = ' T / ~ r^C^MainandMillSt'e. PiNCKNEY, MICH.

P . S , We also Jeep on hand-a-fyjl-lini^fye top andopentu^ies.

road_CQrts!tWiardploughs, Linden wagons, harnesses, D. M. Osborne 'OrCo's Binders-Reapers & Mowers, •:•'""' *v





JRICES THAN ANY OTHEfrBEitEfi IN TOWN. The following are our present prices. Cut this eut for future reference.

five and eight years ago. Put up your cash.'V r —=

Oi X don't bet on the weather^ - still,

to one it isn't singu-year js singular

"Bet yoU t lar!" cried the old"

"1 told^-yoill WQitldn* 4'Then-'•don*.t be decrfvingpeople with

your weather talk. Bet you fourtojone tetl^what^ttnr weather


vou can't September." , '

The solid citizen was bluffed into si­lence for a moment and then he remarked: "• ''L6oksas_if „we might have saowT**/^

'"ltet^ you, 5vg; touo^e we don't see you flakfi^.this week!*' piped the old man, •^How can you expect snow when the air isn't cold enough toT»ng^al this moist­ure?" - :..'—'. > ^ \

"Then it may^ain'^,, \ -• "No, it won'tr Bet you six to one you _ t . saw-jsain with the wind\ where H

isl' " Welir&^barometet indicates kffaonn

of tome sortrJsahouted the solid matt. "Ill take you o n ^ ^ , too, and bet yon

^seven to one that it doe^-'*"' r/

a dollar; but he changed his fell back in bis seat and growled Out?

"May be my thermometer doesn't d at fifty-four degrees above.,V

sir! No, sir?" I'll .bet you eight to ondtaat yon are at least three decrees

pv«yl jDome, n o w ^ — ^ ^ T ~ ut the so&riaan came not— Detroit

Free Prem.

outof . B

—The g ^ a t jibstaole in railroad bunding in China it the overtpeopled condition of tke poi trj^ The-Chinese th lnken ' aay t / l f we build railroads to/transport people and merchandise^ from One point to anailtr,

ing *to do/ o ^ l a b o ^ 4

can .^ire do witk the thousands of coolies and fibers thro1

out/of employment? At yrstem temal commoroe of the empivaJa^iDOTad almost entirely by the c ^ a i s ^ n d n»tntml water conraea, oroa^^a^okaof o>aak>_ mules and men. There a n but

what are we going -to do/wHh the inv mense surplus^ upon^usP What


u a it u

u a -.-. a tt

15 C. 16 C.










28 C. 30 C


. / •





SIG L E Are prepared to meet tEe demand-for

/\ X


Having received upwards of have Brow^, Buff and" WHite>la1 with colorene»boS8e~d anU^ofd blotch.

is, in ajl the kteat designs for 1883. We Flats, Sating Bronzes in plain,

. = . - - — > •


W« have the best line of in pride from 8 cents to^$2^'a £AH *no: WILL give you Vowes^pnces



jad,es a v e r ^ o u g K t to Finckney, raag in i iese^'goods were^bott^ht for cash, and we

Come and secus. 7^^-^ ' -r