
School of Foreign Languages – Preparatory Program

Quality Manual

Submitted by: Donald Staub, Ed.D.

Last Revised: January 2015

Version 1.0

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

The SFL Quality Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide access and clarity to all processes and products relevant to the quality improvment process within the SFL at Işık University.

Our Mission, Vision & Core Values

Our Mission

We are committed to developing confident learners of English with competence in critical thinking who are active and socially responsible individuals receptive to diversity.

Our Vision is to provide the highest possible quality in education and have national and international recognition among similar institutions.

We believe that integrity, respect and responsibility are the core values to accomplish and sustain our mission and vision.


Işık University SFL Quality Manual


The QM Cycle

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Description: Quality in the SFL

The purpose of the Quality Management unit (QMU) in the SFL is to continuously guide, monitor, and report on all processes in order to maintain and improve quality within the SFL. Such efforts result from cyclical accreditation-related standards and processes, as well as needs-based initiatives identified by SFL staff. The QMU also facilitates professional development for staff in skill areas where needs are determined.

Guide – The QMU ensures that all relevant standards and outcomes are monitored on a regular basis (i.e. as determined by the nature of the outcome itself). The QMU works with SFL staff to determine relevant standards and outcomes, identify assessments, and establish targets.

Monitor – The QMU works with all staff in the collection of assessment data, as well as its aggregation, disaggregation, and analysis for the purpose of quality improvement. In this respect, the QMU will maintain a comprehensive database of all identified assessment initiatives that includes all relevant/data, action plans, and assessment timetables (See Appendix for Quality Calendar).

Report – The QMU ensures that information concerning all aspects of quality management is distributed effectively and efficiently to all relevant stakeholders; i.e. data and action plans regarding individual standards and outcomes are shared with stakeholders.

Training – The QMU, in collaboration with the coordinator of Continous Professional Development, identifies areas of need for training, in addition to designing and providing the training in subjects relevant to quality improvement.

The Quality Management Unit is lead by a Quality Assurance Coordinator (See Appendix for position description). While this person oversees the successful achievement of the above-mentioned responsibilities, the unit itself is monitored on a regular basis (e.g. twice per year) by an internal advisory committee, its membership comprised of SFL staff.

QMU Advisory Committee1. Director, SFL2. Quality Assurance Coordinator3. Administrative Coordinator4. Academic Coordinator5. UEP Coordinator6. ICT & Project Development Coordinator7. 3 CTs (annual appointment; revolving basis)8. 4 SFL instructors (annual appointment; revolving basis)


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Policy Name: SFL QualityFirst Draft: 10.11.14Drafted by: Donald StaubLast Revised: 10.11.14

Purpose Statement

Quality Management within the SFL takes place on a continuous basis. Responsibility for Quality Management is held by the Quality Management unit (QMU).

Policy Statement

The SFL, through the planning and guidance of the QMU will continuously strive to improve the SFL’s quality through the effective and efficient delivery of instruction (including assessment) and overall administration of the School.


The role of the QMU is to continuously guide, monitor, and report on all processes in order to maintain and improve quality within the SFL. Such efforts result from cyclical accreditation-related standards and processes, as well as needs-based initiatives identified by SFL staff. The QMU also facilitates professional development for staff in skill areas where needs are determined.

Guide – The QMU ensures that all relevant standards and outcomes are monitored on a regular basis (i.e. as determined by the outcome itself). The QMU works with SFL staff to determine relevant standards and outcomes, identify assessments, and establish targets.

Monitor – The QMU works with all staff in the collection of assessment data, as well as its aggregation, disaggregation, and analysis for the purpose of quality improvement. In this respect, the QMU will maintain a comprehensive database of all identified assessment initiatives that includes all relevant/data, action plans, and assessment timetables (See Appendix for Quality Calendar).

Report – The QMU ensures that information concerning all aspects of quality management is distributed effectively and efficiently to all relevant stakeholders; i.e. data and action plans regarding individual standards and outcomes are shared with stakeholders.

Training – The QMU, in collaboration with the coordinator of Continous Professional Development, identifies areas of need for training, in addition to designing and providing the training in subjects relevant to quality improvement.

The Quality Management Unit is lead by a Quality Manager, along with specified staff. The unit itself is monitored on a regular basis (e.g. twice per year) by an internal advisory committee, its membership is comprised of SFL staff.

The QMU Advisory Committee Director, SFL UEP Coordinator Administrative Coordinator ICT & Project Development Coordinator Academic Coordinator CTs (annual appointment; revolving basis) CPD Coordinator 3 SFL instructors (annual appointment; revolving basis)


SFL Prep Programme Administrative Outcomes: Organization OutcomesSection

Outcome Method of AssessmentWhen

AssessedResults / Data

Use of Results

Person Responsible

Last Update

Recruitment Recruitment process is effective and efficientAppropriate numbers of staff; Staff adequately qualified; Interviews/surveys of hiring committee and recent hires; review of procedures and documents



Induction process is effective and efficientSurvey & interview of recently inducted staff; review of procedures and documents

All staff demonstrate knowledge of quality improvement process and procedures

Attendance records from CPD activities; Surveys/ interviews with staff; Review of outcomes/assessment products and processes (vis staff output);

All staff (instructional & non-instructional) demonstrate ability to implement quality improvement process and procedures

Review of outcomes/assessment products and processes (vis staff output)

Continuous professional development (CPD) meets the needs of the staff.

Analysis of staff qualifications; Needs analysis, based on staff surveys & interviews (including personnel review by supervisor); Analysis of student learning outcomes; Analysis of instructor evaluations

ResourcesAdequate resources are provided to meet the needs of the staff & learners.

Surveys (of staff & students); Interviews, requests/complaints submitted to SFL office; Analysis based on in-coming student numbers


Reporting lines are clear, efficient, and effective.

Analysis of processes, procedures, and documentation (including organization chart and position descriptions); Staff surveys and interviews

Communication lines are clear, efficient, and effective.

Analysis of processes, procedures, and documentation (including organization chart and position descriptions); Staff surveys and interviews

Learners are clearly and efficiently recorded and tracked.

Database analysis; Recording and reporting systems (for scores, assessments, grading purposes) indicate alignment

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

SFL Prep Programme Administrative Outcomes: Learning Outcomes

Section Outcome Method of AssessmentWhen

AssessedResults /

DataUse of Results

Person Responsible

Last Update


An effective and efficient Quality Improvement process is implemented and sustained.

Staff surveys; Quality Management Unit advisory committee minutes; QMU annual reports; Programme reviews; QMU Blog

A learning outcomes assessment program is developed and implemented.

Learning outcomes and assessments identified by CTs; Data collected and analyzed; Action plans developed; End-of-year report written and shared with stakeholders.

An effective Quality Improvement CPD program is implemented.

CPD schedule; Surveys of participants; Assessment of CPD outcomes; QMU annual reports; Staff meeting minutes; QMU Blog

Communication with learners is clear, consistent, and reliable.

Surveys of students; Records of communications with learners; SFL website

Learners demonstrate benefit from induction/orientation program.

Surveys of students; Materials distributed at orientation; Outcomes (of induction/ orientation) assessed and analyzed

Develop and implement an effective learner progress review program.

Analysis of learning outcomes; Surveys of learners and instructors; Track meeting minutes; Class observations

Develop and implement an effective individual learner plans - when appropriate.

ILP records; Student surveys/interviews; Analysis of assessment results

Develop and implement staff complaints, appeals, investigations process.

Staff surveys; Relevant meeting minutes; Analysis of records


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

SFL Prep Programme Administrative Outcomes: Assessment Outcomes

Section Outcome Method of AssessmentWhen

AssessedResults /

DataUse of Results

Person Responsible

Last Update


All instructors demonstrate understanding of assessment processes (e.g. exam development, administration, scoring, reporting)

Record of workshops; Participant attendance records; Staff surveys; Interviews - with instructors and Testing Office staff; Testing Office internal-quality evaluation reports

All instructors demonstrate understanding and competence in marking written and oral assessments

Attendance records from training sessions; Testing Office internal-quality evaluation reports

All instructors demonstrate understanding and competence with invigilation processes and procedures

Attendance records from training sessions; Testing Office internal-quality evaluation reports


SFL Prep Programme Student Learning Outcomes: ReadingSLO Method of

AssessmentBenchmark /

TargetDate of Last Assessment

Person Responsible

Action Plan

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate the ability to effectively:

Infer from text Final ExamExit Exam

Identify Referents Final ExamExit Exam

Identify Details Final ExamExit Exam

Understand the general purpose of text

Final ExamExit Exam

Understand main ideas Final ExamExit Exam

Differentiate between facts and opinions

Final ExamExit Exam

Understand the purpose of examples Final ExamExit Exam

Guess vocabulary from context Final ExamExit Exam

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

SFL Prep Programme Student Learning Outcomes: WritingSLO Method of

AssessmentBenchmark /

TargetDate of Last Assessment

Person Responsible

Action Plan

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate, through writing, the ability to effectively:

Identify main ideas Response Paragraph Writing

Paraphrase Response Paragraph Writing

Summarize Response Paragraph Writing

Differentiate between facts and opinions Response Paragraph Writing

Use a variety of sentence types Essay WritingUse vocabulary Essay WritingDevelop and support content through examples and details

Essay Writing

Establish unity and coherence Essay Writing


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

SFL Prep Programme Student Learning Outcomes: ListeningSLO Method of

AssessmentBenchmark /

TargetDate of Last Assessment

Results Person Responsible

Action Plan

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate, through listening, the ability to effectively:Note definitions provided in a dialogue or an oral presentation

Final ExamExit Exam

Identify the main idea of a dialogue or an oral presentation

Final ExamExit Exam

Identify relevant/important details of a dialogue or an oral presentation

Final ExamExit Exam

Identify the overall tone of a lecture Final ExamExit Exam

Understand the purpose of examples. Final ExamExit Exam



1. Position Description – Quality Assurance Coordinator

2. Quality Assurance Calendar

3. Action Plan Template

4. The Programme Review Process (draft)

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Position Description:

Quality Assurance Coordinator for the Isik University School of Foreign Languages

The Quality Assurance Coordinator for the Isik University School of Foreign Languages (SFL-QAC) is responsible for

continuous monitoring of and reporting on all standards relevant to the SFL’s quality enhancement and accreditation

efforts. The QAC reports to the SFL Director and oversees the work of a QA officer as well as the Continuous

Professional Development (CPD) Unit.

Primary Responsibilities:

1. Lead cyclical accreditation efforts;

2. Lead Quality Assurance efforts within the SFL, including Outcomes Assessment and Program Review


3. Develop and maintain an effective communication stream with all SFL staff regarding Quality issues;

4. Write and distribute regular reports on individual Quality Assurance efforts;

5. Write and distribute an annual report on SFL Quality Assurance efforts;

6. Chair the SLF Quality Assurance committee

7. Oversee development, delivery, and evaluation of CPD activities;

8. Provide relevant professional development, as needed, in consultation with the CPD Coordinator

9. Maintain an updated database/website of standards, action plans, and relevant data.

Required skills:

1. Project management

2. Team facilitation

3. Effective writing and presentation

4. Data analysis

5. Collaboration

6. Word processing and spreadsheet software


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Quality Assurance Calendar

Fall Spring Summer9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

On-going QA Training On-going QA TrainingBaseline data collection (incoming students)

On-going qualitative data collection

End-of-Sem SLO & Survey Data Collection & Formative Analysis

End-of-Year SLO & Survey Data Collection & Summative Analysis

Formative reports written Planning & Report Writing

Reports* Submitted

* Quality Assurance Unit Annual Report; Continuous Professional Development Unit Annual Report; Quality Outcomes Annual Report; Learning Outcomes Annual Report; Annual Completion/Retention Report

Program Review Calendar

Fall Spring Summer9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Planning

Qualitative data collection & formative analysis

Begin writing introductory / descriptive sections

End-of-Semester learning data collection & formative analysis

End-of-Year learning data collection & summative analysis

Overall analysisAction Plan DevelopmentFinal report written

Final report submitted


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Action Plan Template

Plan draft date: Due date:

Plan drafted by: Person responsible:

Relevant Outcome:

Data/Evidence indicating need for action

Plan of Action / Objectives


Action taken

Method of Measurement

Date of Measurement

Results / Evidence

Follow-up plan


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Işık UniversitySchool of Foreign Languages

Programme ReviewManualLast Revised: January, 2015


1. Introduction2. The Process3. The Product4. Appendix

a. Programme Review Calendarb. Student Learning Outcomesc. Guiding questions for Programme Review Analysisd. Programme Review Action Plan Template


Işık University SFL Quality Manual


The purpose of the Prep Programme Review is for the SFL to individually explore each of the essential instructional

levels/units within the Prep Programme. The Programme Review presents two important opportunities to the SFL:

1) It allows the SFL step in and take a close look at the Prep Programme’s distinct instructional components;

2) It results in a collaborative, outcomes-driven process where the focus is on improvement.

By collecting multiple forms of data (i.e. quantitative and qualitative) from multiple perspectives (i.e. students,

instructors, coordinators), the process allows for an objective examination of the programme, by the programme

itself (i.e. a self-review) and results in action plans for improvement.

For clarity, the following is a list of programmes that will undergo the self-review process:

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3


Student Learning Center

The Quality Assurance Unit is here to assist programme with successful completion of this project. To that end, the

QAU is prepared to assist with data collection and analysis, and to help strategize action plans. The QAU cannot write

the final report, but the Unit can provide support with the report’s organization and development.

The Process

Timeline – This process is likely to take one academic year. A suggested calendar can be found in Appendix A

Data Gathering

o Demographics

Numbers of students


Breakdown by academic program (e.g. % Psychology, % Civil Engineering)

Educational background – public v. private; previous ELL experience

o Student Data

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) (see Appendix B) data from previous four semesters

Relevant trend data17

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Individual Learning Plans

SLC & CALL usage data


Office Hour usage data

o Completion/Advancement/Retention

Number of students who complete the programme

Number of students who successfully complete the programme

Number of students who depart before completing the programme


Who (group trends?)

Warning indicators?

Why – if available

o Instructor Data

Professional Development activities attended

Peer Observations completed

o Student input: surveys & focus groups

o Instructor input: surveys & focus groups/interviews

o Faculty input


Recommendations & Action Plans

Report Writing

The Product

A. An executive summary (1 page overview of report)

B. Description – this section should be objective and data-based; analysis and reflection come later.

1. Introduction – briefly explain the programme (e.g. The Track, its broad learning goals, and its student


2. The Programme

a. What are the learning objectives

b. How are they achieved

c. How are they assessed

d. Student induction to curriculum

3. Students & Learning

a. Student performance data (e.g. SLOs, completion/retention data)

b. Student resource usage data (e.g. SLC, CALL, Office Hours)


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

c. ILP report

d. Student input – surveys & focus groups

e. Instructor input – surveys & focus groups

4. Instructors & Instruction

a. Professional development activity report

b. Peer observation report

c. Student input – surveys & focus groups

d. Instructor & Coordinator input – surveys, focus groups, interviews

C. Analysis

This is the opportunity for the programme to synthesize the data and conduct an assessment of its

effectiveness and efficiency. In this section, the programme should highlight its successes and strengths,

and identify focused areas of improvement. While the data should reveal specific aspects to be

celebrated, and to be improved, Appendix C has a list of guiding questions that may assist the

programme in conducting its analysis.

D. Recommendations & Action Plans

At this point, the programme moves from identification of areas of improvement to articulation of a plan

to implement changes that will lead to improvement. It is recommended that only 2-3 action plans be

implemented in any given academic year (see Appendix D for action plan template). It is also

recommended that action plans be devised according to the SMART guideline for outcomes planning:

Specific – narrow & focused

Measureable – where possible, include numbers/percentages of current situation & intended


Achievable – The intended change can be accomplished given the available resources;

Realistic – Is the planned action aligned with the intended outcome;

Time-bound – the plan must specify a realistic, appropriate time frame for completion


Işık University SFL Quality Manual


Appendix A: Suggested Timeline for Conducting Programme Review

Fall Spring Summer9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Planning

Qualitative data collection & formative analysis

Begin writing introductory / descriptive sections

End-of-Semester learning data collection & formative analysis

End-of-Year learning data collection & summative analysis

Overall analysisAction Plan DevelopmentFinal report written

Final report submitted


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Appendix B: Prep Programme Student Learning Outcomes

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate, through reading, the ability to effectively: Assessment

Infer from text Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify Referents Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify Details Final Exam & Exit Exam

Understand the general purpose of text Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify main ideas Final Exam & Exit Exam

Differentiate between facts and opinions Final Exam & Exit Exam

Understand the purpose of examples Final Exam & Exit Exam

Guess vocabulary from context Final Exam & Exit Exam

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate, through writing, the ability to effectively: Assessment

Identify main ideas Response Writing Paragraph

Paraphrase Response Writing Paragraph

Summarize Response Writing Paragraph

Differentiate between facts and opinions Response Writing Paragraph

Use a variety of sentence types Essay Writing

Accurately use vocabulary Essay Writing

Develop and support content through examples and details Essay Writing

Establish unity and coherence Essay Writing

By the completion of the program, students will demonstrate, through listening, the ability to effectively: Assessment

Note definitions provided in a dialogue or an oral presentation

Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify the main idea of a dialogue or an oral presentation Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify relevant/important details of a dialogue or an oral presentation

Final Exam & Exit Exam

Identify the overall tone of a lecture Final Exam & Exit Exam

Understand the purpose of examples. Final Exam & Exit Exam

Appendix C: Guiding questions for Programme Review Analysis1

1 The original version of this table was created by Irfan Ayhan and Vildan Cal.21

Işık University SFL Quality Manual


The objectives of the courses in the programme are in line with the requirements of the proficiency exam.

The programme has an effective process for material selection.

The course materials match with the objectives.

The programme includes appropriate strategies for developing students’ skills.

The programme ensures integration of technology.

The time allocated for the courses meets the need.

Different learning styles are addressed in the programme.


Students go through an effective induction process.

Students are placed in the programme appropriate to their level.

The programme effectively implements an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) process

Appropriate interventions are made when students are not succeeding, such as tutorials, intensified instruction, extended year.

Students are provided with adequate self-access materials.

Students are provided with regular and effective feedback.

The programme meets the need of the academic studies of students for their faculties. The programme has a clear process for handling feedback and complaints about the programme.

Students are informed about the quality system in place.


Assessments for the programme are valid

Assessments for the programme are reliable

The assessment tools for each course are appropriate in number.

Students are informed about the assessment tools and procedures.

Students give feedback about the assessment methods and procedures

Instructors give feedback about the assessment methods and procedures


New instructors go through and effective induction process.

The programme ensures that instructors are provided with an effective Continuous Professional Development programme

The instructors are informed about the quality system in place.

An effective feedback/complaint mechanism is in place between instructors and 22

Işık University SFL Quality Manual

the programme.

Instructors have access to an adequate variety of materials.

Instructors believe that communication is thorough and transparent.

Instructors’ qualifications match the requirements of the courses.


Işık University SFL Quality Manual

Appendix D: Programme Review Action Plan Template

Plan draft date: Due date:

Plan drafted by: Person responsible:

Relevant Outcome:

Data/Evidence indicating need for action

Plan of Action / Objectives


Action taken

Method of Measurement

Date of Measurement

Results / Evidence

Follow-up plan