Page 1: Islamic Manufacturing Practice

Islamic Manufacturing Practice admin / 2009-03-14

Islamic Manufacturing Practice

lntroduction of IMP Where as Islamic Manufacturing Practice (IMP) is intended to provide guidance under an appropriate system for managing Shar’iah Compliance. It is also intended to ensure that all meet requirements for quality, efficacy and purity which they purport or are represented to possess the standard of. “HALAALAN THOYYIBA"; It is essential to mention the stringency of IMP methodology in manufacturing process proceeds from early steps to final steps, purification, and lawful. The IMP practices for use in the handling (including producing, preparing, processing, packaging, storing, transporting, distribution and sale) of products for human consumption in order to ensure a safe, sound and wholesome product but, physical and spiritual processing must be in accordance to the SYAHADAH – Confession of a Muslim ascribing to Iman, Islam dan Ihsan. According to Islamic law, the “legal status” AHKAM ., there are five Ahkam: 1. Compulsory (Wajib). 2. Desirable but not compulsory (Mustahabb). 3.Forbidden (Muharram). 4. Disliked but not forbidden (Makruh). 5. Lawful and allowed (Halal). Subjected to Islamic Jurisprudence the application of the HukumTaklifi and Wadi’ie and the naturally created inclinations (Fitrah) The fundamental and the paramount obligation of Muslim is ultimately subject to puchases and consume lawful (halal) but also food or product that eliminate instances of contamination, mix-ups, errors and Haram (unlawful), and may not conflict with Shari’ah principles. The non conformity may result in very serious consequences or even dangerous. (Narrated An-Numan Bin Basir – I heard Allah’s messenger saying. “Both legal and illegal things are evident but between them there are doubtful (unclear) things and most of the people have no knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself from these unclear things, he saves his religion and his honour – Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 1 Hadith No.49) Unless otherwise modern manufacturing outfit with established standard may implement appropriate measures to prevent cross-contamination from personnel and materials in producing hygiene goods, but it cannot escape the defects and drawbacks that are inherent in every human endeavour. The critical deviations are the impurity in spiritual and physical compliance. Verily, they may enjoy and feast, must fall short of conveying Tagwa ilallah. That Allah may reward them according to the best of theirs deeds, and add even more for them out of his Grace. And Allah provides without measure to whom He will.

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Manufacturing Process These manufacturing/production activities depend on the starting materials, production and quality control processes, building, equipment and personnel involved. The software elements of it include hazard analysis, identification, establishing limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification and validation procedures, house-keeping, record-keeping and documentation. Under such systems, if a deviation occurs indicating that control has been lost, the deviation is detected and appropriate steps are taken to reestablish control in a timely manner to assure that potentially hazardous products do not reach the consumer. The fundamental responsibility for production activities should include but not necessarily be limited to: a. Clean and purification water must be accordance to Shariah principle. b. Perform Ablution and understand the Thaharah principle. Al-Hadath C State of uncleanness because of discharge are prohibited in entering the production area. But they may be present at non production area. c. Recital of Bismillah and Doa has to be initiated at all manufacturing processes d. Music is not allowable but reciting of holy verse is permitted. e. Preparing, reviewing, approving and distributing the instructions for the production of intermediates or finish products according to written procedures subject to the HukumTaklifi and Wadiie. f. Making sure that production facilities are clean and when necessary disinfected in accordance to Shariah principle g. Making sure that HukumTaklifi and Wadiie validation plans, protocols and reports are reviewed and approved; Audits and Self Inspection In order to verify compliance with the principles of IMP for products, regular internal audits and self inspection should be performed in accordance with an approved schedule. Audit findings and corrective actions should be documented and brought to the attention of responsible management of the firm. Agreed corrective actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner. What are the advantages of IMP However, consideration hereinafter an inherent responsibility (Fard'Ain and Fard Kifayah) of a muslim is to procure products from IMP manufacturer. IMP focuses on identifying and preventing hazards from contaminating food and soul is based on sound Shari'ah and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) principles thus abstain from all kinds of sin and evel eeds prohibited in Islam. Revelation of all kinds of good deeds which he has ordaoned. IMP is designed for use in all segments of the industry. The Shari'ah principles of IMP must be universally accepted by government agencies, trade associations and the food industry around the world. The following guidelines will faciliatate the development and implementation of effective IMP plans. While the specific application of IMP to manufacturing facilities is emphasized here. 1. Establishment and Entrepreneurship 2. Personnel 3. Process In the manufacture of products, overall control and monitoring is essential to ensure that the

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consumer receives products of specified quality, efficancy and purity in accordance to Islamic Guidlines. The accreditation of certification body like GMP, ISO, HACCP, CE. KOSHER or HALAL are sought after by most manufactures. many fail to realize that tahe Islamic accredition and certification is base on the concept of HALAALAN THOYIBBA.
