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  • 1Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    Spectrum. cercetri Sociale deSpre romi

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


  • 3Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    Spectrum. cercetri Sociale deSpre romi

    editori: toma stefnia Foszt lszl

    editura institutului Pentru studierea Problemelor minoritilor naionale Kriterion

    cluj-napoca, 2011

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    Titlu: Spectrum. Cercetri sociale despre romiEditori: Toma Stefnia Foszt Lszl

    Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor NaionaleEditura Kriterion

    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei Spectrum : cercetri sociale despre romi / ed.: Toma Stefnia, Foszt Lszl. Cluj Napoca : Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale : Kriterion, 2010 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-606-92512-9-4 ; ISBN 978-973-26-1021-3

    I. Toma, Stefnia (ed.) II. Foszt, Lszl (ed.)


    Coordonator serie: Horvth Istvn, Jakab Albert ZsoltLector: Gabriel TrocTraduceri: Nastas-Kovcs Annamria, Rign Lornd, Adrian SchiopCorectur: Anca Lucia SrbuDesign: Knczey ElemrTehnoredactare: St Ferenc

    Tipar: IDEA i GLORIA Cluj

    Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale

    Opiniile exprimate n textul de fa aparin autorilor i ele nu reflect n mod obligatoriu punctul de vedere al ISPMN i al Guvernului Romniei.

  • 5Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale


    Paradigme i discipline n spectrul cercetrilor sociale despre romii din Romnia (FOSzT Lszl TOMA Stefnia) 7

    Petre MATEIRomii n perioada interbelic. Percepii naionaliste 15

    George DAMIANMeserii i ocupaii ale iganilor transilvneni. Clii, temnicerii i hingherii oraului Braov ntre secolele XVIXVIII 41

    LADNYI Jnos VIRG TndeSchimbarea formelor de segregare rezidenial social i etnic n perioada tranziiei la economia de pia din Ungaria 61

    DURST JuditCred c sunt igani... cu atia copii... Etnicitate i reproducere 91

    TOMA StefniaCercurile incluziunii. Aspecte ale educaiei copiilor romi n Romnia 127

    Cristina RAIncluziune advers. Prestaii sociale i persistena srciei n rndul romilor din Romnia 159

    VINCZE EnikIdentificarea etnic i poziia socioeconomic a romilor dintr-un context urban 181

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    Florin MOISAProvocarea includerii sociale a romilor. Srcie sau abordare bazat pe discriminare? 207

    scar LPEZ-CATALN Meritxell SEZ-SELLARSMobilitate forat, poziii marginale i accesul la drepturile fundamentale. Migranii romi i politicile locale din zona Metropolitan Barcelona 231

    Margaret H. BEISSINGERSchimbarea identitilor n Romnia postcomunist: convertirea la penticostalism n rndurile lutarilor romi 267

    Ctlina TESRigan bun tradiional n Romnia, ceretor de-etnicizat n strintate. Politici ale re-prezentrii publice i etica muncii la romii cortorari 281

    SZAB . ThtmDe la resursele locale la cele externe: etnicitate i strategii economice ntr-un sat din Transilvania 313

    PETI LehelPrezentarea unor diferene culturale existente n convieuirea dintre romi i maghiari ntr-o aezare de pe Valea Trnavei Mici 343

    KINDA IstvnMobilitate social i linii de for ale economiei n viaa romilor crmidari 367

    n loc de concluzii: nota lectorului (Gabriel TROC) 385

    Abstracts 389

    Lista autorilor 396

  • 7Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    Paradigme i discipline n spectrul cercetrilor sociale despre romii din romnia


    Acest volum conine majoritatea lucrrilor prezentate la conferina intitulat Dou decade de cercetri despre romii din Romnia (19892009) organizat de In-stitutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale mpreun cu Depar-tamentul pentru Relaii Interetnice, Agenia Naional pentru Romi i Universita-tea BabeBolyai din Cluj-Napoca n octombrie 2009. Din diverse motive nu am putut s includem toate lucrrile prezentate, n schimb apar patru studii care nu au fost prezentate n cadrul conferinei, dei doi dintre autori au participat.

    Conferina i-a propus obiectivul ambiios de a aduna, evalua i sintetiza cercetrile n domeniul studiilor despre comuniti de romi din Romnia i a problemelor cu care s-au confruntat acestea pe parcursul ultimilor douzeci de ani. Dei acest obiectiv a fost ndeplinit numai parial, rezultatele lucrrilor conferinei arat c studiile despre romi din Romnia sunt un domeniu acade-mic bogat i n cretere continu.

    Am ales Spectrum ca titlu pentru acest volum pentru c studiile adunate aici arat culorile multiple ale abordrilor, dar i multitudinea situaiilor prezentate n aceste studii. Prisma analitic prin care acest spectru este filtrat este cea a dis-ciplinelor tiinelor sociale: istorie, sociologie i antropologie socio-cultural/et-nologie. Metafora spectrului optic ne ajut totodat s nelegem c, chiar dac uneori noi percepem culorile ca fiind distincte, ele fac parte dintr-un continuum, deci analiza social poate fi i trebuie rafinat n continuare pentru a descoperi nuanele din universul nostru social. n acelai scop, pentru a cuprinde ct mai mult diversitatea existent, cercetrile de teren i de arhiv trebuie s fie extin-se pe arii noi. Majoritatea studiilor incluse aici sunt bazate pe cercetri fcute n Romnia, dar pentru a lrgi perspectiva metodologic a volumului i pentru a deschide noi posibiliti de comparaie, am inclus i dou studii despre comuni-ti din Ungaria. Majoritatea autorilor sunt tineri cercettori, unii dintre ei apar pentru prima dat n faa cititorilor romni. n volum sunt prezeni i oameni de tiin din Europa i din Statele Unite, consacrai n domeniul studiilor despre romi, care credem c sunt prea puin cunoscui n Romnia.

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    Structura acestui capitol introductiv este urmtoarea: n seciunea urm-toare vom detalia cteva caracteristici ale disciplinelor i ale abordrilor para-digmatice n studiile despre romi, dup care prezentm structura volumului.

    Disciplinele i paradigmele de cercetare

    Dac rsfoim volumele mai vechi ale celor mai importante reviste dedicate studiilor despre romi (Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, redenumit Romani Studies dup 2000, sau revista tudes Tsiganes) putem observa dominaia studiilor lin-gvistice, istorice i de etnologie/antropologie. Recent, aceast tendi s-a schim-bat treptat, prin publicarea unor studii de sociologie, analiz media i istoria li-teraturii sau de tiine politice, ns acest fenomen nu schimb faptul c miezul canonic ale studiilor despre romi a fost construit de aceste discipline sociouma-ne tradiionale. De aceea i paradigmele dominante provin din aceste discipline; deci pozitivismul istoric, difuzionismul cultural i ideea continuitii lingvistice au format bazele teoretice ale acestor studii clasice.

    Similar cu literatura internaional, studiile despre romi pe teritoriul Ro-mniei de azi au pornit prin analize istorice, etnologice i lingvistice (Koglni-ceanu 1937, Wlislocki 2000 [1890]). Temele principale i abordrile acestei pa-radigme s-au dovedit productive pn pe la mijlocul secolului XX (vezi Potra 2001 [1939]; Chelcea 1944a, 1944b). Dei a aprut un studiu care putea porni dezbaterea istoriografic asupra originii instituiei robiei (Panaitescu 1941) i o potenial schimbare spre o paradigm mai dinamic de istorie economic i social, aceast dezbatere ns nu a fost iniiat atunci.

    Astfel, dezbaterea despre originea i rolul economic a robiei romilor din Moldova i din ara Romneasc rmne pn n prezent important i poa-te s inspire n continuare cercetri n acest domeniu (cf. Achim 1998: 3134, Anstsoaie 2003, Beck 1998, Gheorghe 1983).

    n urma celui de-al Doilea Rzboi Mondial o mare parte a romilor din Rom-nia au avut parte de o soart tragic. Detaliile evenimentelor sunt prea puin cunoscute. Cercetrile recente au produs o serie de studii i de colecii de docu-mente care trateaz problema holocaustului romilor (Achim 2004, Ioanid 2000, Ionescu 2000, Matei 2001, Kelso 1999, NastasVarga 2001). Acea perioad is-toric i problemele legate de evenimentele petrecute atunci este i va rmne al doilea punct de dezbatere n istoriografia studiilor despre romii din Romnia.

    Volumul nostru conine dou studii semnate de istorici (Petre Matei i George Damian) care aduc nuane noi pe paleta studiilor de istoria romilor i a per-cepiilor asupra acestei populaii de ctre societatea majoritar. Pe de o parte,

  • 9Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    Damian propune o discuie despre forme istorice de marginalitate social, dar i de incluziune economic din secolele XVIXVIII ntr-un ora ardelean, iar Matei analizeaz perioada interbelic din secolul XX, cnd romii nu erau percepui ca populaie int pentru naionalismul romnesc, un fapt paradoxal dac lum n considerare soarta romilor sub regimul Antonescu, dar i n contrast cu situaia actual. Aceste studii nuaneaz discuiile despre poziia romilor n principatele romne n perioada premodern, dar i preistoria holocaustului.

    Dup sfritul rzboiului i instaurarea regimului comunist cercetarea asu-pra romilor s-a diminuat, chiar dac nu a disprut n totalitate. Exist doar pu-ine cazuri notabile, de exemplu publicaiile lui Nicolae Gheorghe (1983, 1985), i ale ctorva cercettori strini, cum ar fi Margaret Beissinger sau Sam Beck (amndoi din SUA), care au fcut cercetare de teren i au publicat rezultatele sub forma unor studii (Beck 1984, 1989; Beissinger 1988) i a unei monografii (Beissinger 1991) n perioada regimului socialist, dar i dup cderea acestuia (Beck 1993; Beissinger 2001, 2005).

    Un segment aparte de literatur pe acest tem a fost produs de folcloriti i muzicologi care au cules materiale de la romii din Romnia i le-au publicat n perioada socialist trzie ca parte integrant a folclorului populaiilor ma-joritare (pentru o perspectiv asupra literaturii produse n aceast perioad, vezi Pozsony 2001). Multe dintre aceste publicaii erau axate pe identificarea formelor i a motivelor autentice din materialele culese.

    Dup cderea regimului socialist cercetrile asupra romilor s-au diversificat. Ca o continuare a cercetrilor etnologice, mai multe monografii de antropolo-gie socio-cultural au fost publicate de cercettori strini (Engebrigtsen 2007, Ries 2007) sau locali (Foszt 2009), i o serie de volume de studii de comunitate au fost editate (de exemplu: Bod 2002; IlysPozsony 2007; KissFosztFleck 2009; PozsonyAnghel 1999). O caracteristic comun a abordrilor mai recen-te este c autorii nu mai insist asupra autenticitii culturale sau a tradiiilor observabile n rndul romilor, se orienteaz mai degrab spre analiza relaiilor romi-majoritari i a dinamicii sociale i culturale generate de aceste relaii. Studi-ile antropologice publicate n acest volum se integreaz n aceast orientare.

    De exemplu, volumul cuprinde un studiu recent semnat de Margaret H. Beissinger despre schimbrile culturale i muzicale n urma convertirii religi-oase a romilor la penticostalism Szab . Thtm, Kinda Istvn i Peti Lehel prezint schimbrile recente n relaia interetnic dintre maghiari i romi dintr-un sat, n urma transformrilor economice. Strategiile economice contemporane i fenomene recente precum efectele migraiei sunt analizate de scar Lpez-Cataln i Meritxell Sez-Sellars, Ctlina Tesr i Kinda Istvn.

    Dup 1998 au aprut studiile bazate pe anchete sociologice (de tip sur-vey), dar totodat a nflorit i o abundent literatur a rapoartelor, adesea

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    de o calitate tiinific inferioar. Provocarea metodologic major ntlnit de acest tip de cercetare este definirea populaiei rome (de exemplu autoide-ntificare versus identificare de ctre operatorii de teren/experii locali) i folo-sirea variabilelor legate de etnicitate n analizele statistice. O discuie metodo-logic a fost lansat de Szelnyi Ivn i Ladnyi Jnos pe marginea unei cerce-tri comparative care s-a desfurat n ase ri est-europene (vezi EmighSzelnyi 2001; SzelnyiLadnyi 2001, 2006).

    La rndul lor, diferitele instituii din Romnia, cum ar fi ICCV Institutul de Cercetare a Calitii Vieii al Academiei Romne (zamfirzamfir 1993; zamfirPreda 2002), OSI Fundaia Soros din Romnia (Bdescu et al. 2007) sau SPER Stop Prejudecilor despre Etnia Rom, finanat din fonduri PHARE (FleckRughini 2008), au elaborat anchete bazate pe eantion reprezentativ la nivel naional. Aceste cercetri au pus bazele unor discuii critice i despre cercetrile din Romnia, iar Cosima Rughini a publicat recent dou articole (Rughini 2010a, 2010b) care pot iniia aceast discuie. Volumul nostru con-ine dou studii empirice elaborate de cercettori din Ungaria, unde dezbate-rile despre probleme legate de metodologia cantitativ au dominat cercetarea despre romi de la nceputul anilor 2000.

    n acest volum Ladnyi Jnos, Virg Tnde i Durst Judit ne ofer studii exemplare pentru a vedea cum se poate face cercetare sociologic fr a c-dea n capcana realismului statistic i deschide discuiile sterile despre care este numrul real a romilor?. Aceste studii recente trateaz cu precauie va-riabila etnic i au deplasat accentul cercetrilor nspre formele diverse de incluziune i excluziune ale societii noastre, precum i nspre mecanismele dominante ale categorizrii sociale i etnice.

    Dezbaterile despre politicile de integrare a romilor sunt i ele prezente n volum din perspective critice. Studiile scrise de Florin Moisa i Cristina Ra abordeaz discuiile despre incluziunea romilor prin politicile sociale i toto-dat limitele acestor abordri. Politicile i practicile educaionale viznd romii sunt analizate n context urban i rural de Vincze Enik i Toma Stefnia, ob-servndu-se c, n pofida dezvoltrii politicilor educaionale, diferii ali factori de ordin socioeconomic sau chiar apartenena etnic influeneaz accesul la educaia colar i contribuie la reproducerea inegalitilor sociale.

    Aadar, pe lng diversitatea abordrilor disciplinare, volumul cuprinde i o list bogat de fenomene noi care apar n rndul romilor, precum i n discu-iile legate de problemele acestor comuniti: noi procese economice i socia-le, migraia, micrile de revitalizare religioas, proiectele politicilor publice i educaionale i efectele lor n comuniti.

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    Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    Despre volum

    n structura volumului am grupat mpreun studiile care provin din ace-eai disciplin academic: primele dou studii sunt scrise de istorici, dup care urmeaz studii sociologice, demografice i de antropologie socio-cultura-l. Totodat analizele oferite de acest volum pornesc de la probleme generale, trec prin contextele particulare i ajung la studierea unor comuniti concrete spre finalul volumului. n loc de concluzii, volumul include notele oferite de Gabriel Troc, care a acceptat s fie lectorul de specialitate al studiilor.

    Volumul nu ar fi fost posibil fr contribuia i suportul tuturor colegilor de la Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale, ncepnd de la organizarea conferinei din 2009 pn la traducerea textelor i redacta-rea volumului n forma final. Le datorm sincere mulumiri i autorilor, care au avut rbdarea i perseverena s ne fie alturi n procesul de alctuire a volumului.

    n final, cititorul este invitat s parcurg aceste studii cu ochi deschii i critici. Credem c volumul va atinge scopul propus dac cei ce parcurg aceste studii vor avea la final un ochi mai antrenat la nuanele sociale, dar poate i mai critic fa de analize cu un spectru ngust, sau monocromatic.

    FOSzT Lszl TOMA Stefnia


    ACHIM, Viorel1998 iganii n istoria Romniei. Editura Enciclopedic, Bucureti.ACHIM, Viorel (ed.)2004 Documente privind deportarea iganilor n Transnistria. Editura Enciclope-

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    historiography. Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 3. (1) 262274.BDESCU, Gabriel GRIGORA, Vlad RUGHINI, Cosima VOICU, Mlina

    VOICU, Ovidiu2007 Roma Inclusion Barometer. Open Society Foundation, Bucureti. BARANY zoltn2002 The East European Gypsies. Regime Change, Marginality and Ethnopolitics.

    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    BECK, Sam1984 Ethnicity, Class, and Public Policy: iganii/Gypsies in Socialist Romania.

    In: SHANGRILADzE, Kot K. TOWNSEND, Erica W. (eds.): Papers for the V. Congress of Southeast European Studies, Belgrade. September 1984. Slavica Publishers, Columbus, 1938.

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    1993 Racism and the Formation of a Romani Ethnic Leader. In: MARCUS, George (ed.): Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Politics and Nation. The University of Chicago Press, ChicagoLondon, 165186.

    BEISSINGER, Margaret H.1988 Text and Music in Romanian Oral Epic. Oral Tradition 3. (3) 294314.1991 The Art of the Lutar: The Epic Tradition of Romania. Garland Publishing,

    New YorkLondon.2001 Occupation and Ethnicity. Constructing Identity among Professional

    Romani (Gypsy) Musicians in Romania. Slavic Review 60. (1) 2449.2005 Romani (Gypsy) Music-Making at Weddings in Post-Communist Roma-

    nia: Political Transitions and Cultural Adaptations. Folklorica 10. (1) 3951.BERTA Pter2007 Ethnicisation of value the value of ethnicity: The prestige-item eco-

    nomy as a performance of ethnic identity among the Gabors of Transyl-vania (Rumania). Romani Studies 5. 17. (1) 3165.

    BOD Julianna (coord.)2002 Helykeresk? Roma lakossg a Szkelyfldn. KAMPro-Print Knyvkiad,

    Cskszereda.CHELCEA, Ion1944a Rudarii. Contribuie la o enigm etnografic. Casa coalelor, Bucureti.1944b iganii din Romnia. Monografie etnografic. Editura Institutului Central

    de Statistic, Bucureti.EMIGH, Rebecca Jean SzELNYI Ivn (coord.)2001 Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe during the Market Transition.

    Westport, CT Praeger.ENGEBRIGSTEN, Ada2007 Exploring Gypsiness: Power, Exchange and Interdependence in a Transylva-

    nian Village. Berghahn Books, OxfordNew York.FRASER, Angus1995 [1992] The Gypsies. Blackwell, Oxford.1999 iganii. Editura Humanitas, Bucureti.

  • 13

    Paradigme i disciPline n sPectrul cercetrilor sociale

    FOSzT Lszl2009 Ritual Revitalization after Socialism. Community, Personhood, and Conver-

    sion among Roma in a Transylvanian Village. LIT, Berlin.GHEORGHE, Nicolae 1983 Origins of Romas Slavery in the Romanian Principalities. Roma 7. (1)

    1227.1985 Roma Cultural Festival in Romania. Roma 9. (2) 3638.1991 Roma-Gypsy Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. Social Research 58. (4) 879844.ILYS Sndor POzSONY Ferenc (coord.)2007 Lokalitsok, hatrok, tallkozsok. Tanulmnyok erdlyi cigny kzs-

    sgekrl. A Kriza Jnos Nprajzi Trsasg vknyve 15. Kriza Jnos Np-rajzi Trsasg, Kolozsvr.

    IOANID, Radu2000 The Holocaust in Romania. The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the

    Antonescu Regime, 19401944. Ivan R. Dee, Chicago.IONESCU, Vasile (coord.)2000 Deportarea romilor n Transnistria. De la Auschwitz la Bug. Editura Centru-

    lui Rromilor pentru Politici Publice Aven amentza, Bucureti.KELSO, Michele1999 Gypsy deportations from Romania to Transnistria 194244. In: KENRICK,

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    KOGLNICEANU, Mihail1837 Esquisse sur lhistoire, les moeurs et la langue des Cigains connus en France

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  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    POTRA, George2001 [1939] Contribuiuni la istoricul iganilor din Romnia. Curtea Veche,

    Bucureti.PANAITESCU, P. N.1941 The Gypsies in Wallachia and Moldavia: A Chapter of Economic History.

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    POzSONY Ferenc ANGHEL, Remus Gabriel (coord.)1999 Modele de convieuire n Ardeal. Zbala. Asociaia Etnografic Kriza Jnos,

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    Petre MATEIRoma During the Interwar Period. Nationalist Perspectives

    This article proposes to present the way Roma were perceived in interwar Romania. As we are especially interested in the perspective of the Romanian nationalist elite, we will try to identify the position Roma occupied among oth-er national minorities in Romanian trying also to find similarities if there are any with the Jewish population in interwar Romania. As it is wrong to reduce the very different attitudes towards the Gypsies to only a (reified) perception: the Romanians about Gypsies, the attitudes which were selected are impor-tant for explaining the deportations. The different Gypsy images are explained by the fact that the Gypsies were not regarded by the Romanian elites as a na-tional danger as it is the case today.

    George DAMIANProfessions and Occupations of Transylvanian Gypsies. Executioners, Gaolers and flayers in Braov city between 1618th centuries

    This article tries to offer an inventory of some of the occupations of the Gypsies living in the city of Braov between the 16th and 18th century, as they were presented in the historical documents of that period. I will present only the Gypsy executioners, gaolers and flayers in Braov, professions which were considered as impure. According to the mentality of the 1618th century per-sons who were executioners, gaolers and flayers were considered outsiders of the society as they were able to contaminate through a simple touch. In Transylvania only the Gypsies practiced these dirty occupations and the study of these practices would offer some explanations of the marginality of the Gypsy population.

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    LADNYI Jnos VIRG TndeChange of Social and Ethnic Residential Segregation during Market Transition in Hungary

    Residential segregation increased in Budapest during the market transition period. A considerable number of high social status families moved to suburbs. The condition of the slum belt that surrounded the inner city deteriorated rap-idly. Roma people in long-term unemployment and exclusion moved into that slum in large numbers until about the beginning of this decade. Consequently, Budapest became divided into two parts. Neighborhoods where the beneficiar-ies of transition lived became similar to middle-class quarters of cities in Western Europe, while those inhabited by the losers of the post-Communist transition became similar to slums in the Third World. Nowadays the pattern of ethnic ghettoization in Budapest is in rapid change. The ethnic ghetto of the inner Pest side is being fragmented and replaced by a higher number of scattered but more homogeneous ethnic ghettoes. Many Roma and non-Roma people in long-term poverty are pushed out from Budapest. As a result parts of or entire villages are ghettoized in increasing numbers, in fact, region-sized areas of the country have become ghettoized. The spatial segregation of the poorest and most excluded parts of the population cannot be analyzed in the context of conventional geo-graphical inequalities within Budapest or conventional differences between ur-ban and rural areas any more. These structural advantages and disadvantages can only be discussed in the context of Hungarys entire settlement system.

    DURST JuditI think they are Gypsies with so many kids Ethnicity and Reproduction

    This paper addresses the question of what is behind the differential fertility behaviors of the ethnic/minority groups? In this effort it focuses on three inter-related issues. First, it demonstrates the difficulties of the categorization of the dif-ferent minority group members in the particular demographic data collections (eg. census, household surveys) and the consequences of this struggle for clas-sification for the demographic findings of the researches using the constructed ethnic categories. Then it reviews briefly the different explanations for the ethnic fertility differentials, among others the minority status hypothesis. Last but not least it tries to demonstrate the use of anthropological demography in better

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    understanding the reproductive strategies of the Roma in Hungary, drawing upon on the authors ethnographic fieldworks carried out in different Gypsy communi-ties. One of this papers main theses is that by doing micro demographic studies one doesnt find ethnic fertility differentials in all cases. The paper also argues that ethnicity, at least in the case of the Roma in Europe, cannot be taken as sim-ple as a culture alike variable, or as a set of cultural practices; indeed, its much worth to see it as a relational variable which is deeply embedded in the particu-lar social context surrounding the observed ethnic groups.

    TOMA StefniaCircles of Inclusion. Multiple Facets of the Education of Roma Children in Rural Romania

    The present article is intended to be a picture of the Romanian education-al system in multiethnic rural schools subjects of continuous educational re-forms which had no significant effect improving the situation of the Roma. First, a few aspects of the education of minorities and particularly the Roma are presented, showing that there are strong interferences between the socio-economic position and level of education. Then, through the case of (de)seg-regation policies, grounded with a deeper case study on integrated education in a multiethnic village, I would like to exemplify that a mechanical imple-mentation of otherwise well-defined educational policies and strategies for the Roma, there is a long and hard way towards their effective implementation.

    Cristina RAUnfavorable Inclusion. Welfare Transfers and Poverty among the Romanian Roma

    The persistence of social and economic deprivation ought to be analysed in relation to the ways in which social policies tackle, uphold or reinforce the unfavourable inclusion or disempowering inclusion of the poor. This pa-per argues that, in the case of Romanian Roma, the inefficiency of state social protection allowed the deepening of social cleavages. The recurrent public dis-course on the deserving and undeserving beneficiaries of social protection often draws the division along ethnic lines: the Gypsies are seen as abusers of welfare, and expectations for state action for the truly disadvantaged Roma

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    contain an inherent dimension of exercising social control upon the Gypsies. Given the strong negative prejudices, the blame for the perpetuation of poverty and alleged welfare dependency often falls on the poor themselves, without disclosing the inadequacy of state support.

    VINCZE EnikEthnic Identification and Socio-economic Position of Roma in Urban Context

    The article discusses about factors and motivations of school performances, and analyses the latter from the point of view of several actors and structural el-ements. It identifies factors of home (like the impact of socioeconomic conditions on schooling and ideas about the importance of schooling nurtured within the studied Roma community), and presents students school experiences. It also describes how students experiences of belonging or those of being othered are under the influence of the marginal situation in which they live, but it also de-scribes their particular practices and experiences of ethnic othering in schools. In addition, it is given a hint about the sense of differentiation and processes of ethnic othering, about identities and identity strategies sustained and practiced within the studied Roma community, the hybridity of identity strategies and ambiguities of self-perception; strategies of separation backed up by a positive self-perception; negative self-perception and the strategy of assimilation.

    Florin MOISAThe Challenge of Social Inclusion of Roma. Poverty or Discrimination Approach?

    Ten years from the adoption of the first public policy for Roma, the Romanian society went through significant changes, including the member-ship to European Union. The approach of the Romanian power structure to-wards Roma issue did not change during the decade, the majority of policy documents referred to the Roma as being a social problem and the measures to be taken is associated to poverty alleviation. More recently, starting 2005, the social inclusion concept gathered the attention of government and offi-cial documents adopted are elaborated around combating social exclusion, which means, again, in majority of cases, poverty alleviation. There is an

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    interesting evolution of the Roma movement in this respect. If in nineties and beginning of 2000 the antidiscrimination perspective prevailed, the failure of public policies moved the attention to other concepts, such as social inclusion. Modernization and taking responsibility for its own faith are new approaches of the Roma movement which still need to be put into practice.

    scar LPEZ-CATALN Meritxell SEZ-SELLARSForced Mobility, Marginal Positions and Access to Basic Rights. Romanian Roma Migrants and Local Politics in Barcelona Metropolitan Area

    This text intends to provide an introduction to some of the main character-istics of the Romanian Roma population in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, their migration processes and actual situation. We try to summarize some of the factors that affect all those subjects and link them with this populations general situation in the Spanish state. Among them, we have privileged those factors that have to do with forced mobility and access to basic rights (socioeconomic situ-ation, local politics and legal framework, housing, and so on) but trying also to give some relevance (mostly in their economic strategies) to marginal positions of a significant part this population. It is usual to consider that the mobility strat-egies of the Roma population are one of their defining characteristics, in front of the explicit stabilization dynamics of other migrant groups. However, these strat-egies of mobility are not usually seen like appropriate and adapted solutions for the economic and cultural survival (economic and cultural) next to the majority. The migration itself, and the mobility between Spanish cities and towards other countries, constitute good examples of how the mobility can be an appropriate strategy for searching new economic opportunities in a changing context.

    Margaret H. BEISSINGERShifting Identities in Post-communist Romania: Pentecostal Conversion among Traditional Romani Musicians

    This essay, based on fieldwork in 2006 in southern Romania, explores a trend among some Romani professional traditional musicians to adopt Pentecostalism, a transformation that radically alters their lives. As Romani

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    musicians embrace their new religious faith, they likewise reject their older secular professionmusic-making. I examine why Romani musicians are con-verting to Pentecostalism in the post-communist period, how they are adapt-ing to a reshuffling of their priorities, and how they are managing to support their families without their former income. My findings indicate that most musicians convert in order to renounce their formerly sinful ways, especially associated with performing music; post-conversion adaptation is difficult but smoothest when they assume public positions of influence (e.g., as pastors); and making ends meet for their families is very problematic. The Pentecostal transnational religious movement is an important factor in the shifting of eth-nic, occupational, religious and social identities in post-communist Romania.

    Ctlina TESRGood Gypsies in Romania, de-ethnicised beggars abroad. Politics of representations and politics of work among so called traditional Romanian Roma

    In the Romanian public discourse the traditional Gypsy clothing and old pro-fessions are considered as signs of a moral attitude attributed to the Other, tradi-tional Gypsy. On one hand, in the group the clothing evokes different types of in-terpersonal relations; on the other hand the profession is seen as an ordinary in-come generating activity. Both have an important role in the construction of the moral identity of a person who tries to be honest and to avoid shame. However, during migration, the Roma renounce to wear these traditional clothes, chang-ing it with used black ones which they think that fit more with beggars. This article tries to explore the apparent contradiction between the moral and social behaviour of the Roma at home and abroad, arguing that both underlines the same conception of the individual, namely that one which is strongly rooted in the efforts to gain social respect in different cultural spaces.

    SZAB . ThtmFrom Local to External Resources: Ethnicity and Economic Strategies in a Transylvanian Village

    The aim of this paper is to capture some aspects of a local communitys economy in the context of ethnicity and social position arguing that one can understand these strategies analyzing the environmental (both natural and

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    social) resources and also the processes of the last years. As a result of these processes demographic changes, changed relation to the natural environ-ment, the decline of agrarian activities, shifting positions in formal and in-formal work some major changes occurred in economic strategies, conse-quently the border between the former different spheres started to fade and meantime to shift. I argue that in the case of this community the new eco-nomic spheres are organized in central and peripheral economic activities and strategies that no longer can be seen ethnically limited.

    PETI LehelCultural Differences of Cohabitation of Roma and Hungarian in a locality on Trnava Mic Valley

    The paper analyzes symbolical attitudes, gestures of separation, and mental structures of the Hungarians against Roma in a Hungarian village from Transyl-vania (Romania). The questions which we will raise refer to the interpretation of the practices of Roma to integrate into the local Hungarian community and the way these practices were interpreted by the Hungarian themselves. The author presents some communal practices where the most important aspects of mental and symbolic systems between two ethnic groups manifest and reproduce.

    KINDA IstvnSocial Mobility and the Strengths of Economy in the lives of Brick-making Gypsies

    This study proposes a description of brick-making, a profession considered as being traditional and specific from ethnic point of view. The focus of this social study on brick-making is laid on the fact that the studied Roma com-munity from Boroneu Mare can be separated in three different groups. These groups are different from the point of view of their life strategies used in order to improve their economic situation. Some of the groups remained poor, oth-ers became rich. We can say that social roles were already established, but these have an effect on future strategies. We try to answer some questions: what are the Roma from Boroneu Mare doing for their living? How can they use positively the chances offered by migration and brick-making? What is the role of invisible economy in the structure of their incomes? What is the posi-tion of their economic activities in the hierarchy of moral and legal values?

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    lista autorilor

    Margaret H. BEISSINGER, profesor la Departamentul de limbi slavice i literatur la Universitatea din Princeton. A publicat volumul: The Art of the Lutar: The Epic Tradition of Romania. Garland Publishing, New York, 1991.

    scar LPEz-CATALN, doctorand n antropologie social la Universitatea Autonom din Barcelona, face parte din grupul de cercetare GRIMGRAFO, Departamentul de Antropologie Social i Cultural, Universitatea Autonom din Barcelona.

    George DAMIAN, a absolvit Facultatea de Arhivistic din Bucureti, masterul de Istoria Relaiilor Internaionale al Facultii de Istorie, Universitatea Bucureti, studii post-universitare de journalism la Facultatea de Jurnalism i tiinele Comunicrii, Universitatea Bucureti. A lucrat ca ziarist pentru Deutsche Welle, ziarul ZIUA i n prezente este senior editor la portalul de tiri

    DURST Judit, cercettor onorific la Departamentul de Antropologie, University College London i cercettor post-doctoral la Universitatea Corvinus din Budapesta.

    FOSzT Lszl, doctor n etnologie, antropologie social la Institutul Max Planck pentru Antropologie Social, cercettor la Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale.

    KINDA Istvn, doctor n etnografie i antropologie cultural, Universitatea din Debrecen, cercettor i preedintele consiliului tiinific la Muzeul Naional Secuiesc, Sfntu Gheorghe.

    LADNYI Jnos, doctor n sociologie i profesor al Universitii Corvinus din Budapesta, Ungaria din anul 1975. Temele majore de cercetare sunt stratificare social, politici sociale, sociologia urban i regional, sociologia educaiei, srcie i etnicitate.

    Petre MATEI, doctorand al Facultii de Istorie, Universitatea Bucureti, cu o tez coordonat de Lucian Boia, avnd ca titlu iganii n spaiul romnesc n prima jumtate a secolului XX. Identitate i alteritate. n prezent, lucreaz la un proiect despre rolul jucat de poliie n deportarea iganilor n Transnistria.

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    lista autorilor

    Florin MOISA, doctorand la Facultatea de Sociologie i Asisten Social, Universitatea BabeBolyai, Cluj-Napoca i preedinte executiv al Centrului de Resurse pentru Comunitile de Romi, Cluj-Napoca, Romnia.

    PETI Lehel, doctor n etnologie Catedra de Etnologie i Antropologie Maghiar, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea BabeBolyai, Cluj i cercettor la Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale.

    Cristina RA, doctor n sociologie, lector la Facultatea de Sociologie i Asisten Social, Universitatea BabeBolyai, Cluj-Napoca.

    Meritxell SEz-SELLARS, doctorand n antropologie social la Universitatea Autonom din Barcelona, face parte din grupul de cercetare GRIMGRAFO, Departamentul de Antropologie Social i Cultural, Universitatea Autonom din Barcelona.

    SzAB . Thtm, doctor n etnografie i etnologie, Universitatea din Debre-cen, asistent universitar la Catedra de Etnologie i Antropologie Maghiar, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea BabeBolyai, Cluj-Napoca.

    Ctlina TESR, doctorand n antropologie social la University College London, bursier Wadsworth International Fellowship - The Wenner Gren Foundation.

    TOMA Stefnia, candidat la titlul de doctor n sociologie la Universitatea Corvinus din Budapesta, cercettor la Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale.

    Gabriel TROC, confereniar universitar la Facultatea de Sociologie i Asisten Social, Universitatea BabeBolyai, Cluj-Napoca.

    VINCzE Enik, profesor de antropologie i studii de gen la Universitatea BabeBolyai cu publicaii despre politici identitare, naionalism, feminism, etnicitate i gen, excluziune social i discriminare multipl, intersecionalitate, femei rome. Este implicat n activitatea mai multor organizaii civice pentru romi din Romnia.

    VIRG Tnde, doctor n sociologie, cercettor n cadrul Academiei Maghiare de tiine, Centrul de Ceretri Regionale, Budapesta.

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    editura isPmn

    FLECK Gbor SzUHAY Pter (ed.) (2008) Cu un pas mai aproape. Altfel de imagini despre romi din Romnia.Cluj-Napoca: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor NaionaleISBN 978-973-0-06147-5

    HORVTH Istvn TDOR Erika Mria (ed.) (2008) O evaluare a politicilor de producere a bilingvismului. Studii elaborate pe baza prezentrilor din cadrul conferinei de la Miercurea-Ciuc, 1213 iunie 2008.Cluj-Napoca: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale Editura LimesISBN 978-973-726-359-9

    Petre PETCU (ed.) (2009) Rromii din Romnia. Documente ICluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-0-0 / ISBN 978-973-26-0958-3Vol. IISBN 978-606-92223-1-7 / ISBN 978-973-26-0960-6

    KISS Tams FOSzT Lszl FLECK Gbor (ed.) (2009) Incluziune i excluziune.Studii de caz asupra minoritilor de romi din Romnia.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-2-4 / ISBN 978-973-26-0959-0

    KISS Tams (2009) Perspectiv administrativ? O analiz comparativ a discursului demografic maghiar din Romnia.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-3-1 / ISBN 978-973-26-0970-5

    FOSzT Lszl (2009) Colecie de studii despre romii din Romnia.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-4-8 / ISBN 978-973-26-0969-9

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    JAKAB Albert zsolt PETI Lehel (ed.) (2009) Procese i contexte social-identitare la minoritile din Romnia.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-5-5 / ISBN 978-973-26-0971-2

    JAKAB Albert zsolt PETI Lehel (ed.) (2009) Folyamatok s lthelyzetek kisebbsgek Romniban.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-6-2 / ISBN 978-973-26-0972-9

    OLTI goston GID Attila (ed.) (2009) Minoritatea maghiar n perioada communist.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-8-6 / ISBN 978-973-26-0973-6

    HORVTH Istvn TDOR Erika Mria (ed.) (2009) Nemzetllamok, globalizci s ktnyelvsg. Nyelvpedaggiai s szociolongvisztikai tanulmnyok.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-9-3 / ISBN 978-973-26-0974-3

    HORVTH Istvn TDOR Erika Mria (ed.) (2010) Limb, identitate, multilingvism i politici educaionale.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92223-7-9 / ISBN 978-973-26-1001-1

    Stefano BOTTONI (2010) Transilvania roie. Comunismul romn i problema naional 19441965.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-0-1 / ISBN 978-973-26-1013-8

    KISS Tams (2010) Adminisztratv tekintet. Az erdlyi Magyar demogrfiai diskurzus sszehasonlt elemzshez. Az erdlyi Magyar npessg statisztikai konstrukcijrl.

  • sPectrum. cercetri sociale desPre romi


    Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-6-3 / ISBN 978-973-26-1018-3

    JAKAB Albert zsolt PETI Lehel (ed.) (2010) Minoriti n zonele de contact interetnic. Cehii i slovacii n Romnia i Ungaria.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-2-5 / ISBN 978-973-26-1011-4

    JAKAB Albert zsolt PETI Lehel (ed.) (2010) Kisebbsgek interetnikus kontaktznban. Csehek s szlovkok Romniban s Magyarorszgon.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-1-8 / ISBN 978-973-26-1012-1

    KNCzEI Csongor (ed.) (2010) Coregrafia i etnocoreologia maghiar din Transilvania n mileniul trei.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-4-9 / ISBN 978-973-26-1017-6

    KNCzEI Csongor (ed.) (2010) Az erdlyi magyar tncmvszet s tnctudomny az ezredforduln.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-3-2 / ISBN 978-973-26-1016-9

    GID Attila HORVTH Istvn PL Judit (ed.) (2010) 140 de ani de legislaie minoritar n Europa Central i de Est.Cluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-8-7 / ISBN 978-973-26-1020-6

    Rogers BRUBAKER - Margit FEISCHMIDT Jon FOX Liana GRANCEA (2010) Politic naionalist i etnicitate cotidian ntr-un ora transilvneanCluj-Napoca: Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritilor Naionale KriterionISBN 978-606-92512-5-6 / ISBN 978-973-26-1015-2