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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014


Welcome to ISRC! Welcome to your new home at ISRC! We are delighted to have you here, and we hope you enjoy it! We decided to put together a little guide for you explaining ISRC’s traditions, what we have in store for you during Wildcat Welcome and other tips to help you get settled for your first year at Northwestern!

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Wildcat Welcome Week can be the most memorable but also the most exhausting. Be sure to take a breather if you need to. Exec members will always be around somewhere in the building to talk, play games, watch movies, etc.

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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014


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Wildcat Welcome Schedule The ISRC Way! Please note that these are the events as of writing this. For the most current info, check the Facebook page. Only ISRC-sponsored or run events are included in this. Refer to your Wildcat Welcome schedule for anything else. We will note the WWW events Exec members will go with groups to.

Monday, September 15th 8 AM - 4 PM: Move in for freshmen! As you’re moving in, the Master staff (explained later) will be around for a reception for your parents in the afternoon. 4 PM - 4:45 PM: Introduction to ISRC Meeting. MANDATORY You will meet your Exec Board and Master staff and ask any questions about the dorm. 5 PM - 9:30 PM: RA Meeting and Dinner 10 PM - Midnight: ISRC Programming

Tuesday, September 16th 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM: Breakfast with your RA 9 PM - Midnight: Munchies and Movie Night We will be watching a movie together and have food from a local international restaurant. Meet in the Main Lounge.

Wednesday, September 17th 7:30 AM - 10 AM: Breakfast We will be in the Main Lounge and can take you to breakfast at the dining hall. 9 PM - Midnight: Board Games and Munchies/ CAESAR Help ISRC has a sizeable collection of board games. We will be playing some of them in the Main Lounge as well as showing you how to use CAESAR, Northwestern’s system to register classes. We will also have food. 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM: Mission Improvable Comedy at SPAC. Two Exec members will be taking a group over. Look out for them. They will post in the Facebook group.

Thursday, September 18th 7:30 AM - 10 AM: Breakfast We will be in the Main Lounge and can take you to breakfast at the dining hall. 9:30 PM - Midnight: Board Games and Munchies/CAESAR Help ISRC has a sizeable collection of board games. We will be playing some of them in the Main Lounge as well as showing you how to use CAESAR, Northwestern’s system to register classes. We will also have food. 10:15 PM - Midnight: A Capella Fest Two Exec members will be taking a group over. Look out for them, they will post in the Facebook group.

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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014


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Friday, September 19th 9 AM - 5 PM: CAESAR Registration Help! You have your class registration appointments today! Exec members will be in the Main Lounge and can help you with the frenzy that is class registration and they can help you find alternative classes if your classes close up. 12:30 PM - 1:30 AM: Lunch Exec members will take you over for lunch in the dining halls. 9:30 PM - Midnight: Munchies and Board Games We will be playing more board games in the Main Lounge and have food. 11:30 PM - 1:00 AM: The Mentalist: Chris Carter Two Exec members will be taking a group over. Look out for them, they will post in the Facebook group.

Saturday, September 20th 11 AM - 6 PM: Football game We will be going to the football games. You might be going with your PA groups but you can also come with us. 11 AM - 1 PM: Lunch for non-tailgaters Two Exec members will stay behind to take you out to lunch in the dining halls if you’re not going to the game. 8 PM - 1 AM: Six Flags We will be going to Six Flags as well, so join us too!

Sunday, September 21st Morning: Religious Services Paul and Coretta will be going to services so you can go with them if you want. Morning: Where to get Books/Quartet Copies Check the Facebook group. Exec members will be taking you out to Evanston to show you where you can buy books and get your course packets. 10 AM - 1 PM: Brunch and TV We will have some brunch food and some TV shows or cartoons playing for a relaxing morning. 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Non-Res Dinner We will be inviting potential non-residential members (usually people who’ve lived in ISRC previously) for a dinner and you can meet them because they will probably be hanging out a lot in ISRC.

Monday, September 22nd 2 PM - 4 PM: Evanston Tour and Book Buying Exec members will take you on another round to buy books and look around at Evanston. 5 PM - 6:30 PM: Fellows Social This is an event to meet the fellows, the professors who affiliate themselves with ISRC, over some fancy Italian pastries! 8:30 PM - 9 PM: Open Exec Meeting MANDATORY This is your first Open Exec meeting in the Main Lounge where the Exec members can give you updates on what’s going on in the dorm and you can bring up suggestions or concerns !Tuesday, September 23rd CLASSES BEGIN!

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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014

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INTERNATIONAL FILM NIGHT Every  Friday  night,  the  Academic  Chair,  Dalit  Hendel,  puts  on  a  internationally-­‐themed  movie  for  us  to  watch.  Come  watch  with  us!

INTERNATIONAL DINNER ISRC’s  big  formal  dinner!  You  don’t  have  to  pay  anything  for  this  formal,  however,  you  do  have  to  cook  some  international  dish  as  your  ticket  to  enter.  We  buy  all  the  ingredients  for  you  when  you  submit  a  recipe  to  us,  and  you  just  cook  your  dish!  Last  year  we  had  a  talent  show  and  we  also  have  a  symbolic  shifting  of  power  between  Exec  boards.  ISRC  alumni  and  fellows  also  usually  attend.

MUNCHIES Every  Wednesday  night,  we  have  munchies  in  the  dorm.  These  aren’t  any  ordinary  munchies  though.  It’s  based  off  your  suite  countries.  Every  week,  it’s  a  different  suite’s  responsibility  to  organize  munchies.  Then  you  order  food  within  a  certain  budget  from  that  country  (so  when  you  choose  a  country,  think  about  how  easy  it  is  to  get  the  food  of  that  country  in  Evanston),  and  let  people  eat!  This  is  a  great  time  to  take  a  break  from  studying  or  homework  and  just  hang  out  with  the  other  residents  on  all  Oloors.  

SUITE DECORATIONS Add  some  character  to  your  suite  by  coming  up  with  a  country  as  a  theme  for  it.  Then  you  decorate  the  suite  up  as  that  country.  For  example,  we  had  suites  like  Mexico  and  Russia  last  year.  The  Master  staff  walks  through  the  suites  one  day  and  judges  the  best  suite  and  the  suite  residents  win  a  prize!    

Master Staff? Huh? We have two professors and one graduate student who help manage the res college activities. Our Master is Alec Klein from Medill, and our Associate Master is Erin Waxenbaum from the Anthropology Department. Our Assistant Master is Jen Guo, a PhD student in the Department of Psychology.What are fellows? Fellows are professors who affiliate themselves with our residential college. They come to different events and you will occasionally find them eating lunch at our dining hall. They’re always ready to have a conversation with you and they want to meet you!What’s the Pineapple about? Two former ISRC residents found out that the pineapple was used as a peace symbol between nations and at some point, that just sorta became ISRC’s thing. So now we go pineapples for everything!!

OTHER EVENTS Other  programming  we  have  includes  socials  to  restaurants  and  other  events  in  the  area,  cross-­‐RC  trips  with  other  res  colleges  to  normally  more  expensive  events  like  plays  and  fancy  restaurants  and  Oiresides  where  Fellows  talk  about  their  interests.

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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014

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Blom- Blomquist Recreation Center. This is the gym closest to ISRC, besides our own Pineapple Gym! It is across the street from Plex to the North. !CAESAR- the website where you can find your tuition bill, emergency information, transcripts, and financial aid. Its most important function is helping you register for classes.!Core- the main study area of the library. It’s located on the north side of the 2nd with lots of desks and group study areas, but can often be loud and crowded. !CTECs- reviews of classes and professors that you can find through CAESAR. At the end of each quarter, you need to fill out CTECs for your classes in order to access them during the upcoming quarter. !Dillo Day- a large music festival that occurs over one whole day at the end of May. Students attend concerts and release stress before finals. !DM- Dance Marathon. It is a 30 hour dance on a weekend in March where students raise money for a selected charity. It’s Northwestern’s biggest philanthropy event. !Dub Dub – Wildcat Welcom (WW). It is your upcoming busy and exciting orientation week!!McTrib – McCormick Tribune Center. It is the large journalism building near ISRC. !Norbucks, Norway and Nornuts- the Starbucks, Subway, and Dunkin Doughnuts in Norris, respectively. You can spend points or equivalency meals here, and they are great places to meet with friends.!Plex- Foster-Walker Complex. It is a large residence hall for upperclassmen. It also contains two dining halls and a mailroom where you can pick up packages. !RTVF – Radio, television, film. This is a major within the School of Communication.!Tech- the Technological Institute of Northwestern. Many science and engineering classes occur here in addition to large lectures. It is very large, but there are screens in the front of the building where you can enter a classroom number and see a map to the room. !

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Wildcat Welcome September 15 - 22 2014

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GÊT ÏN MY BÈLLY: Dining Halls Hinman Hinman is the closest dining hall to ISRC, which means that you’ll almost always have company at Hinman for dinner. For lunch, people will usually eat near their classes, which may or may not be Hinman. The staff is very friendly, and you can go to the C-store right after you eat. We have our own section that is decorated very well.The food is usually above average, but like all dining halls, there are bad days (as there are great days!). Hinman will probably become the most familiar dining hall and have a homey feel. It’s a good size, and you can always meet new people if you want. Hinman is sectioned off, so it doesn’t feel as big as it is.!Plex-West Plex-West has a pretty comprehensive salad bar and the most comprehensive sandwich station. The food other than that is either the grill or made-to-order, so Plex usually takes a very, very long time to get your food, especially during lunch. But the food is pretty good. Plex is great for late-night, if you don’t get a chance to grab dinner. Lots of athletes go to Plex late-night and sports games are usually on if you’re into that sort of thing. You’ll probably run into a lot of people that you know at Plex since it is the most central location. Pizza at late night is perhaps the best pizza on campus. Convenient to eat here if you have to pick up a package as well. The staff is fairly friendly, not as nice as Hinman or Sargent though.!Plex-East The younger brother to Plex West. Great fruit though.!Sargent If you’re an engineer or science major, this is probably where you’ll be eating lunch, which is a good thing, because it’s the best on campus. There are more food stations than any other dining hall. There’s almost always some good options. The grill is very popular for it’s chicken sandwiches. There are a lot of vegetarian options. The downside of Sargent is that can get very crowded particularly at the beginning of the quarter before people start skipping classes. This can mean long lines and limited seating. The staff is very friendly as well.!Willard This dining hall exists. You probably won’t eat there during normal hours. It’s a pretty small dining hall and normally a place for only Willard kids. The food is fine, served in a buffet style, with limited choices. However, at night Fran’s Café is located there and you can buy greasy food using your meal plan instead of going to BK. The quality of Fran’s isn’t anything special, but it’s especially delicious later on during the night when everything else is closed. The facilities are the nicest here- it looks almost like a club, probably since it one of couple of buildings designed by James Gamble. It’s pretty comfortable, too. !Allison Allison is the second closest dining hall to ISRC. It’s also the place where you will probably end up on the weekends as Hinman is closed. The food ranges from decent to good, sometimes. It’s also really big, and there’s an omelette bar for breakfast! There are also a lot of choices to choose from and a Kosher station. Be warned don’t move the chairs. Allison can get fairly crowded and is significantly less intimate than Hinman, but you will probably see a lot of non-ISRC friends there which is nice. In all a solid option if you wanna switch it up.!

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Elder This dining hall is extremely far away from ISRC, and pretty much any residence that isn’t Elder. The food quality is lacking.Incredibly, it is possible to get locked in and not be able to escape until some kind soul saves you.

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Northwestern University is constantly trying to add resources and programs that help students be environmentally conscious. A wonderful way to learn of all the current sustainability-focused efforts on campus is through the sustainNU website. The URL for this website is!

Trash and Recycling: Under the “Take Action” tab on the sustainNU website, you will find a comprehensive list of everything that can and cannot be recycled on campus. This guide should be helpful for most of residents’ day-to-day needs. Every room in ISRC includes a trash bin and recycling bin, and each resident will be responsible for putting their individual trash and recyclables in the communal bins located in the hall for later disposal by the maintenance staff. !In ISRC, a recycling bin for empty ink cartridges is located on the first floor near the center stairwell. Located a few feet away in front of the entrance to the stairwell is a receptacle specifically for recycling plastic bags. Plastic bags should be placed into this container because bags cannot be recycled regularly on campus, and, instead, the Eco-Rep of ISRC will bring them from the receptacle in ISRC to the Recycling Hub located on the ground floor of Norris. !

Energy and Water Usage: ISRC residents should always turn off their lights, unplug their AC, and turn off power strips when leaving their room empty. The last resident to leave a lounge area is expected to turn the lights off in that lounge. Residents are encouraged to use CFL or LED blubs in their lamps, as LED/CFL bulbs last much longer than incandescent ones and will help ISRC save energy. On that note, windows should be closed while the AC is on. !In the bathroom, residents can save a lot of water during brushing teeth and showering. Residents should turn off the faucets while they brush their teeth. In the shower, residents will find 5-minute shower timers to help track and limit the amount of time spent in the shower. Of course, quickness should not come at the cost of poor hygiene, so residents may find it helpful to temporarily turn off the water and the timer during shaving, deep-conditioning, and so on. !

Eating, Learning, and Shopping: ISRC has weekly, themed snacks – or “munchies” – provided by various suites of the residential college. Paper plates, paper cups, and plastic silverware are all wasteful, especially if you consider how many residents would be using them week after week for an entire school year; using actual flatware and silverware instead of plasticware makes a lot more sense. !With all this snacking, ISRC residents may be inclined to catch those dreaded “freshman fifteen.” Why not let your wallet gain a little extra weight too? Students can save a lot of money by purchasing used or electronic textbooks. Books are definitely not single-use items.


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Clothes, too, can be found at a reasonable price at thrift stores located throughout Chicago. Sell and buy clothes at a store like Crossroads Trading Company, which is located about half a mile away from ISRC. Antique stores are a fun and unique option for furniture, and vintage clothing is a bold statement for fashion and sustainability. !Donating school supplies, books, clothing, food, and electronics is also a fantastic option for putting unwanted items to good use. !

Take Action: If you are interested in getting more involved in sustainability efforts on campus, explore the “Take Action” tab on the sustainNU website. Click “Join a Student Group” to find a list with descriptions of the many sustainability-focused student groups. !Residents can take immediate action by pledging to do their part in keeping Northwestern University green. Take the Green Pledge:!Once residents are settled into their rooms, they should fill out this online checklist to earn a Green Room Certification. Get your Green Room Certification now:

Name Position Room Number

Esteban Doyle President 223

Rohan Prakash Vice President 204

Mehreen Itret Secretary 209

Lucy Kalar Treasurer

Dalit Hendel Academic Chair 209

Paul Kim Social Chair 309

Coretta Lemaitre Fellows Chair 216

Tim Suh Alumni Chair 309

Gabby DiLullo Tech Chair 112

Ellen Goff Philanthropy Chair 304

Kylee Grant Eco Chair 203

Casandra Nowicki First Floor RA 106

Mahalia Sobhani Second Floor RA 206

Albert Ren Third Floor RA 306

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