
ISSUED November 2010 ISSUE NO. 11








A camel with one hump. Elias Howe

Words of Wisdom from our Leader

What does amateur radio mean to you?

To the FCC it means there is a pool of trained radio operators available to provide essential communications in the event of an emergency.

Each amateur can probably put their own spin on what their license means. I think we can all agree that the level of friendship and spirit of helping are a common thread in our local activities.

The past couple of months have seen towers and antennas go up, and down, and up again. No two events are the same, and we learn something new each time, whether from someone with more experience or from problem-solving on the spot. Of course, the food and snack breaks are a great part of the fun, but you have to appreciate how the learning continues around the dining table where everyone discusses the project so far, what's next, etc.

We also had our annual Hoot Owl Patrol in Colville. What a pleasure it is to have a good relationship with local law enforcement. Chief Meshishnek always takes the time to acknowledge our participation on Halloween, and what it means to help keep this event fun and safe for everyone. We always have a great time -- and it actually goes "on the books" as a training exercise.

One of the goals of incoming Sheriff Kendall Allen is to make better use of local volunteers, and that fits right in with what we do.

I'd like to thank all of you who participated in the various events this year.

73, Dave - WD7K

Christmas party

December 17, 2010

@ the ambulance training center

Cynthia's notes

Can you believe this is November? I still expect to see sunshine and robins. Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching. Plans are being made for the PARC Christmas Party. The date (probably 12/17), food, and gift exchange will be discussed at this month’s meeting. The HRO drawing for the $150 gift certificate will be held at our Christmas Party. Hurry and get your tickets. Contact Randy N7CKJ.Other news:

● Old radio equipment was sold at the Spokane Hamfest. The club made $145.60.● The amplifier on the 146.062 repeater is being repaired. It’s under

manufacturer warranty.● More participation would be appreciated on the Sunday evening net.

Contact Maria KE7DSK.● After the meeting, Randy gave a brief talk on VHF antennas.

See you November 19 @ Hearth & Home,Cynthia, KE7ZDJ


The weather cleared yesterday (11/6/10) just enough for us to finish Jim's & Cynthia's tower,antenna and shack. This includes all the proper ham radio programs on there computer so they can work DX and Radio-sport. We also installed a MFJ voice keyer so they can call CQ on there transceiver. Gimmie, Diane, Radio Randy, Wilse, Dallas(Lynn's harmonic) and Lynn made it all happen. Many thanks to Lynn N2HS for all the good work he did on the tower. Cynthia the food was great TNX.

The VE7CC DX Cluster indicates Minor Radio Blackouts for a while. This is caused by H-Class flares coming from he sun. Band conditions will be poor. VE7CC is freeware you should download it and use it.

For the third time the US will play host to the World Cup of ham radio contesting,as the World Radio-sport Team Championship will return to the USA in 2014. The US group led by the Yankee Clipper Contest Club won out over a group from Bulgaria.

Big news in new DX entities. The dissolution of the Netherland Antilles by the Dutch has caused changes to the DXCC list. Two DX entities will be sent to the “Deleted List”. The four new ones are PJ2, PJ4, PJ6 and PJ7. Of course there are Dxpeditions to all of them and they have been easy to work. Here is a good chance to add to your DXCC count. There are now

341 DX entities to work if you want to be on the top of the honor roll. By the way if you were using the two deleted entities in your DXCC count you now have 2 less then you did.

Our very own Jeff PJ2T from the SDXA won the CQ Worldwide DX Radio-sport from is contest station in Curacao. It was held on Oct 30th and Oct 31st. Tens of thousands of stations participated in this event (including WX7P). His score was 31,142,862. A73A from Qatar was 2nd and DR1A from Germany was 3rd. He had 9 operators helping him 6 from the US and 3 from Germany. YAESU is his sponsor and furnished FT-2000's for all bands. He has Amertron linears on all bands. Since he was one of the new DX entities the Dutch made in the Caribbean I am sure that helped his score. Congratulations Jeff PJ2T.

The ARRL Sweepstakes is on the 27th and 28th of Nov. We will be holding forth here at my QTH. All are welcome. Our ARRL section manager Mark KB7HDX will be here to lead us on to a clean sweep. I hope to see you here.

Victor RD3PQ from Russia has submitted the 300,000,000th QSO to the LOTW.305,689,304 QSO's are now in Logbook Of The World (LOTW).36477 users of LOTW are you one!!

73 Wilse WX7P 509 738 4248 [email protected] SKYPE = WX7PDX

1. 2.

Hoot Owl Hams

Picture 1: Left to right

Pam - KE7SBW, Dwane - KE7AGN, Dave - WD7K, Jim - KE7WDD, Cynthia - KE7ZDJ, Janie aka Kitty Cat - KF7DQZ, Lauren - KL1LC (from WAsilla, Alaska!), Gimmie – AL7LB, Tracie - KF7DRAFront row, Dakota aka house wife and Patti aka nurse. Not in picture Bill - KD7MMU and Bert – KE7MAK. Bert is taking the picture.

Picture 2: Jim - KE7WDD, Colville Police Chief Robert Meshishnek, and Dave - KWD7

Tower and Antenna Raising at N2HS

Well it’s been a long time coming but N2HS (Lynn Miner) is finally on the air with the gracious help of several PARC members and members of the Spokane DX Assoc. The tower went up on 14 August with the help of Randy K7CKJ, Kirk K7EKM, Cort KE7ZDL, Dave KD7K, Jim KE7WDD, Mike KD7IBE, Wilse WX7P, Lana KF7DAG, Bert KE7MAK, Cynthia KE7ZDL, Gimmie AL7LB, Becky KC7VWI and John Larribeau (commercial ground system designer). Weather was perfect and all went well.

Setting the Gin Pole / Randy starting the climb

Wilse doing what he does best

Kirk and Randy finishing up

Supervision70 foot Rohn 45 finished and ready for the antenna….another day.September 11, the antenna crew arrived consisting of many of those already listed and more: Wayne WA1PMA, Jay WS7I, Jay WA0WWW, Bruce KC7H, Dennis KB7UKI, and Gary K7OX.

Lynn getting tower climbing lessons from Kirk and we set to work.

Jay and Bruce sending the 125 lb monster up.

Almost done, just have to bring down the pole and connect the cables.

View from the top

Fearless leader “connectorizing”

Kirk and Lynn Finishing up

What a sight – all done …………….we thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It turned out that the VSWR of the system was all over the map but nowhere near where it should be. We violated one of the HAM commandments and didn’t check the antenna as it was being dragged up the tower. We talked about it, we planned to do it but in the heat of battle everyone forgot to put an analyzer on the cable. The antenna had to come back down …. BUMMER!By now (20 October), the weather is not so nice. It was cold and windy up there. With many of those listed above along with: Dick W7BHP, Don W7ZNN and John KL7LL, we got the antenna back down and discovered the problem was the balun. Not a defective balun….the wrong (mismarked balun). Remember this folks before you spend a ton of cash on an M-Squared antenna. They sometimes send the wrong parts. This took all day of course so 27 Oct was the next day to assemble a crew. Weather of course was even colder but it went back up smoothly. We didn’t forget to check it on the way up this time. All checked good. VSWR is better than spec across the 7 plus 10 – 30 MHz bandwidth of the antenna at about 1.2:1.I can’t thank the people who helped me enough. This was a monumental task that took nearly two dozen people collectively four days to accomplish. HAMs really are a great group of folks. Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten someone. Lynn N2HS and Becky KC7VWI

Old Farmer's Advice

“Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.” “Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.” “Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.” “A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.”“Words that soak into your ears are whispered…....not yelled.” “Meanness don't just happen overnight.” “Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.” “Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.” “It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.” “You cannot unsay a cruel word.” “Every path has a few puddles.” “When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.” “The best sermons are lived, not preached.”“Most of the stuff people worry about, ain't never gonna happen anyway.” “Don 't judge folks by their relatives.”“Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.” “Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and

think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.”“Don 't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.”

“Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.” “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.” “Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got. “The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the

mirror every mornin'.” “Always drink upstream from the herd.” “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.” “Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.” “If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody

else's dog around.” “Live simply, love generously, care deeply, Speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.” “Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.”

Trivia for the monthWhat's a Dromedary? Who invented the sewing machine?

Items for Sale

• Designing Cards; eyeball – qsl – post – greeting, letter heads, & fliers.

• A chocolate brown leather ocational chair.• Notebook PC

Contact: Tracie @ [email protected]
