Page 1: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu



t,. . D ,:EN SOBEIUSE >




It .t , . I . • . I

. Sobel Vocabulary I

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Publikasi Khusus ~ahasa-bahasa Daerah ' . . S~ri B, No . 2

Prog~am Kerjasama UNCEN-SIL

Page 2: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu
Page 3: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu
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Editor: Daniel C. Ajamis~ba August Kafiar Peter J. Sil zer

Menoranimau sateito Dabu Na'sid efeifi Sobeiuse yawl:

Buku ini ditulis oleh:

Bapak Dirk Zeyfan Korneles dep Leoni Zeyfan Deetje Songkilawan

Written by: Bob and Joyce Sterner

Ribe riter.

Program Kerjasama UNCEN-SIL UNCEN-SIL Co-operative Program

Irian Jaya, Indonesia

Universitas Cenderawasih Summer Institute of Linguistics


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Oengan hati gembira kami menyambut penerbitan Tesaurus Bahasa Sobei, yang merupakan tesaurus kedua daribahasa-bahasa yang sudah diselidiki di daerah Irian Jaya, setelah Tesauru~ Bahasa Berik, baik di lingkungan Program Kerjasama UN(~EN-SIL

maupun di lingkungan lainnya. Karya ini penting artinya karena: a) membantu kita semua,

khususnya para pembangun di daerah ini untuk lebih mengenal dan menghargai unsur-unsur kebudayaan daerah yang dinyatakan dalam bahasa Sobei; b) membantu kita untuk dapat berkomunikasi lintas budaya dengan lebih baik dalam rangka pelaksanaan program-program pembangunan masyarakat pedesaan yang lebih tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para anggota masyarakat bahasa Sobei dalam konteks wawasan nusantara; d) turut memperkaya khasanah budaya nasional kita yang bersifat 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' demi suksesnya pembangunan kebudayaan nasional Indonesia.

Akhirnya, kami menyatakan penghargaan dan rasa terima kasih kepada Program Kerjasama UNCEN-SIL, khususnya kepada Saudara-Saudara Bob dan Joyce Sterner, Dirk Zeyfan, Deetje Songkilawan, Korneles dan Leoni Zeyfan yang telah bekerja keras untuk menghasilkan karya yang sangat berguna ini.

Jayapura, Mei 1987

Rektor Universita~ Cenderawasih

Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Tarumingkeng


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Kenon Waridon

Daftar lsi

Table of Contents

Usepe Ai tewo. . . xi

Kata Pengantar xii

Preface . xiii

Pelafalan Bahasa Sobei xiv

Pronunciation of Sobei ..•.. xv

Kategori-kategori Konseptual: (Outline of Conceptual Categories):

1. Fenyo - Donia - World . . . . . . 1 a. Fenyo yatse - Dunia - World b. Fenyo bema - Ciri Bumi - Geographical Features c. Nyobarsa memtah - Bahan mentah - Materials d. Rani - Air - Water e. Metawadi, Onowadi - Langit - Sky f. Fenyoto emser - Cuaca - Weather g. Sarno - Waktu - Time

2. Ai-Aise - Tumbuh-tu.buhan - Flora. . .8 a. Dedwi'se - Umum - General b. Ai-aise - Pohon-pohonan - Trees c. Panabrema - Rllah-buahan - Fruits d. Ai-aise rau - Sayur-sayuran - Veg~tables

e. Ai PilI Memso - Bunga-bunga - Flowers


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f. Airau Bembena - Tanaman kecil - Smaller Plants g. Asbir - Umbi-umbian - Tubers.

Kyo a. b. c. d. e.


Ser'ari - Binatang - Animals . ...... 15 Dedwi'se - Umum - General Maninetyo - Burung - Birds Ina - Ikan - Fish Nyo Ser'ari Eyo'ewo - Binatang Melata - Reptiles Nyo Ser'ari Rin Siso -Binatang Menyusui - Mammals Ramfido - Serangga - Insects

4. Tani - Tubuh - Body . . . . .. ...... 23 a. Seisortan Tani Nyo Dedwi'se -

Susunan tubuh secara umum -General Body System

b. Dabu - Kepala - Head c. Temtormau Tani - Tubuh manusia - Trunk d. Tanidon Nyobarsa - Anggota tubuh - Limbs e. Atem/Fengg~mu - Pancaindera - Senses f. Tanimto Fiya'- Kesehatan - Health g. Enon Abon - Kehidupan, kelahiran - Life, birth

5. Kyo Fefimabe -Sikap, Perbuatan - Postures, Actions . . . . . 34

a. Esufar, etki'esa, emaros -Berbaring, berdiri, duduk -Lying, standing, sitting

b. Esufar, etki'esa - Tidur, bangun - Sleep, awake c. Erseya, emnau - Bekerja, beristirahat -

Working, resting d. Ewo/awo - Bepergian - Going e. Taniye top'ewo -

Arah gerahkan - Directional motions f. Akit - Bawa - Carry g. Afun, adus, feser'ari, ere' -

Pukul, potong, rusak, pecah -Hit, cut, break

h. Ednin, e'on, efe'ewo, ebon -Dorong, tarik, lempar, taruh -


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Push, pull, throw, put 1. Efau, etertit - Ikat, tutup - Tie, cover J. Etawe, eyit - Beri, ambi 1 - Give, take k. Esosus, e'as - Gosok, cuci - Rub, wash

6. Tani eidat - Perasaan. penilaian -Emotions. evaluations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

a. Fiyamau, ser'ari - Baik, jelek - Good, bad b. Mermau, esda - Benar, salah - True, false c. Eb'or, eyit - Mau, dapat - Want, able d. Fiya, fetyafo ser'ari -

Senang, susah - Happy, sad e. Emsade, fefetiyafo ser'ari - Cinta, benci -

Love, hate f. Nen'a efei - Ketakutan - Fear g. Tani erseya - Kerajinan - Industriousness h. Fetiyafo fiya - Kerendahan hati - Humility

7. Komunikasi - KOmuoikasi - Co.munication ... 57


a. Efatorfe - Bicara-- Speaking Eter - Menulis - Writing b.

c. d. e.

Enyo a. b. c. d. e. f.

g. h. 1.


Menorani dimo - Kantor Pos - Post Office Efnaunar - Pendidikan - Education Refesfos - Pengangkutan - Transportation

enefeima Mata Pencabarian - Livelihood. 64 Utedon - Pertanian - Farming Spepa ina - Penangkapan ikan - Fishing Ededudi - Perburuan - Hunting Saukirya - Peternakan - Livestock raising Enyo erfe - Alat-alat - Tools Esesi, enemran - . Menjahit, menenun - Sewing, weaving Aye-yaise - Perkayuan - Carpentry Sisya yeyase - Buruh - Hired labor Aiyafo - Pengobatan - Medicine Erseya senyo -Pekerjaan Lain - Other occupat ions

9. Pana - Makanan - Food . 74


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a. Efei wane - Persiapan-Nasi - Preparation-Rice b. Efei pamo - Persiapan-Sagu - Preparation-Sago c. Enas - Masakan - Cooking d. Yafu - Api - Fire e. Enya rifi pan a -

Alat-alat Masak - Cooking utensils f. Pana - Makanan - Foods g. Enyo emfiro - Bumbu-bumbu - Seasonings h. Akin - Makan - Eating 1. Amnase - Rasa-rasa - Flavors J. Syawena, puwe, saguwer -

Tembakau, pinang, minuman keras -Tobacco, betel, liquor

10. Mende'dwo - Masyarakat - Society . ...... 82 a. Tasin na'ani - Sanak Keluarga - Relatives b. Afos tesdo - Kata ganti - Pronouns c. Struktur Masyarakat - Struktur Masyarakat -

Social Structure d. Fenyo-fenyose - Suku bangsa - Ethnic Groups e. Mende'dwo - Kemasyarakatan - Social interaction f. Sramei use - Perselisihan - Strife g. Usereta'ti'parmabe - Hukum - Law h. Ser'ai - Olahraga - Sports

11. Agama, da'era Agama, Kesenian Religion, arts. . . . . . . 91

a. Agama Kristen - Agama Kristen - Christianity b. Agama Islam - Agama Islam - Islam c. Animisme - Animisme - Animism d. Tiko - Musik - Music e. Sesda, menen - Tari~n, drama - Dancing, drama f. Enyo erfe - Lukisan - Drawing, painting

12. Enyo ebedo - Barta milik - Possessions. . 96 a. Perdagangan - Perdagangan - Commerce b. Denon tem'asim - Kaya, miskin - Wealthy, poor c. Mayo - Pakaian - Clothing d. Dimo - Perumahan - Housing e. Enyo barsa - Perabot - Furniture


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13. Fnaunari - Penguraian - Descriptives IOl .q. Iman - Angka - Numbers b. Fenti mi'yonan - Ilmu hitung - Arithmetic c. Angker - Ukuran - Measurements d. Ponarfe - Bentuk - Shapes e. Af'amfi - Posisi - positions f. Cona'ra' - Warna - Colors g. Use denewo - Keaoaan Luar - Surface Conditions h. Ebema use - Keadaan - States 1. Mefna - Panas - Heat j. Sesya - Kecepatan - Speed

14. limu Bahasa - lImo Bahasa - Linguistics . .. 111 a. Jenis kata - Jenis kata - Word classes b. Kata keterangan - Kata keterangan - Adverbs c. Kata depan - Kata depan - Prepositions d. Kata sambung - Kata sambung - Conjunctions e. Kata seru - Kata Seru - Interjections f. Kata tanya - Kata tanya - Interrogatives g. Fenti pe soro'e imaot -

Kata bantu bilangan - Classifiers

Fenti riter - Daftar kata-kata - Glossary Sobeiuse - Bahasa Indonesia - English


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Sobeiuse r1nan denon dasnatu wemyo 2000 temtormau erenon toyuwar wanafo propinsi Irian Jaya sa toumau eyit wendiwar awofe seimew~r pedemau sobeiusete refotor mapto: Sarme, Sawar, Ba'aiserwar. Sobeiuse sateito den Sawar, use tidut fema'ro. Sobei tefdai nenso-nensosemau tap asit waridon wanafo Sarmewar, eyit wendiwar dep seimewar nenso-nensose rima remnas Sobeiuse map: Dike, Wa'de, Arti, Demna, Pedena, Aro.

Menoranimau sateito reforur pempenye~sebe usefenti dasnatu wemyo 2500 enyo-nyose bersamau riauwesi renon 14 (fau snafut) fuwai-fuwaima dep 100 (snafut-snafut) fuwai-fuwaima wemyo riauwesi, ses'amau map fenyo tei repditane erseya rifi enyo-nyose dep bitemauto usefenti. map wemyo wemyo metanto tapse sikesebema waridon fuwai~fuwaima ai-aise riyanan, tafun sikesebema efeisefe: pamo dep ba'be'a.

wero temtormau, Waridon istilah mna1 fesatei, -sarI al mapto

Fesaketmamau if'amfi erseya Inggerisuse sate ito rifos denon waridon ponarfe infinitif seve, if'amfi Sobeiuse rifos waridon temtori tou fenti tesese fare rinone pe e waridon fare (e) pede ses'amau rapi use erseya.


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Bahasa Sobei digunakan oleh kurang-lebih 2.000 orang di daerah Sarmi, pantai utara propinsi Irian Jaya. Nama ketiga desa (dari barat ke timur) di mana bahasa Sobei digunakan adalah Sarmi, Sawar dan Bagaiserwar. Bahasa Sobei termasuk dalarn kelompok bahasa Austronesia. Bahasa-bahasa lain yang sekeluarga ditemukan pula di pulau-pulau di luar pantai daerah Sarmi. Dari barat ke timur pulau-pulau dan bahasa-bahasa 1n1 adalah Liki, Wakde, Yamna, Masimasi, Podena dan Anus.

Buku ini adalah kumpulan perbendaharaan kata tentang kurang-lebih 2.500 bahan-bahan leksikal yang disusun di bawah 14 golongan besar dan lebih dari 100 sub-golongan. Golongan yang besar disusun mulai dengan alam, dilanjutkan dengan rnanusia, pekerjaannya, kebudayaannya dan akhirnya bahasanya. Dalam sub-golongan, istilah yang lebih urn urn mendahului yang lebih khusus. Sebagai contoh, di bawah sub-golongan Tumbuh-tumbuhan, pohon di taruh sebelum bagian-bagiannya: cabang dan getah dan kemudian pohon, cabang dan getah diletakkan sebelum nama-nama pohon secara khusus seperti sagu dan papaya.

Walaupun keterangan kata kerja bahasa Inggris disebutkan dalarn .bentuk infinitif biasa, keterangan bahasa Sobei disebutkan dalam bentuk orang ketiga tunggal, ditandai dengan e di dalarn tanda kurung (e) pada perrnulaan akar kata kerja.


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The Sobei language is spoken by approximately 2000 people 1n the area of Sarmi, a government district on the north coast of the province of Irian Jaya, (formerly Netherlands New Guinea), Indonesia. The names of the three communities (from west to east) where Sobei is spoken are Sarmi Village, Sawar, and Bagaiserwar. Sobei is an Austronesian language. Related languages are located on islands off the coast in the Sarmi District. From west to east these islands and languages are Liki, Wakde, Yamna, Masimasi, Podena, and Anus.

This book is a thesaurus of approximately 2,500 lexical items arranged under 14 broad conceptual categories and more than 100 sub-categories. The broad categories are ordered, starting with nature, going to man, his work, his culture, and finally his language. Within the sub-categories, the logically more general term precedes the more specific. For example, under Plants, tree is put before its parts, branch and sap; and then tree, branch, and sap come before the specific names of trees such as sago and papaya.

While the English verb gloss is cited in the infinitive form, the Sobei IS cited In the singular form, marked by the e In parentheses beginning of the verb stem.


conventional third person (e) at the

Page 18: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu

Pelafalan Dalam Bahasa Sobei

Uraian singkat mengenai bunyi-bunyi dan huruf-huruf dalam Bahasa Sobei berikut ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkenalkan para pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu ditekankan bahwa hal-hal tersebut di atas dan seluk-beluk pengucapan bahasa Sobei yang lain hanya dapat diperoleh dan disempurnakan dengan bantuan penutu asli bahasa Sobei dan dengan banyak latihan. Para ahli Ilmu Bahasa yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai pembahasan fonologi bahasa Sobei secara klinis dapat membaca "Sobei Phonology", Oceanic Linguistics, Vol. XIV, No.2, Tahun 1975.

Abjad bahasa Sobei terdiri dari huruf-huruf berikut: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, k, m, n, 0, p~ r, s, t, u, w, y, dan (hamnah). Abjad ini telah disesuaikan abjad Bahasa Indonesia dan memang bunyi-bunyi Bahasa Sobei serupa bunyi-bunyi dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Huruf r adalah bunyi sentuhan. Huruf t adalah bunyi pengedepanan, tetapi huruf d bukan. Tanda bacaan hammah serupa dengan hammah pada kata Jum'at dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Huruf c adalah bunyi alveopalatal afrikat seperti pada aeara dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Vokalnya serupa dengan vokal Bahasa Indonesia, demikian juga bunyi semi vokalnya serupa dengan bunyi semi vokal Bahasa Indonesia.

Hammah selalu terjadi sebelum kata-kata yang dimulai dengan sebuah vokal, sebab itu dalam keadaan seperti itu tidak dituliskan. Tekanan utama selalu ditandai oleh intonasi yang tinggi dan aksen, terjadi pada suku kata terakhir dari inti kata, bagian yang berisi arti pokok.

bi"do 'kuat' fe -bi lido -tap , lemah ' seperti-kuat-bukan

yo -"sim -e 'Saya minta kepadanya' saya- minta-dia

yo -ilsimtat' -e 'Saya tanya kepadanya' saya- tanya -d ia


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Pronunciation of Sobei

The following brief description of Sobei sounds and symbols is intended to orient the student of Sobei to major features of pronunciation. It must be emphasized, however, that these and other details of Sobei speech production will only be accomplished with the assistance of Sobei speakers and a lot of practice. Linguists seeking a more technical discussion of Sobei phonology are referred to "Sobei Phonology", 1975, Oceanic Linguistics Vol. XIV, No.2.

The Sobei alphabet includes the following symbols: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, 1, k, m, n, 0, p, r, s, t, u, w, y, and '(glottal stop). This alphabet has been adapted to Indonesian and indeed, Sobei sounds are identical to Indonesian. The f is labiodental. The r is flapped. The t is fronted, but the d is not. The glottal stop is the same as in Indonesian Juma'at. The c is an alveo-palatal affricate as in Indonesian acara. The vowels are the same as Indonesian vowels, and the vowel glides are pronounced the same as Indonesian glides.

The glottal stop always occurs before words beginning with a vowel, so it is not written in that position. The main stress, marked by high intonation and accent, occurs on the last syllable of the word nucleus, the part which carries the central meaning.

bi"do 'strong'

fe -bi"do -tap 'weak' like-strong-not

yo-"si.-e 'I ask something from him' 1- ask-him

yo-lIsi.tar -e'I question him' I - question-him


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badi, persa'o sadesa desa persa 0

badi wane badi fetfatima fati endede fati

Peapenye'se Fenti Den Sobeiuse

Perbendaharaan Kata Bahasa Sobei

Sobei Vocabulary

I Fenyo - Dunia - World

Ia Fenyo yatse - Bumi - Earth

tanah, pece debu abu lumpur tanah Hat paSlr tanah berbatu-batu kerikil batu

earth, soil dust ashes mud clay sand gravelly soil gravel stone

Ib - - Ciri Bumi Geographical Features

sadowar edmaifuwar badi'edetpar wanafowar woi warifnou, ranI


pegunungan pedalaman dataran rendah daerah pesisir delta


highlands interior lowlands coastal region delta

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lb - - Ciri Bumi - Geographical Features

WOi sungal river imada danau lake m'atidon laut sea nenso pulau island ferara selat strait sonap semenanjung peninsula wanafo fiya padang paslr desert doipar lembah valley sado gunung mountain sado bukit hill kitpar tebing cliff edma hutan jungle ferara celah creVice esde lereng slope fnou, fnori gua cave parfo rawa swamp tanjung tanjung cape teluk teluk bay

lc Nyobarsa memtab - Bahan mentah - Materials

fati wane fati endede weden ibo ai name

rani rani fnoudon imadam bena,

woimbena WOi imada woida, fumau pedemyarma

batu pasir kerikil batu permata kapur kayu arang

ld Rani - Air - Water

air mata alr sungai kecil

sungai anak sungai cabang sungai saluran


stone sand gravel precious stone lime wood charcoal

water spring creek, stream

river tributary fork of a rlver canal, irrigating


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ranI edoitsi dari edat dari etu fumau wanafo rani rabuafo,

woidado mara bertema rekmo eyaftan imada doipar parfa ranidipe. betfa omoweta rani efas rani efas emyar ,'sreisortan mara!'>, mart,)ma melpe rani etor Pl1dapan


air terjun pasang naik air surut induk sungai tepi laut tepi sungai

gelombang ombak riak danau kolam rawa sumur kubangan tenang deras arus mengalir meluap .rnengendap barat, kahur timor, air tl't-:lllf',


Id Raoi - Air - Water

rleep plac~ in river

waterfall high tide low tide maIn rIver shore bank

big wave wave small wave, ripple lake pond marsh, swamp well puddle calm fas t flowi ng current to flow tn overflow tn sett I,· we s t

east sprl i mo-'Ill

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Id Rani - Air - Water

amersiwo, etro'esiwo etro' pede rani rnefna bedmo epou eyas ran1 fiyamau rani ed'o fewanafo nesisefe'

mekni mem'o, sa'ara' rnensodi tasispar anefat

menyelarn tenggelam sumber air banjir mengapung berenang air bersih air kotor dangkal memercik

basah kering licin meluncur macet


to submerge, to dive drowned hot spring to flood to float to swim CLear water muddy water shallow to splash, to

splatter wet dry to be slippery to slide blocked up

Ie Metavadi, onovadi Langit - Sky

onowadi ono tep'e ono tep'e rneda rarmo rarmo waridon frodarni espar

faronar toyu wendi toyu seirne toyu pede iwe

langit mega mendung cerah gelap gelap gulita matahari bersinar

bertiup anging sepoi-sepoi angin barat angin timor tempat yang teduh,



sky white cloud cloudy bright, clear dark pitch dark to be sunny

to blow cool breeze west wind east wind shade

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lwe efro efro esasa efro esro mado betwe maroi tne fi t me no merne serpai wetso wedmowai fenyo faduwar efro eper mado eper mado ed'a mado rep

, e

metarmo mado feimacl i

Ie Metawadi. onowadi - Langit - Sky

teduh, sombar matahari matahari terbit matahari terbenam bulan bintang pusaran angln awan pelangi cirit bintang kabut angkasa luar gerhana matahari gerhana bulan bulan purnama bulan sabi t bulan gelap lingkaran cahaya

shady sun sunrlse sunset moon star whirlwind raincloud rainbow meteor fog, mist outer space eclipse (solar) eclipse (lunar) full moon new or crescent moon dark of the moon halo (around moon)

If Fenyoto emser - Cuaca baik Good Weather

tano, merofi sensane sensane maro bemamaro ma'ar, erye sarno metadeda mafna sebre sebre fiya bedmo mafna

denwerwar idonse mafna

hujan gerimis hujan reda angin angln ribut guntur musim, waktu kilat panas dingin sejuk banjir hangat



raln drizzle end of rain wind windstorm thunder season lightning hot cold cool flood warm


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useto weseto sarno angker useto rarmo rarmo-rarmo rarmo-rarmo pani monmau esodewo

efro esasa meda fenyo meremdedatpar useto useto, efroewo

fe' i we dedwo mer you efro esro' rarmo efei harliafo te rarmo

.' panl panl sarno pani monmau meryoumase pani

19 Samo - Waktu - Time

siang waktu slang jam setengah hari pagl subuh pagi-pagi benar dinihari, tengah

malam lewat matahari terbi t terang agak siang tengah hari siang, matahari

sudah sambar sore matahari terhenam menjadi gelap sangat gelap malam pada malam hari tengah malam dua malam yang lalu


noon during the day hour half-day morning dawn early ln the mornlng 2 - 4 a.m.

sunrlse light mid-morning high noon early afternoon

late afternoon sunset darkening very dark night at night midnight two nights ago

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19 Samo - Waktu - Time

nodmasf' pant nodm3s (~

riga malam yang kl>mar in o.u11l

1a1u thn'!e nights ago

mon i tou itesodewomau


meryomase panitei nodmase pani atsetei, atsesatei amer amer meryou mer you satei pani satei

weseto pe air amama teit

deyo amer deyo

tiga hari yang lalu

beberapa hari yang lalu

kemarin tadi rnalam kemarin dulu malam had ini besok besok sore sore Inl nanti malam, malam

Inl beberapa hari

kemudian lusa besok lusa

bulan mado sarno mad a merambt> mado s'as'amall,

muslm ,hulan yang

mad/) awal bulan la1u

funfunmau mada satei mado senyet ya'me ya'me sodewomet mado awopar ya'me satei ya'me senyet sarno s'as'amau,

funfllnmau metan sarno mt>tan funfunrnau metan namff'll sait


bulan Inl bulan de pan tahun tahun yang lalu achir bulan tahun Inl tahun depan pada permulaan

dulu jaman dulu pertama dulu sebe1um sekarang


day beforl> yesterday three day,; ago

the other day

yester,day last night night before last today tomorrow tomorrow afternoon this afternoon tonight

several days later

day after tomorrow 2 days after

tomorrow month season last month beginning of the

month this month next month year last year end of month this year next year in the beginning

long ago ane if'nt t i m,'s fi rs t formerly before now

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Ig Samo - Waktu - Time

wemyo-wemyo sait sentan emfan das atseteimau tei tafun, awopar tafun sar'o sesyayeyase, sesya

wemyo renel!lfan useto-useto mnai,

sarno-sarno mnal useto medawemyo sesya', sesyayeyase useto-useto mnai testes-testes tara testes senam senamse da'ese, emra renon rarmo waridon fefou wop satei na'e' tafunfen angker sarno angker efro dami fitpar ananwero angker useto

dewasa 1111

duluan sebentar lagi baru saja sesudah kemudian akhirnya terlalu cepat

terlambat setiap hari

sepanjang hari segera selalu serlng jarang sel amanya tua kuno baru baru (agama) lama sebentar penanggalan jam jam tangan memutar (jam) mengakurkan (jam) hari

moni dimdaidu, mado

greja minggu bulan

ya'me ya'me meda ya'me tibose angker fe sai t

idat esidnar

tahun tahun kabisat tahun pendek kira-kira waktu ln1

kira-kira nanti kira-kira kapan?


these days precede in a moment just now after later on, then eventually early

late every day

all day immediately always often seldom forever old ancient new new (religious use) long time short time calendar hour wrist watch to wind (watch) to set (watch) day week month year leap year non-leap year approximately this

time approximately then approximately when? .

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I! I

- \~,

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2 Ai-aiae - Tumbuh-tumbuhan - Flora

2a Ded¥i'se - Umum - General

a1 aidi fo airapi aife tibo aidifo aidami dedna daidu dedna dedna dasemsomu aiwadi a1rau nato setiana burbur made bunga buri afo ai afo niwe dedmano wadi afo, sa'a afo ai bado doure fide, nomban

burbur eb'oit mad a memta ena wemyo made putik bunga

pohon batang kayu akar tunggul batang pohon pucuk bercabang dua cabang dahan ranting kulit kayu daun getah damar tunas kuntum bunga tangkai biji, bibit buah sabut kulit buah mata kayu duri miang, miang hutan

bertunas tumbuh masak mentah lebat be nang sari putik bunga


tree log root stump trunk treetop fork bough branch twig bark leaf sap reS1n bud flower bud flower stalk, stem seed fruit coconut husk rind, pod knot thorn stinging hairs (on

leaves) to sprout to grow r1pe unr1pe laden with fruit stamen pistil

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2b Ai-Aise - Pobon-pobonan - Trees

kar>"t al aSl al

al femeno eya, berwa'e kapok al pamo tera didyom ferafo wanea mendere puwe nlwe ramo barum taro ta na'a soronini, ba'be'a firo nlsare dawe peya dedarno swodifke

pohOl1 karet pohon eru, pohon

cemara pohon kayu hitam pohon beringin pohon kapok pohon sagu macam pohon sagu macam pohon sagu macam pohon sagu macam pohon sagu macam pohon sagu pohon pinang nyiur, pohon kelapa pohon mangga pohon kenari pohon kayu besi pohon kayu matoa pohon sukun pohon papaya pohon pisang pohon kayu susu pohon nipah pohon lontar pohon pala pohon jambu monyet

2c Panabreaa - Buab-buahan

SOrOnl111 ba'be'a nlwe firo weyama dehari swereya l'Iakin ederfe

papaya panjang papaya bulat kelapa pisang soangi macam plsang macam pisang macam plsang macam plsang

1 1

rubber tr!'e casuarlna tree

ebony tree banyan tree kapok tree sago palm type of sago palm type of sago palm type of sago palm type of sago palm type of sago palm betel palm coconut palm mango tree walnut tree ironwood tree matoa tree bread fru itt ree papaya tree banana tree milkwood tree thatch palm palmyra palm nutmeg tree cashew nut tree


long papaya round papaya coconut banana type of banana type of banana type of banana type of hanana type of hanan<1

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2c Panabrema - Buah-buahan - Fruits

weta-weta tir'o' tamena abona firo ramo efke semkai

akne nambai, na'a

macam pisang pisang merah macam pisang pisang ambon mangga j ambu monye t jeruk bali, jeruk

hutan asam sukun

2d Ai-Aise rau - Sayur-sayuran

milu sambiki fofoki mitreuafo

jagung labu siam terung lombok, cabai

type of banana type of red banana type of banana ambon bananas mango cashew nut shaddock, pomelo

tamarind breadfruit


corn squash eggplant red pepper

2e Airau - Bunga-bunga - Flowers

popotewar diyo

anggrek bunga raya, bunga



orchid hibiscus

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2f Airau Bembena - Tanaman keeil - Smaller plants

oure bambu bamboo wende rotan rattan padi padi rIce oairau sirih betel pral rum put grass pral ser ar I rumput liar weed syawena tembakau tobacco

tafi tehu sugarcane


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2f Airau Bembena - Tanaman kecil Smaller plants

sesf.qn mariba aifu

alang-alang lumut belukar

e Ie phan t grass moss underbrush

2g Asbir, piau Umbi-umbian - Tubers

ptau sapusa manokwar sapusa

umbi ubi jalar, betatas keladi kentang

tuber sweet potato taro potato

3 Kyo ser'ari - Binatang - Animals

nyo ser'ari nyo ser'ari mefne mono ribemedai dedwo beno etawe pana ra' ra' e buwafo nen'a wemyo edma pado nen'a tapse eyur ayam dori maninetyo dori

swort merifa iku fido WIno siwofnou doure syeimor oyai basa

3a Dedvi'se - Umum - General

binatang betina jantan jodoh sarang telur memberi makanan mengebiri liar babi hutan jinak mengeram berkokok berkicau

t and uk pe rasa belalai ekor bulu sisik moncong strtp balung taj i.


animal female (animal) male (animal) to mate nest egg .to feed to cast rat·e· wild wild pig tame to sit on eggs to crow (rooster) to warble (of a

bird) feelers proboscis of insect t.qil fur, feathers fish scalps snout fin comb ()f rdostt-'r


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3a Dedwi'se - Umum - General

hado memto 1I1ar worm, snake SlWO sa

, a paruh bill

SlWO ranI insang gi 11 powal sayap WIng epor terbang to fly nememrem mematuk to peck

3b Maninetyo - Burung Birds

swodi paroparfo wenipora dedwenetyo sebakut uga elwenama sero bedmo uga ter'au sesbin maninetyo wowaha weyahi sersarema froman i diwe a'araha murlsa

enniro esede sofo ferda'ma mednar'a maSP3

burung kasuari burung bangau putih burung gagak burung pipit burung hantu hurung elang hurung kakatlla burung layang-layang elang meral elang besar elang sedang elang semakan ayam unggas burung cenderawasih burung nurl burung nurl kecil burung nurl ayam hutan hurung pekakak merpati mahkota,


3c Ina - Ikan - Fish

udang karang udang ikan yu semacam kepiting semacam kepiting semacam ketam,



cassowary stork, heron, egret crow sparrow owl hawk cockatoo swallow snake hawk fish hawk fish hawk chicken hawk fowl bird of paradise red parrot small red parrot colored parrot wild chicken kingfisher crown pIgeon

crayfish, lobster shrimp shark type of crab type of crah type of crah

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3c loa - Ikao - Fish

wengkokro weite nedo brafu tino erte demodi neya kweidabu weso n1SO

bembebin nedo

boyes krabo menggeron, etsa'a ede berte'a netso-netso tangkra sdematanito erbema

semacam kepiting ikan tenggiri ikan ekor kuning ikan balut laut ikan balut ikan gurita ikan limbat ikan lumba ikan par1 ikan talang . . cum1.,.cum1 cakar kepiting cakalan, ikan

tongkol ikan terbang, toni kijing besar remis besar, kijing keong, siput ubur-ubur bintang laut ikan kakap ikan gabus kelang batll


type of crab Spanish mackerel yellow-tail sea eel fresh water eel octopus catfish dolphin ray mackerel squid crab claws tuna

flying fish large clam clam snai 1 jellyfish starfish red snapper pike rock crab

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3c Ina - Ikan - Fish

repal ikan todak swordfish waneto semacam ikan type of fish nembare semacam ikan type of fish nembarnarito semacam ikan type of fish nemdeda semacam ikan type of fish wetrou katak, kodok frog arefyan ikan paus whale tara ikan cucut gergaji sawfish rlyo duyong sea cow

3d Nyo ser'ari eyo'ewo - Binatang melata - Reptiles

yarme yarme yarme



hebdo nIwe mefne

mato bowe genesana seinaro

". arma senarya bigya yerfun sdema

buaya buaya laut buaya aIr tawar

ular kaki empat macam pohon, kadal

semacam ular kaki empat

cicak tokek kelapa

ular ular sawah semacam ular ular biludak maut

penyll, kllra-kura kura-kura darat ular tanah semacam ular pohon biawak

crocodile marine crocodile fresh-water

crocodile tree lizard

type of ground lizard

house lizard gecko in coconut

trees snake python red poisonous snake black & white

poisonous snake turtle tortoise ground snake type of tree snake Iguana

3e Nyo ser'ari riD siso - Binatang menyusui MaBIlals

nanl kori medorito nensaumau pado

anjing tikus tikus besar babi


dog mouse rat pig

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3e Nyo ser'ari r1n S1S0 - Binatang menyusui - Mammals

edma pado neniyatse yakis tusa malH pado t inan mar,~ r sakwei wendamn hpbetfo, feta

tone lnnl'


bahi hutan tikus kelapa kera, monyet kucing kuskus haj ing J tupai tupa i terbang kanguru keluang, kalong kelelawar

3f Ramfido - Serangga

lintah pacat kaki serihu


boar coconut mouse monkey cat CUSClJS

squirrel flying squirrel kangaroo fl yi ng fox, ha t small hat


water lepch land leech mi11irwd.~

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3f Ramfido - Serangga - Insects

imferom demseno tetweda namu yerne dabeno ute sensa'o iririba efronamu wendabo sa'di airaumemto erbate

merfa edmo

kipan, kelabang semut lalat nyamuk lipas, kakerlak laba-laba kutu belalang penyengat, tabuhan lebah, tawon kupu-kupu agas kunang-kunang jengkerik,

riang-riang belalang sentadu


centipede ant fly mosquito cockroach spider louse grasshopper wasp bee butterfly gnat firefly cricket

praying mantis

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3f Ramfido - Serangga - Insects

soure langau horsefly badimemto cacing worm badimemto cacing tanah earthworm badimemto tempayak grub, larva wetpa kutu busuk bedbug nemnomu rayap termite airaumemto ulat caterpillar yati kumbang beetle panl wend abo ngengat moth

4 Tani - Tubuh - Body

4a Seisortan tani nyo dedwi'se - Susunan tubub secara umum -General body system

tani tani marna mano, bebaptanse sida wadi tani fido tani tiwo tiwo swerepteti tiwonenmo s' oban wado s' oban mefati, siwo maro rna

siwortono SIWO maro

me ski s , ( e ) pe r menS1YO

dabu nlwenenmo dahlJrau

tubuh, badan daging lemak darah kulit bulu tulang sendi sumsum urat darah halus urat daging bernapas menguap mengorok meninggal


4b Dabu - Kepala

kepala tengkorak rambut



body flesh fat blood skin body hai r· bone joint marrow veIn tendon to breathe to yawn to snore dead


head skull hair

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daburau----...., amosa'a

cofido yatse-----t~~D ....... --­

tidarau cofu




oyai dabu

oyai fir



siwo dari


.... __ oyai


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4b Dahu - Kepala - Head


daburClll feL f idnAr dahu etor sosill dahurau tap afet daburau dahu etor no'o cofu ramosa'a' fenggolTIu metarapo comarna cofido cofido yatse

coafo siwo dari s lwal ayo siwo fnou (e)'as siwo fnou tida fnolJ tidarau tida tep'e warl SlWO ta'bwai fido ta'bwai fido wari fnou ta'bwai (e)kuftan warl fnou anarnaro medata'no ta'bwai yatse ta'hwai fuse . . warl ranI . . warl ranl iwomera iwometa iwomL'ta tenori se ya'to' ,'Imam (a)tutan


keriting botak menyisir kusut gundul SISlr muka dahi, testa otak plpl mata bulu mata alis mata, kering

mata hij i mata hidung batang hidung lubang hidung membersihkan hidung telinga telinga tahi telinga bibir kumis janggut lllUlut rahang menutup mulut menganga lidah bibir at as dagu air liur air luciah gigi .. . g1g1 ser1 geraham ITJengg ig i t



grey hair friz:zly hair bald to comb uncombed shaven head a comb face forehead brain cheek eye eyelash eyebrow

pupil nose bridge of nose nostril to blow nose Inner ear outer ear ear wax lip moustache beard mouth jaw to shut mouth to open mouth wide tongue upper lip chin saliva, mouth juices saliva, phlegm tooth InClsor toorh molar tooth 1'0 hitf>

1.11 gnaw

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4b Dabu - Kepala - Head

memam ma'ni'par (e)mus (e)ferfurpar,

(e)titpar wan rani

(e)titpar war1 ran1 medata'no emra' bronai, batetiwai embayo dabu ida wado batetiwai afo womfe

mengunyah menelan mengisap meludah

meludahkan menjulurkan lidah leher tenggorokan pangkal tenggorokan gondok bersiul

to chew to swallow to suck 1n mouth to spit

to spit out to stick out tongue neck throat larynx goiter to whistle

4c tani Tubub manusia - Trunk

b'lyo datiwai ekre tiwo datiwai tiwo fetyo sa'a S1S0 siswafo (a)mus (e)tawe S1S0 fetyafo resne beb'o tarwafo mo'odi mo'odi tibo difoyadi soya1 soyai tiwo tep'e wado tep'e benatu rarpo tep'e wemyoto ikwai tep

, e fnou

bahu punggung tulang rusuk tulang punggung dada susu buah dada mengisap menyusui jantung paru-paru hati ginjal perut pusat pinggang pinggul lipatan paha usus usus kecil perut usus besar pantat dubur


shoulder back rib backbone chest breast milk female breas t to suck to suckle heart lungs liver kidney abdomen navel waist hip groin intestines small intestine stomach large intestine buttock anus

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tep'e tep'e wati bawafo

bawe menD

4c tani

kencing, bua?g aLr kecil

kotoran, tahi buang air besar zakar kantung kemaluan


kandungan, rahim

Tubuh aanusia - Trunk

to urinate

feces to defecate penl.S testicles

scrotum womb

4d Tanidon nyobarsa - Anggota tubuh - Limbs

epte fnou imad i fo Lma Lma mawar soudewar Lma biko Lma baro, Lma beba Lma bdo

, e

Lma endede endede eson do'e monmau befou eson ima befou ima basa oyal. bite oyaL beba oyai fare oyaL firo oyaL dabu IpO

oyaL s'oban wado tiwo ferepteti oya L befau oyal dahu tiwo


ketiak lengan tangan tangan kanan tangan kiri siku pergelangan tangan telapak tangan jari kelingking jari manis jari tengah jari telunjuk ibu jari kuku tumit telapak kaki jejak kaki betis lutut paha kaki urat otot jari kaki tempurung lutllt


armpi t upper arm hand and lower arm right hand left hand elbow wrist palm finger little finger ring finger middle finger forefinger thumb nail heel sole footprint calf knee thigh, upper leg foot, lower leg tendon, veIn muscle toe knl~(·' Crtp

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4e Ate., fenggomu - Pancaindera ~ Senses

(e )fda (e) fdawo fantan tidafnou tida fnou teborise (e)t'asan, (e)rom (e)rom

comarnewo . (e )rom fiyase cokide (e)t'asan sesya neskeskistan neseskistan nespepa comarnafe rarmo kompomo comarna mengger0n kumkumtan COmarna Ea' fo' comarna (e)rom ed'apar

mendengar mendengarkan menyumbat telinga tuli mel ihat menonton

menatap memperhat ikan me lirik me I i hat s e k i I as melihat-lihat memata-matai mencarl blJta rabun ju ling

to hear to listen to plug one's ears deaf to see to watch

(performance) to stare to look at closely to steal a glance; to glance at to look around to spy on to look for blind short-sighted crosseyed to shu t eyes tIl open eyes

menutlJp mata memblJka mata melihat dengan jelas to see clearly


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(e)t'odar comarna pepapnar sed·' otan tap emnas sadeti febidotap semne mensodi mariba (e)mnas (e)mnas Imser fenggomu (e)sidnar ta'ni, (e)titri' fenggomu ki t fenggomu (e)tawe (e)tet (e)dbapar fenggomu (a)wopar,

(e)temki t fiya (e)dade (e)sidnar (e)romfi use

(e)ta'ni'e sidnar sa wemyo sa wemyo tap (e)mnas sa wemyo

ima wase cota'ni'i tap (e)mnas betpopo (e)tnatan betpopo (e)t'asan Imser

fiyasema (e )yur fent i (e)yastan

4e Ate.. fenggOiau

mengedipkan mata rasa meraba mati rasa kasar lembut keras licin berlanyau tahu tahu dengan baik pikir kira harap ingat mengingatkan lupa menghafalkan

mengenal membedakan menghakimi,

mengadili mengharapkan menyangka bijaksana pandai bodoh mahir, cekatan,

cakap tolal menjaga dungu bisu, gila bingung gila menyelidiki

belajar menClum (bau)


Pancaindera - Senses

to wink to fee 1 to touch numb rough soft, tender hard smooth slimy to know to know thoroughly to think to guess, reckon to hope to remember to remind to forget to memorIze

to recognize to discern to judge

to expec t to suppose WIse intelligent numbskull skillful, capable

foolish, squanderer to guard, watch over foolish, simple dumb, crazy mixed up, confused crazy to do research

to study to smell

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4e Atem, fenggomu - Pancainder& - Senses

(e)mnase yensin emfiro mertoyu a'se a'se

menCIClpl menClum harum bau bau amis berbau busuk

to taste to kiss fragrant smell smelly (like fish~ I

to stink

4f Tanito fiya' - Kesehatan - Health

tani ser arl fef' e wemar fef' e fa' fe' es'er eser mermoru mefati tani bidotap memkari memkari

tani fiyamau tani fiyamau bido tani difo wemyo tani wadi wemyo tani era'ose, era bido srau yato' medeso miti kuriyamau memfitna nyc wado tengkon wema memkari tengkon

sakit nyeri, sakit luka sakit menucu hanc ur belisa lelah, capal letih lemah linu pegal

sehat sembuh kuat tegap gemuk kurus kekuatan gatal gigitan kudis kulit kasar kaskaoo

penyakitan jerawat patek panu


sick painful sore ache to throb crushed throbbing paIn weary tired weak pain In the bones stiff, painfully

tired healthy recovered strong big, husky fat thin strength itchy hi te scabies coarse skin scaly skin disease painfully thin sickness pimple framboesia, yaws light spots (skin


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t"anl fida edba' tetrori, meta'o'e sesis, fa'fo' medeso temto,

kuriyama temto data

batetiwai afo dardor, ta' ti' sebre tatnar prarpor tiwo si'tan mesai comarna iterof no'odi ra'ra mo'odi yafu senin tani faduwar teper mo'odi sa'si'tan dabu maru clafuma nen'awema

nen'awe no'odi mertiyo

4f Tanito fiya' - Kesebatan - Healtb

tegak bulu roma risa, belulang mengelupas penyakit kusta


gondok gemetar dingin menggigil bengkak kejang malaria pus1ng a5am sendawa lumpuh, bertukar asam sendawa kelumpuhan perut tidak enak mabok pilek, ingus dan

batuk batuk tersedu bersin


goose bumps ca 11 us peeled leprosy


goiter to tremble chill, shivering to shiver swelling st i ff malaria dizzy hiccup paralyzed, wasted heartburn paralysis stomach feels bad drunk to have, catch a

cold to cough to hicc(lugh to sneeze

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4f Tanito fiya'

bronai (e)tnot mesou (e)bdeditan mofo mefati nyo wado bronai waridon

me' ere dabu sa'a fa'fe' mo'odi sa'si'tan

rarsa rarsa ferani weram betpopo comarna ferarmo betpopo sida dabu moru uwometa fef'e mesal

tep'ari rani der sidama

seba mesal

Kesehatan - Health

tercekik obat menular

asma, bengek penyaki t leher pedis

pusing kepala sakit perut

cacar cacar aIr penyakit paru-paru tuli buta gila berdarah mabok sakit glgl demam typhus

penyakit kolera

timpang demam


to choke medicine contagious death rattle asthma illness sore throat

headache to have a stomach

ache small pox chicken pox tuberculosis to be deaf to be blind to be crazy to bleed drunk to have a toothache typhoid fever


limp fever

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wema mesou use (e)doit nyo wado n a's ide f e ye ,

(e)t'asane (e)feye awopar (e)mnas nyo wado,

nlsana mesou dimo (d)en mesou dimo comarna bera're'

4f Tanito fiya' - Kesehatan - Health

luka ilmu penyakit jatuh sakit memeriksa

menyembuhkan gejala

rumah sakit

to be cut pathology to be taken ill to give a medical

examination to cure a disease symptom

hospital pasien patient sakit radang selaput conjunctivitis

mata fenggomu to fera'ra' pingsan faint, unconscious

to suffer from worms swollen

endedmeto wemyo caclngan prarpor bengkak

4g (E)non, (A)bon - Kehidupan, kelahiran - Life, birth

(e)fau (d)enon (e)per pare pare (e)kitwersa



(e)fta resa, tent anima

wererabinetyo, (e)yitema rarmose

mefendi (re)nemfani (ri)bon net yo

natlIn (e)tfo' angker tap ed'apar

natunmall tefei

menjadi, mengandung hidup meninggal dunia mayat menghidupkan kembali

melahirkan (binatang)

melahirkan (orang)

hamil, menganrlung

hami 1 tak sah


keguguran lahir dini, lahir

sebelum waktunya


to become, pregnant to live to die corpse to revive,

resuscitate give birth (animal)

to give birth (person)

to be pregnant

illegitimate pregnancy

midwi fe

miscarry premature hirth

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5 Byo fefimabe - Sikap, perbuatan - Postures, actions

5a Ksufar, etki'esa, maros - Berbaring, berdiri, duduk -Lying, standing, sitting

(e)sufar tersa mo'odi sed'a (e)sufar wado

wersasa (e)sufar ekre

(mawar, soudewar)


(e)doitewo (e)maros (e)matos dedmese (e)maros fa'du'

IpO afo, oyai enan

ipo pedna (e)matosesi (e)tki'esa (c)derdur

berbaring rata tiarap telentang

miring (sebelah kid, kanan)


menggeletak duduk duduk tegak bersimpuh

duduk angkat kaki

dud uk be r s i 1 a mendudukkan berdiri berjongkok


to lie down flat to lie face down to lie on back

on one's side right)

to lie at full length

to sprawl to sit


to sit up straight to sit on folded

legs to sit with one leg

across another to sit crosslegged to seat to stand up to squat

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5a Ksufar, maros - Berbaring, duduk - Lying, sitting

(e)su'tan hitimwar munollr lo back up, m()v,~

hack (e)su'tan(e)wo COfll, maju to move forward,

(e)rfar taitensene progress (e)oau menginjak to step on (e)ra'ra'ewo melangkah to stride oyal {e)memrem menghentakkan to stamp wanerara gaya berjalan walk, gait (e)sadit berjalan to walk (a)tusi berhenti{lah) stop, halt! {e}tusi berhenti to stop (e)f it awomowar , membelok to turn ( rt. or It. )

(e)yau (e)t'asan bi t imwar menoleh to turn around,

about face (e)dlls mengelakkan to avoio

5b (K)sufar, etki'esa - Tidur, bangun - Sleep, awake

(e)sufar pergl tidur to go to bed monl (e )tune mengantllk sleepy (e)sufar tid ur to sleep monl (e)sar'e bermimpi to dream (e)sufar den use menglgall to talk In sl(~ep

fet fent ima


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5b (E)sufar, etki'esa - Tidur, baogun - Sleep, awake

(e)siwortono tap (e )tro' ewo

moni den da'e wemyo den moni (e)tro'ewo (e)'te'esi (e)tki'

(e)tki'esa monl nememrem orure (e)perkitpar

mengorok tidur ayam, tidak

nyenyak ket iduran tidur nyenyak membangunkan bangun

bangun tertidur membalik

to snore half asleep

to oversleep to sleep soundly to waken, arouse to wake up, awake

(from sound sleep) to get up, rise to fall asleep to turn over

5c (E)rseya, (e)mnau - Bekerja, beristirabat - Working, resting

(e)mnau (e)mnapar (e )mfan (e)swore (e)tusi, (e) swore

(e)sadit (e)mnapar (e)fei (e)rseya (e)fei (e)rseya nyo (e )rseya fememoru

(e)wo (e)tu (e) sit (e)rispar (e)fide (e)yade (e)rispar

(e)dasewo (e)dasoso

istirahat tenang menunggu berhenti berhenti berjalan

beristirahat membuat pekerjaan bekerja tugas sibuk

5d Bepergian - Going

pergl tiba, sampal masuk kembal i memutar berkeliling memutar kembali,

berbalik keluar ke darat pergi kedarat


rest to be quiet to wait (for) to stop to stop walking

to get rest to make, do work to work task busy

to go to arrIve to enter, to return to turn


to go around


to turn around,

go inland go inland


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(e)mra'ewo (e)werwersa (e)werwersi


(e)dasiwo (e)dase (e)dafeto (e)fide (e)fadnar rerki (e)yoyi'par (e)dus (e)sodi (e)por

(e)pepop rara (e)'o'au (e)fo'par tani

(e)terof tani (e hof (eHadnar (e)sawo

pergi ke laut

keluar datang ke timor datang kebawah, ke

barat dari darat kepada

saya dan laut ke timor ke kiri ke kanan menyimpang, memutar meloncat ke SlS1

hilir mudik memintas, memotong melewati menyeberang,

menerbang kesasar mengembara melepaskan diri

melarikan diri lad meloncat memanjat


5d Bepergian - Going

go toward ocean from us

go out go east, come come down, go west

from inland toward me and ocean

to the east to the left to the right to swerve to dodge to and fro to take a shortcut to go past to go across,

to be lost to wander to escape

to run away ,

to run to Jump to climb trel'

to fly

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5d Bepergian - Going

(e)tisawo (e)dududewo ( e )t a' e, ne t a ' e (e)fedma'mi' (e)sa'si'tan,


mendaki memburu mengikut beriring-iring mengejar

(e)senei sarno sakese berjalan bersama-sama


(e)wite {e)farur (",)femnensa {e)fra'fetpar,

(e)fetpar :I,'~,newo

'c [La dami :-.1 ru'se


menjemput berkumpul mengarungi jarak, ulur

jauh Slnar matahari dekat

5e Taniye top'ewo - Arab gerakan

(,~)sawo, (e)tisa (e)disa (e)tki'esa (e)tki'esa (e)tisa (e)porsi (e)kit (e)porsi -(e)sarparesi (e)fa' pare

(e)fo'pare tani (e)fa' edoi t (e)fa'edoit afo (e)ta' par (e)merur waridon (e)parpar (e)parpar (e)turtar

naik, panj At

mengangkat berdiri bangun naik keatas turun membawa turun menjatuhkan melepaskan

melepaskan diri jatuh menimpa gugur jatuh kedalam menllmpahkan menuang mencelup


to climb a hi 11 to hunt to go with to walk In file to pursue, chase

seize) to go with

to meet (in the street)

to pick up to assemble to wade across distance

far sun's rays near

Directional motions

to go up to raise, lift to stand up to rIse up to go up (stairs) to go down to bring down to drop to release, free,

let fall to escape from fall

( tol

to fallon something to drop (leaves) to fall into to spill to pour out to dip, immerse 1n


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5e Taniye top'ewo - Arah gerakan - Directional motions

(e)sensane (e)tutan (e)fadnar (e)siwo (e)sarparesi

(e )risparesi, (e)fidesi

na'ra (e)dedednar (e)sro' (e)sro' ferisrispar (e)dnin (e)su'tanewo (e)doitewo cofuwar ( e )t a sis pa r (e)perpirpar (e)ra'ra'par (e)sa'af (e)doitsi matos

(e)doit dabufei metan

(e)doitewo adowersase


, \

menitik menetes menekan meloncat kebawah meruntuhkan

menyungsang, membalikkan

runtuhkan terperosok terpelanting mendorong menyorongkan tersungkur meluncur merosot hancur bersandar jatuh terduduk

jatuh terbalik

jatuh tertelentang

to drip to press dL>wn to jump down to overthrow, pull

down to turn upside down

faded colors to collapse (intr.) stepped in (a hole) thrown to one side to push to move over to fall forward to slip, skid to slip off collapse (tr.) to lean on to fall into a

sitting position to fall head first

to fall on one's back

pergl kelu<I kr' lalltr to go out tOW'::lI",j


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5e Taniye top'ewo - Arab gerakan - Directional motions

(e)kitewo membawa (e)ra' mencabut (e)yit mengambil ( e)rpar mengirim (e)fo' membuka (e)wo pindah (e)detpar menyebar (e)nansi meninggalkan (e)wo berangkat (e)sit masuk (e)nansi menaruh (e)' on menarik (e)'orur mengangkut

(e)tas mengisi penuh (e)sesi, (e)berimfan menutup (e)sersurnar menyisipkan (e)memrem menusuk (e)mninar bersembunyi (e)mninar menyembunyikan (e)dedme, tersa fiya meratakan (e)dedednar membongkar (e )fos memuat (e)sosus menghilangkan (e)sode menabrak, melanggar

to to to to to to to to to to to to to

to to to to to to to to to to to

ocean take away extract, pull out take out send open move (intr.) scatter leave (something) leave, depart enter place draw, haul, take away,

transport cram close

pull to

insert, enter stab, insert hide (intr.) hide, conceal level unload load, fi 11 up omit, leave out bump into

5f (K)kit - Bawa - Carry

(e )taput memegang to hold (e)fsis menggendong to carry on back (e )rfar memikul to carry with pole

(shoulders) (e)senson mengepit to carry under arm (e)nan dabu menjunjung to carryon head (e)dode pegang to hold 1n front of

one (e)rfar memanggul to carry on shoulder (e )terput menjinjing to carry by hand (e)besbasi menggotong to carry a thing


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(e)bedna mengllsllng

5f (E)kit - Bawa - Carry

(several people carry)

to carryon a stretcher

5g (E) fun. (e)dus. feser'ari. (e)re' - PukuI, potong. rusak, pecab - Hit. cut. break

(e)fun (e) femfun (e)ta'tut (e)so'dar (e)'oror

(e)fun nefrertit

(e)mdarer (e)mdarer (e)mdarer (e)so'dar ranI (e)'oror

(e H' on (e)pepapnar (eHa'fe' lma beba

memukul orang pukul api mengetuk mengguncangkan menggerakkan orang,

menggoyang memukul

berulang-ulang menghancurkan remuk hancur menggerakkan alr menggerakkan,

menggoyang kena menyentuh, meraha hertepuk tangan


to hit a person to hit a fire to knock (door) to shake to move, shake a

person to hit repeatedly

to smash smashed completely shattered to agitate water to agitate

to hit from above to touch to clap hands

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5g (K)fun, (e)dU8, - Pukul, potong, - Bit, cut .D


( ehem ((~)rempare (e)fa'fe' (e)ferefren'on (e)dnin (e)dus ai, (e)'atpar

a1 (e)sosus ebde (e)'atpar

(e)' orur (e)dodut {e)dus ai {e)sersirnar,

{e)'o'par {e)tar {e)so {e he'

(e he' (e)fa'fo' {e)sesis

(e )mn)m (e)'a'su'

meninju menumpas menampar bertubrukan mendorong memotong (kayu)

mempertajarn meraut

mencukur menggaruk menebang (pohon) meng1rls

memangkas menusuk, menikam membedah

membelah mengupas menguliti pohon

to box to destroy to slap to collide to push away to cut, chop (wood)

to sharpen (knife) to whittle, sharpen

(penci 1) to shave to scrape to cut down (tree) to slice

to cut (hair, grass) to stab to operate (on a

sick person) to split, chop to peel to take bark off

tree membagi to divide mengelompokkan orang divide people into


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(e)fo' par fare (e)fe' (e)kispar (e)terutnar


(e)kis, (e)'at

(e)fei feritane, (e)bonfan, (e)bontan

(e)'ot (e)re'


memawalse (e)ra' re' feser'ari (e)'ot

(e he'

5g (E)fun. (e)dus. - Pukul. potong. - Hit. cut

memisahkan bekas luka menakik memenggal mengerat




mematahkan memecahkan


retak robek, sobek rusak patah


groups to separate scar to notch to cut off to cut into small

pieces to cut (with

scissors) to pick off (fruit,

flower) to repair, redo,


to snap, break to break apart

(bread, fruit) wo u nd, b rea k, <: lJ t

skin cracked (glass)

torn damaged brokt'n (st ick-J ike



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5g (E)fun, (e)dus, - Pukul, potong, Hit, cut

(e He' menyepak to kick (e)so tersandung, menikam to stub toe (e)dall menginjak to step on

5h (E)dnin, (e)'on, (e)fe'wo, (e)bon Dorong, tarik, lempar, taruh - Push, pull, throw, put

(e)tepar (eHe'wo ( e ) y i t (e He' wo ima seS1snar (e)ta'titpar

(e)semsempar (e)perpirparewo (e)memrampar (e)seisortan (e)seisor (e)nansi, (e)nan,

(e)bonsa (e)nanewo (e)tertidesi (e) fan (e)sor (e)fo'par yangkar (e)'on yangkar (e)nanwero (e)dnin (e)skisnar (e)tertur (e)fontan (e)tutan (e)tutan (e)dninewo rerki (e)si (e)det

ferisu', (e)rirnar (e)yaftan

(e)tu[-an mnense, (e)fit

membuang melempar melemparkan memerciki mengebaskan,

mengebutkan bersikat menghamburkan menebarkan (jala) memasang memakai menaruh, meletakkan

menylmpan menutupi menembak memasukkan membuang sauh mengangkat sauh menaruh kembali rnendorong mencubit memeras menekan tekanan rnendorong kesarnping menerobos

rnengingsut rnemipihkan



to throwaway to throw at, pelt to throw to sprinkle to shake out

to brush off to scatter to cast (fish nets) to install to put on clothes to place

to put away to cover up to throw to insert to cast anchor to weigh anchor to replace to push to pinch fo squeeze to press pressure to shove aside to shove through,

break 1n to shift (something) to flatten, make

th in to twist, turn

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5h (E)dnin, (e)'on - Dorong, tarik - Push, pull

imameit simpan barang pllt away stuff (e)'on menarik t() pu 11, catch fish (e)ra' mencabut to pull out, extraci (e)kis memetik to pick ( flower) (e He' fido membului to pluck (chicken) (e)sosus menghunus to draw (sword) (e)ra' to weed

(e)'at menggali to dig (e)mni' menelan to swallow ( e)mus mengisap to suck, inhale imser berbadima potong dgn tanah cut with dirt (e)'ot menyadap to tap (tree)

5i (E)fau, (e)tertit - Ikat, tutup - Tie, cover

(e)fau (e)fau den tesese (e)mpon (eHau-

(eHa'du' (e)yartane (e)fedotpar


mengikat mengikat jadi satu membungkus memintal (tali)

menggul ung membengkokkan mengura i kan, membllka

ikat ;m

to tie up to tie In bundle to wrap lip to roll, twist

(string) to roll lip to bend (tr.) to untie

membongkar, membuka to oismantle


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5i (E)fau. (e)tertit - Ikat. tutup - Tie. cover

(e)detparewo membentangkan to open out, spread (t ikar) (mat, rug)

(e)feridetpar terbuka uncovered (e)tertit menutup to close basa tutup, penutup lid wado tali rope, string

5j (E)tawe. (e)yit. - Beri. ambit - Give. take


(e )tawe (e)sidnar (e)mrom (e)tawe pedrarda (e) tawe pana mensiyo denone (e)taufe wero (e)sime wero temto mensiyo denon (e )wopar (p)yit (e)farur (p)fen'o rar'\)r (e)yure

membagikan, memberikan

memberi menyerahkan membagi mempercayakan memberi makan berhutang membayar hutang menagih orang yang berhlltang lunas mengambil mengumpulkan menCllrl merampas

to gIve Ollt

to gIve to hand over to divide to entrust to feed to owe to pay a debt to demand payment debtor paid to take to gatht":'r to ste;:d t \) I-oh, grab

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5j (E)tawe, (e)yit, - Beri, ambil - Give, take

(eHen'o (e)dot (e)dot (e)fersesasar (e)fen'o nyobarsa (e)soro' (e)mrom nyo (e)tawe ebema nyo ebema nyo srono (eHeiyama fiya weyan fetiyafo fiya fiyare

mencopet menangkap (bola) menangkap (orang) mencekau, merebut barang rampasan menolong sumbangan hadiah mewariskan ahli waris mengganjar llpah bermurah hat i mengorbankan

5k (E)sosus, (e)'as - Gosok, cuci

(e)sosus (e)yam (e)soslls (e)tepar (e He' desa (e)sosus fiya (e)'as (e)' as cofu (e)sedos rani (e)sedos tani (e)skis mememba (e)'as daburau

(e)'as siwometa

menghapus menyapu menyeka menyemir mengebut menggosok bersih menCUCl menCUCI muka mandi memandikan mencuci pakaian berlangir, mencuci

rambut menggosok gigi


to pickpocket to catch (ball) to seIze (person) to grab, seIze booty to help donation gift to bequeath heir to reward wages generous to sacrifice


Rub, wash

to rub out, erase to sweep to WIpe to polish to dust to rub clean to wash to wash ( face) to bathe to bathe someone to launder clothes to wash hair

to clean teeth

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6 Tani eidat - Perasaan, penilaian - Emotions, evaluations

6a Fiyaaau, ser'ari - Baik, jelek - Good, bad

fiyamau fiyamau fiyap fiyamause denatu fiya ser'ari kudin (e)mra' (e)ta'ewo fiyamause nyomau sake fetiyafo emfiro temtomau

baik indah cantik ganteng jelek, buruk untunglah kebetulan baik sekali penting rendah hat i maniS saleh


good beautiful (things) beautiful (person) handsome bad, ugly fortunately by chance very good important (affair) meek sweet piOUS, virtuous

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6a Fiyamau, ser'ari - Baik, jelek - Good, bad

efda demaruse wane rara

kido maki maki fiya (e)' on (e) y i t

maki maki (,,)mnas wemyo ramo sa'a meta menmen werarabi meneuse (e)darda sa

sa te fiya nyo ser'ari den sawo wemyo maki serba ser'ari temto foruse rifi tani ta'bwai ima dyaoe kido (e)fei esda 'i~ teter dedwo fetyafo mefna

beribadat, adat sifat

kejam sederhana sopan-santun menarik halus

religious character

fierce, cruel simple politeness, courtesy interesting refined, polite

dengan pandai cerdik nakal

kepala dingin temperate wise, clever

termasuk keji jaga nama

nama baik biadab congkak ramah berbudi


busuk (orang) gotong royong linea bicara kasar jahat berdosa berdosa ganas


naughty shameful shameful

about sex

guard one's reputation

good reputation rude, impolite conceited friendly, intimate reasonable, rational corrupt mutual cooperation argue ruo.e cruel, wickeo do wrong sin fu I savage

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tap I~rnnas use tani densawo atesai (e)rer fetyafn Eya fetyafn fiya maki memdut (e)fei den sadas

ma'ro mori wado

namtum bose

6a Fiyamau. ser'ari

tidak sopan sombong murah hati baik hati tulus hati, jujur budi bahasa bangga bangga

keluarga kawan terlahir

dekat-dekat nama sarna karib

Baik. jelek - Good. bad

impolite arrogant generous good-natured honest courtesy proud proud (family,

country) extended family two born at same

time people of same name close (friend)

6b Menaau. esda - Benar. salah - True. false

mermau ed'apar mermau mermau seipau warisere' (e)dartar mato medata'no medata'no daidu

dai angker esda esda wemyo (e)mamtan pan a memtn penekne

wemyo (e)sensene (e)fei esda

benar tepat sungguh betul membohong men1pu men1pu seperti lidah ular seperti ular

berkepala dua saksama salah kesalahan bingun rakus

mengampllnl keliru


right, correct exact real real to tell a lie to deceive to deceive, cheat forked tongue two-faced

accurate, right wrong, erroneOllS mistake confuspd greedy

to forgivp wrong

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6c (K)b'or. (e)yit - Mau. dapat - Want. able

(e)b'or (e)msat (e)'orpar (e)dnin fenggomu meta manonfi (e)sepa sa (e)sepa sa (e)mnase rlplpuna

pana memto fetyafo (e)'an (e)b'or (e)b'or fetyafo (e)'an fetyafo (e)'an wemyo

mau mau tidak mau menolak cita-cita berhasrat berambisi ingin mencari nama terkenal egois, kikir,

sekakar lahap, rakus menyukai suka akan ingin keinginan sangat menginginkan

fetyafo (e)'an ima (e)tawe (e)senseni (e)senseni

wemyo haus akan

wane rara fiyamau (e )rom dedwo (e)sade (e)sade

serafrei semne wemyo dabu toro ebe (e)yit (e)dus fi

(e)' at (e)'oti bido bido (e)b'or

menghormati menghargai mengagumi junjun, orang baik mencapai mencintai gemar akan

tamak, serakah kikir kikir menang mengatasi

kalah mengalahkan sanggup, mamp'l kuat boleh


to want to want to not want to refuse goal, ideal to covet amb i t ious to covet fame famous selfish

gluttonous to like to be fond of to covet, desire desire to desire very

strongly to thirst for to esteem to appreciate to admire good person to reach to desire, love to have a passion

for to be greedy for) stingy stingy to win to overcome (a

problem) to lose to beat, defeat capable strong a llowed to

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6d Fiya, fetiyafo ser'ari - Senang, susah - Happy, sad

mernd u' fiya memdu (e)fe i memdu' memd u' (e)d'apar warl Slwon (e)n'on (e)mermit use (e )tepar

fetyafo ser' ari (e) tan meno waridon (r)en awari (e)nastan mofo atesaye fefiyasebe memdori (e)fei memdori (e)fei (e)yaftane (e)wari memdo (e)mermit sesasema

(e)'erome (e)dodutfe memadi memadi memdo mernar (e)wari (e)tnote coranl nemyar

(e)tan ida wemyo

Slwe erpor

sosial senang sukacita bersenang hati gembira puas tersenyum tertawa menghilangkan

kesusahan susah hati menangis berdukacita berkabung mengaduh mengerang kasihan bahagia sangat gembira girang hati menghibur meratap bermuka gembira tertawa

terkekeh-kekeh menikmati ganjaran lelucon lucu rlang berseri-seri meratapi tersedu-sedu air matanya

berlinang-linang menangis dengan

nyarlng muram


social, happy happy, gay, joyful joyful to rejoice pleased sat is fied to smile to laugh to dispel sadness

sad to cry to be sorrowful to mourn to whimper to groann, moan pity happy overjoyed cheerful to comfort to lament, wail to be all smiles to giggle

to enjoy reward joke funny cheerfu 1 to shine, radiate to bewail to sob to burst into tears

to cry aloud

gloomy, sad

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6d Fiya, fetiyafo ser'ari - Senang, susah - Happy, sad

siwe erpo r me mb e r e ngut to s.ulk

6e (K)msade, fefetyafo ser'ari - Cinta, benci - Love, hate


fenggomu (e)fei atesai fefetyafo ser'ari fefetyafo ser'ari fefetyafo ser'ari metamanon metamanon fetyafo fa'fe' e rin puwe at e sai atesai maki (e)dade (e)sidnar (e)msat (e)yoyi (e)te' e (e) ' auna re (e)tki dwe fun (e)be t (e)s o r s i d e n

fenggdmu war i do n

menga s ihi, me ncintai to love jatuh cinta to fall in love ingat baik, s a yang mend e ndam b e nci iri hat i cemburu dengki

t o reme mber kind to hold a grudge t o hate e nvious jealous maliciously jealou resentful peace compaSSion

kesal perdamaian kasihan kasih, cinta, r amah berpra s angka b e rpra sang ka rindu menggang u mengganggu me ngkh i anat i naik d ar ah ma r a h

sayang love

me n y i mpa n perasaan


friendly, kind prejudiced prejudiced longing, desire annoy t o annoy t o b e tray to become angry angry to kee p f ee ling

o n ese lf

6e (K)msade, fefetyafo ser'ari - Cinta, benci - Love, hate

tap (e)swo r fe nggomu t e 'aspar (e)dedyade us e (e)f'am mnens e us e (e)dredade (e )swore sidnarmau (e )'aspare (e )tanyete (e)fe yi ser'ari (e)'aunare

A (

tak sabar dongkol ma s ih marah sedikit biar marahnya mereda menggoda hilang kesabarannya geram, sangat mar a h tersinggung menindas menghina

impatient angry inside still a little angry l e t anger cool t o tempt, seduce lose one's t emper t o be furi o us to be 0 H e nd ed t o oppress to humiliat e

6f Nen'a (e)fei - Ketakutan - Fear

n e n'a (e)fei t ani nen'a me ne

temtomau tap nen'a fei tap nen'a fei t a p nen'a f e i (e ) fu t (e )ta't a ne ne n ' a ( e H e i fenggomu ( e ) yit

takut pe ngecut, pen a kut malu

b e rani memb e ranikan di r i tidak takut g agah b e ran i be rpantang me ngan c am ce ma s kh a wa tir


afraid coward timid, shy,

embar·ra ssed t o dare t o take c o urag e not afr aid c o urageous , b rav e t o abst ai n frdm t o th reat en wo r ri e d a nXi Ous

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6f Ren'a (e)fei - Ketakutan - Fear

feri'ot fenggomu (e)wopar atedba'par tani nen'a wemyo bido nen'a pe (e)per

dabu sa'a mafna wemyo

dabu sa'a semne wemyo

( e)fut (e)fdaye

gugup bingung bingung, lupa bersemangat kambing berani mati

berkeras kepala, bandel

berkeras kepala, bandel

tabu percaya

nervous confused, upset confused, upset chicken-hearted audacious, not

afraid of death stubborn, obstinate

stubborn, obstinate

taboo to trust, believe

6g Tani (e)rseya - Kerajinan Industriousness

tani (e)rseya ( e)fei (e)fei eidat (e)d'apar tap (e)d'apar dabu sa'a meta' dabu sa'a te fiya memto medata'no

daidu penekne ima kereu waso memremtan memre'mtan war1 seso nyo erseya (e)yite sadit (e)fei awopar

rajin usaha berusaha mampu tidak mampu pandai cerdik, cerdas licik

licik tangkas malas segan keseganan keras terhadap tugas menjalankan menyelesaikan

industrious effort to try able, capable unable, incapable ski llful clever, shrewd crafty, cunning

crafty, cunning dexterous, artistic lazy reluctant apathy strict, stern task to carry out to finish

6h Fetiyafo fiya - Kerendahan hati - Humility

(e) fda use fetyafo fiya maki ima tawe

taat, patuh rendah hati sapan mengharmati


to obey humble, modest polite to respect

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wane rara fiya r l[H puna waso tap serba' fetyafo fiya maki fiya' (e)senseni serba' ate tani densawo (e)di tani dabu sa' a wemyo,

semne serba fo' fo' se fenggomu daidu ta'ene

6h Fetiyafo fiya Kerendahan hati - Humility

sifat baik egois setia murah hati murah hati lemah lembut mengampunl pengasihan lagak sombong menyombongkan diri besar kepala

kebaikan hamba pikiran dua menyerah

virtue selfish faithful generous generous kind, gentle to forgive mercy attitude arrogant to boast big-headed

goodness servant fickle to surrender

7 - - Ko.unikasi - Communication

(e)fatorfe (e) f' amfe (e)simtare (e) fatorfe (e)sime (e)f'amfe deimau

sake (e)semsime (e)skitnare (e)ski'e (e )fos (e)re'narfi (e)sime (e)ski'i (e) f' am fe fenti (e)tawe (e)fnauwe

7a Fatorfe - Bicara

mengatakan bilang bertanya menjawab memohon, meminta berterima kasih

memanggil memerintah memerintah menyebut menerangkan mengundang mendesak menceritakan menasehati mengajar



to say, speak, tell to say to ask to answer to request to thank

to call to command to command to name to explain to invite to urge to tell (3 story) to advise to teach

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7a Fatorfe - Bicara - Speaking


liefatorfi r~nggomu (e)tawi 'Isefent i ,>he (e)tawe (e)kokiunare (e)betfe (e)betfe-barfe srameuse (e)b'orfi (e)fnenin use , . me else (e) yaft anfi (e)f'am menose



no 0 a use bedbuduse tabora (e)f' amfe

membicarakan mengingatkan ceritera mengizinkan mencela memarahi mencaci-maki berbantah menyetujui menyangkal mengutuki menenangkan berbicara secara

rahasia menuduh kata bahasa logat legenda legend a dongeng menyatakan


to discuss to remind story to permit to criticize to scold to scorn, ridicule to argue to agree to deny to put a curse on to pacify to speak

confidentially to accuse word language dialect legend legend fairy-tale to state, clarify

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ida (e)namfisi use (e)seipau use (e)dartar warisere wereida (e)f'am fedartar

(e)b'orfe nenef' amfe use nememremtan nepepapar (e)si'efat (e)topar (e)'a'e (e)f'amfi ida wemyo

(e)menunare (e)fartan nemnenunar bebdo nemnenunar (e)yawe

7a Fatorfe - Bicara - Speaking

suara berjanji menipu berdusta, memhohong menipu bunyi lafal, ucapan omong kosong

menyahut pidato gagap berkomat-kamit menjerit kaget berteriak berbicara dengan

keras berbisik bersungut-sungut bersungut-sungut mengeluh meraung meraung


voice to promise to deceive to tell a lie to deceive to sound pronunciation chat ter

to reply speech to stutter to mouthe, mumble to scream startled to shout to speak loudly

to whisper to grumble to grumble to complain t,) moan to moan

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7b (E)ter - Menulis - Writing

aimeta potlot aimeta pena aimeta pulpen aimeta potlot berwarna (e}ter menulis (e)ter menoranl menulis surat

I -- ....... ~. " , .:.-: ,

====j) ::;.--==== .....

(e)pareyasi-yerpare- surat-menyurat wo

(e)ter (e)ftar (e)yur fartarsa menoranl usefenti embra' (e)ter fenggomuse sano, werosano menoranl mamuse

nyomau sake (e)terma nyo erfe menorani

waridon menorani ri tenua riyo erit riyo' tibose

mengetik menerbitkan terbi tan buku perbendaharaan kata imlah jilid buku tulis, buku

catatan bukti tertulis buku harian

dokumen tertulis mencoret-cnret singkat'ln


pencil pen fountain pen colored penc i 1 to write to write a letter

to correspond

to type to publish edition book vocabulary dictation volume notebook

written proof diary

written document to scribhle abbreviation

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rau rneno.1 F() s ina use-usese ren syake nefei fent i fent i papo ri terma homtan eter


kertas tinta sastera mengarang karangan papan tulis kapur


7b (E)ter - Henulis - Writing

paper ink literature to write, compose c om po sit ion blackboard chalk


7c Menorani dimo - Kantor pos - Post office

menorani dimo (e)rparewo


kant or pos mengirim



po s t 0 f f i c f'

to send (letter, t,~ legram)

to receive (1 P lrpr, te l'~gra'll)

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7c Menorani dimo - Kantor pos - Post office

menorani wado marna wado marna pede den

surat telepon telegram alamat

7d (E)fnaunar - Pendidikan

(e)fnaunar (e) fnaunar skola'a bori (e)fnaunare (e) fnauna re TtP-nOranl nyo erfe clabu sekolah '€)sit :.e)yur fenti (.? )memre lap memre (e)sit sekolah nyo erseya dimo r;)esdo papo riterma papo riterma aitibo bomtan fadu eter menorani mamuse toye sesworl nyo erfe (e hfe fenti mesou use senam use (e)rur efro na'asid rifi (e)ta'stan na'asid rifi angker erur ny0 erseya

mengajar mendidik murid berlatih latihan buku pelajaran kepala sekolah masuk belajar lulus tidak lulus bersekolah kantor ruangan kelas papan tulis meja tulis kursi kapur tulis buku latihan tas mata pelajaran bacaan tulisan karangan ilmu kesehatan sejarah ilmu bumi menyelidiki menyelid iki memeriksa mengukur pekerjaan


letter telephone telegram address


to teach to educate, train pupil to practice exerCIse book lesson principal to enter to study to pass to fail to go to school office classroom blackboard desk chair chalk exerCIse book satchel, bag subject reading writing essay hygiene history geography to investigate to investigate to examIne to measure (manual) work

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fenggomu orur (e)rur efro mesdo (e)sidnar nyo toro nyu srono awet temtori

7d (E)fnaunar

menghafal(kan) ilmu alam ruang kuliah percobaan kebudayaan berat kebudayaan filsafat

7e Refesfos - Pengangkutan

rara rara medase oyai fare (e)brerimfan rara rara ima dedna tarye sadit oyaise (e)bdi oto (e)bdi wo'o (e)newo (e)tki' (e)wetu rara rerki pepop rara oto


jalan jalan raya jejak merintangi jalan persimpangan jembatan berjalan kaki naik kendaraan naik kapal bepergian berangkat tiba pinggir jalan salah jalan kendaraan


Pendidikan - Education

to learn by heart natural science lecture hall experiment folklore culture phi losophy


road paved road trail to block the road crossroad bridge to go on foot to go by vehicle to go by boat to travel to depart to arrIve road side to lose one's way vehicle

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7e Refesfos Pengangkutan - Transportation

wo'oma fuse moki wo'oma yatse wo'o wo'o rerauma wo'o bada faso (e)da' rau faso dabu faso

faso dabu mobil nyo barsa

sepeda motor ban pesawat terbang kapal kapal layar perahu rakit dayung berdayung layar kapten kemudi

soplr bagasi

motorcycle tire, rubber airplane hoat sailboat canoe ra ft oar to row sail captain rudder, steering

wheel driver baggagge

8 Knyo (e)nefeima - Mata Pencaharian - Livelihood

8a Utedon - Pertanian -

utedon utedon utedon (e)dus al prai elsor (e)'at (e)fas (e)'a'ot (e)kis fetobori (e)re' badi (e) yam utedon temto safya airall memto afo mebemhonewo (e)fe' alrall afn dededme

kebun sawah ladang menebang pohon rumput liar menggali menanam panen memetik jerami membajak menggaruk petani subur hama biji menahur menahur deretan


garden, plot wet field dry field to chop down trees weeds to dig to plant harvest to pick stubble, straw to plow to rake farmer fert i le plant disease, pest seed to sow to sow row

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(e)'oti'isu pede utedon ranI neprepidi morau pral Imser mlyora (e)kenkin (e)yosesiwo (e)ra' pede ranI etorema etau persa'o badi rau (e)mus (e)ra' (e)fas (e)b'oit

8a Utedon - Pertanian -

memangkas petak menyiram layu disiangi menyiangi memungut merambat mencabut saluran pengairan jalur tanah, pece tanah berkembang memindahkan tanaman tumbuh

to prune section of a field to spray, sprinkle withered weeded to weed to harvest to spread to pull irrigation canal furrow soil soil to bloom transplant to grow

8b Spepa ina - Penangkapan ikan - Fishing

spepa lna (e)memrampar bano tatsarfer

mencari ikan memancing tangkai pancing

to go fishing to fish with a line fishing rod

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8b Spepa ina Penangkapan ikan - Fishing

rna' at i tern to· nelayan

s~~pa ina, (e)'on bdaki

menangkap ikan semacam racun ikan,

akar tuba demodi rau men'o marne (e)fa'fe'nar (e}tepar

beb'a (e)ra'

aimeta o'arna (e)sofan

(e)dedudi dedudi (e)yuro nani nespepaiwo

semacam racun ikan semacam racun ikan

nembare meracuni ikan memasang lukah,

membuang keranjang ikan mengosongkan lukah

penikam bendungan membendung

Be (K)dedudi - Perburuan

berburu binatang buruan pemburu mengejar


to catch fish type of fish poison

type of fish pOlson type of fish poison to poison fish to set a fish trap

fish basket to empty out

fish trap spear dam to dam up


to go hunting game hunter to hunt, stalk

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(e) horn f i (e) dusl' (e)riso (e)f'on tap (e)f'on (e)funpare

(e)funset sidama barye nefan'o asine'o bertinya ta'ba ritotse

semharma aiwadi (e)fure

8e (K)dedudi - Perburuan - Hunting

memikat to lure mengepung to round up menusuk to pierce kena to hit (target) tidak kena to mISS membunuh to ki 11

\~1/ r::::rsi£2W ,I" , \\. hi

melukai panah anak panah anak panah ibu panah, busur ibu panah ked 1 kepala panah dari

bulu kepala panah panah beraclJn


to wound bow and arrow arrow arrow big bow small bow bamboo arrowhe,1d

arrowhead poisoned arr()w

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8c (K)dedudi Perburuan - Hunting

(e) fan (e)fan padai angker (e)yit (e)sdi bertinyabe

wado (e)fo'par bertinyabe

wado (e)yo' urum,

bertinya ser'obi etewor memaS1 aimeta (e)so sebde (e)so noba aiwadi nan1 barye

melepaskan panah menembak senapan, bedil membidik memasang tali busur

melepaskan busur

menarik busur

panah kepala empat panah kepala satu semacam panah tombak, lembing menombak pisau menikam parang anjing pemburu senjata

to shoot an arrow to shoot ( firearm) gun, ri fle to a1m to string a bow

to release bow

to tense a bow

4 pointed arrow i single pointed arro1 type of arrow I spear to spear knife to stab machete hunting dog weapon


8d Saukirya - Peternakan Livestock raising

saukirya (e)drarda saukirya

dir dir seisor ayam (e)tawi rin pana (e)tertur siso ran1 (e)ra' fido .(e)orur fido (e)drardai yafoma pado saukirya mono mefne tinanmau sapi mono

ternak beternak

kandang kandang ayam memberi makan memerah susu mencabut bulu mencukur menggembalakan kawanan babi piaraan jantan betina induk sapi jantan


livestock to take care of

livestock house for animal chicken coop to feed to milk to pluck to shear to watch, shepherd herd pig domesticated animal male (animal) female (animal) mother animal bull

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8d Saukirya - Peternakan - Livestock raising

nyo ser arl basa kambing mono (e hi n prai. pede sesi prai (e)dlls prai sa'ara


nyo wado lInlm warlm fnoll

mebon fasus ra'ra' bawafo rifi se'an

binatang, hewan kuku bandot merumput padang rumpu t menyembelih rumput kering,

jerami kutu caplak,

sengkenit penyakit mulut dan

kuku biak bunting mengebiri perkawinan

8e Enyo erfe - Alat-alat

(e)kitpar (e)'atpar meta'

mengasah rnengasah tajarn


animal hoof ram, billy goat to graze pasture to slaughter hay


hoof and mouth disease

fert He pregnant (animals) to castrate breeding


to sharp~~n

to sharp~n sharp

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8e Knyo erfe - Alat-alat - Tools

pr-L __ _

" • . ~ 2pki I!,:hie 8eode 'ot aim.etd noba

fera buri

,lya1 ;,;ebde bitewar nera're' ai I~ebedbad ai n'"o srano

tumpul pisau pisau lipat tombak parang

o kapak tangkai, gagang

parang gagang kapak punggung pisau penggergajian kayu palu kayu perkakas

blunt knife pocket knife spear bush knife, machete

axe, adze parang handle

axe handle back of knife sawmi 11 mallet tools

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8e Knyo erfe - Alat-alat - Tools

bayara sapu broom

8f (K)sesi, (e)ne.ran - Menjabit, menenun - Sewing, weaving

(e)sesi (e)nantan fnou nefeinar neseS1 fnou (e)re' (e)damostan papa damostan

nedadon nedadon (e)nemran (e)netau toye do'odi

beb'a serpai

toye toye


menjahit menambal menyulam menisik lobang sobek, robek memintal alat pemintal

benang asli menenun menganyam noken kerangjang dari daun

kelapa kerangjang ikan kerangjang untuk

sago keranjang tas

tempat alr asli


to sew to patch to embroider to mend hole torn to spin (thread) spinning wheel

locally made thread t~ weave (cloth) to weave (baskets) string bag coconut leaf basket

fish basket sago basket

basket bag

bark water contCliner

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8f (E)sesi. (e)nemran - Menjahit. menenun - Sewing, weavin~

wado (e)damostan mememba


papo ere

terbaro tambarse fati endede wane atorau (e)bedbat (e)frasesa

weyan weyan etisa dabu sroro e weyan

tali memilin tali kain

string to twist string cloth

8g Ai-aise - Perkayuan - Carpentry

kayu papan kayu besi

tangga rangka batu kerikil pasir atap memaku membangun,


wood plank ironwood

ladder,stairs framework gravel sand roof to nail to build

8h - - Buruh - Hired labor

gaji kenaikan gaji maj ikan pembantu upah


wage pay raise employer domestic help salary

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YOYlpar (e)mra' (e)tawe nyo erseya (e) swore

penganggur memecat mempekerjakan mogok

8i Aiyafo - Pengobatan

mesou dimo tawo mesou temto nyo wado (e)diesa aiyafo

(e)mus l)bat nefeye mesoll wemar [T]l"memha war i rerk i

rumah sakit pergi ke dokter penyakit menyembuhkan pil

mll1l1m obat mengobati luka pembal [It


8h - - Buruh - Hired labor

unemployed person to fire to employ to strike


hospital to see the doctor sickness to cure pi 11

to take mE'dicill~>

to treat wound bandag"

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8i Aiyafo - Pengobatan - Medicine

(e) sit mesou dimo (e)tki'esa mesou temto mesou-mesouse rani rapo mefne memherom (e)mnas mesou

masuk rumah sakit sembuh dokter obat-ohatan dukun perempuan dukun mengenal penyakit

to be hospitalized to recover doctor drugs lady witchdoctor male witch doctor to diagnose a


8j Erseya senyo - Pekerjaan lain - Other occupations

(e)rseya temtori netrater ai utedon temto Ina temto rna' ati temto aiwadi nanl barye temto barye temto

9a (E)fei

wane wane (e)'ot padi

(e)kis pad i

(e)dau padi (e)trersa

bed'o sabi (e)nas

pertukangan mengukir kayu tukang kebun penangkap ikan pelaut anggota tentara anggota polisi prajurit, anggota


9 Pana - Makanan - Food

handicraft to carve wood gardener fisherman sailor, seaman soldier policeman soldier

vane - Persiapan-nasi Preparation-rice

heras hulled, "husked nasi cooked rice memotong, menual to harvest rice

padi memotong, menual to harvest rice

padi menumbuk padi to pound rice menjemur padi to dry rice In

sun semacam periuk type of pot periuk pot for cooking merebus to boil





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9b (K)fei pamo - Persiapan-sagu - Preparation-sago

pamn bano some

some merfidese aSI (e)tat pamo tat pamo marna sane (e)damos

erne senedwai no'o pamoi baro

asi meta dara (e)nas pamo sempe todi (e)ya'ar

sagu sagu buluh

sagu bakar papeda menokok penokok pati tepung sagu mengayak

handuk kelapa saringan, tapisan sendok sago sendok sagu dari

tulang papeda yang merah mengolah sagu loyang kayu pengaduk mengaduk


sago sago cooked In

bamboo baked sago sago porridge to pound (sago) pounder core (of sago sago flour to sift (sago

coconut dipper strainer sago spoon



bone sago spoon

uncooked sago to cook sago wooden baking dish stirring spoon to stir

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9c (K)nas - Masakan Cooking

(e)nas dimasak cooked (e)fei memasak to cook (e)srawesa memanaskan to heat (e)fei mendidih to boil (intr.) (e)nas merebus to boil (tr. ) (e)nanesa mafna memanggang to broil, roast,

bake in fire (e) tun membakar to bake, to roast (e)isorewo minyak menggoreng to fry


; ~~~j I~:

\ ~,~LL~ ~

{ehurtar merendam to soak (e)parpar menuang to pour out (e)sersirnar mencincang to chop (e)dodau mencincang to chop (e)si (e)det mencampllr to miX (e)ya'ar mengadllk to stir (e)ra'ra' tep'ari members ihkan ikan to clean fish mim'a'meit mempersiapkan to prepare ( e)fei Wino menyisiki to remove scalf-!s (e)yasu mengasapi to smoke over a fi.r~


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(e)nas ranI (e)fa' fo' (e)tersa (e)re'os (e)dus (e)momar tep'e

(e) dod ut (e)ramparewo (e)perpirpar (e)sesis (e)dau (e)sosus (e)ya'yo' nyo barsa (e) f' am fe

yafu ai yafu yafu name yafu medata'no (e)tranesa yafu

yafu apre (e)b'oit (e)tun

9c (K)nas - Masakan - Cooking

memasak aIr mengupas menJemur mengikis memo tong membersihkan

binatang, burung memarut menaburkan menaburkan menglrls menumbuk melumurkan melumurkan bahan keterangan

9d Yafu - Api - Fire

api kayu bakar arang nyala menyalakan apl

bara gata-gata berkobar membakar


to boil water to peel, remove husk to dry In the sun to scrape (carrots) to cut up to clean an animal

or fowl grate (coconut) to throw it out to sprinkle to slice to pound to spread, smear to spread, smear ingredient directions

fire firewood charcoal flame to light a fire

glowing coal pincers, tongs to flame up to burn, hakl~

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9d Yafu - Api - Fire

(e)foripar yafu 'an ewopar desa metarfe (e)seu (e}fe' metarfe yafu (e)'an {e}femfun yafu yafu (e)per yafu menmane aitiboma metarfe bano yafu wa're yafu dami damar

meretih terbakar hang us abu asap mengipas

to crackle charred ashes smoke to fan (fire)

mengusir dengan asap to smoke out terbakar to catch on fire memadamkan to put out api mati, api padam dead fire bunga api spark puntung berasap smoldering block korek api yg lama old style flint api unggun camp fire cahaya light lilin candle

ge Enyo rifi pana - Alat-alat .asak Cooking utensils



sabi rapo rapo wemyo rapo esmus ranJ. t iwefbai no'o no'o no'o no'o sebde eyasai basa aifadll


pemanggangan ikan

pemanggangan kopra

periuk cangkir mangkuk gelas loyang sendok sendok makan sendok teh garpu pJ.sau pencedok, gayung penu t IIp

talenan, papan pengiris



roasting fish

roasting copra

cooking cup bowl

rack for

rack fOIi


glass (container~ baking pan spoon tablespoon teaspoon fork kni fe dipper 1 id eh opp i ng boa n1

cl",y cooking pnt

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9f Pana - Kakanan - Foods

wane naSI cooked rIce pamo sagu sago banD some sagu buluh sago cooked In

bamboo some mer fidese sagu bakar baked sago aSI papeda sago porridge some rot i bread ina m'ere ikan aSln salty fish renna tahu dari plsang banana cake Ina ritunse ikan hakar grilled fish ranI meno kopi coffee

9g &nyo emfiro - Bumbu-bumbu - Seasonings

ma'ati tAfi sida me t rel)' CI fo

yn n,~

rllWf! melpe

garam gu]a pasir lomhok, crlba i

kllnir, kllnyit HAntan

salt wh i te sugar red pepper (chili

and cayenne) saffron, turmeric COCOflill mi 1 k

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(e)kin (e)mamam (e)not

'mo'odi ed'a mo'odi emor (e)doipar broni sa'ara' (e)mus pan a pan a brema serafrei penekne (e)mni'

ma'ni'par (e)tawe ' an pana (e)mustan (e)yo'tar (e)mnase (e)nemrom (e)mnase (e)kin rarmo

9h (E)kin - Makan - Eating

makan mengunyah tercekik kenyang lapar candu akan haus mlnum makanan makanan kecil lahap nafsu makan menelan tanpa

mengunyah menelan membel'i makan mengisap rokok menghirup, mengisap rasa menghidangkan menC1Clpl sarapan, makan pagl


to eat to chew to choke full hungry to crave (food) thirsty to drink meal snack glutton appetite swallow without

chewing to swallow to feed inhale to sip, slick taste to serve, dish out to taste breakfast

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9h (E)kin - Hakan - Eating

(e)kin useto makan siang noon meal (e)kin meryo makan malam evening meal ranI memto wemyo minum dengan rakus to guzzle (e)'an awopar menghabiskan to eat up (e)ya'to' menggigit to bite, nibble (e)fei domo pesta, makan besar feast (e)nemrome hidangan serving tibo den sisanya leftovers medr i pana Sa]1 dish

9i (A)mnase Rasa-rasa - Flavors

emfiro fiya' emfiro fiya' ma'ati femenmano ma'asi m.q'asi me' ere Ill.qda Stlo'er


sedap, enak, lezat manlS aSln berminyak asam pah i t pedis, peclas masak bUSllk

1 i at


delicious sweet salty oily sour bitter hot (spicy) rIpl' r.Jttf-'n, sp,)i I,or!

tough (rnp'lL)

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9i (A)mnase Rasa-rasa - Flavors

emtretirse wereida derdara fesepsebre (e)sitnare sa'ara (e)mnase metarfe (e)seskistane femema' at i mtomut

empuk garlng setengah masak hambar, tawar rasa apak berasa asap menyukai, menikmati terlalu banyak garam tengik, perat

tender crunchy rare tasteless, flat taste stale smoky Lo enjoy, relish too salty rancid

9j Syawena, puve, saguver - Teabakau, pinang, m1numan keras -Tobacco, betel, liquor

syawena tembakau syawena rokok (e)smustan merokok syawena tibo puntung rokok (e)mustan mengisap firorau kertas rokok (e)fa'fo'par metarfe mengepulkan puwe ibo nalrau nairaumau puwafo (e)kin nairau segwer dabu moru morwe (e)fun

plnang kapur sirih daun sirih buah pinang makan sirih semacam bir asli mabok mabuk

tobacco cigarette to smoke cigarette butt to inhale cigarette paper to blow smoke areca palm lime betel plant betel leaf areca nut to chew betel nut type of beer drunk drunk

Mende'dwo Masyarakat - Society

lOa Tasio oa'ani Sanak keluarga - Relatives

tasin na'ani ma'ro tibo temto

flaoak keluarga keluarga, famili keturlloan pria, laki-Iaki


relatives fami I y descendant male

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mefne da'e ai wemyo mefne natu denatu

nen mam (e)dade natu tapun deba tapun deb a mefne taplin deba temto tapun me fne taplin temto wawa


lOa Tasin na'ani - Sanak keluarga - Relatives

wanita, perernpuan lama tua perempuan muda muda (laki-laki)

ihu ayah, bapak mengasuh anak nenek moyang moyang perempuan moyang laki-laki nenek kakek paman

hapak adik



old old young girl young boy

mother father to raise children ancestors great-grandmother great-grandfather grandmother grand f athe r uncle on mother's

side father's younger

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lOa Tasin na'ani - Sanak keluarga - Relatives

tapun debasis

neswoni tinan

dawon dawon penabi

ifan mefne ifan temto dawon mefne dawon temto yai na

, an temto

na , en temto

tasin temto na.' an mefne tasin mefne dafun temto dafun mefne dafun natun natun werfaumau beritane natun rerarmose bori dedomani natun natun henanatu denatu brome'e mefendimade mnas use ewon mf>fne (' I,o,'on t em to ( ·1pllll

mo yang

bihi mamah adik

ibu mertua bapak mertua besan

lpar perempuan ipar laki-laki menantu perempuan menantu laki-laki kakak kakak laki-laki adik laki-laki adik laki-laki kakak perempuan adik perempuan saudara laki-laki saudara perempuan saudara sepupu anak anak sulung anak bungsu hayi anak tak sah anak yat im-piatlJ anak muda remaja pemuda pemudi dewasa kemanakan p~rpmpuan kemanakan laki-laki cucu


brother great-great

grandparents aunt mother's younger

sister mother-in-law father-in-law relationship of

parents whose children are married to each other

sister-in-law brother-in-law daughter-in-law son-in-law older sibling older brother younger brother younger brother older sister younger sister brother sister COUSin child oldest child youngest child baby illegitimate child orphan young child adolescent teenage boy teena~e girl adul t nIece nephew grandch i Id

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esnn m,~fne

eson tpmto (e)yit esnn dai ferorur sam1ryan temto sam1ryan

yau yau u



e rer m1m rerdai mimda i r1 rida i



yam dedwitsese

yam dai yam sikemau nenwal mam dabu



Tasin na "ani

isteri suam1 menikah bercerai duda janda

tesdo - Kata

saya aku engkau, kamu saudara anda dia kita kami kita berdua kami berdua mereka

- Sanak


mereka berdua saudara-saudara,

saudara sekalian saudara-saudara kamu sekalian beliau ibu bapak tuan

keluarga - Relative.s

wife husband to marry divorced widower widow


I (formal) I (familiar) you (sg. familiar) you (sg. formal) you (neutral) he, she we (incl.) we (excl.) we two (incl.) we two (excl.) they they two you (pl. formal)

you two you (pl. familiar) he,she (respectful) Mrs., you Mr., you Mr., you (formal)

10c - Struktur masyarakat Social structure

sawaridon sesonnetnatunma ma'ro ren fadu-fadu temtomau sake reta'ti'parima tap eta'ti'parima yafoma mendedwuma

desa, kampung rumah tangga tetangga orang penting resml tidak resml orang orang banyak


vi llage household neighbor important person official Ilnoffici;ll people people

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lOe - - Struktur masyarakat - Social structure

dabu sawariclllll

sa temto

kepala c1csa, kppala village chief kampllng

ondoafi tribal chief

IOd Fenyo-fenyose - Suku bangsa Ethnic groups

tidut Sobei sawesa fenfenyo densifansa tidut Dani tidut Sentani

suku bangsa kaum orang asing berasal dari suku Dani suku Sent ani

ethnic group, tribe clan foreigner to originate from Dani tribe Sent ani tribe

IOe Mende'dwo Kemasyarakatan social interaction

memdo (e)fei ser'ai ( e )t , a san i wo (e)farisa reforur ferememrom domo diwam reforur (e)sim sarl ser'ai sar'ei mara nenlwe sar'ei sar'ei gundu trompon coma rna

hiburan rekreasi mengunjungi mampir, singgah pertemuan, rapat bertem,J pesta pesta upacara undangan tamu permalnan maln layang-Iayang maln kartu maln gundu . . maln carl-carlan

IOf Srameiuse - Perselisihan

srameluse dai referetetatan fereswarwor tam srameiuse wemya fE'tyaf,) ed'a

berdebat, berhantah bersaing menentang slIka bertengkar menglrl


entertainment recreation to visit to drop by meeting to meet party party ceremony invitation visitor, guest game to fly a kite to play cards to play marhles to play



to arguE' to competl' to resist, protest qllarrelsome> t () be j f> .11 n lJ S

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IOf Srameiuse Perselisihan - Strife

tap emnas use

(e)'aneya mensiyo fe'dara

(e)fei ser , arl

ya' yo' fat (e)yofadi

(e )fei ser' ari (r) in puwe (ri)fi barye terma barye temtori aiwadi nani barye temto membri padai

yafo padai (ri)terteput padai aimeta

tidak sopan, hormat

merugikan melukai

menindas membuat ~ana


merusak perdamaian perang perkelahian tentara tentara serdadu pangkat senapan perWlra regu senjata bersenjata tombak


tidak insolent

to harm (materially to harm, injure

( ph Y sic a 11 y) to oppress fornication to tease, annoy

to damage, destroy peace war fight armed forces armed forces soldier rank rifle, gun officer squad weapon armed spear

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sebde noba barye padai afo fantar (e)tepare (e)seskistan (e)kwinar (e)swomomare ebe yi t ra'or (e)yit dabu namfan (re)swore nesefkifewo dai feretetatan (e)su'tan (ri)skispar fe kin


IOf Srameiuse - Perselisihan - Strife

pisau parang panah peluru menembak mengkhianati mengintai mengintai menyerang kemenangan rampasan korban menawan menghadang gencatan senjata mundur perjanjian


knife bush kni fe bow and arrow bullet to shoot to betray to spy to spy to at tack victory loot, booty victim to capture to ambush cease-fire to retreat peace treaty

109 Use reta'ti'parmabe Hukum - Law

fenyo use

fenyo use

( e ) wo (e)f , am f i temto (e)fei esda seipau usebe deba nanfesi ebe manyo tapun tapun emfiro nanfesi use rera'yo' renon use rera'yo renon (ri )kispar

(e)sodewo use re'ra'yo renon

dabu (ri hewo pe

(ri)yaromfi use


adat istiadat

menuduh terdakwa tuduhan palsu war1san hak asasi hak asasi undang-undang menghukum menjatuhkan hukuman

melanggar hukum

hakim menghakimi,



custom, traditional law

var10US traditional laws

to accuse defendant false accusation inheritance basic rights God-given rights law, ordinance to punish, sentence to pronounce

sentence to break the law

judge to judge

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109 Use reta'ti'par.abe - Hukum - Law

(ri )fo' pare (e )fun denon nenen'on fedenonse (e)drarda (e )tau fe weyan (iw)ait weyan

(rir)efda (e)b'or ima basa wemyo use (e)yasidna (e)yitsadido

membebaskan memuklll menderita bebas menjaga, mengawal membayar kerllgian menuntut bela,

membalas dendam saksi mengaku kejahatan perkara menggugat, menuntut menjalani

lOb Ser'ai - Olabraga

ser'ai dai rifi mor1 terma ( e)rem

dai fersisasar (e)yas fesesasar fedeudewe (e)sesaye

olahraga meninju petinju

~--~ ,f,,~J}~:,,$

pertandingan berenang perlombaan sa1ngan bersaing


to acqll i t to beat to suffer free to guard to pay damages to avenge

witness to confess cr1me legal case to sue to serve (sentence


sports to box boxer

match to swim compe tit ion, raCE rival to compete

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nyo ritawe [f]."mdo

hadiah hibllran

10h Ser'ai - Olahraga - Sports

prize recreation

11 Agama. memdo da'era - Agama, kesenian - Religion, arts

lla - - Agama Kristen Christianity

no'odi temto mam allah bema temto temto eruruma use wa're yafu senam (e)non senamse tani ebdo (e)fei fenyo senam-senamse fnaunar sna'ni' pefdause esda (e)b'or esda fasonar (e )fda i ta'e ta'e sikemau ferinis etdo'o set apse temto den pede

manayafo ( e )f , am fen t i (ne)fatorfi fenti (e)rom emnas usenamfesi senarnsa waridlln \.;raruse sedetai nyo tawi

Roh Kudus Allah Iblis melaikat neraka kekal hidup yang kekal jiwa menciptakan bumi selama-lamanya mujizat memuji berhakti, beribadah dosa mengaku berdoa ikut, percaya percaya Iman Maha Kuasa kudus, SUCt kudus, suci orang kudus, orang

SUCI khotbah berkhotbah kesaksian wahyu surga Alkit.qb sa 1 ib anllgerah


Holy Spirit God Devil angel hell eternal eternal life soul to create the world forever miracle to praise to worship SIn to confess to pray to believe, follow to believe faith Almighty holy holy saint

sermon to preach testimony revelation heaven Bible cross gracf:'

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lla - - Agama Kristen - Christianity

(e)fiyawarse mernebe natuni (e)skiserer fiyawarse temto (e)tkitesa (e)mra'esa use empenu ferinis r1n1ewero Yesus yawi reforur

r1n pana w-aridun waruse w-aridun warda' 0

sawaridun use w-emyo-wemyo rnendedwo

se lamat domba maseh i menebus Juru Selamat bangkit kebangkitan bertobat kemuliaan dilahirkan lagi per j amuan kud us

rohani rohani duniawi masyarakat, rakyat sidang juma'at


safe disciples to redeem Savior to rise resurrection to repent glory to be born again Lord's Supper

spiritual spiritual worldly population church congregatioo

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(e)yaufi atesai ima tertide Mam Allahbemau use tani etawi tafun arom esda

ufiyet usefumau

selpause seipau temtori napo temto t emd un be na frenkim dreidat angker usenam fisi

fati temto ai temto badi temto temto frengkim

dreidat bema temto wetso mefne

wetso temto sa dens iwo

1ma Isore

rani ~eny()

fent i neyuri

lla - - Agama Kristen - Christianity

perurnpamaan kasih sayang berkat Firman Allah rahmat upah dosa


lIb - - Islam - Islam

parable love of God blessing Word of God mercy, pity wages of SIn


lIe - - Animisme - Animism

dewa sihir suanggi, hantu arwah nenek moyang meramal nasib bernubuat,

menujumkan jin batu jin kayu jin tanah juru ramal (pakai

tulang binatang) setan kuntilanak,

puntianak kuntilanak

god, deity magIC, supernatural ghost spirit of ancestor to tell a fortune fate to prophesy

stone demon wood demon earth demon fortunetel1er (uses

animal bones) satan, devil female ghost

male ghost a1am baka the hereafter,

underworld kerasukan, kesurupan possessed by a

roh orang mati

memuja, berkata dgn mereka



spirit spirit of d'~ad

person to wor~hip (spirits)


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lIe - - Animisme

setside yite orparfe (e)fiyare mesou temto ( e )f' am e ida t bema temto wambo aiwadi (e)yaftan temto rifi ai sebe pede ri fi deb a deb a ima basa wemyo napo fenfen'oma sewebema wenofu bedmo wemyb tano wemyo maro wemyo rekmo rani sad we' ot


mempesonakan tabu, larangan mengurbankan dukun peramal tukang sihir guna-guna jimat mantera patung kuil berhala jahat jahat mengusir setan beoean tanah goyaoga banjir hujao besar aogin besar gelombang besar bene ana tanah terbis


to bewitch taboo to sacrifice shamao diviner sorcerer charm talisman, amulet magic formula statue, wooden doll temple idol evil evil to exorcise earthquake flood heavy rainfall windstorm tidal wave landslide

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aa'o wamhi wereidate fiya fefinar da'o (e)korkur awet awet efte efte (e)ya'yo' risoye na'do'uwo dori

lid Tiko - Musik - Music

menyanYl nyanytan ninabobok merdu penyanyt memukul bangs i, su Ii ng salung tifa genderang meniup lagu memainkan suara

to sIng song lullaby melodious sInger to beat (gong, drum) flute short fl ute small drum big drum to blow (flute) tune, song to play (instrument) VOIce

lIe Sesda. menen - Tarian. drama - Dancing. drama

sesda tar ian dance sescia menarl to dance sesda penari dancer (e)sat disko dansa western-style dance ninrita ' i .. .

to menglrIogl accompany menen drama, sandiwara drama


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lIe Sesda, menen - Tarian, drama Dancing, drama

pedna renen fnaunar

panggung memainkan peran pertunjukan

stage to playa rl)le performance

llf Enyo erfe - Lukisan Drawing, painting

(e)ter meno ranI ter ter memdo da'era kereu temto kereu temto

menwafo (e) yo' sosus (e)fe'i tanyeto (e)fe'i tanyeto fera (e) twemser cona'ara'

menggambar, melukis lukisan, gambar lukisan orang cat seni, kesenian seniman pelukis

tinta mencoret potret memotret kampas mengambil sikap warna

to draw, paint picture portrait paint art artist (general) art ist (drawing and

painting) ink to sketch photograph to take a photograpf canvas to pose color

12 Enyo ebedo - Barta milik - Possessions

(e)fti ebedo ebedo fereftefti wanenonsa'a weyan etaufu (e)taufe wero weyanto wemyo weyante rlenesi (e)'onesi weyan weyante tisa weyante porSl

l2a - - Perdagangan

membeli memiliki pemilik bertukar uang membayar kembali lagi mahal murah menawar harga menaikkan harga menllrunkan harga



to buy to possess, own owner to trade, exchange money to pay change expensIve chpap to bargain prIce to raise the price to lowpr the prlce

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weyante per (e)dus fiya (e)dus ser' ari weyante per (e)seipau (e)dartar ferefteti

sodewer wane nensa'arau wane nensa'a (e) swore (e)ftiyur (e)wopar

12a - - Perdagangan -

harga mati adil kurang adil harga mati menlpu menipu tunai, kontan,

jual-beli dagang, jual uang kertas uang logam jaminan terbeli lunas

fix ed price fair, just unfair, unjust fixed price to cheat to _cheat cash

to do commerce paper money cOln guarantee for sa Ie paid

12b Denon. tea'asim - Kaya, .iskin - Wealthy. poor

penmane tap (e)simewero weyan etaufe (e)wopar (e)d'apar dedwo nyo srono anfe'do meno ebe ebe badiyafo

(e)seisor (e)seisor (e)ra'ra' mayo mayo mayo mayo sebor mayo moki mememba

kekurangan menagih membayar hutang lunas mampu harta benda sengsara milik tanah milik

12c Kayo - Pakaian

memakai berpakaian membuka pakaian pakaian kemeja baju kaus celana cawat sarung ikat pinggang kain


lack to demand payment to repay a debt paid to afford riches suffering property (gen-eral) property (land)


to wear to dress to undress clothing shirt T-shirt trousers loincloth sarong belt cloth

mememba mememba

- ,

tidarau warlnan mememba

mori denggerer sembisi mirbau sana neneka mayo mayo tebori ren

waridun mori moki

i f

selimut kelambu

12c Kayo - Pakaian - Clothing

anting earring kain untuk pengganti (sheet)cover

blanket mosquito net

selimut gelang kalung ikat kepala. destar pakaian rumput manik-manik baju baju dalam

ban lengan

bracelet necklace headband grass skirt beads dress, clothing underwear


12d Dimo - Perumahan Housing

dimo dimo sortane dimo atorau atorau

bangunan, gedung rumah pondok atap atap lalang


building house hut, cottage roof thatch r oo f

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12d Dimo - Perumahan - Housing

atwai meskiyo bedme rara sinafo S1no eremedorise terbaro mesdo bedme

fati desa peya

ran1 dipe

kasau sudut dinding pintu diatas lantai lantai tonggak tangga kamar gaba-gaba

semen nibung


rafter corner wall door on the floor floor post ladder, stairs room coconut leaves

for walls cement black palm used

flooring well

12e Enyo barsa - Perabot - Furniture

papo afo pedna remtetosma aitibo pedna refefiyafarma

meja kursi bangku tempat tidur


table chair bench bed



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borimbenate pedna refefiyafarma

oyo barsa, nyosrono yafu henanatu lampll basa papoafo retraterma d imo tani ebdo eyasal cermini (loan) bai toye selsor nyo

barsa bayarl:!

12e Enyo barsa - Perabot - Furniture

tempat tidur bayi

perabot 1 ampll kap lampu meja tulis gambar gayung cermln ember keranjang sampah



furniture lamp lampshade desk picture dipper mirror bucket wastepaper basket


13 Fnaunari - Penguraian - Descriptives

(e)te ima lmall lm311<l1l

l i hI)

13a Iman - Angka

bt-'rhitung berhirllng



t() count

l '.J CI)lln l h,g 1 f

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lla rmao - Aogka - Numbers

01 4 50 60

78 10000

12 20

mamuse tes daidu tou fau dim dimtes dimdaidu dimtou dimfau snafut snafut tes snafut daidu snafut dimtes daidu snafut daidu snafut tes tou snafut fau snafut dim snafut dimtes snafut snafut wero snafut tes snafut snafut

wero snafut snafut wero sefa

nol satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh delapan sembi Ian sepuluh sebelas dua belas enam belas dua puluh dua puluh satu tiga puluh empat puluh lima puluh enam puluh seratus seribu

sepu1uh ribu banyak


9 I I


zero one two three four five S1X

seven eight n1ne ten eleven twelve sixteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty one hundred one thousand

ten thousand many, much

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sefa wemyo desnatuse mnaisebe mnaifa dededme ang ker-ang ker (e)mnase (e)rama tiboden me'di ebema tap ed'apar tes tibo werfaumau fumfumau s' as' amau sortane wero tara

daidu sortane wero tara

tou sortane wero tara

fau sortane wero tara

dim sortane wero tara

dimtes sortane wero tara

dimdaidu sortane wero tara

dimtou sortane wero tara

dimfau sortane wero tara


sangat banyak sedikit beberapa berapa rata-rata rata-rata kira-kira sedang ke lebihan kelebihan kekurangan satu setengah sulung permulaan pertama kedua









13a Iman - Aogka - Numbers

very many, very much a little few how many on an average on an average approximately average, moderate surplus surplus deficit one and a half first firs t 'first second









13b Fenti .i'yonan - Il.u hitung - Arit~tic

lmanan (e)daritan (e)fe' par tes (e)mrom

menghitung menjum1:ahkan mengurangl membagi


to count, calculate to add to subtract to divide

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13b Fenti mi'yonan Hmu hitung Arithmetic

(ei)sortane wero (e)simtare (e He' tiboden farurima angker ed'aparma

angker meske enen

(e)residnar monmau desdas-desdas

mengalikan soal angka, nomor Sisa

jumlah bilangan genap,

nomor genap bilangan ganjil,

nomor ganjil memperbandingkan separuh, setengah sebagian

to multiply problem (math) number remainder total even number

odd number

to compare one-half a pIece

13c Angker - Ukuran Measurements

angker (e)kur mengukur imame'se' angker kur jengkal no' 0 tes bdum tibo bdum kur beku' kur wemyo benanatu beba meda ma'a nento edmeyo edmeyo tap edmeyo fewanafo tibose meda densa mnense me'di (e)ra' tani wadi fe rera' 08.3


sesendok setengah depa depa segenggam besar kecil lebar panjangnya luas sempit dalam (piring) dalam (sungai) dangkal dangkal pendek panjang tinggi tipis tebal kurus gemuk langsing, ramping beral-


to measure handspan spoonful one arm of a span armspan hand ful big small wide length spacious narrow deep (plate) deep (river) shallow shallow short long tall thin th lck t h in ( pe r son) fat (pe r 8 0 n ) slim heavy

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13c Angker

mafll ,

b(~ rat sekali ,

pep a rlngan denewo jauh ra

, ru se dekat

sesya cepat tos lambat mefna panas sebre dingin angker orur mefna ukuran panas

lld Ponarfe - Bentuk

dededme so (e)soyiteyat

(e)yat (e)yit eyadema dai angker-angker tat.qtan felwrt inya fa'elu' deno!1:

sadeti fer,'d'a

lurus liku berliku

bengkok I ingkaran sejajar ikalan buslJr hI' rge lung



Ukuran - Measure.ents

very heavy light far near fast slow hot cold thermometer


straight curve curved

crooked, circle para lle I loop arc coilpd wavy conv"x


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feridai (e)n yatse (re)n emim ri tride fuse pedemau syake cofuwar waridon ra'ru'se

bi tewar faduwaret


13e Af' - Posisi

di antara di atas diantara di ke li 1 i ng d i bawah di sekitar di muka, di depan di dalam di dekat

di belakang di sebelah, r:li

samplng di sebelah, di




among, between on, above among around below in the vic ini ty of in front inside near

behind beside


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sate i tei te toite den faduwar ewerewo monmau rabo faduwar rara faduwar rerarase drar i se fe rorur drar i se ferorur

fad uwar mawar drarise ferorur

soudewar sitei sitam sitoi sito denewo safa denfa rara medmedase drarise ferorur daritiwaise



13e Af'amfi - Posisi - positions

disini 1nl i tu di balik sana di tengah di seberang kali di seberang jalan sepanjang jalan raya berhadapan dengan sebelah kanan

sebelah kiri

di Slnl di situ disitu di sana di mana di mana sepanjang jalan saling berhadapan saling membelakang

here th is that beyond in the middle across rIver across road along opposite right side

left side

here there (near) there it is there (far) not seen where? where? all along the road to face each other back to back

13f Cona'ra' - Warna - Colors

cona'ara' (na'ara') fepamo (na'ara') feme no fedara fedara ser'aririse fedara bde feyone feyonemau feairau memta fepamomau femenomau fedesa fema' at imawet femramau

warna putih hitam merah merah tua merah muda kuning jingga, kuning hijau putih sekali hitam pekat kelabu, abu-abu biru warna tua



color white black red dark red pink yellow orange green very white very black gray blue dark color

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13f Cona'ra' - Warn a - Colors

(e)terfema pede ned sa' su'

bergaris-garis berbintik-bintik

horizontally stripe spotted, blotched


l3g Use denewo - Keadaan luar - Surface conditions

trersa fiya sadeti fiya ef'o dededme sadeti na'sit meta tepki fetfidoma tepki wemyo fepersesa'o doipar mekni sa'ara semne emat femetadeda fene t so-ne t so tap fenetse-netse fenetso ra'ra' fenetnekitan fededourema

licin kasar bersih kotor rata tidak rata halus tajam t umplli berbllill tumplli sekali berlllmpur beralur basah kering keras lunak berkilat-kilat berkilat-kilat tidak mengkilap tidak mengkilap lengket berduri

smooth, slippery rough clean dirty flat bumpy smooth sharp blunt hairy very blunt slimy grooved wet dry hard soft shiny shiny dull dull sticky prickly

13b Ebema use - Keadaan - States

mrorau ferso'nar fer so bo'ell

emafpar habnar ferifllts(' feridetpar

layu siap berkembang berkerut kisut

susut pudar te rbuka


wi the red ready to grow up wrinkled shriveled (old

people) shrunk fadee! open

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taput mnapar ferifo'par, broriu

, nenen ama ar-arama nato fera

, re'te denon

sebe fera're'te denon

sebe fiyamau sebe (e )tnot denon fesnenei denon fesrensin etnot fesem-semnese

'ferepre'ki'par oror neba'bo'ewase me'di' fiya fera're' feser'ari do'par fera' re' 'ot

feresersirnar werar tertit fiya (e)sawiyit es'er kaus er'erfema mamuse ed' a ed' a ferfurpar meswo (e)tfatewo fadewose

llh Ebe.a use - Keadaan - States

tegang tenang kendur kaku berangkai-rangkai getah mudah pecah

mudah robek

kokoh, teguh tertancap longgar longgar sempit, sesak keras

sekali goyah goyang padat tebal utuh rusak, patah, robek rusak penyok pecah patah

reyot rayap tertutup rapat gembung busuk apak, basi berjamur kosong penuh penuh sesak ramal lari campur


taut, tense calm slack, loose stiff

sticky fragile

easily torn

firm stuck, caught loose loose tight

wobbly unsteady solid, dense thick intact damaged, broken damaged, broken dented broken (glass) broken (steel-like

objects) falling to pieces termite well-covered swollen rotten, putrid stale moldy empty full jam-packed full (of people) run away mixed together

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mefna mefna den waridonse sebrera' sebre fiya sebre mesal rani (e)fei (e)tu wedo fenyo efro sep-sep-sebre mefna sarno sebre sarno

efro nesrawesa sebre tawe

11i Kefna - Panas - Heat

panas hangat suam, hangat kuku sejuk dingin demam air mendidih membeku matahari mulai turun sedang musim panas musim dingin

matahari memanaskan mendinginkan

hot, heat warm lukewarm cool, fresh, chilly cold fever, feverish boiling to freeze sun goes down some temperate summer (dry season) winter (rainy

season) sun to heat to cool

11j Sesya - Xecepatan Speed

sesya tos tos-tos (e)fei sesyayeyase

sesya rarmo-rarmo


tos anefat (e)fei matnatan

(e)tnatan (e)mi tos desdas-desdas fa'de' (e)'osustan

cepat lambat, pelan pelan-pelan buru-buru,

tergesa-gesa lekas pagi-pagi


lamban macet ragu-ragu

ragu-ragu terlambat berangsur-angsur mer~ngkak, merayapi mem·per I amb at


fast slow slowly in a hurry

early, quick early (in the

morning) to speed up,

accelerate sluggish plugged, stopped up hesitant, trying to

know doesn't know at all late gradually to crawl to slow down

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13j Sesya - Kecepatan - Speed

melnlmtan memperlambat to slow down

~ ....... ". ::."

~ ...

(e)frof berlari to run sesya' segera immediately na'e' lama long (time) sesya ekspres fast (train) fe

, nar lancar fluent

14 Ilmo bahasa - Linguistics

l4a - - Jenis kata - Word Classes

l4b - - Kata keterangan Adverbs

fesake memang of course, certainly fesake tentu, pasti certainly mennau sungguh truly tapse tidak not mermau-mau sebenarnya actually fete i t barangkali probably fetei t mungkin possibly worofeteit tampaknya, rupanya apparently sya lagi, masih st ill (e)non lagi, masih st ill


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14b - - Kata keterangan - Adverbs

amer-amer-amer tara testes tara tes-tes dedwa tap pede wemyo wemyo mikomabe tara tesese medase (e)rnra'sase wero fetapse mause fefou atseteimau teibe dedwo (e)nfan das tafunfen

atseteimau tei meryoumasemau tei bitemau teibe sesyayeyase (e)non das tap-tap nandawo fesai sebe dedwi' sebe esep esep metan funfumau


atsesai tafun -rna

selalu sering kadang-kadang pernah tak pernah pada umumnya jarang sekaligus tiba-tiba pula, lagi tidak sarna sekali baru tadi sudah, telah tunggu sebentar sebentar

baru-baru 1n1 baru-baru 1n1 belakangan ini dengan segera hampir hampir-hampir tidak cuma, hanya seluruhnya, semuanya sangat, amat, sekali terlalu dulu pada mulanya,

mula-mula pada mulanya,

mula-mula sekarang belum juga


always often occasionally ever never generally rarely at once suddenly again not at all just a li tt Ie while a~ already just a moment in a moment, for

moment just recently recently lately inunediately almost hardly only completely very too formerly at first

at first

now not yet also, anyway

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en nefrourou wen (e)ta'e sarno tafun dai tapse angkermau fefiya sebe -be

-fe (e)f' on pa nyornau

fe­rerarase pefe

tuyesama feteibe wofetei fe' ewo ta'en fra' fe' orur awopar fetap tafun werofe

wo feteibe fesaketo worofe

14c - - lata depan - Prepositions

di ke dad sarna pada akan dengan tidak pakai, tanpa sejak selarna bagi, buat, untuk

untuk hingga, sarnpai hingga, sarnpai tent-ang, mengenai,

seperti seperti sepanjang guna, rnelalui

melalui sebab, karena kecuali menuju menurut melawan sesudah, setelah sebelum sebagai

in, at, on to from, of with at, on, in, to about, in with without S1nce during for the sake of, for

the use of, for the benefit of·

for the benefit of until until about, concern10g,

like like along for the sake of,

past, through past, through because of except towards according to against after before as

14d - - lata sambung Conjunctions

tetapi sebab, karena walaupun, meskipun seakan-akan,


but because even though as if

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14d - - Kata sambung - Conjunctions


awopar fetap tafun wero -rna wofesake sarno

angkermau wenon pe (e)f' on wo tap wo fesake (e)non fe feteteita fe toita fesaise deimau

fesatoitma deimau po fe ebe fetap, dedwop

seolah-olah as a 1 kan, as a 1

setelah, sesudah sebelum dan dan apabila waktu, ketika

sejak sedang, sambil agar, supaya hingga, sampai kalau, jika kalau, jika sedang, sambil atau atau •.. atau baik ... maupun

bahwa seperti yang kemudian

as long as, pr,)vided that

after before and and whenever when, at the moment

that since while so that until when, if when, if while or either ... or both •.• and

that as, like the one who, which then

14e - - Kata seru Interjections

" yaaa wah surprise, as ton i shmen t , fear

wo hai calls attention, expresses joy or wonder

yawe aduh pain, pity usemau masya Allah surprlse, wonder sya' ama ayo, marl invitation yo masa, masakan doubt yero hati-hati look out! fenggomu tap ed'apar celaka irritation,



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a yawe sensene sa'e

,yaaaa akh

sensene nisamba fo'parewo ei sake ee, fesake

14e - - Kata seru - Interjections

oh sayang kasihan astaga ah, akh

maaf ada apa begitu saja tidak tahu ya, begitu saja

disappointment regret pity amazement dis 1 ike,

disagreement, anger

pardon what's wrong it's all right don't know yes, like that

14f - - Kat. tanya Interrogatives

disana nisamba sarno semfaina si fa awofa wensifa

'disamba safa fefaina nisamba

mnaifa usetou mnaifa,



siapa apa kapan, bi laman dimana kemana dari mana siapa punya mana bagaimana mengapa, kenapa,

sebabnya berapa berapa lama

II ')

who, whose what when where to where from where whose which how

apa why

how much, how many how l'1ng

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14g Fenti pe soro'e imaot - Kata bantu bilangan - Classifiers

temtormau difo


rau (testes)





dedna debasa


tara tes

orang batang



kerat, potong

biji, butir


gugus, rumpun

tangkai, kuntum keping


satu kali


people long, cylindrical

objects (cigars, trees)

land, fields, gardens

flat, thin things (paper, cloth)

anything that can be easily torn, broken, cut (bread, meat)

grains, seeds, small round things (corn, pearls)

sharp, pointed things (rifles)

clusters (bananas, bamboo)

flowers slices, flat objects

(coins) handfuls, bites,

mouthfuls one time

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Daftar Kata-kata


Sobeiuse - Bahasa Indonesia - English

a'araba burung pekakak; ki ng fi sher (3b)

abooa firo pisang ambon; ambon bananas (2c)

(e)'a'e berteriak; to shout (7a)

afo biji, bibit, grains, seeds, things (corn, 8a, 14g)

ai kayu, pohon; (lc, 2a, 8g)

ai afo buah; fruit ai bado mata kayu; ai femeoo pohon

ebony tree (2b) ai temto jin kayu;


butir; seed, small round pearls) (2a,

wood, tree

(2a) knot (2a) kayu hitam;

wood demon

ai we.yo tua; old (lOa) ai yafu kayu bakar; firewood

(9d) aid_i pucuk; treetop (2a) aidifo batang kayu, batang

pohon; log, trunk (2a) aifadu talenan,

pengiris; chopping (ge)

papan board

aife tibo tunggul; stump (2a) aifu belukar; underbrush (2f) aimeta potlot, pena, pulpen,

pot lot berwarna, penikam, tomhak, lembing; pencil, pen, fountain pen, colored pencil, spear, spear (7b, 8b, 8e, 8e, 10f)

airapi akar; root (2a) airau daun; leaf (2a) airau memto hama;

disease, pest (8a) plant

airauDtelDto kunang-kunang, ulat; firefly, caterpillar (3f)

(iw)ait weyan menuntut bela, membalas dendam; to avenge (lOg)

aitibo kursi, bangku; chair, bench (7d, 12e)

aitiboma metarfe puntung berasap; smoldering block (9d)

aiwadi bark, llc)

kulit kayu, jimat; talisman, amulet (2a,

aiwadi (e)fure panah beracun; poisoned arrow (Rc)

aiwadi nan1 anjing pf'mblJru, anggota tentara, tenr~ra;


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hunting dog, soldier, armed forces (8c, 8j, 100

aiyafo pili pill (8i) akh ah, akh; dislike,

disagreement, anger (14e) akne asam; tamarind (2c) amer besok; tomorrow (lg) amer deyo besok lusa; 2 days

after tomorrow (lg) amer meryou besok sore;

tomorrow afternoon (lg) amer-amer-amer selalu; always

(14b) amersiwo, etro'esiwo menye1am;

to submerge, to dive (ld) (e)'an awopar menghabiskan; to

eat up (9h) ananwero angker mengakurkan

(jam); to set (watch) (lg)

angker fe sait kira-kira waktu lnl; approximately this time (lg)

angker meske enen bilangan ganjil, nomor ganjil; odd number (13b)

angker orur mefna ukuran panas; thermometer (13c)

angker samo penanggalan; calendar (lg)

angker tap ed'apar natunmau tefei lahir dini, lahir sebelum waktunya; premature birth (4g)

angker-angker rata-rata; on an average (13a)

angkermau sejak; Slnc~ (14c, 14d)

(e)'a'ot panen; harvf'st (8a) anarnaro menganga; to

mouth wide (4b) open apre gata-gata; pincers, tongs

anefat macet; blocked plugged, stopped up

up, (ld,

13j) (e)'aneya

to harm mensiyo merugikan;

(materially) (10f) anfe'do meno sengsara;

suffering (12b) angker jam, nasib; hour, fate

(lg, lle) angker (e)kur mengukur; to

measure (13c) angker (e)yit membidik; to aIm


ed'aparma b i 1 angan angker genap, nomor genap; even numher (13b)

angker erur mengukllt-; t,l measure (7d)

(9d) ar-arama herangkai-rangkai;

(l3h) arefyan ikan palls; whale (3c) ar.a penyu, kura-kura; turtle

(Jd) (e)'as (e)'as

wash (e)'as

mencuci; to wash (Sk) cofu menclIc i lTIuka; to

(face) (Sk) daburau

mtc'11cuci ramhll~;

berlangir, [n w:lsh hair

(5k) (e)'as siwo fnou membt'fsihkan

hidung; to blow nose (4b) (e)'as siwometa menggosok

gig i; t () cl e a 11 [- l~ e t h (') k )

a'se ball amis, b"I-hall hllsuk; smf>lly (lik(~ fish), I" stillk

( '+1")

I 19

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asi papeda; sago porridge (9b, 90

aS1 a1 pohon eru, pohon cemara; casuarina tree (2b)

asi meta dara papeda yang merah; uncooked sago (9b)

asine'o anak panah; arrow (8c) (e)'aspare geram, sangat

marah; to be furious (6e) (e)'a'su' mengelompokkan

orang; divide people into groups (5g)

(e)'at menggali; to dig (5h, 8a)

ate lagak; attitude (6h) atedba'par bingung, lupa;

confused, upset (6f) atesai baik, sayang, kasihan,

kasih, cinta, kasih sayang; kind, compassion, love, love of God (6e, lla)

atesai (e)rer murah hati; generous (6a)

atesaye kasihan; pity (6d) atorau atap, atap lalang;

roof, thatch roof (8g, 12d) (e)'atpar meraut, mengasah; to

whittle, sharpen (pencil), to sharpen (5g, 8e)

atsesai sekarang; noW (14b) atsetei, atsesatei hari ini;

today (1g) atsetei .. u tei baru saja,

baru-baru ini; just now, just recently (lg, 14b)

atseteimau teibe tadi; a little while ago (14b)

atvai kasau; rafter (12d) (e)'aunare mengkhianati,

menghina; to betray, humiliate (be)


avet bangsi, suling, salungj flute, short flute (lId)

awet temtori fi lsafatj ph i losophy (7d)

awofa kemana; to where (14f) avopar fetap sesudah, setelahj

after (14c, 14d) ayam dori berkokok; to crow

(rooster) (3a)

~, B

ba'be'a papaya bulat; round papaya (2e)

babnar ferifutse pudar; faded (13h)

bada rakit; raft (7e) badi tanah liat, tanah; clay,

soil (la, 8a) badi fetfatima tanah

berbatu-batu; gravelly soil (1a)

badi, persa'o tanah, pecej earth, soil (la)

badi teato J 1n tanah; earth demon (lle)

badiafo bidang; land, fields, gardens (14g)

badiafo te rar.o sangat gelapj very dark (lg)

badi'edetpar dataran rendah; lowlands (lb) cacing, cacing tanah, tempayak; worm, earthworm, grub, larva (3f)

bado ular; worm, snake (3a)


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bai tempat air asli, bark water container, (8f, l2e)

ember; bucket

bane some sagu buluh; sago cooked in bamboo (9b, 9f)

bane tatsarfer tangkai pancing; fishing rod (8b)

bane yafu korek api yg lama; old style flint (9d)

barum pohon kenari; walnut tree (2b)

barye panah, senjata; bow and arrow, weapon (8c, lOf)

barye temto anggota polisi, prajurit, anggota tentara, serdadu; policeman, soldier (8j, IOf)

barye teatori tentara; armed forces (lOf)

basa tutup, penutup, kuku; lid, hoof (Si, 8d, ge)

batetiwai afo gondok; goiter (4b, 4f)

bawafo kantung kemaluan laki-laki; testicles (4c)

bave ; scrotum (4c) bayara sapu; broom (8e, l2e) bayo bahu; shoulder (4c) bdaki semacam racun ikan, akar

tuba; type of fish poison (8b)

(e)bdeditan menular; contagious (4f)

(e)bdi oto naik kendaraan; to go by vehicle (7e)

(e)bdi wo'o naik kapal; to go by boat (7e)

bdum kur depa; armspan (13c) bdum tibo setengah depa; one

arm of a span (13c)


-be bagi, buat, untuk; for the sake of, for the use of, for the benefit of (14c)

beb'a keranjang ikan; fish basket (8b, 8f)

beba lebar; wide (13c) bebdo cicak, mengeluh; house

lizard, to complain (3d, 7a) bebetfo, feta kelelawar; small

bat (3e) beb'o hati; liver (4c) (e)bedbat memaku; to nail (8g) bedbuduse legenda; legend (7a) bedme dinding, gaba-gaba;

wall, coconut leaves used for walls (12d)

bedmo banjir, elang meral; to flood, flood, snake hawk (ld, If, 3b)

bedmo ve.yo banjir; flood (llc)

(e)bedna mengusung; to carry on a stretcher (Sf)

bed'o semacam periuk; type of pot (9a)

befou eson jari telunjuk; forefinger (4d)

beku' kur segenggam; handful (13c)

be.a teato Iblis, setan, tukang sihir; Devil, satan, devil, sorcerer (lla, llc)

be.a.aro angin ribut; windstorm (If)

be.bebin cakar kepiting; crab claws (3c)

benanatu kecil; small (13c) bene telur; egg (3a) beritane anak bungsu; youngest

child (lOa)

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berte'a ubur-ubur; jellyfish (3c)

bertinya ibu panah, busur; big bow (8c)

(e)besbasi menggotong; to carry a thIng (several people carry) (Sf)

(e)bet marah; angry (6e) betfa kubangan; puddle (ld) (e)betfe memarahi; to scold


(e)betfe-barfe mencaci-maki; to scorn, ridicule (7a)

betpopo bisu, gi la, tu 1 i ; dumb, crazy, to be deaf, to he crazy (4e, 4f)

betwe bintang; star (Ie) bido kuat, kekuatan, sanggup,

mampu; strong, strength, capable (4f, 6e)

bido nen'a pe (e)per berani mati; audacious, not afraid of death (60

bigya ular tanah; ground snake (3d)

biteaau lately

bitewar (13e)

teibe belakangan ini; (14b) di belakang; behind

bo'eu kisut; shriveled (old people) (13h)

(e)b'oit tumbuh, berkobar; to grow, to fl~me up (8a, 9d)

boku' suap; handfuls, bit(~s,

mouthfuls (14g) {e) memikat; to lure (Be) bomtan eter kapur; chalk (7b) bomtan fadu eter ka plJr t u 1 is;

chalk (7d)

(e)bon melahirkan (binatang); give birth (animal) (4g)

(e)b'or mau, suka akan, ingin, bo leh. mengaku; to want, to be fond of, to covet, des ire, allowed to, to confess (6e, 109)

(e)b'or confess

(e)b'orfe (7a)

(e)b'orfi (7a)

esda mengaku; (lla) menyahut; to

menyetujui; to




borimbenate pedoa refefiyafar.a tempat t idut bayi; crib (l2e)

bose karib; close (friend) (6a)

bowe ular sawah; python (3d) boyes ikan terbang, toni;

flying fish (3c) brafu ikan balut laut; sea eel

(3c) (e)brerimfan rara merintangi

jalan; to block the road (7e)

broae'e pemuda; teenage boy (lOa)

bronai, batetiwai leher; neck (4b)

bronai choke

{e}tnot (40

tercekik; to

bronai waridon me'ere leher pedis; sore throat (4f)

broni sa' ara' haus; th irsty (9h)

bunga hunga; flower (2a) burbur tunas, hertunas; hud,

to sprout (2a)


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buri tangkai, stalk, stem, (2a, 8e)

gagang parang; parang hanrlle

cer.ini (loan) cermin; mIrror (l2e)

coafo biji mata; pupil (4b) cofido bulu mata; eyelash (4b) cofido yatse alis mata, kering

mata; eyebrow (4b) cofu muka; face (4b) cofuvar di muka, di depan; In

front (De) cokide melirik; to steal a

glance at (4e) comama mata; eye (4b) ca.ama bera're' sakit radang

selaput mata; conjunctivitis (4f)

co.ama ferarmo buta; to be blind (4f)

co.ama iterof pusing; dizzy (4f)

comama menggeron juling; crosseyed (4e)

co.amafe rarao buta; blind (4e)

comamewo menatap; to stare (4e)

cona'ara' warna; color (llf, 13f)

corani ne.yar air berlinang-linang;

matanya to burst

into tears' (6d) cota'ni'i"fuenjaga; to guard,

watch over (4e)

~. 0


(e)da' berdayung; t,l row (7e) dabeno laba-Iaha; spider (3f) dabu kepala, majikan, tuan,

hakim; head, employer, Mr., you (formal), judge (4b, 8h, lOb, 109)

dabu etor botak, gundul; bald, shaven head (4b)

dabu maru mabok; drunk (4f) dabu moru mabok; drunk (4f,

9 j) dabu namfan korban; victim

(lOf) dabu sa'a fa' fe' pusing

kepala; headache (4f) dabu sa'a mafna we.yo berkeras

kepala, bandel; stubborn, obst inate (6f)

dabu sa'a meta' pandai; ski 11 ful (6g)

dabu sa'a semne wemyo berkeras kepala, bandel; stubborn, obstinate (60

dabu sa'a te fiya cerdik, cerdas; clever, shrewd (6g)

dabu sa'a we.yo. se.oe besar kepala; big-headed (6h)

dabu sawaridun kepala desa, kepala kampung; village chief (lOc)

dabu sekolah kepal"l s~kolah; principal (ld)

dabu toro kikir; stingy (6c) daburau rambut; hair (4h) daburau fetfidnar kpriting;

frizzly hair (4b) (e)dade mengenal,

berprasangka; to recognize, prejudiced (4e, he)

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(e)dade natu mengasuh anak; to raise children (lOa)

da'e lama; old (lOa) da'ese, e.ra tua; old (lg) (e)dafeto pergi ke laut, ke

kanan; go toward ocean from us, to the right (Sd)

(e)dafoi dari darat kepada saya dan laut; from inland toward me and ocean (Sd)

dafuma nen'ave.a pilek, ingus dan batuk; to have, catch a cold (4f)

dafun saudara sepupu; cousin ( lOa)

dafun mefne saudara perempuan; sister (lOa)

dafun saudara laki-laki; brother (lOa)

dai dengan; with (14c) dai angker saksama; accurate,

right (6b) dai angker-angker sejajar;

parallel (l3d) dai feretetatan gencatan

senjata; cease-fire (lOf) dai ferorur bercerai; divorced

(lOa) dai fersisasar pertandingan;

match (lOh) dai referetetatan bersaing; to

compete (10f) dai rifi IDOri ter.a meninju;

to box (lOh) daidu dua; two (13a) daidu snafut dua puluh; twenty

(13a) daidu snafut tes dua puluh

satu; twenty-one (13a)

damar lilin; candle (9d) dami cahaya; light (9d) (e)d8lDOs mengayak; to sift

(sago flour) (9b) (e)d8lDOstan memintal, memilin

tali; to spin (thread), to twist string (8f)

da'o nyanyian; song (lId) (e)d'apar puas, mampuj

satisfied, able, capable (6d, 6g)

(e)d'apar dedwo mampu; to afford (l2b)

(e)darda sa jaga nama; guard one's reputation (6a)

dardor, ta'ti' gemetar; to tremb Ie (4f)

dari edot pasang naik; high tide Od)

dari etu air surut; low tide Od)

(e)daritan menj umlahkan; to add (l3b)

daritivaise fereaearea saling membelakang; back to back (l3e)

(e)dartar menipu, membohong; to cheat, to tell a 7a, I2a)

berdusta, deceive,

lie (6b,

(e)dase ke kiri; to the left (Sd)

dasemsa.u ranting; twig (2a) (e)dasewo keluar ke darat; go

inland (Sd) (e)dasiwo ke timor; to the

east (Sd) (e)dasoso pergi kedarat; F

inland (Sd)


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dativai punggung; back (4c) dativai tiwo tulang punggung;

backbone (4c) dato bisul; boil (4f) (e)dau menginjak, menumbuk; to

step on, to pound (Sa, Sg, 9c)

(e)dau padi menumbuk padi; to pound ri ce (9a)

dave pohon nipah; thatch palm (2b)

davon ibu mertua, bapak mertua; mother-in-law, father-in-law (lOa)

davon mefne menantu perempuan; daughter-in-law (lOa)

davon menantu laki-laki; son-in-law (lOa)

deba berhala; idol (llc) deba nanfesi warisan;

inheritance (lOg) debari macam pisang; type of

banana (2c) debasa keping; slices, flat

objects (coins) (14g) dedarno pohon pala; nutmeg

tree (2b) dededme deretan, rata-rata,

lurus, rata; row, on an average, straight, flat (8a, 13a, l3d, l3g)

(e)dedednar runtuhkan, membongkar; to co llapse (intr.), to unload (Se)

(e)dedme. tersa fiya meratakan; to level (Se)

dedna cabang, dahan, tangka i, kuntum; bough, branch, flowers (2a, 14g)

dedna daidu bercabang dua; fork (2a)

deda.ani natun anak yatim-piatu; orphan (lOa)

(e)dedudi berburu; to go hunting (8c)

dedudi binatang buruan; game (8c)

dedva pernah; ever (14b) dedwenetyo burung pipit;

sparrow (3b) dedwi'· sebe seluruhnya,

semuanya; completely (14b) dedwo sarang, sudah, telah;

nest, already (3a, l4b) (e)dedyade 'use masih marah

sedikit; still a little angry (6e)

de.odi ikan limbat; catfish (3c)

demodi rau semacam racun ikan; type of fish poison (8b)

de.seno semut; ant (3f) den faduwar everewo di balik

sana; beyond (13e) den moni (e)tro'evo tidur

nyenyak; to sleep soundly (Sb)

den sadas bangga; proud (family, country) (6a)

den sawo we.yo congkak; conceited (6a)

denatu muda (laki-Iaki) , remaja; adolescent

denatu fiya (6a)

young boy, ( lOa) ganteng; handsome

denewo jauh; far (Sd, 13c) denfa di mana; where? (l3e)


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denon fesnenei longgar; loose (13h)

denon fesrensin longgar; loose ( 13h)

denon nenen'on menderita; to suffer (lOg)

dens. tinggi; tall (13c) densifansa berasal dari; to

originate from (IOd) derdara setengah masak; rare

(9i) (e)derdur berjongkok; to squat

(Sa) desa abu; ashes (la, 9d) desdas-desdas sebagian,

berangsur-angsur; a pIece, gradually (13b, 13j)

desnatuse sedikit; a little (13a)

(e)detpar menyebar; to scatter (Se)

(e)detparevo membentangkan (tikar); to open out, spread (mat, rug) (Si) .

deyo lusa; day after tomorrow (1g)

(e)di tani menyombongkan diri; to boast (bh)

didya. macam pohon sagu; type of sago palm (2b)

(e)diesa menyembuhkan; to cure (8i)

difo batang; long, cylindrical objects (cigars, trees) (14g)

difoyadi pinggang; waist (4c) dim lima; five (13a) dim snafut lima puluh; fi fty


dimdaidu tlljuh; seven (13a) dimfau sembi Ian; nine (13a) dimo baoguoan, gedung, rumah;

building, house (12d) dimo tani ebdo gambar; picture

(12e) dimtes enam; six (13a) dimtes snafut enam puluh;

sixty (13a) dimtou delapan; eight (13a) dir kandang; house for animal

(8d) dir seisor ayam kandang ayam;

chicken coop (8d) (e)disa meogangkat; to raIse,

lift (5e) disamba Slapa punya; whose

( 14f) disana siapa; who, whose (14f) diva. pesta; party (IOe) dive ayam hlltan; wild chicken

(3b) diyo bunga raya, bunga sepatu;

hibiscus (2e) (e)dnio mendorong, menolak; to

push, to push away, to refuse (Se, 5g, 5h, bc)

(e)doioevo rerki mendorong ke s amp i ng; to shove as ide (Sh)

(e)do'da'o menyanyi; to SlOg

(1ld) (e}dodau mencincang; to chop

(9c) (e)dode pegang; to hold In

front of one ( Sf) (e)dodut menggaruk, memarut';

to scrape, grate ( coconut) (Sg, 9c)


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(e)dodutfe ganjaran; (hd)


do'e momaau Jarl tengah; middle finger (4d)

doipar lembah, kolam, beralur; valley, pond, grooved (lb, ld, 13g)

(e)doipar candu akan; to crave (food) (9h)

(e)doit dabufei metan jatuh terbalik; to fall head first (se)

(e)doit nyo vado jatuh sakit; to be taken ill (4f)

(e)doitevo menggeletak; to sprawl (Sa)

(e)doitevo adoversase jatuh tertelentang; to fallon one's back (se)

(e)doitevo cofuvar tersungkur; to fall forward (se)

(e)doitsi watos jatuh terduduk; to fall into a sitting position (se)

doDO pesta; party (IDe) do'odi kerangjang dari daun

kelapa; coconut leaf basket (8f)

do'par penyok; dented (13h) dori suara; voice (lId) (e)dot menangkap (bola),

menangkap (orang); to catch (ball), to seIze (person) (sj)

doure duri, sirip; thorn, fin (2a, 3a)

(e)drarda menjaga, mengawal; to guard (lOg)

(e)drarda saukirya beternak;


to take care of 1 i vestock (Sd)

(e)drardai menggembalakan; to watch, shepherd (8d)

drarise ferorur berhadapan dengan, saling berhadapan; opposite, to face each other (lJe)

drarise ferorur faduvar sebelah kanan; right (lJe)

mavar side

drarise ferorur fadu soudevar sebelah kiri; left side (l3e)

(e)dredade menggoda; to tempt, seduce (be)

(e)dududevo memblJrlJ; ti) hunt (sd)

(e)dus mengelakkan, memintas, memotong, menyemhelih, memotong; to avoid, to take a shortcut, to slaughter, to cut up (Sa, sd, 3d, 9c)

(e)dus ai menebang (pohon), menebang pohon; to cut down (tree) , to chop down trees (sg, 8a)

(e)dus ai, (e)'atpar ai memotong (kayu); to cut, chop (wood) (sg)

(e)dus fi mengatasi; to overcome (a prohlem) (be)

(e)dus fiya adil; fair, just (12a)

(e)du8 ser'ari kurang adil; unfair, unjust (12a)

(e)duse mpngepllng; to I-ollnd IIp (Sc)

~, E

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e dia; he, she (lOb) ebe milik, yang; property

(general), the one who, which (12b, 14d)

ebe badiyafo tanah milik; property (land) (12b)

ebe (e)tawe mengizinkan; to permit (7a)

ebe (e)yit menang; to win (6c) ebe manyo tapun hak asasi;

basic rights (lOg) ebe yit kemenangan; victory

( 10f) ebedo memiliki, pemilik; to

possess, own, owner (12a) ebema nyo mewariskan; to

bequeath (Sj) ebe.a nyo srono ahli waris;

heir (Sj) eb'oit tumbuh; to grow (2a) ed'a penuh; full (13h) ed'a ferfurpar penuh sesak;

jam-packed (13h) ed'apar tepat; exact (6b) ede keong, siput; snail (3c)

Jederfe macam pisang; type of banana (2c)

edma hutan; jungle (lb) edma pado babi hutan; wild

pig, boar (3a, 3e) edmaifuwar pedalaman; interior

(lb) edmeyo dalam (piring), dalam

(sungai); deep (plate), deep (river) (13c)

ee, fesake ya, begitu saja; yes, like that (14e)

(rir)efda saksi; witness (lOg) efda de.aruse beribadat, adat;

religious (6a)


efte jambu monyet; cashew nut (2c)

ef'o kator; dirty (13g) efro matahari; sun (Ie, 13i) efro d .. i jam tangan, sinar

matahari; wrist watch, sun's rays (lg, Sd)

efro eper gerhana matahari; eclipse (solar) (Ie)

efro esasa matahari terbit; sunrise (Ie, 19)

efro esro' matahari terbenam; sunset (Ie, 19)

efro sep-sep-sebre sedang; temperate (130

efronamu lebah, tawon; bee (3f)

efte tifa, genderang; small drum, big drum (lId)

ei sake tidak tahu; don't know (14e)

eiwen8Dla cockatoo

ekre tiwo (4c)

burung kakat~; (3b)

tulang rusuk; rn

e.afpar susut; shrunk (13h) lunak; soft (13g) e.bayo dabu tenggorokan;

throat (4b) eafan das sebentar lagi; in 8

moment (lg) e.firo harum, manis; fragrant,

sweet (4e, 6a) eafiro fiya' sedap, enak,

lezat, manis; delicio~,

sweet (9i) eatretirse empuk; tender (90 emyar mengalir; to flow (ld) en di; in, at, on (14c)

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(r)en awari mourn (6d)

(d)en mesou patient (40

berkahung; to

dig) paSlen;

ena we.yo lebat; laden with fruit (2a)

endapan endapan; sediment (ld) endede eson jari manis; ring

finger (4d) endedmeto we.yo cacingan; to

suffer from worms (4f) (d)enon hidup; to live (4g) epor terbang; to fly (3a) epou mengapung; to float (ld) epte foou ketiak; armpit (4d) erbate jengkerik, riang-riang;

cricket (3f) erbe .. kelang batu; rock crab


ere kayu besi; eremedorise

(l2d) er'erfema


ironwood (8g) tonggak; post

ber j amur ; moldy

er.iro udang karang; crayfish, lobster (3c)

erne handuk kelapa; coconut dipper (9b)

(e)'erome menikmati; to enjoy (6d)

erte ikan gurita; octopus (3c) esda salah, dosa; wrong,

erroneous, sin (6b, Ila) esda we.yo kesalahan; mistake

(6b) esde lereng; slope (lb) esede udang; shrimp (3c) esep sangat, amat, sekali,

terlalu; very, too (14b)

es'er hancur, busuk; crushed, rotten, putrid (4f, 13h)

eser belisa; throbbing paln (4f)

esidnar kira-kira kapan?; approximately when? (lg)

eson mefoe isteri; wife (lOa) eson temto suami; husband

(lOa) esreisortan meluap; to

overflow (ld) etau jalur; furrow (8a) etawe pana memberi makanan; to

feed (3a) etdo'o setapse kudus, suci;

holy (1la) etevar panah kepala satu;

single pointed arrow (8c) etnot fesem-semnese sempit,

sesak keras sekali; tight (l3h)

etro' tenggelam; drowned (ld) evan me foe kemanakan

perempuan; niece (lOa) evan kemanakan

laki-laki; nephew (lOa) eya. berwa'e pohon beringin;

banyan tree (2b) eyaftan riak; small wave,

ripple (ld) eyas berenang; to swim (ld) eyasai pencedok, gayung;

dipper (ge, 12e) eyur mengeram; to sit on eggs


fada pemanggangan kopra; roasting rack for copra (qe)


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fa'de' merangkak, merayapi; to crawl (13j)

fadevose campur; (13h)


(e)f'.. menose berbicara secara rahas ia; to speak confidentially (7a)

(e)f'.. mnense use biar together (e)fadnar

(5d) (e)fadnar

kebawah; (e)fadnar

sisi; to (e)f __ 'du'

meloncat; to jump marahnya mereda; let anger cool (6e)

up (5i)

(e)sivo meloncat to jump down (5e) rerki meloncat ke dodge (5d) menggulung; to roll

fa'du' denon bergelung; coiled (13d)

faduvaret di sebelah, di samping; beside (13e)

(e)fa'edoit jatuh; fall (5e) (e)fa'edoit afo menimpa; to

fallon something (5e) fa'fe' menucu; to throb (4f) (e)fa'fe' menampar; to slap

(5g) (e) fa' fe' ima beba bertepuk

tangan; to clap hands (5g) (e)fa'fe'nar ne.bare meracuni

ikan; to poison fish (8b) (e)fa'fo'mengupas; to peel,

remove husk (5g, 9c) fa'fo' comarna membuka mata;

to open eyes (4e) (e)fa'fo'par metarfe

mengepulkan; to blow smoke (9 j)

(e)f'.. lafal, ucapan; pronunciation (7a)

(e)f' .. eidat peramal; diviner (lIe)

(e)f' .. fenti khotbah; sermon ( 11a)

(e)f'amfe bilang, menceritakan, menyatakan keterangan; to say, to tell (a story), to state, clarify, directions (9c)

(e)f' aafe sake berterima kasih; to thank (7a)

(e)f' .. fi ida weayo berbicara dengan keras; to speak loudly (7a)

(e)fan menembak, melepaskan panah; to throw, to shoot an arrow, to shoot (firearm) (5h, 8c, Be)

fantan tidafnou menyumbat telingd.; to plug one's ears (4e)

fantar menembak; to shoot ( 100

fare bekas luka; sear (5g) (e)fariaa mampir, singgah; to

drop by (IDe) faronar bertiup; to blow (Ie) (e)fartan bersungut-sungut; to

grumbh (7a) (e)faruT berkumpul,

mengumplJlkan; to assemble, to gather (5d, 5j)

farurima jumlah; total (13b) (e)fas menanam; to plant (8a) faso dayung, kemudi; oar,

rudder, steering wheel (7e)


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faso dabu kapten; captain (7e) faso dabu mobil sopir; driver

(7e) fa sonar berdoa; to pray (lla) fasus bunt ing; pregnant

(animals) (8d) fati batu; stone (la, lc) fati desa semen; cement (12d) fati endede kerikil; gravel

(la, lc, 8g) fati temto Jin batu; stone

demon 0 lc) (e)fatorfe mengatakan,

menjawab, menuduh; to say, speak, tell, to answer, to accuse (7a)

(ne)fatorfi fenti berkhotbah; to preach (lla)

(e)fau menjadi, mengandung, mengikat, memintal (tali); to become, pregnant, to tie up, to roll, twist (string) (4g, 5i)

fau empat; four (13a) (e)fau den tesese mengikat

jadi satu; to tie in bundle (5i)

fau snafut empat puluh; forty (13a)

(e)fda mendengar; to hear (4e) (e)fda use taat, patuh; to

obey (6h) (e)fdai ikut, percaya;

believe, follow (lla) (e)fdawo mendengarkan;

listen (4e)



(e)fdaye percaya; to trust, believe (60

(e)fe' menakik, menyepak,


angka, nomor; to kick, number (5g,

-fe untuk; for the (14c)

notch, to Db) bent>fit of

fe- seperti; like (14c) fe atau, seperti; or, as, like

(14d) (e)fe' airau afo menahur; to

sow (8a) (e)fe' fido membului; to pluck

(chicken) (5h) (e)fe' metarfe mengusir dengan

asap; to smoke out (9d) feairau meat a hijau; green

( 130 febertinya busur; arc (13d) febidotap lembut; soft, tender

(4e) fe'dara melukai; to harm,

InjUre (physically) (lOf) fedara merah; red (13f) fedara bde merah muda; pink

( 130 fedara ser'aririse merah tua;

dark red (130 fedartar omong kosong; chatter

(7a) fededoure.a berduri; prickly

( 13g) fedenonse bebas; free (lOg) (e)fe'desa mengebut; to dust

(5k) fedesa kelabu, abu-abu; gray

( 130 fedeudewe saingan; rival (lOh) (e)fecbu'mi' beriring-iring;

to walk in file (5d) (e)fedotpar mengllraikan,

membuka ikatan; to untie (5i)

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fe'ewo menuju; towards (14c) fefaina bagaimana; how (14f) fef'e nyeri, sakit; painful,

ache (40 fefetyafo ser'ari mendendam,

benci, iri hati; to hold a grudge, to hate, enVIOUS (6e)

fefinar da'o penyanyi; singer ( lId)

fefiya sebe selama; during (14c)

fefiyasebe bahagia; happy (6d) fefou baru; new, just (lg,

14b) (e)fei membuat, usaha,

memasak, mendidih; to make, do, effort, to cook, to boil (intr.) (Sc, 6g, 9c)

(e)fei awopar menyelesaikan; to finish (6g)

(e)fei doao pesta, makan besar; feast (9h)

(e)fei (e)rseya bekerja; to work (Sc)

(e)fei eidat berusaha; to try (6g)

(e)fei esda berdosa, keliru; do wrong, wrong (6a, 6b)

. (e)fei fenyo menciptakan bumi; to create the world (lla)

(e)fei feritane, (e)bonfan, (e)bontan memperbaiki; to repair, redo, patch (Sg)

(e)fei DUltnatan ragu-ragu; hesitant, trying to know (l3j)

(e)fei ser a1 rekreasi; recreation (lOe)

(e)fei ser' ari menindas, merusak; to oppress, to damage, destroy (lOf)

(e)fei sesyayeyase buru-buru, tergesa-gesa; In a hurry (l3j)

(e)fe'i tanyeto potret, memotret; photograph, to take a photograph (llf)

(e)fei wino menyisiki; to remove scales (9c)

(e)feiyama fiya mengganjar; to reward (Sj)

feaa'atimavet biru; blue (l3f) fe.edase asalkan, asal; as

long as, provided that (14d) fe.eJB8' ati terlalu banyak

garam; too salty (9i) fe.e.oru sibuk; busy (Sc) felM!Dllano berminyak; oi ly (9i) (na'ara') fe.eno hitam; black

( 130 hi tam pekat; very

black (130 feaaetadeda berki lat-kilatj

shiny (13g) (e)feafun pukul api; to hit a

fire (Sg) (e)feafun yafu memadamkan; to

put out (9d) (e)feaoensa mengarungi; to

wade across (Sd) fe.ramau warna tua; dark color

( 130 fe'nar lancar; fluent (13j) fenetnekitan lengket; sticky

(l3g) fenetso ra'ra' tidak

mengkilap; dull (13g)


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fenetso-netso berkilat-kilat; shiny (I3g)

fenfenyo orang asing; foreigner (lOd)

fenggo.u otak, pikir, cita-cita; brain, to think, goal, ideal (4b, 4e, 6c)

fenggomu (a)wopar, (e)te.kit fiya menghafalkan; to memorize (4e)

fenggomu daidu pikiran dua; fickle (6h)

fenggomu (e)fei ingat; to remember (6e)

fengga.u (e)tawe mengingatkan; to remind (4e)

fenggomu (e)tawi mengingatkan; to remind (7a)

fenggomu (e)wopar bingung; confused, upset (6f)

fenggomu (e)yit khawatir; anxious (60

fengga.u kit ingat; to remember (4e)

fenggo.u orur menghafal(kan); to learn by heart (7d)

fenggo.u tap ed'apar celaka; irritation, dissatisfaction (I4e)

fenggomu te'aspar dongkol; angry inside (6e)

fenggo.u to fera'ra' pingsan; faint, unconscious (4f)

(e)fen'o mencuri, mencopet; to steal, to pickpocket (Sj)

(e)fen'o nyobarsa barang rampasan; booty (Sj)

fenti karangan; composition, essay (7b, 7d)

fenti (e)tawe menasehati; to advise (7a)

fenti neyuri memuja, herkata dgn mereka; to worship (spirits) (lIe)

fenyo faduwar angkasa luar; outer space (Ie)

fenyo meremdedatpar agak siang; mid-morning (lg)

fenyo use adat, adat istiadat; custom, traditional law, varIOUS traditional laws (lOg)

(na'ara') fepamo putih; white ( 130

fepa.omau putih sekali; very white (130

(e)fe'par tes mengurangi; to subtract (13b)

fepersesa'o berlumpur; slimy (I3g)

fera kapak, kampas; axe, adze, canvas (8e, UO

ferafo macam pohon sagu; type of sago palm (2b)

ferara selat, celah; strait, crevice (lb, lb)

fera're' pecah; broken

rusak, patah, damaged,

(glass) (13h)

robek, broken,

fera're'te denon sebe mudah pecah, mudah robek; fragile, easily torn (13h)

ferda'ma semacam kepiting; type of crab (3c)

fered'a cembung; convex (13d) (e)ferefren'on bertubrukan; to

collide (Sg) fereftefti bertukar; to trade,

exchange (12a)


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ferefteti tunai, kontan, jual-beli; cash (12a)

fereme.rom bertemu; to meet (IDe)

ferepre'ki'par goyah; wobbly (l3h)

ferera'ose langsing, ramping; slim (l3e)

feresersirnar reyot; falling to pieces (l3h)

fereswarwor menentang; to resist, protest (IOf)

(e)ferfurpar, (e)titpar wari rani meludah; to spit (4b)

feridai di antara; among, between (l3e)

(e)feridetpar terbuka; uncovered (Si)

feridetpar terbuka; open (13h) ferifo'par. broriu kendur;

slack, loose (13h) ferinis kudus, suel,

kemuliaan; holy, glory (lla) feri'ot gugup; nervous (6f) ferisu'. (e)rirnar mengingsut;

to shift (something) (Sh) (e)fersesasar mencekau,

merebut; to grab, seize (Sj) -ferso berkerut; wrinkled (13h) ferso'nar siap berkembang;

ready to grow up (13h) fesai sebe cuma, hanya; only

(l4b) fesaise deimau fesatoitma

deimau baik ... mallplln; both .•. and (l4d)

fesake memang, of course, certainly (14b)

tentll,pasti; certainly,

fesaketo walauplIn, mpskiplIn; even though (14d)

fesepsebre hambar, tasteless, flat (9i)

feser'ari rusak;


damaged, broken (5g, 13h)

fesesasar perlombaan; race (lOh) competition,

fetap. dedwop (14d)

kemudian; then

fetapse mause tidak sarna sekali; not at all (14b)

feteibe sebab, karena; because of, because (14c, 14d)

feteit harangkali, mungkin; probably, possibly (I4b)

feteteita fe toita atau ... atau; either ... or (l4d)

fetfidoma fetiyafo


herbulll; hairy (l3g) rendah hat i; m~ek

fetiyafo fiya bermurah hati; generous (Sj)

fetobori jerami; stubble, straw (8a)

fetyafo jantung; heart (4c) fetyafo (e)'an menyukai,

keinginan; to like, desire (6e)

fetyafo (e)'an we-yo sangat menginginkan, haus akan; to desire very strongly, to thirst for (6e)

fetyafo ed' 0 meng i r i ; to be jealolls (LOf)

fetyafo fa'fe'e kpsal; respntflll (he)

fetyafo fiya baik hat i, tulus hati, jujur, rt'nci3h hati,


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InllLlh hal i ; good-na,ur,~d,

honest, humhle, rnodpst, generuus (6a, fJh)

fetyafo mefna ganas; savage (6a)

fetyafo ser'ari sllsah hati; sad (6d)

fetyo sa'a dada; chest (4c) fewanafo dangkal; shallow (ld,

l3e) (e)fe'wo melempar; to throw

at, pe It (5h) (e)feye awopar menyembuhkan;

to cure a disease (4f) (e)feyi ser'ari menindas; to

oppress (6e) feyone kuning; yellow (13f) feyonemau jingga. kuning tlla;

orange (130 (d)fi barye perang; war (1Of) (e)fide memutar, menylmpang,

memutar; to turn, to swerve (5d)

fide, . .

mlang, mlang hutan; stinging hairs (on leaves) (2a)

fido bulu; fur, feathers (3a) firo pohon pisang, pisang;

hanana tree, banana (2b, 2c) firorau kertas rokok;

cigarette paper (9j) (e)fitavomowar,

membe 10k; to It.) (Sa)


fitpar memutar (jam); (wal'ch) (lg)

(iya hersih, senang, cll~an, happy, giiY, in t a C't (5 k , 6d, I') ? .

(e)yau ( rt . or

to wind

lltuh; joyful, 13h)


fiy8Dlau ba i ~ , i nd ah : good, beautifIJl (thIngs) (fJa)

fiy8lllau sebe kokllh, teguh; firm (13h)

fiyamause baik sekali; very good (6a)

fiyap fiyamause cantik; beautiful (person) (6a)

fiyare mengorbankan; to sacrifice (something) (5j)

(e)fiyare mengurbankan; to sacri fice (lIe)

(e)fiyawarse selamat; safe (1la)

fiyawarsetemto Juru Selamat; Savior (Ila)

(e)fnaunar mengajar, mendidik; to teach, to educate, train (7d)

fnaunar mujizat, pertllnjukan; miracle, performance (lla, lle)

(e)fnaunare berlat ih, ] at ihan; to practice, exercise (7d)

(e)fnaowe mengajar; to teach (7a)

(e)fnenin use menyangkal; to deny (7a)

fnou lobang; hole (Bf) mou, fnori gila; cavp (1 b) (e)fo' membuka; to OPl'l1 ('ie) fofoki terllng; eggplant (20) fo'fo'se hamba; servant (6h) (e)f'on kena, hingga, sampai

to hit from abov p , ttl hit (target), Ilnti] ('i~" 'Re, 14c, ]4d)

(e)fontan (e)tutan \II'·'1<'k.11\; "t) prl',ss ('ih)

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memisahkan; (Sg)

to (e)fo'par separate

(e)fo'par melepaskan bow (Be)

bertinyabe wado busur; to release

(e)fo'par tani melepaskan diri; to escape (Sd)

(e)fo'par yangkar membuang sauh; to cast anchor (Sh)

(e)fo'pare melepaskan; to release, free, let fall (Se)

(ri)fo'pare membebaskan; to acquit (lOg)

(e)fo'pare tani melepaskan diri; to escape from (Se)

fo'parewo begitu saja; it's all right (14e)

(e)foripar meretih; to crackle (9d)

foruse rifi gotong royong; mutual cooperation (6a)

(e)fos memuat, menyebut; to load, fill up, to name (Se, 7a)

fra'fe'orur melawan; against (14c)

(e)fra'fetpar. (e)fetpar jarak, ulur; distance (Sd)

(e)frasesa membangun, mendirikan; to build (8g)

frenkim dreidat meramal; to tell a fortune (lIe)

frodami espar matahari bersinar; to be sunny (Ie)

(e)frof berlari; to run (13j) fra.ani burung nuri; colored

parrot (3b) (e)fsis menggendong; to carry

on back (Sf)

(e)fta resa. tentanima hamil, mengand ung; to be pregnant (4g)

(e)ftar menerbi tkan; to publish (7b)

(e)fti membeli; to buy (12a) (e)ftiyur terbe 1 i ; for sale

(12a) fu gugus, rumpun; e 1 us ters

(bananas, bamboo) (14g) fumau induk sungai; maIn rIver

(1d) fumfumau

( 13a) permulaan;

(e)fun memukul orang, to hit a person, (Sg, 109)

(e) fun nefrertit berulang-ulang; repeatedly (Sg)


memukul; to beat

to memukul


funfumau pada mulanya, mula-mula; at first (14b) pertama; first (lg) (e)funpare membunuh; to kill


(e)funset sid8llla melukai; to wound (8c)

fuse di bawah; below (13e) (e)fut berpantang, tabu; to

abstain from, taboo (6f)

,&. G

genesana semacam ular; red pOIsonous snake (3d)

i. I

ibo kapur; lime (Ie, 9j)


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ida suara; voice (7a) ida wado pangkal tenggorokan;

larynx (4b) idat kira-kira nanti;

approximately then (lg) ifan mefne ipar perempuan;

sister-in-law (lOa) ifan temto ipar laki-laki;

brother-in-law (10a) iku ekor; tail (3a) ikvai pantat; buttock (4c) ima tangan; hand and lower arm

(4d) ima baro. u.a diro pergelangan

tangan; wrist (4d) ima basa kuku; nail (4d) ima basa wemyo kejahatan,

jahat; crime, evil (lOg, lle)

ima bdo'e jari; finger (4d) ima beba telapak tangan; palm

(4d) 1ma befou ibu jari; thumb (4d) 1ma biko siku; elbow (4d) ima dyade kasar; rude (6a) ima (e)tawe menghormati; to

es teem (6e) ima endede kelingking; little

finger (4d) ima isore kerasukan,

kesurupan; possessed by a spirit (llc)

ima kereu tangkas; dexterous, artistic (6g)

ima mawar tangan kanan; right hand (4d)

ima sesisnar memerciki; to sprinkle (sh)

ima soudewar tangan kiri; left hand (4d)


ima tawe menghormati; to respect (6h)

ima tertide berkat; blessing ( 11a)

1ma wase tolol; foolish, squanderer (4e)

imada danau, anak sungai; lake, t rib uta r y (l b, 1 d )

imadam bena. woimbena sungai kecil; creek, stream (ld)

imadifo lengan; upper arm (4d) imameit simpan barang; put

away stuff (sh) imame'se' angker kur jengkal;

handspan (l3e) imanan berhitung, menghitung;

to count, calculate (13a, l3b)

imferom kipan, kelabang; cent ipede (3f)

imser berbadima potong dgn tanah; cut with dirt (sh)

(r)in puwe perdamaian; peace ( 10f)

ina m'ere ikan asin; salty fish (9f)

ina ritunse ikan bakar; grilled fish (9f)

ina penangkap ikan; fisherman (8j)

ipo paha; thigh, upper leg (4d)

ipo afo. oyai enan duduk angkat kaki; to sit with one leg across another (5a)

ipo pedna duduk bersila; to sit crosslegged (Sa)

iririba penyengat, t ahuhan; wasp (3f)

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(e)isorewo minyak mafna; to fry (9c)

iwe teduh, sombar; shady (Ie) iwometa glgl, gigi seri;

tooth, incisor tooth (4b) iwometa tenorise geraham;

molar tooth (4b)

kambing mono bandot; ram, billy goat (8d)

kapok ai pohon kapok; kapok tree (2b)

karet ai pohon karet; rubber tree (2b)

kaus apak, basi; stale (13h) (e)kenkin memungut; to harvest

(8a) kereu seniman, pelukis;

artist (general), artist (drawing and painting) (llf)

kido kejam, jahat; fierce, cruel, wicked (6a)

(e)kin makan; to eat (9h) (e)kin meryo makan malam;

evening meal (9h) (e)kin nairau makan sirih; to

chew betel nut (9j) (e)kin rar.o sarapan, makan

pagi; breakfast (9h) (e)kin useto makan slang; noon

meal (9h) (e)kis memetik; to pick

(flowed, to pick (Sh, 8a) (e)kis. (e)'at memetik; to

pick 0 ff (fru it. flower) (Sg)

(e)kis padi memotong, menURl padi; to harvest rice (9a)

(e)kispar memengga 1; to cut off (Sg)

(ri)kispar menjatuhkan hukuman; to pronounce sentence (lOg)

(e)kit (e)porsi membawa turun; to bring down (Se)

(e)kitewo membawa; to take away (Se)

kitpar tebing, lubuk; cliff, deep place in river (lb, Id)

(e)kitpar mengasah; to sharpen (8e)

(e)kokiunare mencela; to criticize (7a)

ka.pomo rabun; short-sighted (4e)

kori medorito tikus; mouse (3e)

(e)korkur memukul; to beat (gong, drum) (lId)

krabo kijing besar; large clam (3c)

kudin untunglah; fortunately (6a)

(e)kuftan war 1 fnou menutup mulut; to shut mouth (4b)

kumkumtan coaarna menutup mata; to shut eyes (4e)

kuriyaaau kaskado; scaly skin disease (40

kweidabu ikan pari; ray (3c) (e)kwinar mengintai; to spy


lampu basa kap L ampu ; lampshade (12e)


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ma menguap; to yawn (4a) -rna juga, dan; also, anyway,

and (14b, 14d) ma'a luas; spacious (13c) ma'ar, erye guntur; thunder

(If) ma'asi asam,

bitter (9i) pah it; sour,

ma'ati garam, asin; salt, salty (9g, 9i)

ma'ati nelayan, pelaut; fisherman, sai lor, seaman (8b, 8j)

mada masak; ripe (2a, 9i) made kuntum, benang sari;

flower bud, stamen (2a) mado bulan; moon, month (Ie,

19) mado avopar achir bulan; end

of month (lg) mado ed'a bulan purnama; full

moon (Ie) mado eper gerhana hulan;

eclipse (lunar) (Ie) mado feimadi lingkaran cahaya;

halo (around moon) (Ie) mado metambe bulan yang lalu;

last month (lg) mado rep'e bulan sabit; new or

crescent moon (Ie) mado s'as'amau. mado funfunaau

awal bulan; beginning of the month (lg)

mado satei btl Ian lnl; th is mon th (lg)

mado senyet bulan depan; next month (lg)


mafna panas, kl·mara'l; hot, drought (If)

mafna denwerwaridonse hangat; warm (1 f)

mafo berat; heavy (Dc) mafo' berat sekali; very heavy

( Dc) maki sederhana, haIus, dengan

kepaia dingin, ramah, budi bahasa, sopan; simple, refined, polite, temperate, friendly, intimate, courtesy, kind (6a, 6e, 6h)

maki fiya sopan-santun; politeness, courtesy (6a)

maki fiya' lemah lembut; kind, gentle (6h)

Makin macam pisang; type of banana (2c)

mam ayah, bapak; father, Mr., you (lOa, lOb)

mam anah AI.lah; God (11a) Ham use Firman

Allah; Word of God (lla) (e)mamam mengunyah; to chew

(9h) (e)m_tan bingun; l:onfllsed

(6b) mamuse nol, kosong; zero),

empty (l3a, l3h) .ani ku~kus; ClISCUS (3e) maninetyo unggas; h)l;vl (31))

maninetyo dori berkicau; to warhle (of a hird) (3a)

ma'ni'par menelan; to sW3110w (4b, 9h)

mano, bebaptanse ]"rn;lk; fal·

(4a) manobar kl'lad i; tar.) (2g)

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marer tupai terbang; flying squirrel (3e)

mariba lumut, berlanyau; moss, slimy (2f, 4e)

maro angin; wind (If) ma'ro keluarga, famili;

extended family, family (6a, lOa)

mara berteaa gelombang; big wave (ld)

ma'~o ren fadu-fadu tetangga; neighbor (IOc)

maro veayo ang1n besar; windstorm (llc)

maroitnefit pusaran angin; whirlwind (Ie)

(e)maros duduk; to sit (Sa) (e)maros fa'du' bersimpuh; to

sit on folded legs (Sa) maros, marta.a mengendap; to

settle (ld) masea semacam ketam, kepiting;

type of crab (3c) .'atidon laut; sea (lb) mato ular; snake (3d) mato medata'no seperti lidah

ular; forked tongue (6b) (e)matos dedmese duduk tegak;

to sit up straight (Sa) . (e)matosesi mendudukkan; to

seat (Sa) mayo pakaian, kemeja, baju

kaus, celana, sarung, baju; clothing, shirt, T-shirt, trousers, sarong, dress (12c)

mayo tebori ren varidun baju dalam; underwear (12c)

(e)mdarer menghancurkan, remuk, hancur; to smash,

smashed shattered (5g)


mebembonewo menabur; to sow (8a)

mebon biak; fertile (8d) meda cerah, terang,

panjangnya, panjang; bright, clear, light, length, long (le, 19, Dc)

medata'no lidah; tongue (4b) medata'no daidu seperti ular

berkepala dua; two-faced (6b)

medata'no I idah ; (4b)

eara' menj ulurkan to st ick out tongue

medeso kudis; scabies (4f) .edeso teato, kuriyama teato

penyakit kusta; leprosy (40 me'di tebal; thick (Dc, 13h) me'di ebema kelebihan; surplus

(13a) mednar' a semacam kepiting;

type of crab (3c) medri pana saji; dish (9h) me e~se mengutuki; to put a

curse on (7a) me'ere pedis,

(spicy) (9i) pedas; hot

mefati let ih, asma, bengek; tired, asthma (4f)

mefati, siwo mara bernapas; to breathe (4a)

me fend i (re)neafani net yo bidan; midwife

mefendimade pemudi; girl (lOa)

(ri)bon (4g) teenage

mefna panas; hot, heat (l3c, 131)


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mefna den waridonse hangat; warm (13i)

mefna samo musim panas; summer (dry season) (13i)

mefne bet ina, perempuan; female female (8d, lOa)

wanita, (animal) ,

mefne Datu perempuan muda; young girl (lOa)

meipe barat, kabur; west (ld) mekni basah; wet (ld, l3g) meaadi Ie lucon, lucu; joke,

funny (6d) memam mengunyah; to chew (4b) me.asi semacam panah; type of

arrow (8c) memavaise retak; cracked

(glass) (Sg) , membero. dukun; male witch

doctor (8i) membri pangkat; rank (lOf) memdo bermuka gembira, riang,

hiburan; to be all smiles, cheerful, entertainment, recreation (6d, 10e, 10h)

memdo da'era senl, kesenian; art (lli) ,

memdori (e)fei sangat gembira, girang hati; overjoyed, cheerful (6d)

memdu' sosial, bersenang hati, gembira; social, happy, to rejoice, pleased (6d)

memdu (e)fei sukacita, bangga; joyful, proud (6d, 6a)

mememba kain, selimut, kelambu, kain untuk pengganti selimut; cloth, blanket, mosquito net, (sheet)cover (8f, 12c)


mememba wari rerki pembalut; bandage (8i)

memfitna ; pa infu lly th in (40 me.imtan memperlambat; to slow

down (13j) memkari linu, pegal; pain in

the bones, stiff, painfully tired (40

mem'o. sa'ara' keri'ng; dry (ld)

(e)memrampar menebarkan (jala), memancing; to cast (fish nets), to fish with a 1 i ne (Sh, 8b)"

(e)memre lulus; to pass (7d) (e)memrem menusuk; to stab,

insert (Se) memremtan segan, keseganan;

reluctant, apathy (6g) memta mentah; unripe (2a) medata'no daidu licik;

crafty, cunning (6g) mendedwo sidang juma'at;

church congregation (lla) mendedvoma orang banyak;

people (lOc) mendere macam pohon sagu; type

of sago palm (2b) mene malu; timid, shy,

embarrassed (6f) menen drama, sandiwara; drama

(lIe) meneuse keji; shameful (6a) menggeron. etsa'a remis besar,

kijing; clam (3c) meu.en nakal; naughty (6a) meno awan, kandungan, rahim;

raincloud, womb (Ie, 4c) men'o marne semacam racun

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ikan; type of (8b)

fish poison mer.oru If'lah, (40

capa i; weary

meno rani lukisan, gambar; picture (110

meno waridon berdukacita; to be sorrowful (6d)

menoafo aida tinta; ink (7b) menorani

letter menorani


buku, surat; book, (7b, 7c, 7d) dimo kantor pos; post (7c)

menorani mamuse buku buku catatan, buku notebook, exerCIse

tu lis, latihan;

book (7b, 7d)

menorani riter.a dokumen tertulis; written document (7b)

mensiyo keringat; sweat (4a) mensiyo denone berhutang; to

owe (Sj) mensodi licin; to he slippery,

smooth (ld, 4e) (e)menunare berbisik; to

whisper (7a) menwafo tinta; ink (llf) merfa edao belalang sentadu;

praying mantis (3f) merifa belalai; proboscis of

insect (3a) benar, sungguh,

, right, correct, real, (6b, 14b)

betul; truly actually

(e) (6d)


sebenarnya; (14b) tertawa;

sesaseaa terkekeh-kekeh; to (6d)

to laugh

tertaw<l giggle

mernar berseri-seri; to shine, radiate (6d)

me me serpai pelangi; rainbow (Ie)

memebe natuni domba masehi; disciples (l1a)

mertiyo bersin; to sneeze (4f) mertoyu bau; smell (4e) (e)merur waridon jatuh

kedalam; to fall into (Se) meryomase kemarin; yesterday

(lg) meryou sore; late afternoon

(lg) meryou satei sore 1n1; this

afternoon (lg) meryoumase pani dua malam yang

lalu; two nights ago (lg) meryoumaseaau tei baru-baru

ini; recently (14b) mesai malaria, demam typhus,

demam; malaria, typhoid fever, fever, feverish (4f, l3i)

mesdo ruangan kelas, ruang kuliah, kamar; cla$sroom, lecture hall, room (7d, 12d)

meskiyo sudut; corner (12d) mesou obat; medicine (4£) mesou dimo rumah sakit;

hospital (4f, 8i) me sou teato dokter, dukun;

doctor, shaman (8i, lle) mesou use ilmu penyakit, ilmu

kesehatan; pathology, hygiene (4f, 7d)

mesou-mesouse drugs (8i)



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mesvo ramai; full (of peoplp) (13h)

meta' tajam; sharp (8e) meta tajam; sharp (13g) meta manoofi berhasrat; to

covet (6e) metadeda kilat; lightning (If) metamanoo cemburu, dengki;

jealous, maliciously jealous (6e)

metao dulu; long ago, formerly (lg, l4b)

metarapo pipi; cheek (4b) metarfe asap; smoke (9d) metarao bulan gelap; dark of

the moon (Ie) metreo'afo lombok, cabai; red

pepper (chili and cayenne) (9g)

(e)mfan menunggu; to wait (for) (Se)

(e)mi tos terlambat; late (13 j)

mikoaabe jarang; rarely (14b) milu jagung; corn (2d) mim kami; we (excl.) (lOb) .im'a'meit mempersiapkan; to

prepare (9c) .imdai kami berdua; we two

(excl.) (lOb) mirbau ikat kepala, destar;

headhand (12c) miti ku 1 it kasar; coarse skin

(40 .itreuafo lomhok, cahai; red

pepper (2d) miyora

, menylangl; to weed

(8a) mnaifa berapa; how many, how

milch ( 13a , 140


mnaisebe beberapa; few (13a) (e)mnapar ten<1ng,

beristirahat; to b~ quipt, to get rest (Sc)

mnapar tenang; calm (l1h) (e)mnas tahu; to know (4e) (e)mnas imser tahu dengan

baik; to know thoroughly (4e)

(e)mnas mesou penyakit; to disease (8i)

mengenal diagnose a

(e)mnas oyo wado, gejala; symptom (4f)


mnas use de.wasa; adult (lOa) (e)mnas wemyo pandai; wise,

clever (6a) (e)mnase mencicipi, terkenal,

rasa, kira-kira; to taste, famous, taste, approximately (4e, bc, 9h, l3a)

(e)mnase metarfe herasa asap; smoky (9i)

(e)mnau istirahat; rest (Sc) mneose tipis; thin (13c) (e)mni' menelan, menelan tanpa

mengunyah; to swallow, swallow without chewing (5h, 9h)

(e)mninar bersemhunyi, menyemhunyikan; to hide (intr.), to hide, cone!"al (Se)

mo'e liat; tough (meM) (9i) mofo mengerang; death rattle,

to groan, moan (4f, 6d) moki ban, ikat pinggang; tire,

rubber, helt Ue, 12c) (e)momar tep'e me;!lh"t"sihkan

Page 162: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu

binatang, burung; to clean an animal or fowl (9c)

moni den da'e we.yo ketiduran; to oversleep (5b)

moni dimdaidu, greja mlnggu; week (lg)

moni (e)fune mengantuk; sleepy (Sb)

moni (e)sar'e bermimpi; to dream (Sb)

moni neme.rem orure tertidur; tu fall asleep (5b)

moni tou itesodewomau tiga hari yang lalu; three days ago (lg) separuh, setengah, di tengah; one-hal f, 1n the middle (13b, l3e)

mono jantan; male (animal) (3a, 8d)

mo'odi perut; abdomen (4c) mo'odi ed'a kenyang; full (9h) mo'odi emor lapar; hungry (9h) mo'odi sa'si'tan perut tidak

enak, sakit perut; stomach feels bad, to have a stomach ache (40

mo'odi sed'a tlarap; to lie face down (Sa)

mo'odi tibo pusat; navel (4c) mo'odi yafu sen1n asam

sendawa; heartburn (4f) morau layu; withered (8a) mori denggerer gelang;

bracelet (12c) mori moki ban lengan; armband

(l2c) mori wadokawan terlahir

dekat-dekat; two born at same time (6a)


morve (e)fun mabuk; drunk (9j) (e)mpon membungkus; to wrap up

(Si) (e)mra' memecat; to fire (8h) (e)mra' (e)ta'ewo kebetulao;

by chance (ba) (e)mra'esa kebangkitan;

resurrection (lla) (e)mra'ewo keluar; go out (Sd) (e)mra'sase tiba-tiba;

suddenly (14b) (e)mrom membagi, membagikao,

memberikan, sumbangan; to divide, to glve out, donation (Sg, Sj, l3b)

mrorau layu; withered (13h) (e)msade mengasihi, mencintai;

to love (be) (e)msat mau, rindu; to want,

longing, desire (be, be) mtOillut tengik, perat; rancid

(9i) murinya semacam ular kaki

empat; type of ground lizard (3d)

murisa merpati mahkota, mambruk; crown pigeon (3b)

(a)mus mengisap; to suck (4c) (e)mus mengisap, minuffi; to

suck In mouth, to suck, inhale, to drink (4b,~, 9h)

(e)mus obat minum obat; to take medicine (8i)

(e)mustan menglsap rokok, mengisap; inhale, to inhale (9h, 9 j )

.!!., N

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(re)n emim diantara; among (l3e)

(e)n yatse di atas; on, above (l3e)

na'a pohon sukun; breadfruit tree (2b)

na'an mefne kakak perempuan; older sister (lOa)

na'an temto kakak laki-laki; older brother (lOa)

na'asid rifi menyelidiki memeriksa; to investigate, to examine (7d)

na'do'uvo memainkan; to play (instrument) (lId)

na'e' lama; long time, long (time) (lg, l3j)

na'en adik laki-laki; younger brother (lOa)

nairau sirih; betel, betel plant (2f, 9j)

nairaumau daun sirih; betel leaf (9j)

nambai. na'a sukun; breadfruit (2e)

name arang; charcoal (Ie) na.fen sebelum; before (lg) (e)namfisi use berjanji; to

promise (7a) namtum nama sarna; people of

same name (6a) namu nyamuk; mosquito (3f) (e)nan dabu menjunjung; to

carryon head (Sf) (e)nanesa mafna memanggang; to

broi 1, roast, hake In fire (9e)

(e)nanevo menyimpan; to put away (Sh)


nani anJlng; dog (3e) (e)nansi meninggalkan,

menaruh; to leave (something), to place (Se)

(e)nansi. (e)nan. (e)bonsa menaruh, meletakkan; to place (Sh)

(e)nantan fnou menambal; to patch (8f)

(e)nanvero menaruh kembali; to replace (Sh)

napo fenfen'oma jahat; evil (lIe)

napo teato suanggi, hantu; ghost (lle)

na'ra' ; faded colors (Se) (e)nas merebus, dimasak; to

boil, cooked, to boil (tr.) (9a, 9c)

(e)nas pamo mengolah sagu; to cook sago (9b)

(e)nas ran1 memasak air; to boi 1 water (9e)

na'sidefeye. (e)t'asane memeriksa; to give a medical examination (4f)

na'sit halus; smooth (13g) (e)nastan mengaduh; to whimper

(6d) nato getah; sap, sticky (2a,

13h) natun anak, bayi; child, baby

(lOa) natun benanatu anak muda;

young child (lOa) natun (e)tfo' keguguran;

miscarry (4g) Baton verfaumau anak sulung;

oldest child (lOa)

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(e)naye melahirkan (orang); to give birth (person) (4g)

neba'bo'evase padat; solid, dense (13h)

nebedbad ai palu kayu; mallet (Be)

nedadon be nang asli; locally made thread (Sf)

nedo ikan ekor kuning, cakal~n, ikan tongkol; yellow-tail, tuna (3c)

nefan'o anak panah; arrow (8c) nefatorfi membicarakan; to

discuss (7a) nefei fenti mengarang; to

wri te, compose (7b) nefeinar menyulam; to

embroider (8f) nefeye mesou mengobat i ; to

treat (8i) nefrourou ke; to (14c) ne.bare semacam ikan; type of

fish (3c) neabarnarito semacam ikan;

type of fish (3c) ne.deda semacam ikan; type of

fish (3c) mematuk; to peck (3a) gagap; to stutter

(7a) ne.nenunar bersungut-sungut,

meraung; to grumhle, to moan (7a)

neana.u rayap; termite (3f) (e)ne.ran menenun; to weave

(cloth) (Sf) (e)nemra. menghidangkan; to

serve, dish out (9h) (e)ne.ra.e hidangan; serving


nen ibu; loother (lOa) nen'a (e)fei takut, cemas;

afraid, worried (bf) nen'a tapse jinak; tame (3a) nen'a vemyo liar; wild (3a) nen'ave batuk; to cough (4f) nenef'amfe use pidato; speech

(7a) neneka manik-manik; beads

( 12c) nenen'saa kaku; stiff (l3h) neniyatse tikus ke lapa;

coconut mouse (3e) nensaumau tikus besar; rat

(3e) nenso pulau; island (lb) nento sempit; narrow (13c) nenvai ibu; Mrs., you (lOb) nepepapar berkomat-kamit; to

mouthe, mumble (7a) nera're' ai penggergaJlan

kayu; sawmill (Be) nesa uhan; grey hair (4b) nesefkifevo menghadang; to

ambush (10f) nesesi menisik; to mend (Bf) neseskistan memata-matai; to

spy on (4e) nesisefe' memercik; to splash,

to splatter (ld) neskeskistan melihat-lihat; to

look around, (4e) nespepa mencari; to look for

(4e) nespepaivo mengejar; to hunt,

stalk (Bc)

nesravesa memanaskan; to heat (13i)

nesvoni bihi; aunt (lOa)


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(e)oetau menganyam; to weave (baskets) (80

netrater ai mengukir kayu; to carve wood (8j)

netso-netso bintang 1aut; starfish (3c)

(e)oevo bepergian; to trave 1 (7e)

DeJa ikan 1umba; dolphin (3c) (e)ofan das tunggu sebentar;

just a moment (14b) ninrita'i menglrlngi; to

accompany (lle) nisamba ada apa, apa; what's

wrong, what (14e, 14f) nisamba mengapa, kenapa, apa

sebabnya; why (14f) nisare pohon kayu susu;

mi1kwood tree (2b) niso cumi-cumi; squid (3c) nive nyiur, pohon ke 1apa,

kelapa; coconut palm, coconut (2b, 2c)

nive ded.ano sabut; coconut husk (2a)

n~ve mefoe tokek kelapa; gecko in coconut trees (3d)

nive meipe santan; coconut milk (9g)

n~veneo.o tengkorak; skull (4b)

noba parang; machete, bush knife (Bc, Be, IOn

nodaase kemarin dulu, beberapa hari yang la1u; day before yesterday, the other day (lg)

nodmase pani tiga malam yang la1u, kemarin dulu mRlam;


three nights ago, night before last (lg)

(e)non 1agi, masih, sedang, sambil; still, while (14b, 14d)

(e)non das hampir; almost (14b)

(e)oon sen3mse hidup yang kekal; eternal life (lla)

00'0 sisir, sendok sago, sendok, sendok makan, sendok teh, garpu; a comb, sago spoon, spoon, tab Ie spoon, teaspoon, fork (4b, 9b, ge)

no'o tea sesendok; spoonful (l3c)

no'o'a use legenda; legeod (7a)

no'odi asam sendawa, tersedu; hiccup, to hiccough (4f)

no'odi Roh Kudus; Holy Spirit (lla)

(e)oot tercekik; to choke (9h) nyo barsa bagas i, bahan;

baggagge, ingred ient (7e, 9c)

nyo barsa. nyosrono perabot; furni ture (l2e)

nyo (e)rseya tugas; task (Sc) nyo (e}tawe hadiah; gift (Sj) nyo erfe pe1ajaran, bacaan;

lesson, reading (7d) oyo erfe meoorani varidon buku

harian; diary (7b) oyo erseya tugas, pekerjaan;

task, (manual) w,)rk (08, ld) nyo erseya dilDO kantor; office

Cld) nyo ritave ha(j iah; pr i:w (lOh)

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oyo ser'ari binatang, biadab, hewan; animal, rude, impolite (3a, 6a, 3d)

oyo ser ari me foe betina; female (animal) (3a)

oyo srooo kebudayaan, perkakas, culture, 8e, 12b)

harta benda; tools, riches (7d,

oyo tawi anugerah; grace (lla) oyo toro kebudayaan berat;

folklore (7d) oyo vado penyakitan, penyakit;

sickness, illness (4f, 8i) oyo vado 1m1m varim foou

penyakit mulut dan kuku; hoof and mouth disease (8d)

oyomau tentang, mengenai, seperti; about, concerning, like (l4c)

oyomau sake penting; important (affair) (6a)

oyomau sake (e)terma bukti tertulis; written proof (7b)

o oh; disappointment (14e) o'ama bendungan; dam (8b) (e)'o'au mengembara; to wander

(Sd) omoveta tenang; calm (ld) (e)'oo menarik; to draw, haul,

pull, to pull, catch fish (Se, 5h)

(e)'oo (e)yit menarik; interesting (6a)

(e)'oo yaogkar mengangkat sauh; to weigh anchor (5h)

(e)'ooesi menawar; to bargain (12a)

000, tep' e mega, mendung; white cloud, cloudy (Ie)

ooovadi langit; sky (Ie) (e)'oror menggerakkan orang,

menggoyang, menggerakkan; to move, shake a person, to agitate (5g)

oror goyang; unsteady (13h) (e)'orpar tidak mau; to not

want (6c) orparfe tabu, larangan; taboo

(llc) (e)'orur mengangkut, mencukur;

to take away, to transport" to shave (5e, Sg)

(e)orur fido mencukur; to shear (8d)

(e)'osustao memperlambat; to s low down (13 j )

'ot patah; broken (steel-like ohjects) (l3h)

(e)'ot mematahkan, patah, menyadap, kalah; to snap, break, broken (stick-like objects), to tap (tree), to lose (5g, Sh, 6c)

(e)'ot padi memotong, menual padi; to harvest rice (9a)

(e)'oti mengalahkan; to beat, defeat (6c)

(e)'oti'isu memangkas; to prune (8a)

oto kendaraan; vehicle (7e) (e)'otpar menggunting; to cut

(with scissors) (5g) otpar kerat, potong; anything

that can be easily torn,


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broken, cut (bread, meat) (14g)

oure bambui bamboo (2f) oyai kaki, gagang kapak; foot,

lower leg, axe handle (4d, 8e)

oyai basa taji; cockspur (3a) oyai beba telapak kaki; sole

(4d) oyai befou jari kaki; toe (4d) oyai bite tumit; heel (4d) oyai dabu lutut; knee (4d) oyai dabu tiwo tempurung

lutut; knee cap (4d) oyai (e).eare. menghentakkan;

to stamp (Sa) oyai fare jejak kaki, jejak;

footprint, trail (4d, 7e) oyai firo betis; calf (4d)

pa hingga, sampai; until (14c) padai senapan, bedil, senjata;

gun, rifle, weapon (Bc, 10f) padai afo peluru; bullet padi padi; rice (2f)

( 10f)

pado babi; pig (3e, 8d) pado tinan bajing, tupai;

squirrel (3e) pa'fa pemanggangan

roasting rack for fish pamo pohon sagu, sagu;

pa 1m, sago (2b, 9b, 9 f) pamo marna pati; core (of

palm) (9b) pamoi baro sendok sagu

tulang; bone sago spoon pana makanan; meal (9h)

ikan; (ge) sago


dari (9b)


pan a breaa snack (9h)

makanan kecil;

pana lahap, gluttonous (6c)


pana meat 0 penekne veayo rakus; greedy (6b)

pani malam; night (lg) pani tengah malam;

midnight (lg) pani esodewo dinihari,

tengah malam lewat; 2 4 a.m. (lg)

pani saao pad a malam hari; at night (lg)

pani satei nanti malam, malam ini; tonight (lg)

pani vend abo ngengat; moth (3f)

panitei tadi malam; last night (lg)

papo papan; board, plank (7b, 8g)

papo afo meja; table (12e) papo damostan nedadon alat

pemintal; spinning wheel (8f)

papo riter.a papan blackboard (7b)


papo riter.a papan tulis, meja tulis; blackboard, desk (7d)

papoafo retraterma meja tulis; desk 02e)

pare mayat; corpse (4g) pare (e)kitversa menghidupkan

kembali; to reV1Vp., resuscitate (4g)

(e)pareyasi-yerparewo surat-menyurat; correspond (7b)


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parfo rawa; swamp, marsh (th, ld)

paroparfo burung bangau putih; stork, heron, egret (3b)

(e)parpar menumpahkan, menuang; to spi II, to pour out (Se, 9c)

pe agar, supaya; so that (14d) pede den alamat; address (7c) pede iwe tempat yang teduh,

E~bur; shade (Ie) pede nedsa'su'

berbintik-bintik; spotted, blotched (skin) (13f)

pede rani etore.a saluran pengairan; irrigation canal (8a)

pede rani mefna sumber aIr panas; hot spring (ld)

pede rifi deba kuil; temple (lIe)

pede sesi prai padang rumput; pasture (8d)

pede utedon petak; section of a field (8a)

pede we.yo we.yo pada umumnya; generally (l4b)

pedemau syake di sekitar; In the vicinity of (13e)

pedeayaraa saluran; canal, irrigating ditch (ld)

pedna panggung; stage (lIe) pedna refefiyafaraa tempat

tidur; bed (l2e) pedna remtetosma kursi; chair

(l2e) pefdause berbakti, beribadah;

to worship (lla) pefe guna, melalui; for the

sake of, past, through (14c)


penabi besan; relationship of parents whose chi ldren are married to each other (lOa)

penekne licik, nafsu makan; crafty, cunnIng, appetite (6g, 9h)

penmane tap kekurangan; lack (l2b)

pep'a ringan; light (13c) pepapnar rasa; to feel (4e) (e)pepapnar menyentuh, meraba;

to touch (Sg) (e)pepop rara kesasar; to be

lost (5d) pepop

lose (e)per


rara salah jalan; one's way (7e) meninggal dunia; to



(e)perkitpar membalik; to turn over (Sb)

(e)perpirpar merosot, menaburkan; to slip off, to sprinkle (Se, 9c)

(e)perpirparewo menghamburkan; to scatter (Sh)

persa'o lumpur, tanah, pece; mud, soil (la, 8a)

peya pohon lontar, nibung; palmyra palm, black palm used for flooring (2b, 12d)

piau umbi; tuber (2g) po bahwa; that (14d) popotewar anggrek; orchid (2e) (e)por menyeberang, menerbang;

to go across, to fly (Sd) (e)porsi turun; to go down

(Se) powai sayap; wlng (3a) prai rumput; grass (20

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prai eisor rUmptIt 1 iar; wf>eds (8a)

prai imser disiangi; weeded (8a)

prai sa'ara' rumput kering, jerami; hay (8d)

prai ser'ari rumput liar; weed Of)

prarpor bengkak; swelling, swo I len ( 4 f)

putik bunga putik bunga; pistil (2a)

puvafo buah pinang; areca nut (9j)

puve pohon betel palm, 9 j)

pinang, pinang; areca palm (2b,

(e)ra' mencabut, menyiangi, mengosongkan lukah, kurus; to extract, pullout, to weed, to pull, to empty out fishtrap, thin (person) (Se, Sh, 8a, 8b, 13c)

(e)ra' (e)fas memindahkan tanaman; transplant (8a)

(e)ra' fido menc abu t bu I tJ; to pluck (8d)

rabo faduvar di seberang kali; across river (13e)

(e)rama . sedang; average, moderate (13a)

ramo pohon mangga, mangga; mango tree, mango (2b, 2c)

ramo sa'a meta cerdik; wist' (6a)

ramosa'a dah i, testa; fnrehead (4b)

15 1

(e)ramparewo menahurkan; to throw it out (9c)

rani air; water (ld) rani dipe sumur; well (12d) rani (e)fei air mendidih;

boi ling (l3i) rani ed'o air kotor; muddy

water (ld) rani edoitsi air

waterfall (ld) terjun;

arus; fast rani efas deras, flowing, current Cld)

rani etor timor, aIr terang; east (ld)

rani fiyamau air bersih; CLear water Cld)

,rani fnoudon mata aIr; spring Cld)

ran1 weayo minum dengan rakus; to guzzle (9h)

rani meno kopi; coffee (9f) rani neprepidi menyiram; to

spray, sprinkle (8a) rani rabuafo, woidado tepi

sungai; bank (ld) rani rapo mefne dukun

perempuan; lady witchdoc'tor (Si)

ranidipe sumur; well (ld) ra'or (e)yit rampaSill1; loot,

boo t y (10 [) Bpo cAngki r; CUI.) (gr')

rapo esmus rani gelAs; glass (container) (9f»

rapo wemyo mangkuk; howl Cge) rara jalan, pinttI; r<Jad, rioor

Oe,12d) rara faduwar

ialan; across .s,..h,·rang

( lip)

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rara ima dedna perslmpangan; crossroad (7e)

rara medase jalan raya; paved road (7e)

rara jalan; ( l3e)

meclmedase all along

sepanjang the road

rara rerki pinggir jalan; road side (7e)

ra'ra' lumpuh, bertukar; pacalyzed, wasted (4f)

ra'ra' bawafo mengebiri; to cas t rat e (8d)

(e)ra'ra' membuka pakaian; to undress (I2c)

(e)ra'ra' tep'ari membersihkan ikan; to clean fish (9e)

ra'ra'e buvafo mengebiri; to castrate (3a)

(e)ra'ra'ewo stride (Sa)

melangkah; to

(e)ra'ra'par membongkar, collapse (tr.), (Se, Si)

hancur, membuka;

to dismantle

(e)ra're' robek, sobek; torn (Sg)

rar.o gelap, pagi; dark, morning (Ie, 19)

rar.o efei menjadi gelap; darkening (lg)

rar.o waridon gelap gulita; pitch dark (Ie)

rar.o-rar.o subuh, pagi-pagi benar, pag i -pag i ; dawn , early in the morning, early (in the morning) (lg, l3j)

rar'or {e)yure merampas; to rob, grab (Sj)

rarpo perut; stomach (4c) rarsa cacar; small pox (4f) rarsa ferani cacar air;

chicken pox (4f) ra'ru'se dekat, di dekat; near

( Sd, 13c, l3e) rau kertas, layar; paper, sail

(7b, 7e) rau (e)mus berkembang; to

bloom (8a) rau (testes) helai; flat, thin

things (paper, cloth) (14g) (e)re' membedah, membelah,

memecahkan, pecah, sobek, robek; to operate (on a sick person), to split, chop, to break apart (bread, fruit), break, torn (Sg, 8f)

(e)re' badi membajak; to plow (8a)

reforur pertemuan, rapat, upacara; meeting, ceremony (IOe)

rekmo ombak; wave (ld) rekmo rani gelombang besar;

tidal wave (lIe) (e)rem meninju, petinju; to

box, boxer (Sg, IOh) (e)rempare menumpas; to

destroy (Sg) (e)re'narfi menerangkan; to

explain (7a) renemfan terlambat; late (lg) renen memainkan peran; to play

a role (lIe) renon rar.o waridon kuno;

ancient (lg) (e)re'os mengikis; to scrape

(carrots) (9e)


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repai ikan todak; (3c)


rer kita; we (incl.) (lOb) rerarase sepanjang jalan raya,

sepanjang; along (13e, 14c) rerarmose bori anak tak sah;

illegitimate child (lOa) rerdai kita berdua; we two

(incl.) (lOb) rerkiyet di sebelah, di

samping; beside (13e) rerma tahu dari pisang; banana

cake (90 (e)residnar memperbandingkan;

to compare (l3b) resne paru-paru; lungs (4c) reta'ti'parima resmi; official

(lOc) (e)rfar memikul, memanggul; to

carry with pole (shoulders), to carryon shoulder (Sf)

(e)rfe tulisan; writing (7d) ri mereka; they (lOb) ribemedai jodoh; to mate (3a) ridai mereka berdua; they two

(lOb) rifi se'an perkawinan;

breeding (8d) (e)rin prai merumput; to graze

(8d) rin puwe perdamaian; peace

(6e) riniewero dilahirkan lagi; to

be born again (lla) ripipuna egois, kikir,

sekakar; sel fish (6c, 6h) (e)riso menusuk; to pierce

(8c) risoye lagu; tune, song (lId)


(e)rispar kembali,

kembali, memutar berbalik; to

return, to turn around, back (Sd)

(e)risparesi, (e)fidesi menyungsang, membalikkan; to turn upside down (Se)

ritotse kepala panah dari bulu; bamboo arrowhead (8c)

ritride di keliling; around (l3e)

riyo duyong ; sea cow (3c) riyo erit mencoret-coret; to

scribble (7b) riyo' tibose singkatan;

abbreviation (7b) (e)rof lari; to run (Sd) (e)rom menonton; to watch

(performance) (4e) (e)rom dedwo mencapai; to

reach (6c) (e)roa ed'apar melihat dengan

jelas; to see clearly (4e) (e)rom emnas kesaksian;

testimony (lla) (e)rom fiyase memperhatikan;

to look at closely (4e) (e)rome bertemu; to meet (in

the street) (Sd) (e)romfi use menghakimi,

mengadili; to judge (4e) (e)rpar mengirim; to send (Se) (e)rparewo menglrlm; to send

(letter, telegram) (7c) (e)rseya pekerjaan; work (Sc) (e)rseya temtori pertukangan;

handicraft (8j) (e)rur efro i lmu bumi, i lmu

alam; geography, natural sc ience (7d)

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sa densiwo alam baka; the hereafter, underworld (lie)

sa te fiya nama baik; good reputation (6a)

sa temto ondoafi; tribal chief (l0c)

sa teter dedwo berdosa; sinful (6a)

sa ~emyo bijaksana, pandai, mahir, cekatan, cakap; wise, intelligent, skillful, capable (4e)

(e)sa'af bersandar; to lean on (5e)

sa'ara' apak, kering; stale, dry (9i, 13g)

sabi periuk, belanga; pot for cooking rice, cooking pot, clay cooking pot (9a, ge)

(e)sade mencintai, gemar akan; to desire, love, to have a pass ion for (6c)

sadesa debu; dust (la) sadeti kasar, tidak rata;

rough, wavy, bumpy (4e, 13d, 13g)

sa'di agas; gnat (3f) (e)sadit berjalan; to walk

(5a) sadit oyaise berjalan kaki; to

go on foot (7e) sado gunung, bukit; mountain,

hill (lb) sadowar pegunungan; highlands

(lb) sadwe'ot bencana tanah terbis;

landslide (lIe)

sa'e kasihan; pity (14e) safa di mana, mana; where?,

which (13e, 140 safya Bubur; fertile (8a) sait sekarang; now (lg) sakwei kanguru; kangaroo (3e) sambiki labu siam; squash (2d) samiryan mefne janda; widow

(lOa) samiryan duda; widower

( lOa) S8laO mus im, waktu, pada,

ketika; season, at, on, in, to, when, at the moment that (If, 19, l4c, l4d)

S8JDO metan jaman dulu; ancient times (lg)

S8JDO s'as'amau. S8mO pada permulaan; In the beginning (lg)

S8JDO se.faina kapan, bilaman; when (140

sana pakaian rumput; skirt (l2c)


sane tepung sagu; sago flour (9b)

sano. werosano jilid; volume (7b)

sapi mono sapi jantan; bull (8d)

sapusa ub i jalar, betatas, kentang; sweet potato, potato (2g) , .

sar e1 maln kartu; to play cards (lDe)

sar'ei gundu maln gundu; to play marbles (lOe) , . .

sar e1 mara nen1we maIn


layang-Iayang; to fly a kite (IOe)

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sari tamll; (lOe)

visitor, guest sebde bitewar punggung pisau; back of knife (8e)

sar'o akhirnya; eventually (lg)

(e)sarparesi menjatuhkan, meruntuhkan; to drop, to overthrow, pull down (Se)

s'as'amau pertama; first (13a) (e)sa'si'tan. (e)si'tan

mengej ar; to pursue, chase (to seize) (Sd)

(e)sat disko dansil.; western-style dance (lIe)

satei disini; here (13e) saukirya ternak, plil.raan;

livestock, domesticateo animal (8d)

desa, (lOc)

kampllng; sawaridon vi llage

sawaridun (lla)

use duniawi; worldly

sawesa kaum; clan (lOd) (e)sawiyit

(13h) gembung;

(e)sawo memanjat; to tree (Sd)

(e)sawo. (e)tisa naik,



panjat; to go up (Se)

sdema ular kaki pohon, kadal, lizard, iguana

empat macam biawak; tree


sdeaatanito ikan gabus; pike (3c)

(e)sdi bertinyabe memasang tali busur; string a bow (8c)

wado to

seba timpang; limp (40 sebakut bur ling h~mtu; owl (3h) sebde pisau; knife (8c, 8e,

ge, 100


sebde 'ot pisau lipat; pocket knife (8e)

sebor cawat; loincloth (12c) sebre dingin; cold, chill,

shivering (lf, 4f, l3c, 13i) sebre fiya sejuk; cool, fresh,

chilly (lf, 13i) sebre samo musim dingin;

winter (rainy season) (13i) sebre tawe mendinginkan; to

cool (l3i) sebrera' suam, hangat kuku;

lukewarm- (l3i) sedetai salibi cross (lla) (e)sedos ran1 mandi; to bathe

(Sk) (e)sedos tani memandikan; to

bathe someone (Sk) sed'otan meraba; to touch (4e) se'er busuk; rotten, spoiled

(9i) sefa banyak; many, much (13a) sefa weayo sangat banyak; very

many, very much (13a) segwer semacam bir as Ii; type

of beer (9j) seime toyu angin timor; east

wind (Ie) sel.oaro

black snake

ular biludak maut; & white pOIsonous

(3d) seipau membohung; to te 1'1 a

lie (6b) (e)seipau menlpll; to cheat

( 12a) seipau temtori s i 11 i r; mag Ie,

supernatural (Ilc)

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(e)seipau use menipu; to deceive (7a)

seipau usebe tuduhan palsu; false accusation (lOg)

seipause dewa; god, deity (lIe)

(e)seisor memakai, berpakaian; to put on clothes, to wear, to dress (Sh, l2c)

(e)seisortan memasang; to install (5h)

sembar.a kepala panah; arrowhead (8c)

sembisi kalung; necklace (12c) semkai jeruk bali, jeruk

hutan; shaddock, pomelo (2c) seane keras; hard (4e, l3g) semne vemyo kikir; stingy (6c) sempe loyang kayu; wooden

,baking dish (9b) (e)semsempar bersikat; to

brush off (Sh) (e)semsime memanggil; to call

(7a) senam kekal; eternal (lla) senam senamse selamanya;

forever (lg) senam use sejarah; history

(7d) senamsa surga; heaven (lla) senam-senamse selama-lamanya;

forever (lla) senarya kura-kura

(3d) tortoise senedwai sarlngan,

strainer (9b) (e)senei samo sakese

bersama-sama; to (Sd)



berjalan go wi th

sensane gerlmls, hujan reda; drizzle, end of rain (If)

(e)sensane menitik menetes; to drip (Se)

sensa'o belalang; grasshopper (3f)

(e)sensene mengampuni; to forgive (6b)

sensene maaf; pardon (14e) (e)senseni menghargai,

mengaguml, mengampuni; to apprec iate, to admire, to forgive (6c, 6h)

(e)senson mengepit; to carry under arm (Sf)

sentan duluan; precede (lg) (e)sepa sa berambisi, ingin

mencari nama; ambitious, to covet fame (6c)

serafrei tamak, serakah, lahap; to be greedy for, glutton (6c, 9h)

ser'ai permainan, olahraga; game, sports (lOe, 10h)

ser'ari jelek, buruk; bad, ugly (6a)

ser'ari temto busuk corrupt (6a)

serba berbudi, reasonable, goodness (6a, 6h)


kebaikan; rational,

serba' murah hati, pengasihan; generous, mercy (6h)

sero burung layang-layang; swa llow (3b)

ser'obi panah kepala empat; 4 pointed arrow (8c)

serpai kerangjang untuk sago; sago basket (8f)


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sersare.a burung nuri kecil; small red parrot (3b)

(e)sersirnar mencincang; to chop (9c)

(e)sersirnar, (e)'o'par mengiris; to slice (5g)

(e)sersurnar menyisipkan; to insert, enter (5e)

ses'amau pada mulanya, mula-mula; at first (14b)

(e)sesaye bersaing; to compete ( IOh)

sesbin elang semakan ayam; chicken hawk (3b)

sesda tarian, menari, penari; dance, to dance, dancer (lIe)

sesfan alang-alang; elephant grass (2f)

(e)sesi menjahit; to sew (8f) (e)sesi, (e)berimfan menutup;

to close (5e) (e)sesis menguliti pohon,

mengiris; to take bark off tree, to slice (5g, 9c)

sesis, fa'fo' mengelupas; peeled (4f)

(e)seskistan mengintai; to spy (lOf)

(e)seskistane menyukai, menikmati; to enjoy, relish (9i)

sesonnetnatuoaa rumah tangga; househo ld (lOe)

sesvori mata pelajaran; subject (7d)

sesya cepat; fast (l3c, l3j) sesya' lekas, segera, ekspres;

early, quick, immediately, fast (train) (13j)


sesya', sesyayeyase segera; immediately (lg)

sesyayeyase dengan segera; accelerate, (l3j, l4b)

mempercepat, to speed up, immediately

sesyayeyase, sesya vemyo terlalu cepat; early (lg)

setiana damar; resin (2a) setside yite mempesonakan; to

bewitch (lIe) (e)seu mengipas; to fan (fire)

(9d) sevebema mengusir setan; to

exorcise (lIe) (e)si (e)det menerobos,

mencampur; to shove through, break in, to mix (5h, 9c)

sida darah, berdarah; blood, to bleed (4a, 4f)

sidnar menyangka; to suppose (4e)

(e)sidnar kira, membedakan, menyerahkan, berprasangka, percobaan; to guess, reckon, to discern, to hand over, prejudiced, experiment (4e, 5 j, 6e, 7d)

(e)si'efat menjerit; to scream (7a)

sifa dimana; whete (14f) beliau, Maha Kuasa;

he,she (respectful), Almighty (lOb, 11a)

(e)sim undangan; invitation (lOe)

(e)sime memohon, mengundang; to invite (7a)

meminta, request, to

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(e)sime vero menagih; to demand payment (5j)

(e)simevero menagih; to demand payment (12b)

(e)simtare bertanya, soal; to ask, problem (math) (7a, Db)

sinafo diatas lantai; on the floor (I2d)

sino lantai; floor (12d) siso susu; breast milk (4c) siswafo buah dada; female

breast (4c) (e)sit masuk; to enter, go In

(5d, 5e, 7d) (e)sit mesou dimo masuk rumah

sakit; to be hospitalized ( 80

(e)sit sekolah bersekolah; to go to school (7d)

sitam di situ; there (near) (De)

sitei di sini; here (l3e) (e)sitnare rasa; taste (9i) sito denevo di sana; there

(far) not seen (13e) sitoi disitu; there it IS

(De) siwai ayo batang hidung;

bridge of nose (4b) sive erpor muram, memherengut;

gloomy, sad, to sulk (6d) sivo dari hidung; nose (4b) sivo fnou lubang hidung;

nostril (4b) sivo mara meskis,(e)per

meninggal; dead (4a) sivo rani insang; gill (3a) sivo sa'a paruh; bill (3a)

siwofnou moncong; snout (3a) sivortono mengor,)k; to snore

(4a) (e)sivortono

snore (5b) mengorok; to

puc'uk; things

sharp, (rifles)

sivosar'o pointed (14g)

(e)ski'e command

(e)ski'i Oa)


memerintah; Oa)



mememba pakaian; to launder (Sk)

to urge

mencuCl c lathes

(e)skiserer menehus; to redeem (Ila)

(e)skisnar mencub it; to pinch (Sh)

(ri)skispar fe kin puve perjanjian perdamaian; peace treaty (100

(e)skitnare memerintah; to command 0 a)

skola'a bori murid; pupil (7d) (e)smustan merokok; to smoke

(9j) snafut sepuluh; ten (13a) snafut daidu dua belas; twelve

(13a) snafut dimtes enam

sixteen (13a) belas;

snafut ribu;


snafut vero sepuluh ten thousand (13a) tes sebelas; eleven

(13a) snafut vero

one hundred snafut ( 13a)

sna'ni' memuji; (lla)





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(e)so mellllsuk, menikam, tersandung, mell()lOhak; to stab, to stub toe, to spear (Sg, Bc)

so liku; curve (13d) s'oban urat daging; tendon

(4a) s'oban vado urat darah halus,

urat; vein, tendon (4a, 4d) (e)so'dar mengguncangkan; to

shake (Sg) (e)so'dar rani menggerakkan

air; to agitate water (Sg) (e)sode menabrak, melanggar;

to bump into (Se) sodever dagang, jual; to do

conunerce (12a) (e)sodevo use re'ra'yo' renon

melanggar hukum; to break the law (lag)

(e)sodi melewati; to go past (5d)

(e)sofan membendung; to dam dp (Bb)

sofo ikan yu; shark (3c) some roti; bread (9f) sa.e merfidese sagu bakar;

baked sago (9b, 9f) sonap semenanjung; peninsula

(lb) (e)sor memasukkan; to insert

(5h) (e)soro' menolong; to help

(Sj) soronioi papaya panjang; long

papaya (2c) soronini,

papaya; (e)sorsi

ba'be'a pohon papaya tree (2b) den fenggo.u varidon


menyimpan perasaan; to keep feeling to oneself (be)

sortane dilDO pondok; hut, cottage (12d)

(ei)sortane vero mengalikan; to multiply (13b)

sortaoe vero tara daidu kedua; second (13a)

sortane vero tara dim kelima; fifth (13a)

sortane vero tara dimdaidu ketujuh; seventh (13a)

sortane vero tara dimfau kesembilan; ninth (13a)

sortane vero tara dimtes keenam; sixth (13a)

sortane vero tara dimtou kedelapan; eighth (13a)

sortane vero tara fau keempat; fourth (13a)

sortane vero tara snafut kesepuluh; tenth (13a)

sortane vero tara tou ketiga; third (13a)

sosiu daburau comb (4b)


menyisir; to

menghi langkan, menghunus, menghapus, menyeka, menggosdk, melumurkan; to omit, leave out, to draw (sword), to rub out, erase, ,to wipe, to run, to spread, smear (Se, ,5h, Sk, 9c)

(e)sosus ebde mempertaj.lm; to sharpen (knife) (5g)

soure langau; horsefly (If) soyai pinggul; hip (4c) soyai tiwo llpatan paha; groin


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(e)soyiteyat berliku; curved (13d)

spepa ina mencari ikan; to go fishing (8b)

spepa ina, (e)'on menangkap ikan; to catch fish (Bb)

srameiuse berdebat, berbantah; to argue (100

srameuse berbantah; to argue (7a)

srau gatal; itchy (4f) (e)sravesa memanaskan; to heat

(9c) (e)sro' terperosok; stepped in

(a hole) (5e) (e)sro' ferisrispar

terpelanting; thrown to one side (5e)

sroro'e pembantu; help (8h)


(e)sufar berbaring, tidur, tidur; to lie to go to bed, to sleep 5b)

pergl down,


(e)sufar den use fetfentima mengigau; to talk In sleep (5b)

(e)sufar ekre (mavar, soudevar) miring (sebelah kiri, kanan); on one's side (left, right) (Sa)

(e)sufar vado versasa telentang; to lie on back (Sa)

(e)su'tan mundur; to retreat ( 100

(e)su'tan bitimwar mundur; to back up, move hack (Sa)

(e)su'tan(e)vo cofu, (e)rfar

taitensene maju; to move forward, progress (Sa)

(e)su'tanevo menyorongkan; to move over (5e)

svereya macam pisang; type of banana (2c)

svodi burung kasuari; cassowary (3b)

swodifke pohon jambu monyet; cashew nut tree (2b)

(e)svomomare menyerang; to attack (100

(e)svore berhenti, mogok, jaminan; to stop, to strike, guarantee (5c, 8h, 12a)

(e)svore hilang kesabarannya; lose one's temper (6e)

(re)svore menawan; to capture ( 100

svori tanduk perasa; feelers (3a)

sya' lagi, masih; still (l4b) sya' ama ayo, mari; invitation

(l4e) syavena tembakau, rokok;

tobacco, cigarette (2f, 9j) syavena tibo puntung rokok;

cigarette butt (9j) syeimor balung; comb of

rooster (3a)

!., T

ta pohon kayu matoa; matoa tree (2b)

ta'ba ibu panah kec i 1; small bow (8c)

tabora (7a)

dongeng; fairy-tale


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ta'bwai rahang; jaw (4b) ta'bwai fido kumis, janggut;

moustache, beard (4b) ta'bwai fuse dagu; chin (4b) ta'bwai yatse bibir atas;

upper lip (4b) ta'e percaya, iman; to

believe, faith (lla) (e)ta'e sarna; with (14c) (e)ta'e, neta'e mengikut; to

go with (Sd) ta'en menurut; according to

(14c) ta'ene menyerah; to surrender

( 6h) tafi tebu; sugarcane (2f) tafi sida gula pasir; white

sugar (9g) tafun kemudian, belum, akan,

sebelum; later on, then, not yet, about, in, hefore (lg, 14b, 14c, 14d)

tafun aro. esda ufiyet upAh dosa; wages of sin (lla)

tafun, avopar sesudah; after (lg)

tafunfen sebentar; short time, 1n a moment, for a moment (lg, 14b)

t8DI Sr8Dle1USe bertengkar; ( 100

tambarse (8g)


wemyo suka quarrelsome


t8Dlena macam pisang; type of banana (2c)

(e}tan menangis; to cry (6d) (e)tan ida we.yo menangis

dengan nyaring; to cry aloud (6d)


tangkra ikan kakap; red snapper (3c)

tani tubuh, badan; body (4a) tani bidotap lemah; weak (4f) tani densawo sombong; arrogant

(6a, 6h) tani difo wemyo tegap; big,

husky (40 tani (e)rseya raj in;

industrious (6g) ta'ni, (e)titri' harap; to

hope (4e) tani ebdo jiwa; soul (lla) tani era'ose, era' kurus; thin

(40 tani etavi rahmat; mercy, pity

(11a) tani faduvar teper kelumpuhan;

paralysis (40 tani fido bulu; body hair (4a) tani fido edba' tegak bulu

roma; goose bumps (4f) tani fiY8DIau sehat, sembuh;

healthy, recovered (4f) tani marna daging; flesh (4a) tani nen'a pengecut, penakut;

coward (60 tani nen'a

kambing; ( 60

wemyo bersemangat chicken-hearted

tani senyo roh orang mati; spirit of dead person (llc)

tani ser'ari sakit; sick (4f) tani ta'bwai linea bicara;

argue (6a) tani tiwo tulang; bone (4a) tani wadi gemuk; fat (person)

( l3c)

tani wadi wemyo gemuk; fat (40

Page 180: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu

(e)ta'ni'e mengharapkan; to expect (4e)

tanjung tanjung; cape (lb) tano, merofi hujan; rain (If) tano ve.yo hujan besar; heavy

rainfall (lIe) (e)tanyete tersinggung; to be

offended (6e) tap tak pernah; never (14b) tap afet daburau kusut;

uncombed (4b) tap (e)d'apar tidak mampu;

unable, incapable (6g) tap (e)f'on tidak kenai to

miss (Bc) tap (e)mnas bodoh, dungu;

numbskull, foolish, simple (4e)

tap (e)svor impatient (6e)

tap (e)tro'evo t idak nyenyak; (5b)

tap ed'apar deficit (13a)


tidur half


ayam, asleep


tap edmeyo dangkal; shallow ( l3c)

tap e.oas mati rasa; numb (4e) tap emuas use tidak sopan,

tidak hormat; impolite, insolent (6a, 10f)

tap eta'ti'parima tidak resml; unofficial (IOc)

tap fenetse-netse tidak mengkilap; dull (13g) tidak lulus; to fail (7d)

tap nen'a fei memberanikan diri, tidak takut, gagah berani; to take courage, not


afrairl , (6 f)

courageous, brave

(e)ta'par gugur; (leaves) (Se)

to drop

tapse tidak, tanpa; not, 14c)

t idak pakai, wi thou t ( 14b,

tap-tap nandavo harnpi r-hampi r tidak; hardly (14b)

tapun cucu; grandchild (lOa) tapun deba nenek moyang;

ancestors (lOa) tapun deba mefne moyang

perempuan; great-grandmother (lOa)

tapun deba temto moyang laki-Iaki; great-grandfather (lOa)

tapun debasis great-great (lOa)

moyang; grandparents

tapun asasi; (lOg)

emfiro nanfesi hak God-given rights

tapun mefne nenek; grandmother (lOa)

tapun temto kakek; grandfather (lOa)

(e)taput memegang; to hold ( 5f)

taput tegang; taut, (13h)

(e)tar rnernangkas; (hair, grass) (5g)

tara ikan cucut sawfish (3c)


to cut

gergaj i ;

tara tes satu kali; one time (14g)

.tara tesese medase sekal igus; at once (14b)

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· . tara testes ]arang, serlng; s e 1 d om, n f ten (l g, 1 4 b )

tara tes-tes kadang-kadang; occasionally (14b)

taro pohon kayu hesi; ironwood tree (2b)

tarwafo ginjal; kidney (4c) tarye jembatan; bridge (7e) (e)tas menglsl penuh; to cram

(Se) (e)t'asao bitimwar menoleh; to

turn around, about face (Sa) (e)t'asao. (e)ra. melihat; to

see (4e) (e)t'asan imser fiyasema

menyeliriiki; to do research (4e)

(e}t'asao sesya melihat sekilas; to glance at (4e)

(e}t' asaoiwo mengunjungi; to visit (lOe)

tasio mefoe adik per'~rnplJan; younger sister (lOa)

tasin oa'aoi sanak kel\larga; relatives (lOa)

tasio temto adik laki-Iaki; younger brother (lOa)

tasispar meluncur; to slide (ld)

(e)tasispar meluncur; to slip, skid (Se)

(e}ta'stao menyelidiki; to

investigate (7d) tat penokok; pounder (90) (e)tat p8lDO menokok; to pound

(sago) (9b) (e)ta'tane mengancam; to

threaten (60 tatatao ikalan; loop (Ild)


(e}ta'titpar mengebutkan;

1I11'ng.>h;]skan, t,) shak,> OIJ t

(5h) tatoar menggigil; to shiver

(40 (e)ta'tut mengetuk; to knock

(door) (5g) (e)taufe wero memoayar hutang,

kembalilagi; to pay a debt, change (5j, 12a)

(e)taufe weyan kerugian; to pay (lag)

membayar damages

(e)tawe memberi; to give (Sj) (e)tawe ao paoa memberi

makan; to feed (9h) (e)tawe oyo

mempekerjakan; (8h)

erseya employ

(e)tawe paoa membt>ri makan; to feed (5j)

(e}tawe pedrarda mempercayakan; to entrust (5 j )

(e)tawe ser'ari kutuk; curse (lIe)

(e)tawe siso menyuslJi; to suckle (4c)

(e)tawi r10 paoa mernberi makan; to feed (8d)

tawo mesou temto per~l ke dokter; to see the doctor (8i)

(e he ima hf' ~il i t ling; to count (13a)

(e)te' e mengganggll; t<l annoy (he)

(e) 'te' esi metnbangunkan; to waken, arouse (Sb)

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teime kencing, buang kecil; to urinate (4c)

teite ini; this (13e) teluk teluk; bay (lb) teman bapak adik; father's

younger brother (lOa) temberye kaki serib~;

millipede (3f) temdun bena

moyang; spirit (llc)

arwah of

nenek ancestor

temto pria, laki-Iaki; male (lOa)

temto den pede manayafo orang kudus, orang suci; saint (1la)

teato (e)fei esda terdakwa; defendant (lOg)

temto eruruma use melaikat; angel (lla)

temto frengkim dreidat juru ramal (pakai tulang binatang); fortuneteller (uses animal bones) (llc)

temto mensiyo denon orang yang berhutang; debtor (5j)

temto rifi ai sebe patung; statue, wooden doll (llc) saleh, berani; pious, virtuous, to dare (6a, 6f)

temtomau sake orang penting; important person (IOc) orang; people (14g) tengkon jerawat, panu; pimple,

light spots (skin disease) (4f)

(e)tepar membuang, menyemlr, memasang lukah; to throw away, to polish, to set a fishtrap (5h, 5k, 8b)

(e)tepare mengkhianati; to betray (10f)

tep'ari penyakit (4f)

rani der kolera;

sidama cholera

tep'e kotoran, tahi, buang air besar; feces, to defecate (4c)

tep'e benatu usus kecil; small intestine (4c)

tep'e fnou dubur; anus (4c) tep'e wado usus; intestines

(4c) tep'e wemyoto usus besar;

large intestine (4c) tepki tumpul; blunt (Be, 13g) tepki wemyo tumpul sekali;

very blunt (13g) (e)ter menulis, mengetik,

menggambar, melukis; to write, to type, to draw, paint (7b, II f)

ter 1 ukisan orang, cat; portrait, paint (llf)

(e)ter fenggomuse imlah; dictation (7b)

(e)ter menorani menulis surat; to write a letter (7b)

tera macam pohon sagu; type of sago palm (2b)

ter'au elang sedang; fish hawk (3b)

terbaro tangga; ladder, stairs (Bg, 12d)

(e)terfema bergaris-garis; horizontally striped (13f)

ter.a perkelahian; fight (IOf) (e)terof tani melarikan diri;

to run away (5d)


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(e)terput menjinjing; to carry by hand (Sf)

tersa rata; flat (Sa) (e)tersa menjemur; to dry in

the sun (9c) (ri)terteput padai bersenjata;

armed (lOf) (e)tertidesi menutupi; to

cover up (Sh) (e)tertit menutup; to close

(Si) tertit fiya tertutup rapat;

well-covered (13h) (e)tertur memeras; to squeeze

( Sh) (e)tertur siso rani memerah

SUSUj to milk (8d) (e)terutnar mengerat; to cut

into small pieces (Sg) tes satu; one (13a) tes snafut snafut wero seribu;

one thousand (13a) tes tibo satu setengah; one

and a half (13a) testes-testes sering; often

(lg) (e)tet (e)dbapar lupa; to

forget (4e) tetrori. meta'o'e r1sa,

belulang; callus (4f) tetweda lalat; fly (3f) (ri)tewo pe (ri)yaroafi use

menghakimi, mengadili; to judge (lOg)

(e)tfatewo lari; run away (13h)

(e)tfatpar berlunjur; to lie at full length (Sa)

tibo keturunan, setengahj descendant, half (lOa, 13a)


tibo den sisanya; leftovers (9h)

tiboden surplus, 13b)

kelebihan, remainder

sisaj (13a,

tibose pendek; short (13c) tida fnou telinga; 1nner ear

(4b) tida fnou teborise tuli; deaf

(4e) tida tep'e tahi telinga; ear

wax (4b) tidarau

(4b) telinga; outer ear

tidarau warinan antingj earring (12c)

tidut Dani suku Dani; Dani tribe (lOd)

tidut Sentani suku Sentani; Sentani tribe (lOd)

tidut Sobei suku bangsa; ethnic group, tribe (IOd)

tinan mamah adik; mother's younger sister (lOa) indukj mother animal (8d)

tino ikan balutj fresh water eel (3c)

tir'o' pi sang merah; type of red banana (2c)

(e)tisa naik keatasj to go up (stairs) (Se)

(e)tisawo mendaki; to climb a hill (Sd)

(e)titpar war~ rani meludahkan; to spit out (4b)

tiwefbai loyang; baking pan (ge)

tiwo ferepteti otot; muscle (4d)

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tiwo si'tan kejang; stiff (4f) tiwo swerepteti sendi; joint

(4a) tiwoneu.o sumsum; marrow (4a) (e)tki' bangun, berangkat; to

wake up, awake (from sound sleep), to depart (5b, 7e)

(e)tki dwefun naik darah; to become angry (6e)

(e)tki'esa berdiri, bangun, sembuh; to stand up, to get up, rise, to rise up, to recover (Sa, 5b, 5e, 8i)

(e)tkitesa bangkit; to rIse (11a)

(e)tnatan bingung, ragu-ragu; mixed up, confused, doesn't know at all (4e, 13j)

(e)tnot tertancap; stuck, caught (l3h)

(e)tnote tersedu-sedu; to soh (6d)

(e)t'odar cOIBarna mengedipkan mata; to wink (4e)

todi pengaduk; stirring spoon (9b)

toite itu; that (13e) tone lintah, pacat; water

leech, land leech (3f) (e)topar kaget; startled (7a) tos lambat, pelan, lamban;

slow, sluggish (13c, 13j) tos-tos pelan-pelan; slowly

(l3j) tou tiga; three (13a) tou snafut tiga puluh; thirty

(13a) toye tas, noken, keranjang;

satchel, bag, string bag, basket (7d, 8f)

toye se1sor nyo barsa keranj ang sampah; \.;ras ("paper hasht (l2e)

toyu anging sepoi-sepoi; cool breeze (Ie)

(e)tranesa yafu menyalakan api; to light a fire (9d)

(e)trersa menjemur padi; to dry rice in the sun (9a)

trersa fiya licin; smooth, slippery (I3g)

tra.pon comama maln cari-carian; to play hide-and-go-seek (IOe)

(e)tu tiba, sampai, membeku; to arrive, to freeze (Sd, 13i)

(e)tun memhakar; to roast, to burn, 9d)

bake, to hake (9c,

(e)turtar mencelup, merendam; to dip, immerse in liquid, to soak (Se, 9c)

tusa kucing; cat (3e) (a)tusi berhent i (lah) ; stop,

halt! (Sa) (e)tusi berhenti; to stop (Sa) (e)tusi, (e)swore (e)sadit

berhenti berjalan; to stop wal ki ng (Sc)

(a)tutan mengerat; to gnaw (4b)

(e)tutan menekan, tekanan; to press down, pressure (5e, 5h)

(e)tutan mnense, memutar; to twist,

tuyesama me 1 ;'11 U i ; through (1 L~c)


(e)fit tUI-n (Sh)

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(e) twemser llH:'llg.1mb i' s i 1«-} p; I I)

posp (I If)

~, U

u engkall, kamu, saucla ra, ancla; you (sg. familiad, YOII (sg. formal), you (neutral) (lOb)

uga burung elang, elang besar; hawk, fish hawk (3b)

use perkara; legal case (lOg) use (e)tepar menghilangkan

kesusahan; to dispel saclness (6d)

use empenu bertobat; to repent (Ila)

slang, rnat;-lhdII slldah s;Jlnbnr; ,>arly aft'>l-lIllt)11 (lg)

useto medawemyo s(' pcBl] ang hari; all clay (lg)

usetou mnaifa, samo berapa lama; how long

mnaifa ( 14[)

useto-useto mnai, samo-samo mna1 set lap hari; pvery day (lg)

useto-useto mna1 selalll; always (lg)

use-usese ren syake sastera; literature (7b)

ute ku t u , ku t u sengkenit; louse, Rd)

caplak, tick (3f,

use rera'yo' renon utedon kebun, sawah, lartnng; undang-undang; ord i nance (lOg)

law, garden, plot, wet fielrt, clry field (8a)

use rera'yo renon menghllkum; to punish, sentence (lOg)

usefenti ceritera, bahasa; story, language (7a)

usefenti eJabra' perhenclaharaan kata; vocabulary (7b)

usefumau teologi; theology (IIa) masya Allah; wonder (14e)

usen8111 fisi menlljllmkan; to ( lle)


bernubuat, prophesy

usen_fesi wahyu; revelation (IIa)

useto siang, setengah tengah hari, hari; half-day, high nOOIl, (lg)

hari, noon,


useto. efroewo fe'iwe dedwo


utedon . temto per-;mi, tllkang keblln; farmer, garclelll'r (8a, Rj)

uwometa fef'e sal<it gigi; to

have a toothache (4f)

wad i k 1I Ii t; ski n (!~ a ) wadi afo, sa'a afo klliit

rind, pod (2a) wado t a Ii; ro pe , s l r i \1)'



( ') i. ,

"ado marna telppo\1, telt'gral'l; telephone , te I t~grilm (7c)

wambi ni nahohok; III II ah y (I'd) wambo gllna-glln;l; charlll (I',') wanafo tppi 1.11lt ;ShOl" (Id) vanafo fiya P;lrt:l'l)' [las Lr;

cI (' S ,> r t (1 b )

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vanafovar daerah pesisir; coastal region (lb)

vane pasir, beras, nasi; sand, hulled, husked rice, cooked rice (la, lc, 8g, 9a, 9f)

vane nensa'a uang logam; coin (I2a)

vane nensa'arau uang kertas; paper money (12a)

vane rara sifat; character (6a)

vane rara fiya sifat baik; virtue (6h)

vane rara fiyamau junjun, orang baik; good person (6c)

vanea macam pohon sagu; type of sago palm (2b)

vanenonsa'a uang; money (12a) vanerara gaya berjalan; walk,

gait (Sa) vaneto semacam ikan; type of

fish (3e) va're yafu api unggun, neraka;

camp fire, hell (9d, lla) (e)vari meratap, meratapi; to

lament, wail, to bewail (6d) vari fnou mulut; mouth (4b) vari rani air liur, air ludah;

saliva, mouth juices, phlegm (4b)

vari seso' keras terhadap; strict, stern (6g)

vari sivo bibir; lip (4b) vari sivan (e)n'on tersenyum;

to smile (6d) varidon di dalam; inside (13e) varidun varda'o rohani;

spiritual (Ila) varidun varuse Alkitab,

rohani; (lla)

Bible, spiritual

varisere' menipu; to deceive (6b, 7a)

vasa malas; lazy (6g) vasa tap setia; faithful (6h) vati zakar; penis (4c) vava paman; uncle on mother's

side (lOa) veden batu permata; preCIOUS

stone (le) vedmovai kabut; fog, mist (Ie) vedo fenyo matahari mulai

turun; sun goes down some (l3i)

veite ikan tenggiri; Spanish mackerel Oe)

vema luka; to be cut (4f) vema memkari patek;

framboesia, yaws (4f) vemar luka; sore, wound,

break, cut skin, wound (4f, Sg, 8i)

(e)vemra'feto lautr; to ocean (Se)

pergi go out

wemyo besar; big (13c)

kelua ke toward

vemyo-wemyo masyarakat, rakyat; population (lla)

vemyo-vemyo sait dewasa Inl; these days (lg)

ven dari; from, of (14c) wendabo kupu-kupu; butterfly

Of) vendamo keluang, kalong;

flying fox, bat (3e) vende rotan; rattan (2f) vendi toyu angin barat; west

wind (le)


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wengkokro semacam kcpiting; type of crab (3c)

wenipora blJrung gagak; crow (3b)

wenofu bencan tanah goyanga; earthquake (lle)

wenon sedang, sambil; while (l4d)

wensifa dari mana; from where ( 140

weram penyakit tuberculosis (4f)

werar rayap; termite verarabi termasuk

shameful about sex


(l3h) sinai

(6a) vereida bunyi, garing; to

sound, crunchy (7a, 9i) vereidate fiya merdu;

me lod ious (lId) vererabinetyo. (e)yitema ra~8e hamil tak sah; illegitimate pregnancy (4g)

verfaumau sulung; first (13a) vero pula, lagi, dan; again,

and (14b, 14d) werofe sebagai; as (14c) (e)verversa datang ke timor;

go east, come (Sd) (e)werwersi datang kebawah, ke

barat; come down, go west (Sd)

weseto pe ait amama teit beberapa hari kemudian; several days later (lg)

weseto s.., waktu siang; during the day (lg)

veso ikan talang; mackerel (3c)

weta-veta macam pisang; type of banana (2e)


wetpa kutu busuk; bedbug (3f) wetrou katak, kodok; frog (3c) wetso cirit bintang; meteor


wetso mefne puntianak; (lle)

kuntilanak, female ghost

wetso temto kunti1anak; male ghost (llc)

(e)vetu tiba; to arrive (7e) weyabi burung nuri; red parrot


weyama soangi; type of banana (2c)

weyan upah, wages, wage, ( 5 j, 8h, 12 a)

gaj i, harga; salary, price

weyan etaufe membayar hutang; to repay a debt (12b)

weyan etaufu membayar; to pay (l2a)

weyan etisa kenaikan gaji; pay raIse (8h)

weyante denesi murah; cheap (12a)

weyante per harga mati; fixed price (12a)

weyante porsi menurunkan harga; to lower the prIce (12a)

weyante tisa menaikkan harga; to raise the price (12a)

veyanto weayo mahal; expensive (12a)

vino sisik; fish scales (3a) (e)vite menjemput; to pick up


va tetapi, hai; but, calls attention, expresses juy or wonder (14d. 14e)

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(e)wo pergi, pindah, berangkat; to go, to move (intr.), to leave, depart (Sd, Se)

(e)wo (e)f'amfi menuduh; to accuse (lOg)

wo fesake kalau, jika; when, if (l4d)

wo tap kalau, jika; when, if (l4d)

wofesake apabila; whenever (l4d)

wofetei kecuali; except (14c) woi sungai; river (lb, ld) woi warifnou. rani metadon

delta; delta (lb) voida, fumau cabang sungai;

fork of a river (ld) woafe bersiul; to whistle (4b) wo'o kapal, perahu; hoat,

canoe (7e) wo'o rerauma kapal

sai lboat (7e) 1ayar;

wo'o.a fuse sepeda motor; motorcyc Ie (7e)

wo'o.a yatse pesawat terbang; airplane (7e)

wop satei baru (agama); new (religious use) (lg)

(e)wopar lunas; paid (Sj, l2a, 12b)

worofe seakan-akan, seolah-olah; as if (14d)

worofeteit tampaknya, rupanya; apparently (14b)

wowaba burung cenderawas ih ; hird of paradise (3b)

L· .!

yaaa wah, astaga; surprIse, astonishment, feRr, amazement (I4e)

(e)ya'ar mengaduk; to stir (9b, 9c)

(e)yade berkeli1ing; to go around (5d)

yafo regu; squad (IOf) yafo.a kawanan, orang; herd,

peop Ie (8d, 10c) (e)yaftan memipihkan, mantera;

to flatten, make thin, magic formula (Sh, llc)

(e)yaftane menghibur; to comfort (6d)

(e)yaftanfi menenangkan; to pacify (7a)

yafu api, bara; fire, glowing coal (9d)

yafu 'an ewopar terbakar hangus; charred (9d)

yafu benanatu lampu; lamp (12e)

yafu (e)'an terbakar; to catch on fire (9d)

yafu (e)per api mati, api padam; dead fire (9d)

yafu medata'no nyala; flame (9d)

yafu meu.ane bunga api; spark (9d)

yafu name arang; charcoal (9d) yai kakak; older sibling (lOa) yakis kera, monyet; monkey


(e)y... menyapu, menggaruk; to sweep, to rake (Sk, 8a)

yam kamu se ka 1 ian; you ( pl. fami 1 iar) (lOb)


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yam dai salloara-salHia ra ; you two (lOb)

yam dedwitsese saudara-saudara, saudara sekalian; you (pl. formal) (lOb)

ya'me tahun; year (lg) ya'me meda tahun kahisat; leap

year (lg) ya'me satei tahun 1n1; th is

year (lg) ya'me senyet tahun depan; next

year (lg) ya'me tahun yang

lalu; last year (lg) ya'me tibose tahun pendek;

non-leap year (lg) yar.e buaya, buaya laut, buaya

air tawar; crocodil~, marine crocodile, fresh-wate~ crocodile (3d)

(e)yartane membengkokkan; to hend (tr.) ( 5 i )

(e)yas berenang; to swim (10h) (e)yasidna menggugat,

menuntut; to sue (lOg) (e)yastan menc iuro (ball) ; to

sme 11 (4e) (e)yasu mengasapi;to smoke

over a fire (9c) {e)yat bengkok; crooked, bent

(13d) yati kumbang; beetle (3f) yato' gigitan; bite (4f) (e)ya'to' menggigit; to hite,

nibble (9h) ya'to' amam menggigit; to bite

(4b) yau saya, akll; I (formal), T

(fami 1 i ad (lOb)

(e)yaufi perumpamaan; (I 1 a)


(e)yawe meraung; to moan (7a) yawe aduh; pain, pity (14e) yawe senseoe sayang; regret

(l4e) (e)ya'yo' melumurkan,

to spreac:l, smear, (flute) (9c, 11c:1)

ya'yo'fat membuat-fornication (10f)

meniup; to blow


yensio yerfuo


mencium; to kiss (4e) semacam ular pohon;

of tree snake (3d) yerne li pas,

cockroach (3f) yero hati-hati;



look out!

Yesus yawi reforur rin pana kud us ; Lord's perjamllan

Supper (lla) (e)yit mengamhil, menerima; to

take out, to take, to receive (letter, telegram) (5e, 5j, 7e)

(e)yit (e)fe'va melemparkan; to throw (51,)

(e)yit eson men i kah; to marry (lOa)

{e)yit eyadema lingkaran; circle (13d)

:{e)yite sadit menj a lankan ; to carry out (6g)

{e)yitsadido menjalani; serve (sentence) (lOg)


yo' masa, masakan; douh~ (l4e) (e)yo' 808US mPIll'Ofl'r ; [-0

sketch (11 f)

(e)yo' urum, bertinya ID'-'[li1rik hl)sIJf; to t,'ns(' a bOI.) (He)


Page 190: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu

(e)yofadi mengganggu; to tease, annoy (lOf)

yone kunir, kunyit; saffron, turmeric (9g)

(e)yosesiwo merambat; to spread (Ba)

(e)yo'tar menghirup, mengisap; to sip, suck (9h)

(e)yoyi menggangu; annoy (6e) (e)yoyi'par hilir mudik; to

and fro (5d) yoyipar penganggur; unemployed

person (Bh) (e)yur fartarsa terbitan;

edition (7b) (e)yur fenti belajar; to study

(4e. 7d) (e)yuro nani pemburu; hunter



Page 191: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu
Page 192: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu
Page 193: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu
Page 194: It I Sobel - · tepat guna; c) mengangkat jat i diri dan harga di ri- para ... pelajar bahasa Sobei kepada ciri-ciri Khas yang penting dalam pelafalan. Namun demikian, perlu

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