Download pptx - IT-youtube Presentation

  • 1.Broadcast yourself Safiya Ahmad201031637

2. Contents What is YouTube? The history of YouTube What made YouTube so popular? The stages of YouTube popularity What are the advantages and the benefits ofYouTube? How can we use YouTube? The disadvantages of YouTube Programs that are similar to YouTube Facts about YouTube Conclusion References 3. What is YouTube? YouTube is an online public communications site where videos are shared. Users can create their own accounts where they can upload, view, share videos and comment on them. 4. The History of YouTube YouTube was created by ChadHurley, Steve Chen, and JawedKarim in 2005 who were allemployees of Paypal YouTube began life as a videodating site The first video on YouTube hasreceived over 4.8 million views 5. What made YouTube sopopular? The huge number of viewers. Videos of all areas Easy to use No need to create an account toview the videos 6. The stages of YouTubepopularity 7. What are the benefits ofYouTube? Its free It used as a tool to teach high level mathematics Potentially different Content is powerful Local and national audience Videos are world wide Great marketing tool ( for example if you haveproducts or a business and you would like tobroadcast yourself ) Useful for educational purposes Videos can be downloaded ( using other website ) 8. How can we use YouTube? Jing link YouTube link 9. The disadvantages of YouTube Content can be 18+ and is accessible by all ages. People can effect others in a negative way through videos ( abusive users) Content can be weak and people can refer to them 10. Programs that are similar toYouTube ( no Arabic videos) ( no Arabic content ) not as strong as YouTube includes Arabic content. 11. Facts about YouTube The longest Video ever on YouTube is 48 hours (2days!) It generates an estimated 92 billion page views eachmonth. Together, we spend 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in amonth. Thats 326,294 years. YouTube is localized in 25 countries across 43languages YouTubes demographic is broad: 18-54 years old Millions of videos are considered favorites every day YouTube has 490 million users worldwide 12. Conclusion In my point of view, YouTube is one of the best sites to use for all kinds of purposes. It is the second Google. Any information that crosses our mind we can find the answers either on the web of Google or in the videos of YouTube. The advantages that YouTube holds are much more than the disadvantages therefore YouTube is a reliable website. I wanted to bring this topic in order to give the girls an idea of using YouTube as a place to upload videos and presentations created by Zu students. It will be a nice idea to have a YouTube icon on the Zu website where students can click on the icon and find videos 13. Resources