Page 1: It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2 - Clover 2...It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2 4 Him, she reached out in faith and touched his robe

It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Bible Point When a friend is in need, do a good deed!

Bible Verse Love is kind. I Corinthians 13:1

Bible Story The Woman Touching the Hem of Jesus’ Garment Mark 5:21-34

Dog Breed Golden Retriever

Supplies ♦ Vet costume: lab

jacket (Kit), stethoscope

♦ Calendar ♦ Empty money bag

(can use a paper bag with a big dollar sign written on it)

♦ Robe ♦ Box large enough to hold the

calendar, money bag and robe ♦ Bob Bark the Truth Costume;

outrageous clothes, dog nose (Kit) ♦ Jar of peanut butter ♦ Three rolled up newspapers ♦ Copy of role playing cards

(page 10)

Golden retrievers were bred to retrieve birds for hunters. They are loyal dogs. They are also known for their kindness. Even as puppies, they have been witnessed being gentle with the birds they retrieve. They make life easier for their masters by their willingness to retrieve. In the same way, we should be willing to make life easier for others by our kind words and kind deeds. We need to recognize when our friends or family members are having a bad day and be willing to

go the extra mile to make their day easier.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Deputy Catch U. Dog Supplies: None Hello! Remember me? I am

Catch U. Dawg, the local dogcatcher. Last week when we first met, I was looking for a Great Dane. He had been spotted wandering around my neighborhood. I finally found him. He was patiently waiting for his family. Seems he had wandered away from his home and didn’t know the way back home. Today, I am looking for a Golden Retriever. (Show picture of the retriever.) He might be carrying something in his mouth. Retrievers are like that! Because of that, they don’t make great guard dogs. If someone tries to break in the house, a Golden Retriever is so kind he will help the burglar carry his flashlight! I have found that when I go to catch a dog, I need to be kind. The dogs come to me that way. Often they haven’t had much to eat, so, I feed them. Other times they are afraid so I talk calmly to the dogs. I have found dogs that had thorns and briars in their fur. They are miserable and can get snappy. But when I am kind to them, they usually come with me. (Sound of dog whining) Sounds like a dog is in trouble. I had better go rescue that dog. Make sure you stay on the lookout for the Golden Retriever.

Puppet Song “Ladybug!” from Splash by Go Fish, 2003.

Dr. Shotts Supplies: Lab jacket and stethoscope

I am Dr. Shotts, a veterinarian. My job is to be a doctor for animals. My specialty is with dogs. Sometimes when dogs come into my office they are scared. I’ve even had some dogs bite me. Ouch! One of my favorite dogs is the Golden Retriever. They are friendly with people and with other dogs and are just plain kind. They are so willing to be helpful. Just the other day I was walking out of my office. This stethoscope was hanging out of my pocket and it must have fallen on the ground. I had no idea. Suddenly, I heard a bark behind me. Coming toward me was one of my patients, a Golden Retriever named Kitty. In her mouth was my stethoscope. She came right up to me and nudged my hand until I opened it. Then, she dropped the stethoscope into my hand. What a kind deed! If I had lost my stethoscope, I would have been in big trouble. I had better get back to the office. Kitty is coming in for her vaccinations this afternoon and there is no telling what she might retrieve from my office.

Bible Story The Woman Touching the Hem of Jesus’ Garment.

Mark 5:21-34 Supplies: Empty money bag, calendar, robe, Bob Bark the Truth costume







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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


When Jesus lived here on earth, many people would follow Him because they wanted to listen to Him. They also wanted Him to heal them. Jesus was a busy man. One day Jesus crossed a sea in a boat and found a great crowd already waiting for Him. One of the men was Jairus, a leader in the synagogue, who approached Jesus. Jairus needed help. His daughter was at the point of death. He asked Jesus to come heal her so she could live. Jesus agreed. So Jesus started off for Jairus’ home. The crowd followed right behind them. We need to find clues about what happened as Jesus was going to Jairus’ house. We have a game show host ready to help us. Let’s welcome Bob Bark the Truth! (Bob enters the room barking. Encourages the kids to bark with him.) It is time to play Guessword. We have three words to guess today. These words will all be the clues to your story. I am going to give you hints and you will have to guess what the word is. I will need a volunteer for each word. (Choose a volunteer for the first word.) I am going to start saying words that describe the word I am looking for. You can start guessing what the word is at anytime. (Bob calls out the clues one by one until one of the players guesses the word.) Word #1: Twelve Clues: number, dozen, disciples, 1, 2, . . . , 11 (Call another volunteer to the front.)

Word #2: Money Clues: dollar, nickel, dime, quarter, penny (Call a third volunteer to play.) Word #3: Clothing Clues: shirt, pants, dress, shorts, sweatshirt There you have it. Your three clues to your story: twelve, money and clothing. Thank you for playing Guessword. (Bob leaves barking.) Pull out the props as you talk about each one. The first clue is twelve. This refers to twelve years. Hold up the calendar and flip through it. Twelve of these. Twelve years is a long time. That is how long a certain woman was sick. For twelve long years she had endured her sickness. The second clue is money. Hold up the moneybag. I need someone to come up here and count how much money is in the moneybag. Call on someone and give him or her the bag. How much money is in the bag? None? There is no money in the bag. That is because the sick woman had spent all of her money going to doctors. She had tried everything to find a cure but she had not found one. She spent all her money and had nothing left. The third clue is clothing. Hold up the robe. The woman had heard about Jesus. She joined the crowd that was following Him to Jairus’ home. Coming up from behind





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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Him, she reached out in faith and touched his robe. She said, “If I can only touch his clothes, I will be made well.” Immediately, she was made well. At the same time, Jesus was aware that power had gone out of Him. He turned around to the crowd and asked who had touched his cloak. His disciples told him, “Look at all the crowd pressing in on you. How can you say who touched me?” Jesus looked all around the crowd to see who had touched Him. The woman came toward Jesus. She was afraid and trembling. She fell down before Him and told Him that she was the one. Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.” What beautiful kindness Jesus showed the woman! HE WAS IN A HURRY. He was a busy man. He could have just kept walking. But, He took the time to be kind. He stopped, turned around, and searched for the woman. Then, He spoke kindly to her. Not only did she walk away healed, but she had to walk away feeling loved. Do you take time to be kind? Do you stop and help your friends or family members that need help? Do you speak kindly to them when you help them or do you grumble? Love is kind. Are you showing love to your friends and your family?

Prayer Ask the Lord to help the children to react to others in a kind way. Help them look out for the needs of their friends

and their family members. Help them be willing to go out of their way to help others with their needs.

Dog House Supplies: Jar of peanut butter

**ALLERGY WARNING** One of the things that a veterinarian does is to give a dog medicine. There are a lot of things that a dog needs to be protected from. Rabies and heartworm are just some examples. To prevent heartworm, dogs need to take a pill. It can be difficult to get a dog to take a pill. One of the ways to help a dog is found in our doghouse. (Pull out the jar of peanut butter.) You can be kind to your dog by coating the pill with peanut butter. The dog will enjoy taking the pill. Sometimes our friends are going through hard times. They may have to do something that is tough. Maybe a friend is sick or has to move to a new neighborhood. When a friend is going through a rough time, we need to find ways to be kind, just like coating a pill with peanut butter. Maybe it means listening to the friend. Or maybe it means giving the friend something special. Or perhaps it is being more understanding when the friend is in a bad mood. Remember, “When a friend’s in need, do a kind deed”. Everyone say that with me. (Repeat point.)







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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Dog Training Supplies: Three rolled up newspapers Divide the children into

three groups. Place the newspapers on the other side of the room from the kids. You will need an area cleared to run a relay or you can use obstacles such as chairs or tables to make the relay more interesting. Golden Retrievers were made to help hunters retrieve (bring back) birds they had shot. We are not going to retrieve birds today but we are going to retrieve a newspaper. The rule is you can not use your hands or mouth. You will run down to the newspaper and pick it up with some part of your body and bring it back. You might use your elbows or tuck it under your chin. You might scoot it along the floor with your head or your nose. Anything you come up with is all right as long as you never touch the paper with your hands or mouth. When you bring the paper back to your team, the next person in line will take the paper back to the other end of the room using any part of the body except the hands. He/she will leave it there and run back. You will continue to alternate bringing the paper to your team and bringing it back to the other side of the room until everyone has had a turn. After the relay: When the dog retrieves the paper, he makes life easier for his master. This is a kind thing for a dog to do. Look for ways that you can make life easier for others by your kind acts and words.

Obedience School Supplies: Role playing cards (page 10) Divide the children into groups and let them role

play the following situations:

1. Your family has tickets to go to the circus. On the morning you are to go, your brother wakes up sick and cannot go.

2. Your friend is supposed to come

over and play. She cannot come because she has lost her dog. When you talk to her on the phone, she is crying. She must go out in the neighborhood and search for the dog.

3. Your mom is having a party. She is

running behind getting ready for the party. She still needs the carpet vacuumed and the room dusted. You have been looking forward to watching your favorite TV show all week. It is coming on now.


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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Doggie Bag Supplies: can of refrigerator biscuits, paper plates, and honey

Form the biscuit into the shape of a bone. Bake the biscuits as directed on the can. Serve with honey. (If you have access to an oven at your church, the children can make the dog biscuits themselves.) As the kids eat their snack, discuss how dogs will often be given a bone as a treat. This is a kind way to let a dog know that he has done a good job.

Memory verse Love is patient, love is kind. I Corinthians 13:1 Supplies: Heavy paper (8 by

11 inches), markers, and tape Copy one letter of each word on a separate piece of paper. Keeping the pieces of paper in order, turn the papers over and tape them on the wall with the blank side showing to the kids. Have the kids take turns guessing letters. When a correct letter is guessed, turn the paper with the letter around facing the children. Continue until all the letters have been guessed. Practice saying the verse, removing a letter each time you say it.

Craft Supplies: Quick drying clay or Crayola® magic modeling clay

Form the clay into the shape of a bone. Using markers, write, “be kind” on the bone. Discuss how giving a dog a bone is a kind deed.


Supplies: Dog bone (or other object to represent a bone like a sponge)

Divide the children into two groups. Line the groups up facing each other. Go down the line numbering the children. Start with number one on each team. Make sure the children remember their number. Place the bone on the floor equal distance from both groups. When you call out a number, the kids having that number will run and try to get the bone first. After playing the game, discuss how we are often like this in the way we treat people. We try to be the first to get something. Is this a kind way to treat other people? If we were to show true kindness to others, what

would we do? Movies Air Bud Series Homeward Bound

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Deputy Catch U. Dog Hello! Remember me? I am Catch U. Dawg, the local dogcatcher. Last week when we first met, I was looking for a Great Dane. He had been spotted wandering around my neighborhood. I finally found him. He was patiently waiting for his family. Seems he had wandered away from his home and didn’t know the way back home. Today, I am looking for a Golden Retriever. (Show picture of the retriever.) He might be carrying something in his mouth. Retrievers are like that! Because of that, they don’t make great guard dogs. If someone tries to break in the house, a Golden Retriever is so kind he will help the burglar carry his flashlight! I have found that when I go to catch a dog, I need to be kind. The dogs come to me that way. Often they haven’t had much to eat, so, I feed them. Other times they are afraid so I talk calmly to the dogs. I have found dogs that had thorns and briars in their fur. They are miserable and can get snappy. But when I am kind to them, they usually come with me. (Sound of dog whining) Sounds like a dog is in trouble. I had better go rescue that dog. Make sure you stay on the lookout for the Golden Retriever.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Dr. Shotts

I am Dr. Shotts, a veterinarian. My job is to be a doctor for animals. My specialty is with dogs. Sometimes when dogs come into my office they are scared. I’ve even had some dogs bite me. Ouch! One of my favorite dogs is the Golden Retriever. They are friendly with people and with other dogs and they are just plain kind. They are so willing to be helpful. Just the other day I was walking out of my office. This stethoscope was hanging out of my pocket and it must have fallen on the ground. I had no idea. Suddenly, I heard a bark behind me. Coming toward me was one of my patients, a Golden Retriever named Kitty. In her mouth was my stethoscope. She came right up to me and nudged my hand until I opened it. Then, she dropped the stethoscope into my hand. What a kind deed! If I had lost my stethoscope, I would have been in big trouble. I had better get back to the office. Kitty is coming in for her vaccinations this afternoon and there is no telling what she might retrieve from my office.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Bob Bark the Truth (Bob enters the room barking. He encourages the kids to bark with him.) It’s time to play Guessword. We have three words to guess today. These words will all be the clues to your story. I am going to give you hints and you will have to guess what the word is. I will need a volunteer for each word. (Choose a volunteer for the first word.) I am going to start saying words that describe the word I am looking for. You can start guessing what the word is at anytime. (Bob calls out the clues one by one until one of the players guesses the word.) Word #1: Twelve Clues: number, dozen, disciples, 1, 2, . . . , 11 (Call another volunteer to the front.) Word #2: Money Clues: dollar, nickel, dime, quarter, penny (Call a third volunteer to play.) Word #3: Clothing Clues: shirt, pants, dress, shorts, sweatshirt There you have it. Your three clues to your story: twelve, money and clothing. Thank you for playing Guessword. (Bob leaves barking.)

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Role Playing Cards

Your family has tickets to go to the circus. On the morning you are to go, your brother wakes up sick and cannot go. Your friend is supposed to come over and play. She can not come because she has lost her dog. When you talk to her on the phone, she is crying. She must go out in the neighborhood and search for the dog.

Your mom is having a party. She is running behind getting ready for the party. She still needs the carpet vacuumed and the room dusted. You have been looking forward to watching your favorite TV show all week. It is coming on now.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2


Bible Point When a friend is in need, do a good deed!

Bible Verse Love is kind. I Corinthians 13:1

Bible Story The Woman Touching the Hem of Jesus’ Garment Mark 5:21-34

Dog Breed Golden Retriever

Family Fun Put every family member’s name on a piece of paper and place it in a bowl. Everyone draws a name but keeps that name secret. For the next week, go out of your way to find kind things to do for that person.


In what way does your family need to be kinder to one another? Is it harder to say kind words or do kind deeds?

Golden Retrievers love to swim.

Their coat is water resistant.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 2

