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"WW *•*"• %'iUWHWli' " l I'fcJi»IM«ff"

• It I Ate saunas f»TOf tacks?. SastBets atea sad tnrmh bra cany ttea tn teat •oekati, UAs* carry (aaaa III imtM, ba«Hkasg*rt hasp team la oadBefm

8 Pills

fHE LAST BAPSBUR§ Fwmed lesp m OF AUSTWA, iu-


«toMtt, frlaoS*

2 2 * ^ hllcs.

tofidMuto. Be.

Join H. Basrwt. Baward H. Rsgwrt

§60. Engert & Co., COAL.

Principal Oftee and Yard. Telephone *5?

306 Exchange Street.

Louis Ernst Sons wuxsmfw

The Moat Complete Urte of Steel Hods, Steel Barrows, Mechanics' Tools, Builders Hardware, Contractors Supplies,

tag and 131 East Main S t .

TxLxracmz i»7


Funeral - Direetor,

II* Watelwa O w Bto ftoafie m Msmtlf Rvtera' DM—Vtrtaatty tka l^u* «|f XUa IJ»»-Othpr Progsoj mt Ska Mmmm MS£MP> •ratas—TraablM of Hla Stealr*.

"The fSmolre W0J be buried with, the old E^mperor. God keep html"

Recent events in toe Austrian Retch* srath nave given a stronger tone of »u-thority to this saying of the Viennese, immovable, Fran* Josef watches the glory of his Imperial family fade w4th the son of his years, which are fast set­ting on his gray head.

It -was said that the Crows Prince committed suicide, but Fran* Josef knows the lie aa welt as the world. The Crowe Prince was killed in. a drunlcen brawl. The Empress suffers from a form of melancholia, and baa eccentric-idee which would likely put a. woman of less Importance into a madhouse. She la always veiled when she appears

THi vmWW tif&t tiitiMStf* I mmmmmmmmm aMaw«i*>>B»t t^ i^^


: SttUn« ift !Ete^e Wywasn i «tore» »l SaijiR, it*.; a little group of wlliaipers talked of wolves, now •aldom seen In Maine, but which; halt a eanj^'age.

mielt, la ev^dencC .WjBti*#Ji|r

DI0CJ&AN SEWS. ^ ^ P f f r - e ^ • •™^^effJ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ n ^ r * ' JTT^ *^"^^^t ^"^^v*«^"P*ejes^Bj»j|^|jB^sjB3

f"ai*tisa> ma fifrtfsnv

on the streets,. takes part In no

100 West Main Street, R O C H E S T E R , N . Y .

Revolution in Cuba! Nothing as compared with its re­

volution in the wine trade.

Cast Champagne This is a first-class article and at the price

*ll cso occasionally enjoy a bottle. 3003 per Pint or $6.00 per Case of 24 Pints.

W . H . MO B B A T E B 1 8 8 8

Whiskey $4.50 per Gallon • Nothing like i t in the market for the price.

California Winst, 63cts, $1.00 and $1.35 Per Gall.

Claret, Angelica,- Port, Sherry, Tokay, Maderia, Malaga, etc- etc. For Sue Wines and Cigars, go to

Mathews & Servis . TELEPHONE 1075.

Cor. Main and Flub ugh Streets.

V822WC«**St<s moM ^fflj^ .270

Omct/XtTULx* 25S3ii£. & * *

John H . Ash ton. Js». Mailer.

ASHTOI & MALLEY, Old, Triad and Kalishla Companies.

Lotus Promptly PtM Rates Rt isBi iMi OFPKXK—M>i-90<EU-<nuifera Barry Bnili Batraoca JQ State St Backaator, N

The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. DAILY STEAMERS BETWEEN

B U F F A L O b C l i B V E I . A i r D • V I A C . JfcB. UOiTB.''

Also Daily Line Betweta


Ilegant fast Side Wheel Steamers I'Clty of Erie," (building) will g e into

commission about June 15th, "City of Buffalo," (new.)

"State of Ohio," \ "State of New York."

„ will the opening of navigation, about il 1st, form a daily line between the

ive points. Tickets sold to all points East and West

lowest rates. lend 4 cents in stamps for handsome lllus-led pamphlet. 1 Itne Table and farther information can Obtained by addressing It*. Herman, OeaLVaas. Agent.

OUveland. O.

*l»^l>»>3333 C C C w C C t t — t t \

(CAVEATS, DESIGNS, TRADE-MARKS. Send as A model or rough pencil 1

SKETCH of your invention and we will , EXtMINE and report a» to Its patent* 1 ability. "Invefltoni'GuidoorHow toGet < a Patent." «>nt ircp


: 1425W. Y. AVE., WASHUfoTOH, 0. C.| When writing mention this paper.


Write tor oar interesting books " Invent-or'sHelp" and "Bow yon are swindled.0

Send us a rongb Sketch or model of your Invention or improvement and we will tell yon free oar opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. We make a specialty of applications rejected in other hands. Highest references furnished.

.MABION * XAKION PATiafT'souorroBs * •DEPKKTS Cl-rD 4 Meclanleal Engtnecri, Oradtutei of tbe Poiytochnlo Soboot of Engineerim/, Baohelora In Applied Setencas, Ural Onlr«r«lty, Hembera Patant Law Af loolaUoa, A»ertoan w«t«r Worts Assoolstion, New Bnaland Water Worm Awoe. P. Q. 8urreyor» AsaodkUon, Auoo. Member> Can. Bososty of CSTU Engineer*.

SMPBKOK rXAKbXS JOSaFK. ceremonies or functions. Archduke Ferdinand, who Is expected to succeed to the throne, lacks all of the qualities that a king needs.

Themselves become weak-minded, thin-blooded, degenerate, the Haps-burgs, whose head was Emperor of the Roman Empire and Emperor of the German Empire and mighty In Europe for seven centuries, must support the humiliation of seeing the great houses of their rivals more valiant than ever In the propagation of healthy chil­dren. *

All the strength left in the Hapsburg blood seems to belong to this one old man. But when be rides in the Rlng-Btrasee and factionlsts forget their hatred of one another long enough t o cheer him frantically, you look In vain for some sign of the misery which must be in his heart You see an erect old Boldier, with bristling aide whiskers, bushy eyebrows, deep-set eyes, a big nose, and the great protruding under lip of the ancestor which has clung t o all Hapsborgs like some fatal birth­mark. He was only 18 years old when he came to the throne. He is now »7, and this year he will celebrate nis dia­mond Jubilee. His reign has witness­ed the granting of constitutional re­forms which did not long palliate the Internal dissensions which commanded them. He has become familiar with rebellions in arms as well as in legisla­tive halls. The victories of the Prus­sians in '66 made the King of Prussia the actual Emperor of Germany, while be Wrnself ceased to be its nominal Bmperor.

So Franx Josefs fta* not been a glor­ious reign. Old William of Germany, once said that, under the circumstan­ces, he wondered that it was as good as it was; and thereby he suggested Fran* Josers great virtue. Jfrans; Josef has kept the parts of his empire intact and has given to Austria the influence that she has among* the Powers of Europe.

The brusque, gruff old soldier would, like to see his army, which has such a long list of defeats since Napoleon L first put ft tonight, equal man for man to the German army.

The people of the four other European Powers are to a large extent homoge­neous. In Austria, the Magyars, the 'Slavs and the Germans each make the fttperlai interests second to their own. Etebrrace is not only opposed to the others, but hates them and would rath­er enjoy carrying their enmity to the sword's point

Roughly speaking, the population of Austria consists of 9,000,000 Germans, 17,000,000 Slave, 6,000,000 Magyars, 3,000,000 Wallachians, 1,000,000 Jews, and 500,000 Italians. The Slavs are di­vided into as many factions as there are races.

To harmonize all the varied interests of subjects who are headstrong and hot-blooded is the business of the Em­peror. For such work Franz Josef la peculiarly suited as a man.

He is the final arbiter, and if he be so clever an emperor as Franz Josef he can give his decision in such a manner that even those who get the worst of the compromise can accept it with good grace; whereas they would accept, it with no grace at all if it came from a Judge chosen front among the enemy. So Franz Josef is, outside of the Csar, the most useful king in Europe. Th« throne In Austria Is not an anomaly at the close of ib* nineteenth century, but a necessity, ' .•

ford told the story of §eth IBrown's chase of two wolves QB snowahoee.

"Ton know Seth," %» said. "Ons of the smartest and handiest men la his day that ever cut timber trsea or drove the Penobscot Up in the Rip. ogenus region one February lie was oat prospecting for timber tracts. The snow was deep, with a light emit, Just strong enough to hold up a mm. ,<>a snowshoek Coming upon a little rlas of land in a timbar swamp one day hi saw two wolves a little way ajbead of him. The crust woAild not h«KC them, and they could only wallow alQttg W tfcesnow. Set$ would tackle a^ytfeint that ever ranged the woods. He had no gun, but he set opt after the wolves with his axe. What did thos>< wolfes do but circle round gn&l they, got back upon Seth'a track*. You know how in light snow the steps of a man in snowshoes will pack 'down the snow. dace the wolves got to Seth'a tracks the slotes (snowshoe prints) held them up and they fust ran on them in a circle till he gave up iktt chase. H« was so near that Joe could almost have thrown his axe to . tnexn, and hi couldn't get a step nearer. Setfc said the wolves sat on their haunches and laughed at him when he bad to give up and start along."

- JRraip p<M.lM)«)aj[{ «r M|im<sa4U|-•: ,.- -CWpaisg,

Fsthar B«t»'* weekly t w t t a senaes* ppatloB* to drawcrowd*of people of all dt* aowlnations to St, •^fm^t^M^mmr bat Wednesday evening oa sjMI ¥mm Coawnandiaent was/ the jaott fofeg? f t firaded otto* course ta«s far. H i »% e t the crowd that throngs to hear Fathtr Bttt-tia speak, beitdtisttinpin»th«p««otof SU Mary'a aaoBs o£ th* b t x plilpit O*at0« Coraing ha* ewer known, alao raflauta credit open * e t«te efo^r peo^aodsAowa last ^ieycaa a r ^ U K wd enjoy good spesk-i»«andfopd Bneii»% *Am $m!*M% Alio, hearing FsthirBwtia speak, lav«i»fs more t has the breaking »p of soy other po». anjleeftga^TOentsone might havafortr aiHUite'B\-aa4|h«di«bJaf # I tirinf Catholic Kill. One of :di*sttM;WedBMday;a ItctUwMtsety «r> laarksdamrward; "Thcle^turawMapJea* dkf, thetragSajr kwfal, and thftse*ttdr«|i«-, fal," While w«ca«r^agre«»4tkth*ini<|* dle««temeatcooc««»hif our capablechott, aolcii the yoang person meant that &> mighty uauilc fitted her with awe, the first andlaat part of tbesentsneercacheia *y»» pathetic chord within us, and we agree with those part* of it uacondUionally.

.Thichefty j»\fi-of rohfei are hjsird o|9r«1a|; and evening, tbftawniblne has tot wa»lH.e^iB8«»er.iniV fM,**? t 6 a »*!

earth," Oaf of «S* ekrtMit anrjagaoa record6a»been •'sprang** «potti% t ^<:»att«»pt|-O.i60jife..jfc* wall lmowt>( Xrlah

•endsdehnrebb*rs3«*d«f. i *. r

^^a^ss1*!* A^a^a^q^s s^ aH^^^s^is^^^^sxr s R ^ ^ 1 " • a ^ ^ ^M^a^aw

wltkp*eataca^takB»fo#ef. t WordwwrecaiwdWwcw rrfda^ I « ,

sw wi> flh^th l ietWs JHpBfea^ ^ Sirs, C!«ad*»*axB*l4at Bttmb*Jtit, Coaa. Mrs. MastcM w « a-*htsr at Mrs, ;Msr#»irtt Aadrua of |mbi»iV«W. a forwtr swployt olJhehoapitslf t ^ . " «, .

Mils Gartradf•Jftfffa > I* •peadl^'tlhjl

*<**** • ' ^ , , , , . , ; / . Ml*f teU»,Good»ia, waw %s «,<M»plBf.i4'

bars si nam for the test tff# W^mwift*. limed and »turn*d(to Jwuf *^at;pMMH

1 IMS.* MeUsa, aisUUnt p^yslcUtt «t' th# WospltaWot »o»t jreara paj«, 'h«ir«-

•"'. ^ r > ^ * ^ " * 4 ? ' " ' l''4*

A4Jo«na<Nl Coart * • F.tir|Kt) Justice of the Peace Sarr of JKlan,

Mo., is always willing to support his legal opinion with his muscles. Dur­ing the progress of a trial a bench warrant was issued for John M. Clapp, an attorney, who was charged with sostonpi. Justice Farr sentenc­ed Clapp to fire hours in the county Jail, but later modified the sentence to a flue, which was paid.

Clapp. burning under'the punish­ment inflicted by the Court, continued to make irritating continents during the progress of the trial. Justice Parr ordered Clapp to take a seat. /'To this Clapp retorted by requesting P«rr•" to adjourn court for two minutes w that the Judge and lawyer might he on the same foot tag. To the surprise ot the spectators Justice Parr immediately adjourned court and, selling an iron poker, assailed Clapp. The tiro,men exchanged blows, but were separated before serious injury could be jto flirted by either. Clapp was led from the room and Justice Parr returned to the bench, called court to order, and proceeded with the trial.

Pae* talaaoa ffcMlc for P i e b e r e l Bait . Within the past two years the State

of Maine hat placed more than 60,-00O landlocked salnion fry to Br*mer*§ and Field's ponds, two large sheets of water near Bangor.' Thfal wlntar tfcf fishermen hate bees 'taking ltrlge Quantities of pickerel 'from these ponds, using live bait, wiMch the fish seemed greedy to get \Qh Sunday a warden was sent out to see that t h j law was observed, and found about twenty fishermen, every one of whom had his hooks baited with young sal­mon, which were dipped' from the shoal places and blowholes on the borders of the ponds. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Fish and Game Commission, who will no doubt close the ponds for" five years until the young fry have grown up, a s the State can hardly afford to grow young salmon for pickerel halt The practice of using ash frona the hatch* eries for bait i s said t o prevail all over Maine, particularly i n ponds that hare been newly stocked.

iB^t..Wan,ac»«wl|.oa. S a ^ ^ ^ w T t * be wlt&tttatW CojMd*yo*r la fash Ttst singer WMt^g^est durini; Wi stay la town at %cj*Ti8ljfi '<

Clnihi«a|$ne)it 5*Ieais»-o| fosaeof. thahq^intflf^i^^I^orajryara tkstchst-in pen aW in* ttli»t»«n| tha-ttat «»i do«#sfideaIybtaloc»lartI|t, A$apyaf

Fact' baa b»eh honored in^kli;m$t *!%•

M t e f l ^ j -


•Tlmothjr J . QlCoanell, whQ wsi called homefrom Oeorgetown Collets bjr tb« death ot his father, retnrai on Tneigayiljr|rt W Washington, B. C. ;

; 71-. * . /

The proper caper jait now It to Vrfstle with Indignation cwoernins; the things that are being don* in Cuba, to deaoflnee-thi goremtnsnt of the Ualttd SUtesas ° a l w to act," and todambr losdly forwar, Ifda, ;do *llthi»« lOB.atj*" «•>?•. 'fO«B.i:.' •• If. .fou;

happen to beati «ld«cjidferV.^iw*r|f» ^ take thlnjts cooljy^en tiSeet andyott -aayift. yoertcir tbst "War ii hell.-" Nobody Iftas the lut.naaied plsse. ; " ' , - . ' ,

Mt.,, aad ICrs . HefTsrntB -iia'dt'-dattgliW* waatto;MsMirTotktai^rn-'tl^we^v- ' .;'.

Crajboras? rTers if «d»f^tBf to laTft l

Uader the tUcisttt trsstmaotof JDr.|oha J>annl«o% rwhfr.C'iStonBell, ogr pajleirjr irslQwIv-lwt't^rjafimpttnrlsW ~ *

Al l the Family- Crase* s»jr RloSxes. Michael Ringtose, a wealthy farmer

who went from Iowa id ioufaJKha three years ago, went insane with his entire family and was captured by the police after a desperate battle, in Which, several of the offiaers andEJnr-* rose were injured.

The Bingrose farm Is one o£ the finest in the State. Bingrose inherited a fortune from a brother in New York, and the sudden acquisition of wealth unsettled his mind. He began by giving away rolls of money and ended by opening Are with a couple of rifles on all who went hear him, The Sheriff .attempted to arrest him tsrday. Ringrose defended hlrnielf with two rifles and was assisted by his wife and two, daughters, who need bricks and stones. The officers finally captured Bingrose, hut not until they had wounded him in the shoulder and knocked him over the head with a pistol. It is asserted that the entire family is insane.

T w o BauadredT Tlswy; Tramass. ; > Among the care which were wreck­

ed near Del Rio, Texas, on the South­ern Pacific, were five loaded with Cal­ifornia wine, is cases axid barrels. These five cars were smashed into: nieces, and the unbroken and broken bottles and barrels of wine were scat­tered over the right of way for a con­siderable distance. Adlrfce* reached San Antonio from the scene of the ac-cfdent that fully 200 tramps Qfuiekly scented the wine, and held high revel­ry at that place for several days, No restrictions were placed on their or­gies, as the place ia in a desolate part, of the country. '

H e * Six Sana Her F«ll-&«areM. Sarah Poorman died in Muncie, Bad1,,

recently, at the ripe old age of ninety years. There was an interesting and peculiar feature about her funeraL Her six sons, her only children, all '"boys"; over sixty years old,' said grandfathers themselves, Were' " l*H-b*arers. '


sell has b«ra a popitant « f »r*r for over two yeart;. HU ailment,^a^wli*^fow, evidently bilild the ikill oT Hv.ral procalneat physictaBS, Dr, l^sflalssoa was callsd to ia* ft. O'OoaosH soat foar weeks *|t>* He found tht r*vsr«»d ^ntls-niaa i h a vaip atltfcitl condifiea* and is* sitcadoa resorting to heroic *m*iURires at qaca^ T.nt|pr» of trsstmant orasiribsd was very severeaadpalnftft lathaaxirewt. The doctor met With net* Utttf toJJOtJtloti to thesoarse Mtoefc, hat thst far nf##C* forts have been ayecewfaj. All praise to the nan who has the cc*»i^ to carry out Ma coavlctjqiu. fr* O'Connell'i 'mmtf- U slowly but «urely yfrldlnt to tha ;»ra»* eat trsatment, and It wSl not be fo»r, let us hope, before par* beloved pas^r wfll be sround again, hale and hearty, Mot the present Dr. Denaiitcw insists on keeplngfal* patientas frae from £stl|tte and nacvaus ex­citement aa possible, henca'wsayfflsads and acqualnUncesmtist b» coatiat with Uaving thslr »ymp»thy and wall wl"sbe»4 as it is neither pmdentaorcbsrftabla to ask td visit with himathl#»«d»ide.

John Keady, jr., has just ra^slrad lis *p-r>c4ntmsntaspostei«teratr^Fv JohnWa-heaay nasslse rscslvedhis appolntaiiatae pda.ta«iit«*at. -WJ|l*rdj.rS '^n-':-'''•:-''•< :>::•'• * ; Miss JElisabeth rlssratta l» to succaed Jpha' -fortalv; fiiatk4hta«-«Jvld;

pottoffice, • - ;.'' • •-'., :.-"».

..Jatker Pa tr l c | c"a^e« j^ '^ % lwpahdl»f * I4w wwkaJn tmM*. cslled home on account e l the recant illness of Ms brother, l e t . T . 1.0'Connefl.

Has . Mrs. Mbrgsa flynn, aa oM aodsweh

respected resldsnt oMdmar die<[ at oeif home in this place last Monday* aged sixty years. She ii sorvived by her Imibejad, Morgan Fivnn, one son, James Elynn, and also a brother feha flattery, and mjmmt Mr*. Jam** Deotan, all of HWst W funeral was held *« Tharsclay «ornlait at: St Rose's*harcft, • "

Patrick Courtney who died in1 Hoseoye Falls Saturday, was interred hare Mottda^i

Mta. Mary Graceof Rochester, was heme lsstweek,,

MlssBlla Fitsfeiald of Rochester, ipmai acoupleof weeksin town visiting ralstira* anafirlendi.' * , /< 'v

Lenten devotlotts Wedaeiday and Friday evenings this week. . , ' . - .

• • • • Savannah. r * ' " Mrs. JetoQuimot Lyons vfalted a p p a ­

rent* Thursday. ••• ' * '-Mr. itid- Mrs.* John Brenritn land son

Harry, of Buffalo, were the gneitt of ? Mrfc McCarthy tblaweeki -J '•"•'* *

James Speliman Is now employed in the Times office,

Mrs. Jsme* Finnell and 10a Mspfisdrove t» Saraaaih' Tftaisday* and«w«reJaBme W alight from their huggy. In front of $tiwr'« store, and thfowing Mrs. Finnel between the wheeif, dragging her across the »osd» tipping m wagoa to one aide, tbrd wing her against the sideralk. The boy wis throwtt mnder the hone's hetW - The horse wast then captured before, any further tdamBge was done., f onanately they received m «-"-jriotitjbjarf., . , ' *"„->•

George Lwkwood left Thursday for Bo*t Byron to work on die canal.

: Chrfa Morgan lost 4 good hjsfseJMfondiy while at work on the canal at Port ?yrofl," .

MIcJhaetBradley o? Lyons was a caBer 0 town Sunday*;

Mr». ChVle»'Bl*l»deU and 4aught*r yiiltid faer p*r«w; Mr. and Mrs. S p e U W '

Mi*. JaraaslCsBy and cUMrenof Syia-«auearerii«i|^wttof WUIiaw Navia. •

LstoojShiru dfedat tb« hoaif of hU fsthar oawtCeatvs roadL Sal^rdaj, AgtS'fT*

SamwelGsrtock hsssold h b hom*h*r«f andhssMow* toSaulth $odus wfeftt Id ha»sttxtsdahla^Mntitkshp|>t '•'-,.'' . .

Mr», W. H.Macherspiat Moadsywfch b«tp«rfntsIaZi*rlel!, t ~ ;

ftaafe Caxlotfk;-*!*- ranted • $» X&tim. farm sad willrttait for three years,

- jpsam*lW^^*, ^ ^ f *•

Mn.Jcia Lefty, wiwhkV o*«n m y ill the past weak, iaisuwaviRgspfly.

Mbs Kats Cottar hssscjatw nalhite. AcaRwc^rtyis'to W» t W *t\lUcaaKi-

soo's ball, April i$&. A «eM tiae k pro»Ii«dtoa}lttteMtlurtatt«a|,

.NtaWlSaiytkof R«8aatsc,l^ba«i!vary iB»- c *s" "~

ftsfeatatxWaatbia w«» iMldkewtaat wetk>

d ^ ^ « ^ s a a * w W M a a i a f tf .VKfppPrwNr» waart saa frfw taasvti' mt ; / l l r . P a t a l M ^ t o i e w r a d a poatl^ .TnB,Wia|oa>_''>•' •'"" ''\.Q}-V "••'.

' • R f W * f ^ I f W ' ft J W ^ ^ I , ' w e j w ^ea,- 'wBBs BBBS|BAaW| ^ ^ Pwr%'

IBS^sgli^jjfliist-iBf.Jlxte^H^ 0

with hsr daiiflitar, Mrt. CfhwlaaGartWlet iel'lncfeMterfv-' V'>-' •*:; '

Wai^glss^ksar dMtJraM'Caa«iif%i " I w r a ^ fl^F'^Ps'^y ^ ^ W weaS^^SMF^f^B^BS^BJ^,^ W P V . T H P B T '

• t l P ^ " ^ ^ *?•?» •^*^e»?"^a^Wflf^s^i^^sw^BB^B^gj^s«^

" ftit»«f *lwwaf SaortairiJIa, was Wj'toww •Satajdaf, ' • . . . . . . r,-. , ;-..- ,.,

. Mr. Uwis Vofkt, of RsdMfttvr, W4* townIsat wata4 • '-.- '•.•,',.'

•?^"as^l^rPV sis ie^B|sV^w"wVii^Wii^srMia ^ W ^ d ^ W r w ^ W I ^ P J S * « W B S *

sad; Nsllla' FsUar wboUd . .•? Maaark, mnti%3tf '•' <•-. " "' 1 Mr, ratrlek tfittsm ast 'tail from SvnteaM. after havine* ail a^psa, ss^^sppssj^aaaic

'.^Jh^Mtilmimm,....... w ^ aGibhoai a; Siaasflaao, .. ljrs,'3liehail QriHat 9f» ssstaa JMM : > . a w * W J P T ^ P 7 * ^ W • " P T T W W S W ^ W P W yBPS^BBS^^aWfPSflBSeS* .^B^BBm^ |SSJslSpggSSBBPS KC^

doairlaiAllPiti, •• - T »


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spent.Tkajraday'aad rrlday vrt»A d»s# »«bsr, waohaebeamoataeaiekUat,: o. '

^awaftaPsp ^ f w ^ s a ^ ^ a *^ajfa^sasspssjaa ^^sssipr- ^SJB^BSS: P^^SPSS^BS ^EVKPinga

sick with maljtfU, U sbls to he mm* . ' Jir^pad Mr»,lGr ixtajr.KB«fff of Itoea*

a»t«r. ^W»iJf. •p^uPr^ijiv^'W^^,

Mrs, Jefaa. Brjoic tsd. daagJitsr - Massa, wareinHc^biit«rT»»»day|u^W»4a«s4a^ ;|ist,*a*fc1ttl^ftfi*ir#-'- •, . •, -.

, WsattVetf ic^' te ' l ia^

whare he lntaads,to ewsr ' ..Miss Msm* MaaSl

. ^ w a j i d a , ^ - : '•,; "•.;•. •

: TharsltamtHloailMiaglisliiat^ chnrcb this w t , for ii* mtmm l^t iwktaara was a " " " ,»|ce>4W#i|a#)#H«»t, ..._ _(

•• wfco r*)«jrs4 tse ^tUflde*»o»a^aod^ '

*>roo**i» will -'' ftelrah^fcpfJPiift engajadto teach t h « taaoo. and who wfllwiaovs with l i t WamwtotaRoy#

A very neat and att«t<tlr«f fcek tuw.he«a placedl»tt«CUI»n*alank.'^ v *

Mu, Nora McD«twjitoUot}ht««r was Iff town this week .vlaitingjWeJwIt. - ^ Rer, F.tlw-Rau^rc^ Roca^i«tsrg*v«Ja

*sarti»ge of Thoniias Dali gSeWeitt;' \ > '--i MUisa Katie and obtained pasitfensin Bi


Farley hsjr->eea, a -'eitWn^re^ielf^ years, atid all will rtgret ielfandfa»lly. ' V^

„ < • $ - # * *

tj^j&f*1* A jSpflfcl Mi« Ella Hogstf of

J3aidd Henassey .ha» ,«t«a*»d

; Bewaro of tho dry, tickling, hacking, morning cough, for it warns yoa that


ist- i*#} *~

• • f \ n , s

i**ftis?-"> "•>-

st; <sasaft>-ft r



j cough, left nne and has never come ba«k, H&aooSn

m wkp^4m0Lifht ...... i a n ' . C c ^ S y r d p l c ^ h a ^ o i ^ Ask ^ BuU% t ^ only

| f - f ^ j . .

•\f <>ti~~ • KiWPHiiii'imnMii t»V

1 J*% Jf * t j iA^ - * i?Am&$-*mm*^ » Kg, % ^ rr