


THE STOBY OF POBTIGAL. By H. Morae Stephens.lllmo, pp. x_lv, 44.. G. P. Pnttam's Sona.The hlstory of Portug-al. aa Mr. tephens MM euffl-

deotly ahown In this palnstaklng w.»k. 11 BB Wedwith Btrange vlrtasltude* and stlrrinff eventa tbat lt

BMNM long slnce hare engaged Uie attention of BMM

great Blrtorlan. The modern de. llne of tho country

and IU gradnal reeeealon t. a plaee of eomparatlvelyamaB importance in Um affalr- of the world B99_B_Mexplatn tho negleet whl.-h haa been it* fate: bnt r.

oont reaeareh .,a. revaaled the aallliail in sueh hUto-

rleo ao are enrrent of blundera aa arrloua that ln NM

resp__a lt ma. be aaM that the annata of the BBBBtryTentrtra to be rewrltten. Mr. Stephcns has addressed

Wtnaelf eon _.entloualy to 9 ta«ik in whlch te riai d

derive a-aoltttely no glMMl-99 from works wrlttrn M

BBMJBB.; and ho has produeed a book whieh. WBBfl

ne___arlly condanaed and mulnly chronologlcal tn

lt_ aebeme, most be recogiilred «* the BaM truM-

worthy aketch of tartugal whlch has appeared ln MM

Bngllab language. The flrst ourprtaa m* ******rea___ M tbat thoy will benraMrth bave to abundon

88999 noflons about tho orfgln of -ortagal whiehi baaa

been rooelved for rentaMeB. HMM lt bas

to Ibe r__li_ed that Partngal 1. not Lusltania abOBBbher gr_.te_t poet has imi_of_.Ur-.-d the aneleut ern r.

NaBher are the Portu_o_o a separate r_e fram the B>

gflBBRMBM of Rpaln. Tbe portugnese and the *»*ni*.orlalnalK one people. They beeam© two

TZjXmmmTmmmmm ot a natlonal spirit by

8aa_y_r-i.a8.iH pMaaa. raaaa a__tion.ied them to

the "ewtabltshmont of a separat* klngdom, and wMo

were wlae enough to rcallae that thla eould only ba ac-

oomplbrhed by __BIIB__ the noblea and fha peopleto take prlde in their natlonaBty.

ln a work deolgned aa thls M, tfho modern atudent

Md pere_TO one radical defeet. whiah. however.

aliould not bo ha-tily a-cribed to the authar. It ls a

ra_lo»__ of the dwda of ktngs and oommandero. not

a htMorv of a peopto. lt ls. In short. history wrltten

after MB old methods, ln wbleh we seek ln valn for

anv Bgrrt upon B99MI Ut. natlonal rtarar.e-H.ieB,

beyond what grew tndirectly out of the chronlrles of

Uie r_t«rs. A long proef*_on . monarehs and no¬

blea warrtors and hlgh ecclesatastlrs. pMMM before


Tho name* of poets aud men of letter. ajrp .ir Minterval*. The narratlve M punetunted with battie s

and fdegea, palaoe revolutlons, eonspiraeles and to-

trigue*. But the nation ftnds no representatlon.That tt «vf_ and auffcred we know, but What the peo¬

ple were like, how they took llfe. what measure ot

clvillaatioo thev bad attatned at thi- perlod or that.

we aae not told. Perhap. t-te materlal for ,tteh a

¦gRf. no -onger exUte. Porhaps tt would have been

lmpoa-lble to attempt a sorUl Inquest In so Itniited a

nacf »a waa at th. dlsposal of Mr. Pt>phens. In any

_vent tbe work remalns to oo BBBB. aad lt mlght very

wr11 be done bv the wrlter who haa already made so

amplo a preparaUon as t.Us volume.T_s lnterest whieh nttarhe* to the hlfltory of Par¬

tngal Ia of a Wnd to ftwnVn the attention of even the

least B-onghtAil. for lt cotKerna one of thoaa strango

rlsee and falls of B-Btea whlch better than all phllo-o-phy lllnatrates the IneirP-ioo of hnman netlon. It MMflrst to be learned bow thla llttle eoantry grrew Into a

great Power; and *¦ lt has ro be teaabad whv.

appnrerrtty at the helght of glory and prosperity, tt

eanmWed and rollapsed, never to r1«e apaln. At the

beglnnlng of Its e.xi'ten<e a< a separate klnirdom the

contlnilty of the Moors ^l^^ished the rule of eonduet

for most of lt« prlneea. To expel tbe Mnhometnns

was eon.ldered, and for a long time aetuany w.u, a

prli ie neeesstty. and one whieh took of all

0_v r obllgatlons. The Portuenese BMMMa were at

flrat lndlsposed to torn their plonghsharex into «_ords,bnt etrenrnstanrtes proved stronger than their natlve ln-

cllnntlona. In a country altemotelv swept and har-

ried by Chrlstian and Moslem annle« the pea-c-ful ln-

dustrles eould not exlst. Agrlenltnre died early, and

by de4rrees the professlon of arms _v_ni_ the only one

whlch promlped subslsteme to the niajority. So tb">

portuguese beeame a nation of warrlors, and In duc

time they overcanve the Moors, and after many etaabeawith thetr nelghbor, rtpain. connuered the rlght tollve peace>-ully. Then followed tho consnlldatl-.n -f

tho Wngdom nnder Wngs who mad«- stremious effort*;

to rovlve B_p___te_a and eommerees P._.-<: fnund a

grcat store of martlal energv neediug wlse gtapoMBoa,and the work of e-xploration supplled the means ot

tmploytng part of lt. t'nder Prinoo Henry the _B__

(rator thfs work waa woll begun. It may bc sald thatbe oatabUshed a schonl of exploratlon, nnd as bl' thlsrlmo tt_> te.idal syatmm had Been clmnKed for

lsm, and the Crown was very rleh, there waa no l.vkOf roone. for auch onterprlsei.

Thla was tho dream of Portugal's splendor. and lt lstrorth bearrng tn mlnd that her perlod of exploratlonantodated that of England by a hundred years. In

tho _lxt«e_th century the Partwgu.-se rlng and poweraere t,h_ only Wesfern oiiof known in the Orlent. Her

explorexa had discovered not one. bnt oevcral new

worlds. It ls eurtous that but for a prejndlee Co-Inmbns mi_ht bave gone forth to his lmmortal destinyunder the flag of Portngnl. Bnt when he presentedhis vlews at the Court of I.lsbon tie was l_g___fld as

a vlslonary, and he went away dMeaaiaaad. Yetthere was no court then »x_"ting wh^e sueh a man

had a better rlght to look for anpreetatlon and ald. forPrlnce Heary and his contemponiiles ond suez-es^ors

know well the vast po«-lbllttlo_ of dl.eovery fromwhat their own conntrymou had done and wen- st!Udolng. The road to Indla had been fonnd. Brazllhad beon discovered hy mere aecldent. flrores ,_

iaKnda had been added to tho nati.nal poascsslons.Trade hnd followed the _Hg. One dlapovery had l"dto another rn maovy lnstance*. _T»y them s>iould tbe

ptens of Oolumbus liave appeured vlslonary to sueha people I All that ea;i be -aid, perhaps, ls that Itwas to bo, and Portngnl at MaM had her hatids fnllwith the new vistas opened to her. It wns loiis be¬fore th*> valuo of Brazll came to be realir.od. All

hopea and BBrB9B___afl were fastened upon the Indi"s,and thenoo soon began to flow a -treotn of wenlthwhieh mlght havo made the eonntxy bnt for its formof govemment.

Aa lt waa thla wealth ehlefly enrtched the klng.The lmbeclle policy whieh expelled the J.-ws from thecountry dc*troy«_ its rommerclal prospects at tho6ame time. The menhants, tradera and people bene-llted no doubt tx> some extent from tho new avenues

of oommeree. but the ____ approprtated tha llon's6b_re of the Aslatle trad", and the policy of the Qor-erranont prevtnfed Portugal from __aBB__ a eentre

of dlstrlbtitlon, as Ennland w._ to be. All pos-i-bilitles at this time soem to have been wlthln thereaeh of the country, but they were anfTered tf. passby. Even peace lost mueh of lt- hle*siiig_ Thiv.nglitlie fiteady growth of emigmrlon to Bra/.il, where thopeople fnund greater freedom than eould be h:_1 at

home, and BjhM _____* oppottunltles. ThU, how¬ever. was Portugal's BBJBBB ag«, tlie age |g wlilchClamoens wrote, In whlch the natloral literature flour-tshod almo-t like of Ba__BBd under BtMMtoth,and In whlch the name and fame «f the P. ..tuguesewere earrled to the eiK'.s of ttie ea-rth. It aaa UMBtliat her arme were triumphiuit ln the eoa<ts of India.ln the Spioe Islands, through Iirnall, even aa th_ bor-ders of chlna. It wa_ then she aequired those splen-uid AMattc paaaaaaaaaB aMab she »«« to retain for so

brlef a perlod. It was then that she _«iuired b__atronghold of Goa. forever as^orlatetl with the name

of e.. ItaaaR Xnvl.r, and unhapplly not le^- Inti-

matoly nnited with the cmel hlsfory of the lafluisl-Uon. A tiu_ and fuli chronlcle of the course of Uiatdread lnstltiitiou at Goa would be vvoik M flSMtahorror ln every reader. but nch a chronlcle wlU niv»r

be wrltten. Here and ther. gMBDMaa are wagbt,through the ______ ol travellers, of what the Inqulsl-tlon of Goa was in its paliuy days, bnt uo inan whokuew the whole truth ln those __ys dared to utter it.

llie B___B___M of Portugal _wu* prerlpltated byDom BMBaMtoB, but there tan be no doubt tluit lt wouldhave ooiue even wlthout his lnsensate _ct_ou, for theoaooeo of th- BBtMaa! <<- had BS8B M oper_tlonlong before his a.vestdon. The lntrodii-tloii of theInqulsltlon to the country had sapped it* putrlO-i-inand weakened Its Intclleet. That baloful Institutiotihad ajatematically crushed the aa_fl_B0flB8 of lhe na-

Uonal liter.ituiv. It wns its puipo-e to _npprr*»tliooght, lest tluHigbt MM.M lead 10 inquiry, and in-

qulry MMBM B8MM_Btea tho mlghty pt>wer lm_ed i_nlgnoraneo and supvrstitlon. lt sue.eeded i:i tt.islUtn, but at Uie cost of the natlonal llfe. Spuln andPortugal were allke the victims of thls most gMMMflBlpower, and their condition even to-day MMarfl withwhat perver-0 thorounhness the w»r_ of d'-struetlonwa* ac.-omplifhed. The einlgration to Bra_ll (wherotliere vvus no Inquisltioni was of eouis." gUBBtll stiinii-lated by the courv. of peneeution and repre_-ioii, andlt WBB at thls juncture that lx.rn t__«_tUii, laillng topereelve thnt the erin-adlug perlod wa* over, funatl-cally determlned apon a ki_U oxpadltion aga:nst BbflMoor* in ______ A more ntterly lacoinpetent prtnropeahap. i.evti sat ou a thitaio, and ho wa* If paaafbtou wor»<- mihtarv commaiider than ho was a raler.The aceount of lila preparations reads like aaaaa BBMBBgfaaaat. Haa.m h<>: M_atbar Baaaa tbaaaaeai AUtitrulued milllb.. badly BIBBBi _Bi moiv l.rullv BTDvi*i.,i,»_, he b<-t.>w«d all Ma B8_.Maa upou MM maklngand aolemn aaaMMBB..I of a banner whieh lie fondlylmagined wa* to toing victory to hia arm_

<seh_«ti_n had resolved to march straUlit upon 1>».

the MaaaMb eaa-tel, aaaaat. aMka fr.»m the -ea. TteMoors did not want War at that Ume, th.u.h theywere altvays readv to ftcht. and they _ave the mfatu-

ated kln_'.aanv 0fV__OB__a to for ._. Mfl -Md Bm>

post Uit le was not to bc t_M__M arttb, and araot

on to his aaaaa. BM Maaaa, atter toUng BalaJBUythroiiKh th' desert belt. iinifcr the gtBTB of BB

Afri<_n sun. vvillnut v ater ..nd iiIn,o,t wlthout Mod,foimd in theli- fiont a MoerMII atmy more IbBD .'

their own niuntar.. SeMi-tian took up an BBtBBBbMp__t_-, and tho MMtM BBBBBl. -BB IN.1 ig"'-"

were outflmiked nnd __B__. <ut to pie.-es. aml _M_B.ehastlan Mll Ml "ie BBM Wttb tlie now-r r.f his nohil

itv. aud -tta Maa Ml f%j_uja_M b_d*iM_d____ The

bln'gilom fell. Bfcfl 8 ripe pe-n\ into Mm ru.ud af ggata.There was no longer any BBbBc spirit in i-..rUi_ul.

BadRaltaa tte Hot. 0_tea aad the f»t_i battie of

Alearer Qulbir bad dOBfl UM_ work. and Um .lemoral-i_,-d peeada off-red no leatoteaea to the gpenMb _aaa,Jhaa fa_a__d whnt has been ealled "The g__g TflBtfa

(.apflvltv.* ______tbat Bpaea of time the ___-_B9BB

BB-flBttted to the rill" of tta Spanlat.1. thougneame more ti.itefil t> them ev.-ry yC.-,r, Mr their new

¦aatoaa Bare p_a_ aud ______¦ and aaMM aba iron

etiter Into tli'di- B9_B. Urndually re.ciitn.-iit IW*Into eonsplracy among HM _-l_Mjaa_e nobilliy. BBd

the flrafty B-totelMB, then mBag l-aaea, ateMflad a

movement whlch pread-fld to ______ KB-BgBl into a

thorn in tta *<de of Spaln. In 1040 the Insurre.tlonbroke ont. All the _MB_Bb a_____aa In the coun.ry

BM8B Ullled or iiu.d.- g____r. B____ 8908898 PWr8>

mtion wttb tta aaeeaaa of tte eatoaprtoe. Tte BBtopendence of Portngnl wns re-tnred. and than'.is to aa

EngIKh all attempts 00 the p_rt of Spaln to

I. BBlBblab tar authority over the revolted country

proved lneffectlvc.Briuil followed milt as BOOB a. the nevvs reartad

her. The alllance, BtfBBlMad by the ¦_B-W_abetween Charles the BaaBOd BBd OatoarUM of Bra-

ganza, and, more particularly, by the BaMMOB Of s.Tiom-

bcrg to reorganlie th. Portnguce army. pmvided a

niyniis of BalMMa whieh w_s |o -tiie tbe «_.__» of

imtional lndep. Thn enmc tho dlsc.verv of

goid and diamonds ln BraaU, aad a new ara af paaeeand prospctlty. Tta annals of Pdrtafbl in tbfl righ-teenth aaatory nre d___ga__Md by tte bUbMB. of the

Maiqnls of P-mbal. one of the B-BBBMWlWBl _a_aMaaof history. Fortunately he aaa itaadfly supportedby his na-tor, RBtg Joaapb, aad arbea Mm Mtter died

he was at mefl dMgraced by tta encaaMa he bad i":"'<1

in his eour.ry's _____The _____ BevO-fldOB

brought fivsh di'a-tfr to Pnilug-il. but tta B_n«M "f

tho Penlnsular Wur are too laOBBt to n.s-<l __ap_B_.Uoa. on.e more Btogtoad aaa appeatod to. and ro-

BBOBdad with Wetflagtoa. Por the gnt time, then

Nap.leon's marshals met tb.'ir match. He d'-f-nv.l

them one after iiimthei-. and drora BMM oul "f «B

tugal. Forced to retivat bebtad tlio liues of TOrreaVeUrae, te remalned secui-'ly ttMBS uutil bB MMM-Peould no longer remain In bls fiont, then Baatag fTM*and strong ho pursued the retirln, l-BBfll BBr088 t!i-

countrv. Mr. BtepBBM haa tan paM a drsorv. d

irlbnte to tbe braverv and efnclency of the __r__B_B8forcea whieh were (__B__M_ and dlsciplliHil by Beres

ford Thev contrlhutcl ln linportant ways to tea

general r-'sult. aad Mm. eaaaBtBtod an effoctlvo

strentrth in tb.e nllied nnnles.B_M8 Mm -BataaaMr War Fortn_al has had a flnrtu-

attog e-Mtooee. commerco aod ladBatr. have to aaaaa

extent rrviv,,!, Mtl MM BBfltaaaa M tta n-.tive for

parlMBM-Mry p_ar__a_l bas been Bboaro in tbe

freniMiirv and M_aB08 of polltl' ll -!_«* The sep-

arntlon of Hraril fiom tbfl BMttier-ooaBtry did not re-

n.-ve tbe rtrata for Mtter, aad evaa aatte recent

B_aM in botb ______ thal UMfr _rtare li -un bb-

cert..ln. But lt is to th'- paal of PartBgal t'-..t most

totoraal Bttonkm Wa must Mdab ol tei as n nationwMeli at one MaM atood Blmod aaaetty atere Baglandstof_i ta Mm ."v<Mit<"ntii oeatoury, w_Mb Umb poaa Mdniore than __-g-_ad_ te-BBtogBBi ahlrb roflfl to an

ataMMt dirrv hcisht of paarer aad gtory and rietea,and whlrh fell fl_B IMM belgal vvlili B B-dd-BTO I

and iiimiitv aeareely paraBetod in Matory. Wa ara

lndeed not elaar thal Um B-K_m Mr. Btopbaaa difrom tbM e.viK-rl 008 BTC pr.<i-"lv the true ones, bnt

UMia <-an t"- no 9t___m that tte aabjort is fuli of rag

geaUon and ItMBiietta-, er tbal tbe uuthor 1mi_ done a

oaefal thin. ln pntUng the __H_ge aad MMekeredDaUonal atorj artthtti Mm raaeb of all Bogl b-peaktagi eadc rs._ _


Profes-or Lounsbury ls busy with the proofs of his

long-looked for vvorkon ('bnuc.-r, and the three volumeswill undoubtedly appear in the antumn.

The "Chaucer Coneordaii"*'' whieh is in progressabroad, has, at Ma. aaya aa RBg_9b paper, rcarheda jio-siwilty of belng flnlabed.

Mr. FaaBney Blgalear'a "<>___..¦ paper on theHerman Bmperor lc __Hj 9B outbnrst of eiithusiastlcprai-e. Tta aaaal of a/Utetai- pearar with his peopla,he tblate, arMcfl nalaly *i f"«» three eanaea.Flrat, he

bas eeaiaga; M-eBd, te la ___et; third, he B *

MMtaofih Qanaaa. Mr. Bieelow taUevea tbit if tbe

wbote eoaB-7 i.h_ to rote to laarroM for a toadareabodytag the qualities tl^y moal de.ii>_ tiicir ehoicewoald mn anqtMBttaiably oa WUtalm. a< a baalneainaaaacar, Mr. B-gjeloa aoBaktora tbe Bmperor -Qnallyad_drabM, aad <iiiot--s tte Imprea-loB of an A__rl__iufii»"r who had an totenrlew v.ith him MM year.".What do you ifyik ol bla bow ." 1 aaM. ?n_____a;he ha« a ge_a_m Yaakee taad oa him.' "

As an aftar-U.oer ipeaber, tbM admlrer says. HMHarparar baa aa aapariar iri Gennaay. -'One of the

¦retMaal apaaebaa i have IMtooed t".'' Mr. Btgalowid.i-, "waa BeBvered by tta Brnp-ror ln anBwertag ttatoM.-t. to '-1- wlfc in Mm pro-lBca wtaw ate aaa waa daiteg Un- greal eoud..-d m.v.-ii uiA atUBaiyBMoaeavrea of 1800, ut whleb tbe Dnltod eitHio^ -was

reprewnt'd by _____-der \Tard, and (.reat Brit.ln bvAdnilral H<-n,bf. Tl.e __ape___ W0I_I were: -I de-

Bti_ lo -.>!"¦.. to you, mv (b-nrest. alr, the giufltudet.-lt by tta Bmpitaa a-.d myaelf for tbe btari w.___ we

have ]ns. teaid ' Utne our tteota to tiiewhole for th^ day we bave paaaed ai.. (or Mm raeepUoawhh-h the liiis prepared I'.i u-. TRhowever, waa : ->t m-d.-d ln ..i-j.-.r t<> as-ure us ol ghew_i-iu frlend-liip we have Joond h"r.-. The boiid tlatOnltefl me to IbM ptO-taca, aud cliains BM to L"r ln a

maiiner dlBeranl __B all otbera of my F.mplre. I- th"jewei UbM ipaitlea M _>j Mda, Her Majeaty tbe Bbpre-*. Si.riiiiit from ttn- ioU, tli»- type o_ tbe rariooflvbrteea of a Germaa prluceaa, lt i- ber UmI i ow« H if

II am ablo u aaaal lhe aevare Mbora of my odtee v\:'h

a Irappy aj.iiit, a:id make taad agnimt them.' Thewoids of the En.peror aara BBezpeetod, and M no <*ic

more so thiu to Mi wlfe, wboae lace baaaaad witliliapptnc-s nt the eompllment sle- so pabBrdy raudvad.Nor did any one who IMMoed to tbe apeafcet at rhatdinnor thtii-t to BjB9aMoa tta ipoErtaneHa aad Baaaaayof tta M_t_iga,*

The history of Oermuiiy (between tbfl yeara 17b_and lric.i whl'b Mr. Blgelow hss Baaa .-tiirugr-d uponls nearly tl:;t-lied. It i- _dd Utol his waaB will eaa.taln detalls wincli have n .: yet MMH pobUated, as hehiis been allowed M lutve aeBBBI l" privatB dotunienteln tta lierlin archivo.


Mr. Kichaid ll_r.in_ Da_fl bas a rtfM to b. muehple-sed with h'.in '-!f; tor bas _M bB uG__l_f__t anduther ____Ma r":i<' toto the cifhtli thou.and! TMpleasant to iiok- tli" f...-t.

aii the keenneaa ol ateeraaUaa, all tlie miuutedolltacy of BMtbod to WbMb Mr. M.-ury Janie- h.saeOBflBMBBd ii-, niay l»- found ln |,is "AUaatte" itory,.'The Mnrri-.i^cs."' I:ut a .ei-taln teiaoaa aplgranreeura to us wl>i-!i we note his >-,eei- in writtag «f hBvuigar naing "tatoaaMoaa UmI Adclabad never beard, :.- n aba had teaa an AaaMaUaq or

an __M_aa__a_* K.xl.-n N<_-1 s:i\s of Biewning, whom be bBBW wett,that u.o BBparflaMl ea_M._MBi of bls talk about IrialaJthiiigs Baaaaad a pratoaad r,.n--. "CMten," i^- adda,"Brwwning eeeaaed to ne t.> tatt aa ba wiaMmnt ._a ratber trtpptag ap tta otber, «- lt awa allbho <-iid of hvphens ai.d pa:'-::!! .¦

The Beriba aa are about to pablMb » new boob l.ytba autboi "f "How io te Happy tboagfa MarrMdl*Tba tttta M IbM I rtbeoadag rohune.whieh is de-ati'ibed _s "wttty and t .¦ ,s "Tte Btudaesa of Llfe."

Tta uio-t ajenaaB] lorai ef mranaeaa abowa by B_g-lisb peolile. v.ho My I'. r'-t t:.«-n- B_B_B_B__M g__l Bln the BMtter of bayli | boaaa. Al Maat, s., aaga "TbaLondon I'ptetator.* und it aagbt t<> k_a_r, - \v« «eri-ou-iv tellara," it adaa, 'tbat tte greal praporttoo .fiii- lii.pei nnd aatddM eMaa of **rglaal eever baj ab.x.k f<»r own plaaaaae fh_a bm yaar'i .-i_i toanother. Pnyw-boota or hyaui-b-ote, Behoo.bookflor i.ildi.-n's ln_lis, ilu-y ni.i-t bi.v. hflBBBB tbeg an-not obuun them oUMrwlae; but aa r^-.-.n-iis bbb b_MTirtnd of lit.-ruture, Um Mndlng-Bbfary affotda Umm -.'i

.._ BM tor not baytaft and of tliat aa_aai Umbavail theiiis.lveis to tho _tBM8_r 0_1 of :ihundred fuaiilles WhMM BirMlMI average tlveUmbmmbI a yaar, «t MaM Mrreaty-Bva _m apaadaaabtBg apaa Itoratere bal the __UJ __umniof th<-ir aaheariptton to leiMtra-llbrary. aeoapM "f gatneaa is bM aa extr i anl prtoe Iyeiu-'- 1-oa.lln^ M u Mrgfl MM li'M, BBd MMBa »inall siiai when flOflBpBa-d WttB B_.8 slil'li tta _u_aliouschoid has e_jM>nd._'d ou Ita lood or el_thii.t'. Proba-

bly lf lt were not fnr _ba lenrtlnir-ll_r«ry, they -~»u

not sp'-iid even thht."_



a of Fscts. IHalarlaal, ¦_____».I, Ethnoioatrai

_,,d B_B_-aaB-8al, wiu* *.*»*. Hlbllocrsphy and Slstlath-alTables.

. -t* ln two octsvo yola. Cloth, 1,854 pp., 812 00,

carru«- froe.

"It eo-.-era all th" lmporunt fact* touc-ing toljaijou* n-laaloo- of aii d#_s__naUona ln all landV *ed *faU?y_.t -hall lanp._*-.» and »urroui.di!i_», amon* whom

°JIvll ,. Tliere ... alsoVcullw l**aturea,.:.. ,,,.. iDdicstkl bv tbe tltle Fa.-.. eaaeemlBf naUons aud th _l__l_t v-rsions ol BMh -.1 ln n.I?slo_* ther".".ExJodaa Enocn L-

f__u_er, Baa am Baala Baataay.FTN.'v i WM.NAI.I.S, PnlilisLerB,

18 AND 20 -JlOB PLACE, >'¦ Y.

-E-i-t^Ktp Hltlaar.jpaai aaaa. (arisc. or stanipi:TU aiMA-N HA1K; Why II Falla Off;1 ...«_. Or.-T, and th" Remedy. By Prof. BLUUagTPARftER. A. M- LONG * 10, 1 018 Phlls.. Ph.

_v .y aaM ahowH oad thi* littis h-.._."-Athnnneum-

Lnm Birjooia.

UVIVERS1XY LAW b.HOOL.iVfalultv for ls-i.-oa.

nENT.Y M. Ma/-Oi'.Ai-KEN. LI*. IJ-. cusn.ollor.i,.:,iN aiib-tt. ll. *.£.£. plMdlnf. mttmm,U.AAC F. B-8_-_L_, J. C. ^n^^effienu_-u.w..jlIKLSTOPHEi; n. Tll'DEMAN, A. M.

* R.-al I'roperty.HENRY W. JESSl.'P, LL. B.

Torts; Proeedure. -_.__._.Tho tlnrtv-thlrd y«ar Ivt'ln' Oct. 1, 18.1. ~«h BB aa.

__£sl i-., uity a"d Srura- of palr^se careMli->»iodS*__et _.e _r-sant w-nt* of eand.dutea for BM Bar.__.fte of it-dr tw. rssra; not ...ore than jney*ar alloaed{ot prerlpui at-dy abewbere. Conftr* LL. B., *i»o (lor_a- Oraduata C-uraes), L_,-«_. .. . a-ro r mDAILY _j_CTUR_ >*OV|B. 8^41 P- M.. 4.80 W, M-.

A lln-lted nurrber of' acbO.rafetBB of 8100 e_oh are

award.d at the end of Oi^ Junior .y«ar-gWILLIAM ALl.l"V' 1't'' LL. __-jJ_5r,l_3 I**W-ei ims nRMVEHl), E=a..Intoi*naeoB^l>a\CllARLES I' MacLEAN, i- 0. 1> _,_."_" Law-

IION. MYEft B. Isaacs __up1n_a-B ofJ_u<"8-WILLIAM .'. DAYlEa '.."!¦. Mf« Insuranoe.

For c_t_lo..,"«. _*., epidj^to ._ ..,-.--,-.___-_H_-le Bafl-laa 1_a Brc-d"ar» ffewTerB._nPlir" NEW.YORK LAW SCHOOL. 120 BR0«.pWAT,I M__ Vn.i '¦ Antnial »e«-lo'i ..n.-n- O'-tuS.-r 1 f i.

_%8 yaar? wrae leadlri to dearee'ef LL. n. TultlonfeT. #100 ..Tvvi8l>' M-t_e_f» -f tnstnKtlon. For csta-tn__«M .dd"ss c.FOT-nr: chase. r»"an._

Jnotrntnon.Fnr Boys and Young Men.Clty.

A-CLASS IOR BOY.S.-liit.rniedlata and sdvancad, gra.l- stun<nl« prt-jwr-- for folkg.-, law aclentiflo

acho-la aud W. R O-t-S-i, 7. W.>n60tb-aU_ADVIOE .BOUT BCHOOLS aad elre-larB fr-e ls par-

,..,>. 'State locaUty. |>rl"e d"slr"d i-upll's a« apdiM.P. V. rftfTSSOOw. American S'hool Hur _u. 2 W. lim-.t.

|»i"kki:.i.V 8CHOO_

Autumn half. Iwplfth year. will hepln Mondar, Bept.2S, lh'.il, In tbe n«w flr»proof bu!!d!ni<. 18, 20, 22. -'4

Wrst 44th-st. Accomrr.odatlons for a llmlted numb<r of

b..ardinc gtiid"nfs. for lat"st r"gister and dcsrrli.tlvsi_iiip!il-t HdUr.-as

J. CLAUK REED, A M.. Re*I"t4_r.f vsir.fT'fl'ON ln" "omn-oielal I.ra;i.h.a. eipcutlon. mill.Itarv aVlanaa and tacUea and dedrirnt E..rn.hx-e.^oraa__BBbla lennii loati .xperUne. Lali Tueaaa- . aua

___k_y_ between 8 and |. ]-v?^s»ln MadlB_n.Bve.__IW-BTt'^iiajag ,,, j*Ki >i, ECOitOMTCa.- Bbj and even-

WTe_e_i. ,.r- KirivrV- to b-.lneaa and clttrenshlp._f_B8. aadaa.

jKVlN.>_.;UOOL..jO,ISrfi<.VY. M. A.


PieiMi-tion fo- rollefe or J>.alnaafc| r\~.X KCHOOL, 18 KAST 70TH-8T.-FOR B«'YSI i nnder tb rteen ySara oM. Baatt-iy tralnb.g for naaiboya. Ocl l._ P| i-e f___?__i4_

aond-etetl b* _L E Wein: tha _i?,%_f-S__,5ft Satudy; ihou-tht "-. fU.-i »nd apeedj d,,'",j9r,tlJ,_,n_iibilitiaa by *« ruethoda of watweBoD e-pioyaii on to eseh: llmlted to .welvt Sf-Q.W.-II B1VEKKITY C.KA.MN >L- 1.478 nroadw_y,

llai' ^.'.m^i. lilcTnn^!lN-crIil?N_i.CK_^For Yo'ing l-idles.Clty.



This 1 .id.u.y vin reooea on Bm Braa yetoaajhyolSeDten.ber. Tif<- nos convent j»nd a.-ad.'my at H-'tfordm Uie Hurie... Rsllroad. -111 _- rc_t. for a_u]a_u]

___> _ioT--._er. Fw^lT__r^____L Baaerior.'

AM'JDIl'IEB CO-J-EOIATE COUB_-_-T_ea arc twovacanclea tn Jiu .-sublishvd prlvat" elass offerir.R un-

u.-.ualad\ai._.a.-r TO OIRLS d¦ alrfna auch a tourae. com.

p.t.iit uaehara: careful attentlon to pbyaleal caMare: aaBa.uii.i..d aebool.rooiDa and laboraN.rv. fcumrner addrea*.

.OLLrHilATE CO-llSE. B<- 15, KaMMB, BT. T.

ACADJ-MIC ( I.A.SSE- i'OR OIRL8. DtMgr.ed to on-

parp for 0-llcjfe kraiulnatlons. but auitad W) tbj needsCt allearn-at sf..-«:,t. 1 -M0M1 »"*n'tori BlvSu to EngUsh.llbCUtloo and pbjslral eulttire. MaRT B. WIUTON.A. B.. jtndJ^,OIS_AJ I1ANU-. 6-5 Par.t^va.. -«._»____

Mt'RiCA?!1 KlnderB-arten Normal S.hool Bfapsaa. 2Tthi^iVrm 21, st 50 Weat '.-d-st./N V., nn. ¦__!

OrarigaTrT. J- EMit.v M. COa. Frlnelpal.


.-KI.V. DU. AND MRS. OAllD-iUVa. hciit.'iL roi; <>iKLb, 8O1 6tn-ave. «Sd ysaa

Auvanc.-d -¦_¦..*". with toi'tmbia cotiega fr.jfessot-.__> 1 iSSK vt. - Honr. for <ili:ra. l ©ni Madlson-aye.~ Prlnsn aod advanead srork. i'r p*rsti us fr _i!l-ge,inciurtln- axamtoaflea.. pejaarta JiTmnsaUca. R«-Opena bept. 28. MUl Nortli and Mie- rlmm-s, Prlii.'lpiil*.

Ji( KSOK RKMINARY, 9.0-0 FifU.-ave.-Hourdlii- a->.dDav iehool for Tountr Ladtew ai.d Chtld;en. Puplls

nttad for ...lleo-. 27th veai eamaaaeea Oct. l. MIS8IA KSON Prlnclpal; Ml^ti BL..KE. A»si.i«nt Prln.-ipal,..Jrn.'-r l»rlneli_l of Dlgleald* Bobool, N'ew-Mllfr.rd, Conn.

Miss iM.F.i'-'.ts and Misa_HOM_oir_kC_k__0_Pa AND DAY _CHO0LPOR OIRLS,

82 and 34 Baai _7_h-«t.. New-YnrB.Rcoj.eii= ^h"rl^ _____.:_.

MTNOLlsiVl-Rrvci. and oERMAN BOABDIirpaua l>Ai s. HOOL [01 V"'' Vi iV.Di;'-? *D.<t (-nllrDRi'V 222 MADlSoV-AV-i, NT.\VA'ORK, wlji reopenTn d_T Orl. Ut, 18IH. Kr-nch ls th- .ang.mKe of thofamily aad aehool. Sp elal ¦*las»*a ln hlstory, llakraiure,_rt afid 1 rsation. Sp*,-i»i gttent.lon to EnKllsh,Kr".-'. an.l ..eru.aii pr'.n.arv dc|.arttr'

rear MMi:. A. C. MK.lIl^ PrlnclpaU_MANNIE HI'.i.WN, 718 715 Flft.n Avcnua.Prlciary an l acadt.mie work, lii.-'uding pr-pamtion for

coll.-..) a.:d for h>- < ..l.niihls ard ilurvara examlri-tlo-a(01 s^um.n._Reopeaa OctobeM, 1881._

Ml .1-. l.J.K I'.rKL.Kchool for (iirii Repp«ns Octobar 7, 1891.

(.Nurr.'i llinlted.) 28 l.aat 3_l_-at-, r.ear Madtsou-ave.

"\| AI.F.MdiSi LL_ VELTTN-S. hoo' f r f_|r]irl PrUcary, ad n and allege pratdraUoj

la.k..d allfge .irkpaiaii .ti. Klnd«r-

ailen eonducted eatirely !n Kr-n.-h by Madamu Tl-nq,ipli of Um late Madame Pape-Carpantar. blxth year opvna.tob.r 1. 1801. i:r> \V. st 73d--t:_

M~I;sS"i7.77^r *.rHOOL FOR OIRLfi. .16 West 4701.... WIU reopen Sept. 30. Ihrea boardlBR pttpua ata

be rec ¦>'¦ 4 Ini__

M'lS.s ELIZABETH L. KOtTEB, 10* 76Ui-iiig ntid lu.v Benool, reopeaa Or*. i-t.

8i^c:_i eo-raaa of -.tudy_.rjTRs^ PftoKHLiciT _S Bas_ U__!4T..-UmIIbB,i»l French and Qennsa B'»rdini- and Dav 6chool for

ity-flttli jrsai befbia .y pt>rnbei_ 23._MlUB M BLACKWELL'S Scb : .emrt-B for

f*hfldfm reo|J^n« Oc'.olier 1. at l»n Eaet 83d-t

\l 11V LEOPOLD WKII.'S BCHOOL FOR OIRLS.-1*1 ^711 MadlaOS-ave.j pr park. for coll»|aa.

M169 -AUDON'fi FAMILY AND DAV «.CHOOl, POROIRLS, 848 M.idi«o'i-ui" will rf,[."ii Oetobei Ut

1_»m_ (ai ..-.;. hild. ... I'i¦ r jr;.fi-.rt for colleso, und for_ji Harvard aud 0 un.bli (-xamlnatlooa.


M-SAME pA BILVA.-Behool for rilrla.Fr-11 h ths 'ajifuaa^ of lhe n hor. _n* the family.

U4 W»st HSth-at 38d b'flns (V'ober 1.

S.RIAN BEMINART far Y-tma Istilea and Chll-.'. ul ¦!..<. aud 1 T.IJ ^t. Nw-V'.-li city,

pen Heptembei iGtta, 1BB1. AtBracUre sltaatlon, aa«bulldlns. Tl.aro' "h :u-trn Ioji ln all d-rartnienta. Ad-

Pttnelpal. Mr*. EDWIN JOHNSON.

1-U1E RE-B _( IIOOL. C o _f-d"lO E_et 53d.kt."ln u._!,;e f HlH .n.'lia o. Mf.\:.:-to, prlnclpal.

Mrs. rtjiviai'ia Read. Vial'.ar.28th yei' b-rlr.s O't \ 1h91. ?ha third bulldlng No-10. J'--' ad. n t~ t.te aciisol. .Toiua Improved at'comrr.eda

;,- u bak r-- ler.t and dav puplla.

I'lii. RlVERrilD* gclmOi. Illal EHj A~. Wara,Prlnclpal 1'rrpj.ra'ion for Vaasar Barnaid snd .th«r

... .¦- for wvin 11. Acadairlc, Ii.t«j:r,e1UlV Prmary,Ki;ioe:.i.rten a: d .peclal «.la.» fai lloya. Luj.'", _lry1 aatna f«r rfUd^nl P-ptU. .'. 'V. Iftlth-.t C"nti il P*r>t.

Th. COMWi-l K Bl B06V.Family and Bay hool fur OJrU 20*yaar haflna QqW-

l -r 1, 1891 Mlaa DAY. 1'Un lial 82 W^at lOtl.-st;TTJE MfMBl « M.-I'.s 047 MfldlMm-aTS.

fiaai.i.nft and Da^ B«ha*l f..r Yaual Ladtea and Csll-dr'n. Pr-nar-s far Par.. .rl mrt i_. r collesrpa El.hts.-«. heftni -r .'B 1801

THE MISKF-s WREARS' '*-_rd!.iv u 1 Hov *.-iioalfar yeana .d--v jh'I eblldran. with KidTaart_

Roopeni -.'.-.. r 1._,17 Es-t .IBtli at,

\-\* IXfi'TiTrjT. ffomid'kd J8W), ha*paa__Day Sehoof. GOLD A*"D IiRftN7.F. MT'r>AI_i. I'ARIS

1 ..I'OSITION. lUSti. -.«0 and 7P? 71-t-t iaI WellBAl-aya. Maja. van tfORMAN, PjrjndlBsl-\rfsrr.VD A-vrsry s ¦.,.,.! f,r niria -PHmarr. Fra->» niiratr.rr, Co'.lej|iat» and Art D»jv.rti'i.-nts; thor-.uiBetudlo wcrlt. MIm MaRTH\ THOMp<.fiN. l'rinclp_l.Rcsnen. Oct. 1. 281 West End-ave.. cor. 78th-aL

Mtisl"al ___a_raa_B_B_.MK. a. L. BCHDLTZ, Ofgaaiet laata tTtrra. M«niorlal"ii. Br-oklyn, w,n Kaum- laaaona (Plana indcrijaii; feept.;nil._r 1. Adrtr .- v_7 _iunit:d---t. BruoBlyn.

For _BB_ S.ves-Clty.ALLEN BCHOOL, 810 wj>l BOTH.8_iirm,.- ,u,a Dai Schooi i.,i i,:ii- Wlli Boya.-taopaaia Bept 21, isai .-,. I_i_t.0i, (.r ..liege.J\*| CROPOLI-AN COLLEOE OF \|F_ic.1TI 18 -ni '.l Eaat hk st. Ki ar-Yark c.ty.ii.- j." .aaJ tsi Uab-olut- -iif.t.v «.f Ita ... Uu-da, t. r,, :, rini'4 Iteald h. .1 l" __._>! for ladj ,

l.udley li.i.K. Preald nl Uben i. , \ |'nad Trcaa. l-..r partlenlara

.. ol). tt ¦'.¦¦¦¦

PACK-kllB- fttl-INF.s*. COLLFdEwill reopvn for the _ti-on on Ju-sday Sapl 1. B"od

for new UluW_r.t_ proai.e. tua.R- B. PACKAUD. Preaidtnt

101 K-at 2.1-it.

llrook.yn.rji-E btiaan blt_ al ¦_«_, won oiri__.

140-142 OalnahBi 11. oata, Braaarlya, N. T.._..WIU re-.-i- jkptaq ,._

Ti1-. _* -_.it_T#" SE***1*-* ttiMncAllY. B-ardfiM1 and Dav _.¦!._-, for ..'rla. «j,t raar ab.-na Stnt 24 A_f'<_.».. for .i-cula... 188-140 Mj_t__.ji.__!.__*«__.rn. ». *¦

jRBrrnnum.For Young Ladiea--*'<"intry.

I) A'.I'KT J.n.. Tl re 1 l-_ Miort llill-, B. -..liflB-h, Bag-J> _._, __r_an mbooI toi rouag. ladl-B. >_d uw pi.-par.-dfr.i coUegj ni - Natlvo -f-ache/s lu laiiguag_e»._BI.T1IU.HI M, 1'I.NN._.U_I1<<FIH<J!'I'I. * lioaid-

nif __U J.iiy ..iiiool foi ".liis. riop_r».,ry andfuli Academl: ( o._.. I'upils prepared lo ciPgo.A-enty-fourtu joar. 1. VVAI...H, I'lin.-ipai.

nORUtXTOWN JR. J.) 0_I4_5_E for young woui-n andenK on i'enu R. H, betwoen V- nnd I'hlla.

Addreaa Bra. iH.RTi.'in. <;. gOWEN. M. L. A., Brea-¦Tn OXWOOD" livsii. a.m> JJ v BCHOOL FOR

l-'»fKI.S. Hraltlifut locatloa. delifhtful auri-iin*lnii4..fhoruugU work. Pr"p»iatl-n for rn.,eic. Il.ira underiwe."- ada.ttt.-d. For ctreulart aod tarri_, addr"*»

Ml*. r. S. .RI_wOI_>, by_e, Coaa.


PO-ghkeepale, N. V. For l'o-ing Ladiea an_

CBildMi. iir_d_atln_ ^,^%^\^U^.^_.nA__IN_T__ SFMINAIIT tor Young Ladlai. Wmt

( hc-; >_, Pa. _M_ y"ar l.-gin* Bept 14 "_.od buIUJ.maa, exu-nnlv. ground., b"autlf-l und healthr location.Ovmnaaluni. Laogua. _. Mualc. pra«rjna, RBtnUaf. .«¦ait>0 per year _U___ae_. R- dap,li..(.ton. Ph. D.

Ui;i vv LADIES. si.MiN'.viiv, arm_ N. v. tott mr.Bept 18. HeaH-fnl komellke Ihor.u.ii. prorroaalvfl.

illaattated elrealar. Bav. BRO CR MBY ___ITH. a.m.

DWK.iiT scnnoL foi; oirls. F,ng>wood, Rew«_a.t, T 1 _ll_:id"« _f the _,__,_,_¦

RtfFHAME g CREIQHTPW. BLLEH W. PARRARLM.MII'.a COLLRGE FOR ./OMP.N.C-uraes «r _udy thoae of __-<.__- <_Ile__. Eleetrle____. -t«a_. h,_t and ciev»t_r. A-tr.uoiaioal o-atrvat-ry.A.t Mtaol, Mu-ie UullUl. 8. -C. -17 -tuUent.C___-RLE9 YAS KORDEV, D- D. Pre_-. Ll-Dlra. N. T.

Wo-tf __>Waj_> ___.___H-.TE IfMlfWl JWRa loo yoaag w_n._n. gapador b_idir_. _nd advan¬tages. Twclv" teach"r«. BM gradeatlntf courae. and

pT'-parit_ry. For bMmM year. r_rrteato| .BBBB M, 9-40bi two _________ s.e _______ e__lo. ue.

J0_. £. KlNf., _. _>-. I'ort I-.d_a_l.__N. Y.

/'"I.D1N BILL MMlN.vRV for Voung Ladiea. Brde*-llport, taun.-Mlss r.MILV nEL-OW,, _i=*

ANNIE 8. (iIR_ON, Assodate l'rlqclpal. _

HOME l.vsniini, Tarrytawa, B._Y.-A .'".f,1'"1^')day d.hool for voung ladiea M« MW« f,1'',inal,.¦ w"i. 809-. 17. Mlaa M- W. MK'lOALt. l..nilp_l-I VY HALL-IinMI- A.VD OOrXEOR ?REPARAT011Y! 6d?..'il for rouaf Ladi_R. I-.-t._.li_ji.'"l l.Cl. Mrs.

j. ______ MA_XWII,L I'lt.-inal Br_DiaMa. R- J--,LVMin.v ___L_"-TOB rOWRO

42d y_.r. Colb-ae ur-paratlon. CIMulara by mail.bAMl'l'.f. VVT.I.I_ BUCK, A. M.. l'..!-h_."psl., N. Y.

Mi-s awa P. TDWNsi'vD's BCHOOL POROIWiSh«.s r-n m-Hl from L. I-, to ,>4 rarK i u< .,

N'.-'Mvr.., ... .1. Yeai begtoa Sepfc 34._

[s. >u,Is|-.IKV.S .WMII.Y VNI. TlAV BCHOOLKOR (iIRIJ8, ii Kouth-aU, PltMdeM, Maaa. _i_beglna Sopt.^ ^.Vhirv, PlBafloM, Maaa

".._.!,, .'.. J.: ..-itlil'-a!- adnjlta wUejtei I PftoaftBl.¦¦ K. _->OVl._, Clawlcal Courae. n-f'"'. EnglanO.aa ISS'S BOARDINQ \ni> DAY BCHOOIii>l rpr Young Ladtn and Llttle Olrla, 1.9J0 PMa__,phliad.-lphla. 4Hil yoai -. glai Bi pt< mber 28. 18BL_

and I»_i' S.hool for Olrls," ilk.


is. m M iTi;Ni".s Poanlln? ind P<. S"hoo!. remov"d|_ bumrnlt, .\".T-J<-ra.y; tcrnm. aai8. lncludlng lan-raa. A<i<ir'-s« i,v i.-tfr iin.ii B-pt__bar._

MlbS BUIJKLRY'S Boardlnc anl !)*.- S'hool for Olrl

_^ S__ 5."M r.,m_^Adfe'S,. t^onVsapV?1MN EW-RROLArTD OORBRRVATORT.

Founded by Dr. F. TOURf-B-CARL PAR-TRR, DIr"'tor.

Ml'SIC.In«tructlon In riajio. Offaa, Votre, Vlolln,Solf'-.elo. Ilarmony, Be. CMaa MlttOB, 20 l.-.son., +10

to *S0. 1'rlvate l"_on_ plven. BeoIMM, __-__-fl, fhnmland FiaeMea PRRB M Ml papOe. ELOCV.riOIf Oial<_y. Dramatle and LjlM A'-tlon, Flne Art.,LBBgaagea, Llteratur". l'lano and Or-'an Tunlcg. A coin-

foTta'.:.. iioMK Me Lady Btadeata. (al.iidar freo.It.ll T'-rni hPiilns b'.-ptftnb"r 10, 18. 1.

_______ w. BAI_R Oaaanl Mmager,Franklin S'lnare, Hoston, Maaa

"/TOO'N'TZ r-CH&OL FOR YOt'N(_ LA_>_E_[Remived ln 18S3 from (JMatoat-at., Phlladc-lnhla, to

Ogonti, tii" -j,acloun country s"!t of Jay Ccok", wfll begtniis forty-s.'cund year W.-ducaday, Saptambol 30. For clr.tulars, apply to Prln"lpali. OgoaM bchool. MonWromeryCounty. 1','iin._ST A'.\; s BCHOOL Airany. N' Y..Vnd«r th- dtree.

Baa of BlBhof _Tat year. Fall cour-^s ofkt.av Lroir, KlDdergarteii thr.mrh liarvard Courae forWouien. 84 Inatru ,-tors 'lultlon 840o a year. For cat*.loen- _d1r<- >i AONES f-CHOOLfcST. BABR1_X_ BCUOOL, PEBE8KILL, N. T.-Ak-* boardTiig aeaool foi c la, undai the cliarge of theBlaUra of St. Mary (EplMopal). TwenUeth year .;__.

moncea Sopt"mber i8. Adlr.- Thn Sla.;r ln Charge._< OATHERINE'B H.VLL.-l_th T"ar. Lon* I-land d!o-C. ct'»an hool for g.rls. E_l_rg-d and exteaalve prom.lao. Larg.j aud eBelOOt k_tT of prof. »sfcr* .nd t.-i-h.r_1'r-iar.tivjn for l"adin. ooll"«"n. work a M'e'!»lf.-ature of ti. h In-tR-Hon.jTarmo for bo-rder*. includmgEni-lUh, Ir n-h, Oerman it.d I.atln. from 8950 per aimurn.i-'or d:.y pupiU from -f.,0. N._t term conuaencea 8cpt 24.Aii pattleaSri on applltatlen to _l_TK_ OAi.OLlNB.'_..-,-- Wathtngton _ve., Ilro.iklyo.

MARY'S II vl.I.. lt'liFifty-nfth tcbool year be__T. MARY'S BALL, BURLINOTOR, R. J.

_5 Fiftv-nfth acbool r«a» beglna Beptemb-t 29, 1891.Sl t__ CHAR-OTTR TITCOMB, PrlnclpaL_

TM' YOUJTO r.ADII'.S'SF.MfN'AUV p___o_i. r! j..a I'le.isant hon. _tt!i ex.ell"til opportunltle* for an

(daeaaea. MUa I'.vnicf. D. BEWALL, Prtnelpal.rpili: OSSINIKO BEM1XABY,1 BIXO-aiXO-OX-THE-HO-BOR, N'. t.

a Mtaol M tta ti'-i....': elaaa toi yonng Ladieo, hometike,healthful, Umrough. With ;. avpattol Mavlt/i bcautlnil

,, aml liuI' r eouneU toeladtog Ui". Rev. Dri. F. L.l_Mon, ll. M. Itald, vvm II. Roberu. Wra. E. Moora C.c. Ball eto, MIME. B. 6HER_ARD. Prtnelpal._T"H_~SiORAVIAN B____-ABT. I!fthl"l..m. Pa.. for

more thun a centuiy favu-ebly known _. a coaa. lontlouaand raeee_a|ul rdiu-ator of young women. lnvlteo aa (_.amlnatl.m of i_ aaettada _ud cuniculum


TKMI'L OROVT, LAPIF.S' skMINARY, 8a_a.g»6prln_», N. Y..Thlrtv-aeveiith yuar b.'Bln» Sent. 10.

Addr"»* CllAS. F. DOWD, I'n. D.^ Prea._li SIQB HjLLL SEMIVaW FOR OIBLS. JaniaieaU r.. i, ton mil"s fiom New-York. _eventy-».'condyear begl_- Bopt 23d. Addrea* mi-.- s. a. hi\n riN«J.

I-.ST vv.vl.M'T gTREET SKVIVAUY _r YoungI_dlM. '-''.th Year. I» provMud for glvlng ii -u-

Bortor rdueatloo ln CoHealate, E_-Cttc, and PreparatoryDepartmrnts: alao lu Mualc and Art.MRS. HEXRIETTA KUTZ, -.016 Walnut-rt., Phllada.


\\fF.ST W.II.St'T RTRF.F.T RDARnlN*') SrilOOL fory. Olrla..Houellke, thorough and progr-sHlv". Addrea*Miss J. TRAUTMAN-. 4.301 W_iiut-_., Phllad"lphla, Vu.

AFor l-oys nrd "W»nri__ >[en.Pountrj'.

BTRICTLY BRBLIBB EDTJCATION at modeTaMezoenae; tliorough. practlea_ compleM.

JIRYANT S( HOOL, Roiilyn, Long Island. N. Y.

AI.kxandkr IN_TIT-T___ Mllltary boardliig aehooa.Whlte Plalna, N. Y. Prtnelpal, u. i_ WlLLis, A.M.,

Pu. D. __



BETT8 ACADEMY, BMmford, Coon. .;UPreparea toi L'oll<_e, Bcl -i Bualnaoe;

_i:r» t'> turroond ntudoiitn -\itii b_ro« Influepeaa, to ina.t"tha ii BvMual not the <_a_a tbe t_sie of work. lirigdtst'id-jit. _r" ad\:im-"d liipidly. ynt tborouflbly; Bioaa.luw.-r mental inovemeot reoelvo extra atu-uuon.

vvm j. BETTS, M. a. iVulej. Prtnelpal._BOVS' BOARPINO BCHOOL..Th-Og_a Neok, vv. st-

i). »tei \ V. rhornuah ui collea to.cntiftc »'hr...s ,,r bualno-B, Forty-thlid y_« r/lH oneofc-I't. 15. Warpifd by Iteam! gyinn.iMUin. I ur dlrculaiaoply t., B. T. iiAiiiUM/i'i.N, a. M.. Prtnelpal.

C. AlllI'DItAf. BCIIOOL Ot SAINT I'.'-T'I, Oa l»n/ Clty, L. I.-Addre_i for July al Auguat CIIAIU.MS

8 1 I'llTI- \.v\T ICOOKE, Bcarboro' Bnach, vi_^_CiBE-TEXlf-M MILITARY ACAM'.MY.

(i.o,- Uontgomery Co., I'cnu. Unex ell"d In teautyand h«altlifiil!i--» ol lncatlon and _urr'>'itidlii_. ai.d lu bulld.Ijik'a, cuiiipni.-iit nnd all othet reuul«lt.« of a tlt«_-_l__._»<_ooL Nuni.t'.. Jo UO. For lllu.trnt'd "lr<:iilar.adar_c_i._J.M). CALVI.V BICE. A. M.. PrtoclgaL_DKLAWARt: LIT1 I1AKV N> ri I'l:,

Kr-inKlln, \. .1.l.'-n_r..s for baal nr.-."-. thorough eouraea tn bttatneaa,

In muilc and ln :.rt; s|.lu tralnlng ln elocution and lntn. nunf teechlng; puplla recelved mt" V Inclpal- tamllyut _i00 per tcbool v-ji. N"nd for 'atologu>-.

Bar. E. .1. COLCORD, a _.,'_I'rii., ipal,

Fl V8T (.REENWICH ACADEMT.iFonn'1"d 1*0-2. Hotli S'\-s On N'urni(nii-"tt Bay.

it _,,i u,»t. Blectrle llgbt, iMdowad. Twolva cauraea..-.'OO a y".r. B pMflMl Mt. I'or Uluatrated ..-iiUluKuowrRoli'.v. I", 11, M.AK_-L1 l>- !»-, _a«t (.raonaIch, lt. i.

n a-TMAV BUBINEB- <>LI,I (»!', Paugbko-pal-.N-Y.-fjiM.-ii a.; .».- "-'i .ChoroUBh ln_ructlon ln Bookkeoping,Hanl.ui- i'omm<-i._-l I..A-, Pciimaa-hlp. Correspondcnto,Arlthm-lle. » Telairap T. B._nosteb_y, TypowrltliB -,i... n ..-_ ".'I. »-_riu*__-ii8 utlautata on abort

\o\ .i. .grnii.s lurnlahca, ~--,A for cat »....

K*~__flWo6ll aOROOL lOK IIOYK.-At MUford, Conn.r_ raraaU -.vao BT. .Blortunat! in Ma maaai tnenl oftheir ,on» «lll do v. .il to r.i'At bv th. M.ant oiftn-dbj the .'._ .1. Addreai FRANK M BOWt, suiiVt.

FRttkROLB l'N_Tni;TR Pl-ehaid, N. J.; 4lth year:a___g- previpauaB » apeeMUyi bu.iu.», _j_h a.uooi

and iu»_«l«iil ,kura>,s._._.I_ERWOOB MILITAKV INBTITUTE. K OHAS.II .. JAOiiJut .v. M PU. i». I'l-liiniiil. Mauwaa, R. J.

ii- s-pi-inh-r li.ih. L'atalofUM »., aprdicBthw._H'l.vir, a.m. BOHOOL lor 1- roung boyn. ITealthful,

tlioroagh iirm dl», IndivMual atteiiUoa; gyni-uaMuin: alrcalBM. I___N( 1-- H. BREWKR, A. M.,F_lrll.-1_. Coaa.


LTa_rVT(-C-> HETQHTS BCHOOL, Lakewo-d. New.Jei-."y..Amont Ma plaea. a t-oroogb and aMfaeflva

n-naol l,r b«y«. Op^i.-. Oct 1jami.s w. MOBET, Prlnj-lpaL

Bl IT^HlT.r.'s BOVS' BCHOOL, Rlil'-rl.-a. Ma_.-l8I»J r.,ll_ fn,m Bo-toi.. on tl," 11. _nd L. il. R. A atrl- t-.v -cl«ct l-an.ily Sthool for lloy, Ijom 7 to 16 litelull.«.b.od lor circular to M- MITCUE_L, A. M

PrlnclpaLaaE'liltii-L m siviss CaVlleor" gCimfor- Conn

'Tl roi I ihoitbanfl Brpowrltlnga aeademlc d pt'a. cutai,. .i--.. Addi,.- M A. .vi-. lu, r.

BI BL KVAIMS BOMR BCROOXi Plymouth. Ma.a^-12ITl H. ti. Ii"ar(R-a (Harvaid). RflBd Ba__BH,. pi|n |i ...

1_ V. Dl.i; I.'INT SCflOOL. Duxburr. Ma»a.-22 bor*:laboraloil.H. F B. Kna.U. 8. M. (M. I. T) PrlnclMl. B.-hicboola .i.,..i. I - s< »"iitiflc SchooL ( ollfi-.- or llualnaa*.Ainpl" uioiiids on Pl.mouUi Iiay. Indlvldc*! t,_chli_.\i n;-. i; MILITARY ACADKMY, Moutclalr,i'l >

Ive groui .- I ,'.'.'. .-'1-.j. D. MaeVlOAR a. M Prtnelpal

«-... m iu,'] ._'¦ ,,-!v" grouiid

NT 1101.LV (N. J) ACADEMY L.U11 BOYS.Bwwoea PhllafleiB-la __.i Kew-Yord. H.aithMl,Mm

beiptul, 1... -,._.. 1.1'.. Jtion «i'h furiniiiloii of i huro.t-r.Cdtl.g. i'|..paratlou. J.'iirilUi aml Bualneaa CourMa. 8400per year n i;_. r..' H walradI (Yalei, PrM.I. ARE AVI-vrr, INSflTlfTF,, Bi

il"nt* «'¦!'<,'.i for Ixuiviy- li a- .; -' li ,-.i,- s,.-|,-. ,i.i.. i -.'.-. {8.1.

'1 lt. JONEB, a .... PrJAVIA MILITARY ACAi.K.M V,Pa. :|"th year op..-n» S- pt. 18, '01.

MII.IT vRV roi.I.f.'.l-.

-r IreuUl.

PENN8VI.VAVIA MILITARY At'Ai.ll.MV,< teator, Pa. I

A NII |,ITxiClvll Engliicirin. Ohomlatry, AKhlMcturo, Arta.

a preparaUi Courai of ia« rearClreulara of Mr. um b .ji.TtLlvo. C_ Dey-al., rltr.

,| «*mA.s E. Ji }' a i IRf'viT.virw acai.i m

-, .¦'.5fi*h y«ar. l'r'par,-- thorouphly for Collea". the <»nv.

¦- Acadanlta and Bnalnea*. MOlt-r-. or.aiiimt.ou.iils.ii ;-. | aMI N, PrliiclpaU.

KKCTORT SCHOOL, HAMIlEN. CONNFor Uoya. 8_i_V-a3T.'> llon-.r lii_trn"i-a; thorougb

»¦ liOOl Kjhtin, Kxt.iuilve gr.,.;inl-. L'rmn_*l.u, _o»6-bouao, Bc. Ad_r__ __r. B. L. _.Vi_I__-_. M. A., ltoctor.

Jn-trtution.For Boys and Young Men.Conntry.

^JT. AltSTIN-8 aO-tOOl fINCOR'D).Nkw-Brlahton, BaBlaB Island. >. T.

A Chttr.'h S.-h-.ol of tl... li _i>st rlam for boya; mltl-tarv l-stem; terina. .V>0; vlnht reslduit inastei. fromBrown, Londoa, Cambrldge, Dublln and Parts; i.ouse. andgroundJ (of Commodnr.. .iarnntl amoii- th.- tuOrt beautlfuln_r Nnw-York: w.-ll rapajl s vlslt. _

_Bar. ALFRF.D .) MORTIMilR. D. D.._R*<*.__

__T JOHN. BCHOOL._* ilN'i BINO. N. Y.Rev. J. B. ..iriSON. D. D., Rsotor.

Edward B. Bontwlck. M A., Warreu S. Adama, M. A..As.oiiat* Prln. It/..i« ,__,

Praarea for collej-v s-ientlfl. and riovernment stno.-is,or buainsai lifp; BilTlttry *.,*.<._.. Bitaaalva pl8f__aaaa»

m labor-K.rv ind boyt1 workahop.Speclal provisl-.n for tbe _i of yuun::-r boys.

__THI Jv YEAR WILL l.l'.HN BEPT 15. 1801._ST r.CKF.'.s BCHOOL, Bt'BTLETOK, P \ -Neor PhlBY.

d-'phia. A hlBh-laaa xhoel. __-e«-r>tloi.sll.v h"*, location, Deilahtful auToundlaaa. Frejj-r-a for snreollpue. or b-Blaeaa. Itov. entered Yal". Prtn' "ton am

L.-hiKh auecoe.fully last y"ar. Speelal eare of younif-r-..-..- --.1. H\s rtTsTRO-T, WaM-B-U.


iindf-r tba vt-lsation of u.e iVar D<-partment. Mllltary.

¦__,_tf- MSSSajS "\v:.. VERlvrK. Ruperlr»VDden__«_ lO-LAR- PRIlPARATortY BCHOOL. Th* ro»UUJatJ brlnglng up boys beions at eivht. A parrphlet tf'IO..year.) __ __f3_R- \V. SUii-AR. New.urgh, B. Y.

8!.,I.\R'S PREPARATORV BCMQOL.H-'Uiuoii la 1892-:40th aniilv«rsiirv. "Our Oid lloya" everywhere aro

r«uu.t_ aend th'^ pres'nt toHENRYW. 810LAR, K< wburgh, N. T.


Sl'MMFR SCHOOL at th« Peelt-klli Mllltary A-demy.Location hoaPhful cara jw.d ius-tru-'tloji

J01IN N. TJLDF..V. A. it, HC D.. Prln.-lt-al.Send for circnlar.


reopen Its 36th year on Bept. 18th, Full .our».' of atudy.Eulldlni-s reflttea and e\>-r* faclllty for the con.fort aai ad-va-ceuiuit ot atudr-nt_. Addnaa ____, ,. ,J. Hi.WI. ALLENL Prlnolpol._b _-_nri«__f-09i}v\xs~'"' , ~T~_Tn Ai THE RRVANT .SCHO.lL, Roslyn. L. L, N. Y.ovrloorflng L. 1. Soutid. Send for l>.:ii«*r_'«l Ht-iloirue^

i rlEoitiiWf nall"f<>ii iors, sC 9&rm?». »*_-F) College or bli-lness. Pr.f f. C. K1M- vf! A M.Pdn. Unaurpsaaad, tnaro-fti, tafs, aad rjaaanable al i

THK COLLEOIA _C INSTiTt.Tr: "The OasUB.' N"'»-RoeheUe, N. Y.-n..y» prei-ar-d lor/.i^ge or builnesa;

roons_el"K_ntfy furr.lshisl._ R. f. FI I.r.I R M A. Prla.'I'ili; aiOHX-AITB MILITARY AOADKMT. h"._ln» :i<jth y.sir Bept. I-- Cisaalcsl, BclentlBe.

Iiiisin-,s. Pr.uaratory Dect-. (_sr_f_l Tralnln?. Hom.- Com-foruj: A. 8HAW. A. M., Haad Master!_

rpRIKlTT 8CH00L, TIVOLI-oNHt.'DSOX, N. Y.I Loiadon and aurroundln^s uiisiirpis-. d. Equlpmenlfomp>.i. u.nnasium, dull hall, .o* laa al "y-, »tc.Thorourh ir'-t>ar:i'l-.n f<r ro'leg" -.'tenfflc .ehoola or bual-«ea_. jAS. STARR CLARK. D^ D., Rcetor._The <;t*N\F.i;v,

A f_i_liy Btbool for a llmlt"1 numbkr of boya,_a_. john c. fi'.in'smad;:.

Washin-fton. Llt.'hfl"l1 CountY. Conn._FOMIKf} E-iMIKART, KINUSTON. P \.

S|i-i-i.i!tt.s: c..ll"_» pr"] _r_tlf.n, Muslc and Art.OraduiitliiK Cotir."" also In S«l.i..:«-t and Clas»lcs. Flt-t-cia»s nu-iinfss Colhga Boaaeeted witii acBooi. Heearlalight bulldlngs. __a__Bt aaw eliaie'.. V-n-iar«"d eoarmlenees for Mnale. Ei__te_ instruotoi*.CTrat-elasa boardlng departatent. BxpaBsaB: Eail t-rm,tiiht.-.-n »."^-,, for board, wa'hii.a;, taltlon In Bcademloittu.lies, Ug-t, steam h'.t, room r-nt, ate., #70 00. I_lt.iin apaaa Baaa. I, i-r eatakaraa, addresa

_R.-v. l. i. .-J'Ra..ce, :.. p., FraB-taa-.m

\VF-SLFYAN Al \M MY, WILBRAUAM, MASS.-Onotl i.f tha b.- aud claaalcal .--hools I.. aow-Engiand. Tho paym.nt ..r »-.'00, one-ha_ In advanee _dUie ramalnder .lan." ISth, will .-m>r ordlnarv tultlon, wlthboard. n.r tho rear beglnnlng .-r-i.t. '_d. b-ind for Cata-

Q M. BTEELE Prln._WORCESTER ACADEMY.-_8tfa year. __oro«Bh pret-

antion fo. coli"«" or s.-'.-mitic sVhool: admlrable nowbulldin-s. complcte labotatcri-s, aupcrb a^nnnasluni,an.ple csmpua; «.'...-ral aUiletlo .Eounds; elnd.'r tra.'K.D. W. ROMniE. A M.. Prln.,,

1774 -CHARLOTTE HALL SCHOOI. 18t»l..Sifja-l.i 4-t. tl-.n unaurpaaaed for healtlt. 1 ngl'eh. elaaa .al,n.ath" limti. il. conn -r lal md mllltary eouraea. AddresaII. VV. BILV__-TER, Ch_rlOtte Hall, St. Mary's Co.. Md.


For Foth Sexes-Country-CHAPPAQUA MOLNTAIN IXsTITUTB, Chappoqus,

N. y.-4^rdpr uiogramme for l.'jl-'.- and ploture,-aanoa ti. thn ¦¦¦ N',",.''__'i_^_._COXNEI 1. T i.lTi RAR1 I.VSTITI tOW, Snill-ld,

Conn..Co-educatloaal. prepa ia aud bu»i-in-ss; f»t I.-'- acholarahipa; ouou -dj_HACPirTTTSTOWN s 3 iv-rc: Soi aosea;

blgnesl ,<ivan_i^"> in .-'a-sf.-ai eouraea ln muale. an,elocutlao. aclence; beat baild-'ng nf it- elaaa: acoom-MMUtean-.irly _00 boord-r> tw. h. ara Ir M< > York: cat_o__afreo. REV. OEO. H. WHITBT-Y, D. D.,


TTEDril" Tt?-TTTt.-TE. BIOHTSTC-Vlf] N. J.I 15 ln Faoultv, Preparea tor College, T"aehlng,Eualne-s. Thorouph ln, French, Muaie, Art.Opena Bapi. oth. Roth * _..

li 1. BLlUOHT, A__M.__Prlnelpal.__P-.N1NOTON (» J.) Bl-.M1NARY AND LADlEjj*

Loiio-". 5_n year. 1)8 rs rara edueational faclbltlee. Terms m..dor<it". Hi_h and h^-i!tliful. 188881heatjng; na; flre aacspss. Easy of acceas.

Trt6s. EtAMLON. D. D.. PrealdeBl for 22 reara.^

R_cCKf.ANDCOI.LF(iE NYACK -OY-TH K-HT'!)SO'.V^ sexes. Au endowment ta-oa ladi-s at s_u0.

Cstalogues. '.'''. H. BANNI8TER. Pres't.raiMF. CLAVERACK COLLEOE and Hl'DSON RIVER1 Instit'.t" for Rovs and Olrla *»_ open its 38th yearBept 14, ism. For _s_loriea addreaa

B_T. A. H. FLACK. A. IL, Pr -t., Clavcrsok, B. T.

MLscellaneous.'C1RCVLAR8 achooia. both texes, clty and countrr.

auiivlled, wlth ca-.'fu! advlec to parents. MIRIAMCOYRlERK. Room 14, 150 5th-avo.


Suppuos Prefeaaora, Tesebera. i'utors, (ioT.ra_aa.a,ac, to C-UsfOB. SsehooU and ._ci:l:es. Appiy to

Mrs. M. J. YOCN..-1 CI.iuN, _3 Ui.i.u bqusreu

VV IIU '11 _MI- A ._.-.. a ._ -.. ** tAV J ."

YOCNi.-l CI.i.jN, -3 fuiuii .qusra_.TUTO-tB, Prot-aaera, Teachers, Q.varnaaaaa of _a

. bwiichoa aupphed to unlver.ltn-s, coll-i^-js, sehools _i.dtan lea. Clr-ular. achooia to parenw. Modorn lJiiiguafsi^ioken. MIRIAM COYRIERE. Room 14, 160 tth-BT-

EST TEACHERS auppllad for all in any__- loc_litv. NO FEF. for F.-i-tr.tinn. Fonn for stm p.P. V. HCYSSOOX. An 1 .Q_8 " Bureau 8 W. 14th-aai_ C'TlTRMER.l6~RN"'S TEACHERS' AOEXCT.i_> uidest aud best knowu ln V. S. __t_bU.-_ 18o5i

I Esst llBi-at.. Bf. T._

S'fON TF.AciiT.ilS'~XT\T.nty si.pi.ll_-. achool oftTeei.wtt!. u_rh--r- iBaiebara «-nii po-ltlona.n- M. HARRIN-iTON. Pro:... 52 L.ifi.v"'te pi.. N. Y.



(Dtean 9-tc.rn.r8.



Thu kirst party af tn* Baaaaa afll l^v. van.

OOUVKB by S. S. EMl'ItL.SS OF JAPAN, 8EFT. 9. Eol-

lowlng dit"s: S"pt. 10, _«, and O-t. 8.

.. hend for Ul-Bt-ated pro_*_r::itic.THOB. COOK A SON",

_201 and l,_83 Broadway, Bow.Yeri-.[

THE _-MJ_RICAN hXFKKSS CO.enndui *,. a gsneral expr.---. bu.lne-s, by all f_st ateam.

ers. to aud froui Kuropo.

ANCHOB LINE, Mail -teainshipi.FOR <rI.A--i.O\V vla LO.VDONDBRRT.Fi-in Pier .'.i, ti. R-. I001 ol Weat _4_i-at.

Ethlop;_ ..aul'. _, » a. 111. .1 _aia.. A.ife'. _., 7 a. m.I, l. 1 u. n_J Aiic_orlB..Aug. _8, 2 p- ui.Liii OF HoX-E, a r' '. - Oct. lo, 10:80a. ni.

Rat.-s for *3a;.>un Pa>aBy S. S. nn OP ROME, 880 ...,-d upwaid.

bcu iding tu m .nn..,od:.t.du and location .if llooin.Otlio Steamera of tho Una 830 »nd up«ard.

.^ -fiy.F*or booi-.s of t« an-l furthef Informatlon, applv to

IIENDER.suN BROTHEJ-s, 7 lluwlliis Urveii, N. Y.


From l lor .". North Rlver.FAS. EXPHEN- -1 Ml- BKRViCE.

Etrur!a...Aut-. a. f7_0 a- B*. auk. 2ii. 1 :30 p. 15, 1 8. B> Eti irls Bept. .*>, 7 a. u..

Umbrla....Aug. 2- 7 x n. lAuranla 8ep. [_ 11:1I-.ATKA -i lA.MI-.ll.

OaTJIa, A ¦.¦¦. ¦. S .. m,c.'ibin paaaa_¦. i-'1" >nd upwaid Intermediats. f53.

Btecrage tl.-k.t_ to a..d Im... ...i i_irt» ..f Barepi at v-rylo- r-.t s. l-or frelght a. lasaaa app.y at tn. com-i.-ny's ortic.', Nn. 4 Ho»ii:k .n, New-York.

_V__RNON II. UROW-f l .... fJ-naral AK""t_- _

H.M!l.l.>Ti >N. S. ('.. the _outh ¦_ Southweat,JACKSONVILLE AM) ALL M/'RIDA P01NX_.

THK Cf.. DE -TF.A.M-liIP COMPAKY.I-'roin Pler 29, E. R- ifool H..o evell at.] at S p- m.

CHE-kOK__, Chaneat-in and Ja.ksonvllle. Wed., Attf. S.YEMAMSEE, Charleaton and Ja. ksonvllle i-"ri., Auv. M1NOLE <t irli ton -u.<l Javksonvtlle Mon A.ik. 10.

All st..aiu rs hnf BlSt-claa p :.k r aei.... m. d.tloi.a.Iiiaurj-i.-'-i u d r nn i 00 .: one-flfth o.' ono pot

WM P. CLYDE CO., Oenei-I Agonls.5 BowUng >.r '._ ,\. Y.

T. ti. BOER, Oea'l __*!¦ 9, & FrM .na, »;7 Hroadwar.




ou-' nji'i.-a the ahorte*! :.l"r.,Ixiwer rat-a. K-r.d for lnfoimatlm.

Int'-i.d-.l aall.nfa f.uui \'a. u \-r. of tbo n«wBteal E\pivaa bu-amshlps

PM'THIa motnew).Ami. 19IMi'R. S- «.F j ipan.bvapa. 'JEMPRESS OP 1NUIA. Bepl 30.

E. V. BKINNER, EVERETT FRXZAP.,Gen'l i-l'n A-t.. Ci.lna aud lai*»n Frt Aul.,

8a-i Broadway. N. Y._ i-4 w..t- r-at. T.

rVTEW-YOBK k <M'li\ Mail Steaaisbip 10 and 17. E-Bt Wver.

Batuiday ate-oiera'at 1 p. m. ;u.d ..tii.-r-. at 3 p. m.r.r lla\..i a, J Can p-¦. be i-r ntera,

md v iuMatau/.aa, Cardeaas Bajfua. Calbarlan,

Nasaau, Beatlago d< uba, ..uautai aauo aud i l.xifuegoa.NlAtlAKA, II... ....a BOd SSB-B W 1 Au.v 5.I'UMURl, Ravam. a >i Mexl_n Portt.Sat., Au_. h.SAUAIOi.A, H:.\a.:j and cai-tt .»..¦ Bfod., Au,v 12.ORI_AUA, Havana and M.-xlvan Porta .vt.. Aug. 16.i m .'Ho, .antiago de i ul.a ai.d

I. nfu.goa ... .. i.'.r> lug. 13.Thi- r a ¦< ..¦. ronneetion «it|i and is,u¦.- through

ni:ik ol Ladlng u- aii ik.I t- i.n Mel an R. \V. co., M- dean... .'o f-.d and UM .' ami M.\l._ii

lii.lf lUlli-adfor r.ill partlculs., fr. ."l-t ur pasaage, t<>

TaMES li. WJlKD \ t'O, 113 \Vailst.__CO.MI'ACNir QENJ-KALC T»B_a.laBtiqire,

ll-.F.M'ii iiN, ro HAVl'.:. VERY SATURBAT,La fJAS. OONE, Saut 111 .v _. Auf. 8, 7 a. m.l.A lul K.\.M. Krangcul __(., A__. 18, I p. m.LA BOI ROOONE, I. boeuf _.!., 4u,t| -'-' ." ». ¦.

A. POR/iET ... >. .1 Agent, N'o. A H..--1 ureen.

LI iOS ... Ni-__


i..av- pi. r :w. N. IL, fo . ai KliARIKON .. -»' -t S. 7 a. m.*AA'0_IIN(i. S-tur \ s II P in.ALA_>K a Bturd. v I. 8:20 a m.\>. i^>ua_!N. Sal t -'.'. -' |.. ii..

ARJ_. i\ ''. 'I B. ....Cabln paaaaR", *_". *W- *"^ a"d" $IW (sv. .irding to

ateaiafcji. _, ,.01.1 »3<. aj.d 885 Btaerafa at lowr-te-. A. M. >:NUkk.-a___ A CO.. 3- Broadway.

cgan _Hgam9TB.

HAM_Ck_--AM-_ICAN PACkxfl CO.KXl'HESB BRRTICR to Londoo and llaniborg.

f ,i.n,.i' .Vi.a- 8 ....'...-> Viclvr.a. -.-_.«¦j'uei-l Bi-mi.roJ... Am 1_ Nurniunnia.Aug 3Eipr^HO .'.< _iu"re «aery no ottea, *

A_ BJBOULAR BERViCE dir""t M Hamturi.Ri._la Aag. M. ». n ....ravla Aug. II l (f _

Flr_ cabln, 9"-3 ai.d upw_rd. atrordlng to [_atlo_.IlAMB' R.iAM I'.HA.N I'.!'VI, PAvAOniMKK.I'.VKEt ( -iMl'AVY, C B I'.i' IIARI) I 0^».Tl Rruadway, N-w-Tor*. oi Br,_i__y, N"w.Yara_

IN MA.. LINK lf. 8. aiifj Hov»l Mai! -tcam.nL_-.,r y-i r.NSTOv... and i.ivfrpool. ^

.ITY (»F BERLIN.. .W_.i_*_.y, ABg-Bt 12. 10:80 _.__

11 V (ir PaRU) W_ri"_day, Aujmt 19, I JTrv OP un too vv.inHwi.y A.iai'«t M, I] a

t l rv OP MAV-Vul'.K. vv ..,.*dav, S-pten.b-T J, .. % JrPtoi. 1'1't n v K. addM_ing _ir__ph-t-_ Pairy.PIRK1 (AlilV. a_> and i.|,« ir-1. arr.rfllag to «.aT,«t

and I_c_tl'_ "l r>- n ( VBIN, _'. and HoBTEKRAOE 920. PF.TER WRIOHT _ON_, 8_|3Ag"iitn. 0 llowllng (.r>en, B. Y._~j vj'AN-UIIN \. "

<>( ( IIH.NTAi. XSD ORIENTAL \&t BBMBB leavo baa PBBfl__M8 *» 9899*81

OCEARIC.fcat.ri.y. A_f_B ML 9u.Vl.l.lC.-la,-, vj tt,i,_rr 15, 3

i-.i,L«.K |_a Hoaolula).... Ti. r-d.y. o.:___r a. 8 ani BaXIC. Tandaj. BevaMMt 3. I _. a_BupaiMy apaoMted BapttMa AcceaM_edeBaaaRaaarVa_-_a c_r. i.. _.*!.; by »..!_. r ar teie^r-'pr. ic i_icabln plan* »¦ . n at _o," a..d _i_ i; _d__v, N"W-ir___|i'.w.iu "i, Rallroad Bulldlng, ,s.n ^^

LEL.VNI) ... a '. OilU, Py_d _tT. H. OOQDMaN, OtnonJ P__"i.a"r_A8«at._

M__.IT_J.__M.A.. LINK.""

|__ur__ Pa___g_ bUaaMa Serneo,>. ¦. V oi !., </.. i. in L.e.en Day*.


I'.IV I_1U. AND I . ALV.Avoiding tta N 'iui rn !_.;.._e> of a__i,_., th* Chaaaal

Cro-.-lug and L'tn. R R. Ride*. ^^

DEPAKfCRlMS. 6. F-LJ-.V, WEDNklSDAT. OCT 21. 8 A. M_S. s. F', WKDNL9DAY, N'OV. 25, NO..._. 6. FLL1»A. WEDHESDaY, DEC. 80, p. "V

and "\"ry flvy we"** ui"reaft«r__.._-. _-.' o- .1.10 a i-r-.,, F!r»t TaMn

OKLRKH- -. i Rowllim ._.»«_OltDDM'T-' III-K l.l_o\ j) s ._ t'O.



8t_aa_T» -*'i froa p.. toot of 2d»u. iiot_k«n.I FA_T _,XPltl-__ STEAMRRB

F.m»....S-it.. aiib. » I ni. ira\"J'i"a., Aua- 18, t B _kIlav'lTuoa AUB. 11. 10 a rr,. nt,.- W_., iaT» ¦_&t. !. r Bal Aaa. 19. 1 p. m. >:_,]" Bat., Ang. M. b a a,

I r.. .,',;,, -.., ,,,<1 upward a r>.-r<t.. s.""nd eabln, t&> 1bertli. Ste-rag.- :.' ii"-'' a;.« elrlcba t-< o. * a.<w_ r.«^DACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO_-PA_TII LfNHS TO CAI.IIORN1A, JtPAN. ( HINA,CENTHAL AND SOl .11 AMF.RICa a.M. MEXICOi

From Nea York, p.r fm.t of Caaal_B>, N. K.,for San Fri',. s <>. v 1. tl.. latl.mua of Pauaa a.NIU |»i iRl - .- ..:,.i ,' Angual 10, BOOQ.

Froiu fc-n Fran. l-o. lst and rjr-.nnin au.,FOR JAl'AR ARO 'HINA.

CITY OF PEK IXO aalM Tueadajr, H.'.it 11, I p. a_lor fnlght, |__sn_" a.,d g.Ti"ral inf iru_tlou, apply BJ

con.pany'a o.'lic? u the i> r, foot of <.auai -t N, RP ' H. J. B-fLLAY. (i'-n.r.l Snperlntondon,"~E_r'7l)" I.INK OF STEAMSHIPS.



M .RAI ._,_. A.ND Ll'Hl).Rlver

i;.M A

plor -«. EaatbS. PHILAOF.i.riUA. Salurday. Augua I,__. CARACAS .V\.^neadayr, Auguat 1J,b_. VEXKZl LA .^''Jf." -*--'.-_

An, rlean stuauah.'wi. jp.rially bul t for th. _atfVbave very Bup"ii'>r a'ic"i;.ii"._aUona for pa»s«nj'ir».

ROL'LTON H.ISS v DALLtTr.Tourl-U A-'-nta, (.en»ral Manag"!*, 71 Wa l ..

THOS. COOK fsnS, -.31 ll-oadway._KED WTM I.IM- '

FOR vMWERP AXD PARIS,SalMn. foc Bow-York and Antw"ri w""kty.

WAE8LAND.W.di'-dav. AiibuhI 12. at 10 8. _,

RHYNLAND. We'_...dov. Au_i.-t 19. I ;. g.Cal.ii. r.t>s-. Flnt*. Cabin. 0.i6 and i.p«dr<t Ix^cKia,

Mm and upward. Bocond oabln, *3J. £x- .niou, ».« _

872. Bte«rage at very lo^PETER WRi'iii r >. N'S. Qen'i Aata., 6 Bowitr.g .;_?_WH-TE _____ I.inkT» F.iR QUEEN8TOWX AN'D LIVERPQot.ROYAL AND UNITED bTATi'.S MAIL STFA_E_S.

.Ma__.e..Auf. r_ in ... m. -M.ja_ie.8-pt. 9.. 3.1 _, a,(J^rmanlc.\ug. 19.5a 111. i->- ulbnl .8«p. 10, 3 80 &__.l'.-iito.'ii.-..A'ig 2; 11 .1. m. T'- a .'' s"l _3. 9:9. ;.- 5 :i m. Iintaiinlc.Sep. 80, 8-30 p_,

From WalM Btar I)oo_, fo-1 of W**t 10th-»_»_B/_nd '--t'ln _n tli.«" *______. galoon n.-^ BJ

and Bpward, ae< ril ^ to itrarorr and locatton of r,irttS'-cnnd oabln, .10 and ?IS Excur-ten r "<"i» «i hw*

ot f "- 'o the C'd f'o- n-r., MHiCotnpanr'a Ottue, No. ;9 Ilroadwa.-, .Ww-Y r_. |_M

BRTJCR isvnr, Af"-.t.

_\nction Sales.

Fartnership InterestsOF

J. H. Shoenberger, dee'd,PITTKBl HiiH. PA.

AT A-JCTION.In paiBaaaea of an oid"r of th" Orphana' Court of Al__

ghaay County, tli" BKOBUM_ of the Will of J. H. 8ho_i_>bergar, Deeaaa-d, attl orr.-r for *ai« at puhiic auctioi. tha

1 M M M Bfl t _» lapaeMI Partner lu the flnn* Mbho'-nberger A Co. and .Shc-'nb^rger, 6p-_r * Co., do/ri#bui«ln_»» la th" rlty of Pftt_f>.ir«_. p.-no-rlvaola. on e_«

Breadeea, EMa 8ar_. BIwbbb Fourt.-.-n_i and _nR__n_,fetr-eta, ou Xb-Mdag, B-pt-inber 8d. I88-, at 10 ©".locJaa. m.

Sho-nbergrr Co. opent" th. Junlata Iron and _t_Ivv,. -, eemprialag BM BeaaeaBai u-i-rtmi-nt, B->___gM1B, op.-n 11 arta DrpartflMa., Plat* MBI _nd A«_t_o_aMlll, to-.-ti.r arlth the aeooMBty aBatpaaaafla, all M r*AcondltMa, _nd tevtag producuig cajiaclty of ahont 6_1_,iis 01 Meel nnd iron pw day.

abetger, ._i« r t (0. manufactur" plg m__l. Ttmfhava two BMM B-rtMeea, eo.uip;i"d »!tn BteaMte 8. rooke'a Dre briek Mevea, aRh eea___d b_4___b_i

M 280 t'.u- daily. tmf own hall ln.r«_ in tbfl.. Ooka ( ... _M oapital »t_<_( M thl- company U00, aad they ii.<\'' over 300 a__ "f Mai Tba

. .,,;.. W'orkK are looaBrt n"or Paaaaa, tfm, M tl'. lm« "4the BalBaMN & Olilo Ballraad, and ar« now ln op'ratloa,

gp r ( ')¦ also own BBBf*. KB acr-a of,oul uiid.iveloDOd. and 4. _e_BB of gurfact-. iu \V_t__r_i

1Und County, Pa.Th" deredeat h._ ^ ..-:l- lnt-i_,t Jn ea-'h firm (appnji'd

at a valuo, July l, l_-0, of g_08,079__), BMM1, 3. 1 m ¦¦> «

ii- buatnooa ":,» fouadad n_uiy y"ars ago ¦_! Ba BBBi, iu -1 illy oarrl.d 911 avadi 1

thi -.!!..- 1,1.¦ -. 'hai.K.s h»-.c oc. '.r -.! '. th- t)'i*u.'Mand in th- porenerahipa, i"it t___ ._r- -.: l.a- _-r W11 - MM-¦,; rod h. ..'..;..;... and |.r..pMs>u_ Tha _.¦. of d«._->-i'tiii.!.;-.--- 1- r- :.-1- n-. --' 1» in th" ¦"..-¦ ..'_¦.«*«*n,,.iit f md to anj one d uB1111 o.d eat-blUhed an.l U.r.vlng buMaaM, a ra_ o^l_^tiinitv is i."-. oftored.

Por Curttai lafonnaUoo apply to __

Aa tAwmmtOat of the Ylflealan at th" Exchai.o'o NaUiinai l_aa\

Pltubirgh, PaA. LROOATB A- BOR, Am-ilonpcra.


PJROFOSALS FOB VITR-FIED CillM-WARE Phlla. Dopot ef the Q M. .)..! t >'. 1,4

v, h _!..»r ri.u.d Iphia, Pa., July ii., l>*_ --«. _.-! P»:,k »_, iu u-i. hat.. »iil ho r_-olvad here ontll H ..'cM|

.,,...,-. v... .-1 7. I_»l for furniahd ., l_Taa|liklll vi-s-ii.,1. ln Uit* dtv, the f..:...__g

- ftrlfled i-ulnaware. >14.: 9.coi' dlim.-r i-lMB,110 \....tilil- 600 tiniv. U.al_. H -s Mr dJlr.

er, ..t other pointa will ._*!_..__. Blflderi 1. i-' *W*,:ut.s of theil ir..-'i il ti-». (iov.r 11 "i«t --'/?*rlirlit l.. r. j- t a ij .:- rop »al«. I'r I- 1

articlea "f domeanc pr._luctlua or raanufariui., .i.-ti-ni'.1 quallty aud prtce (Includlng ln th" pn, - of f.r_#a

1 or manufaeture* th dut t_«r_>n t. t »'}«*Ijl.nW. for p |."-"'- U? iii.-aii.M.s ..... *!tl MiaiaBBRJi.v tuis otli'" upoB appllcatloo. Prop-eoU tluiuld M m>

,\iny. 111 .1^.1.__



'. gcalrd P >po_»l '..'-' ,.-*'y irj'TiSik .,. 11,. 00 M-'M'AV. Al Ol ,-T »i W'l_r furnlahljig Puel Ml. M.t-i.Us. -j..,., .^«Vtbuppllea l',. OIU, Kgia_e Ma.. darjag <9*JfHr<_r endlng J_n« _0. !_»_ Prlntnd lMe of amU'MJ,,,,.,1,-d. fnll Ir, siiou iith.h* *-,'»»

aii.i'.ti'.n to MaJor J. W. RF.lLLY. OrdnanMV. S. A. .." luandlng

CEAliYD PROPOSQ-I-S will bo r-o^v". wn .: uab - ( ti,- X.w-York ari'l Ki'okhu 'V-Ha... th. __*hl__ton.t., m...U-lyi. V ?... ^»u, l'_ ,'.-.".-_ n.."ii v .- ;-t iu ISOT r.K'.,'»t . K.iyplv, i lv.«rj a id -1 -tlon ln fjrt of .tm-t.ra. ir»»

r".iisi»Mi,_ of roof I :-r. roVimne I"&*nnd their .-..nii.-.-ii. 81 f>RD f-r Ute .aPf'i'JJd.ln.r. of Wat-r Tut_. N_-_m Boll-ra and th. Ir C'««-»l

11 iwlnfl- mi. he .:.A .... 11 - aiul _""»"¦p-,'i.' _'s ran be oUMl__L »nd fuli requinlU' lnf'>fn'^'Snlll !". alveo, up.ii apP-ceUoa M ti," Ki._ine.ra O-^a

Propo-al-'ahall be apea Hm Mtmb pt..v_._ aadlBa,;,,.. am ,. i..s,,l m.,.., the 'I'l.ii.tlti.s th'i-in -'.>.«.

¦-. p..,|» v II. -.".sl.!. r.d whlch »rV':2.P___,in broper form, cooiply with _i" i.-qul."-in.-iite *et f.>r«. oum

rell-kru.wn r«putatl_n. xp.-r.uacound 1-. si -oiiriruitv. , __

A ,-.-itlli._ .li"K for t.-n por i-.nt.f th- _'.al »",._,:ered mual aceompan) th< prop__il. a_ a^iniaraot_. Maaa

tontra.1 _lll be itifued If awarded; and for :h filHj..i,, rfoimance ..f the aame the p opo «¦ .' a/.^

ro approved aureUi - f r tw.iity-flva per c-nt _.

¦"':"i,'.' work la ral kl BM IteMaaj re-

-.,-,.- she rlght to dlvld, it. t.atraet fo- tr.. v.MBaajv-it ..f lt. U< rejoct un> all ..f tha proponal- BBBMBi ."ui a»artl a .'nti.i.r t.. ttmw p--P_a j MlM[<

' Bagtaeer and __p_1a____alinro'.klvn, X. Y. ti -' ItaL_^

.e!p tOanUJ

T __>!___ vta "11 U>- ..rltiii'-- (»r 1.1. 111 th ir jwn MflBflji will i.rant.v- v'v!r'^. " ,' f j/S.

Bouth li.-..'l Ind proprMMf "f th-- Mmaaa BMaM «««.

f r tho rompl .lon._-

tost diia ioonO^___

I osT.-.n»nk.l<K.k N... 101 55 on 1 .y Do.* I**M!>. Bank. .vn\ peraon tavlna .-lalm. iiih.n aatd ,?.-rralled upon to nre_*_i the aama to O." Ihii.k "'.^".T'«.,1.1s .., ,... >a ..,,,;, Hlll !,.. fleclared .an.-cll<- BBB "»

t.ii._,-i _,. 1 and tne* om MeraM_^^

'V HE BOOS OROPBX-AIR 8YOBTR aeMTB K^O i«*.- ,t".( e umdaiil ..itliorin I .-'" '" °\*

air -iiii-.,-m. uls. Ruloa I" __.iln._E. awlinmliiil. bali ».ar

lnt, Kho'tln,'. hor-.ha.-k ndln. *«.. _c, In fuli. Bl.gcopv. t>iihliah._ bv The Trlbune. New-Yor_. EiiMieMaFlng uuivciaaily c.ii_.;Lu_iit_d br the nreae-
